c. Anthropology and geography of Sumatera (Sumatra) 5 68 NEILEN (Pater M.), Schone Sahari en andere legenden van Zuid-Sumatra. Rotterdam, Missieprocuur, tZJJ 85 pp., ills, 23 cm. c-95-N 69 HUTAURUK (A M ), Hukum perkawinan adat Batak. Medan [, Mitra Bosh Store, 19601 87 pp., 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. c-99-N 70 HASIL-HASIL musjawarah besar ninik mamak pemangku adat alam Minangkabau se Sumatera Barat, tanggal 18 s/d 19 Maret 1966 di sasana karya Padang. [Ketua umum: A. SJAHDIN.][Padang 1966.]206 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. c-100-N + 71 PRESIDEN Soeharto ditengah tengah rakjat Atjeh, tg. 30 Aug. s/d 1 Sept. 1968. [Penanggung-djawab: Twk. ABBAS.] [Banda Atjeh 1968.] 191 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Penjambutan presiden republik Indonesia, propinsi daerah istimewa Atjeh, Seksi Penerangan/Publikasi dan Dokumentasi. C-112-N + 72 SEMINAR adat di H.K.B.P., 27 Djuli - 1 Augustus 1968 di PCemataag] Siantar. Thema: Penindangionhakristenondiadat.[Ketua:T.D. PARDEDE.][Medan, 1968.] 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bevat ook bijdr. in het Bataks. Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (H.K.B.P.), Panitia Seminar Adat. c-92-N + 73 SALDIN (Sabri), dan Djailani Dt. TANBANDARO, Kabupaten 50 kota. Padang [c. 1969-] 65 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. C-125-N + 74 ASMARA (Hendra), Pendapatan regional propinsi Sumatera Barat, 1966 - 1969. Padang 1970. 222 ppl, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. C-133-N + 75 BANDA ATJEH. Kompilasi data II. [Team survey: li ARGADIRAKSA, SJACHMINAN dan Rustam EFFENDI.] [Jakarta 1970.] 96 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Tjipta Karya Duektorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. c-118-N 76 ESMARA (Hendra), Pendapatan regional propinsi Sumatera Barat 1966 - 1969. Padang 1970. 222 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. C-110-N + 77 HOESIN (Moehammad), Adat Atjeh. [Banda Atjeh] 1970. 215 pp., 24 cm. Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Atjeh. c-109-N 78 NURAINI (Djusmanidar), Kabupaten Solok. Padang [c. 1970.] IV, 50 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. C-124-N + 79 ROSDIWATI, kabupaten Sawahlunto / Sidjundjung. Padang [c. 1970.140 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekstjUniversitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. c-129-N + 80 SAID (NurmaD, Kabupaten Agam. Padang [c. 1970.] V, 49 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. c-127f N + 81 SAID (Zulkarnain), dan Azwir LATIF, Kabupaten Padang/Pariaman. Padang[1970.] V, 43 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. c-126-N + 82 SALEH (Sjahril), Kotamadya Sawah Lunto. Padang [c. 1970.] III, 25 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. C-123-N + 83 SJUKUR (Zulbaidah), Kotamadya Padang Pandjang. Padangfc. 1970.] 53 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. C-121-N + 84 SOETIJADI (J.S.), dan Ifotung SARDJITO, Laporan survey explorasi tjalon objek transmigrasi Rimbo Kedui Benkulu. Dilaksanakan: 22 s/d 1 Nopember 1970. Selesai dikerdjakan: Desember 1970. [Jakarta] 1970. 71 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Djenderal Transmigrasi, Direktorat Penelitian dan Persiapan. c-106-N + 85 TANBANDARO (Djailani Dt), Kabupaten Tanah Datar. Padang fc. 1970.] IV, 80 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. c-128-N + 86 KAHN (Joel S.), Anthropology in the study of economie development. Padang 1971. 8 pp., 21 cm. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Hukum dan Pengetahuan Masjarakat. c-130-N 6 I. Indonesia 87 KEMAL (Iskandar), Beberapa studi tentang Minangkabau. Kumpulan karangan. Padang 1971.80 pp., 21 cm. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Hukum dan Pengetahuan Masjarakat. c-131-N 88 MONOGRAFI daerah kabupaten Atjeh Timur 1970. [Kata pengantar: Mohd. NURDIN.] Langsa 1971. 579 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Atjeh Timur, Staf Sekretariat. c-142-N +1 89 MONOGRAFI kota madya Solok, tahun 1970/1971. [Pengantar kata oleh Hasan BASRI ] [Solok 1971.1 41 pp., 20 cm. Gestencilde tekst. c-136-N 90 SUMATERA Barat dalam angka tahun 1970. [Kata pengantar oleh M. Zen St. MADJOLELO.1 Padang [1971.1 VIII, 113 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik Propinsi Sumatera Barat. c-97-N + 91 WEST Sumatra. Facts and figures, 1971. Ed. by Hendra ESMARA. [Padang 1971.1 XXXV, 329 pp., ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Oorspr. titel en j. v. uitg.: Statistik Sumatera Barat 1968. Andalas University, Faculty of Economics, Institute for Economie and Social Research. c-120-N 92 BUKU petunjuk tentang kabupaten Deli Serdang. [Penyusun: Yusuf SI AD, DJAFAR dan NUSJIRWAN ADNANS.] [Medan 1972.134 pp., ills, 23 cm. c-98-N 93 DESA transmigrasi Rama-Dawa, Seputih Raman, LampungTengah. Sebuah laporan survey 1969. Oleh tea penelitian antropologi. [Kata pengantar oleh Judistira GARMA.1 Bandung 1972. IV, 59 pp., ills, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Jurusan Antropologi. C-107-N + 94 ECONOMIC contour study Sumatera bahagian Utara (Aceh dan Sumatera Utara. Penasehat: A. Majid IBRAHIM, dan S. HADIBROTO. Penyusun:Ibrahim HASAN, Fadhlon MIGA, M. Ali Basyah AMIL, dll. Darussalam-Banda Aceh 1972. Vol. 1, 2. 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Univétskas Syiah Kuala, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Sosial. C-134-N + 95 EHRICH (Chr ), Land use in Sumatra Barat, kabupaten Sawahlunto Sijunjung. Part I: Statistics. [Jakarta z.j] 167 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. University of Bonn, Institute for Agrarian Policy, Market Research and Sociology of Economics, West Sumatra Regional Planning Project. c-116-N 96 EHRICH (R ), Land use in Sumatra Barat, kabupaten Pariaman. Part I: Statistics. (Jakarta z.j.1162 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. University of Bonn, Institute for Agrarian Policy, Market Research and Sociology of Economics, West Sumatra Regional Planning Project. c-115-N 97 LAPORAN pembangunan prasarana 1971/1972 didaerah propinsi Bengkulu. Oleh menteri pekerdjaan umum dan tenaga listrik, April 1972. [Djakarta 1972.126 pp., ills, 21 cm.obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik. c-117-N 98 MEMPERKENALKAN pulau Nias. [Kata pengantar oleh M. Sani ZEGA.] Gunung Sitoli 1972. 30 pp., 20 cm. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Nias. c-102-N 99 MONOGRAPI wilayah kabupaten kepulauan Riau. Z.pl. 1972. 62 pp., ill., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, Kabupaten Kepulauan Riau. C-135-N + 100 PENDUDUK dan tenaga kerdja Sumatera Barat. Editor: SJAHRUDDIN. Padang 1972. 134 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. C-108-N + 101 PENELITIAN daerah untuk bahan perencanaan pembangunan (persiapan pelita [ = pembangunan lima tahun] II), sektor pengembangan kota dan air minum. [Kata pengantar oleh A. Majid IBRAHIM.] Banda Aceh 1972. V.241 pp., ills, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Syiah Kuala. C-101-N + 102 PERANAN wanita Minangkabau dalam proses modernisasi. Diskusi di Padang, 27 Pebruari 1972. [Kata sambutan oleh Hasan Basri DURINJ Padang 1972. 38 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. C-111-N + 103 POI \pembangunan pedesaan pantai.- RURALcoastal development. [Z.pl. c. 1972.] 74 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Koordinasi Pembangunan Daerah Sum itera Utara (Bakopdasu). C-138-N + 104 RIVAI (Djohar), dan Asri NURDIN, Kotamadya Bukittinggi. Padang 1972. VII, 64 pp., ill., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi dan Masjarakat. c-122-N + d. Anthropology and geography of Kalimantan (Bomeo), Sarawak. Sabah and Brunei 7 105 SIHOMBING (Toga Mulia), Djambar hata. Djakarta, Tobing, 1972. 127 pp., ills, 24 cm. c-158-N 106 SUMATERA Barat dalam angka th. 1971. [Kata pengantar oleh M. Zen St. MAJOLELO.1 [Padang 1972.1170 pp., ill., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik Propinsi Sumatera Barat. C-114-N + 107 TALSYA (T. Alibasjah), Atjeh jang kaja budaja. Banda Atjeh, Pustaka Meutia, [1972.] 63 pp., ills, 23 cm. c-105-N 108 URAIAN: Tentang masaalah ke IPEDA-an oleh kepala perwakilan Direktorat Iuran Pembangunan Daerah untuk propinsi Djambi, Sumatera Selatan, Bengkulu dan Lampung, pada Musjawarah Kerdja Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat-1, propinsi Bengkulu. Bengkulu [1972.] 16 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Direktorat Djenderal Keuangan, Direktorat Iuran Pembangunan Daerah (IPEDA), Kantor Perwakilan Direktorat Iuran Pembangunan Daerah untuk Djambi, Sumatera Selatan, Bengkulu dan Lampung. C-113-N + 109 KABUPATEN Nias dalam Medan Fair 1973. [Nias 1973.132 pp., ills, 21 cm. Medan Fair 1973, Badan Penyelenggara Perwakilan daerah Kabupaten Nias. c-147-N 110 LABUHAN Batu selayang pandang. [Pengantar kata oleh Abdul Wahab DALIMUNTHE.] [Rantau Prapat 1973.1 40 pp., 21 cm. Medan Fair 1973, Badan Perwakilan kabupaten Labuhan Batu. c-148-N 111 MEURAXA (Dada), Sejarah kebudayaan suku-suku di Sumatera Utara. Melayu (S. Timur), Batak Toba, Mandailing, Angkola, Simelungun, Karo, Pakpak Dairi, Melayu PesisirCTap. Tengah), Nias, Siladang (Tap. Selatan), dll. Medan, Sasterawan, 1973.808 pp., ills, 22 cm. c-144-N 112 SIREG AR (Timbul), Samosir. [Sei Bingei 1973.119 pp., ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Monografia Sosio-humaniora. c-143-N 113 SURVEYperusahaandaerahpropinsiSumateraUtara(P.D.P.S.U ). Medanfc. 1973.] VIII, 292 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Andalas Consult P T. C-137-N + 114 "RUMAH MELAYU"Medan Faïr'73. [Ketua:T. Affan SINAR.]Medan 1973. 32 pp., 22 cm. Medan Fair 1973, Balai Budaya Melayu "Melati". c-146-N d. Anthropology and geography of Kalimantan (Borneo), Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei 115 HADAD(Ismid), Dari sekitar sungai Martapura. [Band jarmasin] 1967.11 pp.,35cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Indonesia (K.A.M.I.), Konsulat Kaliman tan-Selatan, Biro Penerangan. d-91-N + 116 DATA ekonomi regional Kalimantan Selatan. [Djakarta 1969.1140 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Bina Marga. d-92-N 117 DAFTAR pembagian wilajah administratip pemerintahan dalam daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Keadaan: Achir Desember 1970. [Gubernur kepala daerah: Baderun ARAN.] [Banjarmasin 1970.] 18 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Pemerintahan Daerah Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Direktorat Ketatapradjaan. d-88-N + 118 KOTAMADYA Bandjarmasin. Bandjarmasin 1970. 33 pp., ills, 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kotamadya Bandjarmasin, Hubungan Masjarakat. d-105-N + 119 MEMPERKENALKAN kesenian daerah Kalimantan Timur. [Ketua, Soepeno KARTOWIDJOJO.1 [Samarinda, c. 1970.] 23 pp., ills, 23 cm. Gestencilde tekst. • Panitya missi Kesenian Daerah Propinsi Kalimantan Timur. d-84-N 120 PAVILJUN Kalimantan Selatan, Djakarta fair '70, tg. 13 Djuni s/d 18 Djuli 1970. Bandjarmasin 1970. 27 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah daerah, propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. d-106-N + 121 PERINGATAN hari nasional bahari ke-7, tahun 1970 Bandjarmasin. Thema: Tukar haluan dari prestige kemegahan ke prestasi ke karyaan. [Ketua umum: Moh. HOSEN.] [Bandjarmasin 1970.] 11 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Hari Nasional Bahari ke-7, Tahun 1970 Bandjarmasin. d-90-N + 8 [. Indonesia 122 HARRISSON (Tom), and Barbara HARRISSON, The prehistory of Sabah. Kota Kinabalu [1971]. XXII, 272 pp. Pltn. 111. 25 cm. Met bibliografie. Sabah Society Journal. Vol. IV, 1969-1970. Monograph. d-80-N 123 WARREN (James F.), The North Borneo chartered company's adm in is trat ion of the Bajau, 1878-1909:The pacification of a maritime, nomadic people. Ohio, Ohio Univ., 1971. XIV, 112 pp., 28 cm. Papers in International Studies, Southeast Asia Series 22. Center for International Studies. d-83-N + 124 HUDSON (A.B.), Padju Epat. The Ma'anyan of Indonesian Borneo. New York enz., Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. X 134 pp., ills, 24 cm. Case studies in Cultural anthropology. d-81-N 125 KALIMANTAN Timur dalam angka, tahun 1971. [Kepala: Soekirman DASOEK.] Samarinda 1972. V, 111 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik propinsi Kalimantan Timur, Biro Pusat Statistik Samarinda. d-101-N + 126 LAPORAN pelaksanaan kursus kader penjuluhan pembangunan perumahan rakjat tingkat regional se-Kalimantan dan pameran teknik perumahan rakjat di Bandjarmasin, tg. 13 s/d 20 Pebruari 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh: Chalid MAKSUM.] [Bandjarmasin 1972.] 98 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik (Dep. PUTL), Direktorat Djenderal (Dirdjen) Tjipta Karja. Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. d-85-N + 127 SARIJUN (Jugol, Kalimantan. Masjarakat dan kebudajaanja. Bandung 1972. 20 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Djurusan Antropologi. Etn. 4/72. d-89-N + 128 STATISTIK daerah propinsi Kalimantan Timur, tahun 1970,1971. [Kata pengantar oleh A. Wahab SJAHRANIE.] Balikpapan 1971, 1972. 2 dln. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor gubernur kepala daerah propinsi Kalimantan Timur, Operadon Room. Penerbitan ke-6, dan 7. d-123-N + 129 KALIMANTAN Selatan dalam angka 1973. Banjarmasin 1973. XIX 265 pp., ill., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Kantor Sensus dan Statistik, propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. d-124-N + 130 KESIMPULAN/rumusan pra seminar sejarah Kalimantan Selatan, yang berlangsung tg. 23 s/d 25 Sept. 1973 di Banjarmasin. Banjarmasin 1973. 13 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitya Seminar Sejarah Kalimantan Selatan. d-126-N + 131 LAPORAN kerja KONI propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, th. 1972/1973. Dibacakan pada: Sidang paripurna 3, th. 1973, tg. 23 Januari 1973. [Ketua I: H.M. SAID.1 [Banjarmasin 1973.] 21 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI). d-86-N + 132 LAPORAN umum dewan pengurus harian Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN) daerah Kalimantan Selatan, dalam sidang Dewan Pengurus Pleno (D.P.P.) daerah Kalimantan Selatan, tg. 20 Januari 1973. [Oleh Yusufhasan E. TAYIBNAPIS.] [Banjarmasin 1973.] 22 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN) Daerah Kalimantan Selatan. d-87-N + 133 PENYELENGGARAAN pameran visuil Rumah Adat Banjar. Ketua: Anang ADENANSI. Banjarmasin 1973, 6 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Kesenian Daerah Kalimantan Selatan. d-125-N-l e. Anthropology and geography of Sulawesi (Celebes) 134 LAPORAN singkat team survey Sulawesi 17 Nopember - 6 Desember 1961. [Ketua: BOESTAN.1 [Z.pl. c.1961.] 53 pp., ills, 36 cm. Gestencilde tekst. e-40-N + 135 S EVENHOVEN (Jan Isaak van), Lukisan tentang ibukota Palembang. Diterdjemahkan dengan pengawasan dewan redaksi oleh Sugarda PURBAKAWATJA. Dengan kata pengantar oleh Taufik ABDULLAH. Djakarta, Bhratara, 1971. 71 pp., 21 cm. L.I.P.I. en K.I.T.L.V. Seri terdjemahan karangan-karangan Belanda 5. Oorspr. titel: Beschrijving van de hoofdplaats van Palembang. e-37-N 136 SALOMBE (C), Orang Toraja dengan ritusnya. In memoriam So' Rinding Puang Sangalla. [Ujung Pandang 1972 ] 55 pp., ills, 16 cm. Indonesische en Engelse tekst. e-41-N f. Anthropology and geografie of Maluku (the Moluccas) 9 137 ABIDIN (Andi Zainal), Beberapa ungkapan dalam lontara tentang kepemimpinan dan pemerintahan. [Ujung Pandang 1973.131 pp., 24 cm. Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Wilayah 7 Sulawesi, Maluku dan Irian Jaya. e-43-N 138 ABIDIN (Andi Zainal), Swawérigading: A comparison of the I La Galigo of South Celebes with Folktales from Central Celebes, Southeast Celebes, Gorontalo and Malaysia. [Z.pl., c. 1973.] 13 pp., 30 cm. Xerox copie van getypte tekst. e-39-N + 139 SUHANDI (A.), Masyarakat Makasar - Bugis. Khusus untuk mengenang mendiang Prof.Dr. H.Th. CHABOT. Bandung 1973. III, 30 pp., 33 cm. ©«stencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran Fakultas Sastra, Jurusan Antropologi. e-44-N + f. Anthropology and geography of Maluku (the Moluccas) 140 MALUKU dalam angka. [Kata pengantar oleh M.A. LATUCONSINA.] Ambon 1970. 43 pp., ills, 33 cm. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik propinsi Maluku. f-26-N + 141 BROSURE pembangunan masjarakat suku-suku terasing (P.M.S.I.) di Maluku. Ambon 1972. 25 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Djawatan Sosial propinsi Maluku, Dinas Bima Karya, Seksi Pembangunan Masyarakat Suku-suku Terasing, Ambon. M7-N + 142 FRAASSEN (Ch.F. van), Ambon-rapport. [Leiden 1972.] VI, 343 pp., ills, 29 cm. Doktoraalskriptie. Stichting W.S.O. [Werkgroep studiereizen ontwikkelingslanden]. — Idem. Supplement. 10 pp. f-16-N + 143 MALUKU dalam angka 2. [Kata pengantar oleh M.A. LATUCONSINA.] [Ambon] 1972. XVII, 236 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik, propinsi Maluku. f-18-N + 144 SENSUS penduduk 1971 propinsi Maluku. (Angka sementara) A - B. Ambon 1972. 2 bdn., 20 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus Statistik, propinsi Maluku. f-27-N + g. Anthropology and geography of Irian Jaya (New Guinea) and Papua/New Guinea 145 NIEUW-GUINEA. Bijzondere uitgave van het Economisch Weekblad voor Nederlandsch-Indië october 1941. Batavia, Kolff & Co., 1941. 84 pp., ills 30 cm g-341-N + 146 ACT off free choke in West Irian. Cairolc. 1969]. 32 pp. 111. 17 cm. Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia, Cairo. g-326-N 147 AKTA sidang madjelis besar ke-11, Geredja Bethel Indjil Sepenuh, diadakan di Djakarta tg. 14-17.10.'69. [Ketua: H.L. SENDUK.] Djakarta 1969.68 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Geredja Bethel Indjil Sepenuh, Badan Penghubung. q-746-N + 11 148 DISTRICTS of Papua and New Guinea 1969. Rev. repr. Port Moresby, Department of Information and Extension Services, 1970. 126 pp.f ills, 18 cm. g-344-N 149 FAHNER (C), Jali's van de Paasvallei. Een bergstam in kontakt met het Evangelie. Utrecht, De Banier, [c. 19701 191 pp, ill., 23 cm. g-331-N 150 JOHNSON (Louis), Land like a lizard. New Guinea poems. Milton, enz., Jacaranda Press, 1970. VIII, 48 pp. 30 cm. g-325-N + 151 STRATHERN (Andrew), and Marilyn STRATHERN, Self-decoration in Mount Hagen. London, Gerald Duckworth, 1971. XII, 208 pp., ills, 24 cm. Art and Society series. g-332-N 152 TRADE and investment in Papua New Guinea. Repr. Canberra, Government Printer, 1971. 60 pp., ills, 18 cm. obl. g-342-N 153 YOUNG (Michael W.), Fighting with food. Leadership, values and social control in a Massim society. With a forew. by W.E.H. STANNER. Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1971. XXII, 282 pp., ills, 4 pltn, 23 cm. Met bibliografie. g-333-N 154 BROWN (Paula), The Ch imbu. A study of change in the New Guinea Highlands. Pref. by J.A. BARNES. Cambridge etc, Schenkman Publ. Co., 1972. IX, 151 pp., krtn, 16 pltn, 23 cm. g-339-N 155 FACTS Tofl Papua-New Guinea 1967-72. Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1972. 2 pp., 21 cm. g-345-N 10 I. Indonesia 156 KAUFMANN (Christian), Das Töpferhandwerk der Kwoma in Nord-Neuguinea. Beitrage zur Systematik primarerTöpfereiverfahren. Basel, Phoros, 1972. 265 pp., ill, 24 cm. Basler Beitrage zur Ethnologie, Bd. 12. g-330-N 157 LAPORAN survey tentang struktur masyarakat dan adat istiadat penduduk Enarotali (kabupaten Pinai) propinsi Irian-Barat. [Dilaksananakan oleh SOEGENG, Laban SAMORI, dan MARSETYOJ [Jakarta] 1972. IV, 72 pp., krt, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Sosial, Proyek Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial Propinsi Irian-Barat. g-359-N + 158 LAPORAN survey tentang struktur masyarakat dan adat istiadat penduduk Sarmi (kabupaten Jayapura) propinsi Irian Barat. [Disusun oleh: Imam SUPANGAT, SOEDOMO dan St. LETZOIN.] [Jakarta 1972.] 60 pp., krt., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Sosial, Proyek Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial Propinsi Irian Barat. g-358-N + 159 LITTLÉWOOD (R.A.), Physical anthropology of the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea. Foreword by James B. WATSON. Contrib. by John Thomas BARKSDALE and Russell Conda BOYD. Seattle etc, Univ. of Washington Press, 1972. XX, 224 pp., ills, 24 cm. Anthropological studies in the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea 2. g-347-N 160 MATANE (Paulias [Nguna]), My childhood in New Guinea. London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1972. 112 pp., ill, 21 cm. g-335-N 161 METERAY (R.J.), Marind tujuh puluh tahun dalam proses akulturasi. Studi tentang latar belakang keadaan masyarakat Marind. Merauke 1972. 71 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Dinas Sosial, kabupaten Merauke. g-389-N + 162 PROYEK pelita Irian Barat. Inventarisasi dan rencana pengarahan. [Kata pengantar oleh M. Jusuf SINGEDEKANE.] Jakarta 1972. IV, 160 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Sektor Khusus Irian Barat. g-354-N + 163 RIMMER (P.J.), Freight forwarding in the Australia-Papua New Guinea trade. Canberra, Australian National Univ., 1972. XIV, 125 pp., ills, 25 cm. New Guinea Research Bulletin 48. g-338-N 164 SCHULTZE-WESTRUM (Thomas), Neu-Guinea. Papua, Urwelt im Aufbruch. Bern [usw. 1972]. 210 pp. 111. 28 cm. g-328-N + 165 SELECTED ministerial statements on Papua New Guinea February - July 1972. Contrib. by Andrew PEACOCK. Canberra, Australian Government Publ. Service, 1972. 49 pp, 26 cm. g-343-N + 166 SELECTED policy statements on Papua New Guinea 1970-71. [By: CE. BARNES, T.J. LEAHY, A.P.J. NEWMAN a.o.] Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1972. 64 pp., 25 cm. g-340-N 167 SMITH (Robin), New Guinea. A journey through 10.000 years. With text by Keith WILLEY. Repr. Melbourne, Landsdowne, 1972. VIII, 168 pp., ills, 32 cm. Plaatwerk. g-334-N + 168 STRATHERN (Marilyn), Official and unofficial courts. Legal assumptions and expectations in a highlands community. Port Moresby 1972. VIII, 166 pp., ills, 25 cm. The Australian National University. New Guinea Research [Unit! Bulletin. No. 47 g-329-N 169 The PASSING scène in North-East New Guinea. (A documentation.) [Coll. and recorded by] Henry AUFENANGER. St. Augustin, Germany [1972]. IV, 479 pp. 15 pltn. 111. 24 cm. Anthropos Institute. Collectanea Instituti Anthropos. Vol. 2. g-327-N 170 WADDELL (Eric), The mound builders. Agriculture practices, environment, and society in the Central Highlands of New Guinea. Seattle etc. Univ. of Washington Press, 1972. XVI, 253 pp., ills, 23 cm. The American ethnological society. Monograph 53. Bevat bibliografie. g-348-N 171 FINNEY (Ben R ), Big-men and business. Entrepreneurship and economie growth in the New Guinea Highlands. Forew. by Doublas L. OLIVER. Honolulu, Univ. Press of Hawaii, 1973. XXII, 206 pp., 4 pltn. 23 cm. Met bibliografie. The East-West Center. g-336-N 172 KASPRUS (Aloys), The tribes of the Middle Ramu and the Upper Keram rivers (North-East New Guinea). St. Augustin bei Bonn, Verlag des Anthropos-Instituts, 1973. VIII, 195 pp., ills, 29 cm. Studia Instituti Anthropos 17. g-346-N + h. Anthropology and geography of Bali, NTB and N11 (Bali and the Lesser Sunda Isl.) 11 173 SACK (Peter G.,), Land between two laws. Early European land acquisitions in New Guinea. Canberra, Australian National University Press, 1973, 197 pp., ills, XII, 23 cm. g-349-N h. Anthropology and geography of Bali Nusa Tenggara Barat and Nusa Tenggara Timur (Bali and the Lesser Sunda Islands) 174 BAGUS (I Gusti Ngurah), Tokoh Dempu Awang dalam dongeng Bali. Singaradja 1966. 33 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Bahasa dan Kesusastraan Tjabang Singaradja. h-92-N + I 175 BALI. Hasil survey sementara objek-objek pariwisata Badung. [Djakarta c. 1969.133 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Tjipta Karya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. h-87-N 176 BALI. Hasil survey sementara objek-objek pariwisata Bangli. [Djakarta c. 1969.1 28 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Tjipta Karya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. h-84-N 177 BALI. Hasil survey sementara objek-objek pariwisata Buleleng. [Djakarta c. 1969.137 pp., ills, 21 cm.obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Tjipta Karya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. h-86-N 178 BALI. Hasil survey sementara objek-objek pariwisata Klungkung. [Djakarta c. 1969.1 29 pp., ills, 21 cm.obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Tjipta Karya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. h-85-N 179 BALI. Hasil survey sementara objek-objek pariwisata Tabanan. [Djakarta c. 1969.124 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Tjipta Karya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. h-80-N 180 HASIL-HASIL keputusan konperensi wilajah ke-1, Partai Muslimin Indonesia Kalimantan Selatan, tg. 13 s/d 15.3.70 di Bandjarmasin. [Ketua: MANSJAH.1 Bandjarmasin 1970. 91 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Partai Muslimin Kalimantan Selatan, Panitia Konperensi Wilajah ke-1. h-100-N +1 181 HOOYKAAS (CtornelisD, The treasures of Bali. Calcutta, Mukhopadhyay, 1970. 11 pp., 25 cm. Overdr. uit: R.C. Majumdar felicitation volume. h-78-N 182 NGURAH, I Gusti Ngurah Bagus. Kebudajaan Bali sebagai faktor untuk pengembangan ekonomi. Denpasar 1970.9 p., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Udayana h-95-N 183 KASIDI, dan Djaswadi RESOSOEDARMO, Laporan survey sosial ekonomi Bali. Dilaksanakan: Pebruari s/d Maret 1971. Selesai dikerdjakan: 15 April 1971. Djakarta 1971. 64 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Djenderal Transmigrasi, Direktorat Penelitian dan Persiapan. h-93-N +1 184 MCKEAN (Philip Frick), Pengaruh-pengaruh asing terhadap kebudajaan Bali: Hub ungan "hippies" dan "pemuda internasional" dengan masjarakat Bali masa kini. Bali 1971. 9 pp-, 28 cm. Universitas Udayana, Fakultas Sastra, Djurusan Antropologi Budaja. h-94-N +1 185 HIDAJAT Z.M., Kehidupan sosiokulturil masjarakat Sasak di Lombok. Bandung 1972. 59 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Djurusan Antropologi. Etn. 6/72. h-83-N 186 SARASWATI. Karya widia tak berkala museum Bali, th. 1972, no 4. Jakarta 1972. 26 pp., ills, 22 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jendral Kebudayaan, Direktorat Museum. h-97-N 187 HOOYKAAS (G), Karna and Kata. Materials for the study of shadow theatre in Bali. Amsterdam enz., North-Holland Publ. Co., 1973. 416 pp., ills, 26 cm. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afd. Letterkunde. Nieuwe reeks, dl. 79. h-80-N + 12 I. Indonesia 188 KUNST van Bali. Schilderijen, tekeningen en houtplastiek, bijeengebracht door Rudolf BONNET. ExpositïéAviorama Schiphol 13 mei-6 juni 1973. [Z.pl. 1973.1X1 pp., ill, 23 cm. Omslagtitel: Catalogus expositie kunst van Bali.... h-79-N i. History - Art - Art history - Archaeology - Prehistory 189 "INDONESIA". Jubileum-nummer uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het 30-jarig bestaan van de Perhimpunan Indonesia 1908-1938. Leiden [19381. 136 pp., ills, 25 cm. Perhimpunan Indonesia. i-310-N-I 190 PANÉ (Sanusi), Sedjarah Indonesia. Djl. 2, tj. ke-5. Djakarta 1956. 233 pp., ills, 21 cm. Kementerian Pendidikan, Pengadjaran dan Kebudajaan, Perpustakaan Perguruan. i-406-NI 191 ATMAMIHARDJA(R. Ma'mun), Sadjarah Sunda. Djl.I. Dugi ka runtagna karadjaan Padjadjaran (taun 1579). Kanggo S.G. A. [ = Sekolah Guru Atas], S.M.A. [= Sekolah menengah atas], kursus B-l, sareng Fakultas Sastra. Bandung etc, Ganaco, 1958. 84 pp, ills, 21 cm. i-347-N-I 192 SEDJARAH pemerintahan kota Djakarta. [Disusun oleh THE LIANG GIE.] [Djakarta] 1958. VII, 192 pp., 4 krtn, 24 cm. Kotapradja Djakarta Raja. i-344-N-I 193 RAHASIA Borobudur dan perannja dalam perkembangan nasional bangsa Indonesia. (Sedjarah Indonesia dari zaman purba sampai datangn ja Adjisaka). Lukisan oleh A.S. DANIAL. Djakarta, Kinta, 1966. djl. 1 - 4, 22 cm obl. Stripverhaal. i-410-N-I 194 GINARSA (Ketut), Lahirnja kota Singaradja, 30 Maret 1604. [Dengan beberapa tulisan Hartawan MATARAM.] Singaradja, Indra Djaja, [1968.1 35 pp., ills, 21 cm. i-356-N-I 195 ABIDIN (Andi Zainal), Mitos asal mula Kerajaan Buton. [Bau-Bau 1968.115 pp., 33 cm. Xerox kopie van getypte tekst. i-350-N + I 196 DUA tahun Museum Bandjar di Pulau Tatas. [Dipimpin oleh Arthum ARTHA.] [Bandjarmasin 1969.] 56 pp., ills, 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Museum Bandjar. i-337-N-I 197 IN memoriam 4 pahlawan Djakarta. Hadji' Fatahillah/ Sunan Gunung Djati, Pangeran Achmad Djaketra/ Widjajakrama, Pangeran Widjajakusuma, Mohammad Husni Thamrin. [Disusun dalam rangkal ulang lahir ke-442 kota Djakarta. [Kata pengantar oleh GA. WARMANSJ AH.] Djakarta [1969.1 II, 33 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Chusus Ibukota Djakarta, Dinas Museum dan Sedjarah. i-375-N-I 198 SEDJARAH nasional Indonesia dalam rangka sedjarah dunia modern. Beberapa aspek. Djakarta 1969. 30 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional. i-416-N + I 199 ARTHA (Artum), Sedjarah kota Bandjarmasin. Bandjarmasin [1970.132 pp., 21 cm. Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Museum Bandjar Lambung Mangkurat. i-346-N-I 200 SEPEREMPAT abad hari ulang tahun proklamasi kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia tg. 17 Agustus 1945 - 1970. [Ketua umum: M. JAMANI.1 [Bandjarmasin 1970.] 48 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Perajaan Hari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ke 25, 17 Agustus 1970 propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Seksi Penerangan dan Pameran. i-364-N-I 201 SÜATU catatan tentang sumpah pcmuda 28 Oktober 1928. Disusun oleh Sutrisno KUTOJO. dan M. Soenjata KARTADARMADJA. [Jakarta] 1970. 68 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan, Lembaga Sejarah dan Antropologi. i-357-N + I 202 ABDULLAH (Taufik), Schools and politics: The Kaum Muda movements in West Sumatra (1927-1933). Ithaca, N.Y. 1971. IV, 257 pp. 28 cm. Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. Modern Indonesia Project. Monograph Series. i-308-N + I 203 ABDURACHMAN(Drs.), Sedjarah Madura selajang pandang. Meliputi kabupaten2: Sumenep, Pamekasan, Sampang, Bangkalan. Tj. ke-2. Sumenep, The Sun, [1971178 pp., ills, 21 cm. i-326-N-I 204 ANDERSON (John), Mission to the East Coast of Sumatra in 1823. With an introd by Nicholas TARLING. [Facs. repr.] Kuala Lumpur, enz., Oxford University Press 1971. XXIV, 424 pp., ill, 23 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1826. i-314-N-I 205 ARIWIADI, Ichtisar sedjarah nasional Indonesia (awal - sekarang). [Djakarta] 1971. IX, 170 pp., 21 cm. Departemen Pertahanan-Keamanan, Pusat Sedjarah Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (ABRI). Seri text-book sedjarah ABRI, Dl. 1-353-N-I 206 DEKKER (I Njoman), Sedjarah Indonesia baru 1945-1949. Revolusi nasional atau perang kemerdekaan. Terb. ke-2. Malang, Almamater, 1971. IV, 106 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang. i-388-N-I 207 HATTA (Mohammad), The Putera reports problems in Indonesian-Japanese wartime cooperation. Transi. with an introd. by William H. FREDERIC. Ithaca, N.Y. 1971. IV, 114 pp. 28 cm. Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. Modern Indonesia Project Translation Series. i-309-N +1 208 HEEKEREN (H.R. van), The Thai - Danish prehistorie expedition [1960 to 1962] and its importance to the knowledge of prehistorie Indonesia. [Z.pl. z j ] 8 pp 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst i-349-N + 11 > rr > 209 LIïr^rA(^iduan)' Pidat0 walikota ^P3'3 daerah kotamadya Bandjarmasin, Iman K1DUAN, pada ulang tahun ke-52 djadinja pemerintahan kota Bandjarmasin 1 Djuli 1919 - 1971. Bandjarmasin 1971. 12 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kotamadya Bandjarmasin. i-422-N +1 210 KAENG (S.H.), Selajang pandang sedjarah regional perdjuangan kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia Sulawesi Utara - tengah menjongsong peringatan hari ulang tahun ke-XXV pensüwa merah putih Sulawesi Utara. Djakarta, [1971.1 V 56 pp 22 cm Gestencilde tekst. Badan Perdjuangan 14-2-46 merah pödh, Biro Penèranean i-335-N-I 5 ' 211 MARGONO, Ichtisar sedjarah pergerakan nasional (1908 - 1945). [Djakarta] 1971. X 222 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan-Keamanan Pusat .eAara!!.An8katan ^«endjata Republik Indonesia (ABRI). Seri text-book sedjarah ABRI, C2. i-351-N-I ' 212 SA'AD SHUKRI, Detik-detik sejarah Kelantan. Dengan pembaharuan dan T1^^ ^ ABDULLAH AL-QARI bin Haji SALLEH, dan dengan sumbangseh oleh Abdul Rahman AL-AHMADI. Kelantan etc. Pustaka Aman Press 1971 214 pp., ills, 19 cm. i-407-N-I 213 AHMAD (Zakaria), Sekitar keradjaan Atjeh dalam th. 1520-1676. Medan, Monora [1972]. 151 pp., 22 cm. i-348-N-I 214 BUYONG BIN ADIL. Sejarah Pahang. Kuala Lumpur 1972. XXII, 416 pp ills 22 cm. Kementenan Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) Siri'seiarah Nusantara. i-405-N-I 215 HANIFAH (Abu), Tales of a revolution. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1972. XII, 377 pp., 22 cm. Sources of modern Indonesian history and politics 1 i-317-N-I 216 HARI pahlawan 10 Nopember 1945 - 10 Nopember 1972. [Djakarta 1972 ] 12 pp ills 21 cm. Departemen Penerangan, Panitya Pusat Hari» Bersejarah Peringatan Hari Pahlawan. i-423-N-I 217 NAGAZUMI (Akira), The dawn of Indonesian nationalism. The early years of the Budi Utomo 1908-1918. Tokyo 1972. VIII, 244 pp, ill, 25 cm Institute of Ueveloping Eepnomies. I.D.E. Occasional papers series. No. 10. i-311-N-I 218 SARKAR (Himansu Bhusan), Corpus of the inscriptions of Java [Corpus ïnscnptionem Javanicanrm). «Jp_tö 928 A D ). Vol. I II. Cakutta, Mukhopadhyay 1971-1972. 2 dln. 25 cm. i-313-N-II WTUl' 219 SEJARAH tugu peringatan proklamasi kemerdekaan republik Indonesia. [Kata pengantar oleh GA. WARMANSJAH.] Jakarta 1972. 73 pp, ills, 21 cm. Dinas Museum dan Sejarah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jendral Kebudayaan Lembaga Sejarah dan Antropologi Pemerintah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta. i-372-N-I 220 SIMATUPANG (T.B.), Report from Banaran: Experiences during the people's war ï^c^ffï'" ANDERSON and Elisabeth GRAVES. With an introd by John RW SMAIL. Ithaca, N.Y. 1972. IV, 186 pp., ill, 28 cm. Cornell University. Southeast Asia Frogram. Modern Indonesia Project Translation series. No. 55. i-83-N + I . History - Art - Art history - Archaeology - Prehistory 13 14 I. Indonesia 221 SUDIRO, Pengalaman saya sekitar 17 Agustus '45. Ceramah yang diucapkan didepan Lembaga Pembina Jiwa 45, Jakarta, awal September 1972. Jakarta, Yayasan Idayu, 1972. 39 pp., ills, 21 cm. Yayasan Idayu. i-334-N-I 222 SURYADI (Didi), Sekitar keruntuhan kerajaan Pajajaran. Pembahas: R.H. Said RAKSAKUSUMAH, M. ATMAMIHARDJA, Saleh DANASASMITA, dll. Bandung 1972. 30 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Lembaga Kebudayaan. Lembaran diskusi sejarah. i-360-N +1 223 TAIMON (Sufian bin), Intisari sejarah Asia tenggara Kuala Lumpur, Kym, 1972. XXI, 234 pp.,ills, 22 cm. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasadan Pustaka (DBP). Siri pelajaran menengah DBP bil. 88. i-333-N-I 224 TJOETJE [pseud. van Teuku Tjoet Moh. HOESSIN1 Pekuburan Belanda "Peutjoet" membuka tabir sedjarah kepahlawanan rakjat Atjeh. Atjeh 1972. 53 pp., ills, 20 cm. Departemen Penerangan (Deppen), Jajasan Kesedjahteraan Karyawan, perwakilan Atjeh. i-374-N-I 225 TJOETJE, Pekuburan Belanda "Peutjoet" membuka tabir sedjarah kepahlawanan rakjat Atjeh. [Banda Atjeh, PertL Negara, 1972.1 54 pp., ills, 20 cm. Departemen Penerangan (Deppen) Jajasan Kesedjahteraan Karyawan Perwakilan Atjeh. i-345-N-I , „ ■ 226 ADRIANATAKESUMA [= Moh. Idris A. KESUMA1 Pemberontakan Peta 1= pembela tanah air] di Blitar. Yogyakarta 1973. 84 pp., 21 cm. Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) Fakultas Sosial dan Politik. Seri penerbitan Fakultas Sosial dan Politik UGM, 1973, no 1. i-449-N 227 ATJA, Beberapa catatan yang bertalian dengan mula jadi Cirebon. Pembahas: M. ATMAMIHARDJA Moh ALI, Didi SURYADI, dll. Bandung 1973.15 pp, 32 cm. Universitas Padjadjaran, Lembaga Kebudayaan. Lembaran diskusi sejarah. i-355-N+I * ''-.j 228 BRETON DE NIJS (E.), [=ps. van Robert NIEUWENHUYS.1 Tempo Doeloe. Fotografische documenten uit het oude Indië 1870-1914. 2e herz. dr. Amsterdam. Querido, 1973. 192 pp., 27 cm. i-312-N + I 229 DRIE "Indische kranten" [de Locomotief en de Java-Bodelüit de voorooriogse jaren. De vlucht van de Pelikaan. Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer wordt gouverneur-generaal. De aanval op Pearl Harbour. Utrecht, Knippenbergs Uitg., [19731, 35 cm. i-323-N + I 230 IBRAHIM (L.), Kehancuran Hitlerisme. Medan, Harris, 1973. 80 pp., ills, 22 cm. i-365-hW „, , , . 231 ICHTISAR keadaan politik Hindia-Belanda, tahun 1839-1848. [Ketua redaksi: Sartono KARTODIRDJO. Kata pengantar oleh SOEMARTINI1 Jakarta 1973. CXXXIV, 524 pp., 25 cm. Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia. Penerbitan sumber-sumber sejarah no. 5. i-319-N-I 232 JAARVERSLAG [van del Rijkscommissie voor Vaderlandse Geschiedenis 1972- . 's-Gravenhage 1973-. dln.a4cm. Zieook:i/324 Voortzetting van:Jaarverslagenvan de Rijkscommissie voor Vaderlandse Geschiedenis. i-300-N-I 233 KARTODIRDJO (Sartono), Protest movements in rural Java. A study of agrarian unrest in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Singapore etc, Oxford Univ. Press, 1973. XVIII, 229 pp., iUs, 22 cm. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. i-325-N-I , . L1 234 KEUNING, J. Sejarah Ambon sampai pada akhir abad ke-17; diterjemahkan dengan pengawasan dewan redaksi oleh S. GUNAWAN; dengan kata pengantar oleh C.P.F. LUHULIMA. Jakarta, Bhratara, 1973.62 pp., ill, 21 cm. Oorspr. titel: Ambonnezen, Portugezen en Nederlanders; Ambons geschiedenis tot het einde van de zeventiende eeuw, 1956. Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde (KITLV). Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Seri terjemahan karangan-karangan Belanda, no 22. i-409-NI 235 LEUR (J.C. van), Abad ke-18 sebagai kategori dalam penulisan sejarah Indonesia, Dengan kata pengantar oleh R.Z. LEIRISSA . Jakarta, Bharataia,;J973. 37 pp, 21 cm. L.I.P.I. en K.I.T.L.V. Seri terdjemahan karangan-karangan Belanda 21. Oorspr. titel: Eenige aantekeningen betreffende de mogelijkheid der 18de eeuw als categorie in de Indische geschiedschrijving. i-315-N I j. Geology - Hydrography - Meteorology - Physical geography 15 236 MARZUKI (Yazir), Namo Buddhaya Ere zij Buddha. Glory to Buddha. Photogr. by Fred D. AWUY and Yazir MARZUKI. Amsterdam, Rynja offcet, [19731 Plaatwerk. Nederlandse en Engelse tekst i-324-N + II 237 MEURAXA (Dada), Sejarah: Masuknya Islam ke Bandar Barus Sumatera Utara. Lobu Tuo, Fansur Barus, lebih dahulu dari Sriwijaya, Lamuri, Perlak, Pasai dan Majapahit. Alasan lengkap Islam dimasukkan pertama kali di Bandar Barus sebagai bandingan atas keputusan seminar sejarah masuknya Islam di Indonesia (1963) di Medan. Medan, Sastrawan, 1973. 66 pp., ills, 21 cm. i-414-N-I 238 PERINGATAN hari pahlawan 10 Nopember 1973, Palangka Raya. Thema: Jiwa kepahlawan mutlak diperlukan dalam era pembangunan dewasa ini. Ketua Panitia Junaidi KHAIRUL Palangka Raya 1973. 15 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Peringatan Hari Pahlawan 10 Nopember Palangka Raya. i-448-N 239 PIPITSEPUTRA[ps.v. M P M. MUSKENS], Beberapa aspek dari sejarah Indonesia. Aliran nasionalis, Islam, Katholik, sampai akhir zaman perbedaan paham 1973. Dipersiapkan oleh H. KACHMADI Orde Karmelieten, Marcel BEDING, B.Y S PADMASEPUTRA, dll. [Ende, Arnoldus, 1973.1615 pp., ills, 24 cm. Grotendeels eerder versch. proefschr. v. Muskens onder de titel: Indonesië. Een strijd om nationale identiteit. Nationalisten, Islamieten, Katholieke^. 2e ed. 1970. i-321-N-I 240 RESINK, G.J. Negara-negara pribumi dikepulauan Timur; diterjemahkan dengan pengawasan dewan redaksi; dengan kata pengantar oleh Machfudi MANGKUDILAGA [= Makhfudi MANGKUDILAGA.1 Jakarta, Bhratara, 1973. 56 pp., 21 cm. Oorspr. titel: Inlandsche staten in den Oosterschen archipel,' 1960. Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde (KITLV). Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Seri terdjemahan karangan-karangan Belanda no 20 i-404-N-I 8 ' 241 RIWAYAT hidup dan perjuangan Raden Intan 2. Disusun oleh Mardanas SAFWAN, Sutrisno KUTOjO, SAGIMUN, dll. Jakarta 1973. II, 39 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jendral Kebudayaan, Lembaga Sejarah dan Anthropologi. Badan Tanda-Tanda Kehormatan. i-419-N +1 242 ROELOFSZ, M.A.P. MEILINK- Dari arsip tertutupsampai arsip terbuka; dengan kata pengantar oleh Machfudi MANGKUDILAGA [= Makhfudi MANGKUDILAGA.1 Jakarta, Bhratara, 1973. 44 pp., 21 cm. Oorspr. titel: Van geheim tot openbaar, 1970 Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde (KITLV). Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Seri terjemahan karangan-karangan Belanda, no 28. i-408-N-I 243 SAGIMUN, Hubungan-hubungan kerajaan di Indonesia. Jakarta 1973. 141 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Buku Standard Sejarah Indonesia. i-420-N +1 244 SNOUCK HURGRONJE (C), Islam di Hindia Belanda Diterjemahkan oleh S GUNAWAN. Kata pengantar oleh Taufik ABDULLAjH. Jakarta, Bhratara, 1973. 52 pp , 21 cm. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV). Seri terjemahan karangan-karangan Belanda no 32. i-373-NI 8 245 SOEWIDJI, Kisah nyata di pinggir jalan Slamet Riyadi di Surakarta. Dalam bentuk ceriteraJpengalaman-pengalaman dan roman2 historis sejak tahun 1848 -1948 hingga sekarang. Surakarta, Yayasan Sastra Jawa/Indonesia, 1973. 74 do., ills 20 cm i-450-N 246 STOVIA. Mata-air sungai kebangunan nasional. - The CRADLE of the Indonesian national movement. Jakarta 1973. 44 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Yayasan Idayu. i-421-N + 247 TAS (SaD, De onderontwikkelde vrijheid, Indonesia toen en nu. Baarn Ten Have 1973. 356 pp, 21 cm. i-316-N 248 TEEUW (Andries), Taaiambtenaren, taaiafgevaardigden en Indonesische taalwetenschap. Den Haag, Nijhoff, 1973. 17 pp., 23 cm. Overdr uit: Forum der letteren, 1973.-jrg 14. no 3. i-322-N j. Geology - Hydrography - Meteorology - Physical geography 249 KRAKATOA. East of Java in cinerama. [Z.pl.1 Fleming and Humphreys Ltd. [c 19551 34 pp., ills, 31 cm. j-84-N + 16 I. Indonesia 250 DAHRI, Ilmu bumi pulau Kalimantan. Untuk sekolah rakjat. Kandangan, Pembangun, [1961.1 57 pp., ills, 21 cm. j-95-N 251 ANSWERS to check list on control of natural disasters in Indonesia. Jakarta 1971. 12 pp 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Social Affairs, Directorate General for Natural Disasters and Social Aid Funds. SP/ADEN 006/71. j-417-N + 252 NATURAL disasters in Indonesia. Country report. Djakarta 1971. 29 pp , ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde Engelse tekst. Ministry of Social Affairs. j -94-N + 253 LAPORAN seminar pengelolaan lingkungan hidup manusia dan pembangunan nasional Bandung, 15 - 18 Mei 1972. [Panitia redaksi: Otto SOERMARWOTO, Mochtar KUSUMAATMADJA, dan HARSOJO.1 Bandung [1972.1 IV, 86 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran. j-89-N + 254 MISSEN (G.J ), Viewpoint on Indonesia. A geographical study. Melbourne 1972. XVI, 360 pp., ills, 22 cm. Nelson's Australasian paperbacks. j-82-N 255 ALZWAR (MuziD, [dan] L. PARDYANTO. Sumber panasbumi di Indonesia. Ditulis untuk seminar teknologi dan ekonomi pusat listrik tenaga nuklir. [Z.pl.] 1973. 21 pp., ills, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Geologi, Dinas Volkanologi. j-88-N + 256 TEMYANG(H.A.M. Arifin), [dan] SUNARDJO, Atlas untuk sekolah agama [Z.pl.1, P.T. Ich dar Baru - Van Hoeve, 1973,36 pp., 30 cm. P.T. Aerotopografia. Bevat bijlage. j-90-N + 257 VERSTAPPEN (H.Th.), A geomorphological reconnaissance of Sumatra and adjacent islands (Indonesia), Groningen, Wolters-NoordholL 1973. X, 182 pp., ills, krtn, 24 cm. International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences. (I.T.C.) Enschede. Verhandelingen of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society (K.N.A.G.) 1. Met bibliografie. j-81-N 258 WALIJO [ = Widarto ATMOJOl Peta kotamadya Yogyakarta. - Map of kotamadya Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta, Kedaulatan Rakyat, 1973. 16 pp., ills, krt, 24 cm. j-98-N k. Tourism - Travel 259 JAGT(M.B. van der), Bali-reis. Den Haag 1937. 42 pp., ills, krt, 21 cm. Xerox-copie. k-81-N 260 BROEDELET (Joekie), Je neemt jezelf overal mee. Den Haag, Bert Bakker/ Daamen N.V., 1959. 192 pp., 18 cm. Ooievaar-reeks 112. k-82-N 261 REPORT of the second meeting of the ASEAN Ad hoe Committee on Tourism, Jogjakarta 28 - 30 July 1969. Jogjakarta 1969. 99 pp-, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Association of South- East-Asian Nations (ASEAN), Ad Hoe Committee on Tourism. k-117-N + 262 FOREIGN investment application form B. [Project proposal for estabhshing the Joint-Venture Corporation in constructing and operating an international hotel in Djakarta.] [Djakarta 1970.] 41 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. "Sarinah" P.T. Department Store Indonesia. Tokyo Hotel Chain Ltd. Nissho-Iwai Co., Ltd. k-10I-N + 263 GUIDE to North Sumatra for tourism and trade. [Medan 1971.1118 pp., ills, 21 cm. Rouli Tour and Travel Service. k-90-N -264 HASIL keputusan seminar pariwisata budaja daerah Bali, 15 - 17 Oktober 1971. [Denpasar, Perti. Bali, 1971.1 26 pp, 32 cm. k-87-N + 265 WEST-SUMATRA (Minangkabau). Its people, cultural and economie aspects. [Padang] c. 1971. 20 pp, fits, 21 cm. k-112-N 266 A VISIT to Bukittinggi. A guide for the tourists who come in Bukittinggi. [By Sjamsul AZHAR.1 Bukittinggi 1972. 47 pp., ills, 22 cm. Engelse en Indonesische tekst. Pemerintah kotamadya Bukittinggi. k-118-N 267 DAMARDJATI (R.S.), Peraturan internasional dibidang hotel. Jakarta, Pradnya Paramita, 1972. VI, 64 pp., 23 cm. k-96-N 268 LOKAKARYA. Usaha untuk menyempurnakan garis besar rancangan induk pengembangan kepariwisataan di Jawa Barat. [26 s/d 29 September 1972. di Bogor. Ketuaorganizingcommittee: R.E.A. NAMOER.][Bandung 1972.)32pp,ills, 23cm. Kamar Dagang dan Industri Jawa Barat. k-86-N 269 APAKAH pariwisata itu? Medan [1973.] 8 pp., 22 cm. Kantor Pariwisata, daerah Sumatera Utara. k-115-N 1. Social and labour problems - Pensions 17 270 APAKAH P.A.T.A. itu? Meet the press mengenai P.A.T.A. oleh menteri perhubungan Emil SALIM, tg. 13 Juni 1973. [Djakarta c. 1973.1 45 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pacific Area Travel Association (P.A.T.A ). k-97-N + 271 PRAJOGO (M.J.), Pengarahan pembangunan pariwisata di Indonesia. [Jakarta] 1973. 37 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. k-103-N + 272 ,^ELAMAT berkunjung ke pav. PEMDA, kabupaten Deli Serdang di Medan Fair '73. [Penyusun: Yusuf SAID, Amirhan PARINDURI, dan DJAFAR. Medan 1973. 17 pp., ills, 20 cm. Medan Fair 1973, Pavilyun Pemerintah Daerah (PEMDA), kabupaten Deli Serdang. k-110-N 273 SELAMAT datang di Sumatera Barat, Minangkabau. [Padang z.j.140 pp., ills, 25 cm. Met bijl. Badan Pengembangan Pariwisata daerah propinsi Sumatera Barat (BAPPARDA). k-lll-N 274 WELCOME to Karo highlands, North Sumatera, Indonesia. [Kabanjahe c. 1973.] 18 pp., ills, 22 cm. Kantor bupati kepala daerah (KDH) kabupaten Karo. k-113-N 275 WELCOME to North Sumatera, Indonesia. Medan c. 1973. Folder 7 pp., ills, 22 cm. Kantor Pariwisata, daerah Sumatera Utara. k-114-N 1. Social and labour problems - Pensions 276 GERAKAN wanita di dunia. Djakarta etc, Djambatan, 1950.131 pp., ills, 20 cm. Seri "Meneropong dunia". 1-156-N 277 PERATURAN gadji pegawai negeri sipil 1955 (P.G.P.N.-1955). Djl. ke-I [Kata pengantar oleh: Soetardjo KARTOHADIKOESOEMO] [Djakarta, Quick, 1955.1 343 pp., 24 cm. Panitya Perantjang Gadji Pegewai Negeri. 1-80-N 278 HIMPUNAN peraturan-peraturan dan keputusan-keputusan menteri Perburuhan th. 1950 s/d th. 1955. Disusun s/d achir tahun 1955. [Jakarta! 1956. XXI, 244 pp, 21 cm. Kementerian Perburuhan. 1-80-N 279 LATIHAN kedjuruan dalam daerah kerdja pembangunan masjarakat desa. Djakarta 1958. 29 pp., 15 cm. Biro Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa. 1-82-N 280 [SJOEKOER (Abdoel), Hubungan antar manusia.] [Letjes 1962.] 17 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. 1-104-N + 281 DJATMIKA (Sastra), Kepegawaian umum. Djakarta 1963. 16 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Administrasi Negara, Dinas Latihan Diabatan 1-160-N+ ' 282 GOETOMO, (R. Goenawan), Pemogokan liar. Masalahnja dan sebuah keputusan hakim. Semarang, Unisula, [1964.1 23 pp., 22 cm. Seri; Peradilan dalam praktek 1-79-N y 283 SEDJARAH singkat gerakan serikat-buruh internasional.- Brief history of the international trade union movement. Singapura [z.j.] 22 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), Asian Regional Organisation (ARO), Perwakilan Singapura. 1-101-N + 284 SERIKAT - buruh\dan politik.- Trade unions and politics. [Diambil dari beberapa sumber.1 Singapura [z.j.] 10 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), Asian Regional Organisation (ARO), Perwakilan Singapura. 1-100-N + 285 SOEWONDO (Nani), Kedudukan wanita Indonesia dalam hukum dan masjarakat. Djakarta, Timun Mas, 1968. 215 pp., ill, 21 cm. Fotocopie. 1-78-N 286 KEPUTUSAN-KEPUTUSAN kongres pertama Gerakan Buruh Keuanga n / Sarikat Buruh Muslimin Indonesia di Tjikopo - Bogor, tg. 29 s/d 30 Mei 1969. [Ketua sidang GUFRANUDINJ Tjikopo 1969. 19 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Sarikat Buruh Muslimin Indonesia (Sarbumusi), Gerakan Buruh Keuangan (G.B.K.) 1-110-N + 287 PARTUNGKOAN toga Sihombing dan boruna, Djakarta-Raya dan sekitarnja. Bulletin no 1. [Pangalapihi sian L.S. SIHOMBING.] Djakarta 1969. 43 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. 1-103-N + 288 STATISTIK pegawai pemerintah Bali dan Nusa Tenggara, 1 Djuni 1969. [Kata pengantar oleh M. ABDULMADJIDJ Djakarta 1969. 22 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik. 1-107-N + 24 I. Indonesia 385 PENDJELASAN rentjana pembangunan lima tahun (1969 - 1973) propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Disusun oleh gubernur kepala daerah [E. SABARA.1 [Kendari 1968.1 76 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-873-N + II 386 POLA kemungkinan perkembangan. (Pattern of development possibilities) sebagai dasar penentuan kebidjaksanaan pembangunan daerah. [Djakarta 1968.1 Uk. 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Perentjanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS). m-1338-N + I 387 PROGRESS-REPORT gubernur/kepala daerah propinsi Sumatera Selatan [Asnawi Mangku ALAM], pada kundjungan kerdja presiden R.I., tg. 17 Djuli 1968 di Palembang. Palembang 1968. 170 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-982-N+II 388 PROGRES report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Stagen [Soewarno DJOJOMARDOWOl tahun 1968. Stagen 1971. Seri A- H. 8 jil., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst m-641-N + II 389 PURBO (Hasan) [dan! Anwar MULIA, Rentjana 5 tahun pembangunan kepariwisataan di daerah Bali. [Djakarta 1968.116 pp., krtn, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djendral Tjipta Karya, Direktorat Tatakota dan Daerah. m-588-N + I 390 RAKERDA[= Rapatkerjadaerahlkabupatenr)andjar,tahunl968.[Katapengantar: A.H. BUDHIGAWIS.] Martapura 1968. 138 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Bandjar. m-1138-N + II 391 SALINAN dari daftar surat keputusan bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah [= ABDULGANI.] No. Keu-1301-C-l-67. Lampiran: 1 rangkap. Barabai 1968. 4 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1115-N + II 392 SUHARTO, Report and clarifications. Address before the 5th general session of the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly, on March 21,1968. [Djakarta 1968.130 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Information of the Republic of Indonesia. m-985-N +1 393 THE LIANG GIE, [dan! F. Soegeng ISTANTO. Pertumbuhan pemerintahan propinsi Irian Barat dan Kemungkinan2 perkembangan otonominjadihari kemudian. Djl. 1. Jogjakarta 1968. 135 pp., ill, 24 cm. Universitas Gadjahmada, Fakultas Sosial dan Politik, Seksi Penerbitan. m-599-N-II 394 THE LIANG GIE, Efisiensi kerdja bagi aparatur administrasi negara Republik Indonesia. Tj.ke-2. Jogjakarta 1968. 51 pp., 19 cm. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Balai Pembinaan Administrasi. Buletin no3/1968. m-551-N-I 395 TUNTUTAN rakjat Balangan. Resolusi, data, facta, pernjataan, statistik, situasi daerah. Ketua umum: M. KURDI. Paringin 1968. 13 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Penuntutan kabupaten Balangan. m-1442-N + III 396 URAIAN Bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Patjitan [ S. TEDJOSOEMARTO.] pada sidang paripurna DPRD-GR [ = Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah-Gotong Rojong] kabupaten Patjitan tg. 20-8-1968. [Patjitan 1968.] 7 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Patjitan. m-1058-N + II 397 BEBERAPA pendjelasan menteri Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik [SUTAMI], pada pertemuan dengan Lemhanas [=Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional] dengan pokok mengembangkan penjediaan listrik setjara luas. Djakarta 1969. 11 pp-, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik. m-1244-N + I 398 BUKU kenang-kenangan reuni alumni dan ex-siswa sekolah2 O.S.V.I.A./M.O.S.V.I.A./C.I.B.A. [= Opleidingsschool voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren/Middelbare Opleidingsschool voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren/Candidaat Inlandsche Bestuursambtenaren] Bestuurs School, dan Bestuurs Academie seluruh Indonesia, Djakarta. 7 dan 8 Oktober 1969. [Ketua umum: Soetardjo KARTOHADIKOESOEMO.1 Djakarta 1969. 22 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-896-N-I 399 BUKU pola pembangunan lima tahun kabupaten Tjiandjur 1969-1973. Djl. 3: Pola bidang pembangunan dan projek. Tjiandjur 1969- 115 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Tjiandjur. m-1245-N + II 400 DATA ekonomi regional Djawa Timur. [Jakarta c. 1969.] 381 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djendral Bina Marga. m-774-N-III m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 27 431 PIDATO, petuah dan laporan singkat bapak bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Patjitan [ S. TEDJOSOEMARTO] pada sidang pleno DPRD-GR [= Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah-Gotong Rojong] tg. 12-3-1969. Patjitan 1969. 9 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Patjitan. m-1059-N + II 432 PLANNING, programmmg and budgetingsystem (PPBS). Djakarta 1969. 7 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. m-1239-NI 433 POLA dasar dan pola projek repelita kabupaten Atjeh Tengah, 1969 s/d 1973. [Ketua: Tgk. Mohd. Ali DJADUN ] [Tiifcengon 1969.1 59 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde ' tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, Gotong Rojong kabupaten Atjeh Tengah. m-700-N + II 434 POLA pelaksanaan operasionil Departemen Dalam Negeri 1969-1970. [Menteri Dalam Negeri: AMIRMACHMUD1. Djakarta 1969. 102 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Dalam Negeri. m-1240-N + I 43 5 PROGRAM kundjungan bapak Presiden R.I. djenderal Soeharto dan rombongan ke S ulawesi-Tenggara. [Penjusun oleh gubernur kepala daerah, selaku ketua umum Panitia Penjambutan Presiden R.I.: E.iSABARA.] [Kendari 1969.1 45 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Penjambutan Presiden R.I. m-874-N + II 436 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Demak [DOEMAMI1 tahun 1968. [Bagian A - E 2.1 Demak [1969.1 9 djl., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Demak. m-657-N + II 437 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Grobogan (PURWADADI), periode tahun 1969, ke 1. Z.pl. z.j. 30 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1440-N + II 438 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Karanganjar [R. Indrijo JATMOPRANOTO], th. 1968. Buku ke 1 - 4. Karanganjar 1969. 4 bdn., 32 cm. Met 3 Bijln. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, kabupaten Karanganjar. m-1309-N + II 439 PROGRESS -report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Agam [Kamaroeddinl th. 1968. Bukittinggi 1969. 34 pp, 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Agam. m-1251-N + II 440 PROGRESS-REPORT Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bandjar. Pidato bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Bandjar [H.A. BUDHIGAWIS.Ï didepan sidang istimewa Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah kabupaten Bandjar pada tg. 16 Agustus 1969 di Martapura. Martapura 1969. 35 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bandjar, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Kabupaten Bandjar. m-»76-N+II 441 RENTJANA anggaran pendapatan dan belandja propinsi daerah istimewa Atjeh, th. 1969/1970. Anggaran pembangunan bidang: -prasaran ekonomi, -peningkatan produksi pangan dan irigasi, -peningkatan produksi ekspor, -pembinaan mental dan kesedjahteraan masjarakat, -industri pertanian. Banda Atjeh 1969. YIII, 23 pp., 22 cm obl. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Perentjanaan Pembangunan Atjeh. -Atjeh Development Board. m-219-NII 442 RENTJANA kota Manado. Kotnpilasi data ke-2. Djakarta 1969. 93 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Tjipta Karya Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. m-1248-NIII 443 RENTJANA pembangunan lima tahun 1969 - 1973 daerah kabupaten Bandjar. Martapura 1969. 75 pp., Uk, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Bandjar. m-1228-N + II 444 RENTJANA pembangunan lima tahun 1969/1970 - 1973/1974 daerah kabupaten Simalungun. LPematang Siantar 19691. 117 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst m-653-N + II 445 SABARA (E.), Pola dasar pembangunan desa propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. (Sebagai pelaksanaan rentjana pembangunan lima tahun.] Kendari 1969. 51 pp., ill., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-870-N + II 446 SAMBUTAN bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Patjitan [S. TEDJOSOEMARTO] pada malam pembukaan sidang DPRD-GR [= Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah-Gotong Rojong] di Patjitan pada tg. 23-8-1969. [Patjitan 1969.] 4 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Patjitan. m-1061-N + II 28 I. Indonesia 447 SRAGEN analisa dan rentjana garis besar. Djakarta 1969. IV, 153 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik Direktorat Djenderal Tjipta Karya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. m-1247-N-III 448 TRANSMIGRASI dan pembangunan. Djakarta 1969. 15 pp., ills, 24 cm. Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi. Direktorat Djendral Transmigrasi, Hubungan Masjarakat. m-1237-NI 449 UNDANG-UNDANG tentang pemilihan umum, anggota-anggota Badan Permusjawaratan/Perwakilan Rakjat; dan susunan dan kedudukan Madjelis Permusjawaratan Rakjat, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah. Bandjarmasin 11969.1 40 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. m-1435-N + II 450 [PANTJA-USAHA pertama dalam menanggulangi, mentjegah dan memberantas korupsi.1 [Djakarta 1970.] 145 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kesatuan Tugas (SATGAS)-C, Team Pemberantasan Korupsi. m-1041-N + I 451 [RAPAT kerja ke 3, Direktorat Djenderal Transmigrasi pada tg. 15 Djuni s/d 18 Djuni 1970, di Djakarta, Buku 1. Pimpinan: R. SOEBIANTORO.1 Djakarta. 1970. 76 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi, Direktorat Djenderal Transmigrasi. m-1086-N +1 452 ABDURACHMAN, Kertas-kerdja (paper) dibidang pembangunan lima tahun, pemilihan umum, pemerintahan, sosial/politik, sosial/ekonomi, organisasi administrasi, pemerintahan di daerah. Sumenep 1970. 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-546-N+II 453 ANGGARAN keuangan daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, tahun 1970 / 1971 + [Ketua: Abdulganie MADJEDIE IBandjarmasinl 1970.123 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Gotong Rojong propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. m-747-N-II + 454 ANGGARAN pembangunan daerah propinsi Sumatera Barat th. 1970/1971. Padang 1970. 233 pp., 20 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, propinsi Sumatera Barat. m-719-N-II 455 ARSJAD (Abd. Rahim), Dasar-dasar pikiran: Pembangunan masjarakat desa. Barabai 1970. 5 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1099-N + I 456 BAHAN2gunawawantjara pers pada achir bulan Djuni 1970(dari Biro Perentjanaan dan Pembangunan). [Bandjarmasin c. 1970.] 4 pp., 34 cm. Copie van getypte tekst. m-608-N + III 457 HADJISAROSO (PoernomosidD, Menudju rentjana induk pembangunan jang konsisten. Djl. 1. Dasar-dasar pemikiran. Djakarta 1970. 36 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Perentjanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas). m-712-N + I 458 HASIL rapat-kerdja Pemda kabupaten Bandjar tg. 22 s/d 24.12.'69. Martapura 1970. 98 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) kabupaten Bandjar. m-1235-N + II 459 HASIL/kesimpulan rapat kerdja Direktorat Djenderal Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa di Jogjakarta [pada] tg. 23 - 26 Maret 1970. [Dibawah pimpinan Soedharmo DJAJADIWANGSA1 Jogjakarta [1970]. 22 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri. Direktorat Djenderal Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa. m-559-N + III 460 KABUPATEN Agam. Manusia dan alamnya. [Z.pl. z.j.] 24 pp., 35 cm. Getypte tekst. m-118-N + II 461 KEPUTUSAN2 sidang paripurna 1 - 1970 Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Gotong Rojong kabupaten Batang. [Pengantar oleh SOEKARDI.1 Batang 1970. 65 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Gotong Rojong kabupaten Batang. m-741-N + II 462 KESIMPULAN rapat kerdja Bimas [ = bimbingan massal] tg. 26-28 Pebruari 1970 di Pasar Mmggu, [Ketua: Soegandhi SOERJOAMIDHARNO.] Djakarta 1970. 16 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Badan Pengendali Bimas. m-1190-N + I 32 I. Indonesia 507 ASSISTANCE in cases of natural disaster. Interim report of the secretary general, pres. at the meeting of experts towards the establishment of an ASEAN combined operation against natural disasters, at Puntjak, Oct. 29 - Nov. 1,1970. Djakarta 1971. 65 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), National Secretariat Republic of Indonesia, Organizing Committee. SP/ADEM 002/71. m-1298-N + I 508 A PROPOSAL for a regional natural disaster centre. Paper forwarded by the Indonesian Civil Defence Organization at the meeting of experts towards the establishment of an ASEAN combined operation against natural disasters, at Puntjak, Oct. 29 - Nov. 1,1970. Djakarta 1971. 24 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Secretariat republic of Indonesia, Organizing Committee. SP/ADEM 001/71. m-1302-N + I 509 BEBERAPA masalah ekonomi dan pembangunan di propinsi Sumatera Selatan. Untuk bahan seminar pembangunan daerah propinsi Sumatera Selatan, dari tg. 7 s/d 10 Djanuari 1971. [Disusun oleh H.T. SIMANDJUNTAK, Zaini ANWAR, D. SIREGAR, dll.] [Palembang c. 1971.1110 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Sumatera Selatan. m-555-N+II 510 BUKU petundjuk pelaksanaan pembinaan materiil. [Kata pengantar oleh Sumarto MARTOMIHARDJO.1 Djakarta 1971. 88 pp., 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Djenderal Pertanian. m-649-N + I 511 DAFTAR projek, djenis pekerdjaan dan perintjian biaja projek tahun 1971/ 1972, propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Bandjarmasin 1971. 9 pp-, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Sekretariat Pengedalian Operasionil Pembangunan propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. m-1334-N + II 512 DAFTAR rentjana projek padat karya, tahun 1971/1972. [Z.pl. c. 1971] 16 pp., 34 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. m-1141-N + I 513 DAFTAR rentjana usulan projek untuk pembuatan RAPBD [= rentjana anggaran pendapatan dan belandja daerah] kabupaten/propinsi/pusat tahun 1971/1972. Amuntai 1971.27 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara. m-1444-N + II 514 DAFTAR tjalon sementara untuk keanggotaan DPRD [ = Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah] tingkat 2, kotamadya Bandjarmasin. Bandjarmasin [1971.1 10 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Sekretariat Panitia Pemilihan Daerah (PPD), tingkat 2, kotamadya Bandjarmasin, bagian Hubungan Masjarakat. Bulletin pemilu, no istimewa. m-1335-N+II 515 DJURU penerang. Referensi pameran repelita [= rentjana pembangunan lima tahun]dan pameran kelilingGedung Pola. Djilid ke-3. Djakarta 1971.112 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Penerangan, Team Data Gedung Pola. m-1223-N + I 516 HARDITO (Irawan), dan SOERJANTO, Laporan survey explorasi objek transmigrasi (Trans. A D.) [ = transmigrasi Angkatan Darat] propinsi Sumatera Barat. t: Hilalang pand jang. 2: Tapan ketjil. Dilaksanakan 25 April s/d 4 Mei 1971. [Djakartal 1971. 18 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Direktorat Djenderal Transmigrasi, Direktorat Penelitian dan Persiapan. m-722-N +1 517 HIMPUNAN laporan staf pelaksana pemilihan umum Irian Barat selama tahun 1971. [Disustmoleh:H. SITORUSdanlsmail HARAHAP.1 [Djakarta 1971.] 72 pp.,33cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Pemilihan Indonesia, Staf Pelaksana Irian Barat. m-714-N + II 518 HIMPUNAN laporan staf pelaksana pemilihan um u m I rian Barat selama tahun 1970. [Kata pengantar oleh: H. SITORUSJ [Djakartal 1971. 119 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Pemilihan Indonesia, Staf Pelaksana Irian Barat. m-713-N + II 519 HIMPUNAN nama2 tjalon tetpilih anggota DPR [= Dewan Perwakilan Rakyatl DPRD [ = Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah] -1, DPRD - II Irian Barat. [Z.pl.] 1971. 33 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Staf Pelaksana Irian Barat Bagian Humas. m-715-N-II 520 HIMPUNAN peraturan daerah kabupaten Indramaju, th. 1953 - 1970. [Indramaju 1971.] 208 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-872-N + II 521 HIMPUNAN pemturan Pemerintah, tahun 1971. [Djakarta.] 1971. 418 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-819-N +1 m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 33 522 HIMPUNAN peraturan-peraturan tentang bantuan pembangunan desa tahun 1969 s/d 1971. [Djakarta c. 1971.] 179 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Djenderal Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa. m-650-N +1 523 HOFSTEEDE (Wilhelmus Michael Franciscus), Decision-making processes in four West Javanese villages. Nijmegen 1971. 210 pp., 21 cm. Proefschrift Nijmegen. m-526-N-II 524 INTER-REGIONAL Caribbean Emergency Reliëf Organization (ICERO). Pres. at the meeting of experts towards the establishment of an ASEAN combined operation against natural disasters, at Puntjak, Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 1970. Djakarta 1971. 44 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), National Secretariat Republic of Indonesia, Organizing Committee. SP/ADEM 003/71. m-1299-N + I 525 INVENTARIS AS I data2 Koperta [= Koperasi Pertanian] dalam Bimas [ = bimbingan massal] propinsi Lampung dan propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. [Djakarta 1971113 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi, Direktorat Djenderal Koperasi, Team Bimbingan Massal Pusat. Buku inwntarisasi no 3/4. m-894-N-I 526 JOB description armada pengerukan Indonesia dinas geladak. Djakarta 1971. 34 pp 30 cm. m-1113-N + I 527 KETERANGAN bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Gianjar, [Anak Agung Gde PUTERA,] kepada D.PJLD.-G.R. kabupaten Gianjar, tahun 1969/1970. [Gianjar 1971] 104 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah- Gotong Rojong (D.P.R.D.-G.R), kabupaten Gianjar. m-677-N + II 528 KOTA Kendari. Nota pendjelasan rentjana garis besar. [Jakarta 1971.] II, 18 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Tjipta Karya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. m-772-P*-II 529 KUMPULAN notulen tjeramah djuru penerang pameran keliling dan pameran repelita gedung Pola 17 s/d 25 Maret 1971. Djakarta 1971. 27 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-678-N +1 530 LAPORAN dua tahun pelita[= pembangunan lima tahun] Lembaga Pengadaan dan Pengembangan Tenaga 1969/1970 dan 1970/1971. [Pengantar kata oleh H. DJIUN] Djakarta 1971. 42 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Djenderal Kehutanan, Lembaga Pengadaan dan Pengembangan Tenaga. m-1363-N + I 531 LAPORAN gubernur KDH [= kepala daerah! propinsi Sumatera Utara [Marah Halim HARAHAP! tentang pembangunan/pelaksanaan repelita [= rentjana pembangunan lima tahun!. Sebagai supplemen laporan singkat gubernur KDH prop. Sumatera Utara untuk briefing menteri dalam Negeri tentang follow-up pemilu, tg. 30-11 s/d 3-12 1971 di Djakarta. [Medan 1971.] 53 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst m-999-N+II 532 LAPORAN hasil workshop pembangunan daerah propinsi Sumatera-Selatan di Palembang [dari tg. 26 April s/d 2 Mei 1971.] [Ketua panitia: H. Djuaini MAKTU.1 [Palembang 1971.! 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Sekretariat panitia workshop [pembangunan daerah propinsi Sumatera Selatan.] m-556-N + II 533 LAPORAN progress report gubernur kepala daerah propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara [E. SABARA] pada sidang ke-I tahun 1971 DPRD-GR propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Disampaikan tg. 1 April 1971. [Kendari 1971.3 109 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah - Gotong Rojong (DPRD-GR), propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara m-765-N + II 534 LAPORAN team-survey "Bank pasar". [Ketua: Mulyatno SINDHUDARMOKO.! [pjakartal 1971. 107 pp., 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Keuangan, Direktorat Djenderal Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan. m-869-N+ III 535 LAPURAN Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Atjeh Timur, Desember 1971. [Langsa 1971.1 153 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Atieh Timur. m-1039-N +II 536 MALIK (Adam), Risalah sidang istimewa Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, tg. 31 Maret 1971. Bandjarmasin 1971.9 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah (DPRD) propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Bagian Redaksi/ Risalah. m-1443-N + II 34 I. Indonesia 537 MANUPU TTY(Boetje), Perentjanaan projek-projek pembangunan lima tahun dalam lingkungan Departemen Tenaga Kerja (dalam tahun anggaran 1972/1973/1974) didaerah Maluku, dan projek padat karya dipulau Buru. LZ.pl. 1971.113 pp., ills, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Tenaga Kerja. m-1136-N + II 538 MASALAH organisasi dan administrasi, diajukan pada rapat regional wilayah Sumatera, 9 s/d 11 Mei 1973 di Bukittinggi, [Jakarta 1971.1 34 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Direktorat Jendral Pertanian, Sekretariat. m-997-N + II 539 NOTSArpendjelasan rantjangan perubahan untuk pertama kali anggaran pendapatan dan belandja daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, tahun 1970 - 1971. [Bandjarmasin! 1971. 16 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-730-N-II 540 NOTA pendjelasan, perhitungan dan rentjana anggaran untuk pekerdjaan perbaikan klep Trihudadi di Afvur Trihudadi. [Disusun oleh L.M. KASNO.] Bantul 1971. 12 pp., ills, 35 cm.- Getypte tekst. Dinas Pengairan Daerah kabupaten Bantul. m-1183-N + II 541 NOTA pendjelasan, perhitungan dan rentjana anggaran untuk pekerdjaan perbaikan slokan pasangan Van der Wijck dari bendungan Krasak di kali Progo. [Disusun oleh bagian perentjana: L.M. KASNO.] Bantul 1971. 9 pp, iü, 35 cm. Getypte tekst. Dinas Pengairan Daerah kabupaten Bantul. m-1182-ïN + II 542 PEDOMAN menteri dalam negeri/ketua panitia pemilihan Indonesia, nomor 1/PPI/Th. 1971 tg. 10 Pebruari 1971, tentang tata tjara pengadjuan tjalon-tjalon untuk pemilihan anggota DPR [= Dewan PerwakiB* Rakyatl, DPRDI** Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah!I dan DPRD II serta kegiatan-kegiatan landjutannja untuk propinsi Irian Barat. [Kata pengantar oleh: H. SJTORUS.] [Jakarta! 1971. 15 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Pemilihan Indonesia, Staf Pelaksana Irian Barat. m-687-N +1 543 PEDOMAN umum pelaksanaan (bagian) projek pelita [ = pembangunan lima tahun.] [Ketua: Mucharam SURYAWIDJAJA.1 Djakarta 1971. IX, 47 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Met 2 bijln. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Team Pengendalian Operasionil Pelaksanaan. m-1289-N + I 544 PEMBINAAN partisipasi rakjat dalam pemerintahan dengan orientasinja didesa. [Ketua: J.F. GAING1 Bagian ke 1 - 2, untuk keperluan sendiri. Pontianak 1971. 45 pp., ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Akademi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (APDN), Pontianak. m-1255-N + II 545 PENDJELASAN pengusul tentang penuntutan kabupaten Daha. Bandjarmasin 1971. 12 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1445-N + II 546 PENDJELASAN tentang kedudukan, peranan, tugas kewenangan, tanggung djawab pamong pradja, dalam rangka pembinaan dekonsentrasi pemerintahan yang mewudjudkan keseluruhan tertib pemerintahan di daerah istimewa Jogjakarta 1971 - 1972. Jogjakarta [c. 1971.! Bd. 1-3. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-783-N + III 547 PENINGKATAN operasi penerangan jang menundjang akselerasi pembangunan. (Uraian menteri Penerangan R.I. [BOEDIARDJOl pada rapat kerdja gubernur/ kepala daerah tingkat I di Djakarta, tg. 30 Nop. s/d 4 Des. 1971). [Jakarta 1971.! 67 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1080-N + I 548 PENJELENGGARAAN pemerintahan daerah [oleh Soenandar PRIJOSOEDARMO.! Djakarta 1971.67 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Djenderal Pemerintahan Umum dan Otonomi Daerah. m-887-N + I 549 PENJULUHAN penghidjauan pertamanan menudju Djakarta indah. Djakarta [c. 1971.145 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Chusus Ibukota D.C.I.) Djakarta, Dinas Pertamanan. m-596-N + III 550 PERKIRAAN pendapatan regional Djawa Tengah dan Daerah btimewa Jogjakarta 1966-1969. Oleh Budiono Sri HANDOKO, Farid WIDJAJA, SUDIBIO dll. Jogjakarta 1971. XIV, 177 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Gadjah Mada. m-1336-N + II 551 PERSONALIA Direktorat Djenderal Pertanian 1971. [Disusun oleh MAXONO! [Djakarta c. 1971.3 41 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Djenderal Pertanian. m-987-N +1 552 PLAN of operations for community development through village socialcommittees in Indonesia. [Djakartal 1971. 3 5 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Social Affairs, Republic of Indonesia. m-686-N +1 m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 35 553 PRIBADI (Ans.), dan SOEGIARSO, Laporan survey evaluasi objek-objek tranmigrasi Sumbersari, Torue, Tolae, Paloio, propinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Dilaksanakan:8 Marets/d7 April 1971. Selesai dikerdjakamJODjuni 1971. Djakarta 1971. 39 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Djenderal Transmigrasi, Direktorat Penelitian dan Persiapan. m-1088-N + I 554 PROCEDURE kerdja tentang penanggulangan bentjana alam. [Djakarta 1971.1 31 pp, 22 cm. Departemen Sosial, Di rek tora t Djendral U rusan Bentjana Alam dan Dana Bantuan Sosial. m-662-N-I 555 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Grobogan (Purwadadi) [R. Oemar CHASAN1 periode Djanuari s/d Septembert971. No Fl - F2. Purwadadi 1971. 2 bdn., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bevat 2 Bijln. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, tingkat 2, kabupaten Grobogan. m-1310-N + II 556 PROGRESS report pemerintah daerah kotamadya Kediri th. 1970/1971. tWalikota: ZAINUDDIN.J Kediri 1971. 2 djl. 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Gotong Rojong Kotamadya Kediri. m-656-N + III 557 PROGRESS report [R. Arifin DJAUHARMAN1 bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Bondowoso, th. 1970. I, II. [Bondowoso 1971.1 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-545-N + II 558 PROGRESS report IV, 1970-1971 perusahaan daerah Pasar Jaya'[Direktur Utama: SOEHADI.1 Djakarta [1971.1 50 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst Pemerintah Daerah Chusus Ibukota (D.C.I.) Djakarta. m-591 -N + II 559 PROGRESS-REPORT Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bandjar. Pidato bupati kepala daerah Kabupaten Bandjar [RA. BUDHIGAWIS], didepan sidang istimewa Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Kabupaten Bandjar pada tanggal 16Augustus 1971 di Martapura. Mart af» ra 1971. III, 52 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bandjar, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Kabupaten Bandjar. m-895-N+II 560 RANTJANGAN anggaran pendapatan dan belandja daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, tahun 1971-1972. Bidang pembangunan. [Bandjarmasin 1971.1 47 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-763-N + II 561 RANTJANGAN anggaran pendapatan dan belandja daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, tahun 1971 - 1972. (Bandjarmasin 1971.1 86 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst m-762-N + II 562 RANTJANGAN perobahan untuk pertama kali anggaran pendapatan dan belandja daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, tahun 1970/1971. [Z.pl. c. 19711108 pp., 22cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst m-727-N-II 563 READINGS in regional development planning. Dihimpun oleh Hariri HADY. Djakarta [19711 vol. 2, bagian 1, 2. 21 cm. Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ekonomi. m-629-N-III 564 RENTJANA kotamadya Bandung. Compilasi data 1. [Kata pengantar: Radinal MOOCHTAR.1 Bandung z.j. IX, 298 pp., ills, 33 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik (DPUTL), Direktorat Djenderal ; Tjipta Karya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah, Dinas Perant jangan dan Peren tjanaan Kota, Kotamadya Bandung. m-1133-N-III 565 RINGKASAN progres report gubernur kepala daerah propinsi Sulawesi Tengah [M. JASIN1 kepala presiden republik Indonesia dalam kundjungan kerdja ke Sulawesi Tengah, tg. 12 - 13 April 1971. [Palu 1971.1 22 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1072-N + II 566 RISALAH sidang istimewa DPRD prop. Kal. Sel. [ = Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan] tg.16.8.71. [Ketua: RAbdulganie MADJEDIE.] SOEHARTO, Pidato kenegaraan presiden republik Indonesia djenderal Soeharto didepan sidang DPRGR [= Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Gotong Rojong] tg. 16.8.71. Djakarta 1971.31 pp., 34cm. Gestencilde tekst m-1425-N + II 567 SIMPOSfUM masalah-masalah penduduk, menudju peningkatan usaha pendidikan kependudukan di Indonesia Buku 2. [Kata pengantar oleh SUMARJONO.] Djakarta 1971. 117 pp., 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Badan Pengembangan Pendidikan, Lembaga Pengembangan Guru dan Tenaga Teknis. m-993-N+I 36 I. Indonesia 568 SOEDARSONO, dan BOEDIHARTO, Laporan hasil survey explorasi tjalon objek dataran rendah belang-belang dan dataran rendah rarani ketjamatan Kaluku, kabupaten Mamudju, Sulawesi Selatan. [Djakarta 1971.1 42 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Djenderal Transmigrasi, Direktorat Penelitian dan Persiapan. m-1365-N +1 569 SOEDJADI (Koentjara), Pokok pikiran dari golongan nasional dalam menanggapi R.P.D. daerah istimewa Jogjakarta tentang pokok-pokok pemerintahan kalurahan di daerah istimewa Jogjakarta Jogjakarta 1971- 51 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, daerah istimewa Jogjakarta, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Gotong Rojong. m-733-NHI 570 SOEDJADI (Koentjoro), Lampiran pada pokok pikiran dari golangan nasionalis dalam menanggapi RPD tentang pokok-pokok pemerintahan kalurahan di daerah, daerah istimewa Jogjakarta. Z.pl. 1971. 42 pp, 32 cm. m-1439-N + III 571 SOEPARMAN (Soerjono), Peranan sekretaris daerah menurut tindjauan juridis, politis dan administratif. Djakarta 1971. 173 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Administrasi Negara, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi. m-611-N + II 572 SOETANTO, Soegeng SOEMARTO, dan KASNADI Js., Laporan survey pembangunan desa transmigrasi (community development) 1970/1971, propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. (Berambai, marabahan, balandean, tamban). Dilaksanakan 5 s/d 31 Mei 1971. [Djakartal 1971. 70 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Djenderal Transmigrasi, Direktorat Penelitian dan Persiapan. m-723-N + I 573 STATISTIK wilajah Djakarta 1970. [Sambutan oleh Ali SADIKIN.1 Djakarta [1971.1 III, 44 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik daerah chusus ibukota Djakarta. m-767-N + II 574 STATISTIK Pemerintah Daerah, Daerah Istimewa Jogjakarta (D.I.J.), tahun 1970, bagian I - IV. [Kata pengantar oleh S. PRODJOSUJOTO.] Jogjakarta 1971. 4 djl. 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Statistik Daerah Istimewa Jogjakarta. Deel I: Peta D.I.J., tjurah hudjan, temperatur tekanan udara, penduduk. Deel II: Pemerintahan, pembangunan, pertanian, kehutanan, peternakan. Deel III: Perikanan, perindustrian, perdagangan, perhubungan, keuangan. Deel IV: Konsumsi, harga, tenaga kerdja, sosial, perumahan, pariwisata. m-571-N-III 575 STRUKTUR organisasi Departemen P dan K, sedjak 1950s/d 1971. Djakarta 1971. 23 pp., 21 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P dan K). m-1296-NI 576 SUMBANGAN fikiran dalam rangka penjusunan persjaratan-persjaratan dan kemungkinan -kemungkinan penggunaan P.P.B.S.'[= planning, programmering, budgeting system] dibidang P UT. Paper sindikat 1 dan 3. [Jakarta] 1971. 37 pp., ills, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Sekolah Staf dan Pimpinan Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga (P.U.T.) Angkatan IH/1971. m-694-N + I 577 SURAT keputusan Badan Urusan Cess Daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. [Ketua: H.M. MA'SHUM.] Bandjarbaru 1971.9 pp-, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Urusan Cess Daerah, propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. m-1421-N + II 578 SYLVANUS (R.), Keterangan pemerintah mengenai pertanggunangan djawab kebidjaksanaan gubernur kepala daerah propinsi Kalimantan Tengah dalam tahun kerdja 1970/1971 pada sidang DPRD-GR [= Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah-gotong royongl, tg. 3 April 1971. Palangka Raya 1971. 82 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1432-N + II 579 SYMPOSIUM peranan urusan perumahan dalam rangka program pemerintah dibidang papan. Berkas naskah kerdja dan prasaran2. [Ketua perumus: Oeripan SOETOPO.J [Djakarta 1971.] 31 cm. Departemen Sosial, Direktorat Djendral Bina Karya. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djendral Tjipta Karya m-586-N + I 580 The PROBLEM of coping with natural disasters in Indonesia. Meeting of experts towards the establishment of an ASEAN combined operation against natural disasters at Puntjak. Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 1970. Djakarta 1971. 129 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), National Secretariat Republic of Indonesia, Organizing Committee. SP/ADEM 005/71. m-1301-N + I 581 AKSELERASI modernisasi pembangunan desa kabupaten Simalungun. [Kata pengantar oleh: Radjamin POERBA.1 [Pematangsiantar, z.j.] 806 pp., ills, 24 cm. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Simalungun. m-540-N-III m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 37 582 AMANAT ketua Dewan Pembina Korpri Pusat LAmir MACH MUD], pada upatjara pelantikan Dewan Pembina Korpri, propinsi daerah istimewa Jogjakarta tg. 2 Djuni 1972. [Jogjakarta 1972.] 15 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia (Korpri), Dewan Pembina Pusat. m-668-N +1 583 AMANAT presiden republik Indonesia [Soehartol pada pembukaan rapat kerdja para gubernur/kepala daerah tingkat I seluruh Indonesia, pada tgl 23 Agustus 1972 di istana negara. [Djakarta 1972.] 15 pp., 21 cm. Departemen Penerangan. m-581-N-I 584 ANALISA koefisien korelasi dan kontigensi dari data hasil penelitian tipologi desa pada 100 lokasi sample. Jakarta 1972. 71 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1278-N+ II 585 ANGGARAN pendapatan dan belanja Pemerintah daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta, tahun dinas 1973/1974. Jakarta ca 1972. 186 pp., 33 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. m-1207-N + II 586 ARIOTEDJO (Mien Srie Bima), Peranan wanita dalam pembangunan. Bandjarmasin 1972. 17 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1329-N + I 587 BAGAN tentang pembangunan masjarakat desa 1972. [Djakartal 1972. 16 pp., ills, 40 cm. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Djenderal Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa. m-812-N + I 588 BUKU seminar pembangunan daerah Kalimantan Selatan di Bandjarmasin, tg. 12 s/d 15 Desember 1972. Ketua: Khalid MAKSUM. Bandjarmasin 1972. 261 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Penyelenggara Seminar Pembangunan daerah Kalimantan Selatan. m-1341-N + II 589 BUKU tahunan pertambangan Indonesia 1971. Red. pelaksana: Soetarjo SIGIT, Loekito REKSOSOEMITRO, M M. POERBOHADIWIDJAJA, dll. Djakarta 1972. V, 131 pp., ills, 30 cm. Departemen Pertambangan. m-1213-N + I 590 BUKU tahunan pertambangan Indonesia, tahun 1971. Djakarta 1972.104 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertambangan. m-1212-N + I 591 DAERAH kabupaten Jember sepintas kilas tahun 1972. [Jemberl 1972. Djl. 1 - 9. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-660-N + II 592 DAFTAR harga beberapa jenis bahan bangunan th. 1972/1973. Dikumpulkan oleh TA. SALIM dan ISHANDERS. (Anggauta team pembinaan subsidi kabupaten / kodya). Jakarta 1972. 14 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas), Perencanaan Regional dan Pembangunan Daerah. m-1139-N + I 593 DAFTAR inventarisasi kegiatan survey/research yang dilakukan di DKI [= daerah khusus ibukota] Jakarta. [Kata pengantar oleh Soetjipto WIROWARDNO.] Jakarta 1972. 42 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Pusat Penelitian Masalah Perkotaan dan Lingkungan (PPMPD. m-755-N-II 594 DAFTAR upah harian. Beberapa jenis pekerja tiap kodya/kabupaten th. 1972/1973. Dikumpulkan oleh T.A. SALIM dan ISHANDERS. (Anggauta team pembinaan subsidi kabupaten/ kodya). Jakarta 1972. 12 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas), Perencanaan Regional dan Pembanguan Daerah. m-1140-N + I 595 DASAR-DASAR kebijaksanaan pendidikan kedinasan Departemen Dalam Negeri, dalam bidang pembangunan masyarakat desa. [Z.pl., z.j.] 11 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-738-N + I 596 DATA-DATA kabupaten Asahan. [Kata pengantar: ABDULMANAN SI. Kisaran 1972. 160 ppi, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Asahan. m-1035-N + II 597 DATA-DATA kabupaten Asahan. [Kata-pengantar oleh ABDULMANAN S.] Kisaran 1972. V, 117 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Asahan. m-643-N + II 598 DATA-DATA pembangunan daerah propinsi Sumatera Barat, [Ketua: KARSENO.] Padang 1972 40 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Perentjanaan Pembangunan Daerah (BAPPEDA). m-1065-N + II 599 DATA-DATA perkembangan perekonomian daerah Sulawesi Selatan 1969-1971. Gubernur kepala daerah Sulawesi Selatan. [Achmad LAMO.][UdjungPandang 1972.1 140 pp., ills, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Biro Perekonomian Daerah. m-1055-N + III 38 I. Indonesia 600 DATA-DATA projek inpres Oinstruksi presiden] 1970/1971 s/d 1972/1973 kabupaten Garut. [Kata pengantar oleh M. Didi ATMADIDJAJA.] Garut 1972. 7 pp., 36 cm. Getypte tekst. Badan Perantjang Pembangunan Kabupaten (Bappemka). m-1146-N+II 601 DATA-DATA situasi perekonomian daerah kabupaten Bengkulu Utara [pedjabat bupati: Burhan DAHRI.3 [Bengkulu 1972.] 12 pp., krt, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-637-N + II 602 DESA. Data 10 contoh kecamatan di Jawa Tengah sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.] Bnd 1 - 3. 21 cm. obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri,.Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-805-NI 603 DESA. Data 2 contoh kecamatan di Kalimantan Selatan sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.1 48 pp., ills, 21 cm.obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-798-NI 604 DESA. Data 3 contoh kecamatan di D.I. t= daerah istimewa] Yogyakarta sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta] 1972. 65 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-791-N-I 605 DESA. Data 3 contoh kecamatan di D.K.I. [= daerah khusus ibukota] Jakarta sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.] 64 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-792-NI 606 DESA. Data 3 contoh kecamatan di Kalimantan Timur sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.] 63 pp., ills, 21 cm.obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-797-NI 607 DESA Data 3 contoh kecamatan di Nusa Tenggara Barat sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.1 66 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-793-NI 608 DESA. Data 3 contoh kecamatan di Sulawesi Selatan sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.] 65 pp., ills, 21 cm.obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-794-NI 609 DESA. Data 3 contoh kecamatan di Sulawesi Tenggara sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.1 62 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-795-NI 610 DESA. Data 3 contoh kecamatan di Sulawesi Utara sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.1 64 pp., ills, 21 cm.obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-796-NI 611 DESA. Data 3 contoh kecamatan di Sumatera Barat sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.] 65 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-802-N-I 612 DESA. Data 3 contoh kecamatan di Sumatera Selatan sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.] 91 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-800-N-I 613 DESA. Data 4 contoh kecamatan di Jambi sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.] 66 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-801-N-I 614 DESA. Data 5 contoh kecamatan di Sumatera Utara sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972 ] 77 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-799-NI 615 DESA Data 7 contoh kecamatan di Jawa Barat sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.] Bnd 1, 2. 21 cm.obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-804-NI 616 DESA. Data 7 contoh kecamatan di Kalimantan Barat sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.] Bnd 1, 2. 21 cm. obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa m-803-NI 617 DESA. Data 7 contoh kecamatan di Sulawesi Tengah sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. [Jakarta 1972.] Bnd 1, 2. 21 cm. obl. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-806-NI n>. Central government. Regional government. Local government 39 618 DESA. Data 9 contoh kecamatan di Jawa Timur sehubungan dengan survey pedesaan 1971/1972. Jakarta 1972. Dl. 1 - 3. 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negert, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-900-N-III 619 DIPOTRUNO (Moch. Hoesein), Hubungan pembangunan dengan peningkatan kesedjahteraan keluarga. [Djemberl 1972. 47 pp., 32 cm. m-584-N + II 620 DJAKARTA jang kita kenal. Djakarta 1972. 71 pp., ills, 22 cm. Pemerintah daerah chusus ibukota (DCI) Djakarta, Badan Perentjana Pembangunan DCI Djakarta. m-1359-N-II 621 DUA-PULUH-LIMA tahun Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan republik Indonesia. [Ketua: D. SUPRAYOGI ] Jakarta 1972. 293 pp., iüs, 27 cm. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan, Sekretariat Utama. m-1233-N +1 622 DUKUH Kemiri. A Survey of socio-cultural and economie conditions in a Javanese village. Carried out on the request of Satya Watjana University, Salatiga as a preliminary to a community development project, April - Augustus 1971. [Authors: • Paul STANGE and M.M. BILLAH. Translators: M.M. BILLAH, John IHALAUW and David A REBO.] Salatiga 1972. IV, 51 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP). Universitas Kristen Satya Watjana. Lembaga Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial (LPIS). Seri Laporan penelitian, no. 5. m-1122-N + I 623 EVALUASI kerdja dan kebidjaksanaan operasionil Direktorat Djenderal Bina Karya. [Direktur: ACHMADI ] Djakarta 1972. 62 pp., ills, 34 Cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Sosial, Direktorat Djenderal Bina Karya. m-1236-N + I 624 EVALUASI kerja dan kebijaksanaan operasionil Direktorat Jenderal Bina Karya [Direktur: ACHMADI.1 Jakarta 1972. 69 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Sosial, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Karya. m-1052-N + I 625 FICHTER (Elmar M.), Der Einzelhandel im siedlungsraümlichen Gefüge von Djakarta Köln, Wirtschafts und Sozialgeographischen Institut, 1972.363 pp., ills, 21 cm. Proefschrift Keulen. m-549-NIII 626 FIRST addendum to plan operations for community development through village social committees in Indonesia. [Jakarta] 1972. 17 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Social Affairs, Republic of Indonesia m-690-N +1 627 FOLLOW-UP exekutip terhadap rekomendasi komisi-komisi dalam DPRD DKI Jakarta dalam menentukan A.P.B.D. [= anggaran pendapatan dan belandja daerah] pemerintah DKI Jakarta, pada tg. 23 Maret 1972 di Cipayung. Jakarta 1972. 49 pp., 33 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta (DPRD DKI Jakarta). m-627-N + II 628 FOLLOW-UP exekutip terhadap stemmotivering fraksi-fraksi dalam DPRD DKI Jakarta dalam menentukan A.P.B.D. [= anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah] pemerintah DKI Jakarta, pada tg. 23 Maret 1972 di Cipayung. Jakarta 1972. 15 pp., 33 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta (DPRD DKI Jakarta). m-622-N + II 629 GARIS2 besar kebidjaksanaan 1969 - 1973 bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Djember [ABDOELHADI.1 Djember 1972. Djl. 1 - 9.32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-639-N + II 630 HADY (Hariri), Mochtar SADELI, dan BRASEUR, Laporan perjalanan kerja ke Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Tengah, (dari tg. 19 s/d 26 Mei 1972). Z.pl. 1972. 8 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1354-N + II 631 HARDJASASMITA(A. Hanan), Usulan proyek survey masalah pemanfaatan potensi ekonomi daerah pedesaan, dalam rangka pembangunan di Jawa-Barat. Bandung 1972. 15 pp., 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-743-N + III 632 HASIL penelitian perkiraan pendapatan perkapita masyarakat desa, pada lima belas desa di Indonesia. [Ketua: Sri-Edi SWASONO.1 [Jakarta] 1972. 106 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa m-705-N + III 633 HASIL penelitian potensi desa penyusunan tata desa Lohbener Kecamatan Lohbener kabupaten Indramayu propinsi Jawa Barat. [Pimpinan team: Abukasan M. ATMODIRONO.][Z.pl.l 1972. V, 44 pp,ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-716-N + III 40 I. Indonesia 634 HASIL survey fasilitas perpasaran DKI Jakarta 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh Soetjipto WIROSARDJONO.] Jakarta 1972.106 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Kantor Sensus dan Statistik DKI Jakarta. P.D. Pasar Yaya daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta. m-1131-N + III 635 HASIL survey produksi sampah di DKI Jakarta 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh Soetjipto WIROSARDJONO.1 Jakarta[1972.] 64 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik daerah khusus ibukota (DKI) Jakarta. m-771-N + III 636 HASIL-HASIL polling pendapat umum pelita [= pembangunan lima tahun] tahun ke-4. [Kata pengantar oleh Daan SAHUSILAWANE.] Jakarta[1972.1 Dl. 1,2.27 cm. Departemen Penerangan, Proyek Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Bagian Research dan Pendapat Umum. m-$J(J>-N +1 637 HIMPUNAN keputusan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, propinsi Jawa Timur 1971 - 1972. [Pimpinan sidang: WASITO.] [Surabaja 1972.] 48 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah propinsi Jawa Timur, Biro Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah. m-724-N + II 638 HIMPUNAN lembaran daerah propinsi Sulawesi Utara. Seri B.th. 1972. Menado 1972. 348 pp.,33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Hukum Kantor Gubernur Kepala Daerah propinsi Sulawesi Utara. m-1204-N + II 639 HIMPUNAN pidato direktur jenderal PMD [ = pembangunan masyarakat desa,] [Soedharmo DJAJADIWANGSA] th. 1970 s/d 1972. [Jakarta c. 1972.1 278 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-638-N + I 640 HIMPUNAN undang-undang tahun 1972. [Jakarta 1972.149 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1206-N + I 641 INDIKATOR ekonomi daerah Lampung no 1, Januari - Augustus 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh Larai BUSTHAMIE.] [Tanjungkarang 1972.1 68 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik, propinsi Lampung. m-621-N + II 642 INVENTARISASI B.U.U.D. [ = Badan Usaha Unit Desa] propinsi/daerah istimewa se Djawa dan Bali. [Djakartal 1972. 30 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi, Direktorat Djenderal Koperasi, Team Bimbingan Massal Pusat. Buku inventarisasi, no 5. m-892-N +1 643 KARTADIPURA, (Aris), Sambutan ketua D.P.R.D. propinsi Kalimantan Selatan pada pembukaan seminar pembangunan tg. 12.12.72. Banjarmasin 1972. 8 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (D.P.R.D.), propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. m-1323-N + II 644 KEBIJAKSANAAN penentuan lokasi daerah industri di pulau Jawa. Jakarta 1972. 99 pp., ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri. m-1288-N + I 645 KEDUDUKAN badan perencanaan pembangunan daerah propinsi Sulawesi Utara. Manado 1972. 23 pp., 26 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD), propinsi Sulawesi Utara. m-1234-N + I 646 KESIMPÜLAN seminar. Seminar pembangunan daerah Kalimantan Selatan tg. 12 s/d 15.12.72. di Banjarmasin. Banjarmasin 1972. 5 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. m-1322-N + II 647 KETERANGAN bupati kdh. [ = kepala daerah] kabupaten Gianyar [Anak Agung Gde PUTERA] kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah kabupaten Gianyar, th. 1971/ 1972. [Gianyar 1972.] 210 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-821-N + II 648 KLASiFIKASI tipologi desa di Indonesia. [Jakarta] 1972. 150 pp., ills, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-633-N+ I 649 LAMPIRAN laporan pemeriksaan keuangan/physik pelaksanaan pembangunan lima tahun. Th. ke-3 1971/1972, mulai 1 April 1971 - 8 Maret 1972. Djakarta 1972. 591 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Inspektorat Djenderal, Projek Pengawasan Projek-projek. m-1205-N-I 650 LAMPIRAN pidato kenegaraan presiden republik Indonesia [Suharto] didepan sidang Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat 16 Agustus 1972. Pelaksanaan th. ketiga repelita [ = rentjana pembangunan lima tahun] (1 April 1971 s/d 31 Maret 1972). Djakarta, Pertjetakan Negara, 1972. II, 475 pp., ills, 21 cm. m-1185-N-I m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 41 651 LAPORAN awal tahun 1972 Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial. [Penjusun: Nono Anwar MAKARIM.JtDjakarta] 1972. 22 pp., 29 cm. Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial (LP3ES). m-902-N + III 652 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Amanuban Timur, kabupaten Kupang Tengah, propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jakarta 1972.1, 20 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa m-1272-N + II 653 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Bandar, kabupaten Simalungun, propinsi Sumatra Utara. Jakarta 1972. I, 17 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa m-1271-N + II 654 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa Kecamatan Banjarsari, kabupaten Ciamis, propinsi Jawa-Barat Jakarta 1972.1, 28 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1270-N + II 655 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Bintan Timur, kabupaten Kep. Riau, propinsi Riau. Jakarta 1972. I, 26 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1281-N + II 656 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Dimembe, kabupaten Minahasa, propinsi Sulawesi Utara. Jakarta 1972. II, 23 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1274-N + II 657 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Jambi Luar Kota, kabupaten Batanghari, propinsi Jambi. Jakarta 1972. 15 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1279-N + II 658 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Kedamean, kabupaten Surabaya propinsi Jawa Timur. Jakarta 1972. 24 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1275-N + II 659 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Muara Muntai, kabupaten Kutai, propinsi Kalimantan Timur. Jakarta 1972. I, 25 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1284-N + II 660 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Narmada, kabupaten Lombok Barat, propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Jakarta 1972. 24 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1273-N+II 661 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Pasar Minggu, wilayah Jakarta Selatan DKI [ = daerah khusus ibukota] Jakarta Raya. Jakarta 1972. 18 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1286-N + II 662 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Purworejo/Klampok, kabupaten Banjarnegaia,propinsi Jawa Tengah. Jakarta 1972. 30 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1287-N + II 663 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Singkawang, kabupaten Sambas, propinsi Kalimantan Barat. Jakarta 1972. I, 18 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa m-1285-N + II 664 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Tegal Lalang, kabupaten Gianyar, propinsi Bali. Jakarta 1972. 21 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1283-N + II 66 5 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Tompobulu, kabupaten Bonthain, propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Jakarta 1972. 20 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst, bijl.: 1 krt. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1282-N + II 666 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa Kecamatan Tringgading, kabupaten Pidie, propinsi Aceh. Jakarta 1972.1,18 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1280-N + II mm 42 I. Indonesia 667 LAPORAN hasil pemetaan tata desa. Kecamatan Wonosari, kabupaten Gunong Kidul, propinsi D.I. [= daerah istimewa] Yogyakarta. Jakarta 1972. 20 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1276-N + II 668 LAPORAN hasil penelitian tentang sumber-sumber tenaga kerja dalam proses pembangunan desa. [Ketua: SOENJOTO.] Yogjakarta 1972. XVI, 79 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-725-N + III 669 LAPORAN hasil team penindjau pemerintah daerah kabupaten Grobogan (Purwodadi) ke ketjamatan Sumbang, kabupaten Grobogan. [Purwodadi 1972.1 21 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-679-N+II 670 LAPORAN hasil-hasil pertemuan diskusi Tjibulan-Bogor ke-5, tg. 5 - 7 mei '72. Mendjadjagi masalah-masalah manusia,... (Sumbangan-sumbangan pikiran bagi penjusunan repelita ke-2, sidang MPR dan akselerasi modernisasi 25 tahun). Oleh SADJIDIMAN, ABDULLAH, P.D. LATUIHAMALLO, dll. Jakarta 1973. 140 pp., 24 cm. Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, Kelompok Cibulan. m-1259-NI 671 IAPORAN kegiatan LP3ES, Djanutó s/d Djul&3|972. [Penjusun: Nono Anwar MAKARIMJ [Djakarta] 1972. 15 pp., 29 cm. Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial (LP3ES). m-901-N + III 672 LAPORAN kemadjuan pelaksanaan projek pelita [ = pembangunan lima tahun] dan inpres [ = instruksi presiden] 2/71 di daerah istimewa Jogjakarta pada: 31 Maret 1972. [Wakil kepala daerah, daerah istimewa Jogjakarta: Paku ALAM VIII.1 Jogjakarta 1972. 17 pp, 22 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. m-1181-N-I 673 LAPORAN kepala Kantor Sensus dan Statistik DKI [= daerah kusus ibukota! Jakarta [Soetjipto WIROSARDJONO] dalam rangka rapat kerja kepala-kepala kantor sensus dan statistik seluruh Indonesia, tg. 29 Nopember s/d 7 Desember 1972 di Jakarta. Jakarta 1972. 84 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik daerah kusus ibukota Jakarta. m-1049-N + II 674 LAPORAN pelaksanaan bantuan untuk pembangunan kabupaten dan kotamadya th. 1971/1972 dan rentjana untuk th. 1972/1973. [Ketua: Atar SIBERO.] [Z.pl. z.j.] 38 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Djenderal Pemerintahan Umum dan Otonomi Daerah. m-1143-N + I 675 LAPORAN pelaksanaan operasi pameran keliling 11/72 di Kalimantan Barat. [Team dataGedung Pola: W. LALUYAN, MOEDJIJONO, BASTIAN dll.1 [Jakarta 1972.] 47 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Penerangan, Gedung Pola. m-570-N-II 676 LAPORAN pelaksanaan pameran keliling 1/1971 Gedung Pola-Dept. Penerangan, di Djawa dan Madura. [Kata pengantar oleh: MOEDJIJONO] [Jakarta 1972.] 93 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen (Dept.) Penerangan, Gedung Pola, Team Data. m-569-N-I 677 LAPORAN pelaksanaan pembinaan Lembaga Sosial Desa (L.S.D.) th. 1972/1973. Jakarta 1972. 189 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1305-N + I 678 LAPORAN pelaksana bantuan untuk pembangunan kabupaten dan kotamadya th. 1970/71 dan 1971/74 [Ketua: Atar SIBERO.] [Z.pl. z.j.] 22 pp., 29 cm. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Djenderal Pemerintahan Umum dan Otonomi Daerah. m-1144-N + I 679 LAPORAN pelita [ = pembangunan lima tahun] di daerah istimewa Yogyakarta per Desember 1972. 1. Proyek2 pelita nasional tahun 1972/1973. 2. Proyek2 pembinaan bantuan kabupaten/kotamadya. (Inpres [ = instruksi presiden] III/72), tahun uiitP72/1973. [Yogyakarta] 1972. 15 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-689-N + II 680 LAPORAN penelitian penggur.aan uang subsidi pemerintah sebesar Rp. 100.000,kepada desa di Jawa Tengah dan daerah istimewa Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta 1972. 26 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa (P.M.D.). Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan Yogyakarta, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Sosial (IKIP-FKIS). m-702-N + I m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 43 681 LAPORAN penelitian tentang organisasi, tatakerdja serta inventarisasi kantor ketjamatan-ketjamatan dan kampung-kampung di propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, dalam: Kabupaten Soppeng, kabupaten Barru, kotamadya Udjungpandang, dan kabupaten Djeneponto, 27 Djanuari 1972. [Jakarta] 1972.173 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Biro Perentjanaan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan. m-986-N + II 682 LAPORAN peninjauan Komi|ilA.P.B.N. [= Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara] D.P.R.-R.L, pada masa reses persidangan ke IV, th. sidang 1971-1972. 5 Team untuk meninjau 5 propinsi di Tanah Air, yang diketuai oleh M.S. S1REGAR, C.J. SIMANDJUNTAK, Andullah ZAISNIE, dll. [Jakarta 1972.] 18 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (D/P/R.-R.I.), Sekretariat. m-577-N + III 683 LAPORAN peninjauan Komisi II (Departemen Dalam Negeri, Penyempurnaan Aparatur Negara, Sekretariat Negara, Lembaga Administrasi Negara, Kantor Urusan Pegawai dan Arsip Nasional) D.P.R.-R.I. pada masa reses persidangan ke-IV, th. sidang 1971-1972. Peninjauan di daerah-daerah Kalimantan Tengah, Bengkulu, Sumatera Selatan dan Lampung. Ketua: Prapto PRAJITNO, dan A. Rahman TOLLENG. [Jakarta 1972.1 96 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (D.P.IL..R.I.), Sekretariat. m-578-N + III 684 LAPORAN peninjauan Komisi IX (Departemen Agama, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) D.P.R.-R.I., pada masa reses persidangan ke IV, th. sidang 1971-1972 (ke Sumatera Utara, yang di ketuai oleh Djamal ALI, ke Kalimantan Selatan, yang di ketuai oleh PAMUDJI, dan Jawa Tengah/Daerah Istimewa Yogjakarta yang di ketuai oleh Adam S. PRAWIRENEGARA.] [Jakarta 1972.] 52 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (D.P.R.-R.D, Sekretariat. m-607-N + I 685 LAPORAN peninjauan Komisi VIII (Departemen Kesehatan, Departemen Sosial dan Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional) D.P.R.-R.I. pada masa reses persidangan ke-IV, th. sidang 1971-1972. Kunjungan kerja ke daerah propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, [dan Jambi], tg. 1 Juli s/d 10 Juli 1972. Jakarta 1972. 35 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (D.P.R.-R.I.), Sekretariat. m-576-N + III 686 LAPORAN peninjauan Komisi VI (Departemen Perindustrian, Departemen Pertambangan dan Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional) D.P.R.-R.I. pada masa reses persidangan ke IV, th. sidang 1971-1972. Kunjungan kerja keberbagai obyekindustri, pertambangan dan Ba tan, propinsi2 Sulawesi Selatan, Kalimantan Selatan, Bali, Jawa-Tengah dan Jawa Barat, tgl. 1 s/d 8 Aug. 1972. [Jakarta 1972.] 16 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (D.P.R.-R.I.), Sekretariat. m-572-N + III 687 LAPORAN peninjauan Komisi V (Departemen Perhubungan, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Dewan Telekomunikasi, Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional dan Dewan Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional Republik Indonesia) D.P.R.-R.I. pada masa reses persidangan ke IV, th. sidang 1971-1972. [Jakarta 1972.1 61 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (D.P.R.-R.L), Sekretariat. m-573-N + III 688 LAPORAN perkembangan proyek2 pembangunan subsidi kabupaten/ kotamadya (Rp. 100,- per kapita), triwulan II tahun 1972/1973, di daerah propinsi'Sumatera Barat. Padang 1972. 23 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Bappeda 58. m-881-N + II 689 LAPORAN perkembangan proyek2 pembangunan subsidi kabupaten/ kotamadya (Rp. 100,- per kapita), triwulan I tahun 1972/1973, di daerah propinsi Sumatera Barat. Padang 1972. 7 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah propinsi Sumatera Barat Bappeda 56. m-882-N + II 44 I. Indonesia 690 LAPORAN pre feasibility study resettlement desa di kabupaten Sintang LdanJ kabupaten Pontianak, propinsi Kalimantan Barat. [Kata pengantar oleh MARDJONO.1 [Jakarta] 1972. 65 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa, Direktorat Prasarana Desa. m-897-N + I 691 LAPORAN pre feasibility study resettlement desa di kotamadya Palangkaraya, kabupaten Kapuas, propinsi Kalimantan Tengah. [Kata pengantar oleh MARDJONO.1 [Jakarta] 1972. 45 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa, Direktorat Prasarana Desa. m-898-N +1 692 LAPORAN projek-projek pelita Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Magetan, tahun ke-2, terbatas 3A, 3B, 4,1971-1972. [Magetan 1972.] 3 djl., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Magetan. m-674-N + II 693 LAPORAN rapat dinas Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian dan Pengendali BIMAS [ = bimbingan massal], diselenggarakan di Jakarta, tg. 2 s/d 6 Oktober 1972. Buku 1 dan 2: Proyek-proyek pembangunan pertanian pangan dalam pelita 1. Jakarta 1972. 2 bdn. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian. m-1330-N + I 694 LAPORAN sementara hasil proyek penelitian tentang identifikasi variabel2 yang mempunyai hubungan fungsionil dengan effektivita sistim pemerintahan desa dan lembaga2 desa. Yogyakarta 1972. 13 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-744-N + III 695 LAPORAN semester 1, 1972/1973 (1 April - 30 September 1972). Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. Jakarta [1972.] 78 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. m-1107-N + I 696 LAPORAN survey weak area kepulauan Sangir Talaud dan Maluku Utara. Disusun oleh PT [= perseroan terbatas] Mee Consultants. Jakarta 1972. IV, 348 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan. m-1189-N + III 697 LAPORAN tahunan pemerintahan wilayah kota Jakarta Timur, tahun 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh H.M. BARNAS.] [Jakarta 1972.] 154 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Wali Kota Jakarta Timur. m-754-N + III 698 LAPORAN tahunan sub dewan produksi tahun ketiga pelita [ = pembangunan lima tahun] I, 1 April 1971 - 31 Maret 1972 Departemen Pertanian, Departemen Perindustrian, Departemen Pertambangan, Departemen Tenaga Kerdja, Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik. [Djakarta 1972.1 VI, 139 pp., ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Sekretariat Sektor B.: Industri. Penerbitan no. 14. m-544-N + I 699 LAPORAN tahunan Direktorat Djenderal Transmigrasi, th. ke 3, Pelita - 1, 1971/1972. (1 April 1971-31 Maret 1972.) [Direktur Djenderal Transmigrasi: R. SOEBIANTORO.] Djakarta [1972.] 56 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi, Direktorat Djenderal Transmigrasi. m-665-N +1 700 LAPORAN tahunan 1971 Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Simalungun. [Kata pengantar oleh Radjamin POERBA.] Simalungun [c. 1972.] 247 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Simalungun. m-670-N + II 701 LAPORAN tahunan 1971/1972 Direktorat Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa propinsi Lampung. [Kepala: Oemasin ZAINUDDIN.] [Tandjungkarang 1972.] 140 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa propinsi Lampung. _m-717-N + III 702 LAPORAN tahunan 1971 /1972 Direktorat Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa propinsi Lampung. [Kepala:Oemasin ZAINUDDIN.]Tandjungkarang 1972. 140 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, Direktorat Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa propinsi Lampung. m-1134-N + II m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 45 703 LAPORAN Team Fact Finding mengenai perkembangan transmigrasi di Barambai sub. P4.S.Kalsel/Teng., April 1972. [Sekretaris: MANUWOTO.HBogor 1972.] 33 pp., ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Pengairan, Team Fact Finding. m-990-N + I 704 MARIND tujuh puluh tahun dalam proses akulturasi. Studi tentang latar belakang keadaan masyarakat Marind. [Penutup oleh RJ. METERAY.l Merauke 1972. 86 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dinas Sosial, kabupaten Merauke. m-1124-N + II 705 MEMBENTUK susunan panitia adat se propinsi Sulawesi Utara. [Ketua: H.V WORANG, A. NADJAMUDDIN, dan S.F. WATUNG]. Manado 1972. 10 pp, 26 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD), propinsi Sulawesi Utara. m-1262-NII 706 MONOGRAFI daerah propinsi daerah istimewa Aceh. Penelitian daerah untuk bahan perencanaan pembangunan (persiapan pelita ke-II). [Kata pengantar oleh: A. Majid IBRAHIM.1 Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 1972. XVI, 250 pp., 29 cm. Universitas Syiah Kuala m-593-N + II 707 MONOGRAFI kotamadya Balikpapan. Periode tahun April 1971 - Maret 1972. [Dipimpin oleh Moesmin SOEHONDO, cs.1 Balikpapan 1972. 336 pp., ill., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Hubungan Masyarakat (HUBMAS) kantor walikota kepala daerah (KDH) kotamadya Balikpapan. m-992-N + III 708 NGURAH, I Gusti Ngurah Bagus. Evaluasi proyek-proyek pengabdian masyarakat desa oleh jurusan anthropologi. Jakarta 1972. 61 p., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jendral Kebudayaan, Direktorat Museun»»i-1187-N-III 709 NOTA pendjelasan rentjana pembuatan permanent bendungan Sedjaran di kali Opak, [Dibuat oleh kepala Dinas Pengairan kabupaten Sleman TUKIRAN.1 Beran 1972. 10 pp., ills, 25 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dinas Pengairan Daerah:kabupaten Sleman. m-1184-N + II 710 PAMERAN repelita. [Djakarta 1972.1 64 pp., 21 cm. Departemen Penerangan Gedung Pola. m-912-N-I ' 711 PELAKSANAAN projek-projek bantuan pembangunan kabupaten/kotamadya (Inpres 1/1970) [ = instruksi presiden] di Djawa Timur. [Kata pengantar oleh Soebandono Benjamin RIEDI.1 Surabaja 1972. 463 pp., ills, 32cm.'Oestencilde tekst Institut Ilmu Pemerintahan Malang. Jajasan Carya Dharma. m-1293-N + II 712 PEMBANGUNAN daerah kabupaten Djember dari peningkatan kesedjahteraan keluarga. Oleh [Abdul HADI1 bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Djeirtber, 2 Augustus • 1972. [Djember 1972.] 31 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-666-N + III 713 PEMBANGUNAN peternakan di Kalimantan Selatan. Prasaran pada seminar pembangunan daerah Kalimantan Selatan, tg. 12 s/d 15.12.72 di Banjarmasin. Banjarmasin 1972. 5 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. 2 expln. Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan. m-1320-N + II 714 PEMBENTUKAN badan pembina generasi muda Indonesia tingkat kabupaten/kotamadya propinsi Sulawesi Utara. Manado 1972. 25 pp., 25 cm. Gestencilde tekst Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD), propinsi Sulawesi Utara. m-1263-NII 715 PEMBENTUKAN badan pembina pahlawan daerah propinsi Sulawesi Utara. [Ketua: H.V. WORANG.] Manado 1972.8 pp., 26 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD), propinsi Sulawesi!Utara. m-1260-N-II 716 PEMBENTUKAN paniü» Musabagah Tilawatil Qur'an propinsi Sulawesi Utara [Ketua:H.V. WORANG, A. NADJAMOEDDIN, Tb. ABUBAKAR,dll.]Manado 1972. 7 pp., 26 cm. Gestencilde tekst Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD), propinsi Sulawesi Utara. m-261-N-II Sn 46 I. Indonesia 717 PENDJELASAN bupati kepala daerah Gunungkidul [DJAJADININGRAT] tentang penjusunan rentjana anggaran pendapatan dan belandja daerah kabupaten Gunungkidul th. dinas 1972-1973 dan seterusnja sesuai dengan hasil pembangunan sedjak supersemar [ - surat perintah sebelas mare tl dalam era pembangunan 25 tahun mendatang. Dalam sidang pleno DPRD kabupaten Gunungkidul tg. 1-2-1972. Wonosari 1972. 26 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah (DPRD), kabupaten Gunungkidul. m-1178-N-II 718 PENELITIAN daerah bahan perencanaan pembangunan [persiapan pelita II) [Djl. ke-3.1 Banda Aceh 1972. 182 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Syiah Kuala. m-635-N + III 719 PENELITIAN daerah untuk bahan perencanaan pembangunan (persiapan pelita [ = pembangunan lima tahun] II). [Bagian] 1,11. [Kata pengantar oleh A. Majid IBRAHIM.1 Banda Aceh 1972. 463 pp., in 2 bdn., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Syiah Kuala. m-736-N + III 720 PENELITIAN desa dalam bentuk bagan-bagan. Jakarta 1972. 24 pp., ills, 28 cm. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1258-N + I 721 PENINGKATAN modernisasi desa sebagai pelaksanaan strategi dasar era pembangunan 25 tahun - Laporan gubernur kepala daerah propinsi Djawa - Tengah [MOENADI! pada tg. 2 Djuli 1972. [Bagian! A 1 - E 4. [Semarang 1972.] 21 djl., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-661-N + III 722 PERINGATAN hut [= hari ulang tahun! koperasi ke-25, 12.7.72 dengan thema: "Konsolidasi dan peranan koperasi dalam akselarasi pembangunan". [Ketua: HASBULLAH, dan Rais SALAM.! Bandjarbaru 1972. 38 pp., 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Djawatan Penerangan, propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Panitia Peringatan Hut Koperasi ke-25 th. 72 kabupatan Bandjar/Bandjarbaru. m-1328-N-II 723 PERUMUSAN dan kesimpulan seminar pembangunan daerah Kerinci di Sungai Penuh, tg. 13 s/d 17 Nopember 1972. [Ketua: Ja'afar Sidik BAKRJU[Sungai Penuh 1972.! 63 pp., 33 cm. Met bijl. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Kerinci. m-891-N + II 724 PIDATO pembukaan dan petunjuk penegasan gubernur kepala daerah [E. SABARA.! pada rapat kerja bupati kepala daerah dan pimpinan pertiwi se propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, di Kendari, pada tg. 12 Desember 1972.! [Kendari 1972.146 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-903-N + II 725 POERBA (Radjamin), Pembangunan dan perobahan struktur desa di kabupaten Simalungun. Tj. ke-2. Pematang Siantar, H.KB.P., 1972. 80 pp., ill, krt, 20 cm. m-541-N-III 726 PRASADJA (A. Buddy), Pembangunan desa dan masalah kepemimpinannya Suatu penelitfrn di desa Gegesik Cirebon-Jawa Barat. Jakarta 1972. IX, 195 pp., 29 cm. Getypte tekst Scriptie. Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Sosial. m-1142-N + I . 727 PROGRAM kerdja Pemerintah Daerah, daerah istimewa Jogjakarta, Komisi, A - E , 1972 - 1973. Jogjakarta [c. 1972.] 4 vols. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, daerah istimewa Jogjakarta, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Gotong Rojong. m-732-N + II 728 PROGRAM kerja Direktorat Jenderal Transmigrasi Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi, th. 1973/1974. [Direktur jenderal transmigrasi: R. SOEBIANTORO.1 [Jakarta 1972.] 97 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi, Direktorat Jenderal Transmigrasi. m-721-N + I 729 PROGRAM pembanguanan daerah tk. 2 1972/1973 daerah istimewa Jogjakarta. Daftarbiaja perdjenis projek. (Dalam ribuan rupiah). [Z.pl. c. 1972] 5 pp., 22 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. m-1145-N + II 730 PROGRAM pembangunan lima-tahun Pemerintah daerah kabupaten Ngawi (perobahan ketiga). [Ngawi 1972.] 20 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. m-613-N + III m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 47 731 PROGRAM pengembangan BUUD/Koperasi dalam rangka pengadaan bahan pangan tahun 1972/1973 dan Bimas tahun 1973/1974. Perumttsansementara rapat kerja Bimas Direktorat Jenderal Koperasi yang dükuti oleh kepala Direktorat Koperasi 10 daerah utama Bimas pada tg. 7 s/d 9 Sept. di Jakarta. [Direktor jenderal Koperasi: Ibnoe SOEDJONO.1 Jakarta 1972. 23 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi, Direktorat Jenderal Koperasi. m-893-N + I 732 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Badung, [I Wajan DHANAJ th. 1971 /1972. Denpasar,Aksara, 11972.1295 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Badung. m-693-N + II 733 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Grobogan (Purwadadi) [R. Oemar CH AS AN] periode Djanuari s/d September 1971. No. C-l. Purwadadi. 1972. 19 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Rakjat Daerah, Tingkat 2, kabupaten Grobogan. m-1318-N + II 734 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Grobogan (Purwadadi) [R. OemarCHASAN], periode Djanuari s/d September 1971. No A-l. Purwadadi 1972. 21 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, (Hngkat 2, kabupaten Grobogan. m-1317-N + II 735 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Grobogan (Purwadadi) [R O cmar CHASAN], periode Djanuari s/d September 1971. No E. Purwadadi 1972 22 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, tingkat 2, kabupaten Grobogan. m-1313-N + II 736 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Grobogan (Purwadadi) [R. C*enwCHASANl periode Oktober 1971 s/d triwulan pertama 1972. No Al - A3. Purwadadi 1972.3 bdn., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, Tingkat 2, kabupaten Grobogan. m-1316-N+ II 737 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Grobogan (Purwadadi) [R. Oemar CHASAN], periode Oktober 1971 s/d triwulan pertama 1972. No Bl - B3. Purwadadi 1972. 3 bdn., 32 cm. Met 2 Bijln. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, tingkat 2, kabupaten Grobogan. m-1312-N + II 738 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Grobogan (PurwadadD [R. Oemar CHASAN1 periode Oktober 1971 s/d triwulan pertama 1972. No Cl - C3. Purwadadi 1972.3 bdn., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, Tingkat 2, kabupaten Grobogan. m-1315-N+ II 739 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Grobogan (PurwadadD IR. Oemar CHASANL periode Oktober 1971 s/d triwulan pertama 1972. No D. Purwadadi 1972. 24 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, tingkat 2, kabupaten Grobogan. m-1311-N+ II 740 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Grobogan (Purwadadi). [R. Oemar CHASANL periode Djanuari s/d September 1971. No Dl - D3. Purwadadi 1972. 3 bdn., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, tingkat 2, kabupaten Grobogan. m-1314-N + II 741 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Karanganjar [Maloejo Tjokro DARMANTOL tahun dinas 1969, ke 2, 3, 4. Z.pl. 1972. 3 bdn 32 cm m-1429-N + II 742 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Kediri th 1971/1972 [SISWOHARJOKOJ Kediri 1972. 2 djl. 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-655-N + II 743 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Malang LR. SOEWIGNJO] tahun dinas 1971 - 1972, disampaikan pada sidang paripurna D.P.R.D. [= Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah] Tk. II kabupaten Malang tgl. 30 Maret 1972. Malane [1972.] 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-592-N + III 744 PROGRESS report gubernur kepala daerah propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara [E. SABARAJ pada sidang pleno chusus ke-2 Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, dalam rangka memperingati hari ulang tahun kemerdekaan R.I. [- republik Indonesia] tg. 17 Agustus 1972. Disampaikan pada tg. 16 Agustus 1972. [Kendari 1972.] 43 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-868-N + II 745 PROGRESS feport pembangunan daerah kabupaten Situbondo, th. 1969 s/d 1971 [bagian]AB C D E.[Bupati:TahirHADISUPARTOJSitubondo1972. 5djl,32 cm! Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah (DPRD) kabupaten Situbondo m-667-N+II 48 I. Indonesia 746 PROGRESS report pemerintah daerah kotamadya Kediri, th. 1971/1972. [Oleh Anwar ZAINUDDIN.] Kediri 1972. 2 djl. 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-654-N + III 747 PROGRESS report semester 1, tahun dinas 1972-1973 Jawatan Sosial propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Mataram 1972. 43 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Jawatan Sosial, propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. m-1232-N + I 748 PROGRESS report, semester 1, tahun dinas 1972-1973 Jawatan Sosial propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, Mataram. [Kepala: M. Jafar AHMAD.] Mataram 1972.65 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Jawatan Sosial propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. m-1045-N + II 749 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Sragen [Soewarno DJOJOMARDOWOl tahun 1969/1970. Sragen 1972. Seri Al - G. 15 jil., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-640-N + II 750 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Sragen [Soewarno DJOJOMARDOWOl tahun 1970/1971. Sragen 1972. Seri Al - H5. 24 jil., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-642-N+II 751 PROGRESS report Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, untuk th. dinas 1971 - 1972. Bupati: M.S.M. SINAGA. Diadjukan untuk memenuhi tugas pertanggung djawaban kepada Gubernur Daerah, Propinsi Sumatera Utara di Medan. [Tarutung 1972 ] 161 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara. m-574-N-II 752 PROJEK-Pelita [ = pembangunan lima tahun] transmigrasi Rimbo Kedui dan problemanja. Keitas Kerdja. Disusun oleh para peserta upgrading pamong pradja se propinsi Bengkulu, th. 1972. Bengkulu, Asta, 1972.13 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-636-N+II 753 RENCANA pembangunan tiga tahun kabupaten Karo, 1972/1973 - 1974/1975[Medan c. 1972.] 156 pp., krt, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Sumatera Utara. m-647-N + II 754 RENCANA pembangunan tiga tahun wilayah Samosir 1972/1973 - 1974/1975, daerah kabupaten Tapanuli-Utara. [Medan 1972.] 114 pp., ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst, Pemerintah Daerah Sumatera Utara (Pemdasu). m-609-N + II 755 RENTJANA biaja rehabilitasi djalan antar ketjamatan daerah kabupaten Gunungkidul daerah istimewa Jogjakarta. (Projek instruksi presiden 1/70 th. 1972/ 1973)ifiÈS«a pengantar oleh KARTISANDJOJO.] Wonosari 1972. 27 pp., ills, 33 cm. Getypte tekst. Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Gunungkidul, Dinas Pekerdjaan Umum daerah istimewa Jogjakarta. m-1179-N-II 756 RENTJANA kerja Pemda Prop Sumbar, tahun anggaran 1972/1973. [Penutup oleh Marah ACHMADSJAH.1 Padang 1972.48 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, Propinsi Sumatera Barat (Pemda Prop Sumbar). m-1073-N + II 757 RESUMÉ hasil2 pelita [ = pembangunan lima tahun] tahap I, tahun 1969/1970 s/d 1972/1973. Padang 1972. 111 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Sumatera Barat (Sumbar), Bappeda 57. m-880-N + II 758 RESUMÉ mengenai progress report pembangunan di daerah propinsi Djawa-Timur, th. 1969,1970 dan 1971. Surabaja 1972.18 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah^ propinsi Djawa Timur. m-1327-N + II 759 RESUMÉ tentang progress report pembangunan daerah kabupaten Djember, mulai th. 1969/1970, sampai dengan th 1971/1972. [Oleh ABDOELHADI.] [Djember! 1972. Djl. 1 - 3. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst m-658-N + II 760 RISALAH dan hasil sidang ke-2, 1972/1973 Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, Tingkat 1 Kalimantan Tengah. Pimpinan: WA. GARA. Palangka Raya 1972. 2 vols. 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, Tingkat 1 Kalimantan Tengah. m-1366-N+ II 761 RISALAH rapat-rapa t paripurna DPRD DKI Jakarta, Oktoberl971s/d Desember 1972. Jakarta 1972.660 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD), daerah khusus ibukota (DKI) Jakarta. m-1267-N + II 762 RISALAH D.P.R.D.-G.R. propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Sidang%4-(babak 1), th.1970/1971. [Oleh CHAMZAH BIN ISHAQ, Ellon FAAH, J.J. BLITANAGY, dll.! [Kupang] 1972. 109 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah-Gotong (D.P.R.D.-G.R ), propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Dokumentasi 1972. m-692-N + II m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 49 763 ROEKAN, Pembangunan masjarakat desa. H ADIWIJONO, Pendidikan masjarakat dalam masa pembangunan. Djember 1972. 16 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-575-N-II 764 SAMBUTAN menteri Dalam Negeri pada: Seminar pembangunan daerah Kalimantan Selatan di Banjarmasin, tg. 12.12/72. Jakarta 1972. 5 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri. m-1321-N + II 765 SAMBUTAN Departemen Agara [ = Agama] Jakarta pada: Seminar pembangunan daerah Kalimantan Selatan, tg. 12 s/d 15.12.'72 di Banjarmasin. Jakarta 1972. 6 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Agama. m-1325-N + II 766 SIMORANGKIR (J.C.T.), Tentang dan sekitar Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat. Jakarta, Erlangga, 1972. 47 pp., 22 cm. m-759-N-I 767 SINAGA (M.S.M.), Mengenal daerah kabupaten Tapanuli Utara dewasa ini. Tarutung 1972. 84 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-582-N+II 768 SINAGA (M.S.M.), Progress report pembangunan telah dilaksanakan kabupaten Tapa-nuli Utara, sedjakth. 1967 s/d th. dinas 1971/1972(31 Maret 1972.)[Tarutung] 1972. 72 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-645-N + II 769 SJAHRANIE (A. Wahab), Laporan gubernur kepala daerah propinsi Kalimantan Timur A; Wahab Sjahranie, kepada menteri Dalam Negeri, 23 Augustus 1972. [Samarinda 1972.] 22 pp., 33 cm. Met bijlage. Gestencilde tekst. m-1360-N + II 770 SOEMARDJAN (Selo), Imbalances in development. The Indonesian experience. [Preface by Paul W. van der VEUR LAthens, Ohio, 1972]. V, 26 pp. 28 cm. Ohio University, Center for International Studies, Southeast Asia Program. Papers in International Studies, Southeast Asia Series. No. 25. m-521-N + 771 STATISTIK wilajah Djakarta 1971. [Sambutan oleh Ali SADIKIN ] Djakarta[1972.] 47 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik daerah chusus ibukota Djakarta. m-768-N + II 772 STRATEGI pembangunan daerah kabupaten Asahan. [Kata pengantar oleh ABDtfLMANAN S.l Kisaran 1972. V, 207 pp., ill., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Asahan. m-644-N + II 773 STRATEGI pembangunan daerah kabupaten Asahan. [Kata pengantar: ABDULMANAN SI Kisaran 1972. V, 207 pp , 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Asahan. m-1053-N + II 774 STRATEGI pembangunan ekonomi propinsi Sumatera Selatan dalam pelita [ = pembangunan Kma tahun] 2 (1974-1979). [Kata pengantar oleh Asnawai Mangku ALAM.1 Palembang 1972. 162 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah propinsi Sumatera Selatan, Task-Force Penyusunan Strategi Pembangunan Daerah. m-1129-N+II 775 STRUKTUR organisasi pemerintahan desa/daerah yang setingkat di-Indonesia. [Jakarta] 1972. 42 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-696-N-III 776 SUBARDJO, Amanat gubernur kepala daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, SUBARDJO, pada penutupan seminar pembangunan daerah Kalimantan Selatan pada tg. 15.12.72. Banjarmasin 1972. 3 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde 4eksti 2 expln. Pemerintah Daerah, propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. m-1324-N + II 777 SUHARTO, Pikiran repelita [ = rencana pembangunan lima tahun] II. Amanat presiden Suharto didepan sidang khusus Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, pada tg. 16 Agustus 1972. Banjarbaru 1972. 27 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitiatëeringatan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Proklamasi Kemerdekaan, ke 17, Kalimantan Selatan, Seksi Penerangan /Pameran/Dokumentasi. m-1358-N+I 778 SUMATERA Barat dalam angka. tahun 1971. [Kata pengantar oleh M. Zen St. MAJOLELO.1 Padang [1972.1171 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik'Propinsi Sumatera Barat. m-879-N + II 779 SUMATERA Selatan dalam angka tahun 1971. [Kata pengantar oleh Asnawi Rangku ALAM.1 Palembang 1972. IX, 229 pp , 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, propinsi Sumatera Selatan. m-1119-N + II 780 SURVEY agro ekonomi daerah transmigrasi proyek pengairan Batang Tongar Sumatera Barat. [Ketua team survey: Ismael Nur Dt. R. IMBANG.1 [Padang] 1972. VI, 98 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Pertanian. Departemen Pekerjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Jenderal Pengairan, Direktorat Perancang. m-773-N + III 50 I. Indonesia 781 SURYANA (A. Sjamsuddin), dan Andi Hakim NASOETION, Suatu penguraian komponen- komponen pertimbangan pokok tingkat penerimaan petani^terhadap pengusaha. Bogor 1972. 10 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Buletin Biometrika Bogor, 1972, th. ke 2, no. 1. Institut Pertanian Bogor, Fakultas Pertanian, Departemen Statistika dan Komputasi. m-1431-N + I 782 ULASAN singkat hasil sensus penduduk 1971. Djakarta c. 1972. 21 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik Djakarta, Team Analisa Hasil Sensus Pendudt* 1971. m-984-N + I 783 WAJONG (J.), Kedudukan dan tugas pamong pradja dalam rangka penjerahan pemerintahan umum atas dasar undang2 no 6-1959- Tj. ke-2. Djakarta, Ichtiar, 1972. 196 pp., 22 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1966. m-823-N-I 784 [KEGIATAN-KEGIATAN Pemerintah Daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan th. 1972-1973.1 Banjarmasin 1973.119 pp-, ills, 36 cm. Gestencilde- en getypte teksten. Pemerintah Daerah, propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. m-1297-N + II 785 ACHMADI, Briefing direktur jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa Achmadi, pada rapat dinas kepala-kepala Direktorat PMD propinsi seluruh Indonesia, tg. 23 s/d 24 Nopember 1973 di Jakarta. Jakarta 1973. 24 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa (PMD). m-1436-N + I 786 ALMANAK pembangunan, th. 1972-1973. Daftar nama dan alamat lembaga-lembaga dan perusahaan-perusahaan. [Pimpinan redaksi: SUHADI.1 Jakarta, P.T. Inaltu, 1973. 2 bdn. 29 cm. Yayasan Parikesit. m-1424-N + I 787 AMANAT gubernur kdh [ = kepala daerah! dan sekretaris daerah [SUTIYOSO] pada rapat kerja pamongpraja se-daerah Lampung, tg. 2 s/d 4.7.73 di Tanjungkarang. Tanjungkarang 1973. 42 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, propinsi Lampung. m-1227-N + II 788 ANGGARAN pendapatan dan belanja daerah (A.P.B.D.) propinsi Sumatera Utara, untuk tahun dinas 1973/1974. [Ketua: M. SOEKARDI.HZ.pl. 1973.1 Dl. 1,2.32cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dl. 1: Belanja routine, dl. 2: Belanja pembangunan. m-788-N + II 789 ANGGARAN pendapatan dan belanja Pemerintah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta. Tahun dinas 1973/*974. [Z.pl., z.j.! 186 pp., 33 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. m-548-N+HI 790 ASAHAN sekilas pandang. Sukseskan pembangunan daerah dalam mewujudkan pembangunan nasional. Kisaran 1973. 30 pp., ills, 14 cm. Medan Fair 1973, Pavilyun Pemerintah Daerah (PEMDA) Asahan. m-1180-N-II 791 BAHAN rencana pembangunan lima tahun kedua koperasi. Rapat kerja Departemen Tenaga Kerja, Transmigrasi dan Koperasi eselon Direktorat Jenderal Koperasi, tg. 27 - 30.6.73 di Jakarta. Jakarta 1973.165 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Tenaga Kerja, Transmigrasi dan Koperasi. m-1306-N +1 792 BEBERAPA masalah pokok dalam usaha peningkatan penyelenggaraan tertib dan teknis pemerintahan dalam rangka menunjang usaha pembangunan. Tanggapan dari: Pemerintah propinsi Jawa Barat, pada rapat kerja Sekda [= sekretaris daerah] se-Indonesia, LAchmad ADNAWIDJAJA] tg. 30 April s/d 2 Mei 1973. [Bandung 1973.1 11 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst'lli-890-N + II 793 BOEKE (J.H.), dan D.H. BURGER, Ekonomi dualistis: Dialog antara Boeke dan Burger. Diterjemahkan dengan pengawasan dewan red. Dengan kata pengantar oleh Sukadji RANUWIHARDJO. Jakarta, Bhratara, 1973. 93 pp., 21 cm Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV). Seri terjemahan karangan-karangan Belanda no 35. m-606-N-III 794 DAFTAR inventarisasi jawatans vertikal dan lembaga non departemen yang telah ada di daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta dan jawatans vertikal yang belum ada tetapi telah diben tuk dan dibiayai oleh pemerintah daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta sendiri. [Jakarta c.1973 ] 10 pp., 33 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta. m-816-N + II m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 51 795 DAFTAR inventarisasi pemandangan umum fraksi-fraksi dalam rapat paripurna Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta tg. 22 Januari 1973, mengenai nota keuangan dan R.A.P.B.D. [= rencana anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah] tahun dinas 1973/1974. Jakarta 1973. 61 pp., 32 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta. m-701-N + III 796 DAFTAR inventarisasi pembangunan umum fraksi-fraksi dalam rapat paripurna Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta, tg. 22 Januari 1973. mengenai nota keuangan dan R.A.P.B.D. [ = rentjana anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah], th. dinas 1973/1974. Jakarta 1973. 61 pp., 32 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta. m-790-N + II 797 DAFTAR wewenang swatantra, serta tantra dan pemerintahan umum pada Pemerintah Daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta, 1 April 1973. [Jakarta 1973.1 18 pp., 33 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta. m-815-N + II 798 DASAR-DASAR penyusunan pola tata desa dan daftar isian pertanyaan penelitian tata desa. Jakarta 1913. 68 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencild© tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-1277-N + II 799 DATA daerah Kalimantan Selatan 1971-1972. [Kepala: HM. SAID.1 [Banjarmasin 1973.1 XVIII, 263 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Direktorat Pembangunan. m-1042-N + II 800 DATA-DATA statistik kegiatan walikota Jakarta Timur, Omsjah SINAGA.] [Jakarta 1973.] 21 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-915-NIII 801 GARIS-GARIS besar haluan negara (TAP M.P.R.-R.I. no IV/MPR/1973). [Ketua: Idham CHALID.] Jakarta, Badan Penerbit Almanak Jakarta, 1973.40 pp., ills, 22 cm. m-914-N 802 GINTING (Meneth), Strategi Pembangunan daerah kabupaten Asahan. Medan 1973. 9 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Asahan. m-672-N-H 803 HAMENGKUBUWONOIX, Inaugural adress by vice president Hamengkubuwono IX delivered at the general session of the people's censultative assembly, on the occasion of the assumption of the office of vice president, March 24, 1973. [Jakarta, Percetakan Negara, 1973.1 5 pp., 21 cm. Departemen of Information, Republic of Indonesia m-707-N-I 804 HASIL pertemuan konsultatif sekretaris daerah beserta staf se-Jawa pada tg. 18 dan 19 April di Jakarta. [Jakarta 1973.1 13 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-777-N + II 805 HASIL rapat kerja Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa, tahun 1972/1973 di Bandung, tg. 28 s/d 30 Mai 1973. Z.pl. 1973. 59 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-995-N +1 806 HASIL sementara pelaksanaan penelitian desa. [Disusun dibawah pimpinan: Soedharmo DJAJADIWANGSAJ [Jakarta] 1973. 21 pp., ills, 29 cm. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-899- N + III 807 HASIL sementara pelaksanaan penelitian desa. [Oleh Soedharmo DJAJADIWANGSAJ Jakarta 1973. 20 pp., ills, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa m-886-N + III 808 HASIL sementara pelaksanaan penelitian desa. [Oleh Soedharmo DJAJADIWANGSAJ [Jakarta] 1973,21 pp , ills, 29 cm. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa. m-697-N + III 809 HASIL-HASIL rapat dinas Departemen Sosial, tg. 23 s/d 26 Mei 1973, CawangJakarta[Pimpinan:M.S. MINTAREDJAJ Jakarta 1973. 220 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Sosial. m-1050-N + I 810 HIMPUNAN kuliah kursus/latihan kerja pembangunan masyarakat desa di Bandung, 8 - 18 Maret 1973. Dalam rangka kerdja-sama Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa, dengan Departemen Planologi - Institut Teknologi Bandung. [Pengantar merancang oleh Sjarif PURADIMADJAJLZ.pl.] 1973.185 pp, ills, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa m-811-NI 52 I. Indonesia 811 HIMPUNAN pelajaran up-grading pamong desa se-kabupaten Badung dari tg. 19 Februari 1973 s/d 27 Februari 1973. [Kata pengantar oleh I Wajan DHANA.] [Denpasar 1973.1 189 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Badung. m-822-N + II 812 HIMPUNAN peraturan perundangan tentang penyerahan wewenang pusat kepada daerah. Jilid 1. [Jakarta] 1973. 253 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. m-989-N +1 813 HIMPUNAN risalah-risalah rapat paripurna sidang umum M.P.R. Maret 1973, rapat ke-1 s/d 7. [Jakarta] 1973. 420 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (M.P.R.), m-708-N +1 814 IBRAHIM (A. Majid), Roles of universities in regional development. Presented at the workshop on roles of universities in local and regional development in Southeast Asia (a Rihed project), Penang, Malaysia, December 4 - 7, 1972. Darussalam 1973. 8 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Syah Kuala, Perpustakaan Pusat m-761-N +1 815 IKHTISAR laporan visuil pembangunan 1969 - 1973 [yang] diselenggarakan oleh Dep. Dalam Negeri [di Jakarta, Maret 1973. Ketua panitia: AMIRMACHMUD.1 [Jakarta 1973.1 43 pp., 19 cm.obl. Departemen (Dep.) Dalam Negeri. m-913-N-I 816 IKHTISAR statistik transmigrasi 1971 - 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh Soebandi RESOSOEDARMO.1 Jakarta [1973.1 100 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Jenderal Transmigrasi, Direktorat Penelitian dan Persiapan. m-810-N-I 817 INVENTARISASI peranan, tugas dan kwalifikasi tugas pertanian kecamatan (mantri tani) di Jawa Barat, Sulawesi Selatan, Kalimantan Selatan, dan D.I. [ = daerah istimewa] Aceh. [Ketua: Samedi SUMINTAREDJAJ [Jakarta 1973.] VII, 81 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian, Team Survey Direktorat Penyuluhan Pertanian. Seri evaluasi program dan metodik penyuluhan pertanian, no 9-73/TP. m-1093-N + I 818 INVENTARISASI, Rekomendasi Komisi "A.B.C.D." dan stemmotivering fraksi2 Partai Demokrat Indonesia Persatuan Pembangunan, Karya ABRI DPRD DKI Jakarta, terhadap nota keuangan dan RAPBD [ = rencana anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah] DKI Jakarta, th. dinas 1973/1974. [Disampaikan masing2 oleh Bambang Gunawatf WIBISONO. Soedja'i NATAKUSUMAH, Jonathan Bisma MANOPPO, dl 1.1 Jakarta 1973.94 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah daerah khusus ibukota (DPRD) Jakarta. m-683-N +MI 819 JAKARTA membangun. Masalah pendidikan dan pengajaran. Jakarta, Publishing House Indonesia, 1973. 38 pp., ills, 28 cm. Badan Perencana Pembangunan, daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta. (BPP-DKI). m-1219-N + II 820 JAKARTA membangun. Perbaikan lingkungan hidup. Jakarta 1973. 40 pp., ills, 28 cm. Badan Perencana Pembangunan, daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta. m-1218-N + II 821 JALAN menuju "peningkatan penyelenggaraan tertib dan tehnis pemerintahan dalam rangka menunjang pembangunan". [Jakarta 1973.] 15 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-755-N + II 822 JAWABAN gubernur kepala daerah fAli SADIKIN] atas pemandangan umum fraksi fraksi dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta terhadap nota keuangan dan R.A.P.B.D. [ = rencana anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah] tahun dinas 1973/1974. [Jakarta 1973.] 36 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-631-N + II 823 JAWABAN pemerintah terhadap pemandangan umum D.P.R.[ = dewan perwakilan rakyat] tentang hora keuangan dan RAPBN [ = rancangan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara] th. 1973/1974. [Jakarta c.1973.] 118 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-632-J1D MANGGIS Dt. RADJO PANGHOELOE. Bukittinggi, Pustaka "Arga" [, 19641. 45 pp, ill, 19 cm Minangkabause tekst. mm-43-N 3079 ANZIB LAMNJONG, Irama dairah Atjèh. Banda Atjèh 1966. 40 pp, 21 cm. Fotokopie. mm-80-N 3080 GEUREUTEE (Noh), Ingat ke guna. Banda Atjeh, Sjeh Rih Kr. Raja, 1966. 15 pp, 21 cm. Fotokopie. mm-75-N 3081 KRUENGRAJA (Rih), Bèk gadoh ingat. HASNAH, Bungong djaroe Ion. Geusalen untuk naseukah simpanan lé: Anzib Lamnjong. Banda Atjeh, Anzib Lamnjong, 1966. 13 pp, 16 cm. Fotokopie. mm-76-N oo. Old Javanese and Balinese texts/literature 185 3082 KRUENGRAJAfRihX Ganjag RRT [ = republik rakjat Tiongkok.1 [Z.pl.] 1966. 15 pp, 20 cm. Fotokopie. mm-86-N 3083 BATJUT sapeue. Geuuseuha lé: ANZIB LAMNJONG. Banda Atjeh, Anzib Lamnjong, 1967. 48 pp, 20 cm. Fotokopie. mm-71-N 3084 PUTROE Ansari (hikajat peutakian). Geuuseuha lé: H M. ZAINOEDDIN. Medan, Pustaka Iskandar Muda, 1967. 62 pp, 20 cm. Fotokopie. mm-82-N 3085 ANZIB, Bungong mawo dèjabarö. Banda Atjèh, Anzib Lamnjong, 1968. 105 pp, 21 cm. Fotokopie. mm-81-N 3086 HIMPONAN, hadih madja(peusakaureueng tuha). Geuhimpön lé: HASJIM M.K, ANZIB, ngon H.M. ZAINUDDIN. Banda Atjeh, Anzib Lamnjong, 1968. 194 pp.', 21 cm. Fotokopie. mm-85-N 3087 LAM U (Abdullah), Kitab mundjitul anam. Geusalén deungon harah Latin lé ANZIB LAMNJONG. [Banda Atjeh] 1968. 42 pp, 21 cm. Fotokopie. mm-88-N 3088 ABDULLAH (Aminah H), Djiwa srikandi (semangat wanita), Koetaradja, Seumangat Atjeh, [z.j.] 32 pp, 16 cm. Fotokopie. mm-77-N 3089 ARIF (Abdullah), Seumangat Atjeh. (Ir. Soekarno di poelo Bangka, drs. M. Hatta teuka oe Atjeh, kaphe ka djiweh di koeta Djokja). Koetaradja, Abdullah Arif, 1949. Dl. 9. 23 pp, 15 cm. Fotokopie. mm-73-N 3090 KRUENGRAJA (Rih), Idroes dan Sity Noerma. [Lhoseumawe, Idgas, z.j.] 27 pp, ill, 21 cm. Fotokopie. mm-90-N 3091 MANSOER LEUPUËNG (Teuku), Sanggamara. Sastra Atjeh. Djakarta 1970. 196 pp, ills, 17 cm. Teuku Mansoer Foundation. mm-70-N oo. Old Javanese and Balinese texts/literature 3092 SAMPIK Ingtai. Gaguritan. [Tersebut didalam lontar, gantinin baan basa Bali.1 Bali, GM, 1915. 32 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. oo-66-N 3093 RIWAJAT kjahi Jasadipura I pudjangga Djawa di Surakarta [Disusun oleh: Sumidi ADISASMITA.] Jogjakarta [1952.] 75 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kementerian Pendidikan, Pengadjaran dan Kebudajaan (P.P.K.), Djawatan Kebudajaan, Tjabang Bagian Bahasa. OO-60-N 3094 UTARA-KANDA. Gaguritan dikumpulkan oleh I Gusti Agung Putu GELGEL. Denpasar, Pustaka Balimas, 1959. 65 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst oo-67-N 3095 BAGUS(I GustiNgurah), Arti perbuatan baik didalam kepertjajaan rakjat. Singaradja 1964. 22 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. oo-63-N 3096 BAGUS (I Gusti Ngurah), Satua-satua sane banjol ring kasusastran Bali. Singaradja 1965. X, 60 pp, 21 cm. Balinese tekst. Gestencilde tekst Lembaga Bahasa dan Kesusastraan Tjabang Singaradja. oo-59-N qq. Schoolbooks and textbooks 3097 CROES (J.W.), Naar en in tropisch Nederland (Tanah Hi ndia). Aardrijkskundig leesen leerboek over Ned. Oost-Indië voor de scholen in Nederland. Rijswijk, Blankwaardt en Schoonhoven, 1922. 2 dln, ills, 20 cm. qq-198-N 3098 HAK-HAK manusia dalam undang-undang dasar sementara Republik Indonesia bagi sekolah landjutan dan mahasiswa. [Kata pengantar oleh S. KOPERBERG.1 Djakarta, Noordhoff - Kolff, [c. 1949-1 58 pp, 24 cm. qq-304-N 3099 SIMORANGKIR-SIMANDJUNTUK (BLasariahl), Kesusasteraan Indonesia. Djakarta, Jajasan Pembangunan, 1951. Djl. 1-2. 23 cm. qq-249-N 3100 DIMYATI (Muhammad), Sedjarah pergolakan di Timur Tengah dan Timur Djauh. Djakarta, Bulan Bintang, [c. 1954.] 150 pp, 21 cm. qq-236-N 3101 GAZALI, Puisi Indonesia (lama dan baru). Untuk S.M.P. [= sekolah menengah pertama], S.G. B. [ = sekolah guru bawah] dan jang setingkat. Djakarta, Widiaya 1955 66 pp, 20 cm. qq-228-N 3102 RACHMAD (Agus), Kitab peladjaran bahasa Indonesia untuk S.M.A. [= sekolah menengah atas] bagian A-B-C-, S.G.A. [ = sekolah guru atas] dan sekolah2 lain jang sederadjat. Djl. I. Djakarta, Puntjak Pengetahuan, 1955. 89 pp, 19 cm. qq-248-N 3103 SALMUN (M A ), Kandaga. Buku batjaan basa Sunda. Bandung etc, Ganaco, 1956 1957. Dl. 1 en 3, ills, 21 cm. qq-403-N 188 I. Indonesia 3145 TAN KIAT DJWEE, Marketing. Suatu pengantar praktis. Bandung, Alumni, 1971. X, 221 pp, 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. qq-257-N 3146 TAUFIQ THAWIL, Material logic. Diterdjemahkan oleh: H.M. Asjwadie SJUKUR LC. Bandjarmasin 1971. 80 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Ondeend aan: Masailu falsafah. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Antasari Bandjarmasin, Fakultas Da'wah. qq-262-N 3147 ABDURACHMAN (Paramita R.), Some Portuguese loanwords in the vocabulary of speakers of Ambonese Malay in Christian villages of Central Moluccas. Jakarta 1972. 17 pp, 24 cm. Lembaga Research Kebudayaan Nasional - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Seri lembaran khusus, no. I. qq-404-N 3148 BIMBINGAN dan penjuluhan. Untuk S.P.G. [= sekolah pendidikan guru] kelas I, II, III. Ed. : S. SOEITOE. [Djakarta 1972.1 X, 156 pp, 21 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan. qq-227-N 3149 KURIKULUM, usaha2 perbaikan dalam bidang pendidikan dan administrasi pendidikan. Untuk S.P.G. [= sekolah pendidikan guru] kelas 1,2,3. [OlehJ ENGKOSWARA, Eddy SUSANTO, M.M. KALANGI, dll. Ed.: S. NASUTION. Djakarta [1972.] VI, 363 pp, ills, 21 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Direktorat Pendidikan Guru dan Tenaga Teknis. qq-254-N 3150 PAWITJANTENAN Djawi. [Kaklempakaken dening J Karei Frederik WINTER. [Djokja, Liem Tiang Tjoe, z.j.] 55 pp, 21 cm. Javaans schrift. Overdr. qq-252-N 3151 RAHAJENG (Kanti), P.K.K. (pendidikan kesedjahteraan keluarga). Untuk sekolah dasar kelas III [dan] IV. Sala, Seribusatu, [1972.] Jl. 1, 2. 20 cm. qq-259-N 3152 RAMLI (M.), Diktat ilmu djiwa umum. Bandjarmasin [1972] 66 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. qq-200-N 3153 RIFAIN (Muhammad Nur), Ekonomi bank dan kredit 1971. [Bandjarmasin 1971.166 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. qq-365-N + 3154 RIFAIN (Muhammad Nur), Ekonomi pembangunan 1972. [Bandjarmasin c.1972.] 20 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. qq-364-N + 3155 RIFAIN (Muhammad Nur), Ekonomi perburuhan 1972. [Bandjarmasin 1972.] 22 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst; qq-358-N + 3156 RIFAIN (Muhammad Nur), Pembelandjaan perusahaan 1972. [Bandjarmasin 1972.1 62 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. qq-362-N + 3157 RIFAIN (Muhammad Nur), Perencanaan ekonomi, 1972. [Bandjarmasin 1972.] 51 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. qq-366-N + 3158 RIFAIN (Muhammad Nur), Politik pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia, 1972. [Bandjarmasinti972.] 18 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. qq-367-N + 3159 ABDULLAH SHARIFAH HASNAH. Telatah kita. Ilustrasi: HASSAN MAJID. Kuala Lumpur 1973. 41 pp, ills, 25 cm. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP). Siri buku kanak-kanak DBP, no 2. qq-460-N 3160 AMETEMBUN (N.A.), Metode pengajaran berprograma. [Z.pl.] 1973. VIII, 165 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP), Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan. qq-400-N 3161 DAJAN (Anton), Pengantar metode statistik deskriptif. Jakarta 1973. XXI, 452 pp, ills, 24 cm. Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial. qq-471-N 3162 GAZALBA (Sidi), Sistematika filsafat. Pengantar kepada: dunia filsafat, teori pengetahuan, metafisika, teori nilai. Buku ke-2. Jakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1973.167 pp, 22 cm. qq-472-N 3163 PANJI (Suhanda), Dasar-dasar korespondensi niaga bahasa Indonesia. Cet. ke-1. Jakarta 1973. II, 162 pp, ill, 30 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (P. dan K.) Daerah Khusus Ibukota (D.K I.) Jakarta, Kantor Pembinaan Urusan Khusus. qq-251-N + 3164 PANJI (Suhanda), Dasar-dasar korespondensi niaga bahasa Indonesia. Cet. ke-2. Jakarta 1973. 161 pp, ills, 22 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta, Kantor Pembinaan Urusan Khusus. qq-401-N 3165 RIFAIN (Muhammad Nur), Politik perekonomian, 1972. [Bandjarmasin c.1972.] 55 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. qq-368-N + 3166 SOEDJONO DÜRDJOSISWOROl Pengantar sosiologi. Bandung, Alumni, 1973. 263 pp, ills, 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. qq-260-N SU II. ASIA rr. South Asia: India - Pakistan - Srilanka - Nepal - Bhutan 3167 FOSTER (William), A guide to the India office records 1600 - 1858. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1919. XII, 130 pp, 22 cm. rr-809-N-II 3168 INDIAN historica! records commission. A retrospect 1919 - 1948. Calcutta, Government of India Press, 1948. VI, 131 pp, ills^ai cm. rr-804-N-II 3169 RESOLUTIONS of the Indian historical records commission 1919 - 1948. Calcutta, Government of India Press, 1949. II, 147 pp, 21 cm. rr-806-N-II 3170 NATIONAL archives of India 1948 - 1952. Afluinquennial review. [Z PI uitg en |Vi 54 pp, 24 cm. rr-796-N-H ' 3171 INDIAN historical records commission. Proceedings of the meetings of the twenty-fifth - thirty-sixth session. New Delhi, Government of India Press 1949 1961. Vol. XXV - XXXVI. ills, 25 cm. 13 dln. Ontbr.: 1950 vol. XXVI 1955 vol XXXI part h 1956 - 1960 vol. XXXII - XXXV. rr-805-N-II 3172 KABIR (Humayun), Presidential address at the thjrtieth session of the Indian historical records commission. Hyderabad, February 1,1954. [New Delhi President's Press, 19541. 9 pp, 24 cm. rr-800-N-II 3173 SUMMARIES of the papers [of the] Indian historical records commission. 30th fandl 32nd session. Hyderabad 1 - 3 February 1954, Patna February 1956. New Delhi President's Press, [1954, 19561. 2 dln, 25 cm. rr-799-N-II 3174 INDEX to papers read at the Indian historical records commission sessions 1920 - 1956. New Delhi, National Archives of India, [c. 1957]. VI 97 dd 25 cm rr-798-N-II ' ^' 3175 INDEX to the foreign and political department records. Delhi, Government of India, 1957. Vol. 1. 1756 - 1780. XII, 548 pp, 25 cm. rr-803-N-II 3176 GAUTAM (M.K.), Socio-culöiral change in tribal India. [Z.pl, 1964.1 IV 44 pp krt 28 cm. rr-801-N + IV ' 3177 SYMONDS (Richard), Pembinaan Pakistan. Tj. ke-2. [Diterdjemahkan dari bahasa Inggeris oleh: Sjah R. BATUAH.1 Djakarta, Balai Pustaka, 1964. 29,üfc 21 cm. Oospr. titel: The making of Pakistan; 2nd ed, 1950. rr-811-N-III 3178 BERNOT (Lucien), Les Cak. Contribution a 1'étude ethnographique d'une population de langue loi. Paris 1967. 287 pp, ills, 25 cm. Centre de documentation sur 1'Asie du Sud-Est. Atlas ethno-linguistique. Recherches coopérative sur programme. No. 61. 2me série. Monographies. 1. rr-786-N-IV 3179 SINHA (D.P.), Some aspects of British social and administrative policy in India during the administration of Lord Auckland. Calcutta, Punthi Pustak 1969 VIII 336 pp, 22 cm. rr-789-N-II 3180 STRUGGLE for freedom. The history and culture of the Indian people Ed by R C MAJUMDAR [and! AK. MAJUMDAR, [Contrib.: T. Roy CHOWDHURY S K CHATTERJI, S.K. BANERJI a.o.] Bombay 1969. XXXII, 1162 pp. ills, 25 cm.' Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's history and culture of the Indian people Vol XI rr-784-N-II 3181 BEER (Alice Baldwin), Trade goods. A study of Indian chintz in the collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum of decorative arts and design Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 1970. 133 pp. ills, 26 cm. rr-783-N + II 3182 DELOCHE (Jean), Voyage en Inde du comte de Modave 1773-1776. (Nouveaux mem<%s sur 1'etat actuel du Bengale et de 1'Indoustan). Paris, Ecole franchise d'Extrême- Oriënt, 1971. 594 pp, ills, 28 cm. Publications de 1'école franc'aise d'Extrême-Orient, Vol. IXXIX. rr-792-N +1 3183 BHATTACHARYYA (Sukumar), The Rajput States and the East India Company from the close of 18th century to 1820. New Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal 1972 XII, 279 pp, krt, 22 cm. rr-782-N-II 3184 CATALOGUE des manuscrits des anciennes archives de 1'Inde franc aise Pondichéry, 1690 - 1789. Tome 1. Publ. avec une introd. par Edmund GAUDART Paris, Lerouz, 1972. XXII, 426 pp, 26 cm. rr-802-N + II 190 II. Asia 3185 DAS (P. KL), The monsoons. London, Edward Arnold, 1972. XII, 162 pp. ills, 23 cm. rr-785-N-I 3186 ELKIN (Judith Laikin), Krishna smiled: Assignment in Southeast Asia. Detroit, Mich, Wayne State University Press, 1972. 251 pp, 24 cm. rr-787-N-I 3187 GIRTLER (Roland), Die "Demokratische" Institution des Panchayat in Indien. Ein Vergleich des "gesetzlichen" und des "traditionellen" Panchayat. Wien, Engelbert Stiglmayr, 1972. 78 pp, 24 cm. Acta Ethnologica et Linguistica 28. Series Indica 5. rr-790-N IV 3188 NULTY (Leslie), The green revolution in West Pakistan. Imphcations of technological change.forew. by Arthur GAITSKELL. New York etc, Praeger Publ, 1972. XXII, 151 pp, 24 cm. Praeger special studies in international economics and development «T-808-N-III 3189 SAINTSBURY (George), East India slavery. Shannon, Ireland, Irish University Press, 1972. IV, 52 pp. 22 cm. Fotografische facs. van de 2e dr. London 1829- rr-781-N-III 3190 SINGER (Mil ton), When a great tradition modernizes. An an th ropological approach to Indian civüization. Forew by M N. SRINIVAS. London, Pall Mail Press, 1972. XVIII, 430 pp, ills, 24 cm. rr-807-N-IV 3191 WHEELER (J. Talboys), Early records of British India. A history of the English settlements in India, as told in the government records, the work of old travellers, ... enz, [New ttripr.1 LondiJit, enz, Curzon Press, enz, 1972. II, XXXII, 391 pp, 24 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1878. rr-788-N-II 3192 DELOCHE (Jean), Les ponts anciens de 1'Inde. Paris, Ècole francaise d'Extrême-Orient, 1973. 90 pp, ills, 28 cm. Publications de 1'école francaise d'extrême-orient Vol XCIII. rr-793-N + I 3193 GIST (Noel P.) and Roy Dean WRIGHT, Marginality and identity. Anglo-Indians as a racially-mixed minority in India. Leiden, Brill, 1973. IV, 161 pp, 24 cm. Monographs and theoretical studies in sociology and anthropology 3. rr-797-N-JV 3194 KINCAID (Dennis), British Social life in India, 1608-1937. Introd. by James LUNT. 111. by Frank WILSON. 2nd ed. London, enz, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973. XXII, 345 pp, 23 cm. rr-791-N-II 3195 NADARAJA (T.), The legal system of Ceylon in its historical setting. Leiden, Brill, 1972. XLVI, 311 pp, ill, 24 cm. rr-794-N-II 3196 SOME documents rebtingto the rise of the Dutch power in Ceylon, l602-1670from the translations at the India office. Ed. by P.E. PIERIS. 2e dr. London etc, Curzon Press, 1973. XII, 292 pp, 22 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1929. rr-795-N-III ss. Burma 3197 FENICHEL (A.H.), and W.G. HUFFy fhe impact of colonialism on Burmese economie development. Montreal [19711. IV, 68 pp. 21 cm. McGill University. Centre for Developing-Area studies. Occasional paper series. No. 7. ss-84-N 3198 SARKISYANZ (Manuel), Peacocks, Pagodas and Professor Hall. A critique of the persisting use of historiography as an apology for British Empire-Building in Burma. Ohio, Ohio Univ, 1972. XII, 57 pp, 28 cm. Center for International Studies. Papers in International Studies, Southeast Asia Series 24. ss-86-N + 3199 STEWART (A.T.Q.), The Pagoda war. Lord Dufierin and the fall of the Kingdom of Ava 1885-6. London, Faber and Faber, 1972. 223 pp, ills, 22 cm. ss-88-N 3200 TA YLOR (Robert H Jt Foreign and domestic consequences of the KMT intervention in Burma. Ithaca, N.Y, Cornell Univ, 1973. VIII, 88 pp, ills, 28 cm. Department of Asian studies. Southeast Asian program. Data paper 93. ss-87-N + 3201 THEIN PE MYINTfSelected short stories of -. Tianstwith introd. and commentary by Patricia M. MILNE. Ithaca, N.Y, 1973. X, 105 pp, 28 cm. Cornell University. Southeast Asia Program. Data paper 91. ss-85-N + tt. Continental Southeast Asia (excluding Burma) 3202 PRESIDENT Ho Chi Minh's visit to Indonesia; (February 27 - March 8, 1959). Hanoi, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1959.131 pp, ills, 24 cm. tt-580-N-II 194 II. Asia 3255 ATAN BIN LONG. Satu penyiasatan; berhubong dengan pengajaran bachaan permulaan bahasa Melayu kapada murid-murid Melayu yang normal yang berumor diantara enam dan tujoh tahun. Kuala Lumpur 1970. XI, 74 p, ills, 22 cm. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP). Dissertatie Kuala Lumpur, 1970. uu-795-N-V 3256 BROWN (D E ), Brunei; the structure and history of a Bornean Malay Sultanate. Brunei Starr Press, 1970. XI, 239 pp, ills, 26 cm. The Brunei Museum. Monograph of the Brunei Museum Journal, vol. 2, no. 2. uu-813-N + IV 3257 HOERR (O.D.), Education, income and equity in Malaysia. Pres. at the Dubrovnik Conference of the Development Advisory Service of Harvard University. [Z. pl.1 1970. 52 pp, 28 cm. uu-657-N + V 3258 RESEARCH programs in Singapore (proceedings and papers of a Seminar held under the auspices of Nanyang University from 6 to 7 August, 1969) Singapore, Nanyang Univ, 1970. IV, 238 pp, 26 cm. uu-655-N + I 3259 BUYONG BIN ADIL Sejarah Johor. Kuala Lumpur 1971. XIV, 352 p, ills, 22 cm. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP). Siri pelajaran menengah DBP, bil. 70. Siri Sejarah Nusantara. uu-793-N-II 3260 BUYONG BIN ADIL. Sejarah Selangor. Kuala Lumpur 1971. XX, 225 p, ills, 22 cm. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP). Siri pelajaran menengah DBP, bil. 69. Siri Sejarah Nusantara. uu-797-N-II 3261 NACH (James), Malaysia and Singapore in pictures. 9th pr. New York enz. Sterling enz, 1971. 64 pp, 26 cm. Visual geography series. uu-650-N-I 3262 PROVENCHER (Ronald), Two Malay worlds: Interaction in urban and rural settings. Berkeley, Calif. 1971. XII, 211 pp. ills. 28 cm. University of California. Center for South and Southeast Asia studies. Research monograph series, no. 4. uu-640-N + IV 3263 SHORT (D.E.), and James C. JACKSON. The origins of an irrigation policy in Malaya: A review of developments prior to the establishment of the drainage and irrigation department. Huil 1971. 26 pp. 24 cm. University of Huil. Centre for South-East Asian Studies. Repr. of publ. by staff members. 2nd series. No. 15. uu-642-N-I 3264 WONG HOY KEE(Francis), and EE TIANG HONG, Education in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, enz, Heinemann Educational Books, 1971. VIII, 184 pp, ill, 22 cm. uu-648-N-V 3265 AHMAD ABDUL KADIR (ed.). Puisi kanak-kanak sekolah rendah; disunting oleh KAMARULZAMAN YAHYA. Kuala Lumpur 1972. Buku 1 - 6. 21 cm. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP). Siri pelajaran rendah DBP, bil. 180. uu-794-NV 3266 ALATTAS (Syed Hussien), Temanku pemimpin2. Johore Bahru, Alattas Enterprise, 1972. 282 pp, ills, 19 cm. uu-676-N-I 3267 BARBER (Noel), The war of the running dogs. The Malayan emergency: 1948-1960. New York Weybright and Talley, 1972. 278 pp, ills, 22 cm. uu-664-NII 3268 BUYONG BIN ADIL, Sejarah Perak. Kuala Lumpur 1972. XII, 186 pp, 22 cm. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Siri sejarah nusantara. uu-687-N-II 3269 BUYONG BIN ADIL, Sejarah Singapura. Rujukan khas mengenai peristiwa2 sebelum tahun 1824. Kuala Lumpur 1972. XIII, 134 pp, ill, 22 cm. Siri Sejarah Nusantara. Kemeterian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Siri palajaran menegah DBP bil. 98. uu-668-N-II 3270 DORALL (Edward), K. DAS [and! LEE JOO FOR, New drama one. Sel, ed. and introd. by LLoyd FERNANDO. Kuala Lumpur etc, Oxford Univ. Press, 1972. XX, 147 pp, 22 cm. uu-668-N-V 3271 KUALA Lumpur. Street guide. Penang, Technical Publ, 1972. 40 pp, ills, 19 cm. uu-697-N-I 3272 LEE (Eddy), Educational planning in West Malaysia. Singapore etc, Oxford Univ. Press, 1972. XII, 64 pp, 26 cm. Oxford in Asian Current Affairs. uu-652-N-V 3273 LOFTUS (Peter), The earth drum. An experience of Singapore and Malaya. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1972. 162 pp, 21 cm. uu-651-N-V 3274 McKIE (Ronald), Singapore. Sydney, enz. Angus and Robertson, 1972. IV, 163 pp, ills, 19 cm. uu-645-N-I w. Philippines 195 3275 MILLER (Harry), Jungle war in Malaya. The campaign against Communism, 1948-1960. London [1972]. 220 pp. 8 pltn, krtn, 22 cm. uu-641-N-II 3276 ONGKILI (James P ), Modernization in East Malaysia 1960 - 1970. Kuala Lumpur etc, Oxford Univ. Press, 1972. XII, 123 pp, ills, 26 cm. Oxford in Asia Current Affairs. uu-661-N-III 3277 PURCAL (John T), Rice economy. Employment and income in Malaysia. Honolulu, The University Press of Hawaii, 1972. XIV, 248 pp. ills, 24 cm. An East-West Center book. uu-639-N-III 3278 REPORT for the period 1 May 1969 - 31 December 1971. Singapore, National Library Board, [1972]. IV, 20 pp, ills, 21 cm. uu-667-N-I 3279 SHANNON [bin] AHMAD, No harvest but a thorn. (Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan). Transl. and introd. by Adibah AMIN. 2e dr. Kuala Lumpur etc, Oxford Univ. Press, 1972. VIII, 168 pp, 22 cm Oxford in Asia modern authors. uu-665-NV 3280 SHEPPARD (Mubin),Taman Indera. A royal pleasure ground. Malay decorative arts and pastimes. Kuala Lumpur, enz, Oxford University Press, 1972. XVIII, 207 pp. ill. 29 cm. uu-646-N + 3281 SWEENEY (P.L. Amin), The Ramayana and the Malay shadow-play. Forew. by C. HOOYKAAS. Kuala Lumpur, National Univ. of Malaysia Press, 1972. XIV, 464 pp, ills, 22 cm. uu-660-N-IV 3282 SYED HUSSEIN ALATAS. Siapa yang salah; sekitar revolusi mental dan pribadi Melayu. Singapura 1972. 94 pp, 19 cm. Pustaka Nasional. uu-796-NIII 3283 WAflAB ALWEE (A.), Rembau: a study in integration and conflict in a village in Negri Sembilan, Malaya. Repr. Nedlands, Univ. ofWestern Australia, 1972. VIII, 60 pp, ills, 25 cm. Working papers in Asian Studies 1. Centre for Asian Studies. uu-653-N-IV 3284 WILSON (Dick), The future role of Singapore. London, enz, 1972. VIII, 120 pp, ills, 21 cm. Oxford paperbacks, no 294. The Royal Institute of International Affairs. uu-644-N-III 3285 ABDULLAH HUSSAIN, P. Ramlee, Kisah hidup seniman agung. Kuala Lumpur, Utusan Melayu, 1973. 216 pp, ills, 21 cm. Gebaseerd op: Gagak di rimba. uu-690-N-II 3286 BAKAR (Muhammad Abu), Mahasiswa menggugat. Suatu analisa dan peninjauan dari dalam terhadap kegiatan mahasiswa-mahasiswa negeri ini. Kuala Lumpur, Pustaka Antara, 1973. VI, 182 pp, 22 cm. uu-689-N-III 3287 BUYONG BIN ADIL, Sejarah Melaka dalam zaman kerajaan Melayu. Kuala Lumpur, Art, 1973. XI, 92 pp, 22 cm. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Siri pelajaran menengah DBP bil. 93. Siri sejarah nusantara. uu-677-N-II 3288 DRABBLB (J.H.), Rubber in Malaya 1876 - 1922. The genesis of the industry. London etc, Oxford Univ. Press, 1973. XX, 256 pp, ills, 25 cm. uu-663-N-III 3289 SEVEN poets. Singapore and Malaysia. Ed. by Erwin THUMBOO. [Contrib. by EE THIANG WONG, WONG PHUI NAM, GOH POH SENG a.o.1 Singapore, Univ. Press, 1973. XX, 226 pp, 19 cm. uu-654-N-V 3290 WILSON (Harold E.),Educational policy and performance in Singapore, 1942 - 1945. Singapore 1973. II, 28 pp, 28 cm. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Occasional paper 16. uu-658-N + V w. Philippines 3291 RIZAL ([José]), Comp. por Jaime C. de VEYRA. Con un estudio de la personalidad de Rizal por el mismo. Manila 1946. XVI, 138 pp, 23 cm. Documentos de la bibliotheca nacional de Filipinas, 14. w-536-N-V 3292 VEYRA (Jaime C. de), "El Ultimo Adiós" de Rizal. Estudio critico-expositivo en dos partes. Manila, 1946. XVI, 152 pp, 4 pltn, 24 cm. Bibliotheca Nacional de Filipinas. Manuales de Información. w-519-N-V 3293 MABINI y Maranan (Apolinario). - Mabini's version of [Francisco BALTHASAR'Sl "Florante at Laura". Pref. by Carlos QUIRINO. English transl. by Tarrosa SUBIDO. Manila, 1964. XX, 119 pp, 4 pita, 26 cm. National heroes commission. Mabini centenary series 1. w-518-N + V 3294 MAJUL (Cesar Adib), Apolinario Mabini [y maranan] revolutionary. Manila, 1964. XVI, 223 pp, pltn, 26 cm. National heroes commission. W-517-N +II 210 II. Asia 3541 JENNER (Philip N), Southeast Asian literatures in translation: a preliminary bibliography, Hawaii, Univ. Press of Hawaii, 1973. XVIII, 198 pp, 22cm. University of Hawaii. Asian Studies Program. Asian Studies at Hawaii 9. 31-230-N 3542 NAGELKERKE (Gerard AtntonieD, Books relating to Thailand (Siam) held in the Library of the Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology at Leiden. Leiden 1973. I, 28 pp, 28 cm. 31-228-N + 3543 NIELSEN (H. Dean) and Diana H. KIRK. Learning environments and learmng outcomes: a review of research literature. New York, Asia Society, 1973. 31 pp, 28 cm. Southeast Asiaft Development Advisory Group of the Asia Society. SEADAG papers on problems of development in Southeast Asia 73-9. Bevat ook: Educational environment: an annotated bibliography. Comp. by Diana H. KIRK.. IV, 50 pp. 31-241-N + 3544 ROSS (Marion W.), Bibliography of Vietnamese literature in the Wason Collection at Cornell University. Ithaca, N.Y, 1973. VIII, 188 pp, 27 cm. Cornell University. Southeast Asia Program. Data paper 90. 31-226-N + 3545 URBAN Southeast Asia. A selected bibliography of accessibie research, reports and related materials on urbanism and urbanization in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam. [Contrib. by W.J. WAWOROENTOE, Leandro A. VILORIA, Larry STERNSTEIN a.o.] Ed.: Gerald BREESE. New York, N.Y. 1973. X, 165 pp, 28 cm. Asia Society. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group (SEADAG). 31-231-N + 3m. Directories - Personal records - Miscellaneous 3546 PACIFIC botanists 1963. Honolulu, Hawaii [19631. 22 cm. Bernice P. Biship Museum. Pacific Scientific Information Center. —Idem. Supplement 1969. 22 cm. 3m-23-N , , 3 547 PACIFIC entomologists 1966. [Compiled by Ilse M. KOEHLER1 Honolulu, Hawan [19661 22 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Pacific Scientific Information Center. 3m-22-N 3548 INDO-PACIFIC invertebrate zoologists. (Other than entomologists). 1968. Honolulu, Hawaii [1968]. 22 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Pacific Scientific Wormation Center. 3m-21-N 3549 PACIFIC anthropologists 1971. Honolulu, Hawaii [19711 22 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Pacific Scientific Information Center. 3m-20-N 3550 DIRECTORY of microfilm facilities in Southeast Asia. Comp. by P. LIM PUI HUEN. 2 ed. Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1973. II, 32 pp, 28 cm. Library bulletin 7. 3m-26-N + 3551 SEADAG Chairman's report lof Phillips TALBOT]. July 1, 1972 - June 30, 1973. New York, Asia Society, 1973.40 pp, 23 cm. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group of the Asia Society. 3m-24-N III. ASIA AND THE WEST 3n. Colonial policy and colonial history in general 2nd World War and decolonization - Post war political and economie problems and development cooperation 3552 ECONOMIC cooperation in Latin America, Africa and Asia. A handbook of documents. Ed. by Miguel S. WIONCZYK. Cambridge, Mass, etc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1969. XII, 566 pp, 23 cm. 3n-56*.N-III 3553 HUNTER (Guy), Modernizing peasant societies. A comparative study in Asia and Africa. London etc, Oxford Univ. Press, 1969. XII, 324 pp, 22 cm. The Institute of race relations. 3n-544-N-III 3554 TWEEDE wereldvoedsel congres. Den Haag 16 - 30 juni 1970. Basisstukken. Den Haag, NOVIB, [19701. 75 pp, iU, 30 cm. Tevens in map 9 stencils m.b.t. wereldvoedsel congres. 3n-556-N + III 3555 BOLT (Christine), Victorian attitudes to race. London, etc, Roudedge and Kegan Paul, etc, [1971.JXVIII, 254 pp. 22 cm. Studies in social history. 3n-538-N-I 3556 HOW low income countries can advance their own growth. The lessons of experience. [Foreword by Theodore O. YNTEMA ] 2nd pr. New York, 1971. 73 pp. 111. 28 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1966. Committee for Economie Development (CED), Research and Policy Committee. 3n-539-N + III 3557 LEBRA (Joyce C), Jungle alliance. Japan and the Indian National Army. Singapore, Asia Pacific Press, 1971. XIV, 255 pp, ills, 22 cm. An Asia Pacific World Library Title 3n-555-N-II 7 3558 NATIONAL liberation. Revolution in the Third World. Ed. by Norman MILLER and Roderick AYA. With an introd. by Eric R. WOLF. [Contrib. by Manfred HALPERN, John R. McLANE, Eqbal AHMED a.o.1 New York, The Free Press 1971. XXVI, 307 pp, 21 cm. 3n-551-N-III 3559 SALIM (Makmun), Ichtisar sedjarah perang dunia II. [Djakartal 1971. X, 164 pp, ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan-Keamanan, Pusat Sedjarah Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (ABRI). Seri text-book sedjarah ABRI C7. 3n-579-N-II r 3560 ANGELOPOULOS (Angelos), The third world and the rich countries. Prospects for the year 2000. Transl. by N. CONSTANTINIDIS and CR. CORNER. Forew. by Josué de CASTRO. New York etc, Praeger Publishers, 1972. XX, 248 pp, 25 cm. Praeger special studies in international economics and development. 3n-562-NIII 3561 DIRECT foreign investment in Asia and the Pacific. Ed. by Peter DRYSDALE [Contrib. by Donald BRASH, Koichi HAMADA, Helen HUGHES a.o.1 Canberra, Australian National University Press, 1972. XIV, 360 pp, 25 cm. The third pacific trade and development conference Sydney 1970. 3n-560-N-III 3562 FRIEDMANN (Wolfgang), Law in a changing society. 2nd ed. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1972. 580 pp, 20 cm. Penguin education. Law and society. 3n-341-N-III 1 3563 GIRARDET (Raoul), L'idée coloniale en France de 1871 a 1962. Paris La Table Ronde, 1972. XII, 335 pp, 22 cm. 3n-554-N-I 3564 HOYT (Edwin P), The battle of Leyte Gulf. The death knell of the Japanese fleet New York, Weybright and Talley, 1972. VI, 314 pp, ills, 24 cm. 3n-561-NII 3565 KAPUR (Harish), The Soviet Union and the emerging nations. A case study of Soviet policy towards India London, Michael Joseph Ltd.. 1972. 124 nD 23 cm 3n-547-N-III yy' 3566 MACINTYRE (Donald [G.F.W.D, Sea power in the Pacific. A history from the sixteenthcentury to the present day. London [19721. 281 pp. 111. 22 cm. 3n-540-N-II 3567 STUDIES in the theory of imperialism. Ed. by E. Roger J. OWEN and R. Bob SUTCLIFFE. [Contrib. by Tom KEMP, Thomas HODGKIN, Harry MAGDOFF ao.1 London, Longman, 1972 390 pp, ills, 22 cm. A. Longman paperback. 212 III. Asia and the West 3568 The WORLD'S population. Problems of growth. Ed. by Quentin H. STANFORD. [Contrikvby John D. DURAND, Louise B. YOUNG, Robert C. COOK a.o.1 Toronto enz, Oxford Univ. Press, 1972. XIV, 346 pp, ills, 23 cm. 3n-546-N-III 3569 DUMONT (René), and Marcel Mazoyer, Socialisms and development. Transl. by Rupert CUNNINGHAM. London, Deutsch, 1973. 352 pp, 22 cm. Oorspr. titel: Developpement et socialismes, 1969. 3n-577-N-III 3570 KHAN (Abdul Wahab), Role of management science in economie growth of developing countries Budapest, Center for Afro-Asian Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1973. 50 pp, 24 cm. Studies on developing countries 61. 3n-550-N-III 3571 NICHTKAPITALISTISCHER Entwicklungsweg. Aktuelle Probleme in Theorie und Praxis. ProtokoH einer Konferenz des Zentralen Rates für Asien-, Afrika- und Lateinamerikawissenschaften in der DDR, die in Verbindung mit der Sektion Afrikaund Nahostwissenschaften der Karl-Marx- Universitat Leipzig vom 20. bis 22. Mai 1971 in Leipzig veranstalter wurde. Zweite, unver- anderte Aufl. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1973. XIV, 439 pp, 22 cm. Studiën über Asien Afrika und Lateinamerika 1. 3n-552-NIII 3572 OLTMANS (Willem L.), Den vaderland getrouwe. Uit het dagboek van een journalist. Utrecht enz, Bruna & Zn, 1973. 680 pp, ills, 22 cm. 3n-558-N-III 3573 PEARL Harbor as history. Japanese-American relations 1931 - 1941. Ed. by Dorothy BORG, Shumpei OKAMOTO and Dale K.A. FINLAYSON. New York etc, ColummaUniwi»ir*^1973. XVI, 801 pp, 23 cm. Studies of the East Asian Institute. 3n-557-N-II 3574 SEADAG reports Ion the! rural development panel seminar [chairman: Thomas F. WE AVER] July 9 - 11, 1973 Delmoncinois Hotel New York, New York, Asia Society, 1973. VII, 17 pp, 28 cm. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group of the Asia Society. 3n-553-N-III 3575 SZENTES (Tamas), How does the distorted socio-economic structure ïmpede the expansion of accumulation? Budapest, 1973. 60 pp, 23 cm. Center for Afro-Asian research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Studies on developing countries 54. 3n-545-N-III , , . 3576 UITVOERING en verantwoording beleid 1972. Den Haag, Voorlichtingsdienst Ontwikkelings- samenwerking van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, [19731. 52 pp, ills, 21 cm. 3n-549-N-I 3o. General description - Travel - Shipping Navigation - Maps - Atlases 3577 ETUDES de géographie tropicale offertes a Pierre Gourou. [Comité de publ.: Pierre Barrere e.a.] Paris [etc.] 1972. 600 pp. 111. 25 cm. Ecole Pratique des hautes études, Sorbonne. Vle section: Sciences économiques et Sodales. Le monde d'outre-mer passé et présent. Ire série: Etudes. XXXVIII. 3o-173-N 3578 GROTE Winkler Prins atlas. Samengest. door A.F.J. WUBBE, R. BERKENBOSCH, J. GROENEVELD e.a. Amsterdam enz, Elsevier, 1972. 340 pp. 111. krtn. 37 cm. 3o-171-N+ _„ 3579 HAACK (Herman), Schriften zur Kartographie. Ausgewahlt und bearb. von Werner HORN. Leipzig 1972. IV, 208 pp. 111. Krtn. 25 cm. Geographisch-Kartographische Anstalt/ Gotha. Erganzungsheft Nr. 275 zu Petermanns Geographischen Mitteilungen. 3o-172-N 3p. Social and cultural anthropology - Sociology - Law - History of religion - Christian missions Palaeontology - Prehistory - Physical anthropology 3580 ELIADE (Mircea), Mythes, réves et mystères. 2e ed, [Paris,]Gallimard, 1957.311 pp. 19 cm. Les essais LXXXIV. 3p-535-N-I IV. AMERICA AFRICA AUSTRALIA 3q. Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles up to 1815 3611 VOORT (Johannes Petrus van de), De westindische plantages van 1720 tot 1795. Financien en handel. Eindhoven, De Witte, 1973. 367 pp, 21 cm. Proefschrift Nijmegen. 3q-19-N 3r. Surinam and the Netherlands Antilies after 1815 3612 GAANDER (C.F.), Goden, geesten, en mensen in het bosland van Suriname. LZ.pl. 1952.1 16 pp, 22 cm. Evangelische Broedergemeente in Suriname. Gemeenschap, afl. no 1. 3r-543-N-IV 3613 SHELLS and shelling. Aruba, Bonaire, Curac,ao. The complete family guide to collecting and identification. Prod. under the editorship of Ralph BARRET and David PATTERSON. Z.pl,Fletcher, 1970. 64 pp, ills, 23 cm. 3r-510-N-I 3614 BRUIJNE (GA. de), Surinam in regional geography. An alternative to Preston James' Latin America. [Amsterdam] 1971. 4 pp, 24 cm. Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Overdr. uit: Geografisch Tijdschrift. Nieuwe reeks V (1971) nr. 3. 3r-519-N-I 3615 BRUYNE (GA. de), Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles: Their place in the world [Amsterdam], Wolters-Noordhoff, 1971. 8 pp, 24 cm. Overdr. uit: Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Geografisch Tijdschrift. Nieuwe reeks V (1971) nr. 4. 3r-517-N-I 3616 HOEVEN (F. van der), De economisch-geografische structuur en ontwikkeling van de haven van Willemstad op Curacao. [Amsterdam 19711 VI, 78 pp, ills, 30 cm. 3r-515-N + III 3617 SCHOEN (Ivan L), Report of the emergency trip made by the West Indian Mission to the Akoerio Indians, June 1971. Paramaribo 1971. 9 pp, 28 cm. Smithsonian Institution, Center for Short-Lived Phenomena. West Indian Mission. 3r-511-N + IV 3618 JOHANNIS Sneebeling over Surinaamse Indianen. Een manuscript uit de 18e eeuw getiteld "Van de Indianen", [uitgewerkt door] Peter KLOOS. Paramaribo [Z.j.] 24 cm. Bevat Engelse samenvatting. Stichting Surinaams Museum-Surinam Museum Foundation. Mededelingen no 10. 3r-512-N-IV 3619 KRI, kra'. Proza van Suriname. Bloemlezing samengest. door Thea DOELWIJT. [met bijdr. van Melville J. HERSKOVITS, Albert HELMAN, TREFOSSA e.a.1 Paramaribo, Bureau Volks- lectuur, 1972. 187 pp, 24 cm. 3r-499-N-V 3620 OEHLERS (Erwin G), Practical guide on parliamentary and meeting procedures, lst ed. Aruba, De Wit Stores, 1972. 40 pp. 24 cm. 3r-466-N-III 3621 TEYLINGEN (Henk van), Bedek je schande. Suriname van binnen uit. Amsterdam, Arbeiderspers, 1972.114 pp, 20 cm. Reeds eerder als colummns versch. in "Avenue". 3r-509-N-V 3622 DIJKSTRA (Jan), Suriname gegevens. Informatie over Suriname voor een beter begrip omtrent de gebeurtenissen van februari 1973. Voorburg 1973. 40 pp, ill, 30 cm. Protestantse Stichting tot Bevordering van het Bibliotheekwezen en de Lectuurvoorlichting in Nederland. Actuele informatie, no 16. 3r-532-N + I 3623 IMMIGRATIE - emancipatie. 110 Jaar emancipatie. 100 Jaar immigratie. [Eindred. E. Th. WAALDIJK.3 [Den Haag 19731 60 pp, ills, 21 cm. Comité ter Herdenking van de Honderdjarige Immigratie der Hindostanen in Suriname. 3r-513-N-II 3624 LAMUR (H.E.), The demographic evolution of ItniliMli 1920 - 1970. A socio-demographic analysis. Den Haag, Nijhoff, 1973. VIII, 207 pp, ill, 24 cm. Proefschrift Leiden. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Landen Volkenkunde 65. 3r-507-N-III 3625 MADURO (Antoine J.), Algun anotashon mas tokante nos lenga i otro asuntunan. Korsou 1973. 77 pp, 24 cm. 3r-527-N-V 216 IV. America-Africa-Australia 3626 PRINS-WINKEL (Anna Cornelia), Kabes Duru? Verslag van een onderzoek naar de onderwijssituatie op de Benedenwindse Eilanden van de Nederlandse Antillen, in verband met het probleem van de vreemde voertaal bij het onderwijs (Summary in English. Resumen na Papiamentu). Assen, Van Gorcum & Comp, 1973. VIII, 179 pp, 24 cm. Proefschrift Amsterdam. 3r-516-N-V 3627 VERTON (Pedjer), Kiezers en politieke partijen in de Nederlandse Antillen. [Oranjestad,! (Aruba), De Wit Stores, [c. 19731 66 pp, ills, 23 cm. 3r-508-N-III 3628 WIERSMA (P.), Verslag eener zending naar Britsch Indie, ter bestudeering van het emigratie-wezen aldaar, voor zoover betreft de werving, het in depots onder dak brengen en het afschepen van Britsch-Indische emigranten naar Suriname. Ingel. doorL-F.S. LUTCHMAN. Paramaribo, Dry Eldorado, 1973. ills, 21 cm. 3r-514-N-I 3sl. Bahamas 3629 DURRELL (Zoé O, The innocent island. Abaco in the Bahamas. Brattleboro, Durrell Pubis, 1972. 157 pp, ills, 23 cm. 3sl-674-NI 3s2. Cuba 3630 JOHNSON (Leiand Lj, Ü.S. business interests in Cuba and the rise of Castro. Santa Monica, Calif. 1964. 26 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-2923. 3s2-712-N + III 3631 DINERSTEIN (Herbert S.), Castro's Latin American comintern. Santa Monica, Calif. 1967. 15 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-3678. 3s2-728-N + III 3632 CLYTUS (John), with Jane RIEKER. Black man in red Cuba. Coral Cables, Fla, Univ. of Miami Press, 1970. 158 pp, 21 cm. 3s2-662-N-V 3633 MESA-LAGO (Carmelo), The labor sector and socialist distribution in Cuba. 2nd pr. New York, etc, Praeger, 1970. XIX, 250 pp, ills, 24 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1968. Stanford Univer- sity, Hoover Instution on War, Revolution and Peace. Hoover Institution publications. Praeger special studies in international economics and development. 3s2-683-N-III 3634 The UNITED STATES, Cuba, and the cold war. American failure or communist conspiracy?. Ed. with an introduction by Lester D. LANGLEY. Lexington, Mass, Heath and Co, 1970. XI, 106 pp, 24 cm. Problems in American civilization. 3s2-775-N-III 3635 ALLISON (Graham T.), Essence of decision. Explaining the Cuban missile cnsis. Boston, Little, Brown and Co, 1971. XII, 338 pp, 21 cm. Harvard University. John Fitzgerald Kennedy School of Government, Institute of Politics, Faculty Seminar on Bureaucracy, Politics and Policy. 3s2-620-N-III 3636 CRASSWELLER (Robert D.), Cuba and the U.S. The tangled relationship. New York, N.Y, 1971. 63 pp, ills, 20 cm. Foreign Policy Association. Headline series, no 207. 3s2-625-N-III 3637 ESTUDIOS y documentos suecos sobre Cuba. [Por David WIRMARK, Magnus MÖRNERy Miguel BENITO.1 Stockholm 1971.87 pp, 25 cm. Instituto de Estudios Ibero-Americanos, Esto- colmo, Suecia. Publicaciones serie B, informes no. 2. 3s2-6638-N-I 3638 BONSAL (Philip), Cuba, Castro and the United States. 2nd pr. IZ.pl,) Univ. ot Pittsburgh Press, 1972. XII, 318 pp, ills, 24 cm. Oorspr. gepubl. 1971. 3s2-640-N-III , 3639 CUBA in revolution. Ed. by Rolando E. BONACHEA, and Nelson P. VALDES. Garden City, N.Y, Doubleday and Ine, 1972. XII, 544 pp, 18 cm. A Doubleday Anchor original, no A 791 2 3s2-766-N-III 3640 CUBA Castro, and revolution. Ed. and with an introduction by Jaime SUCHLICKI. Coral Gables, Flor, Univ. of Miami Press, 1972. XII, 250 pp, 24 cm. 3s2-736-N-III 3641 HALPERIN (Maurice), The rise and decline of Fidel Castro. An essay in contemporary history. Berkeley, [etc.1 Univ. of California Press, 1972. X, 380 pp, lik, 24 cm. 3s2-633-N-II 3642 MESA-LAGO (Carmelo). The labor force, employment, unemployment and underemployment in Cuba: 1899-1970. Beverly Hills, etc. Sage Pubis, 1972. 71 pp, 21 cm. Sage professional papers in international studies series. 3s2-684-NIII 3s3. Porto Rico 217 3643 CUBA: Camino abierto. Compilacion de David BARKIN, y Nita Rous de MANITZAS. Traducion de introducion y capitulos 1 a 6: Francisco Gonzales ARAMBURO. Mexico, Siglo Veintiuno ed, 1973. VIII, 343 dd 18 cm 3s2-695-N-III vv'' 3644 FONTANELLA (Lee), Parnassian precept and a new way of seeing Casal's Museo Ideal. Austin, Tex. [z.j.130 pp, 23 cm. Overdr. uit: Corporative literature studies z j vol. 7, no 4, blz. 450 - 479. University of Texas at Austin Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 120. 3s2-795-N-V 3s3. Porto Rico 3645 McELHENY (John Richard), Industrial education in Puerto Rico. An evaluation of the program in "operation bootstrap" from 1948-1958. [Columbusl 1960. [Facs xerography repr: Ann Arbor, Mich, Univ. Microfilms, 1973.] 203 pp, ills, 20 cm. Proefschrift Columbus, Ohio State University 1960. 3s3-628 N III 3646 WAGENHEIM (Kal), Puerto Rico. A profile. Foreword by Piri THOMAS London Pall Mali Press, 1970. XV, 286 pp, ills, 22 cm. Pall Mali country profile series' 3s3-686-N-I 3647 PEOPLE of Puerto Rico. A study in social anthropology, by Julian H STEWARD Robert A. MANNERS, Eric R. WOLF, a.o. 4th pr. Urbana. etc, Univ. of Illinois' Press, 1972. 540 pp, ills, 29 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1956. University of Puerto Rico, College of Social Sciences, Social Science Research Center.. 3s3-677-N+ IV 3648 CORDASCO (Francesco), and Eugene BUCCHIONI, The Puerto Rican experience A sociological sourcebook. Totowa, N.J, Littlefield, Adams, 1973 XIX 370 pp 21 cm. Quality paperback, no 259.3s3-664-N-IV ' ' 3s4. Dominican Republic 3649 PATTEE (Ricardo), La Repüblica Dominicana. Madrid, Ed. Cultura Hispanica 1967 361 pp, 21 cm. 3s4-740-N-II 3650 CORDERO MICHEL (Jose R ), Informe sobre la repüblica Dominica, 1959. 3a ed Prólogo de Hugo TOLENTINO. Santo Domingo, Editora del Caribe, 1970.109 pp, ills, 23 cm. Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, vol. CXLVI. Coleccion' Historia y Sociedad no 3. Oorspr. uitg. 1959. 3s4-644-N-I 3651 SLATER (Jerome), Intervention and negotiation. The United States and the Dominican revolution. Foreword by Hans J. MORGENTHAU New York etc Harper and Row, 1970. XVIII, 254 pp, ills, 22 cm 3s4-678-N-III ' 3652 DOMINICAN1 Republic:, Oppressmn'> and struggle! An organizing packet Washington 1972. Losbladig, 30 cm. EPICA.3s4-637-N +III * 8 P 3653 INFORME del estudio exploratorio sobre la immigración Haitiana en la repüblica ,o°7m'nf oo Tra de Prol°S° por Frank M HERNANDEZ.] Santa Domingo 2 PM ' ppp w^a0™ P"10 de Santa Domingo- Centro Latinoamericano de Poblacion y Famila (CELAP). 3s4-642-N + I 3654 LOWENTHAL. (Abraham F.), The Dominican intervention. Cambridge, Mass Harvard Univ. Press, 1972. X, 246 pp, 22 cm. 3s4-639-N-II 3s5. Haiti 3655 Ï4CvMBE .(R0^' Histoire monétaire de Saint-Domingue et de la republique ; p^oï^cT^^Ji1^00^111^ pari^r°se'1958 vm 69 3656 STEWART(T.G.) The Haitian revolution, 1791 to 1804. Orside lights on the French revolution, Repr. New York, Russell and Russell, 1971. IX 292 pp ills 20 cm Oorspr. uitg. 1914. 3s5-630-N-II ' 3657 MOORE (O Erneati Haiti. Its stagnant society and shackled economy. A survey Sfil-N-Ii?S,t,0n '1972'X'281PP'21 cm- Exposition-university book. 3656 3657 222 IV. America - Africa - Australia 3720 BATEMAN (Merrill J.), Supply response in the Colombian coffee sector. Prepared for - AGENCY for International Development. Santa Monica, Calif. 1969. VII, 49 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Memorandum RM-5780-RC/AID. 3u2-654-N + III 3721 COMSTOCK (George), A boomerang in a peace corps attempt at persuasion. Santa Monica, Calif. 1969. 24 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-4032. 3u2-656-N + III \ . . 3722 SCHULTZ (T. Paul), Internal migration: A quantitative study of rural-urban migration in Colombia. Santa Monica, Calif. 1969.48 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-3905-1. 3u2-662-N + III 3723 SCHULTZ (T. PauD, Rural-urban migration in Colombia. Santa Monica, Cahf. 1970. 25 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-4488. 3u2-707-N + III 3724 MAULLIN (Richard L), Soldiers, guerrillas and politics in Columbia. A report prep. for Advances Research Projects Agency. Santa Monica, Cal, 1971. XVI, 107 pp, ills, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. R-630-ARPA. 3u2-549-N + III 3725 UGALDE (Antonio), A decision model for the study of public bureaucracies. Austin, Tex. [z.j.1 10 pp, 24 cm. Overdr. uit: Policy science, 1973, voL 4, blz. 75 - 84. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 134. 3u2-762-NI 3u3. Panama 3726 RECLUS (Armando), Exploraciones a los Istmos de Panama y de Darién en 1876, 1877 y 1878. 3a edición. San José, Costa Rica, Editorial Universitaria Centramercana, 1972. 414 pp, Uls,20 cm. Collección viajeros 6. 3u3-571-NI 3727 SHERZER (IDina), and Joel SHERZER, Literature ia San Bias: Discovering the Cuna Ikala. Austin, Tex. [z.j.118 pp, 24 cm. Overdr. uit: Semiotica, 1972»*ol 6, no 2, blz. 182 - 199. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 130. 3u3-755-NV 3728 SHERZER (JoeD, Talking backwards in Cuna: The sociological reality ot phonological descriptions. Austin, Tex. [z.j.110 pp, 25 cm. Overdr. tut: Southwestern tóurnal of anthropology, 1970, vol. 26, blz. 343 - 353. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no llfl. 3u3-773-N-V 3729 SHERZER (JoeD, Verbal and nonverbal deixis: The pointed lip gesture among the San Bias Cuna. Austin, Tex. [z.j.115 pp, 23 cm. Overdr. uit: Language m society, z.j. 2, blz. 117 -131. Uawersity of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 139. 3u3-757-NI 3u4. Costa Rica 3730 FERNANDEZ GUARDIA (Ricardo), History of the discovery and conquest of Costa Rica. Transl. by HarryWeston VAN DYKE. New York, CrowellComp.Tl913.][Facs. xerography repr: Ann Arbor, Mich, Univ. Microfilms, z.j.1 XXI, 416 pp, 19 cm. 3u4-597-N-II . ,l , ^ d - 3731 CERDAS CURZ (Rodolfo), La crisis de la democracia hberal en Costa Kica. Interpretacion y perspectiva. San José, Costa Rica, EDUCA, 1972. 191 pp, 17 cm. Coleccion Seis. 3u4-560-N-III ._,.„..„ 3732 COSTA RICA en el siglo XIX. Descrita por John HALE, John Lloyd STEPHUNSs Robert Glasgow DUNLOP y.o. Introd, notas y trad. de Ricardo FERNANDEZ GUARDIA. 3a ed. San José, Costa Rica, Editorial Universitaria Centroamericana, 1972 585 pp, ills, 20 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1929. Colección viajeros 2. 3u4-577-NI 3u5. Nicaragua 3733 ZELAYA (Chester), Nicaragua en la independencia. San José, Costa Rica. Editorial Universitaria Centroamericana, 1971. 349 pp, 17 cm. Collección rueda del tiempo. 3u5-556-N-II 3u6. Honduras 223 3u6. Honduras 3734 MENENDEZ HERNANDEZ (José), Problematica juridica de las reformas agrarias integrals. Madrid, Ed. Cultura Hispanica, 1971.489 pp, 22 cm. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Instituto de Cultura Hispanica. Publicationcs del Centro de Estudios Juridicos Hispanoamericanos. 3u6-551-N-IV 3u7. El Salvador 3735 GUZMAN (D. Mauricio), Codigo civil de el Salvador. Estudio preliminar. Madrid 1959. 399 pp, 20 cm. Instituto de Cultura Hispanica. 3u7-552-N-IV 3u8. Belize 3736 EXPEDITION to British Honduras - Yucatan 1966. General report. Ed. by Peter A. FURLEY. [Edinburgh 19681. 69 pp, ills, 31 cm. University of Edinburgh. 3u8-746-N + III 3u9. Guatemala 3737 LORAND DE OLAZAGASTA (Adelaïda), El Indio en la narrativa Guatemalteca San Juan, Puerto Rico, Editorial Universitaria, 1968. 277 pp, 22 cm. Universidad de Puerto Rico. 3u9-541-N-V 3738 FUENTES MOHR (Alberto), Secuestro y prision dos caras de ia violencia en Guatemala. San José, Costa Rica, Editorial Universitaria Centroamericana, 1971.211 pp, ills, 17 cm. Collección debate. 3u9-557-NIII 3739 tMRCIAxLAGUARDIA (Jorge Mario), La reforma liberal en Guatemala, Ed. Universitaria de Guatemala, etc, 1972.457 pp, ills, 18 cm. Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Editorial Universitaria. Ediciones reforma liberal, vol. 2.3u9-572-NII 3740 ADAMS (Richard N.), Brokers and career mobility systems in the structure of complex societies. Austin, Tex. [z.j.] 12 pp, 25 cm. Overdr. uit: Southwestern journal of anthropology, 1970, vol. 26, blz. 315-327. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 109. 3u9-774-N-III 3741 ROBERTS (Bryan R.), Organizing strangers. Poor families in Guatemala cityi Austin, etc, Univ. of Texas Press, 1973. XVIII, 360 pp, 24 cm. Texas Pan American series. 3u9-627-N-III - 3ul0. Mexico 3742 NEUMANN (Joseph), Révoltes des Indiens Tarahumars (1626 - 1724). Trad. du Latin, introduction et commentatres par Luis GONZ ALEZ.R» Paris, 1969. LXII, 188 pp, 24 cm. Univer- sité de Paris, Institut des Hautes Etudes de 1'Amérique Latine. Travaux et mémoire, no. 24 3ulO-679-N-II 3743 CASO (Antonio), El problema de México y la ideologia nacional. Prólogo de Leopoldo ZEA [México], Bibliotheca Minima Mexicana, 1955. 98 pp, ills, 17 cm. Bibliotheca Minima Mexicana, vol. 22. 3ul0-699 N III 3744 MORENO (Daniël), Figuras de la revolución Mexicana. Antologia de breves semblanzas politicas y literarias. México, Biblioteca Minima Mexicana, 1960.110 pp, 19 cm. Biblioteca Minima Mexicana, vol. 33. 3ul0-700-N-V 3745 DISTRIBUCION geografica de la población en la repüblica Mexicana. [Preambulo de Rita LOPEZ DE LLERGO.l México 1962. 89 pp, 28 cm. Met als bijln.: 12 krtn. Universidad Nacional Autonomade Mexico, Instituto de Geografia. 3u 10-512-N +1 3746 GLADE, Jr. (William P), and Charles W ANDERSON, The political economy of Mexico. Madison, [etc,] Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1968. XI, 242 pp, 22 cm. 3ul0-578-N-III 3747 KOEHLER (John E.), Economie policy-rnaking with limited information: The process of macro-control in Mexico. Santa Monica, Calif. 1968. XI, 64 pp, ills, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Memorandum RM-5682-RC. 3ul0-713-N+ III 224 IV. America — Africa - Australia 3748 INFORMACION general y programmas 1968 - 1970 [del] Colegio de México. [Presidente: Victor L. URQUIDL] México 1969. 119 pp, 21 dm. El Colegio de México. 3ul0-726-N-V 3749 PROYECCIONÉS de la población de México. Proyección de la población urbana, semiurbana y rural de los municipios de la Repüblica Mexicana al 1 de enero de 1968 y al 28 de enero de 1970. Dirección : Raül BENITEZ ZENTENO. México 1969. X, 137 pp, 16 cm. obl. Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México (UNAM), Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Sección de Sociologia de la Población y Demografia. 3ul0-433-N-I 3750 REVOLUTION in Mexico: Years of upheaval, 1910 - 1940. Ed. with an introd. by James W. WILKIE, and Albert L. MICHAELS. New York, Knopf, 1969. 300 pp, ills, 19 cm. A Borzoi book on Latin America. 3ul0-825-N-II 3751 DINAMICA de la población de México. México 1970. X, 291 pp, 23 cm. Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos y Demograficos. Publicaciones, no 3. 3ulO-682-N-III 3752 FOLAN (William J.), The open chapel of Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan. Architectural drawings by Gordon KETTERER and Ann KETTERER. New Orleans 1970. Ills, 27 cm. Overdr. uit: Publication of the Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University, no. 26. National Geographic Society-Tulane University program of research in Yucatan. 3ul0-521-N +II 3753 FROMM (Erich), and Michael MACCOBY, Social character in a Mexican village. A sociopsychoaAalitic study. Englewood Cliffs, N.J, Prentice-Hall, 1970 XV, 303 pp, 23 cm. 3ul0-673-N-I 3754 GONZALEZ NAVARRO (Moises), Raza y tierra. La guerra de castas y el henequén. Mexico 1970. X, 392 pp, 23 cm. Colegio de Mexico. Centro de Estudios Históricos. Nueva serie 10. 3ul0-514-N-II 3755 REYNOLDS (Clark W.), The Mexican economy. Twentiethcentury structure and growth. New Haven, etc, Yale Univ. Press, 1970. XXIV, 468 pp, 24 cm. Yale University, Economie Growth Center. 3ul0-604-N-III 3756 ALPERSTEIN BERENSTEIN (Raquel), Planificacion turistica de la zona de la Paz. Estudio preliminar. México 1971. 125 pp, 23 cm. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales. Cuadernos del Centro de Relaciones Internacionales, no 3. 3ul0-559-N-I 3757 BAKEWELL (P.J.), Silver mining and society in colonial Mexico, Zacatecas 1546 1700. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1971. XIII, 294 pp, ills, 22 cm. Cambridge Latin American studies, 15. 3ul0-636-N-II 3758 HAMNET (Brian R.), Politics and trade in Southern Mexico 1750-1821. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1971. VIII, 214 pp, ills, 22 cm. Cambridge Latin America studies no. 12. 3ul0-6Ó6-N-III 3759 La LEGISLACION Mexicana en materia de inversiones extranjeras. 3a ed. [Consejo directivo: Alejandra ALVAREZ GUERRERO, presidente.] México, Conzalez, 1971. 159 pp, 23 cm. Bevat bijlage. Centro de Estudios Económicos del Sector Privado, A.C. 3ulO-725-N-III 3760 NOVENO censo general de población 1970. 28 de enero de 1970: Estado de Campeche. [Director general estadistica: Ruben GLEASON GALICIA.] México 1971. LXXXIII, 166, 19 pp, 28 cm. Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Secretaria de Industri» y Comercio, Dirección General de Estadistica. 3ul0-705 N + I 3761 NOVENO censo general de población 1970. 28 de enero de 1970: Estado de Veracruz. [Director general estadistica: Ruben GLEASON GALICIA.1 México 1971. LXXXIII, 1070 pp, 71 pp, 28 cm. Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Secretaria de Industria y Comercio, Dirección General de Estadistica. 3ul 0-702 N + I 3762 NOVENOèenaogeneral de población 1970.28 de enero de 1970: Estado de Yucatan. [Director general de estadistica: Ruben GLEASON GALICIA.1 México 1971. LXXXIII, 608, 19 pp, 28 cm. Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Secretaria de Industria y Comercio, Dirección de Estadistica. 3ul0-704 N + I 3763 NOVENO censo general de población 1970. 28 de enero de 1970: Estado de Tamaulipas. [Director general estadistica: Ruben GLEASON GALICIA.] México 1971. LXXXIII, 314 pp, 31 pp, 28 cm. Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Secretaria de Industria y Comercio, Dirección General de Estadistica. 3ul0-703 N + I 3ulO. Mexico 225 3764 NOVENO censo general de población 1970. 28 de enero de 1970: Territorio de Quintana Roo. [Director general de estadistica: Ruben GLEASON GALICIA. México 1971. LXXXIII, 149 pp, 19 pp, 28 cm. Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Secretaria de Industria y Comercio, Dirección General de Estadistica. 3ul0-701 N + I 3765 POZAS (Ricardo), [yl Isabel H. de POZAS, Los Indios en las clases sociales de Mexico La Habana, Casa, 1971.110 pp, 23 cm. Estudios monograficos, Casa de las Americas 8. 3ul0-562-N-IV 3766 WILKIE (Raymond), San Miguel, A. Mexican collective ejido. Stanford, Calif, Stanford Univ. Press, 1971. XVIII, 190 pp, 23 cm. 3ul0-618-N-III 3767 BENITEZ (Fernando), Los Indios de México. México, Era, 1972.995 pp, ills, 22 cm. Biblioteca Era. Serie mayor. 3ul0-543-N-IV 3768 CRONOLOGIA de la politica exterior de Mexico, 1970-1971. [Introd. por José G. Cabra Ibaraa.1 Mexico 1972. 110 pp, 23 cm. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales. Cuadernos del Centro de Relaciones Internacionales, no. 5. 3ul0-558-N-III 3769 CUMBERLAND (Charles G), Mexican revolution. The constitutionalist years. With an introd. and additional material by David C. BAILEY. Austin [etc], Univ. of Texas Press, 1972. XIX, 449 pp, ills, krt, 24 cm. Texas Pan American series 3ul0-525-N-II 3770 DURAN (Marco Antonio), El agrarismo Mexicano. 2a edicion, corregida y aumentada. Mexico Siglo Veintuno Editores, 1972. V*L 230 pp, 18 cm. Oorspr uitg 1967. 3ul0-568-N-III 3771 FAGEN (Richard R.), and William S. TUOHY, Politics and privilege in a Mexican city. Stanford, Cal, Stanford Univ. Press, 1972. XII, 209 pp, ills 23 cm 3ulO-642-N-III 3772 FUENTES para la historia de la Ciudad de México, con una bibliografia sobre desarrollo urbaho y regional. Preparada por Luis UNIKEL, [con la colaboración del Carlos AGUIRRE, Sonia LOMBARDO DE RUIZ, Celia MALDONADO, e.a. México 1972. 269 pp, 28 cm. Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (INAH), pepartamento de Investigaciones Históricas. Colección cientifica. Serie: Catalogos y Wbliografias. Publicaciones del seminario de historia urbana 2. 3ul0-745 N + II 3773 IGLESIAS CALDERÓN (Fernando), Las supuestas traiciones de Juarez. Mexico 1972. XXIV, 578 pp, 21 cm. Fondo de Cultura Económica. Vida y pensamiento de México. 3ul0-570-N-II 3774 LOPEZ BARRENQUY (Alfonso), Mi pueblo. Teoria del Mexicanismo. México, Federación Editorial Mexicana, 1972. 79 pp, ill, 20 cm. Colección palabra viva 8. 3ul0-680-N-V 3775 REMOLINA ROQUENI (Felipe), Vigencia y positividad de la constitución de Apatzingan. Mexico 1972. 61 pp, 23 cm. Federación Editorial Mexicana (FEM). Colección documentos, no 2. 3ul0-648-N-III 3776 STEN (Maria), Las extraordinarias historias de los codices Mexicanos. Dibujos de Rafael LOPEZ CASTRO. México, Contrapuntos, 1972. 141 pp, ills 20 cm 3ul0-677 N II 3777 TAYLOR (William B.), Landlord and peasant in colonial Oaxaca. Stanford, Cal, Univ. Press, 1972. X, 287,pp, ills, 24 cm. 3ul0-515-N-III 3778 AGUIRRE BELTRAN(Gonzalo), Teoriay practica de la educación indigena. Mexico, SepSetentas, 1973. 282 pp, 17 cm. Secretaria de Educación Püblica. 3ul0-540-N-V 3779 BALAN (Jorge), Harley L. BROWNING, and Elizabeth JELIN, Men in a developing society. Geographic and social mobility in Monterrey, Mexico. Austin, [etc,] Univ. of Texas Press, 1973. XIX.384 pp, 24 cm. 3ul0-583-N-III 3780 BROWNING (Harley L.), and Jack P. GIBBS, Intraindustry division of labor: The States of Mexico. Austin, Tex. [z.j.] 13 pp, 24 cm. Overdr. uit: Demography, 1971, vol. 8, no. 2, blz. 233 - 245. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 113. 3ul0-772-N-III 3781 CHARPENEL (Mauricio), Las miniaturas en el arte popular Mexicano. Austin, Tex. [z.j.] 12 pp, 23 cm. Overdr. uit: Latin American folklore series, 1970, no. 1, blz. 1 - 12. University of Texas at Austin, .Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) Offprint series no 126. 3ul0-752-NII 226 IV. America - Africa - Australia 3782 EPSTEIN (Jeremiah F.), Some implications of recent excavations and surveys in Nuevo Leon and Coahuila. Austin, Tex. [z.j.112 pp, 23 cm. Overdr. uit: Texas journal of science, 1972, vol. 24, no 1, blz. 45 - 56. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) Offprint series no 128. 3ulO-653-NII 3783 FAGEN (Patricia W.), Exiles and citizens, Spanish republicans in Mexico. Austin, etc Univ. of Texas Press, 1973. 250 pp, 24 cm. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies. Latin American monographs, no 29. 3ulO-619-N-III | . „ fli'M 3784 GULLON (Ricardo), The universalism of Octavio Paz. Austin, Tex. Iz.j.J 12 pp, 23 cm Overdr. uit: Books abroad, 1972, Oct, blz. 585 - 596. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint senes no 132. 3ulO-764-NV , , . , £.u 3785 NEELY (James A), and George J. GUMERMAN, An archaelogical survey of the Tehuacan valley, Mexico: A text of color infrared photography. Austin, Tex. [z.j.J 8 pp 25 cm. Overdr. uit: American antiquity, 1972, vol. 37, no 4, blz. 520 - 527. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 129. 3ulO-754-NII | 3786 PHILLIPS (Allen W.), Octavio Paz: Critic of modern Mexican poetry. Austin, lex. [z j 112 pp 25 cm. Overdr. uit: Books abroad, 1972, Oct, blz. 567 - 578. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint senes no 131. 3ul0-765-NV . .. . 3787 ROBE (Stanley L.), Index of Mexican folktales. Including narraüve texts from Mexico Central America and the Hispanic United States. Berkely etc, Unrv of Cahfornia Press, 1973. XXIV, 276 pp, 26 cm. Folklore studies 26. 3ul0-575-N + II 3788 ROSS (Stanley R.), Mexico: Las tensiones del progreso. Austin, Tex. [z.j.113 pp, 21 • cm Overdr. uit: Latinoamérica, 1971, no 4, blz. 9-21. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 114.3ul0-771-N-III 3789 SINKIN(Richard N ), The Mexican constitutional congress, 1856 - 1857:Astatistical analysis. Austin, Tex. [z.j.1 26 pp, 23 cm. Overdr. uit: Hispanic American histoncal review 1973, vol. 53,nol,blz. l-26. University of Texas at Austin, InsUtute of Uün American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 137. 3ul0-759-NH 3790 TROIKE (Nancy P.), Observations on the physical form of the codex Becker L Austin, Tex. [z.j.16 pp, 24 cm. Overdr. uit: Archiv für Volkerkunde, 1969,no 23 University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Uttpnnt series no 106.3ul0-775-N-I . ,. . . 3791 WALTON (John), and Joyce A. SWEEN, Urbanization, mdustnahzation and voting in Mexico: A longitudinal analysis of official and opposition party support. Austin, Tex [z j 1 25 pp, 23 cm. Overdr. uit: Social science quarterly, 1971, no 3, blz 721 - 745. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 122. 3ul0-767-NIII 3792 WING(George Gordon), Octavio Paz, or the revolution in search of an actor. Austin, Tex. [z.j.18 pp, 25 cm. Overdr. uit: Books abroad, 1973, vol. 47, no 1, blz. 41 - 48. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 133. 3ul0-763-N-V 3ull. Other Latin American countries 3793 TIMMERMANS (W), Karakterschets van Chili. Referaat van de winter-kursus 1969-1970: "Introductie Latijns Amerikaanse samenleving". Roermond [19711. 13 pp. 30 cm. Colam (Centrum Oriëntatie Latijns Amerika). 3ull-397-N-I 3794 EL MéS alto ejemplo de heroismo. [Palabras de Beatriz ALLENDE1. Habana, Ed. de Ciencias Sociales, 1973. 105 pp, ills, 18 cm. Instituto Cubano del Libro. Ediciones politicas. 3ull-550-N-II 3795 GIBBS (Beverly J.), Ambiguity in Onetti's "El astillero". Austin, Tex. [z.j.J 9 pp, 25 cm. Overdr. uit: Hispanica, 1973, special issue, blz. 260 - 268. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint senes no 138. 3ull-758-NI 3u. The Latin American area 227 3796 TJARKS (German O.E.), Momentos criticos en la busqueda del ser nacional en la Rio de la Plata (1810 - 1880). Austin, Texas [z.j.118 pp, 23 cm. Overdr. uit: Jahrbuch für Geschichte von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas, 1969. Bd. 6 blz. 239-256. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 101. 3ull-778-N-III 3u. The Latin American area 3797 COSIO VILLEGAS (Daniël), American extremes. Transl. by Americo PAREDES. Introd. by John. P. HARRISON. Austin, Univ. of Texas Press, 1964, XV, 227 pp, 22 cm. Oorspr. titel: Extremos de America. Pan American paperbacks, no. 1. Texas Pan American series. 3u-633-NIII 3798 JOHNSON (Leiand L), The course of U.S. private investment in Latin America since the rise of Castro. Prepared for: The OFFICE of the Assistant Secretary of Defense/ International Security Affairs. Santa Monica, Calif. 1964. IX, 38 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Memorandum RM-4091-ISA. 3u-712-N+III 3799 JOHNSON (Leiand L.), U.S. private investment in Latin America: Some questions of national policy. Prepared for: The OFFICE of the Assistant Secretary of Defense/ International Security Affairs. Santa Monica, Calif. 1964. XI, 86 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Memorandum RM-4092-ISA. 3u-711-N + III 3800 WOLF, Jr. (Charles), The political effects of economie programs: Some indications from Latin America. Prepared for the OFFICE of the Assistant Secretary of Defence/International Security Affairs. Santa Monica, Calif. 1964. IX, 36 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Memorandum RM-3901-ISA. 3u-664-N + III 3801 AS ciências sociais na America Latina. [Prefacio: Bryce WOOD.1 Sa o Paulo, Difusao Europeia do Livro, [c. 1965.1370 pp, 21 cm. Centro Latino-Americano de Pesquisas em Ciências Sociais. 3u-685-N-III 3802 DICTATORSHIP in Spanish America. Ed. with an introduction by Hugh M. HAMILL, Jr. New York, Knopf, 1965. X, 242 pp, 19 cm. Borzoi books on Latin America. 3u-723-N-III 3803 EINAUDI (Luigi), and Herbert GOLDH AMER, An annotated bibliography of Latin American military journals. Santa Monica, Calif. 1965. V, 84 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Memorandum RM-4890-RC. 3u-649-N + II 3804 DINERSTEIN (Herbert S.), Soviet policy in Latin America. Prepared for: UNITED States Air Force Project Rand. Santa Monica, Calif. 1966. XIII, 44 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Memorandum RM-4967-PR. 3u-659-N + III 3805 EINAUDI (Luigi), Changing con texts of revolution in Latin America. Santa Monica, Calif. 1966. 34 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-3440. 3u-710-N + III 3806 FITCHETT (Delben A.), Land settlement strategies and their evaluation. Santa Monica, Calif. 1966. Ill, 16 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-3354. 3U-652-N + III 3807 JOHNSON (Leiand L), Problems in evaluating Latin American development. Santa Monica, Calif. 1966. 24 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-3388. 3u-714-N + III 3808 HIRSCHMAN (A.O.), Soviet bloc - Latin American economie relations and United States policy. Rev. ed. Santa Monica, Calif. 1967. VII, 44 pp, 28 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1959. Rand Corporation U.S. Air Force project Rand research memorandum RM-2457-1. 3U-715-N + III 3809 CONSTRUCTIVE change in Latin America. Ed. by Cole BLASIER. Contributors: German ARCINIEGAS, Dwight S. BROTHERS, Fernando H. CARDOSO, e.a. Pittsburgh Pa, Univ. Press, 1968. XXIII, 243 pp, 21 cm. 3u-671-NIII 3810 EINAUDI (Luigi R), Latin American student radicalism: A different type of struggle. Santa Monica, Calif. 1968. 16 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-3897. 3U-709-N + III 3811 FUENTES para historia de I bero-Ame rica conservadas en Sueca. Guia compilado por Magnus MORNER. Trad. del Sueco por Ester PASTOR LOPEZ. Estocolmo 1968. 105 pp, 21 cm. Archivo Nacional de Suecia. Onder ausp. van: Unesco, del Consejo Internacional de Archivos y del Consejo de Investigaciones Humanisticas (Suecia). Guia de fuentes para la historia de Ibero-America Escandinavia. 3u-605-N-II 228 IV. America — Africa - Australia 3812 HANDBOOK of Latin American Studies. Author index to nos 1-28, 1936-1966. Comp. by Frantisco Jose CARDONA and Maria Elena CARDONA. Gainesville, Univ. of Florida Press, 1968. VI, 421 pp, 24 cm. Library of Congress. Hispanic Foundation. 3u-573-N-II 3813 LOFTUS (Joseph E.), Latin American defence expenditures, 1938 - 1965. Prepared for: UNITED States Air Force Project Rand, and: The OFFICE of the AssistantSecretary of De fence/International Security Affairs. Santa Monica, Calif. 1968. XVI, 132 pp, ills, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Memorandum RM-5310-PR/ISA. 3u-658-N +1 3814 SCHULTZ (T. Paul), Demographic conditions of economie development in Latin America. Santa Monica, Calif. 1968.40 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-3885. 3u-663-N + III 3815 BROWN (Thomas A.), Statistica! indications of the effect of military programs on Latin America, 1950 - 1965. Santa Monica, Calif. 1969. 14 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-4144. 3u-661-N + I 3816 CARDOSO (Fernando Henrique), Sociologie du développement en Amérique Latine. Paris, Anthropos, [19691 261 pp, ills, 19 cm. Sociologie et tiers monde. 3u-513-N-IV 3817 EINAUDI (Luigi R.), Richard L. MAULLIN, and Alfred C. STEPAN, III, Latin American security issues. [Santa Monica, Calif.] 1969. VII, 16 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-4109. 3u-708-N + III 3818 GILLIN (John P ), Human ways. Selected essays in anthropology. Pittsburgh, Univ. Press, 1969. XIII, 378 pp, 24 cm. 3u-516-N-IV 3819 LATIN American institutional development: The changing Catholic church. [By] Luigi EINAUDI, Richard MAULLIN, Alfred STEPAN, e.a. Prepared for: OFFICE of External Research, Department of State. Santa Monica, Calif. 1969. XI, 81 pp, ills, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Memorandum RM-6136-DOS. 3u-653-N + IV 3820 LATIN American radicalism. A documentary report on left and nationalist movements. Ed. by Irving Louis HOROWITZ, Josué DE CASTRO, and John GERASSI. New York, Random House, 1969. XIII, 635 pp, ill, 19 cm. Vintage book V 429. 3U-722-N-III 3821 MERCIER VEGA (Luis), Guerrillas in Latin America, The technique of the counter-state Transl. by Daniël WEISSBORT. London, Pall Mali Press, 1969. X, 246 pp, ill, 22 cm. Oorspr. titel: Technique du contre-etat. 3u-639-NIII 3822 GHEERBRANT (Alain), La iglesia rebelde de America Latina. Trad. del! Mttory, 1972, vol. 14, no 3, blz. 268 - 286. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 140. 3u-756-N-III 3869 PORTES (Alejandro), Urbanizatióh and politics in Latin America. Austin, Tex. [z.j.1 24 pp, 23 cm. Overdr. uit: Social science quarterly, 1971, Dec, blz. 697-720. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 119. 3u-768-N-III 3870 PROBLEMAS del subdesarroUo Latinoamericano. [Por] Sergio BAGU, Armando CORDOVA, Fernando Henrique CARDOSO, e.a. Mexico, Nuestro Tiempo, 1973. 195 pp, 21 cm. 3u-617-N-III 3871 PROGRAM of the 18th seminar on the acquisition of Latin American library materials (SALALM), Port of Spain, April 29 - May 3,1973. Washington, D.C 1973. 5 pp, 28 cm. Organization of American States (OAS), General Secretariat. XVIII SALALM information document, no 2. 3u-1139-N + II 3872 QUIRARTE (Jacinto), El juego de pelota en Mesoamerica: Su dasarrollo arquitectonico. Austin, Tex. Lz.j.] 14 pp, 23 cm. Overdr. uit: Estudios de culture Maya, 1970, vol 8, blz. 83 - 96. University of Texas at Austin Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 135. 3u-761-N-II 3873 RESOLUTIONS of the 18th seminar on die acquisition of Latin American library materials (SALALM) in Port of Spain, April 29 - May 3,1973. SALALM expressions of gratitude. Washington, D.C. 1973. 9 pp, 28 cm. Organization of American States (OAS), General Secretariat. 3u-l 138-N +II 3874 SEMINAR on the acquisitionof Latin American library materials (SALALM), no 18, in Port Of Spain, April 29 - May 3, 1973. Working papers. Washington, D.C. 1973. 14 afleveringen, 28 cm. Organization of American States (OAS), General Secretariat XVIII SALALM working papers, no Al, part A - C. No A2 - A4. No BI - B5 No B7 - B8. No Cl. 3u-1137-N + II 3875 SOLAUN (Mauricio) and Michael A. QUINN, Sinners and heretics. The politics of military intervention in Latin America. Urbana, [etc.1 Univ. of Illinois Press, 1973. VII, 228 pp, ills, 24 cm. Illinois studies in the social sciences, no 58. 3u-553-N-111 3876 WING (George G), Trflce I: A second look. Austin, Tex. [z.j.] 17 pp, 26 cm. Overdr. uit: Revista Hispanica moderna, 1969, ano 35, no 3, blz. 268 - 284. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 124 3u-766-N-V 232 IV. America - Africa - Australia 3v. North America 3877 BARKER (George Ctarpenter]), Social functions of language in a Mexican-American community Tucson, Ar, Univ. of Arizona Press, 1972. III, 56 pp, ills, 27 cm. Anthropological papers of the University of Arizona, no. 22. 3v-60-N + 3878 HOIJER (Harry), Tonkawa texts. Berkeley, enz. 1972. VI, 106 pp, 26 cm. University of California publications in linguistics. 73. 3v-58-N + 3879 ANDERSSON (Theodore). Bilingual education: The American Experience. Austin, Tex. [z.j.1 14 pp, 26 cm. Overdr. uit: The modern language journal, 1971, vol-, 55* no 7, blz. 427 - 440. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 115. 3v-68-N 3880 BEAN (Frank D ), and Benjamin S. BRADSHAW, Intermarriage between persons of Spanish and non-Spanish surname: Changes from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. Austin, Tex. [z.j.1 6 pp, 23 cm. Overdr. uit: Social science quarterly, 1970, September, blz. 389 - 395. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 108. 3v-69-N 3881 FIELD museum of natural history. Report 1971 - 1972. [Chicago, 111, Field Museum Pres, 1973.1 87 pp, 24 cm. 3v-61-N 3882 McLENDON (Sally), Proto Porno. Berkeley etc, Univ. of California Press, 1973. X, 113 pp, krt, 2 6 cm. University of California publications in linguistics 71. 3v-62-N + 3w. South Africa 3883 VALENTIJN (Franc.ois), Beschrijvinge van de Kaap der Goede Hoope met de zaaken daar toe behorende. Uitgegee en toegelig deur P. SERTON, R. RAVEN-HART, W.J. de KOCK. Onder Eindred. E.H. RAIDT. Inleiding deur P. SERTON Engelse Vertaling deur R. RAVEN-HART. Kaapstad, Van Riebeeck-Vereniging, 1971. XVII, 377 pp, ills, 23 cm. Oorspr. dr. en uitg. Amsterdam 1726. Deel I tweede reeks nr. 2. Nederlandse en Engelse titel en tekst. 3w-88-N 3884 BOTSWANA. Amsterdam 1973. 42 pp, ills, 24 cm. Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen. Landendocumentatie. Nr. 166. 3w-87-N 3x. The coast of Guinea - Slavery 3885 DANTZIG (A. van), Het Nederlandse aandeel in de slavenhandel. Bussum, Fibula-Van Dishoeck, 1968. 144 pp, ills, 16 pltn, 21 cm. Fibulareeks 27. 3x-34-N 3886 GHANA. Amsterdam 1972.40 pp. ills, 24 cm. Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen. Landendocumentatie. Nr. 165. 3x-33-N 3y. Africa in general 3887 AVILA CASTELAZO (Susana), Las naciones unidas en el Congo. México 1971. 87 pp 23 cm. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Ciências Politicas y Sociales. Cuadernos del Centro de Relaciones Internacionales, no 4. 3y-ll6-N-IV k%m 3888 BOSER-SARIVAXEVANIS (Renée), Les tisses de 1'Afrique Occidentale. Methode de classification et catalogue raisonné des étoffes tissées de 1'Afrique de 1'Ouest ... Sénegal, Gambie... enz. Avec 6 cartes et ills. Bale, Pharos, 1972. VI, 227 pp en 168 pp bijlage. 24 cm. Basler Beitrage zur Ethnologie. Bd. 13. 3y-lll-N 3889 BOSER-SARIVAXEVANIS (Renée), Textilhandwerk in West-Afrika. Weberei und Farberei. 56 pp, ills, Krt, 21 cm. Führer durch das Museum für Volkerkunde und Schweizeriche Musuem für Volkskunde, Basel. Sonderausstellung Dezember 1972 bis April 1973. 3y-108-N . 3890 KUBIK (Gerhard), The Kachamba Brothers' Band. Text zur Schallplatte AUL benes Phonographica No. 1. Wien, Engelbert Stiglmayer, 1972. 96 pp, ills, 23 cm. Acta ethnologica et linguistica 27. 3y-112-N 3891 NIGERIA. [Amsterdam] 1972. 58 pp. 111. Krtn. 24 cm. Komnldipï Instituut voor de Tropen. Landendocumentotie. Nr. 161/162. 3v-107-N 3z. Australia and New Zealand 233 3892 REPUBLIC of Senegal. Budapest, 1972. 79 pp, 23 cm. Center for Afro-Asian research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Studies on developing countries 71. 3y-109-N • 3893 MEGAHED (Horeya T ), The development of the Nile basin. Budapest, 1973.97 pp, 23 cm. Center for Afro-Asian research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Studies on developing countries 66. 3y-110-N 3894 RASMUSSON (Rasmus), On optimal assistance with special reference to the second Kenyan and Tanzanian five year plans. Budapest, Center for Afro-Asian Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1973. 100 pp, 24 cm. Studies on developing countries 67. 3y-115-N 3895 SENEGAL. Uitgave van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, [Amsterdam] 1973. 54 pp, ills, krtn, 23 cm. Landendocumentatie 167/168. 3y-114-N 3896 ZAMBIA. Amsterdam, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 1973. 53 pp, ills, krtn, 23 cm. Landendocumentatie 169/170 (1973). 3y-113-N 3z. Australia and New Zealand 3897 RUTGERS (A), Die Sittiche und andere Papageien Australiens. Ubers. von Jochen SCHOTTE. Gorssel, Verlag Littera Scripta Manet, 1969. 192 pp. Ill 23 cm 3z-171-N vv 3898 CUMBERLAND (Kenneth B.), and James S. Whitelaw, New Zealand. London Longman, 1970. XIX, 194 pp. 111. 22 cm. The World's landscape. 5. 3z-167-N 3899 DOCKER (Edward Wybergh), The blackbirders. The recruiting of south seas labour for Queensland, 1863-1907. Sydney, enz, Angus and Robertson, 1970. XII, 289 pp 111. 25 cm. 3z-169-N 3900 LANCASTER JONES (F.), The structure and growth of Australia's aboriginal population. Canberra, Australian National Univ. Press, 1970. VIII, 44 pp, 21 cm. Aborigines in Australian Society 1. 3z-185-N 3901 LONG (J.P.M.), Aboriginal settiements. A survey of institutional communities in eastern Australia. Canberra, Australian National Univ. Press, 1970. XIV, 225 pp, ills, 22 cm. Aborigines in Australian society. 3. 3z-179-N 3902 SLATER (Pat), An eagle for Pidgin: 111. by Peter SLATER. Milton, enz, Jacaranda Press, 1970. VIII, 244 pp. 23 cm. 3z-170-N 3903 TAFT (Ronald), John L.M. DAWSON and Pamela BEASLEY, Attitudes and social conditions. Canberra, Australian National Univ. Press, 1970. VI, 192 pp, 22 cm. Aborigines in Australian society. 2. 3z-180-N 3904 HARPER (Norman), Australiaand the United States. Melbourne, enz, Nelson, 1971. XII, 274 pp, ill, 22 cm. Documents and readings in Australian history. 3z-175-N 3905 SERLE (Geoffrey), The rush to be rich. A history of the colony of Victoria, 1883-1889. Victoria, Melbourne Univ. Press, 1971. X, 392 pp, ills, 24 cm. 3z-178-M 3906 SPEECHES and documents on New Zealand history. Ed. by W. David McINTYRE and W.L GARDNER. London, enz, 1971. XXX, 489 pp, ills, 22 cm. 3z-172-N 3907 The TERRITORIES of Australia. Canberra, [Australian Government Publ. Service, 19711. 49 pp, 25 cm. Repr. from the Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia no 57, 1971. 3z-187-N 3908 WALSH (A.C.), More and more Maoris. An illust rated statistical survey of the Maori today. London, Whitcombe and Tombs, 1971. 52 pp, ills, 25 cm. 3z-174-N 3909 WANGANUI region. Comp. by the town and country planning division, ministry of works. T.F.S. JOHNSON and GA. TOWN. Wellington, Shearer, 1971. 211 pp. 111. Krtn. 28 cm. National resources survey. Prt. VII. 3z-168-N + 3910 GRENFELL PRICE (A ), Island continent. Aspects of the historical geography of Austra- lia and its territories. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1972. XX, 283 pp ills 23 cm. 3z-184-N vv 3911 HARRIS (Stewart), This our land. Canberra, Australian National University Press 1972. X, 118 pp, 23 cm. 3z-177-N 3912 HORNB€)onald), The Australian People. Biography of a nation. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1972. XIX, 285 pp, ills, 22 cm. Bevat bibliografie. 3z-182-N 234 IV. America - Africa - Australia 3913 IMBER (Walter) und K.B. CUMBERLAND. Neuseeland. Antipode des Abendiandes. Textbeitrage: R.B. RAINS, Peter L. HOSKING, A G. ANDERSON u.a. Bern, Künunerly & Frey, Geographischer Verlag, 1972. 283 pp, ills, 30 cm. Plaatwerk. 3z-188-N + 3914 KENNAWAY (Richard [N.D, New Zealand foreign policy 1951-1971. Wellington, enz, Hick Smith, enz, 1972. 166 pp, ills, 22 cm. 3z-173-N 3915 CONTEMPORARY New Zealand. Essays on the human resource, urban growth and problems of society. Ed. by K.W. THOMSON and AD. TRLIN. [Contrib. by W.R. ARMSTRONQ, J.W. ROWE, W. ROSENBERG a.o.1 Wellington, Hicks, Smith & Sons ltd, 1973. lOV, 218 pp, ills, 25 cm. 3z-186-N 3916 DAHLKE (Jürgen), Der Weizengürtel in Südwest-australien. Anbau und Siedlung an der Trocken-grenze. Mit 67 Abbildungen und 4 Faltkrtn. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner, 1973. XII, ,275 pp, üls, 24 cm. Erdkundliche Wissen. 34. Verschijnt als: Beiheftè zur Geographischen Zeitschrift. Met bibliografie. 3z-183-N 3917 La MESLEE (Edmond Marin), The new Australia. Transl. and ed. with a critical introd. by Russel WARD. London, enz, Heinemann, 1973. XXVIII, 222 pp, ills, 23 cm. Oorspr. titel: L'Australie nouvelle. 1883. 3z-181-N V. GENERAL LIBRARY 4a. Encyclopaedias - Repertories - Dictionaries 3918 JANSONIUS (Jil Nieuw groot Nederlands-Engels woordenboek voor studie en praktijk. 2e, opnieuw bew. en verm. dr. in 3 dln. Leiden, Nederlandsche uitgeversmij, 1972- . 26 cm. 4a-44-N + 3919 ENSIKLOPEDI umum. Redaksi (1962 - 1967) dibawah pimpinan: A.G. PRINGGODIGDO. Penjelesaian (1967 - 1973) dibawah pimpinan Hassan SHADILY. Jakarta, Jajasan Kanisius, etc, 1973. XIII, 1433 pp, 22 cm. Franklin Book Programs Inc. 4a-51-N 4b. Biographies - Personal records - Miscellaneous 3920 WASSEN (Henry), Walter KAUDERN in Memoriam [Göteborg 1942.1 27 pp. 111. 24 cm. Overdr. uit: Ethnologiska Studier. 12-13. 1941. Blz. 305-330. 4b-58-N 3921 KÖRNER (Hans), Die Würzburger Siebold. Eine Gelehrtenfamilie des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig, Barth, 1967. II, 662 pp, ill, 24 cm. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforcher Leopoldina. Lebensdarstellungen deutscher Naturforscher. Nr 13 4b-62-N 3922 BRUINS SLOT (Jtanl Aübertusl Htendrikl Jlohanl Suewerl),... en ik was gelukkig. Herinneringen. [Verhaal vooraf door Ben van KAAM.1 Baarn, Bosch & Keuning 1972. 216 pp, ills, 21 cm. 4b-60-N 3923 JAQUET (liouisl Gleorge MtarUnJ), Internationale verkenningen. Flitsen uit de ontwikke- lingen in Europa, Azië en Amerika. Den Haag, Nederlandsen Genootschap voor Internationale Zaken, 1972. XVI, 223 pp, 22 cm. Tevens gepubl. in: Internationale Spectator, jrg XXVI nr 13, 8 juli. 4b-64-N 3924 COOLHAAS (W.Ph.), Het huis "De Dubbele Arend". Het huis Keizersgracht 141, thans "Van Riebeeckhuis" genaamd, nu daar een halve eeuw gearbeid is voor de culturele en economische betrekkingen met Zuid-Afrika. Amsterdam, Vereeniging "Zuid-Afrikaansche Stichting Moeder- land", 1973. 92 pp, Hls, 24 cm. 4b-67-N 4c. Almanacs - Bibliographies - Catalogues Digest - Directories - Inventories 3925 CATALOGUE général 1970-. Publications des Nations Unie. New York 1971-. 22 cm. United Nations. 4c-85-N 3926 Het NEDERLANDSE boek in vertaling. BIBLIOGRAFIE van vertalingen van Noord- en Zuidnederlandse werken. 1968- . Samengest. door E. van RAAN. 's-Gravenhage 1971-. dln. 24 cm. Koninldijke Bibliotheek. 's-Gravenhage en Brussel. 4c-88-N 3927 PARKER (Geoffrey), Guide to the archives of the Spanish Institutions in or concerned with the Netherlands (1556-1706). Brussel, Algemeen Rijksarchief, 1971. 120 pp, 25 cm. Extranummer 3 van Archief- en bibliotheekwezen in België 4c-96-N 6 3928 TITLE index for Bowker serials bibliography. An index, with international Standard serial numbers, to titles listed in Ulrich's international periodicalsdirectory, 14th ed, 1971. Irregular serials and annuals, 2nd ed, 1972. New York, Bowker Co, 1972.601 pp, 28 cm. Ook aanwezig: Supplement 1972. 4c-94-N + 3929 CATALOG of publications 72/73 - Catalogo de publicaciones 72/73. Washington 1972. 32 pp, 27 cm. Organization of American States (OAS), General Secretariat. 4c-100-N 3930 CONKLIN (Harold O, Folk classification: A topically arranged bibliography of contemporary and background references through 1971. New Haven, Conn. 1972. 501 pp. 23 cm. Yale University. Department of Anthropology. 4c-87-N i 236 V. General library 3931 MANUSCRIPTS in the British isles relating to Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific. Ed. Phyllis MANDER-JONES. Canberra, Australian National University Press, 1972. XXIV, 697 pp, 26 cm. National Library of Australia. Australian National University. 4c-89-N 3932 RIESTHUIS (G.J.A.), Bibliografie Nederlandse sociologie 1970. Utrecht 1972. XXII, 87 pp. 29 cm. Mededelingen van het Sociologisch Instituut van de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. Nr. 78. Offset-druk. 4c-84-N + 3933 AANWINSTENLIJST I.V.O.-bibliotheek, no. 7- 1973. 30 cm. Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg. 4c-86-N + 3934 ANTHROPOLOGICAL Index to current periodicals in the library of the Royal Anthropological Institute, London, Royal Anthropological Institute Library, 1973. Vol II. Part I. 1 Januari - 31 March 1973. 52 pp, 30 cm. 4c-91-N + 3935 AUSTRALIAN books 1972. A select list. Canberra, National Library of Australia, 1973. VI 102 pp, ills, 20 cm. 4c-97-N 3936 De RIJKSARCHIEVEN in Nederland. Overzicht van de inhoud van de rijksarchief bewaarplaatsen, bijgewerkt tot 1 juli 1972. Eindred. L.P.L. PIRENNE. Met medew. van P. van ITERSON en P.G.J.M. WAGENAAR. 'S-Gravenhage, Staatsuitgeverij, 1973. 2 dln. ills, 24 cm. 4c-95-N 3937 Een LITERATUURLIJST samengest. door Leonie van LIEROP, Vrijwilligerswerk. Amsterdam, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 1973. III, 11 pp, 30 cm. Literatuurlijsten van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, no. 5. 4c-92-N + 3938 LIBRARY periodical holding list. Den Haag, Institute of social studies, 1973. 49 pp, 30 cm. 4c-93-N + 3939 LIJST van tijdschriften [van de] Bibliotheek van het Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde. Leiden [c. 1973.1 42 pp, 30 cm. 4c-90-N + 4d. Other subjects - Library science 3940 SCHIMPER (A.F.W.), Pflanzen-geographie auf physiologischer Grundlage. Mit Abbn. und 4 Krtn. Jena, Verlag von Gustav Fischer, 1898. XVIII, 877 pp, 25 cm. 4d-231-N 3941 COLIJN (Hendrikus), Op de grens van twee werelden. Amsterdam, De Standaard, 1940. 53 pp, 23 cm. Overdr. v.h. aanhangsel bij de 2e druk van "Saevis Tranquillus in Undis." 4d-243-N 3942 PROGRAM en toelichting van de Nederlandse volksbeweging. 2e dr. Amsterdam, Nederlandse volksbeweging, [c. 19501. 36 pp, 24 cm. 4d-240-N 3943 De KAAPHOORN vaarder. Periodiek van de Vereniging van Nederlandse Kaap Hoorn vaarders. Red: CL. VAN DIERENDONCK, Bloemendaal 1964. nr. 6-mei. 17 pp, 28 cm. Nederlandse Sectie van de Amicale Internationale des Capitaines au Long Cours Cap Horniers, St. Malo, France. 4d-238-N + 3944 MOORE, Jr. (Barrington), Social origins of dictatorship and democracy. Lord and peasant in the making of the modern world. Boston, Beacon Press, 1967. XIX, 559 pp, 21 cm. 4d-248-N 3945 LIBRARY guide [of the! School of Oriental and African Studies. London, Univ. of London, 1969 III, 77 pp, ill, 22 cm. 4d-242-N 3946 COCONUTS: Production, processing, products. By Jasper Guy WOODROOF [and John POPENOE, Luis E. CANCEL1. West-port, Conn, The Avi publishing company, 1970. X, 241 pp. ills, 24 cm. Major feed and food crops in agriculture and food series. 4d-229-N 3947 JENKINS (Brian Michael), The five stages of urban guerrilla warfare: Challenge of the 1970s. Santa Monica, Calif. 1970. 18 pp, 28 cm. Rand Corporation. Paper P-4670. 4d-271-N + 3948 EDWARDES (Michael), East-West passage. The travel of ideas, arts and inventions between Asia and the western world. New York, N.Y, Taplinger, 1971. XVI, 248 pp. 111. 22 cm. 4d-227-N 3949 ESTUDIOS internacionales 1,2. Presentacion: Victor FLORES OLEA. Mexico 1971. 23 cm. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Ciências Politicas y Sociales. Cuadernos del Centro de Relaciones Internacionales, no 1,2. 4d-249-N 4d. Other subjects-Library science 237 3950 FISHER (H.E.S.), The Portugal trade. A study of Anglo-Portuguese commerce 1700-1770. London, Methuen. 1971. XVIII, 171 pp, ills, 23 cm. 4d-230-N 3951 ISKANDAR (Arefi, Sedjarah perkembangan perang dari zaman klasik - modern. [Djakartal 1971. IX, 242 pp, ills, 21 cm. Departemen Pertahanan-Keamanan, Pusat Sedjarah Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (ABRD. Seri text-book ABRI D3. 4d-266-N 3952 LESTHAEGHE (R.), De bevolkingsprojectie als een instrument voor de demografische'analyse: theorie en toepassingen met betrekking tot de Europese demografische ontwikkeling. Brussel, Vrije Universiteit, [c. 1971] 51 pp 30 cm Stencil. 4d-236-N ' 3953 POEMS written by students of the International Schools of the Hague 1970/71. [Z.pl. 19711X, 166 pp, ills, 30 cm. Titel en tekst ook in Frans, Duits , Nederlands en Indonesisch. 4d-241-N + 3954 RAALTE (E. van), Staatshoofd en ministers. Nederlands constitutionele monarchie historisch-staatsrechterlijk belicht. Zwolle, Tieenk Willink, Ï971. XVIII 308 dd 24 cm. 4d-234-N 3955 ACQUISITION and provision of foreign books by national and universitu libraries in the United Kingdom. Papers of the Morecambe conference 16 April 1972, comp. with a foreword and an afterword by B.C. BLOOMFIELD. London, Mansell, 1972. XIII, 217 pp, 22 cm. The Library Association; University, College and Research Section. 4d-237-N 3956 HENAINE HERNANDEZ (Reyna), La contaminación del medio marino. Mexico 1972. 231 pp, 23 cm. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Faculdad de Ciências Politicas y Sociales. Cuadernos del Centro de Relaciones Internacionales no 7. 4d-250-N 3957 MAN & environment. In ter-national-uni versi ty-disciplinary. Course population and environment problems. Leiden session 1972. Report [andi some reflections. Leiden 1972. 2 dln. 30 cm. State University of Leiden. State University of Florida. Institute of Social Studies. 4d-233-N + 3958 MOSS (Robert), Urban guerillas. A new face of political violence. London Temple Smith, 1972. 288 pp, 23 cm. 4d-259-N 3959 The MILITARY balance 1972-1973. London 1972. VIII, 94 pp, 25 cm. The International Institute for Strategie Studies. 4d-232-N 3960 WERELDGESCHIEDENIS. Red.: CD.J. Brandt, H. van Werveke. 5e dr. Bussum, De Haan, 1972. 9 dm. 111. 23 cm. Ook verschenen bij de Standaarduitgeverii te' Antwerpen. 4d-226-J3N 3961 BREMEN (D.R.F. van) en L.M.C.J. SICKING, Computers in bibliotheek en documentatie. Wegwijzer naar geautomatiseerde verlening van literatuurdiensten Deventer, Kluwer, 1973. 286 pp, ills, 21 cm. 4d-262-N 3962 BUSS (Reinhard J ), The klabautermann of the Northern Seas. An analysis of the protective spirit of ships and sailors in the context of popular belief, christian legend, and Indo-European mythology. Berkeley etc, Univ. of California Press, 1973. X 138 pp, krtn, 26 cm. Folklore studies 25. 4d-239-N + 3963 BUTTE (Woodfin L.), The law of the sea - Breakers ahead. Austin, Tex. [z.j.121 pp, 22 cm. Overdr. uit: The international lawyer, 1972, vol. 6, no 2, blz. 237 - 257.' University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies'(ILAS). Offprint series no 125. 4d-264-N 3964 LAPORAN lokakarya otomatisasi penerbitan katalog induk majalah, 20 - 21 Pebruari 1973. [Kata pengantar oleh HERNANDONO.1 Jakarta 1973. 43 pp, ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Pusat Dokumentasi Ilmiah Nasional. 4d-274-N + 3965 MICHON (Mary), Oordeel, vooroordeel, veroordelen. Over minderheden in onze ca^enleVm8' Baam' In den Toren' 1973- 127 pp, 21 cm. Anthos-boek. 4d-244-N 3966 SCHAAP (Dick), Brug naar de zeven zeeën. Holland Amerika Lijn honderd jaar [Met medew. van D.G.D. HAWS, Otto van EEMEL, Will van SAMBEEK e.a 1 Rotterdam Holland Amerika Lijn, 1973. 120 pp, ills, 27 cm. Plaatwerk. 4d-246-N + 238 IV. America - Africa - Australia 3967 The POLITICS of race. [With chapters by Manos NIKOLINAKOS, A. SIVANANDAN, Arnold ZABLE, e.a.1 London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1973. VI, 127 pp, ill, 24 cm. Race. A Journal of race and group relations, vol. 14, no 4. Special issue. 4d-260-N 3968 The STUDY of Latin American history and society in Scandinavia. Reports pres. at a conference org. by the Institute of Political History. University of Turku, Finland, 3 - 4 September 1970. President: Niels FOCK. Stockholm 1973. 96 pp, 25 cm. Institute of Latin American Studies. Scandinavian Studies on Latin America, No. 1. 4d-245-N 3969 VERSLAG over de activiteiten van de Centrale Afdeling Internationale Betrekkingen [van hetl Ministerie van Cultuur, Recreatie en Maatschappelijk Werk, 1973 . . 's-Gravenhage 1974 - . dln. 26 cm. 4d-170-N + 3970 WENTHOLT (A.D.), Brug over den oceaan, Een eeuw geschiedenis van de Holland Amerika lijn. Met medew. van C. BORSTLAP. Rotterdam enz, Nijgh en van Ditmar, 1973. 369 pp, ills, 23 cm. 4d-247-N INDEX Personal name - Organization — Geography—Descriptor A Aafjes, B. novel 3365 Abadi Jihaty 3013 3014 3026 Abadi Jihaty Malay novel 3013 3014 Abbas, B. 2033 Abbas, M. 303 Abbas, S. 2321 2541 Abbas, T. 71 Abbas, Z.A. 1500 abbreviations dictionary Indonesian 2922 Abdul Fazl 3498 Abdul Hamid Zulkiflee bin Haji 3266 Abdul Jalil Hassan 1704 Abdul Kadir Ahmad 3265 Abdul Samad bin Idris 3269 Abdulgais 2133 Abdulgani 391 Abdulgani, R. 976 983 989 2696 Abdulhadi 629 759 Abdulhamid, S. 200 1244 AbduUcadir, N. 94 Abdullah 670 Abdullah, A 989 Abdullah, AH. Acenese Arif, A. poetry 3088 Abdullah, AK. 847 Abdullah, B. 3474 Abdullah, L 2013 Abdullah, J. 2841 Abdullah, M. 1937 Abdullah, S. 1706 2842 Abdullah, T. 135 202 244 1074 Abdullah Azizi 2981 Abdullah Firdaus 3020 Abdullah Hussain 2981 3285 Abdullah bin Nuh 1494 Abdullah al-Qari bin Salleh 212 Abdullah Sharifah Hasnah 3159 Abdulmanap 467 Abdulmuin 1906 Abdulmuthalib, M. 3072 Abdulmuthalib, M. Acehnese Lamnjong, A. Nurdin, M.S. poetry 3074 Abdulrachman, A. 382 1185 2063 3127 Abdurachim, I. 1219 Abdurachman 203 452 502 Abdurachman, K. 1394 Abdurachman, P.R. 2924 3147 Abdurachman, R.O. 2361 Abdurrivai, S.Z. 1213 Abdussalam, H. 1706 Abednego, J.G. 2361 2433 Abella, D. 3322 Abeng 3684 Abidin, A.Z. 137 138 195 Abidin, E.Z. 2407 Abidin, P A. Zainal 1056 Abidin, S.M. 2696 Abidin Wijaya Mala ps Abu Yazid 3015 3039 Abihi Ziyad ibn 3498 Abineno, J.L.C. 1587 1705 abolition of slavery bibliography British Caribbean modernization 1763/1834 3675 Aboriginal Australia demography social structure 3900 Aboriginal Australia genetics health Papua New Guinea physical anthropology 1973 3428 Aboriginal Australia Iatmul kinship system marriage Papua New Guinea ■ Sepik Wik-mungkan 3593 Aboriginal Australia interethnic relations 3395 3396 Aboriginal Australia mental health 1972 field study 3405 Aboriginal Australia myth painting 3424 Aboriginal Australia painting 3412 3422 Aboriginal Australia physical anthropology 1972 3605 Aboriginal Australia politics 1972 3911 Aboriginal Australia rite social and cultural anthropology 3385 Aboriginal Australia setdement social policy 3901 Aboriginal Australia social and cultural anthropology 3419 Aboriginal Australia social integration 3903 Abrahams, R.D. 3603 3663 Abrahams, R G. 3602 Abrams, N. 3302 ABRI armed forces biography leadership 1967 Indonesia 1869 ABRI armed forces civic service community development 1973 Indonesia 1949 ABRI armed forces civic service 1966 Indonesia 1861 ABRI armed forces civic service 1967 Indonesia 1871 240 Index ABRI armed forces civic service 1972 Indonesia 1927 1935 ABRI armed forces civil servant public administration 1969 curriculum Indonesia 402 ABRI armed forces Darul Islam history insurrection Indonesia 1850 ABRI armed forces defence policy development project 1969 Indonesia 1891 ABRI armed forces defence policy economics politics 1966 Indonesia seminar 375 1862 ABRI armed forces defence policy Gerakan 30 September 1965 1966 Indonesia 984 ABRI armed forces defence policy Indonesia 1917 ABRI armed forces defence policy Kalimantan Selatan 1966 1859 1864 ABRI armed forces defence policy mass media 1946/1968 Indonesia 1879 ABRI armed forces defence policy 1965 Indonesia seminar 1852 ABRI armed forces defence policy 1969 East Indonesia 1897 ABRI armed forces defence policy 1969 Indonesia regulation 1886 ABRI armed forces DEPHANKAM development policy ministry 1967 Indonesia 1868 ABRI armed forces disabled care 1972 Indonesia seminar 1937 ABRI armed forces economie development 1970 Indonesia 1902 ABRI armed forces ethnics 1972 Indonesia regulation 1938 ABRI armed forces financial administration 1968 Indonesia 1875 ABRI armed forces Hinduism worship Indonesia textbook 1622 ABRI armed forces history insurrection PRRI/Permesta 1851 ABRI armed forces history law military science 1952/1969 AHM Indonesia 1881 1901 ABRI armed forces ideology 1971 Indonesia 1918 ABRI armed forces internal migration Sumatera Barat 1971 report 516 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan military history 1944 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan social service 1972 constitution 1923 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan 1970 statement 1907 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan 1970/1972 statement 1930 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan 1971 statement 1913 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan 1972 report 1932 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan 1972 statement 1945 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan 1972/1973 statement 1946 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan 1973 1941 1948 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Barat 1972 statement 1929 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Selatan MPR politics 1973 statement 1091 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Selatan PKI political party 1965 resolution 1855 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Selatan 1971 1906 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Selatan 1972 statement 1921 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Tengah 1971 statement 1919 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Tengah 1972 statement 1922 ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Timur politics 1970 statement 1900 ABRI armed forces local government social administration Sulawesi Utara 715 ABRI armed forces military history 1945/1962 Indonesia 1840 ABRI armed forces military science Indonesia 1834 1835 1836 1874 1877 ABRI armed forces military science 1970 Indonesia training course 1904 ABRI armed forces Pancasila political ideology 1966 Indonesia 1858 ABRI armed forces Pancasila political ideology 1970 Indonesia 1915 1916 1936 ABRI armed forces political ideology 1972 Indonesia 1939 ABRI armed forces political participation Indonesia 1942 3456 ABRI armed forces science society 1973 Indonesia 1077 ABRI armed forces Sulawesi 1970 1933 ABRI armed forces 1950 conf Indonesia 1830 ABRI armed forces 1966 Indonesia KOTI regulation 1856 1857 ABRI armed forces 1966 Indonesia meeting report 1863 ABRI armed forces 1968 congress Indonesia 1880 ABRI armed forces 1972 Indonesia legislation 1940 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 241 ABRI armed forces 1972 Indonesia statement 1924 ABRI army cooperative Jakarta Raya 1964 annual report 1846 ABRI army cooperative Jakarta Raya 1966 meeting report 1860 ABRI army education 1967 Indonesia 1865 1866 ABRI army health service history Indonesia 2642 ABRI army history independence movement 1945/1950 Indonesia 1853 ABRI army Islam Indonesia textbook 1529 1533 1882 1896 ABRI army Kalimantan 1969 statement 1894 ABRI army Kalimantan Selatan politics 1967 1867 ABRI army military science Indonesia textbook 1831 1832 1837 1841 1843 1898 1905 ABRI army military science 1964 Indonesia meeting report 1849 ABRI army re lig ion 1969 Indonesia 1883 ABRI army 1954 Indonesia regulation 1833 ABRI Christianity navy 1970 Indonesia 1590 ABRI education navy 1965/1972 Indonesia 1926 ABRI memoir navy Indonesia 1800/1900 2680 ABRI military history navy Indonesia textbook 1911 ABRI military history navy 1945/1970 Indonesia KKO 1912 ABRI military science navy Indonesia 1844 1895 ABRI military science navy 1965/1972 Indonesia 1925 ABRI navy Indonesia textbook 1890 abstract information processing Indonesia textbook 1256 Abu, A.G. 2519 Abu, R. 2709 2710 Abu Bakar Ahmad bin Husain Baihaqi 1645 Abu Dja'far Umar Qazwaini 1645 Abu Taufiq, S. 1593 1679 Abu Yazid Abidin Malay novel comic strip 3015 Abu Yazid Abidin = Wijaya Mala ps 3039 3015 Abubakar, I. 1554 Abubakar Atjeh 1501 1502 Abukasan 670 Abutari 2696 accident insurance sea transport Indonesia 2277 acculturation Brazil 1960/1970 3698 acculturation China 1700/1800 3349 acculturation education interethnic relations migration Puerto Rican USA coüective volume 3648 acculturation Hawaii interethnic relations marriage 3372 acculturation Marind Merauke 1900/1970 161 704 Aceh Acehnese Arif, A. history poetry 1945/1949 3089 Aceh agricultural administration Sumatera Utara 1973 ex hi bit ion public enterprise 2453 Aceh agricultural administration 1970 annual report local government 2378 Aceh agricultural administration 1972 annual report local government 871 Aceh agricultural extension civil servant Jawa Barat job description 1973 817 Aceh agricultural project plant production 1970/1971 project report 2391 Aceh Bali Jawa Timur Kalimantan Selatan regional planning 1973 report 950 Aceh Besar agricultural project fruit 1973 2519 Aceh Besar higher education Islam 1970 IAINyearbook 1242 Aceh Besar regional development Repelita 11969/1974 statistical data 829 Aceh biography woman 1600/1942 2692 Aceh Bulgaria essential oil foreign investment 1965 economie agreement Indonesia 1984 Aceh cemetery history 225 Aceh erop diversification plantation rubber 1969/1970 research result 2382 Aceh culture da nee music 107 Aceh customary law 77 Aceh DPRD parliament 1971/1973 meeting report 930 Aceh drinking water regional development Repelita II urban planning 1972 research 101 Aceh economie development port 1967 research result 2001 Aceh economics Sumatera Utara 1972 statistical data 94 Aceh government policy politics - presidency 1968 mission report 71 Aceh government policy 1973 1943 Aceh history 3083 Aceh history Japanese occupation 3072 242 Index Aceh history VOC Indonesia Mataram 223 Aceh history war 1873/1912 224 Ace* history 1520/1676 213 Aceh industrial development industrial estate 1971 preliminary report 2078 Aceh industrial development industrial production 1971 report 2081 Aceh inland fishing 1970/1971 annual report local government 2371 Aceh Jambi plantation private enterprise Riau Sumatera Barat Sumatera Utara 1972 2460 Aceh local government 1960 annual report 361 Aceh local government 1970/1971 1971/1972 annual report 847 Aceh national budget 1969/1970 local government 441 Aceh national budget 1971/1973 local government 505 Aceh port sea transport 1972 research result 2111 Aceh regional development Repelita II 1972 rtèéarch 706 718 719 Aceh regional planning Repelita I 1969/1974 492 Aceh Selatan community development 1973 pilot project 905 Aceh Tengah inland fishing 1969 2336 Aceh Tengah regional development Repelita 11969/1973 433 Aceh Tenggara land utilization productivity rice 1973 sawah survey 2486 Aceh Timur general study 1970 88 Aceh Timur local government 1971 annual report 535 Aceh Utara agricultural project plant production 1973 2520 Acehnese Arif, A history poetry 1945/1949 Aceh 3089 Acehnese Arif, A. poetry Abdullah, A.H. 3088 Acehnese Daud, M. poetry 3070 Acehnese folk tale 3075 3084 3087 Acehnese Geureutee, N. poetry 3080 Acehnese grammatica! study 2852 Acehnese Hasnah Kruengraja, R. poetry 3077 3081 Acehnese history poetry 3068 Acehnese Kruengraja, R. poetry 3071 3073 3076 3082 3090 Acehnese Lamnjong, A. music poetry 3079 Acehnese Lamnjong, A. novel 3085 Acehnese Lamnjong, A. Nurdin, M.S. poetry Abdulmuthalib, M. 3074 Acehnese literature 3091 Acehnese oral literature proverb 3086 Acehnese poetry 3069 Acevedo Morga, F.L. 3949 Achmad, A. bin 2927 Achmad, M.D. 905 Achmad, M.S. 1963 Achmad, R. 1974 Achmad, S. 2386 Achmad, Z. 1056 2019 Achmadi 623 785 1968 Achmadsasmita, O.R. 2604 Ackbar, S.A. 1284 Adam, A.G. 2152 Adams, R. 3372 Adams, R.N. 3740 3840 Adamson, A.H. 3670 Adamy, A. 1776 Adamy, I. 77 adaptability art family ideology magie religion social participation collective volume 3591 adaptability Guyana Jamaica social structure 3689 adaptability Ifugao law Philippines 3591 adaptability Jamaica social structure 3591 adaptability Papua New Guinea rite 3591 Adcock, F E. 3591 Adelman, I. 3588 Adenansi, A. 133 Adeng, M. 2556 Adijani al Alabij 989 Adikusumah, R.S. 2108 AdU, H. 1061 Adil Buyong bin 214 3259 3260 3268 3269 3287 Adin, M. 2308 Adinegoro 1171 Adiono, A F. 2407 Adisasmita, R. 2454 Adisasmita, S. 3093 Adisendjaja, M.R. 2025 Adisewojo, S.A. 2107 Adisubrata, Y. 2914 Adisumarto, M. 2908 Adiwilaga, A. 810 2097 Adiwilaga, G. 1255 Adiwilaga, R.A 2335 Adiwilaga, R.K. 1982 Adiyaksa, M.P. = Harahap, H. ps 1794 1818 Adji, U.S. 1048 1056 Adjid, D A. 2461 Adjidarmo, R. 2652 Adlan, Z. 1432 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 243 Admawinata, O. 2361 administration of justice civil law Indonesia legislation 1794 administration of justice criminal law human rights Indonesia 1772 administration of justice criminal law military 1973 Indonesia 1823 administration of justice criminal law 1950/1970 Indonesia 1818 administration of justice family law marriage religion Indonesia 1824 administration of justice Islam Jawa Tengah 1597 administration of justice Islam political aspect Indonesia 1800 administration of justice law 1970 1971 1972 Indonesia legislation 1805 administration of justice legal aspect Papua 1973 168 administration of justice national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia 1124 1125 administration of justice religious law Indonesia 1790 administration of justice university UNLAM curriculum Indonesia 3120 administration of justice 1952 Indonesia 1752 administrative aspect economie development Indonesia 2104 administrative aspect educational development IKIP Jakarta Raya teacher training 1973 1447 administrative aspect legal aspect public finance Indonesia textbook 2071 administrative reform local government Sleman 1969 429 Adnan, J.W. 270 Adnani, S.A.W. 2541 Adnans, N. 92 Adnawidjaya, A. 804 Adrianatakesuma, M.l.ps Kesuma M.I.A. 226 adult education community development educational policy 1969 Indonesia 1227 adult education Indonesia textbook 1211 aerial survey development policy electric power 1971 Indonesia seminar 2598 Afanasiev, V. 3828 Afandi, A M. 2914 Affandi, K 2689 Affandie, J. 1056 Afghani 3498 Afif, R. 917 Afiff, S. 2329 AFRASEC international trade 1966 Indonesia mission report 1992 Africa America Asia international relations collective volume 3949 Africa Asia dependence international relations marxism political theory 3567 Africa Asia foreign policy international cooperation 1955/1965 Indonesia 978 Africa Asia library SOAS 1969 3945 Africa Asia modernization peasant rural development comparative analysis 3553 Africa Asia theatre 3484 Africa economie development India Liberia social and cultural anthropology 3588 Africa Latin America modernization socialism 3569 Africa music 3890 Agam community development Pasaman Solok village 1971/1972 statistical data 611 Agam economics 1970 80 Agam general study 460 Agam local government 1968 progress report 439 Agam local government 1972/1973 annual report 857 Agam local government 1972/1973 progress report 912 Agarabi Auyana Awa Binumarien Gadsup linguistics Obura Tairora Waffa 2915 agave oilpalm plantation Sumatera Timur 2318 aggression customary law Islam Philippines social and cultural anthropology Tausug 3332 aggression history international relations USA Latin America 3849 Agoncillo, T A. 3322 3454 agrarian legislation Honduras land reform 3734 agrarian legislation land ownership Indonesia 2543 2544 agrarian legislation land ownership Medan 1973 831 agrarian legislation land reform 1971 Indonesia 1786 agrarian legislation plantation Indonesia 2354 agrarian legislation 1968 Indonesia 1794 2534 agrarian legislation 1972 Indonesia 2538 agrarian reform agrarian structure Colombia Guatemala 3856 agrarian reform agrarian structure Mexico 3770 agrarian reform agrarian structure 1900/1965 Mexico 3755 agrarian reform individual Puerto Rico social change 3693 244 Index agrarian reform revolution 1910/1940 Mexico 3750 agrarian structure American Indian caste slavery social conflict Yucatan 3754 agrarian structure Colombia Guatemala agrarian reform 3856 agrarian structure French Antilles land tenure plantation 3662 agrarian structure Hukbalahap insurrection Philippines social conflict 3321 agrarian structure land tenure Latin America 3856 agrarian structure Mexico agrarian reform 3770 agrarian structure 1900/1965 Mexico agrarian reform 3755 agri product processing oilpalm Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise 2466 agricultural administration Jakarta Raya 1971 annual report local government 2410 agricultural administration Kalimantan Selatan 1972 annual report local government 2412 agricultural administration Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise Aceh 2453 agricultural administration Yogyakarta 1969 annual report local government 2353 agricultural administration Yogyakarta 1970/1971 annual report local government 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 agricultural administration Yogyakarta 1971/1972 annual report local government 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 agricultural administration 1970 annual report local government Aceh 2378 agricultural administration 1972 annual report local government Aceh 871 agricultural administration 1973 Indonesia statistical data 2449 agricultural area Guadeloupe land use 3660 agricultural census Jakarta Raya 1973 2491 agricultural census 1971 Indonesia 2446 agricultural census 1973 Indonesia 2527 2528 agricultural cooperative agricultural project rice Yogyakarta 1971 report 2366 agricultural cooperative Kalimantan Selatan Lampung 1971 report 525 agricultural cooperative Sumatera Selatan 1973 workshop 2475 agricultural credit agricultural project debt repayment rice Sumatera Barat 1970/1971 2114 2393 agricultural credit budget 1969/1970 Indonesia 1109 agricultural credit 1969/1970 annual report Indonesia 1108 agricultural credit 1973 Indonesia statistical data 1156 agricultural development agricultural engineering productivity 1973 Indonesia seminar 2513 agricultural development community development village 1972 Indonesia seminar 2512 agricultural development farming Klaten rice 1971/1972 research result 2395 2396 2452 agricultural development industry Sumatera technology 1973 2470 agricultural development manpower need Repelita 11969/1971 annual report Indonesia 530 agricultural development national plan Repelita I Yogyakarta 1969/1974 2333 agricultural development national plan Repelita II1974/1979 Indonesia 911 2521 2522 2523 2524 agricultural development Repelita I 1969/1973 Indonesia seminar 2320 agricultural development 1967 Indonesia statement 2322 agricultural development 1969 Indonesia statement 2335 agricultural development 1971 Indonesia 2383 agricultural economics colonial history commerce plantation trade West Indies 1720/1795 3611 agricultural economics fishery economics Guadeloupe Martinique 3577 agricultural economics Indonesia textbook 2485 agricultural education agricultural extension 1973 Indonesia 2448 2456 2514 agricultural education development project 1972 Indonesia 1299 agricultural education higher education 1970/1973 Indonesia 1300 agricultural education higher education 1972/1974 Indonesia 1376 agricultural education higher education 1973 Indonesia report 1467 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 245 agricultural education international cooperation Netherlands 1970 Indonesia 1255 agricultural education secondary education training centre Indonesia 1313 agricultural education secondary education 1972 Indonesia survey 1423 agricultural engineering productivity 1973 Indonesia seminar agricultural development 2513 agricultural enterprise 1894 Indonesia 2306 agricultural equipment management 1971 directory Indonesia 510 agricultural extension agricultural project rice 1972 Indonesia teactbook 2424 agricultural extension agricultural training 1973 Indonesia meedng report 2509 agricultural extension civU servant Jawa Barat job description 1973 Aceh 817 agricultural extension cultivation technique rice 1973 Indonesia meeting report 2493 agricultural extension demons tra tion farm 1973 Indonesia meeting report 2511 agricultural extension development aidX> farming Japanese Jawa Barat 1973 2464 agricultural extension development aid food production Japanese Jawa Barat 1973 2465 agricultural extension Indonesia training course 2457 agricultural extension Jawa Barat plant breeding rice 2337 agricultural extension Kalimantan Selatan 2537 agricultural extension peasant woman youth 1973 Indonesia meeting report 2483 agricultural extension peasant 1973 Indjónesia meeting report 2488 2489 2496 2497 agricultural extension training method Indonesia 2447 agricultural extension woman 1973 Indonesia meeting report 2498 agricultural extension youth 1973 Indonesia meeting report 2490 2492 agricultural extension 1970 Indonesia textbook 2356 agricultural extension 1972 Indonesia 2420 agricultural extension 1972/1973 Indonesia project report 2478 agricultural extension 1973 Indonesia 2461 2532 agricultural extension 1973 Indonesia agricultural education 2448 2456 2514 agricultural extension 1973 Indonesia meeting report 2474 2495 2500 2501 2502 2504 2505 2506 2507 agricultural income economics employment opportunity Malaysia rice 1972 3277 agricultural institute Bogor 1968 directory 2326 agricultural institute Bogor 1971 directory 1294 agricultural management business organization Sumatera Utara 1973 textbook 2455 agricultural management plantation 1969 Indonesia 2338 agricultural mechanization public enterprise 1959/1970 Indonesia project report 2384 agricultural planning drainage Kalimantan soil resources 1952 2551 agricultural policy community development Jakarta Raya 1973 local government 949 agricultural policy Kalimantan Selatan 1971 resolution 577 agricultural policy Kalimantan Selatan 1973 meeting report 2468 agricultural policy Kalimantan Selatan 1973 statement 2510 agricultural policy land utilization 1963 Indonesia 2315 agricultural production Bali production increase rice 1972/1973 report 2540 agricultural production buffer stock food policy rice 1963 Indonesia survey 365 agricultural production fertilizing Jawa 1968/1969 statistical data 2367 agricultural production internal migration Lampung 1972 2439 agricultural production Kalimantan Selatan produdÉ» increase rice 1968 agricultural development 2332 agricultural production Uce 1960/1962 Indonesia programme planning 2312 agricultural production seed 1969 FAO Indonesia mission report 2339 agricultural project attitude farmer 1972 Indonesia 781 agricultural project Bali Jawa rice 1972 report . 642 agricultural project Bali rice 1973 908 agricultural project Banjar 1970 demonstration farm 476 agricultural project Bantul irrigation 1971 540 541 agricultural project cultivation technique rice 1970/1971 Indonesia 2387 246 Index agricultural project debt repayment rice Sumatera Barat 1970/1971 agricultural credit 2114 2393 agricultural project fertilizer rice 1972 Indonesia 2181 agricultural project foreign enterprise rice 1968/1970 Indonesia 2363 agricultural profeet fruit 1973 Aceh Besar 2519 agricultural project Garut irrigation 1972 2613 agricultural project horticulture production rice vegetable erop 1972 Indonesia 2437 agricultural project irrigation Jawa Barat land reform 1966 Jatiluhur 2556 agricultural project irrigation Jawa Timur 1972 economie survey social survey 895 agricultural project irrigation Kalimantan Sumatera 1972 report 2406 agricultural project irrigation Kalimantan Selatan 1970 487 agricultural project irrigation Kalimantan Selatan 1971 2388 agricultural project irrigation Sleman 1972 709 agricultural project Japan Jawa Barat technical assistance 1972/197$' ' Indonesia report 2465 2516 agricultural project Jawa Barat rice 1970/1971 2362 agricultural project Lampung land utilization reforestation 1969 2592 agricultural project marketing planning rice 1973 Indonesia 2269 2546 agricultural project plant production 1970/1971 project report Aceh 2391 agricultural project plant production 1973 Aceh Utara 2520 agricultural project production increase rice Indonesia 2345 agricultural project production increase rice 1972 Indonesia 2403 2438 2444 agricultural project production pubUe' administration rice South East Asia 1973 3449 agricultural project Repelita Irice 1972 Indonesia meeting report 693 agricultural project rice Yogyakarta 1971 report agricultural cooperative 2366 agricultural project rice 1968 Indonesia 2329 " agricultural project rice 1969 Indonesia 2342 agricultural project rice 1969 Indonesia statistical data 411 412 413 agricultural project rice 1970 Indonesia progress report 462 agricultural project rice 1970/1971 Indonesia 2350 agricultural project rice 1972 Indonesia 2436 agricultural project rice 1972 Indonesia statement 2429 2435 agricultural project rice 1972 Indonesia textbook agricultural extension 2424 agricultural project rice 1972/1974 Indonesia 731 agricultural project rice 1973 Indonesia 2503 agricultural project rice 1973 Indonesia legislation 2462 agricultural research Bogor research centre 1971 annual report 2414 agricultural research Bogor research centre 1973 report 2477 agricultural research budget Medan research centre 1973/1974 2518 agricultural research rice 1970 Indonesia meeting report 2357 agricultural research rice 1970 Indonesia report 2360 agricultural research rubber 1972 Indonesia meeting report 2433 agricultural research 1971 conf Indonesia 2386 agricultural statistics 1958/1968 Indonesia 2341 agricultural training Jawa Tengah 2347 agricultural training 1973 Indonesia meeting report agricultural extension 2509 agriculture Bali Jawa regional planning 1972 2426 agriculture Papua New Guinea social structure 170 agriculture civil servant job description Kalimantan Selatan Sulawesi Selatan 1973 817 agriculture communication energy industry 1968 checklist Indonesia planning 2563 agriculture ecology rice Thailand 3230 agriculture education health service human geography Irian Jaya 1941 collective volume 145 agriculture electricity industry manpower mining Repelita 11971/1972 Indonesia 698 agriculture FAO food South East Asia 1972 meeting report 2442 agriculture human geography Khmer Republic Laos collective volume 3577 agriculture Jamaica Martinique 3577 agriculture Kalimantan regional planning Sulawesi 1972 2425 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 247 Aguilar, L. 3639 Aguinaldo, E. 3331 Aguinaldo y Famy, E. 3339 Aguirre, C. 3772 Aguirre Beltran, G. 3778 Agung, AA.N.G. 811 Agung, I.AA.G. 1062 2696 Agustjik 1678 Ahmad, AM. 1652 Ahmad, D. 2519 Ahmad, E. 3558 Ahmad, H M B. 1521 Ahmad, H.T. 2870 Ahmad, L 1555 Ahmad, J. 94 Ahmad, M.D. 321 Ahmad, M.S. 1517 Ahmad, S. 3117 Ahmad, S. Hassan 2954 Ahmad, Z. 213 Ahmad, Z.A 1625 1703 1729 Ahmad Abdul Kadir 3265 Ahmad bin Husain Baihaqi Abu Bakar 1645 Ahmad Halimah 3020 Ahmad Hassan bin 2888 3510 Ahmad Janan bin 3025 Ahmad Kassim 3038 Ahmad Sarju 3020 Ahmad Shannan 3016 3279 Ahmad Shannon Malay novel 3016 Ahmad Zaid 2981 Ahumada, I. 3866 Ahwy 368 Aichele, W. 2838 Aichele, W. biography linguistics 2708 Ain Hanum 3020 Aina M. 3020 air pollution health service Indonesia 2679 air traffic history 1930/1940 Indonesia 229 air traffic infrastructure 1968 Indonesia planning 2566 2580 2581 air traffic Irian Jaya labour policy petroleum industry 1941 collective volume 145 air traffic safety Indonesia 2296 air transport DEPHUB ministry 1968 Indonesia meeting report 2290 aircraft industry investment policy 1973 Indonesia 2304 Ajat 3116 Akbar, A 1446 1556 Akbar, J. 1332 Akdar, R.M. 2813 Akis M. 1492 Akker, W. van den youth literature Indonesia VOC 2780 Alabij Adijani Al 989 Alam, A M. 387 Alam, S.P. Paku 11 Alam Asnawi Mangku 1056 Alam Asnawi Man gun 532 Alam VIII Paku 868 1056 1251 1269 1640 1706 Alamsjah 1881 Alamsjah, R 2682 Alamsjah, S. 1269 2033 Alaska American Indian social and cultural anthropology Yakutat 3599 Alatas, S.H. 3258 Alatas Syed Hussein 3282 Alattas, S.H. 3266 Alaudin 2433 Alba, V. 3840 Albania China PR communism international relations 1968 statement 3347 Alben, A.E.J. 1487 Albergaria, L.S. 3474 Albers, A.E.J. 1496 Attrinsky, H.S. 3456 Albuquerque, A. de 3474 Akantara, C. Hewitt de 3840 Alejandro, R. 3298 Alexander, E G. 3376 Alexandre, P. 3590 Alfalah, I. Malay poetry 2971 Alfalah, l.ps Salleh, I. 2971 Alfian 294 567 1025 1899 1902 2696 Algadri, H. 2696 Algamar, K. 2361 Alhamid, S.M. 1653 Ali, A. 1297 2013 Ali, AM. 1056 1646 1654 1665 1684 1706 1707 1725 2935 Ali, AR. 2628 2637 Ali, C. 1791 Ali, D. 684 Ali, L. 2834 Ali, M. 1655 1678 1743 Ali, M N 3125 Ali, M.S. 2033 Ali, R.M. 44 Ali, S. Husin 3038 Ali Alias Malay novel 2844 2972 Ali Zakaria 3020 Alias Ali 2844 2972 Alias Harun Malay novel 2967 Aker, J. Martinez 3862 Alieva, N.F. 2854 2862 2868 2893 Alim, AS. 1706 Alim, M.J. 1404 Alimin, D.P.S. 1729 Alisjahbana, S.T. 11712914 Aljure, D. Colombia rebellion 3718 Allan, M. 3385 248 Index Allen, J. 2892 Allende, S. 3794 Allende Bussi, B. 3794 Alleyne, M. 3684 Allison, G T. 3635 Allum, D. 3695 Almeida, D.F. 3474 Alonzo, R.P. 3343 Alpers, M. 3428 Alperstein Berenstein, R. 3756 AlRoy, O.C. 3639 Alter Ego poetry Indonesia 2766 aluminium industry Guyana conflict 3684 Alves, H. 3862 Alwee, A. Wahab 3283 Aly, M.A. 2013 Alzwar, M. 255 Amannuddin, M.A. 3000 Amaro, J. 3750 Ambahan Mindoro poetry 3335 Ambon general study 1972 thesis 142 Ambon history 1500/1700 234 Ambon industrial administration Maluku 1972 annual report local government 2246 Ambrym dictionary 3382 Ambrym folk tale 3394 America archaeology prehistory 3601 America Asia culture interethnic relations 1500/1800 3482 America Asia international relations collective volume Africa 3949 America interethnic relations sea traffic 0000/1500 3832 American biography Hawaii missionary Protestant church 3376 American Indian Brazil cultural policy ethnic factor 1970 3700 American Indian caste slavery social conflict Yucatan agrarian structure 3754 American Indian Cuna literature 3727 American Indian Cuna syntax 3729 American Indian educational policy 1973 Mexico 3778 American Indian Guatemala literature 3737 American Indian history insurrection missionary 1626/1724 Mexico 3742 American Indian linguistics USA 3882 American Indian Maya Otomi Mexico 3767 American Indian social and cultural anthropology Guatemala 3818 American Indian social and cultural anthropology Yakutat Alaska 3599 American Indian social class Mexico 3765 American Indian Surinam 1700/1800 document 3618 American Indian Surinam 1971 3617 Ametembun, N.A 3160 Amidharmo, S.S. 2510 2513 Amidjaja, D.A.T. 253 Amien, M.M. 1725 Amin, A. 3279 Amin, H. 1970 Amin, M.A.B. 94 Amin, M.M. 818 1155 Amin, S.M. 1754 2813 Amin Awang Mohamad 1704 Amin Bahrun, M. 1581 Aminah 2321 Aminrachman, D. 686 Aminy, H.D. 1726 Amir, D. 1558 1559 1588 1656 Amir, M. 1171 Amir Hamzah 2960 Amirudin, M.S. 464 489 504 Amnuai, P. Sithi 3454 Amranabdullah 1492 Amrullah, A.M.K.JJJ Hamka 1564 1719 1729 1814 1937 2696 2841 2956 Ana, ps Salleh haji Yusof Sri 3038 Anangsumarna 58 Anas 2541 Anas K. Hadimaja 2981 3020 Ancheta, CA. 3331 Anderson, B. 220 3820 Anderson, C.W. 3746 3840 Anderson, D.A. 3208 Anderson, H.R. 3843 Anderson, J. 204 Andersson, T. 3879 Andrade, R.G d' 3581 Andreano, R.L. 3664 Andreev, N D. 2855 Angell, R. 3428 Angelopoulos, A. 3560 Anggadiredja, D. 2097 2098 Anggor Iatmul linguistics Sanio-Hiowe 2895 Angkapradipta, P. 2433 Angudi, S. 2386 animal husbandry cow plantation Indonesia 2354 animal husbandry DEPTAN ministry 1971/1972 annual report Indonesia 2411 animal husbandry veterinary medicine 1972 abstract Indonesia publication 2443 2737 animal protection Jawa Barat 1972 2623 animism Negro religion Surinam 3612 Anis 2981 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 249 Anis, M.J. 2689 2691 2693 2694 annotated bibliography ethnography Philippines 3537 annotated bibliography family planning 1973 Indonesia 2754 Anshary, M.I. 958 Ansley, R.W. 3258 Antapermara 2321 Antarctica travel 1968 3371 anthropologist Pacific Islands 1971 directory 3549 Antigua electoral system Montserrat 3684 Antigua socialism 3684 Anwar, C. 1759 Anwar, H. 2321 Anwar, K. 2899 Anwar, M.A. 2096 Anwar, R. 1251 2817 Anwar, R.A. 1521 Anwar, Z. 509 Anwarhan 2133 Anwari 2098 Apatzingan constitution Mexico 3775 Appasamy, J. 3503 apple erop diversification kapok plantation, rice Indonesia 2354 aptitude pupil teacher recruitment 1969/1971 Indonesia 1387 Arabic bibliography Malay Malaysia periodical Singapore 1876/1941 3536 Arabic dictionary Indonesian 2935 Arabic gram mati cal study 3510 Arabic grammatical study Indonesia secondary school textbook 3118 Arabic spelling Yogyakarta statement 1460 Arakin, V.D. 2893 3420 Arbain, M. 2185 Arbi, S.Z. 2745 Arbie, M. 1652 Arbma, M.A. 787 archaeological site fishery Hawaii 3583 archaeological site Hawaii 3582 archaeological site Hawaii physical anthropology 3586 archaeological site Mexico 3782 archaeology artefact South East Asia 1970 3504 archaeology Ayudhya ceramic mapping Thailand 3209 archaeology Hawaii 1778/1872 3584 archaeology India 0000/1377 3509 archaeology Pacific Islands FR 3501 archaeology Pacific Islands 1972 3361 archaeology Philippines prehistory Tabon 3505 archaeology Philippines temple 3309 archaeology prehistory America 3601 archaeology Tehuacan Mexico 3785 archaeology Thailand 1968 3596 archaeology time factor 3610 archaeology Yucatan 3752 Archaimbault, C. 3225 architecture building temple Thailand 3506 architecture independence Jakarta Raya 1972 anniversary 219 architecture mosque Saudi Arabia 1518 architecture palace Surakarta 42 archives Becker manuscript Latin America 3790 archives Caribbean Latin America survey 3690 archives customary law inventory Netherlands 1973 2748 archives economie policy 1900/1942 Indonesia 2119 archives foreign policy India 1756/1780 index 3175 archives history library Philippines 3322 archives India 1600/1858 3167 archives India 1919/1948 3168 3169 archives India 1948/1952 3170 " archives India 1954 meeting report 3172 3173 archives inventory Jonge, B.C. de 2727 archives inventory Korn, V.E. 2747 archives Latin America Sweden 3811 archives Netherlands Spain 1556/1706 survey 3927 archives Netherlands 1972 survey 3936 archives Pondiche'ry 1690/1789 3184 archives Sulawesi Selatan manuscript 2753 archives 1970 Indonesia 242 Arciniegas, G. 3802 3809 Arco, M.J. 3836 Arctic Beechey, F.W. Pacific Ocean travel 1825/1828 3426 Ardana, I.G.G. 1628 Ardener, E. 3602 Ardhana, I.W. 1248 Ardiwinata, D M. 960 Are'are dictionary 3379 Arensberg, CM. 3591 Argadiraksa, I. 75 Argentinia Brazil political ideology upper class 3709 Arief, S. 1079 Arif, A. history poetry 1945/1949 Aceh Acehnese 3089 Arif, A. poetry Abdullah, A.H. Acehnese 3088 Arifai Tek Yan, R A. 1056 Ariff, Y. 2197 2442 AriffZahara 2981 250 Index Arifin 2133 Arifin, B. 1779 2499 Arifin, D. 1056 Arifin, M. 1058 1520 Ariotedjo, M.S.B. 586 Ariotedjo, S.B. 200 1082 1244 1900 1907 1913 1922 1924 1945 2133 Ariotedjo, S.R. 1056 Arismunandar, A 2559 2586 2588 2597 2601 2602 2619 2621 Aritonang, M. 1978 Aritonang, M.T. 2323 Ariwiadi 205 Arman Sani Malay novel 3017 armed forces biography leadership 1967 Indonesia ABRI 1869 armed forces civic service community development 1973 Indonesia ABRI 1949 armed forces civic service 1966 Indonesia ABRI 1861 armed forces civic service 1967 Indonesia ABRI 1871 armed forces civic service 1972 Indonesia ABRI 1927 1935 armed forces civil servant public administration 1969 curriculum Indonesia ABRI 402 armed forces Colombia guerilla 1971 3724 armed forces Darul Islam history insurrection Indonesia ABRI 1850 armed forces defence policy development project 1969 Indonesia ABRI 1891 armed forces defence policy economics politics 1966 Indonesia seminar ABRI 375 1862 armed forces defence policy Gerakan 30 September 1965 1966 Indonesia ABRI 984 armed forces defence policy Indonesia ABRI 1917 armed forces defence policy Kalimantan Selatan 1966 ABRI 1859 1864 armed forces defence policy mass media 1946/1968 Indonesia ABRI 1879 armed forces defence policy 1965 Indonesia seminar ABRI 1852 armed forces defence policy 1969 East Indonesia ABRI 1897 armed forces defence policy 1969 Indonesia regulation ABRI 1886 armed forces DEPHANKAM development policy ministry 1967 Indonesia ABRI 1868 armed forces disabled care 1972 Indonesia seminar ABRI 1937 armed forces economie development 1970 Indonesia ABRI 1902 armed forces ethics 1972 Indonesia regulation ABRI 1938 armed forces financial administration 1968 Indonesia ABRI 1875 armed forces foreign policy 1479 armed forces Hinduism worship Indonesia textbook ABRI 1622 armed forces history insurrection PRRI/Permesta ABRI 1851 armed forces history law military science 1952/1969 Ahm Indonesia ABRI 1881 1901 armed forces ideology 1971 Indonesia ABRI 1918 armed forces internal migration Sumatera Barat 1971 report ABRI 516 armed forces Irian Jaya 1941 KNIL 145 armed forces Kalimantan military history ABRI 1944 armed forces Kalimantan social service 1972 constitution ABRI 1923 armed forces Kalimantan 1970 statement ABRI 1907 armed forces Kalimantan 1970/1972 statement ABRI 1930 armed forces Kalimantan 1971 statement ABRI 1913 armed forces Kalimantan 1972 report ABRI 1932 armed forces Kalimantan 1972 statement ABRI 1945 armed forces Kalimantan 1972/1973 statement ABRI 1946 armed forces Kalimantan 1973 ABRI 1941 1948 armed forces Kalimantan Barat 1972 statement ABRI 1929 armed forces Kalimantan Selatan MPR politics 1973 statement ABRI 1091 armed forces Kalimantan Selatan PKI political party 1965 resolution ABRI 1855 armed forces Kalimantan Selatan 1971 ABRI 1906 armed forces Kalimantan Selatan 1972 statement ABRI 1921 armed forces Kalimantan Tengah 1971 statement ABRI 1919 armed forces Kalimantan Tengah 1972 statement ABRI 1922 armed forces Kalimantan Timur politics 1970 statement ABRI 1900 armed forces local government social administration Sulawesi Utara ABRI 715 armed forces military history 1945/1962 Indonesia ABRI 1840 armed forces military science Indonesia ABRI 1834 1835 1836 1874 1877 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 251 armed forces military science 1970 Indonesia training course ABRI 1904 armed forces Pancasila political ideology 1966 Indonesia ABRI 1858 armed forces Pancasila political ideology 1970 Indonesia ABRI 1915 1916 1936 armed forces political ideology 1972 Indonesia ABRI 1939 armed forces political participation Indonesia ABRI 1942 3456 armed forces science society 1973 Indonesia ABRI 1077 armed forces Sulawesi 1970 ABRI 1933 armed forces 1950 conf Indonesia ABRI 1830 armed forces 1966 Indonesia KOTI regulation ABRI 1856 1857 armed forces 1966 Indonesia meeting report ABRI 1863 armed forces 1968 congress Indonesia ABRI 1880 armed forces 1972 Indonesia legislation ABRI 1940 armed forces 1972 Indonesia statement ABRI 1924 Armérun, J. youth literature Indonesian 2974 Armilah 1606 Armin Muller 1381 army cooperative Jakarta Raya 1964 annual report ABRI 1846 army cooperative Jakarta Raya 1966 meeting report ABRI 1860 army education 1967 Indonesia ABRI 1865 1866 army health service history Indonesia ABRI 2642 army history independence movement 1945/1950 Indonesia ABRI 1853 army Islam Indonesia textbook ABRI 1529 1533 1882 1896 army Kalimantan 1969 statement ABRI 1894 army Kalimantan Selatan politics 1967 ABRI 1867 army military history 1961/1973 Indonesia KOSTRAD 1928 army military science Indonesia textbook ABRI 1831 1832 1837 1841 1843 1898 1905 army military science 1964 Indonesia meeting report ABRI 1849 army religion 1969 Indonesia ABRI 1883 army 1954 Indonesia regulation ABRI 1833 Arndt, H. 2065 Arndt, H.W. 3479 Arnold, R. 3571 Arntz, P M. 1496 Arora, P. 3456 Arosi dictionary English 3378 Arosi grammatical study 3387 Arroyo Pichardo, G. 3949 Arsjad, A R. 455 Arsjad, S. 2513 art artefact weapon Indonesia 17 art Asia Europe 1500/1600 3507 art Bali 1973 catalogue 188 art family ideology magie religion social participation collective volume adaptability 3591 art history Thailand 3502 3508 art Irian Jaya social and cultural anthropology 151 art language education 1972 Indonesian seminar 2899 art Pacific Islands 3421 artefact South East Asia 1970 archaeology 3504 artefact weapon Indonesia art 17 Artha,A. 196 199 3123 Artha, I.M. 811 Arthur, G. 3416 altist biography intellectual Kusumahatmadja, S.E. Sutono, D. Suwarto Tjokronegoro, S. 2709 Arto, S. 1056 Aruan, D L. 1971 Aruba Bonaire Curac,ao shellfish 3613 Aruba meeting parliament textbook 3620 Arumbinang, H. 2433 Arymurthy 2192 As, G. van novel Indonesia 2761 Asa, S. 2841 Asahan coastal fishing regional development 1973 2494 Asahan general study 1968/1972 statistical data 596 Asahan general study 1972 statistical data 597 Asahan hydroelectric power regional development 1973 exhibition 790 Asahan regional development Repelita II 1974/1979 772 773 802 ASEAN foreign policy Indonesia 1095 ASEAN Indonesia international relations Khmer Republic Malaysia Philippines 1971 3440 ASEAN Indonesia international relations Singapore Thailand 1971 3440 ASEAN international cooperation natural disaster 1970 meeting report 506 507 508 524 580 ASEAN natural disaster social policy 1971 Indonesia meeting report 319 252 Index ASEAN tourism 1969 meeting report Yogyakarta 261 Asha'ari 3498 Ashshalih, S. 1672 Ashshiddieqy, M.H. 1510 1525 1598 1627 1669 1672 1708 1709 1710 Asia Australia China PR economie relations Indonesia Japan 3479 Asia Australia international relations New Zealand Pacific Islands USA 1970 3457 Asia bibliography Dutch Pacific Islands voluntary service 3937 Asia bibliography Pacific Islands rural planning urban planning 3540 Asia bibliography reference book 3531 Asia catalogue Oceania periodical 1970 3524 Asia China history India Islam Japan theatre 3478 Asia China PR economie development economie relations Japan Pacific Islands USA 3465 Asia China PR India Japan peasant political power social history 3944 Asia colonial history Portugal 1500/1700 archives 3474 Asia cultural change USA Western Europe 3948 Asia culture interethnic relations 1500/1800 America 3482 Asia demography economics geography Oceania politics statistical data 3464 Asia dependence international relations marxism political theory Africa 3567 Asia economie development inflation 3823 Asia economie growth 1972 3481 Asia economie implication Vietnam war 3455 Asia Europe 1500/1600 art 3507 Asia family planning food supply land use population increase urbanization 3466 Asia family planning 1972 3462 Asia foreign policy international cooperation 1955/1965 Indonesia Africa 978 Asia foreign policy political ideology 1973 Indonesia 1076 Asia guerilla Latin America urban area war 1970 3947 Asia international relations collective volume Africa America 3949 Asia international relations 1973 1074 Asia library SOAS 1969 Africa 3945 Asia modernization peasant rural development comparative analysis Africa 3553 Asia Oceania religion social and cultural anthropology 3467 Asia Portugal trade relations 1500/1800 3236 Asia social and cultural anthropology sociology 3609 Asia theatre Africa 3484 Asia travel Verhoeff, P.W. 1607/1612 thesis 3473 Asia travel 1952 3186 Asmara, A. 3050 Asmara, H. 74 Asmara, N. 1845 Asmara, W.S. 1640 Asnawi 1244 1673 3123 Asnawi, S. 2114 2343 2393 2541 Asnawi Mangku Alam 532 1056 Aspillera, P S. 3322 As-Sajis, M.A. 1740 Assauri, S. 2096 Assegaf, A. 1522 1532 Assegaf, M. 1657 Assegaf, S.A. 1703 Assegaff, D.H. 1251 2914 association Banjarmasin Islam student 1970 HMI 1591 association Christian woman 1948 Indonesia instruction sheet 1170 association civil service DEPPEN ministry woman 1972 Indonesia statement 315 association ideology Kalimantan Selatan student 1967 KAPPI 1207 association Islam Kalimantan student 1973 HMI meeting report 1069 association Islam Kalimantan Selatan Muhammadijah 1671 association Islam Kalimantan Selatan student 1970 conf PII 1009 association Islam Kalimantan Selatan student 1972 PII statement 1323 association Islam Kalimantan Selatan student 1973 conf PII 1424 association Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1966 conf Indonesia Muhammadijah 1511 association Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1971 Aisjijah Muhammadijah Nasjiatul Aisjijah 1635 association Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1971 conf Nasjiatul Aisjijah 1636 association Islam national development 1970 Indonesia meeting report Muhammadijah . 1589 association Islam social participation student 1973 HMI Indonesia 1714 association Islam student 1967 IMM Indonesia meeting report 989 association Islam 1937 Ahmadijah Indonesia 1484 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 253 association Kalimantan Selatan peasant 1968 meeting report 2325 association Kalimantan Selatan peasant 1972 meeting report 2432 association Kalimantan Selatan politics student 1967 KAMI 115 association Kalimantan Selatan politics student 1967 KAMI resolution 986 association membership 1940/1941 Indonesia Rotary 2812 association student USSR 1966 Indonesian periodical PPI 1198 association student 1969 congress GMNI Indonesia 1003 1225 Astaburuaga, F. Solano 3732 Astawa, I.B. 1614 1615 Asuncion Land^N.C. 3527 Aswin 1056 Atan bin Long 3255 Atatürk 3498 Athadibrata, R.M.N. 723 Atja 227 3053 3058 Atjeh Abubakar 1501 1502 Atjir, Lal 3498 ^ atlas Indonesia 256 atlas 1972 3578 Atmadibrata, R.M.N. 468 915 916 1056 Atmadja, H.S. 2140 Atmadja, R.S.S. 253 1309 2696 Atmadja, Z.A.K. 1779 Atmakusuma, A. 1300 Atmamihardja, M. 222 Atmamihardja, R.M. 191 3106 Atmanadhi, I N.S. 1515 1519 Atmanagara 473 Atmapradja, S. 2249 Atmodirono, A M. 633 810 Atmojo, W. Walijo ps 258 Atmosudirdjo, P. 1499 1978 3139 Atmosudirjo, P. 2208 Atmowasono, H. 2515 Atmowidjojo, S. 2447 Atta Binongan Itneg Ilianen Manobo linguistics Sarangani Bilaan 3324 attendance educational planning secondary school 1973 Indonesia meeting report 1428 attitude Commonwealth Caribbean local government 3689 attitude farmer 1972 Indonesia agricultural project 781 Aubin, J. 3474 Auckland, Lord colony India public administration 3179 Audah, A. novel Indonesian 1666 2968 auditing budget ing Indonesia 2257 auditing dictionary economics Indonesian 2925 auditing Indonesia textbook 2099 2108 Aufenanger, H. 169 Augier, R. 3684 Aulia 2696 Austin, H.V. 2276 Australia bibliography 1972 3935 Australia China PR economie relatjöns3'1' Indonesia Japan Asia 3479 Australia colonial history 1883/1889 Victoria 3905 Australia cultivation technique wheat 3916 Australia demography social structure Aboriginal 3900 Australia foreign policy New Zealand Papua New Guinea 1973 DPR Indonesia mission report 1071 Australia foreign policy New Zealand Philippines presidency 1972 Indonesia 1058 Australia foreign policy USA 1790/1971 3904 Australia genetics health Papua New Guinea physical anthropology 1973 Aboriginal 3428 Australia geography 1971 3907 Australia Hong Kong Japan Malaysia New Zealand Oceania Philippines politics 3464 Australia Iatmul kinship system marriage Papua New Guinea Se pik Wik-mungkan Aboriginal 3593 Australia interethnic relations Aboriginal 3395 3396 Australia international relations /New Zealand Pacific Islands USA 1970 Asia 3457 Australia international relations 1945/1962 Indonesia thesis 1061 Australia inventory manuscript New Zealand Pacific Islands 3931 Australia labour supply Pacific Islands 1863/1907 3899 Australia mental health 1972 field study Aboriginal 3405 Australia myth painting Aboriginal 3424 Australia novel Slater, P. 3902 Australia ornithology 3897 Australia painting Aboriginal 3412 3422 Australia physical anthropology 1972 Aboriginal 3605 Australia politics 1972 Aboriginal 3911 Australia rite social and cultural anthropology Aboriginal 3385 Australia settlement social policy Aboriginal 3901 Australia social and cultural anthropology Aboriginal 3419 254 Index Australia social history 1788/1970 3912 Australia social integration Aboriginal 3903 Australia travel 1876/1880 3917 Austronesian Golin Kunimaipa linguistics Yareba 2876 Austronesian lexicographical study classification 3475 author Indonesian 1973 terminology 2707 automobile industry electronics industry import 1971 Indonesia regulation 1112 Auyana Awa Binumarien Gadsup linguistics Obura Tairora Waffa Agarabi 2915 Avé, J.B. 5 Aveling, H.S. 2803 Averch, H.A. 3314 Avila Camacho, M. 3750 Avila Castelazo, S. 3887 Awa Binumarien Gadsup linguistics Obura Tairora Waffa Agarabi Auyana 2915 Awaludin 307 Awang Mohamad Amin 1704 Awang Mohamed bin 3020 Awang Usman 2844 3035 3038 Awuy, F.D. 236 Aya, R. 3558 Ayaz, M. 3474 Aycinema, M. de 3836 Ayearst, M. 3695 Ayodhyoa 2336 Ayudhya ceramic mapping Thailand archaeology 3209 Azevedo, T. de Brazil social sciences 3708 Azhar, S. 266 Azis, A. 1251 Azis, H. 2324 2386 Azis, R.P.A. 383 2066 Azizjahpin 2981 Azizi Abdullah 2981 Azuela, M. 3750 Azwar, A. 1422 Azzam, T. 1057 B Baan, A G. 1541 Baas, D. 3253 Baas, M. 2343 Baba, S. 3024 Bach, F. 3750 Bachri, I. 1804 Bachri, S.C. poetry Indonesia 3018 Bachri, Z. 2407 Bachrun, M. 960 Bachtiar, A. 2133 Bachtiar, H.W. 1274 1899 2817 Backès Clément, C. 3590 Backx, A. 3701 Baclagon, U.S. 3322 Badawi, A. 1645 Badawi, A. biography 2694 Badori, H. 1009 Badrani, M.R. 1624 Badui Lebak living conditions social and cultural anthropology 1972 61 Badui music poetry 3057 Badung civil servant local government village 1973 training course 811 Badung cost of living 1968/1969 survey 2280 Badung Hinduism religious policy 1972 progress report 1695 Badung local government 1971/1972 progress report 732 Badung tourism 1969 project report 175 Baer, P. 3842 Baer, W. 3823 Bafagih, H. 1693 Bagio 2204 Bagley, C. 3967 Bagley, F.R.C. 3492 3494 3495 Bagnis, R. 3416 Bagü, S. 3870 Bagus, I.G.N. 174 1317 2835 3095 3096 3124 Baba Zain 3020 3038 Bahadoorsingh, K. 3684 Bahamas fauna flora general study 3629 Baharsjah, S. 2636 Baharuddin, t. 1678 Bahreisy, S. 1658 Bah run, M. Amin 1581 Baihaqi Abu Bakar Ahmad bin Husain 1645 Bailey, D.C. 3769 Bailey, H.M. 3843 Bailey, N.A. 3802 Bajau Brunei colonial history 1878/1909 123 Bakar, M.A. 3286 Baker, H.G. 3832 Baker, P. 3513 Bakewell, P.J. 3757 Bakker, Y.W.M. 1706 Bakr, I. 1743 Bakransjah, M. 3128 Bakri, J.S. 723 Bakry, H. 1665 1715 1743 Baladhuri 3498 Balan, J. 3779 balance of payments export import 1961/1962 Indonesia report 1969 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 255 balance of payments 1971 forecast Indonesia 2096 Baldwin, R.E. 3664 Balen, J.H. van novel history Ujungpandang 1679 2758 Balfas, M. 2684 Bali civil servant Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur 1969 statistical data 288 Bali coconut Jakarta Raya Jawa Barat sanitation service 1969 survey 2023 Bali community development university 1970/1972 708 Bali community development village 1973 research result 894 Bali cultural factor culture youth 1971 184 Bali culture economie development 182 Bali culture museum 1932/1972 186 Bali dance Jawa traditional culture 1384 Bali economie survey social survey 1970/1971 183 Bali economics 1972 1317 Bali energy Jawa Maluku Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur 1968 planning 2571 Bali family planning Jawa 1968/1972 report 2672 Bali Hinduism religion symbol 1524 1544 Bali Hinduism religion temple 1628 Bali Hinduism textbook 1579 Bali industrial administration 1971 annual report local government 2167 Bali industry Jawa Barat Jawa Tengah mining nuciear power 1971/1972 report 686 .fë+fó * Bali inscription translation 3500 Bali Jawa regional planning 1972 agriculture 2426 Bali Jawa rice 1972 report agricultural project 642 Bali Jawa Timur Kalimantan Selatan regional planning 1973 report Aceh 950 Bali literature manuscript 181 Bali Maluku Tenggara Minangkabau Nias traditional culture Toraja Yogyakarta 4 Bali production increase rice 1972/1973 report agricultural production 2540 Bali regional plan tourism 1968 389 Bali religion 1720 Bali religious practice 1515 Bali religious text 1519 Bali rice 1973 agricultural project 908 Bali social service 1967 consti tut ion 1203 Bali textile industry 1972 report 2158 Bali theatre wayang 187 Bali tourism 1971 seminar 264 Bali travel 1937 259 Bali university UNUD 1962/1969 yearbook 1235 Bali 1973 catalogue art 188 Balikpapan community development Kutai village 1971/1972 statistical data 606 Balikpapan general study 1971/1972 707 Balinese education literature 3124 Balinese folk tale 174 3095 Balinese Javanese linguistics Sulawesi Sumatera Sumba Timor Toraja 2837 Balinese literature 2835 3092 3094 3096 Balinese oral literature saying 2831 Balinese spelling 1973 meeting report 2917 Ballard, D L. 3315 3316 Balthasar, F. poetry Philippines 3293 Balverda, Z. 145 Bandaaceh economics 1970 statistical data 75 Bandjari, M.A. al biography 2690 Bandjarnahor 2559 Bandung, I. 1659 Bandung cost of living 1968/1969 survey 942 Bandung genealogy Sundanese primbon 3027 Bandung higher education 1954 1176 Bandung housing 1971 report 464 479 504 Bandung IKIP teacher training 1969 annual report 1234 Bandung IKIP teacher training 1970 annual report 1257 Bandung plantation public enterprise Semarang Sumatera Timur 1958 meeting report 2311 Bandung town 1956 directory 369 Bandung urban planning 1968/1970 statistical data 564 Banggai community development Donggala Poso village 1971/1972 statistical data 617 Bangka community development Lahat Ogan Komering Ilir village 1971/1972 statistical data 612 Bangka Lampung pepper plant disease 2354 Bangkok history 3224 Bangli tourism 1969 project report 176 Banjar community development 1969 401 Banjar consumers cooperative 1967 annual report 2010 256 Index Banjar cooperative development policy 1972 722 Banjar customary law 1973 exhibition 133 Banjar local government 1968 meeting report 390 Banjar local government 1969 meeting report 458 Banjar local government 1969 progress report 440 Banjar local government 1970 1971 progress report 486 Banjar local government 1971 progress report 559 Banjar public enterprise rubber 1972 2180 Banjar 1970 demonstratiori farm agricultural project 476 Banjarmasin child care history orphanage 1947/1973 335 Banjarmasin DPRD election parliament 1971 514 Banjarmasin higher education Islam 1972 annual report IAIN 1348 Banjarmasin higher education Islam 1973 annual report IAIN 1438 Banjarmasin history 199 Banjarmasin history local government 1919/1971 statement 209 Banjarmasin Islam religious education training centre youth 1969 1575 1576 Banjarmasin Islam religious practice 1657 Banjarmasin Islam social participation youth organization 1972 1701 Banjarmasin Islam student 1970 HMI association 1591 Banjarmasin Islam youth organization 1965 constitution Muhammadijah 1503 Banjarmasin Islam youth organization 1966 anniversary Muhammadijah 1516 Banjarmasin Islam youth organization 1970 conf Muhammadijah 10111601 Banjarmasin local government Surabaya 1970 mission report 467 Banjarmasin NU political party 1970 meeting report 1015 Banjarmasin PARMUSI political party politics 1970 statement 1018 Banjarmasin PARMUSI political party 1968/1969 annual report 1002 Banjarmasin PARMUSI political party 1969 1970 conf 1012 Banjarmasin port project report public administration 2256 Banjarmasin port 1969 1970 annual report public administration 2039 Banjarmasin press vocational training 1971 1280 Banjarmasin public enterprise 1971 brochure 2067 Banjarmasin Red Cross 1971/1973 report 333 Banjarmasin Red Cross 1972 report 313 Banjarmasin regional development Repelita 11969/1973 443 Banjarmasin religious education 1971 primary education 1270 Banjarmasin youth organization 1965 constitution 1195 Banjarmasin 1970 directory 118 Banjarnegara community development development potential 1973 report 909 Banjarnegara community development Gunung Kidul manpower 1972 research result 668 Banjarnegara community development village 1972 report 662 bank budget cooperative Kalimantan Selatan 1970 2054 bank budget cooperative Kalimantan Selatan 1970 1971 1972 2055 bank financial aspect light industry plantation production cost Indonesia 2354 bank industry 1958 1959 1960 annual report Indonesia 1962 bank Sumatera Barat village 1969 2030 bank Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition 2209 bank trade 1971 annual report Indonesia 2821 bank 1965 Indonesia meeting report 1990 bank 1966 annual report Indonesia 1993 bank 1968 annual report Indonesia 2017 bank 1971 annual report Indonesia 2112 bank 1972 Indonesia statistical data 2143 bank 1973 Indonesia meeting report 2230 2274 banking capital formation Indonesia textbook 2205 banking credit policy Indonesia 2267 banking credit policy 1972 Indonesia 2124 banking credit policy 1973 Indonesia report 2220 2221 banking efficiency 1969 Indonesia 2032 banking market 1971 Indonesia survey 534 banking Medan 1967 thesis 2002 banking monetary policy 1972 Indonesia 2188 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 257 banking national plan 1972 Indonesia 2189 banking 1965 conf Indonesia 1986 banking 1968 Indonesia legislation 2092 banking 1970 Indonesia legislation 1781 banking 1971 Indonesia 2065 2096 Bantaeng community development Maros Tana Toraja village 1971/1972 statistical data 608 Bantaeng community development village 1972 report 665 Bantul community development Gunung Kidul Sleman village 1971/1972 statistical data 604 Bantul irrigation 1971 agricultural project 540 541 Banuwidjojo, M. 2513 Banyumas factory paper 1969 report 2024 Baradas, D B. 3329 Baradja, M.F. 1274 Baratakesawa, F.A.H. 1488 Barbachano, F. Camara 3801 Barbados labour relations plantation sugar 3696 Barber, N. 3267 Barbour, N. 3494 Bardach, J.E. 2636 Barker, G.C. 3877 Barkin, D. 3643 Barksdale, J.T. 159 Barnes, GE. 166 Barnes, D.E. 2386 Barnes, J A. 154 Barnet, R. 3652 Barnett, A.D. 3456 Barraclough, S. 385.6 Barrenquy, A. López 3774 Barrèra, G. 3827 Barrere, D B. 3370 Barret, R. 3613 Barrett, M.J. 3428 Barrio, J. Rufinos 3739 Barrow, T. 3370 3406 3411 3421 Barrundia, J.F. 3836 Bartlett, J. C. 2611 Bartlett III, A G. 2611 Barton, R.F. 3591 Barton, R.J. 2611 Baruya Buin linguistics 2863 Bascon, W.R. 3683 Bashir, H. 3428 Basir, H. 1881 Basjuni, T. 1968 Basjyr, A.M. 1604 1676 Basnayaki, V. 1253 Basri, A. 467 Basri, H.H. 1703 Basri Hasan al 3498 Basrie, C. 1934 Basry, H. 2013 Bass, J.R. 1059 Bassalamah, Q. 2133 Basso, K.H. 3600 Basthami, N. 992 1027 1045 1049 1575 Bastian 675 917 Bastide, R. 3585 3604 3661 Bastin, J. 3454 Basuki 2433 Basuki, R. 1929 2385 Basuni, R.A. 1056 Basyir, A.A. 1706 Bataillon, B.M. 3828 Batak Christianity customary law 1968 seminar 72 Batak customary law marriage 69 Batak customary law social and cultural anthropology 105 Batak Protestant church worship 1600 Batang DPRD parliament 1970 meeting report 461 494 Batanghari community development Kerinci Tanjungjabung village 1971/1972 statistical data 613 Batanghari community development village 1972 report 657 Bateman, M.J. 3720 Batista, F. 3634 3638 Batubara, A. 1183 Batubara, C. 986 1056 Batubara, D. 1536 Batüta, I. 3498 Baud, A.T. 145 Baumann, H. 3571 Bawengan, GW. 1808 Bayard, D.T. 3596 Beals, C. 3750 Bean, F.D. 3880 Beasley, P. 3903 Beaudoux, E. Kovats 3694 Becker manuscript Latin America archives 3790 Becket, J. 3385 Beding, M. 239 Bee, D. 2915 Beechey, F.W. Pacific Ocean travel 1825/1828 Arctic 3426 Beer, A.B. 3181 Befu Harumi 3355 behavioural sciences management development Indonesia textbook 2210 Beichman, A. 3204 Beidelman, T O. 3593 Beirne, D.R. 3832 Beja, D.F. de 3474 Bekasi industrial development spinning textile industry 1964/1967 2005 258 Index Bekkum, W. van 1496 Bekti, H. 45 Bekti, M. 2556 Belan, V. 2957 Bellah, R N. 3591 Belly, F. 3732 Beltman, B.J. 145 Beltran, G. Aguirre 3778 Bemmelen, H.M. van 2680 Bena-Bena morphology 2891 Benda, H.J. 3258 Benedetti, M. 3639 Bengkalis port public enterprise 1970/1971 progress report 2093 Bengkulu DPR Kalimantan Barat Kalimantan Tengah local finance 1971/1972 mission report 682 Bengkulu DPR Kalimantan Tengah Lampung public administration 1971/1972 mission report 683 Bengkulu economics 1969 statistical data 2016 Bengkulu industrial administration 1970 annual report 2040 Bengkulu internal migration 1970 project report 84 Bengkulu Jambi Lampung regional development Sumatera Selatan tax 1972 108 Bengkulu public works 1971/1972 report 97 Bengkulu Selatan internal migration national plan Repelita 11972 752 Bengkulu Utara economics 1972 statistical data 601 Benitez, F. 3767 Benitez Zenteno, R. 3749 Benito, M. 3637 Bennett, Lb 2636 Bennett, J. 3416 Bennett, J.W. 3456 Bennis, W.G. 2210 Bennoist, J. 3577 Bentley, O.G. 2636 Berelson, B. 3835 Berenstein, R. Alperstein 3756 Berg, J.H. van den novel Irian Jaya 2798 Berg, P. van den youth literature Irian Jaya 2796 Beringer, C. 2381 Berkel, W. van 3853 Berlian 960 Berlin, B. 3581 Bernardo, GA. 3533 Bernas, J.G. 3317 Berney, H.M. 3686 Bernot, L. 3178 Bernstein, B. 3600 Berry, B.J.L. 3461 Besar, A. 404 Bessaignet, P. 3661 Best, L. 3684 3695 Best, P.P.J. de 1956 Betancourt, R. 3827 Beteta, R. 3750 Bhattacharya, K. 3488 Bhattacharya, S. 3183 bibliography biography Dutch Indonesia 2741 bibliography botany Micronesia Pacific Islands Polynesia 1971 3528 bibliography British Caribbean modernization 1763/1834 abolition of slavery 3675 bibliography British Caribbean reference book 1736/1834 3675 bibliography Brunei government Malaysia publication Singapore 1971 3532 bibliography Caribbean literature 1971 Florida 3685 bibliography classification ethnic group 1971 3930 bibliography Cuba 1960/1971 3637 bibliography Dutch literature translation 1968 3926 bibliography Dutch Pacific Islands voluntary service Asia 3937 bibliography ecology land tenure Micronesia 1970 3525 bibliography education Indonesia 2745 bibliography folklore Philippines 1972 3533 bibliography folklore 1972 Indonesia 3533 bibliography health service periodical 1972 Indonesia 2731 bibliography history India 1920/1956 index 3174 bibliography history Sumatera Selatan 1800/1920 2751 bibliography Hong Kong Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand urbanization Vietnam 3545 bibliography Indonesia urbanization 3545 bibliography international relations Netherlands 1945/1950 Indonesia 2739 bibliography Irian Jaya 1900/1973 2740 bibliography language literature social sciences 1960/1970 Indonesia 2728 bibliography law thesis UNAND university 1958/1970 Indonesia 2722 bibliography library Netherlands 1973 3933 bibliography library school 1972 Indonesia 2730 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 259 bibliography linguistics Philippines 3527 bibliography literature South East Asia translation 3541 bibliography Lombok 1600/1940 2729 bibliography Malay Malaysia periodical Singapore 1876/1941 Arabic 3536 bibliography Maluku social and cultural anthropology 1934/1964 2738 bibliography Maori Moriori New Zealand 3539 bibliography military periodical 1965 Latin America 3803 bibliography Minangkabau thesis 1973 2752 bibliography Netherlands periodical social sciences 1973 3938 bibliography Netherlands sociology 1970 3932 bibliography Pacific Islands rural planning urban planning Asia 3540 bibliography Pacific Islands 1971 3529 bibliography periodical 1971 3928 bibliography periodical 1973 Indonesia PDIN 2750 ■ bibliography petroleum industry South East Asia 1973 3535 bibliography reference book Asia 3531 bibliography religion Sumatera Barat 1800/1925 1737 bibliography Singapore 1972 3534 bibliography social participation woman 1945/1972 Indonesia 2736 bibliography social sciences collection Holt, C. Indonesia 2723 bibliography social sciences Latin America 3830 bibliography South East Asia urbanization collective volume 3545 bibliography Thailand 1973 3542 bibliography thesis UNHAS university 1960/1972 Indonesia 2735 bibliography UN 1947/1963 Indonesia 2744 bibliography Vietnam 1973 3544 bibliography 1967 Indonesia 2716 bibliography 1972 Australia 3935 bibliography 1973 Indonesia 2755 Biermann, B.M. 3828 Biggs, B. 3370 Bilaan Binongan Itneg Ilianen Manobo linguistics Sarangani Atta 3324 Bilaan Dibabawon linguistics Sindangan Subanun 3302 Bilas, A. 166 Bilbao, F. 3802 bilingualism educationsöSA 3879 Billah, M.M. 622 Billingsley, R.V 3683 Binongan Itneg Ilianen Manobo linguistics Sarangani Bilaan Atta 3324 Binumarien Gadsup linguistics Obura Tairora Waffa Agarabi Auyana Awa 2915 Binwahju, S. 3135 biography Badawi, A. 2694 biography Bandjari, M.A. al 2690 biography Bonifacio, A. Mabini, A. nationalism Philippines 3322 biography Brammet je, ps Croo, M.H. du theatre Indonesia 2681 biography Bruins Slot, J.AJrftf.S. 3922 biography Central America independence movement 3836 biography Chinese upper class 1900/1970 Indonesia 2702 biography Congress MPR 1971 Indonesia 2701 biography Dahlan,N.A. 2689 biography Dardiri, A. 2693 biography Dinata, R.O.I. 2697 biography Djaketra, A. ps Widjajakrama, A. 197 biography Dutch Indonesia bibliography 2741 biography Fachrodin 2691 biography Fatahillah = ps Djati, S.G 197 biography Haghen, S. van der youth literature Indonesia VOC 2792 biography Hamengku Buwono IX 2682 2706 biography Hatta, M. 2682 2696 biography Hatta, M. Johannes, H. Ramali, A. Reksohadiprodjo, I. Sedijatmo, R.M. 2710 biography Hawaii missionary Protestant church American 3376 biography history Lampung Radin Intan II 1835/1856 241 biography Indonesia 3114 biography Indonesian 2698 2699 biography intellectual Kusumahatmadja, S.E. Sutono, D. Suwarto Tjokronegoro, S. artist 2709 biography Islam Indonesia 1626 1653 1688 biography Islam Muhammad Indonesia 1500 1502 1642 1666 biography Jawa ruling class 1944 2705 biography Kartini women's rights Indonesia 2951 biography Kaudern, W. 3920 biography leadership 1967 Indonesia ABRI armed forces 1869 biography linguistics Aichele, W. 2708 biography literature MulratuH^ 2801 biography literature Rendra, W.S. 2704 260 Index biography Luna, A. military Philippines 3322 biography Luna, J. painting Philippines 3322 biography Mabini y Maranan, A. Philippines political opposition 3294 biography Mangunkusumo.T. 2684 biography Matane, P.N. Papua New Guinea 160 biography Minangkabau Radjab, M. 1913/1928 2948 biography nationalism Philippines . Quezon, M.L. 3325 biography nationalism Ratu Langie, G S S I. Indonesia 2687 biography nationalist Indonesia 2700 biography Natsir, M. 2682 biography Paz, O. 3784 3792 biography Philippines Pilar, M.H. del 3322 biography Prawiranegara, S. 2682 biography Raffles, T.S. 2703 biography Rajadhan, P.A. 3209 biography Ramlee, P. 3285 biography Rizal, J.P. history Philippines 3303 biography Rum, M. 2682 biography Salim, A. 2682 biography Sangallé, S.R.P. 136 biography Sartono, R.M. 2682 biography scientist Siebold, von 3921 biography Suharto, T. 2706 biography Suharto 2706 biography Sukarno 2682 biography Sukarno 1942/1945 photograph 2683 biography Sunan Kudus 2685 biography Thamrin, M.H. 197 biography Wenas, A. Z. R. 1586 biography Widjajakusuma 197 biography Wirjosandjojo, S. 2682 biography woman 1600/1942 Aceh 2692 biography Yani, A. 2688 Birowo, A.T. 2512 Bishop, J. 3826 Bittman, L. 1063 Bjorkman, D. 2876 Blachère, R. 3493 Black power social conflict Caribbean 3687 Blackburn, B. 3324 Blackmore, R.D. youth literature Indonesian translation 2975 Blaise, M. Douarville 3661 Blake, E.C. 1590 Blake, L.W. 3832 Blakemore, H. 3831 Blanco, L. 3744 Blasier, C. 3639 3809 Blaut, J.M. 3696 Blaut, R P. 3696 Blitar Gerakan 30 September 1965 Nganjuk orphanage 1971 report 301 Blitar history insurrection Japanese occupation PETA 1945 226 Bloch, B. 3512 Blofeld, J. 3485 Blom, F.W.C. 1976 Bloomfield, B.C. 3955 Blora regional development Repelita I 1969 progress report 485 Blowers, B.L. 2869 2875 Blowers, R. 2875 Blume, H. 3686 Bochove, N.E. 3126 Bodenheimer, S. 3652 Bodmer, F. 44 Boehrer, G.C.A. 3855 Boeke, J.H. 793 Bogor chemistry vocational school 1971 constitution curriculum 1282 Bogor chemistry vocational school 1972 annual report 1439 Bogor Ciamis Cianjur Cirebon community development village 1971/1972 statistical data 615 Bogor research centre 1971 annual report agricultural research 2414 Bogor research centre 1973 report agricultural research 2477 Bogor 1968 directory agricultural institute 1294 2326 Bogue, D J. 3568 Bohari Sabar 2994 Bojkó, B. 3570 Bolaangmongondow community . development Gorontalo Minahasa village 1971/1972 survey 610 Bolt, C. 3555 Bom, F.L. van der 2102 Bonachea, R.E. 3639 Bonaire Curac,ao shellfish Aruba 3613 Bonar, S.K. 382 1442 Bondau, M. 2696 Bondowoso local government 1970 progress report 557 Bonifacio, A Mabini, A. nationalism Philippines biography 3322 Bonilla, F. 3840 Bonk, W.J. 3583 Bonnet, R. 188 Bonsai, P.W. 3638 Bon toe grammatical study 3311 book review Caribbean Central America Latin America 3862 Booy, H.T. de 2793 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 261 Borg, D. 3573 Borgstrom, G.A. 3568 Borhegyi, S.F. 3832 Börner, A. 3571 Borobudur Buddhism sculpture photograph 236 Borobudur history comic strip Indonesia 193 Borrebach, H. 2786 Borrie, W.D. 3901 3903 borrowing Maluku Portugese wordlist 3147 Borstlap, C. 3970 Boschma, H. youth literature Indonesia 2765 Bose, A. 3461 Boser Sarivaxévanis, R. 3888 3889 Boserup, E. 3568 botanist Pacific Islands 1963 directory 3546 botany geology museumsphysical anthropology USA zoology 1971/1974 report 3881 botany Khmer Republic 3220 botany Micronesia Pacific Islands >, Polynesia 1971 bibliography 3528 botany South East Asia 3443 Botswana general study 1973 3884 Bott, E. 3591 3602 Bouchon, G. 3474 Boulger, D.C. 2703 Boullaire, J. 3400 Bourne, D.D. 3648 Bourne, J R. 3648 Bourne, R. 3862 Bovene, G.A. van novel Indonesia 2770 Bowen, J. 3226 Bowen, R N. 3549 Boyd, M. 3457 Boyd II, R.C. 159 Boyolali Jawa Tengah welfare 421 Braches, E. 2717 Braconier, A. 1381 Bradlow, F.T. 3883 Bradshaw, B.S. 3880 Brahim, C. 2033 Brahmanism Buddhism 3491 Braisted, W.R. 3373 Braithwaite, L E. 3683 3684 3694 Brammetje, ps Croo, M.H. du theatre Indonesia biography 2681 Brand, D.D. 3832 Brandenburg, F R. 3750 Brandl, E.J. 3422 Brandt, C.D.J. 3960 Braseur 630 2133 Brash, D. 3561 Brass, P. 3456 Brata, B. 3057 Bratanata, S.A. 1426 1459 1465 1466 3148 Brau de Saint-Pol Lias 3249 Braun, H. 3494 Brauner, S. 3571 Brazil Catholicism 1971 3697 Brazil Colombia modernization Peru social change urbanization Latin America 3861 Brazil cooperative movement rural welfare 1950/1970 3699 Brazil cultural policy ethnic factor 1970 American Indian 3700 Brazil demography 1972 3702 Brazil general study 1972 3701 Brazil international trade Portugal United Kingdom 1700/1770 3950 Brazil landowner upper class 3706 Brazil middle class 3703 Brazil political ideology upper class Argentinia 3709 Brazil slavery 3705 Brazil social sciences Azevedo, T. de 3708 Brazil 1960/1970 acculturation 3698 Brecher, M. 3456 Breedlove, D.E. 3867 Breese, G. 3545 Brehme, G. 3571 Breman, J.C. 47 Bremen, D.R.F. van 3961 Brent, B. 3867 Brentjes, R; 3571 Breton de Nijs, E.ps Nieuwenhuys, R. 228 2810 Brichoux, R. 3302 Bricker, V. Reifler 3867 bridge Cilacap railway Indonesia 2606 bridge India 3192 British Caribbean modernization 1763/1834 abolition of slavery 1 bibliography 3675 British Caribbean reference book 1736/1834 bibliography 3675 British Honduras forest product processing settlement soil fertility report 3736 British Honduras Guyana local government rural area 3684 British Virgin Islands Guadeloupe Guyana Jamaica land tenure Netherlands Antilles 3683 British Virgin Islands Netherlands Antilles social change 3684 British West Indies cultural property race relations collective volume 3694 British West Indies dramatic art 3663 262 Index British West Indies land ownership 3694 British West Indies political ideology political system collective volume 3695 British West Indies race 3674 Brodjonegoro, S. 71 1056 1202 1422 1798 2559 Brodjosaputro, S. 2513 Broedelet, J. 260 broker Guatemala labour mobility 3740 braker Jamaica 3683 Brolin, K.G. 1304 Brothers, D.S. 3809 Brotodihardjo, R.S. 1097 1102 2187 Brotomidjojo, S. 359 Brotosaputro, B. 2069 Brown, B. 3457 Brown, D.E. 3232 3256 Brown, H. 3568 Brown, L.G 3750 Brown, M.A. 3232 Brown, M.B. 3567 Brown, P. 154 Brown, R. 3581 3600 Brown, T. 3428 3605 Brown, T A. 3815 Brown, T.W. 3401 Browning, F. 3648 Browning, H.L. 3779 3780 3840 Bruijn, G literature Indonesian translation 2976 Bruijn, J.V. de 145 Bruijne, G.A. de 3614 3615 Bruins Slot, J.A.H.J.S^MOgraphy 3922 Brumpt, L.C. 3661 Bruneau, M. 3577 Brunei colonial history 1878/1909 Bajau 123 Brunei general study 1970 3256 Brunei government Malaysia publication Singapore 1971 bibliography 3532 Bruner, P.L. 3402 Brunklaus, F A. 969 Bryan, E.H. 3548 Bryan, H. 1305 Bryan Jr, E.H. 3389 3403 3525 3546 3547 3549 Bucchioni, E. 3648 Buchanan, J. 3454 Buchanan, K. 3454 Buchari, I. 382 Buddhism 3488 Buddhism Brahmanism 3491 Buddhism Hawaii immigrant Japanese 1971 3486 Buddhism Hinduism religious practice Indonesia 1616 Buddhism history Tapanuli Selatan 1100/1200 1739 Buddhism Indonesia 1660 Buddhism literature Sanskrit 3489 Buddhism national plan Thailand 3490 Buddhism philosophy religious text Indonesia 1543 Buddhism religion Indonesia 1661 1662 Buddhism religious text Indonesia 1549 1724 Buddhism sculpture photograph Borobudur 236 Buddhism South East Asia 3485 Buddhism Thailand 3487 budget cooperative Kalimantan Selatan 1970 bank 2054 budget cooperative Kalimantan Selatan 1970 1971 1972 bank 2055 budget forestry Kalimantan Selatan public enterprise 1973 PERHUTANI 921 budget infrastructure port 1972/1974 Indonesia meeting report 2128 budget Medan research centre 1973/1974 agricultural research 2518 budget Palembang port 1972 2110 budget public enterprise Surabaya 1963 local government 364 budget 1969/1970 Indonesia agricultural credit 1109 budgeting efficiency public enterprise 1960/1966 Indonesia research result 2009 budgeting Indonesia auditing 2257 budgeting public works 1971 Indonesia 576 budgeting university Indonesia 1411 Budhigawis, HA. 440 486 559 401 Budhiprawito, R.G. 818 1155 Budhyarto 2696 Budi Utomo independence movement nationalism Indonesia STOVIA 1090 Budi Utomo independence movement nationalism 1900/1940 Indonesia STOVIA 246 Budi Utomo independence movement nationalism 1908/1918 Indonesia 217 Budiardjo 71 315 547 1048 1056 1228 1251 1269 2298 2352 Budiarti, S. 2094 Budiarto 2729 3442 Budiharto 568 Budijuwono, N. 328 Budi man 2675 Budiman, AS. 1442 Budiman, E 2719 Budiman, H. 1009 1328 Budiman, M. 905 Budiman, S. 2074 2361 Budiomo 328 Personal name - Organization — Geography - Descriptor 263 buffer stock food policy rice 1963 Indonesia survey agricultural product ion 365 Bugbug dialect linguistics 2903 Buginese ethnography social structure Ujungpandang 1973 139 Buginese grammatica! study 2856 Buginese social history lontar 137 Bugis, Y. 94 building industry housing 1971 Indonesia 579 building temple Thailand architecture 3506 Buin Kaugel linguistics Selepet 2869 Buin linguistics Baruya 2863 Buitenweg, H. ps Meyer, H.C. 30 Bukittinggi economics 1972 104 Bukittinggi employment policy Padang Repelita 11969/1970 Indonesia project report 473 Bukittinggi market 1973 legislation 2259 Bukittinggi national budget regional development 1973/1974 local government 1119 Bukittinggi national budget 1973/1974 local governmen t 1148 Bukittinggi social policy 1973 project report 855 856 Bukittinggi tax collection vehicle 1973 legislation 1162 Bukittinggi tourism 1972 prospectus 266 . Buleleng Hinduism 1629 Buleleng history Singaradja 194 Buleleng tourism 1969 project report 177 Bulgaria essential oil foreign investment 1965 economie agreement Indonesia Aceh 1984 Bulhadiansjah 1009 Bulkin, P. 1079 Buil, H. 3457 Bunge, CO. 3802 Bunn, G. 2876 Bunn, R. 2876 Bunnag, J. 3209 Buntaran 2696 bureaucracy Colombia public administration 3725 Burger, D.H. 793 Burger, Hzn, D. 3443 Burhamzah 2512 Burhan, B. 2541 Burhan, J. 1263 Burke Miailhe, W A. 3308 Burleigh, C. 3216 Buriey, TM. 3344 Burma China colonialism France railway United Kingdom 1895/1902 3459 Burma China foreign policy 1950/1960 KMT 3200 Burma colonial history Dufferin war 1885/1886 3199 Burma colonialism economie development 1880/1940 3197 Burma colonialism h is tori ography 3198 Burma ethnography India Thet 1967 3178 Burma Korea R military Pakistan political participation Thailand 1899 Burma social policy 3571 Burnham, F. 3827 Burrows, E.G. 3377 Bury, J.B. 3591 Busbecq 3498 Bushnefl, O.A. Cook, J. Hawaii novel travel 3386 business cycle revolution 1823/1966 Latin America 3857 business economics saving working capital Indonesia textbook 1976 business economics 1973 Indonesia textbook 2273 business Jakarta Raya 1969 directory 2019 business organization Sumatera Utara 1973 textbook agricultural management 2455 Busiri 428 1858 Busoirie, C. 1308 1309 Buss, R.J. 3962 Busser, H. 2920 Bustaman 1052 1055 Bustami, S. 2343 Bustan 134 Busthaniansjah 2133 Buton history 195 Butte, W.L. 3963 Butterworth, D. 3861 Buttinger, J. 3244 Butzer, K.W. 3587 Buur, D.B.M. 2741 Buwono IX biography Hamengku 2682 2706 Buwono IX Hamengku 803 875 1056 1326 1968 1991 2107 2636 Buyong bin Adil 214 3259 3260 3268 3269 3287 Byars, R. 3861 C Cabra Ibarra, J.G. 3768 Cabrera, L. 3744 Cady, J.F. 3459 Calderón, F. Iglesias 3773 264 Index Caldwell, J.A. 3465 Caldwell, M. 3454 CaÜhdez, J. de 3802 Call.es, P.E. 3744 3750 3827 Camacho, M. Avila 3750 Camara, H. Pessoa 3855 Camara Barbachano, F. 3801 Cambodian linguistics 1972 3233 Cameron Clark, G. 2276 Campa, V. 3750 Campbell, P.C. 3458 Campeche census population 1970 statistical data 3760 Canada emigration history Japanese Pacific Islands sociology USA 3407 Cancel, L.E. 3946 Capell, A. 3387 Capelle, M.C. novel 2797 capital formation Indonesia textbook banking 2205 capital resources community development Temanggung village 1952 2533 capital resources economie resources Repelita I feasibility study Indonesia 933 capital worker ratio industrial development manufacturing 1958/1967 Indonesia 2029 Caracao, CL. 3474 cardamon Semarang 2354 Cardenas, L. 3744 3750 3827 Cardero Michel, J.R. 59 Cardona, F.J. 3812 Cardona, M.E. 3812 Cardoso, F.H. 3709 3809 3816 3870 cargo handling sea transport Indonesia 1995 Carias Reyes, M. 3836 Carib Guyana social and cultural anthropology 3818 Caribbean Central America Colombia politics Venezuela 1900/1935 3676 Caribbean Central America Latin America book review 3862 Caribbean colonial history 1865 3684 Caribbean Cuba farmer plantation social structure 3683 Caribbean cultural factor kinship system language 3683 Caribbean cultural factor Negro psychological aspect race 3684 Caribbean dependence 3684 Caribbean Dutch history Protestant church religious mission 3672 Caribbean economie development economie planning 1964 3679 Caribbean economie integration 3688 Caribbean economie structure 3696 Caribbean ethnic factor race relations social stratification 3683 Caribbean family Jamaica social structure Trinidad West Indies collective volume 3696 Caribbean farmer 1838/1961 3684 Caribbean general study 3682 3686 Caribbean government politics collective volume 3684 Caribbean history social change 1920/1960 3684 Caribbean indigenous population nationalism politics Latin America 3841 Caribbean interest group kinship system Negro 3684 Caribbean Latin America survey archives 3690 Caribbean literature 1971 Florida bibliography 3685 Caribbean middle class 3684 Caribbean plantation urban development 3577 Caribbean private investment 3691 Caribbean public administration United Kingdom 3684 Caribbean race relations 3681 3692 Caribbean regional cooperation 3552 Caribbean slavery 3683 3684 Caribbean slavery 1750/1900 collective volume 3694 Caribbean social structure 3673 CARIFTA political aspect 3684 Carnoy, M. 3845 3847 Caroline Islands gazetteer geography Mariana Islands Marshall Islands 3389 Caroline Islands Pacific Islands Aus travel 1800/1900 3414 Carpeaux, O.M. 3820 Carr, B. 3862 Carr, E.B. 3404 Carra, V.D. 3828 Carranza, K. 3750 3827 Carranza, V. 3744 Carrera Damas, G. 3713 Carstairs, G.N. 3568 Carter, G.F. 3832 Casal, J. del literary criticism 3644 Casanova, P. Gonzalez 3820 Casas, B. de Las 3828 Casino, E. 3295 Caso, A. 3743 caste slavery social conflict Yucatan agrarian structure American Indian 3754 Castelazo, S. Avila 3887 Castilla, A. Romero 3949 Castle, L.V. 3457 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 265 Castro, F. 3634 3637 3638 3639 3794 3820 3827 Castro, F. Cuba economics nationalism politics collective volume 3640 Castro, F. Cuba foreign policy 1972 3641 Castro, J. 3308 Castro, J. de 3820 Castro, R. López 3776 catalogue sychology Indonesia 1582 Islam socialism Indonesia 1618 Islam student 1967 IMM Indonesia meeting report association 989 Islam student 1970 HMI association Banjarmasin 1591 Islam Sufism 3499 Islam Sumatera Utara 0700/1200 history 237 Islam tradition hadith Indonesia. 1510 1658 Islam tradition Indonesia hadith history 1709 Islam training centre youth Banjarmasin 1576 Islam woman Indonesia 1699 Islam worship Indonesia 1535 Islam Yogyakarta 1968 Aisjijah conf 1542 Islam Yogyakarta 1972 IAIN statement higher education 1733 Islam Yogyakarta 19? 3 annual report IAIN higher education 1477 Islam youth organization 1965 constitution Muhammadijah Banjarmasin 1503 Islam youth organization 1966 anniversary Muhammadijah Banjarmasin 1516 Islam youth organization 1970 conf Muhammadijah Banjarmasin 1011 1601 Islam youth policy Indonesia 1728 Islam 0622/1258 history 3492 Islam 1259/1900 history 3495 Islam 1400/1900 history 3494 Islam 1900/1942 Indonesia 1730 Islam 1912/1957 Indonesia Muhammadijah history 964 Islam 1937 Ahmadijah Indonesia association 1484 Islam 1955 Indonesia election 958 Islam 1964 Africa Asia conf 974 Islam 1965/1968 Indonesia Muhammadijah economics economist 1517 Islam 1966 dawah Indonesia statement communism 1512 Islam 1966 Indonesia development policy ideology 1996 Islam 1970 IAIN yearbook Aceh Besar higher education 1242 Islam 1971 Indonesia maulid statement 1639 Islam 1972 annual report IAIN Banjarmasin higher education 1348 Islam 1972 curriculum Indonesia Christianity family planning Hinduism 304 Islam 1972 Indonesia statement criminal law 1659 Islam 1973 annual report IAIN Banjarmasin higher education 1438 Islam 1973 Indonesia civilization history 1746 Islamic law fiqih Indonesia 1555 1588 1623 1710 1740 Islamic law social implication Indonesia 1508 Islamic law tradition hadith Indonesia 1598 1669 Ismael 1056 Ismael, J.E. 40 Ismail 2688 Ismail, A. 999 Ismail, M.R. 847 Ismail, T. 2834 2841 3117 Ismail, T. poetry Rendra, W.S. Indonesian 2803 Ismail, U. 2249 Ismail, U. Jassin, H.B. theatre Indonesian 2940 Ismail, Y. 2841 Ismail A. Samad 2844 Ismail Hussein 3254 Ismail Yahaya 2844 2981 Ismail Zam 3020 Ismakun, I. 1614 Isman 1987 Isman, F. 723 Ismardi, B. 1244 1921 Ismaun 1219 Ismawan, B. 2512 Isminingsih 2094 Ismuha 1740 Ismuntojo, R.P.H. 2559 Ismusubroto, S. 3964 Isnaeni, M. 993 1014 1016 1030 1071 Isneg dictionary English 3341 Israël Jew 1967 Indonesia interreligious relations Islam 1561 Istanto, F.S. 393 Istijarso, M. 1978 Isudjono 510 Isya, M. 98 ITB technical school 1963/1965 curriculum Indonesia higher education 1191 Iterson, P. van 3936 J Ja'afar Hasny Malay novel 2970 324 Index Jaafar Husin, S. Malay poetry Shamsuddin Ja'afar Sujak bin Rahiman 3036 Ja'afar Shatftsuddin 3020 3036 Jacaltec Maya Quiche semantics Tzotzil Yucatec Chamula Chorti Chuj ethnolinguistics 3867 Jachja, H. 2433 Jackson, J.C. 3263 Jaeger, G. 3661 Jafizham, T. 1814 Jagan, C.B. 3827 Jagt, M.B. van der 259 Jaguaribe, H. 3820 Janiz 3498 Jahja, A.A. 373 Jahja, M. 1675 Jahpin Aziz 2981 Jahri, M. 1348 1438 Jakarta Pusat Jakarta Selatan Jakarta Utara prostitution 1969 social survey 426 Jakarta Pusat local government 1973 annual report 860 Jakarta Raya dialect 2889 Jakarta Raya Jawa Barat sanitation service 1969 survey Bali coconut 2023 Jakarta Raya Jawa Barat trade fair 1969 exhibition 45 Jakarta Raya Koran Islam 1665 Jakarta Raya landscape protection urban area 1971 549 Jakarta Raya lexicographical study village dialect 2921 Jakarta Raya living conditions Repelita I 1969/1974 820 Jakarta Raya local finance 1966/1971 statistical data income 888 Jakarta Raya local government history 192 Jakarta Raya local government 1973 directory institutional framework 794 797 Jakarta Raya local government 1973 statement 901 Jakarta Raya manpower population school age population 1971/1991 projection 472 Jakarta Raya morphology dialect 2877 Jakarta Raya national budget parliament 1972 local government DPRD 627 628 Jakarta Raya national budget parliament 1973/1974 local government DPRD 795 796 818 1155 Jakarta Raya national budget 1972/1973 local government 1159 Jakarta Raya national budget 1973 local government 952 Jakarta Raya national budget 1973/1974 local government 585 789 822 902 903 928 Jakarta Raya parliament 1971/1972 meeting report DPRD 761 Jakarta Raya photograph history 44 Jakarta Raya poetry Indonesian 2978 Jakarta Raya political behaviour test 1966/1970 report civil servant 848 Jakarta Raya primary education 1968 curriculum Islam 1210 Jakarta Raya primary school textbook geography 3125 Jakarta Raya public enterprise 1970/1971 progress report 558 Jakarta Raya regional development Repelita II 1973 824 825 Jakarta Raya religious practice 1972/1973 hadj Islam 1731 Jakarta Raya Repelita 11969/1974 educational development 819 Jakarta Raya research and development 1972 report 593 Jakarta Raya retail marketing 1972 survey 634 Jakarta Raya retail trade 1972 thesis 625 Jakarta Raya sanitation service 1972 report 635 Jakarta Raya social movement 1969 constitution 287 Jakarta Raya social participation urban renewal 1972 report community development 891 Jakarta Raya sport 1973 1429 Jakarta Raya statistical service 1971/1972 report 673 Jakarta Raya teacher training 1971 educational development IKIP 1287 Jakarta Raya teacher training 1971 1972 educational development IKIP 1276 Jakarta Raya teacher training 1972 report educational development IKIP 1346 Jakarta Raya teacher training 1973 administrative aspect educational development IKIP 1447 Jakarta Raya teacher training 1973 educational development extension service IKIP 1448 Jakarta Raya textile industry 1972 report domestic investment foreign investment 2152 Jakarta Raya trade fair 1969 final report 1222 Jakarta Raya trade fair 1973 directory 2824 Jakarta Raya traffic 1973 legislation 2300 Personal name - Organization — Geography — Descriptor 325 Jakarta Raya urban planning 1967 report 381 Jakarta Raya village 1971/1972 statistical data community development 605 Jakarta Raya 1964 annual report ABRI army cooperative 1846 Jakarta Raya 1966 meeting report ABRI army cooperative 1860 Jakarta Raya 1967/1969 local government community development 379 Jakarta Raya 1967/1971 statistical data health'service 2650 Jakarta Raya 1968 annual report educational administration 1223 Jakarta Raya 1968/1969 survey cost of living 940 941 Jakarta Raya 1969 directory business 2019 Jakarta Raya 1969 report family planning 2640 Jakarta Raya 1969 seminar construction technique health service 2639 Jakarta Raya 1970 research contraceptive family planning health service 2646 Jakarta Raya 1970 statistical data fertility 48 Jakarta Raya 1970 statistical data general study 573 Jakarta Raya 1971 annual report local government agricultural administration 2410 Jakarta Raya 1971 statistical data general study 771 Jakarta Raya 1971/1972 annual report family planning 2656 Jakarta Raya 1972 anniversary architecture independence 219 Jakarta Raya 1972 local government progress report development policy 620 Jakarta Raya 1972 report fertilizer 2400 Jakarta Raya 1972 statistical data general study 935 Jakarta Raya 1972/1973 annual report local government industrial administration 865 Jakarta Raya 1972/1973 report cooperative internal migration 929 Jakarta Raya 1973 agricultural census 2491 Jakarta Raya 1973 legislation housing investment return 1820 Jakarta Raya 1973 local government agricultural policy community development 949 Jakarta Selatan Jakarta Utara prostitution 1969 social survey Jakarta Pusat 426 Jakarta Selatan local government 1972 annual report 866 Jakarta Selatan village 1972 report community development 661 Jakarta Timur local government 1972 annual report 697 Jakarta Timur local government 1973 statistical data 800 Jakarta Utara port safety fire control 2217 Jakarta Utara port urban planning 1965/1985 1997 Jakarta Utara port 1955 regulation 1956 Jakarta Utara port 1969 regulation 2022 Jakarta Utara port 1970 expert report industrial economics 2044 Jakarta Utara port 1970 regulation 2038 Jakarta Utara port 1971 1972 regulation 2077 Jakarta Utara port 1972 2183 Jakarta Utara prostitution 1969 social survey Jakarta Pusat Jakarta Selatan 426 Jakile, M. 2004 Jakobson, L. 3461 Jakobson, S. Orloff 3461 Jakti, D.K. 532 Jati religious mission Christianity Irian Jaya 149 Jamaica broker 3683 Jamaica daily 3684 Jamaica fishery 3683 Jamaica kinship system 3683 Jamaica labour mobility land utilization rural worker size of enterprise 3696 Jamaica land tenure Netherlands Antilles British Virgin Islands Guadeloupe Guyana 3683 Jamaica legislation social policy 3658 Jamaica local government political power 3684 Jamaica Martinique agriculture 3577 Jamaica nationalism PNP political party 1938/1944 3684 Jamaica political participation youth 3684 Jamaica race relations 3684 Jamaica race relations 1800/1900 3555 Jamaica religion 3683 Jamaica social movement 3684 Jamaica social structure adaptability 3591 Jamaica social structure adaptability Guyana 3689 Jamaica social structure Trinidad West Indies collective volume Caribbean family 3696 Jamaica United Kingdom 1953/1962 emigration 3696 Jamaica 1944 constitution 3684 326 Index Jamaica 1962 constitution 3684 Jamani, M. 200 463 493 Jamaris, E. 1738 Jambi Jawa Barat Kalimantan Timur regional planning Sulawesi Selatan Sumatera Selatan 1971 563 Jambi Kalimantan marketing 1973 meeting report forest product forestry development 2469 Jambi Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Timur Sulawesi Selatan 1971/1972 report infrastructure 687 Jambi Lampung regional development Sumatera Selatan tax 1972 Bengkulu 108 Jambi local government 1973 meeting report 915 916 Jambi Nusa Tenggara Timur 1971/1972 report family planning health 685 Jambi petrochemical industry Sumatera Selatan 1971/1972 report fertilizer industry 2149 Jambi plantation private enterprise Riau Sumatera Barat Sumatera Utara 1972 Aceh 2460 Jambi regional development Repelita I 1969/1970 report 468 Jambi road construction Sumatera Selatan 1969 development project infrastructure 2593 Jambi rubber rural population 2354 James, C.L.R. 3558 3684 3694 3695 James, P. 3614 Jamidin B. 3020 Jamil, T.S. Mohamad bin 2442 Jamil Nahmar 3020 Jamin, M. 1177 1755 2813 2850 2851 3302 ; Jamin, M.A. 2173 Janan bin Ahmad Malay novel war 3025 Jani, A. 1840 1841 Jani, A. biography 145 2688 Jansonius, H. 3918 Jao Tsung I 3258 Japan Asia Australia China PR economie relations Indonesia 3479 Japan history 3364 Japan Jawa Barat technical assistance 1972/1973 Indonesia extensive farming 2547 Japan Jawa Barat technical assistance 1972/1973 Indonesia report agricultural project 2465 2516 Japan Korea DPR Korea R Mongolia PR China PR general study 3468 Japan Korea Vietnam China culture international relations 3460 Japan Luzon World War II 1942/1945 3334 Japan Malaysia New Zealand Oceania Philippines politics Australia Hong Kong 3464 Japan Malaysia World War II international relations 3251 Japan navy World War II collective volume 3358 Japan Pacific Islands USA Asia China PR economie development economie relations 3465 Japan Pacific Ocean USA 1897/1911 defence policy 3360 Japan peasant political power social history Asia China PR India 3944 Japan Philippines 1952/1960 Indonesia international relations 3463 Japan political ideology 1943/1944 Indonesia 207 Japan political science collective volume China India Indonesia 3456 Japan religion 1945/1952 3363 Japan social and cultural anthropology 3355 Japan South East Asia World War II international relations 3557 Japan study abroad 1968 conf Indonesia 1209 Japan theatre Asia China history India Islam 3478 Japan trade policy 1858/1920 3353 Japan USA 1931/1941 international relations 3573 Japan USA 1945/1952 international relations 3363 Japan 1549/1873 Catholic church 3366 Japan 1940 foreign policy 3362 Japan 1940/1941 foreign policy 3357 Japan 1950/1970 Far East international relations 3359 Japan 1968 Indonesia international relations 994 Japan 1973 collective rolume economics 3367 Japan 1973 Indonesia economie relations 1074 Japanese Indonesian dictionary 2918 Japanese Jawa Barat 1973 agricultural extension development aid farming 2464 Japanese Jawa Barat 1973 agricultural extension development aid food production 2465 Japanese occupation Aceh history 3072 Japanese occupation Javanese political ideology theatre 1945 2938 Japanese occupation PETA 1945 Blitar history insurrection 226 Japanese occupation Protestant church 1942/1945 Indonesia 1486 Personal name - Organization — Geography - Descriptor 327 Japanese occupation 1942/1945 Indonesia 3923 Japanese Pacific Islands sociology USA Canada emigration history 3407 Japanese textbook grammatical study 3512 Japanese 1971 Buddhism Hawaii immigrant 3486 Jaquet, F.G.P. 2747 2748 Jaquet, L.G.M. 3923 Jarman, A.M.G. 3464 Jasadipura I Jawa 1729/1757 history 3093 Jasin, M. 565 1509 Jasni, Z. 2696 Jaspan, M.A, 352 3226 Jaspers, R. 3410 Jassin, H.B. 2832 2834 2836 2841 Jassin, H.B'. theatre Indonesian Ismail, , U. 2940 Jassin, L 1334 Jatmopranoto, R.I. 438 Javanese dictionary German 2926 Javanese grammatical study 2859 3150 Javanese historical linguistics 2848 Javanese language 1959 Indonesia civic education 3107 Javanese linguistics Sulawesi Sumatera Sumba Tmor Toraja Balinese 2837 Javanese literature primbon 43 56 Javanese literature Russian translation 2846 Javanese literature statement 1460 Javanese Mangkunegara IV, K.G. theatre wayang 3048 Javanese music poetry 2814 Javanese mysticism education 1606 Javanese novel Nurany 3045 3046 Javanese political ideology theatre 1945 Japanese occupation 2938 Javanese primary education textbook grammatical study 3109 3110 3119 3136 Javanese religion kebatinan 1735 Javanese Sedahmirah, N.A. theatre wayang 3052 Javanese spelling 1973 meeting report 2907 2908 Javanese Surinam Islam 3683 Javanese textbook education of woman 1179 Javanese textual edition 3053 Javanese theatre Indonesian translation folk tale 2973 Javanese theatre textbook wayang 1194 Javanese theatre wayang 1193 3043 3044 3049 3050 3051 Jawa dance 39 Jawa government policy industrial area 644 Jawa Kalimantan 1967 planning infrastructure 2569 Jawa living conditions village 1960 40 Jawa local government 1973 meeting report 804 Jawa Madura population 1971 statistical data census 13 Jawa Madura population 1972 statistical data census 66 Jawa Madura social participation 1972 exhibition Indonesia economie development election 676 Jawa Madura 1969 statistical data civil servant 289 Jawa Madura 1971 directory industrial enterprise 2121 Jawa magie religious text 3042 Jawa Maluku Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur 1968 planning Bali energy 2571 Jawa mask 63 Jawa messianism rural area SI social conflict 1800/1940 history 233 Jawa mountain flora 2624 Jawa music textbook 2815 Jawa mysticism 1504 1514 1643 Jawa plantation clove 2354 Jawa political aspect social stratification 1945/1965 Islam 3456 Jawa political leadership social participation village 1957 thesis 352 Jawa population dynamics social theory 2638 Jawa population increase population policy 1963 demography 47 Jawa postal service telecommunication 1968 planning 2568 Jawa primbon family 41 Jawa public works 1970/1971 development project 2595 Jawa regional planning 1972 agriculture Bali 2426 Jawa rice 1972 report agricultural project Bali 642 Jawa ruling class 1944 biography 2705 Jawa Sumatera 1972 Indonesia meeting report forest production 2407 Jawa traditional culture Bali dance 1384 Jawa 0000/0928 inscription 218 Jawa 1600/1970 cotton industrial development 2042 Jawa 1729/1757 history Jasadipura I 3093 Jawa 1961 planning infrastructure 2553 Jawa 1961/1972 research result family planning 2655 328 Index Jawa 1968/1969 statistical data agricultural production fertilizing 2367 Jawa 1968/1972 report Bali family planning 2672 Jawa Barat Jawa Tengah local government public administration 1972 comparison 953 Jawa Barat Jawa Tengah mining nuclear power 1971/1972 report Bali industry 686 Jawa Barat Jawa Timur Kalimantan Timur village 1973 research result community development 892 Jawa Barat job description 1973 Aceh agricultural extension civil servant 817 Jawa Barat Kalimantan Timur regional planning Sulawesi Selatan Sumatera Selatan 1971 Jambi 563 Jawa Barat land reform 1966 Jatiluhur agricultural project irrigation 2556 Jawa Barat leadership 1971 thesis community development 523 Jawa Barat literature Sundanese 1700/1750 text history 3058 Jawa Barat local government legislation 838 Jawa Barat local government management 1973 annual report 1394 Jawa Barat local government 1973 827 Jawa Barat local government 1973 statement 792 Jawa Barat local level 1972 economie survey development potential 631 Jawa Barat museum 1973 culture handicraft 60 Jawa Barat national budget 1961 local government 362 Jawa Barat Pajajaran history 222 Jawa Barat pesticide 1972 2408 Jawa Barat plant breeding rice agricultural extension 2337 Jawa Barat population 1971 statistical data census 34 57 Jawa Barat production increase rice 1968/1969 comparative analysis 2348 Jawa Barat public enterprise 1970 annual report PERHUTANI forestry 2369 Jawa Barat rice 1970/1971 agricultural project 2362 Jawa Barat sanitation service 1969 survey Bali coconut Jakarta Raya 2023 Jawa Barat Sundanese customary law 51 Jawa Barat technical assistance 1972/1973 Indonesia extensive farming Japan 2547 Jawa Barat technical assistance 1972/1973 Indonesia report agricultural project Japan 2465 2516 Jawa Barat textile industry 1972 report 2157 Jawa Barat tourism prospectus 58 Jawa Barat tourism 1972 meeting report 268 Jawa Barat trade fair 1969 Jakarta Raya 45 Jawa Barat 0400/1579 history 3106 Jawa Barat 1579 secondary school textbook history 191 Jawa Barat 1969/1970 seminar economie development 2090 Jawa Barat 1971 annual report chamber of commerce 2138 Jawa Barat 1971 social survey handicraft 2073 Jawa Barat 1972 animal protection 2623 Jawa Barat 1973 agricultural extension development aid farming Japanese 2464 Jawa Barat 1973 agricultural extension development aid food production Japanese 2465 Jawa Barat 1973 project report family - planning 2667 Jawa Barat 1974 programme planning health service 2652 Jawa Tengah administration of justice Islam 1597 Jawa Tengah agricultural training 2347 Jawa Tengah Kalimantan Selatan Sumatera Utara Yogyakarta 1971/1972 report education 684 Jawa Tengah local finance Yogyakarta 1966/1969 statistical data 550 Jawa Tengah local government public administration 1972 comparison Jawa Barat 953 Jawa Tengah local government 1972/1973 annual report 843 Jawa Tengah marine fishing 1971/lS!n*7t; annual report local government fishery policy 2377 Jawa Tengah marketing textile 1972 report consumer demand 2147 Jawa Tengah mining nuclear power 1971/1972 report Bali industry Jawa Barat 686 Jawa Tengah national budget parliament 1973/1974 local government DPRD 886 945 947 Jawa Tengah NU political party 1969/1971 progress report 1084 Jawa Tengah population 1971 statistical data census 27 33 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 329 Jawa Tengah population 1972 statistical data census 65 Jawa Tengah public enterprise 1972 annual report PERHUTANI forestry 2476 Jawa Tengah public enterprise 1972 meeting report PERHUTANI forestry 2399 Jawa Tengah regional planning rural area 1972 721 Jawa Tengah textile industry 1972 report domestic investment foreign investment 2150 2151 Jawa Tengah theatre Yogjakarta 1969/1971 wayang 2757 Jawa Tengah village Yogyakarta 1972 report community development credit policy 680 Jawa Tengah welfare Boyolali 421 Jawa Tengah 1960 annual report health service 2629 Jawa Tengah 1969 local government development policy 422 Jawa Tengah 1969/1972 forecast statistical analysis forestry 2392 Jawa Tengah 1970 statistical data higher education 1243 Jawa Tengah 1970/1973 progress report family planning 2678 Jawa Tengah 1971 development potential 2069 Jawa Tengah 1971/1973 project report family planning 2674 Jawa Tengah 1972/1973 project report family planning 2671 Jawa Tengah 1973 economie indicator 62 Jawa Tengah 1973 progress report family planning 2677 Jawa Tengah 1973 project report family planning 2673 Jawa Timur juvenile delinquency narcotic social problem 1972 regulation 2660 Jawa Timur Kalimantan Selatan regional planning 1973 report Aceh Bali 950 Jawa Timur KalimantaiuTimur village 1973 research result community development Jawa Barat 892 Jawa Timur legislation parliament 1971/1972 DPRD 637 Jawa Timur marine fishing 1972 2484 Jawa Timur marketing public enterprise 1972 annual report PERHUTANI forestry 2405 Jawa Timur military history 1878 Jawa Timur national plan Repelita I 1971/1972 statistical data general study 2137 Jawa Timur painting 1954 exhibition 1175 Jawa Timur plantation public enterprise 1962 progress report 2314 Jawa Timur population 1971 statistical data census 28 55 Jawa Timur preschool education primary education special education 1972/1973 annual report 1440 Jawa Timur primary school 1972 educational development 1297 Jawa Timur public enterprise 1966/1970 PERHUTANI statistical data forestry 2430 Jawa Timur public enterprise 1971 PERHUTANI forest production 2402 Jawa Timur public enterprise 1971 PERHUTANI statistical data forestry 2431 Jawa Timur regional development Repelita 11969/1971 progress report 758 Jawa Timur regional development Repelita 1 1970/1971 project report 711 Jawa Timur Repelita I school system 1972/1973 project report educational development 1436 Jawa Timur Repelita 11971/1972 project report educational development 1350 Jawa Timur Repelita 1 1972/1973 project report educational development 1435 Jawa Timur Repelita 11973/1974 project report educational development 1437 Jawa Timur secondary education 1971 directory 1262 Jawa Timur social structure village 1951 thesis 38 Jawa Timur tax 1973 education 1149 Jawa Timur teacher 1973 statistical data 1430 Jawa Timur textile industry 1972 report 2154 Jawa Timur textile industry 1972 report domestic investment foreign investment 2160 Jawa Timur trade policy 1972 annual report local government export 864 Jawa Timur village 1971/1972 statistical data community development 618 Jawa Timur 1969 statistical data economics 400 Jawa Timur 1971 annual report local government industrial administration 2084 Jawa Timur 1971 conf educational development 1272 Jawa Timur 1971 report development policy industrial estate 2095 330 Index Jawa Timur 1971 statistical data general study 53 Jawa Timur 1972 annual report local government industrial administration 2243 Jawa Timur 1972 economie survey social survey agricultural project irrigation 895 Jawa Timur 1972 local government meeting report educational administration 1345 Jawa Timur 1972 reference material investment 2135 Jawi, T.S.M. Ghazali bin Hj. 2442 jaya, Y. 2133 Jayapura social and cultural anthropology welfare 1972 158 Jayawardena, C 3385 3684 Jayawijaya Barat social and cultural anthropology welfare 1972 157 Jeffreys, M.D.W. 3832 Jelin, E. 3779 Jember local government 1972 annual report 591 Jember regional development welfare 1972 progress report family 712 Jember regional development 1969/1972 progress report 759 Jember regional development 1969/1973 plan of operation 629 Jember welfare 1972 economie development family 619 Jember 1972 community development 763 Jenista, F. 3318 Jenkins, B.M. 3848 3947 Jenner, P.N. 3541 Jennes, J. 3366 Jepara local government 1973 report 876 Jett, S.C. 3832 Jevea novel Indonesia 2768 Jew 1967 Indonesia interreligious relations Islam Israël 1561 Jihaty Abadi 3013 3014 3026 Jihaty Abadi Malay poetry 3026 Jiménez, A. Morales 3750 Jinnah 3498 Joannes XXIII 1496 job description Indonesia civil servant 281 job description Kalimantan Selatan Sulawesi Selatan 1973 agriculture civil servant 817 job description port public works ship 1971 Indonesia 526 job description 1973 Aceh agricultural extension civil servant Jawa Barat 817 job evaluation Indonesia 293 Jocano, F.L. 3304 Johannes, H. 2559 Johannes, H. Ramali, A. Reksohadiprodjo, 1. Sedijatmo, R.M. biography Hatta, M. 2710 Johanns 1526 Johm, K. 3695 John, V.P. 3648 Johns, AH. 21 Johns, Y. 21 2820 Johnson, A. 3258 Johnson, D.S. 3258 Johnson, H.G 3561 Johnson, J.J. 3802 3820 3840 Johnson, L. New Guinea poetry 150 Johnson, L.L. 3630 3798 3799 3807 Johnson, L.W. 166 Johnson, R H. 3232 Johnson, T.F.S. 3909 Johore history 3259 Jon, O. 2432 Jones, CL. 3676 3802 Jones, E. 3684 Jones, F. Lancaster 3900 Jones, P. Mander 3931 Jones, P.H.M. 3454 Jones, R.B. 3514 Jones, S.B. 1839 Jonge, B.C. de archives inventory 2727 Joni, T.R. 1271 Joosten, J. 3699 Jörai kinship social structure Vietnam 3227 Jordon, E.H. 3512 Jorgensen S.E. 3433 Jorrin, M. 3824 Joswig, H. 3571 journalist press Indonesia pamphlet 1197 Joyodiningrat, K.R.T. 2935 Jozquin, N. 3309 Juarez, B. 3773 Judd, A.F. 3376 Judd, B. 3376 Judodibroto, R. 2433 Judodihardjo, S. 976 Judono, B. 2125 Judono, S.B. 2096 Jumsai, A.O. 3520 3521 Jumsai, M.L.M. = Kulamanito ps 3206 3211 3212 3213 3219 3237 3238 3487 3520 3521 Jumsai, S. 3206 3209 3506 3520 3521 Jundus, M. 1907 1913 Junus, H. 71 Junus, M. 70 100 104 1945 Junus, U. 2927 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 331 jurisprudence Indonesia civil law criminal law 1825 Jusri, M.K. 2325 Jusuf, A. 2147 Jusuf, D. 2870 Jusuf, E. 818 Jusuf, J. 1738 Jusuf, M. 71 1253 2107 2822 Jusuf, M.N. 1701 Jusuf, S. 1911 Jusuf, T.M. 532 Jusuf, Z.A. 847 Juvaini 3498 juvenile delinquency Indonesia 1783 juvenile delinquency Kalimantan Selatan social problem 1973 1822 juvenile delinquency narcotic social problem 1972 regulation Jawa Timur 2660 juvenile delinquency Sumatera Utara 1972 conf 1802 Juwono, B. 2036 2074 2099 Juwono, S. 1841 1855 1859 1864 1902 K Kaam, B. van 3922 ' Kabir, H. 3172 Kachmadi, H. 239 Kachmadi, H.J. 1605 Kadar, A.S. 486 Kadar, S.S. 810 Kadarman, A.M. 1408 Kaderi, A. 1489 Kadir, A. 2619 Kaduan, S. 2386 Kadurijah 563 Kaeng, S.H. 210 Kaeppler, A.L. 3370 3549 Kafrawi 1706 Kafrawi, H. 1721 Kafrawi, M. 1676 Kagiwada, G. 3407 Kahin, G.M. 3200 Kahn, J.S. 86 2541 Kano, J.R. 393 1068 Kaisiepo 1056 Kalakaua, D. 3411 Kalangi, M.M. 3149 Kalbi, I. al 3498 Kaldjat, O. 268 Kaler, I.G.K. 1745 Kalidjaga, S. 3042 Kalimantan geography 250 Kalimantan kinship system Ngaju Dayak 3385 Kalimantan Ma'anyan social and cultural anthropology social structure 124 Kalimantan Malaysia 1973 Indonesia meeting defence policy frontier 1082 Kalimantan marketing 1973 meeting report forest product forestry development Jambi 2469 Kalimantan military history ABRI armed forces 1944 Kalimantan primary education textbook history 3123 Kalimantan regional planning Sulawesi 1972 agriculture 2425 Kalimantan social and cultural anthropology 127 Kalimantan social service 1972 constitution ABRI armed forces 1923 Kalimantan soil resources 1952 agricultural planning drainage 2551 Kalimantan student 1973 HMI meeting report association Islam 1069 Kalimantan Sumatera 1972 report agricultural project irrigation 2406 Kalimantan 1967 planning infrastructure Jawa 2569 Kalimantan 1968/1972 food production 2459 Kalimantan 1969 statement ABRI army 1894 Kalimantan 1969 statistical data civil servant 290 Kalimantan 1970 statement ABRI armed forces 1907 Kalimantan 1970/1972 statement ABRI armed forces 1930 Kalimantan 1971 statement ABRI armed forces 1913 Kalimantan 1972 report ABRI armed forces 1932 Kalimantan 1972 statement ABRI armed forces 1945 Kalimantan 1972/1973 statement ABRI armed forces 1946 Kalimantan 1973 ABRI armed forces 1941 1948 Kalimantan Barat Kalimantan Tengah local finance 1971/1972 mission report Bengkulu DPR 682 Kalimantan Barat politics social participation 1972 exhibition economie development 675 Kalimantan Barat textile 1972 report consumer demand 2153 Kalimantan Barat 1972 statement ABRI armed forces 1929 Kalimantan Selatan agricultural extension 2537 Kalimantan Sela tan geography 3128 Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Timur legislation 1900/1940 338 332 Index Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Timur 1961 conf Muhammadijah Islam 1492 Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah regional development 1972 mission report 630 Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah youth 1967 conf Muhammadijah Islam 1528 Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah 1973 inland water transport 2305 Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Timur Sulawesi Selatan 1971/1972 report infrastructure Jambi 687 Kalimantan Selatan Koran 1973 meeting Islam 1711 1750 Kalimantan Selatan Lampung 1971 report agricultural cooperative 525 Kalimantan Selatan land ownership mining 1971/1972 project report internal migration 2539 Kalimantan Selatan local government 1970 exhibition Jakarta Raya 120 Kalimantan Selatan local government 1970 geographical distribution 117 Kalimantan Selatan local government 1972 meeting report 1047 Kalimantan Selatan marine fishing 1967 2321 Kalimantan Selatan marine fishing 1972 report 2422 Kalimantan Selatan mining nuclear power Sulawesi Selatan 1971/1972 report industry 686 Kalimantan Selatan MPR politics 1973 statement ABRI armed forces 1091 Kalimantan Selatan Muhammadijah association Islam 1671 Kalimantan Selatan museum 1969 progress report 196 Kalimantan Selatan national budget 1970/1971 local government 453 539 562 Kalimantan Selatan national budget 1971/1972 local government 56 1115 Kalimantan Selatan national budget 1971/1972 local government development policy 560 Kalimantan Selatan old age benefit Protestant church 1491 Kalimantan Selatan parliament political party 1972 training course DPRD GOLKAR 1060 Kalimantan Selatan parliament 1969 legislation DPRD election 449 Kalimantan Selatan parliament 1970 meeting report DPRD 493 Kalimantan Selatan parliament 1971 meeting report DPRD 536 566 Kalimantan Selatan PARMUSI political party 1970 conf 180 1013 Kalimantan Selatan PARMUSI political party 1970 Indonesia election 1019 Kalimantan Selatan peasant 1968 meeting report association 2325 Kalimantan Selatan peasant 1972 meeting report association 2432 Kalimantan Sela tan PKI political party 1965 resolution ABRI armed forces 1855 Kalimantan Selatan police 1972 statement delinquency 1804 Kalimantan Selatan political party politics 1966 resolution GOLKAR 985 Kalimantan Selatan political party 1965 ORMAS GOLKAR 977 979 980 Kalimantan Selatan.political party 1971 conf election GOLKAR Islam 1029 Kalimantan Selatan politics regional development 1964 366 Kalimantan Selatan politics student 1965 Gerakan 30 September 1965 368 Kalimantan Selatan politics student 1967 KAMI association 115 Kalimantan Selatan politics student 1967 KAMI resolution association 986 Kalimantan Selatan politics 1967 ABRI army 1867 Kalimantan Selatan production increase rice 1968 agricultural production 2332 Kalimantan Selatan public enterprise 1970 PERHUTANI annual report forestry 2370 Kalimantan Selatan public enterprise 1973 PERHUTANI budget forestry 921 Kalimantan Selatan pulp and paper industry 1971/1972 report 2148 Kalimantan Selatan regional development religion 1972 seminar 765 Kalimantan Selatan regional development Repelita 1 1970/1971 report 471 Kalimantan Selatan regional development 1970 news item 456 Kalimantan Selatan regional development 1972 Islam 1703 Kalimantan Selatan regional development 1972 seminar 588 643 646 764 776 897 2133 Kalimantan Selatan regional development 1972 seminar cattle production 713 Kalimantan Selatan regional planning 1973 report Aceh Bali Jawa Timur 950 Kalimantan Selatan religion student 1967 Islam 1532 Kalimantan Selatan religion 1967 Islam 1522 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 333 Kalimantan Selatan religious education ! Muhammadijah Islam 1489 Kalimantan Selatan religious education youth 1969 Muhammadijah Islam 996 1560 Kalimantan Selatan religious education youth 1972 Muhammadijah Islam 1049 Kalimantan Selatan religious education 1972 blam 1673 Kalimantan Selatan religious policy 1973 regulation Islam 939 Kalimantan Selatan rubber small scale industry 1968 industrial development 2331 Kalimantan Sela tan rubber 1966 annual report cooperative 2319 Kalimantan Selatan social problem 1973 juvenile delinquency 1822 Kalimantan Selatan society 1965 conf Islam 1505 Kalimantan Selatan sport 1973 meeting report 131 Kalimantan Selatan student 1967 KAPPI association ideology 1207 Kalimantan Selatan student 1970 conf PII association Islam 1009 Kalimantan Selatan student 1972 IMM meeting Islam 1328 Kalimantan Selatan student 1972 PII statement association Islam 1323 Kalimantan Selatan student 1973 conf PII association Islam 1424 Kaliman tan'Selatan Sulawesi Selatan 1973 agriculture civil servant job description 817 Kalimantan Selatan Sumatera Utara Yogyakarta 1971/1972 report education Jawa Tengah 684 Kalimantan Selatan theatre training centre 1206 Kalimantan Selatan university UNLAM 1973 pilot project community development 910 Kalimantan Selatan youth organization Muhammadijah Islam 1670 Kalimantan Selatan youth organization 1961 exhibition 1186 Kalimantan Selatan 1960 conf report cooperative 1963 Kalimantan Selatan 1961 conf report cooperative 1966 Kalimantan Selatan 1965 instruction sheet defence policy 1854 Kalimantan Selatan 1965 Islam 1506 Kalimantan Selatan 1966 ABRI armed forces defence policy 1859 1864 Kalimantan Selatan 1966 conf Indonesia Muhammadijah association Islam 1511 Kalimantan Selatan 1968 Islam 1538 Kalimantan Selatan 1969 seminar education 1229 Kalimantan Selatan 1969 statistical data economics 116 Kalimantan Selatan 1970 agricultural project irrigation 487 Kalimantan Selatan 1970 bank budget cooperative 2054 Kalimantan Selatan 1970 survey forestry 2351 Kalimantan Selatan 1970 1971 1972 bank budget cooperative 2055 Kalimantan Selatan 1970/1971 report community development internal migration 572 Kalimantan Selatan 1971 ABRI armed forces 1906 Kalimantan Selatan 1971 Aisjijah Muhammadijah Nasjiatul Aisjijah association Islam 1635 Kalimantan Selatan 1971 conf Nasjiatul Aisjijah association Islam 1636 Kalimantan Selatan 1971 report agricultural project irrigation 2388 Kalimantan Selatan 1971 resolution agricultural policy 577 Kalimantan Selatan 1971/1972 local government project selection development policy 511 Kalimantan Selatan 1971/1972 statistical data general study 799 Kalimantan Selatan 1972 annual report local government agricultural administration 2412 Kalimantan Selatan 1972 meeting Muhammadijah Islam 1696 Kalimantan Selatan 1972 report training course extension service housing 126 Kalimantan Selatan 1972 statement ABRI armed forces 1921 Kalimantan Selatan 1972/1973 annual report local government industrial administration 2222 Kalimantan Selatan 1972/1973 local government development policy 784 Kalimantan Selatan 1973 annual report chamber of commerce 132 Kalimantan Selatan 1973 meeting report agricultural policy 2468 Kalimantan Selatan 1973 meeting report chamber of commerce 2249 Kalimantan Selatan 1973 research result community development 845 Kalimantan Selatan 1973 seminar child care 334 334 Index Kalimantan Selatan 1973 seminar history 130 Kalimantan Selatan 1973 statement agricultural policy 2510 Kalimantan Selatan 1973 statistical data general study 129 Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Timur legislation 1900/1940 Kalimantan Selatan 338 Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Timur 1961 conf Af uhammadijah Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1492 Kalimantan Tengah Lampung public administration 1971/1972 mission report Bengkulu DPR 683 Kalimantan Tengah local finance 1971/1972 mission report Bengkulu DPR Kalimantan Barat 682 Kalimantan Tengah local government 1970 annual report 500 Kalimantan Tengah local government 1970/1971 report 578 Kalimantan Tengah parliament 1972/1973 meeting report DPRD 760 Kalimantan Tengah public enterprise 1972 annual report PERHUTANI forestry 2413 Kalimantan Tengah regional development 1972 mission report Kalimantan Selatan 630 Kalimantan Tengah youth 1967 conf Muhammadijah Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1528 Kalimantan Tengah 1969/1970 annual report local government industrial administration 475 Kalimantan Tengah 1971 statement ABRI armed forces 1919 Kalimantan Tengah 1972 statement ABRI armed forces 1922 Kalimantan Tengah 1973 inland water transport Kalimantan Selatan 2305 Kalimantan Timur legislation 1900/1940 Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah 338 Kalimantan Timur local government 1971/1972 report 769 Kalimantan Timur local government 1973 report 844 Kalimantan Timur politics 1970 statement ABRI armed forces 1900 Kalimantan Timur regional planning Sulawesi Selatan Sumatera Selatan 1971 Jambi Jawa Barat 563 Kalimantan Timur regional planning Sulawesi Selatan 1973 report 950 Kalimantan Timur Sulawesi Selatan 1971/1972 report infrastructure Jambi Kalimantan Selatan 687 Kalimantan Timur traditional culture 119 Kalimantan Timur village 1973 research result community development Jawa Barat Jawa Timur 892 Kalimantan Timur 1961 conf Muhammadijah Islam Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah 1492 Kalimantan Timur 1970 1971 statistical data general study 128 Kalimantan Timur 1971 statistical data general study 125 Kalimantan Timur 1972/1973 annual report local government industrial administration 2247 Kalimantan Timur 1973 Indonesia meeting report internal migration 913 Kamadjaja 1199 Kamadjaja, K.P. 2908 Kamal, K. Sundanese pantun poetry 3063 3065 3066 Kamalrulzaman Yahya 2905 Kamaluddin, R 74 91 Kamar, P. 2321 Kamaruddin 439 857 Kamenuh, I.P.G.P. 1722 Kamil, A. 1046 Kamil, A.R.M. 1052 Kamil, N. 2433 Kamil, T.W. 2921 Kampai, I S. 2433 Kampen, A. van short story Indonesia 2800 Kandau, A. 2204 Kane, W.E. 3849 Kaneko, E. 3361 Kansil, C.S.T. 3137 Kan ter, E.J. 1881 Kanya Forstner, A.S. 3567 Kapampangan syntax 3333 Kaplan, L. 3832 Kapo, H. 3347 kapok plantation rice Indonesia apple erop diversification 2354 Kapur, H. 3565 Karanganyar local government 1968 progress report 438 Karanganyar local government 1969 progress report 741 Karangasem textbook Hinduism 1648 Karawang Pandegelang village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Garut 615 Karawangi 2957 Kardiman 804 Kardjana, P. 3109 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 335 Kardono 1056 Karim, A. 2696 Karim, A.K. 2361 2433 Karim, D. 2813 Karim, P. 2054 2055 Karjadi, M. 1757 Karjawidjaia, J B.L. 2909 Karlio, OS. 1056 Karma, M. 1251 Karo Batak customary law dispute settlement 1828 Karo regional plan Repelita I 1972/1975 753 Karo tourism 1973 prospectus 274 Karseno 2541 Karssen, H. novel 2763 Kartaatmadja, S. 1725 Kartaatmadja, T. 369 Kartadarmadja, M.S. 201 241 2709 Kartadipura, A. 643 2133-^ Kartahardja, A. 464 Kartakusuma, M.N.R. 2559 Kartakusuma, M.R. 1873 Kartakusuma, R. 2817 Kartanegara, S. 1751 Kartasasmita, H. 1097 1116 Kartasasmita, K. 1937 Kartawiria, R.M. 2361 Kartidjo, R. 1881 Kartika, K Liem, B. Indonesia criminal law international law 1780 Kartini women's rights Indonesia biography 2951 Kartodermodjo, S. 2710 Kartodirdjo, S. 231 233 Kartohadikusumo, M.S. 340 Kartohadikusumo, S. 398 2696 Kartohadiprodjo, S. 1789 Kartono 300 Kartowardoyo, S. 2433 Kartowidjojo, S. 119 Kasah 1442 Kasajiza A S. 3020 Kasenda, G.M.U. 2004 Kaser, M. 3823 Kasidi 183 Kasim, M. 3113 Kasin 1056 Kasnadi Js. 572 Kasprus, A. 172 Kasryno, F. 2337 2348 Kassim Ahmad 3038 Kastawan, W. 2023 Kasuma, I. 2200 Katili, J.A. 670 2386 Katzin, M. Fisher 3683 3696 Katznelson, I. 3967 Ka-'u social and cultural anthropology ecosystem family Hawaii 3406 Kaudern, W. biography 3920 Kaufmann, C. 156 Kaugel linguistics Murray Selepet 2875 Kaugel linguistics Selepet Buin 2869 Kaul, N.N. 1381 Kawabata, Y. novel Indonesian translation 2985 Kawakami, T. 3456 Kawena Pukui, M. 3406 Kay, H.H. 3591 Kay, K. 3204 Kayam, U. 1366 Kayam, U. short story Indonesian 2986 Kayo, B.S. 1655 Kebumen Kendal village 1971/1972 statistical data community development 602 Kebumen national budget 1957 local government 349 Kebumen regional development 1958 353 Kediri local government 1970/1971 progress report 556 Kediri local government 1971/1972 progress report 742 746 Kediri population 1971 statistical data census 15 Keen, B. 3828 Keeny, S.M. 3462 Keesing, R.M. 3385 Kehoe, A.B. 3832 Kelantan, S. Othman 2981 3033 Kelantan 0500/1960 history 212 Keley-I Kallahan linguistics 3319 Keilen, K. 3232 Kelley, A.C. 3664 Kelley, D.H. 3832 Kelley, J.C. 3832 Kelly, M. 3370 3584 Kemal, I. 87 Kemala, A.K.A. 3038 Kemenuh, I.P.M 1640 1641 1644 Kemp, J. 3209 Kemp, T. 3567 Kemunuh, I.P.G.P. 1574 Kendal labour dispute legal aspect strike sugar industry worker Indonesia 282 Kendal village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Kebumen 602 Kendari Kolaka Muna village 1971/1972 statistical data community development 609 Kendari port 1968 development policy 2004 Kendari urban planning 1971 528 Kennaway, R.N. 3914 Kennedy, J.F. 3634 Kennedy, R A. 3832 336 Index Kennedy, R.F. 3634 Kennedy, V. 3209 Kentjono, D. 2908 Kepulauan Riau village 1972 report community development 655 Kepulauan Riau 1972 monograph general study 99 Kerinci plant production Sumatera Barat Tapanuli Selatan 1969 economie survey 2343 Kerinci regional development 1972 seminar 723 Kerinci Tanjungjabung village 1971/1972 statistical data Batanghari community development 613 Keris Mas 2844 Kerr, H.B. 2915 Kersauson, O. de 3416 Kerstenetzky, I. 3823 Kesavan, K V. 3463 Keskar, B.V. 3185 Kesuma, H. 2384 Kesuma, M.I.A. = Adrianatakesuma, M.l.ps 226 Ketterer, A. 3752 Ketterer, G. 3752 Keuning, J. 234 Kewa grammatical study 2885 Keynes, CF. 3209 Khadijah Hashim 2981 2987 Khadijah Hashim Malay novel 2987 Khairul, J. 238 Khan, A.W. 3570 Khansa 3498 Khmer Republic botany 3220 Khmer Republic demography 3247 Khmer Republic Laos collective volume agriculture human geography 3577 Khmer Republic Laos international relations 3464 Khmer Republic Laos Mekong Vietnam R 1971 photograph geography 3216 Khmer Republic Malaysia Philippines 1971 ASEAN Indonesia international relations 3440 Khmer Republic Thailand history 3212 Khmer Republic USA Vietnam DR Vietnam R war 1954/1972 collective volume communism 3232 Kho Swie Pik 1183 Khoe Soe Khiam 1183 Khoman, T. 3440 Khusrani, A. 2204 Kiang Ai Kim 3258 Kiefer, T.M. 3332 Kim Tae Sung 2991 Kimball, S.T. 3380 Kincaid, D. 3194 Kindleberger, C.P. 3561 King, J.K. 3439 King, P. 2801 Kingston slum 3696 kinship social structure Vietnam Jörai 3227 kinship system 3607 kinship system Jamaica 3683 kinship system language Caribbean cultural factor 3683 kinship system marriage Papua New Guinea Sepik Wik-mungkan Aboriginal Australia Iatmul 3593 kinship system Martinique 3683 kinship system Negro Caribbean interest group 3684 kinship system Ngaju Dayak Kalimantan 3385 kinship system Pacific Islands Palau Islands 3409 kinship system retail marketing Haiti 3683 Kipand jikusm in 2841 Kiram, B. 1446 Kirk, B. 3750 Kirk, D.H. 3543 Kirk, R.L. 3428 Kirkpatrick, CA 2173 Kirsch, A.T. 3450 Kiften, J.F. 3390 Kissling, H.J. 3494 KIT 1972 annual report Netherlands 2819 Kitzinger, S. 3683 Klass, M. 3694 Klaten Kudus Magelang Semarang village 1971/1972 statistical data community l development 602 Klaten labour intensive labour mobility rural area social change 1971 field study 49 Klaten local government 1970 report 481 Klaten rice 1971/1972-research result agricultural development farming 2395 2396 2452 Klausner, K. 3209 Klausner, W. 3209 Kline, M.M. 3640 Kling, M. 3820 Kloos, P. 3618 Klooster 1496 Klungkung tourism 1969 project report 178 Kocher, H. 3369 Koek, W.J. de 3883 Kodijat, B. 2229 Kodiron 1460 2814 3044 3051 Koehler, LM. 3547 3549 Koehler, J E. 3314 3747 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 337 Koeze, R. 145 Koh Foong Yin 3454 Koh Lip Lin 3258 Kohier, F.D. 3640 Kolaka Muna village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Kendari 609 Kolb, A. 3460 Kolonel, D. 2139 Koltay, E. 3928 Komang, K. 811 Komiya, R. 3561 König, G. 3571 Koopman, C. Swaan 2790 Koperberg, S. 3098 Koran Indonesia Islam 1652 1664 1672 1749 Koran Islam Jakarta Raya 1665 Koran translation French Islam 3493 Koran 1973 meeting Islam" Kalimantan Selatan 1712 1750 Korea DPR Korea R Mongolia PR China PR general study Japan 3468 Korea R military Pakistan political participation Thailand Burma 1899 Korea R Mongolia PR China PR general study Japan Korea DPR 3468 Korea Vietnam China culture international relations Japan 3460 Korea war 1950/1953 Indonesia textbook history 3348 Korean Indonesian translation folk tale 2991 Korn, F. 3593 3607 Korn, V.E. archives inventory 2747 Körner, H. 3921 Kosasih, A. 2454 Kosasih, R.S. 1845 Koswara, E. 410 Koswara, U. 2470 Kovats Beaudoux, E. 3694 Kozolchyk, B. 3716 Krakatau film 249 Kramer, A.L.N. 2931 Kramer, H. 3571 Krammer, C. Reyna de 3772 Kresno, M.O. 1205 Kretschmer de Wilde, C.J.M. 145 Kridalaksana, H. 1369 2908 2914 Kritovoulos 3498 Kronus, S. 3861 Kroske, H. 3571 Kruengraja, R. poetry Acehnese 3071 3073 3076 3082 3090 Kruengraja, R. poetry Acehnese Hasnah 3077 3081 Krupa, V. 3425 Krutch, J.W. 3568 Kuala Lumpur 1972 directory 3271 Kubik, G. 3890 Kubitscheck, H.D. 3571 Kück, G. 3571 Kudus Magelang Semarang village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Klaten 602 Kuey, T. Maw 3207 Kuhuwael, TO. 3126 Kuki, H. 3381 Kulamanito ps Jumsai, M.L.M. 3206 3211 3212 3213 3219 3237 3238 3487 3520 3521 Kuman, J.H. 253 Kunaefi, A. 1943 Kunarto 3135 Kunimaipa linguistics Yareba Austronesian Golin 2876 Kuntjaraningrat 6 Kuntjoro 2513 Kuntohartono, T. 2386 Kuo, R.K.Y. 3258 Kupka, K. 3412 Kurdi, M. 395 Kurokawa, M. 3407 Kusbandarrumsamsi, H. 3964 Kusbandi 1312 2675 Kusbiantoro, B.S. 810 Kusbini 1359 Kusmihadi, M. 2421 Kusnan, M. 482 483 858 Kusnan, R. 2696 Kusniobari 1251 Kusnu, M. 52 1807 Kusrin 2541 Kustarjo, K. 960 Kustedjo, R. 1309 Kusuma, T. Indonesian folk tale 2958 Kusuma, W. 579 Kusumaatmadja, M. 253 1779 1782 1791 2126 2538 Kusumahatmadja, S.E. Sutono, D. Suwarto Tjokronegoro, S. artist biography intellectual 2709 Kusumanto, H.J. 1311 Kusumawidjaja, S. 2288 Kusumo, S.S. 1200 Kusumobudojo, T. 945 Kuswara, U. 2513 Kuswaraga, B. 39 Kutai village 1971/1972 statistical data Balikpapan community development 606 Kutai village 1972 report community development 659 Kutakov, L.N. 3362 Kutojo, S. 201 241 2697 2709 2710 Kuwiks, ps Muller, J.P. 2680 Kuyk, R.H.J. Egeter van 3853 Kwan, R.C.S. 3464 338 Index Kwoma social and cultural anthropology ceramic Irian Jaya 156 L La Paz tourism Mexico 3756 labour administration ministry 1970/1973 evaluation Indonesia DEPSOS 624 labour administration Yogyakarta 1972/1973 annual report local government 861 labour code labour dispute 1957 Indonesia 323 labour code 1973 Indonesia employment injuries benefit 322 labour dispute legal aspect strike sugar industry worker Indonesia Kendal 282 labour dispute 1957 Indonesia labour code 323 labour Haiti 3683 labour intensive labour mobility rural area social change 1971 field study Klaten 49 labour law law Indonesia intergroup relations 1801 labour legislation personnel management Indonesia civil servant 2224 labour legislation private enterprise 1971 Indonesia dismissal 302 labour legislation 1950/1955 Indonesia 278 labour legislation 1950/1970 Indonesia 299 labour legislation 1953 Indonesia 1753 labour mobility broker Guatemala 3740 labour mobility land utilization rural worker size of enterprise Jamaica 3696 labour mobility location of industry 1950/1960 Mexico 3780 labour mobility rural area social change 1971 field study Klaten labour intensive 49 labour policy manpower Cuba economie planning 3633 labour policy Nusa Tenggara Timur 1973 local government 839 labour policy petroleum industry 1941 collective volume air traffic Irian Jaya 145 labour policy Repelita II unemployment 1973/1979 Indonesia working group 325 labour productivity mining 1969/1970 Indonesia statistical data 2596 labour productivity ministry personnel management 1972/1973 Indonesia DEP P&K 918 labour relations plantation sugar Barbados 3696 labour supply manpower 1971 Indonesia statistical data 320 labour supply Pacific Islands 1863/1907 Australia 3899 labour technology Indonesia 2287 Labov, W. 3600 Labuhanbatu 1973 exhibition general study 110 Lacandones Mexico ethnography 3842 Lach, D.F. 3507 Lachica, E. 3321 Lachmon, J. 3623 Laclau, E. 3862 Lacombe, R. 3655 LaFontaine, H. 3648 Lagerberg, C.S.I.J. 3608 Lago, C. Mesa 3633 3639 3642 Lagrange, M.S. 3427 Laguna, F. de 3599 Lahat Ogan Komering Ilir village 1971/1972 statistical data Bangka community development 612 Lake, A.Y. 2704 Laluyan, W. 675 Lam Rukan 3075 Lam U, A. 3087 Lamb, H.B. 3234 Lamb, S.M. 3581 Lambert, J. 3840 Lambrecht, F. 3345 Lambut, M.P. 25 Lamnjong, A. 2852 3072 3083 3086 3087 Lamnjong, A. music poetry Acehnese 3079 Lamnjong, A. novel Acehnese 3085 Lamnjong, A. Nurdin, M.S. poetry Abdulmuthalib, 'M. Acehnese 3074 Lamo, A. 136 1056 Lampung land utilization reforestation 1969 conf 2592 Lampung local finance Sulawesi Tenggara 1971/1972 mission report DPR 682 Lampung parliament 1972/1973 meeting report DPRD 924 925 926 Lampung parliament 1973 meeting report DPRD 1087 Lampung pepper plant disease Bangka 2354 Lampung plantation rosella textile industry 1970 gunny 2359 Lampung plantation textile fibre 1970 2358 Personal name — Organization - Geography - Descriptor 339 Lampung public administration 1971/1972 mission report Bengkulu DPR Kalimantan Tengah 683 Lampung Radin Intan II 1835/1856 biography history 241 Lampung reforestation 1969 conf 2352 Lampung regional development Sumatera Selatan tax 1972 Bengkulu Jambi 108 Lampung regional development 1973 report 787 Lampung Selatan 1968/1972 statistical data general study 830 Lampung Tengah 1969 social survey internal migration 93 Lampung village Yogyakarta 1973 research result community development 892 Lampung 1971 report agricultural cooperative Kalimantan Selatan 525 Lampung 1971/1972 annual report local government community development 701 702 Lampung 1971/1972 annual report local government industrial administration 2164 Lampung 1972 agricultural production internal migration 2439 Lampung 1972 economie indicator food statistics 641 Lampung 1972 statistical data general study 841 Lampung 1973 civic service student internal migration 327 Lamur, H.E. 3624 Lancaster, D. 3232 Lancaster Jones, F. 3900 land ownership British West Indies 3694 land ownership Indonesia agrarian legislation 2543 2544 land ownership Medan 1973 agrarian legislation 831 land ownership mining 1971/1972 project report internal migration Kalimantan Selatan 2539 land ownership New Guinea civil law colonialism customary law 173 land ownership Sumatera Utara customary law 2549 land reform agrarian legislation Honduras 3734 land reform book review Latin America 3862 land reform plantation 1965 Indonesia economie doctrine foreign trade 1985 land reform 1960/1970 Indonesia 2542 land reform 1966 Jatiluhur agricultural project irrigation Jawa Barat 2556 land reform 1971 Indonesia agrarian legislation 1786 land se tt lemen t Latin America 1965 3806 land tenure Indonesia legal aspect landowner 2536 land tenure Latin America agrarian structure 3856 land tenure Micronesia 1970 bibliography ecology 3525 land tenure Netherlands Antilles British Virgin Islands Guadeloupe Guyana Jamaica 3683 land tenure Oaxaca colonialism 3777 land tenure plantation agrarian structure French Antilles 3662 land tenure 1973 conf Indonesia customary law investment 2548 land use agricultural area Guadeloupe 3660 land use population increase urbanization Asia family planning food supply 3466 land utilization Padang/ Pariaman statistical data 96 land utilization productivity rice 1973 sawah survey Aceh Tenggara 2486 land utilization reforestation 1969 conf Lampung 2592 land utilization rural worker size of enterprise Jamaica labour mobility 3696 land utilization Sawahluntosijunjung statistical data 95 land utilization Thailand 3577 land utilization 1963 Indonesia agricultural policy 2315 land utilization 1969/1970 Indonesia instruction sheet forestry 2589 land utilization 1972 classification Indonesia 2445 Landé, N.C Asuncion 3527 landowner land tenure Indonesia legal aspect 2536 landowner upper class Brazil 3706 Landsberger, H.A. 3840 landscape protection urban area 1971 Jakarta Raya 549 Lang, A. 2932 Langdom, F.C. 3456 Lange, O. 1980 Langeveld, M.J. 3129 Langley, L D. 3634 language Caribbean cultural factor kinship system 3683 language Indonesian 2864 language literature social sciences 1960/1970 Indonesia bibliography 2728 340 Index language Malay history 3254 language Mauritius Creole 3513 language Netherlands Antilles Papiamento thesis education 3626 language Papiamento 3625 language Papua 2906 language Pidgin English 3375 language policy linguistics 1800/1940 Indonesia history 248 2916 language Sepik classification 2911 language Spanish Venezuela Merida 3710 language standardization terminology 1972 Indonesian meeting report 2914 language teaching Ilocano 3323 language teaching Indonesia 1263 2900 language teaching Indonesia Dutch 2909 language teaching Tagalog 3298 language teaching university 1973 Indonesian seminar 1475 language teaching 1971 Indonesia meeting report German 1330 language teaching 1971 Indonesia seminar English 1274 language teaching 1971 Indonesian meeting report curriculum 2886 language teaching 1972 Indonesian seminar 1369 language teaching 1972 Indonesian seminar art 2899 language teaching 1973 Indonesia 1415 language terminology Thai 3209 language 1959 Indonesia civic education Javanese 3107 Languardia, J.M. Garcia 3739 Laos collective volume agriculture human geography Khmer Republic 3577 Laos international relations Khmer Republic 3464 Laos Mekong Vietnam R 1971 photograph geography Khmer Republic 3216 Laos political aspect USA 1960/1961 conflict 3217 Laos ship social and cultural anthropology 3225 Laos social and cultural anthropology social structure community 3235 Laos Thailand history international relations 3219 Laos USA 1945/1970 international relations 3245 Laos 1954/1967 China PR foreign policy 3210 Laotian dictionary French 3516 Laquian, A.A. 3461 Larnach, S.L. 3428 Larreynaga, M. de 3836 Las Casas, B. de Latin America history 3828 Lasaqa, I.Q. 3413 Lascaris, C. 3825 Lasserre, G. 3577 3662 latex resin Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise 2234 Latief,A. 2159 Latief, C.N. 70 Latief, T. 1433 Latif, A. 81 Latif, N. 1637 Latif, S.M.N. 1604 1646 1726 Latin America book review Caribbean Central America 3862 Latin America Mexico USA international relations 3797 Latin America modernization socialism Africa 3569 Latin America nationalism anthology communism economics 3827 Latin America rebellion Venezuela document Colombia Guatemala 3851 Latin America revolution social conflict 1950/1960 3805 Latin America society 1972 directory Scandinavia history 3968 Latin America Spanish central government colony 3846 Latin America United Kingdom 0000/1914 dependence 3567 Latin America urban area war 1970 Asia guerilla 3947 Latin America 1965 land settlement 3806 Latin American studies 1936/1966 author index 3812 Latuihamallo, P.D. 567 670 2817 Lau Teik Soon 3454 Laughlin, R.M. 3867 Lavondes, A. 3391 Lavondès, H. 3370 law Ceylon history 3195 law Indonesia 1811 1829 law Indonesia intergroup relations labour law 1801 law Indonesia secondary education textbook 3104 law Indonesia textbook 1754 1792 law legislation Indonesia national plan 1782 law literature religion 1972 Indonesia freedom of speech 2841 law mass media Indonesia ethics 1472 law military Philippines politics 1972 legislation 3342 law military science 1952/1969 AHM Indonesia ABRI armed forces history 1881 1901 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 341 law mysticism religion Indonesia fiqih tasawuf tauhid Islam 1697 law of inheritance Indonesia Islam 1816 law Philippines adaptability Ifugao 3591 law philosophy Indonesia 1791 1827 law public administration Indonesia textbook 1812 law religion fiqih Indonesia tauhid Islam 1577 law social and cultural anthropology 3592 law social change 3562 law social sciences UNSJIAH university 1968 annual report Indonesia 1250 law society women's rights 1968 Indonesia 285 law theory translation 1246 law thesis UNAND uniatuky J958/1970 Indonesia bibliography 2722 law university UNPAD 1957/1969 Indonesia graduate student 1214 law 1850/1940 Indonesia colonial history 240 law 1964 encyetopedia Indonesia 1765 law 1968 Indonesia seminar 1779 law 1970 1971 1972 Indonesialegislation administration of justice 1805 Lawas, J.M. 3454 LAWASIA 1973 conf 3469 3470 Lawless, R. 3300 Lawrence, M. 2892 Lawrence, P. 3385 Lawrie, M. 3417 Laycock, D.C. 2863 2871 2911 3530 Leach, B.F. 3377 Leach, E. 3593 3602 leadership Indonesia Islam 1563 1564 1748 leadership lower class ruling class 1973 Indonesia government 1073 leadership religious text Indonesia Hinduism 1610 leadership school Sulawesi Tenggara 1971 1281 leadership social role Indonesia " Islam 1689 leadership 1967 Indonesia ABRI armed forces biography 1869 leadership 1971 thesis community development Jawa Barat 523 leadership 1972 thesis Cirebon community development 726 Leahy, TJ. 166 Lebak living conditions social and cultural anthropology 1972 Badui 61 Lebra, J.C. 3557 Ledit,J. 3750 Lee, E. 3272 Lee Chae Jin 3210 Lee Hsiao Ting 3258 Lee Joo For 3270 Lee Tsu Pheng 3289 Leeds, A. 3708 3864 Leeman, H TM. 1173 Leffelaar, H.L. novel Indonesia Japanese occupation 2795 legal aid legislation Indonesia 1770 legal aspect Palestine politics 1500/1970 history 3438 legal aspect Papua 1973 administration of justice 168 legal aspect public finance Indonesia textbook administrative aspect 2071 legal aspect strike sugar industry worker Indonesia Kendal labour dispute 282 legal aspect 1971 Indonesia family planning 2645 legal status Indonesia Chinese 988 legal status Irian Jaya politics 1969 report 1001 legal status military 1967 Colombia 3716 legal status 1965 BAPERKI Indonesia Chinese 975 Legerman, C.J. 3683 legislation Indonesia 1809 legislation Indonesia legal aid 1770 legislation Indonesia national plan law 1782 legislation local government Sulawesi Utara 1972 638 legislation local government Surabaya 1969 1777 legislation local government 1854/1945 Indonesia 1793 legislation ministry 1969 Indonesia DEPDAGRI 407 legislation MPR 1973 Indonesia Congress 835 legislation MPRS 1966 1967 1968 Indonesia meeting report Congress 404 1000 legislation nationalism Philippines 1898/1899 3339 legislation Pacific Islands USA public law 3374 legislation parliament 1971/1972 DPRD Jawa Timur 637 legislation script codex Mexico 3776 legislation social policy Jamaica 3658 legislation 1900/1940 Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Timur 338 legislation 1971 Indonesia 521 1787 legislation 1972 collective volume Indonesia 641 7952 131 Legowo 2096 342 Index teguminous plant maize production vegetable erop 1972 Indonesia 2394 leguminous plant plant disease Indonesia 2625 Lei Shih 3356 Leifer, M. 3454 Leimena, J. 2696 Leiner, M, 3643 Leirissa, R.Z. 235 Leiwakabessy, M. 2513 Lelono, R. Djoko 341 Lemoine, J. 3235 Lengah, Y. 2432 2468 Lent, J. 3307 Leppich, J. 1605 Lesmanesya 1475 Lesthaeghe, R. 3952 Letzoin, S. 158 Leupuëng, T. Mansur 3091 Leur, J.C. van 235 Lev, D.S. 1800 3456 Levin, R I 2173 Levine, D.H. 3711 Levine, M. 3591 Levine, R.A. 3591 Lévi-Strauss, C. 3607 Levrault, B. 3433 Lewis, D.T. 3568 Lewis, G.K. 3695 3862 Lewis, R. 3684 Lewis, R.K. 2895 Lewis, S.C. 2895 Lewis, V.A. 3684 Lewis, W.A. 3695 3823 lexicographical study classification Austronesian 3475 lexicographical study village dialect Jakarta Raya 2921 Leyva, R. 3639 Lian The 2749 Lias Brau de Saint-Pol 3249 Liaw Yock Fang 2836 3258 Libal, M. 3357 Liberia social and'Cultural anthropology Africa economie development India 3588 library documentation electronic data processing 3961 library Indonesia development project documentation centre 1305 library Indonesia legislation 1245 library LIPI 1972 catalogue 2734 library Netherlands 1973 bibliography 3933 library Philippines archives history 3322 library primary education secondary education 1971 Indonesia catalogue 2721 library school 1972 Indonesia bibliography 2730 library science reference material SALALM 1973 conf Port of Spain 3871 3873 3874 library Singapore 1969/1971 report 3278 library SOAS 1969 Africa Asia 3945 library social sciences 1973 directory Indonesia economics 2732 library South East Asia 1969 directory general stiidv 3523 library United Kingdom 1972 conf information network 3955 library university UNPAR 1970 Indonesia catalogue 2718 library university 1967 Leiden catalogue 2717 library university 1969 Indonesia statement 1224 library 1973 Indonesia LEKNAS catalogue 2743 Lichauco, A.A. 3322 Liddie, R.W. 1059 Lie Tek Tjeng 670 988 994 1074 Liem, B. Indonesia criminal law international law Kartika, K. 1780 Liem Siang Hok 2554 Liem Tjong Tiat 1219 Lierop, L. van 3937 light industry plantation production cost Indonesia bank financial aspect 2354 light industry 1973 directory Indonesia handicraft 2232 Lim, CF. 3258 Lim Pui Huen, P. 3550 Limapulah Kota 1969 economics 73 Linde, J.M. van der 3612 3672 Ling Shun-Sheng 3476 linguistics Aichele, W. biography 2708 linguistics atlas India 3480 linguistics Baruya Buin: 2863 linguistics Bugbug dialect 2903 linguistics Chinese 3514 linguistics Indonesian 2843 linguistics Indonesian textbook 2896 2912 linguistics Keley-I Kallahan 3319 linguistics literature university UNPAD 1971 almanac Indonesia 1278 linguistics Malagasy Rep 3433 linguistics Malay dictionary English 2928 linguistics Malay phonology 2897 linguistics Maranungku 3383 linguistics Murray Selepet Kaugel 2875 linguistics Murut 2887 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 343 linguistics Obura Tairora Waffa Agarabi Auyana Awa Binumarien Gadsup 2915 linguistics Oksapmin Halia 2892 linguistics Pacific Islands 3425 linguistics Pacific Islands social and cultural anthropology 1967 culture history 3370 linguistic*'Pacific Islands 1971 index 3530 linguistics Papua New Guinea 2872 2884 linguistics Philippines bibliography 3527 linguistics Pidgin 2871 2890 linguistics Samoa 3420 linguistics Sanio-Hiowe Anggor Iatmul 2895 linguistics Sarangani Bilaan Atta Binongan Itneg Ilianen Manobo 3324 linguistics Selepet Buin Kaugel 2869 linguistics Sindangan Subanun Bilaan Dibabawon 3302 linguistics social and cultural anthropology 1964 conf 3581 linguistics sociology 3600 linguistics South East Asia 3218 3511 linguistics Sulawesi Sumatera Sumba Timor Toraja Balinese Javanese 2837 linguistics Thakali 3218 linguistics Tonkawa 3878 linguistics USA American Indian 3882 linguistics Yanyula 3390 linguistics Yareba Austronesian Golin Kunimaipa 2876 linguistics 1800/1940 Indonesia history language policy 248 2916 linguistics 1954 conf Indonesian 2849 2850 2851 linguistics 1972 Cambodian 3233 linguistics 1972 seminar Chinese 3351 Linschoten, J. 1355 LIPI science policy 1969 AIPI Indonesia educational institution higher education 1220 LIPI 1971/1972 annual report Indonesia 1351 LIPI 1972 catalogue library 2734 Lipptncott, B.E. 1980 Lisu phonology 3218 literary criticism 3876 literary criticism Casal, J. del 3644 literary criticism Indonesian 2836 2845 literary criticism Indonesian Hamka Hamzah, JA. 2832 literary theory poetry Indonesian 3022 literature Acehnese: 3091 literature American Indian Cuna 3727 literature American Indian Guatemala 3737 literature Balinese 2835 3092 3094 3096 literature Balinese education 3124 literature folklore Ifugao 3345 literature hikayat Indonesian 1738 literature Indonesian 2961 literature Indonesian textbook 3099 literature Indonesian translation Bruijn, C. 2976 literature Malay dictionary English 2927 literature Malay technical aspect 2844 literature Malay textbook 3250 literature manuscript Bali 181 literature military politics student 1972 Indonesia 2817 literature Multatuli biography 2801 literature periodical Sumatera 1926 2774 literature philosophy Chinese 3350 literature primbon Javanese 43 56 literature religion 1972 Indonesia freedom of speech law 2841 literature Rendra, W.S. biography 2704 literature revolution Mexico 3744 literature Russian translation Javanese 2846 literature Sanskrit Buddhism 3489 literature Sibarani comic strip Indonesian 2946 literature social sciences 1960/1970 Indonesia bibliography language 2728 literature South East Asia translation bibliography 3541 literature statement Javanese 1460 literature Sundanese textbook 3103 literature Sundanese 1700/1750 text history Jawa Barat 3058 literature Surinam anthology 3619 literature translation 1968 bibliography Dutch 3926 literature university UNPAD 1971 almanac Indonesia linguistics 1278 literature Vietnamese 3243 literature 1600/1973 Indonesia 2810 literature 1968 exhibition Indonesian 2834 literature 1971 Florida bibliography Caribbean 3685 Litteral, S. 2895 Littlewood, RA. 159 Liu, K.K. 3258 living conditions Repelita 11969/1974 Jakarta Raya 820 living conditions Salatiga village 1971 survey community development 622 living conditions social and cultural anthropology 1972 Badui Lebak 61 living conditions urban planning 1970 Indonesia housing 489 Llergo, R. López de 3745 Lloyd, R.G. 2863 344 Index local finance Indonesia financial administration 1110 local finance Sulawesi Tenggara 1971/1972 mission report DPR Lampung 682 local finance Sumatera Barat 1966/1969 income 74 local finance Yogyakarta 1966/1969 statistical data Jawa Tengah 550 local finance 1966/1971 statistical data income Jakarta Raya 888 local finance 1971/1972 mission report Bengkulu DPR Kalimantan Barat Kalimantan Tengah 682 local government attitude Commonwealth Caribbean 3689 local government decentralization Irian Jaya 393 local government history Jakarta Raya 192 local government Indonesia 548 local government Indonesia civil servant 417 local government Indonesia decentralization 783 local government Indonesia efficiency 821 local government Indonesia training course decentralization 410 local government legislation Jawa Barat 838 local government Malang 1971/1972 annual report 743 local government Maluku 1965/1970 statistical data 140 local government Maluku 1971 report 1034 local government management Indonesia civil servant 418 419 420 local government management 1973 annual report Jawa Barat 1394 local government Nusa Tenggara Timur 1973 944 local government Pacitan 1968 statement 396 local government Pacitan 1969 statement 430 431 446 local government Pacitan 1970 statement 482 483 local government Pacitan 1973 annual report 858 local government Panarukan 1969/1971 progress report 745 local government political ideology Yogyakarta 1971 570 local government political participation Pontianak village 544 local government political power Jamaica 3684 local government politics public administration Indonesia decentralization economics 452 local government public administration Indonesia 873 local government public administration Indonesia civil servant 571 local government public administration 1966/1968 legislation Irian Jaya 405 local government public administration 1970 Hulu Sungai Tengah 495 501 local government public administration 1972 comparison Jawa Barat Jawa Tengah 953 local government Purbolingga 1969/1970 progress report 484 local government rural area British Honduras Guyana 3684 local government Simalungun 1971 annual report 700 local government Sleman 1969 administrative reform 429 local government social administration Sulawesi Utara ABRI armed forces 715 local government Sragen 1968 progress report 388 local government Sragen 1969/1970 progress report 749 local government Sragen 1970/1974 progress report 750 local government Sulawesi Selatan 1966 progress report • 376 local government Sulawesi Tengah 1971 progress report 565 local government Sulawesi Tenggara 1971 annual report 533 local government Sulawesi Tenggara 1972 progress report 744 local government Sulawesi Tenggara 1972 statement 724 local government Sulawesi Utara constitution development centre 645 local government Sulawesi Utara 1972 legislation 638 local government Sumatera Barat 1969/1970 annual report 469 local government Sumatera Selatan 1968 progress report 387 local government Surabaya 1969 legislation 1777 local government Surabaya 1970 mission report Banjarmasin 467 local government Tapanuli Utara 1971/1972 progress report 751 local government village Indonesia economie development 2238 PefSOnal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 345 local government village Yogyakarta 1971 569 local government village 1972 Indonesia institutional framework 775 local government village 1972 Indonesia project report 694 local government village 1973 training course Badung civil servant 811 local government Yogyakarta 1970 statistical data general study 574 local government Yogyakarta 1971/1972 decentralization 546 local government 1854/1945 Indonesia legislation 1793 local government 1919/1971 statement Banjarmasin history 209 local government 1952 Indonesia decentralization 340 local government 1953/1970 legislation Indramayu 520 local government 1954 annual report Indramayu 344 local government 1960 annual report Aceh 361 local government 1965 Indonesia legislation 374 local government 1967 regulation Hulu Sungai Tengah 391 local government 1968 Balangan resolution decentralization Hulu Sungai Utara 395 local government 1968 Daha resolution decentralization 'Hulu Sungai Selatan 545 local government 1968 meeting report Banjar 390 local government 1968 meeting report Hulu Sungai Tengah 384 local government 1968 progress report Agam 439 local government 1968 progress report Demak 436 local government 1968 progress report Karanganyar 438 local government 1969 meeting report Banjar 458 local government 1969 progress report Banjar 440 local government 1969 progress report Grobogan 437 local government 1969 progress report Karanganyar 741 local government 1969/1970 progress report Gianyar 527 local government 1970 annual report Kalimantan Tengah 500 local government 1970 exhibition Jakarta Raya Kalimantan Selatan 120 local government 1970 geographic distribution Kalimantan Selatan 117 local government 1970 progress report Bondowoso 557 local government 1970 report Klaten 481 local government 1970 1971 progress report Banjar 486 local government 1970/1971 progress report Kediri 556 local government 1970/1971 report Kalimantan Tengah 578 local government 1970/1971 1971/1972 annual report Aceh 847 local government 1971 annual report Aceh Timur 535 local government 1971 progress report Banjar 559 local government 1971 progress report Grobogan 555 733 734 735 740 local government 1971/1972 progress report Badung 732 local government 1971/1972 progress report Grobogan 736 737 738 739 local government 1971/1972 progress report Kediri 742 746 local government 1971/1972 report Gianyar 647 local government 1971/1972 report Kalimantan Timur 679 local government 1972 annual report Jakarta Selatan 866 local government 1972 annual report Jakarta Timur 697 local government 1972 annual report Jember 591 local government 1972 Indonesia statement 583 local government 1972 meeting report Kalimantan Selatan 1047 local government 1972/1973 annual report Agam 857 local government 1972/1973 annual report Gianyar 834 local government 1972/1973 annual report Jawa Tengah 843 local government 1972/1973 progress report Agam 912 local government 1973 annual report Jakarta Pusat 860 local government 1973 directory institutional framework Jakarta Raya 794 797 local government 1973 Indonesia decentralization 878 local government 1973 Jawa Barat 827 local government 1973 meeting report Jambi 915 916 346 Index local government 1973 meeting report Jawa 804 local government 1973 report Jepara 876 local government 1973 report Kalimantan Timur 844 local government 1973 statement Jakarta Raya 901 local government 1973 statement Jawa Barat 792 local government 1973 statistical data Jakarta Timur 800 local level political system Mexico 3771 local level 1972 economie survey development potential Jawa Barat 631 local level 1973 Indonesia seminar cooperative economie development 2276 location of industry 1950/1960 Mexico labour mobility 3780 Locher, G.W. 3609 Locker, M. 3820 Lockhart, J. 3865 Lodge, A. 3945 Loftus, J.E. 3813 Loftus, P. novel Malaysia Singapore 3273 Logan, M.I. 254 Logemann, J.H.A. 1821 logic philosophy Indonesia textbook Islam 3146 Loh, J. 2197 Loh Tee Fun 3258 Lokopaking, S. 960 Lolong, J A. 2292 Lombard Salmon, C. 3349 Lombardo de Ruiz, S. 3772 Lombardo Toledano, V. 3750 Lombok Sasak social and cultural anthropology 185 Lombok 1600/1940 bibliography 2729 Lombok Barat Sumbawa village 1971/1972 statistical data community development 607 Lombok Barat village 1972 report community development 660 Londe, D. 3209 Long, E. 3694 Long, J.P.M. 3901 Long Atan bin 3255 Longacre, R E. 2913 3299 3311 3315 3316 3324 Lopez, E. Pastor 3811 López Barrenquy, A. 3774 López Castro, R. 3776 López de Llergo, R. 3745 Lopulisa, L. 1881 Lorand de Olazagasta, A. 3737 Lorz, W. novel Burasian Indonesia 2783 Losada, A. 3828 Louis, W.R. ^477 Love, J. 3861 Loving, A. 2915 Loving, R. 2915 Lo went hal, A.F. 3654 Lowenthal, D. 3668 3673 3674 3681 3682 3687 3692 3694 3695 3696 lower class Latin America culture 3809 lower class political behaviour Venezuela 3714 lower class politics urbanization Latin America 3869 lower class ruling class 1973 Indonesia government leadership 1073 lower class social service 1973 Indonesia project report income 842 Loy, J.M. 3863 Lu Chang Sze 1408 Lubis, A.B. 1758 1763 Lubis, AM. 1056 Lubis, B. 960 Lubis, L. 94 Lubis, M. 961 2696 2841 3021 Lubis, M.J. 2841 Lubis, N.K. 960 Lubis, S. 2361 Lucas, C. 10 Lucas, H. 63 Luce, G.H. 3209 Luff, L. 2915 Luhukaij, H. 1933 Luhulima, C.P.F. 234 1074 2696 Lukmana, A. 2250 Lulofs, M.H. Szekely 2779 Lumatauw, H.M 2250 Lumintang, F.B. 2407 Lumsden, CL 3639 Luna, A. military Philippines biography 3322 Luna, J. painting Philippines biography 3322 Lunt, J. 3194 Lutchman, H.A. 3671 Lutchman, L.F. 3669 Lutchman, L.F.S. 3628 Luthan, A. 1251 2696 Luthan, J. 2239 2512 Luton, H. 3318 Lutsenburg Maas, A. van 2717 Luzon Palawan travel 1800/1900 3308 Luzon World War II 1942/1945 Japan 3334 Lyman, S M. 3407 Lynch, F. 3329 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 347 M Ma'anyan social and cultural anthropology social structure Kalimantan 124 Ma'arif, H.M. 1728 Ma'arof Sa'ad Masja, ps 3038 Maaruf, M. 1347 Maarus, M.J. bin 2905 Maas, A. van Lutsenburg 2717 Mabini, A. nationalism Philippines biography Bonifacio, A. 3322 Mabini y Maranan, A. 3293 3294 Mabini y Maranan, A. Philippines political opposition biography 3294 Macapagal, D. 3331 Macassarese phonemics 3067 Maccoby, M. 3753 Maceda, E.M. 3440 MacEoin, G. 3862 Macfarlane, W.V. 3428 Machdi 2097 2098 Machfud, M 2336 Machmud, A. 434 532 582 815 872 980 1008 1021 1048 1081 1192 1422 1881 1937 2352 2435 2822 Macintosh, N.W.G.' 3428 Maclntyre, D.G.F.W. 3566 Macknight, C.C. 2753 MacLeod, A. 3457 macroeconomics 1968 Mexico economie policy information dissemination 3747 Madang grammatical study 3399 Madariaga, S. de 3802 Madero, F.I. 3744 3750 3827 Madjan, E. 2420 Madjedie, A. 200 453 463 566 1244 Madjid, A. 2004 Madjid, N. 1734 Madjid, R. 2343 Madjoindo, A.D. 2976 Madsari, S.A. 2734 Madura history 203 Madura population 1971 statistical data census Jawa 13 Madura population 1972 statistical data census Jawa 66 Madura social participation 1972 exhibition Indonesia economie development election Jawa 676 Madura 1969 statistical data civil servant Jawa 289 Madura 19tl directory industrial enterprise Jawa 2121 Maduro, A.J. 3625 Magana, G. 3750 Magassing, N.D. 1281 Magdoff, H. 3567 Magelang Semarang village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Klaten Kudus 602 Magetan regional planning 1971/1972 692 magie Indonesia primbon 3 magie religion social participation collective volume adaptability art family ideology 3591 magie religious text Jawa 3042 Magón, R. Flores 3744 Magsaysay, R. 3330 Maguire, R.J. 2840 Mahadi 1801 2543 2544 Mahartamin 929 Mahdani, A. 847 Mahfud, D. 1097 1116 Mahfudz, G. 1591 Mahjuddin, A. 2361 Mahmud, S. 94 Mahyuddin 1079 Mahyudin, S. 1706 Mail, D.S. 2461 maize medical plant plantation Indonesia 2354 maize production vegetable erop 1972 Indonesia leguminous plant 2394 Majid, A. 2433 Majul, CA 3294 Majumdar, A.K. 3180 Majumdar, R.C. 3180 Makaliwe, W H. 2346 Makarenko, L.G. 2855 Makarim, N.A. 651 671 Maksid 1966 Maksum, A. 494 2935 Maksum, K. 2133 Mala ps Abu Yazid Abidin Wijaya 3015 3039 Malacca 1394/1528 history 3287 Malaga 1056 Malagasy Rep industrial development 3432 Malagasy Rep linguistics 3433 Malagasy Rep Malay culture 3433 3434 Malagasy Rep periodical 3526 Malagasy Rep politics rural development social structure 3431 Malagasy Rep Sakalava folk tale 3430 Malagasy Rep social and cultural anthropology tribe women's rights customary law 3433 Malakul, M.L.P. 3212 Malang teacher training 1969 directory IKIP 1215 Malang 1971/1972 annual report local government 743 Malay commerce dictionary English 2934 348 Index Malay culture interethnic relations Malagasy Rep 3433 3434 Malay dictionary English history 2930 Malay dictionary English linguistics 2928 Malay dictionary English literature 2927 Malay folk tale 2984 2993 2997 Malay history language 3254 Malay literature textbook 3250 Malay Malaysia periodical Singapore 1876/1941 Arabic bibliography 3536 Malay Muhammad Hadji Salleh poetry 3029 Malay Niza, R.A. novel 3032 Malay novel Abadi Jihaty 3013 3014 Malay novel Ahmad Shannon 3016 Malay novel Ali Alias 2972 Malay novel Alias Harun 2967 Malay novel Arman Sani 3017 Malay novel Fawana 3023 Malay novel Hassan Rahman 2983 Malay novel Ishak Hadji Muhammad 3030 Malay novel Ja'afar Hasny 2970 Malay novel Khadijah Hashim 2987 Malay novel Othman Kelantan, S. 3033 Malay novel Rizalman 3034 Malay novel Sabar Bohari 2994 Malay novel Shannon Ahmad modernization peasant 3279 Malay novel Sofiman 3037 Malay novel war Janan bin Ahmad 3025 Malay novel Wijaya Mala 3015 3039 Malay phonology linguistics 2897 Malay poetry Abadi Jihaty 3026 Malay poetry Alfalah, I. 2971 Malay poetry anthology 2965 3020 3038 Malay poetry anthology Islam 2969 Malay poetry Hassan Ahmad, S. 2954 Malay poetry Said Zahari 3035 Malay poetry Shamsuddin Ja'afar Sujak bin Rahiman Jaafar Husin, S. 3036 Malay Portugese comparative linguistics Maluku Tengah 2924 Malay postal service dictionary English 2929 Malay Sharifah Hasnah Abdullah youth literature 3159 Malay short story anthology 2977 Malay short story 1966/1970 anthology 2981 Malay spelling Indonesian 2865 Malay Sujak bin Rahiman youth literature Zakaria bin Hitam 3001 3040 Malay technical aspect literature 2844 Malay textbook grammatical study 2888 2905 Malay theatre 3270 Malay theatre Ramayana wayang 3281 Malay youth literature anthology 3024 Malay youth literature Hamzah, A. 2960 Malay youth literature Zakaria bin Hitam 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3041 Malayan Sumatera Timur 1973 exhibition culture housing 114 Malaysia fine arts 3280 Malaysia military history Indonesia foreign policy 1910 Malaysia New Zealand Oceania Philippines politics Australia Hongkong Koapan 3464 Malaysia periodical Singapore 1876/1941 Arabic bibliography Malay 3536 Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand urbanization Vietnam bibliography Hong Kong 3545 Malaysia Philippines 1971 ASEAN Indonesia international relations Khmer Republic 3440 Malaysia philosophy Islam 1704 Malaysia poetry primary education 3265 Malaysia poetry Singapore 3289 Malaysia political ideology political participation 3282 Malaysia politics student 1973 3286 Malaysia politics 1963 history 3253 Malaysia primary education teaching method thesis 3255 Malaysia public administration 1971 textbook commerce correspondence 2295 Malaysia publication Singapore 1971 bibliography Brunei government 3532 Malaysia racial policy 1970 education income 3257 Malaysia regional cooperation Singapore 3552 Malaysia research centre Singapore directory 3252 Malaysia rice 1972 agricultural income economics employment opportunity 3277 Malaysia rubber 1876/1922 industrial growth 3288 Malaysia rural area social structure urban area 1971 3262 Malaysia Singapore geography 3261 Malaysia social integration 1973 data analysis educational administration enrolment 1427 Malaysia Sulawesi comparative linguistics folk tale 138 Malaysia teaching material 1961/1962 catalogue 2715 Malaysia university 1966/1967 annual report 3297 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 349 Malaysia university . 1972 annual report Kuala Lumpur 1354 Malaysia World War II international relations Japan 3251 Malaysia 1889/1931 irrigation 3263 Malaysia 1948/1960 communism guerilla 3267 3275 Malaysia 1967 Indonesia meeting report international relations 987 Malaysia 1971 education 3264 Malaysia 1972 educational planning 3272 Malaysia 1973 foreign policy 1074 Malaysia 1973 Indonesia meeting defence policy frontier Kalimantan 1082 Maldonado, C. 3772 Maldonado Denis, M. 3648 3820 Malefijt, A. de Waal 3683 Malik, A. 536 1056 1095 1228 1881 3440 Malik, A A. 1244 Maliki, O. 993 Malinowski, B. 3418 Malkan, S. 1606 Malloy, J.M. 3809. Malmgren, H.B. 3465 Maluku minority group social policy tribe 1972 141 Maluku Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur 1968 planning Bali energy Jawa 2571 Maluku population 1971 statistical data census 144 Maluku Portugese wordlist borrowing 3147 Maluku Repelita 11972 1973 1974 Buru Indonesia employment policy 537 Maluku social administration 1972 annual report local government 859 Maluku social and cultural anthropology 1934/1964 bibliography 2738 Maluku Sulawesi welfare youth policy 1972 seminar Irian Jaya 1371 Maluku Tengah Malay Portugese comparative linguistics 2924 Maluku Tenggara Minangkabau Nias traditional culture Toraja Yogyakarta Bali 4 Maluku travel 1915 2793 Maluku Utara Sangihetalaud 1972 economie survey 696 Maluku 1945/1949 Indonesia RMS colonialism independence movement 963 Maluku 1965/1970 statistical data local government 140 Maluku 1970 annual report local government industrial administration 2079 Maluku 1971 annual report local government industrial administration 2166 Maluku 1971 report local government 1034 Maluku 1972 annual report local government Ambon industrial administration 2246 Maluku 1972 statistical data general study 143 Mamas, S.G.M. 472 Maming, M.S. 2346 Mamuju 1971 preliminary report internal migration 568 Mamur, A. 2097 2098 Mamur, R.E.A. 2198 Manado resources inventory Sulawesi Utara urban planning 1968 statistical data 442 Manaf, R. 2921 management developing country economie growth 3570 management development Indonesia textbook 1965 management development Indonesia textbook behavioural sciences 2210 management development UGM university 1973 Indonesia textbook 1402 management Indonesia civil servant local government 418 419 420 management Indonesia education 1283 management Indonesia human relations 280 2063 management Indonesia textbook 1408 2202 3139 management ministry public administration 1950/1971 Indonesia DEP P&K 575 management ministry 1973 Indonesia DEPHUB 906 management ministry 1973 Indonesia DEPTAN 538 management office worker Indonesia 2206 management philosophy Indonesia textbook ethics 3127 management public administration Indonesia 502 management public administration sea transport 1973 Indonesia 2265 management technique Indonesia textbook cooperative 1961 2050 management technique sea transport Indonesia 2057 management technique 1961 Indonesia textbook higher education 1187 management training 1964 Indonesia 1978 350 Index management 1958/1959 directory Indonesia higher education 1181 management 1971 directory Indonesia agricultural equipment 510 management 1973 annual report Jawa Barat local government 1394 Manan, A. 1056 Manap, A. 2454 Manaster, G.J. 3866 Mandank, O. youth literature Indonesian 2988 Mander Jones, P. 3931 Mangemba, H.D. 2454 Manggis, M R. 3078 Mangin, W.P. 3591 Mangku Alam Asnawi 532 1056 Mangkuatmojo, S. 94 Mangkudilaga, M. 240 242 Mangkunegara IV, K.G theatre wayang Javanese 3048 Mangkusasmito, P. 1017 Mangkusuwondo, S. 2096 2125 Manguin, P.Y. 3236 Mangundikoro, A. 2407 Mangundojo, S. 2360 2414 2433 2477 Mangunhadikusumo, S. 1272 1345 Mangunkusumo, T. biography 2684 Mangunpranoto, S. 1202 Mangunsong, S.B.P. 2559 Mangunsukardjo, S. 2385 2386 Manihuruk, A.E. 366 Manik, K. 2361 Manilla urbanization 3346 Maningadi, M.S. 3135 Manitzas, N.R. 3643 Manners, R.A. 3647 Manoppo, J.B. 818 1155 manpower Cuba economie planning labour policy 3633 manpower mining Repelita 11971/1972 Indonesia agriculture electricity industry 698 manpower mortality population dynamics 1970 Mexico fertility internal migration 3751 manpower need Repelita 11969/1971 annual report Indonesia agricultural development 530 manpower planning South East Asia report seminar 3453 manpower planning Thailand 1972 3226 manpower planning 1973 Indonesia thesis employment policy local government 927 manpower population school age population 1971/1991 projection Jakarta Raya 472 manpower research centre scientist 1971/1972 Indonesia survey 310 manpower underemployment unemployment 1899/1970 Cuba employment 3642 manpower 1971 forecast Indonesia 2096 manpower 1971 Indonesia statistical data labour supply 320 manpower 1972 research result Banjarnegara community development Gunung Kidul 668 Mansur, H. 1332 1358 Mansur, M.D. 1004 Mansur, M L. 1682 Mansur, M.T. 1054 1073 1634 Mansur Leupuëng, T. 3091 Mantra, I B M. 1332 1523 1640 2914 Mantre, LB. 1356 Manuaba, A. 1317 Manuel, D. 3474 Manuel, E.A. 3304 Manuel, J.L. 3331 manufacturing Philippines 1945/1970 industrial development 3313 manufacturing private enterprise Sumatera Utara 1973 2248 manufacturing 1958/1967 Indonesia capital worker ratio industrial development 2029 Manullang, M. 873 Manuputty, B. 473 537 Manuputty, M.H. 1056 manuscript Bali literature 181 manuscript Latin America archives Becker 3790 manuscript New Zealand Pacific Islands Australia inventory 3931 manuscript old Javanese textual edition 2838 manuscript Yogyakarta 1971 catalogue 2724 2725 2726 manuscript 1720 Cirebon history 227 Manuwoto 703 Maori Moriori New Zealand bibliography 3539 Maori 1971 statistical data 3908 map Thailand 1800/1900 3209 map Yogyakarta 1973 258 Mapekapu 1589 mapping collective volume 3579 mapping Thailand archaeology Ayudhya ceramic 3209 Maraghi, M. al- 1666 Maragtas fhilippines 1200/1900 history 3304 Maranan, A. Mabini y 3293 3294 Maranungku linguistics 3383 Marbun, B.N. 2178 Marche, A. 3308 Marcos, F.E. 3301 3306 3440 Marcus, R. 3828 Personal name -i Organization - Geography - Descriptor 351 Marcus, S. 2989 Mardanas 2710 Mardek, H. 3571 Mardiwarsita, L.S. 1295 2933 Mardjuki 1369 Mardjuki, A. 2386 Maretin, J.V. 2864 Margono 211 Margono, S. 2062 Marhahrum 126 Mariana Islands Marshall Islands Caroline Islands gazetteer geography 3389 Marin, J. Ocampo 3710 Marin, L. Munoz 3827 Marinas Otero, L. 3712 Marind Merauke 1900/1970 acculturation 161 704 marine fishing Sumatera Utara 2323 marine fishing 1967 Kalimantan Selatan 2321 marine fishing 1971/1972 annual report local government fishery policy Jawa Tengah 2377 marine fishing 1972 Jawa Timur 2484 marine fishing 1972 report Kalimantan Selatan 2422 maritime law 3963 maritime law Indonesia international law 1785 1788 maritime law Latin America 3949 maritime law safety 1969 Indonesia meeting report 2292 maritime law ship 1968 Indonesia legislation 2012 2184 maritime law 1972 conf Indonesia international 2140 maritime law 1972 Indonesia legislation defence policy 1796 maritime law 1972 Indonesia statement international law 1798 Marjono, T. 1312 market plantation price Indonesia erop diversification 2354 market study textile industry 1971 Indonesia preliminary report 2089 market study 1969 coffee Colombia 3720 market 1971 Indonesia survey banking 534 market 1973 legislation Bukittinggi 2259 marketing Indonesia textbook 3145 marketing Philippines subsistence farming 3338 marketing planning rice 1973 Indonesia agricultural project 2269 2546 marketing processing rice Indonesia 2481 marketing processing 1973 Indonesia meeting report forest product forestry development 2467 marketing public enterprise 1972 annual report PERHUTANI forestry Jawa Timur 2405 marketing rice 1957 field report Indonesia 1967 marketing rice 1973/1974 Indonesia report 884 marketing textile 1972 report consumer demand Jawa Tengah 2147 marketing Thailand development policy 3208 marketing 1968 Indonesia report chemical industry 2008 marketing 1970/1971 Indonesia fertilizer 2047 marketing 1972 Indonesia statistical data forest product 2530 marketing 1973 meeting report forest product forestry development Jambi Kalimantan 2469 Markov, G E. 3571 Marks, D. 2915 Markus, S. 989 Marman to 681 Maros Tana Toraja village 1971/1972 statistical data Bantaeng community development 608 Marquez, J. 3823 Marr, W. 3732 marriage acculturation Hawaii interethnic relations 3372 marriage Batak customary law 69 marriage Indonesia family Islam 1604 marriage Indonesia textbook 1612 marriage Papua New Guinea Sepik Wik-mungkan Aboriginal Australia Iatmul kinship system 3593 marriage religion Indonesia administration of justice family law 1824 marriage Spanish intergroup relations 3880 marriage Sukarnoputeri 1972 family law Gamal, H. 1814 marriage Thailand 3209 marriage 1898 Indonesia family law 1810 marriage 1964 Indonesia legislation Islam 1499 Marsaban, A. 2675 Marschall, W. 3482 Marsetyo 157 Marshall, W.K. 3684 Marshall Islands Caroline Islands gazetteer geography Mariana Islands 3389 Marshall Islands geography 3403 352 Index Marsono, M. 1100 Martadinata, E. 976 Martadinata, R.E. 1840 Martawidjaja, A. 2407 Marti, J. 3827 Martin, M.A. 3220 Martinez, M.M. 3828 Martinez Alier, J. 3862 Martinique agricultural economics fishery economics Guadeloupe 3577 Martinique agriculture Jamaica 3577 Martinique kinship system 3683 Martono, A. 2604 3964 Martz, J.D. 3824 3840 Ma'ruf 1937 Ma'ruf, A. 2985 Ma'ruf, F. 1602 Marumoto, M. 3407 Marwan, S.S. 2657 marxism political participation Venezuela historiography 3713 marxism political theory Africa Asia dependence international relations 3567 Maryam, A. 2754 Marzuki, A. 2912 Marzuki, Y. 236 3057 Mas Keris 2844 Masakazu Taketomi 2918 Masaleh, S.D.H. 1635 Masani, Ml. 3204 Masashi Nishihara 1035 Masdorp, D. youth literature Indonesia 2775 Maseri, M. 2432 Mashudi 1219 1862 1881 Mashum, H.M. 577 Mashuri 253 874 1056 1202 1219 1224 1244 1252 1253 1325 1327 1368 1443 1444 1445 1449 1614 1640 1881 2898 Masja, ps Ma'arof Sa'ad 3038 Masj'ari, A. 1673 mask Jawa 63 Maskun 2696 Maskun, S. 380 417 418 419 420 Maskur, M. 1460 Masmimar 1057 Maspero, E. 3820 mass communication Philippines history 3307 mass media Indonesia ethics law 1472 mass media teaching aid 1972 Indonesia 2298 mass media 1946/1968 Indonesia ABRI armed forces defence policy 1879 mass media 1971 Indonesia development policy information 547 Massad, C. 3823 Massim Papua New Guinea social and cultural anthropology 153 Mastra 1640 Mastra, B.P. 1534 Mata, F. 3744 Mataheru, J. 1286 Matane, P.N. Papua New Guinea biography 160 Mataram, H. 194 1861 mathematics physics UI university 1952/1953 curriculum Indonesia 1173 Mather, K.E.W. 2932 Mathies, J. 1255 Mathurin, O.C. 3684 Matondang 1056 Matondang, V. 2817 Matram, B. 1317 Matsum, H.I. 1056 Matsuo Hiroshi 2042 Mattalattan, A. 1589 Mattaliu, B. 2686 Matthews, D.B. 3696 Mattjik, K. 2052 Matturopura, M.Z. 563 Maude, H.E. 3414 Maulenhoff, M. 2407 Maullin, R L. 3717 3718 3724 3817 3819 Maung Mya 3454 Mauritius Creole language 3513 Mauritius general study 3435 Maw Kuey, T. 3207 Mawardi 976 Mawardi A.I. 1624 Maxono 551 Maya Otomi Mexico American Indian 3767 Maya Quiche semantics Tzotzil Yucatec Chamula Chorti Chuj ethnolinguistics Jacaltec 3867 Mayer, R.G. de 3836 Mayor Polak, J.B.A.F. 2916 Mazanie, M.H. 1009 Mazariego Santizo, B. 3839 Mazelier, P. 3416 Mazoyer, M. 3569 Mc Cawley, P. 2512 McAlister, L.N. 3802 3840 McArthur, M. 3385 McCamant, J.F. 3840 McCredie, D.W. 122 McBttianon, K A. 2869 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2894 McElhanon, N.A. 2873 McElheny, J.R. 3645 McGee, TG. 3461 3545 McGrath, W.A. 3525 Mclntyre, W.D. 3906 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 353 McKaughan, H. 2915 3323 McKean, P.F. 184 McKie, R. 3274 McKinlay, D.A. 3736 McKnight, D. 3593 ï McLachlin, B. 3324 McLane, J.R. 3558 McLendon, S. 3882 McNeill, W.H. 3498 McTaggart, W.D. 3545 Mead, M. 3370 Meagher, T.F. 3732 Mears, L A. 1967 2329 2345 Medan, T. 2870 Medan port 1954 regulation 1954 Medan research centre 1973/1974 agricultural research budget 2518 Medan teacher training 1973 directory IKIP 1404 Medan tobacco 1972 annual report research centre 2242 Medan 1967 thesis banking 2002 Medan 1968/1969 survey cost of living 2281 Medan 1973 agrarian legislation land ownership 831 medical personnel training 1969 Indonesia 2654 medical plant plantation Indonesia maize 2354 medicine student UNAND university 1973 Indonesia 1446 medicine UI university 1965 curriculum Indonesia 2631 medicine university:UNPAD 1957/1972 Indonesia 1308 1309 medicine university USU 1973/1977 Indonesia development plan 1409 medicine 1972 index Indonesia daily 2669 Medina Echevarna, J. 3853 meeting parliament textbook Aruba 3620 Megahed, H.T. 3893 Meggers, B.J. 3601 Meggit, M. 3385 Mehta, T.S. 1253 Meijer, H.E. novel 2794 Meilink Roelofsz, M.A.P. 242 Mekong Vietnam R 1971 photograph geography Khmer Republic Laos 3216 Melanesia Pacific Islands Solomon Islands economie development Guadalcanal 3413 Meléndez. C. 3733 3836 Melknar, H. 3361 Meller, N. 3374 Meller, T. 3374 membership 1940/1941 Indonesia Rotary association 2812 memoir navy Indonesia 1800/1900 ABRI 2680 memoir theatre travel Indonesia 260 Menayang, W. 2454 Mendez.J. 3823 Mendra, K. 1317 Menendez Hernandez, J. 3734 mental disease psychiatry Indonesia 2662 mental health youth 1972 Indonesia seminar statement education 1331 mental health 1972 field study Aboriginal Australia 3405 Merauke 1900/1970 acculturation Marind 161 704 Mercado, J.L. 3466 Mercado, L.S. 3466 merchant marine rehabilitation sea transport 1971 feasibility study Indonesia 2103 Mercier Vega, L. 3821 Merk, M.B. 3525 Merkx, G.W. 3639 Merrifield, W.R. 3842 Merta 1523 Mertojoso, S.S. 2660 Mertowardoyo, R.S. 1504 Merukh, J. 818 Mervart, L.A. 2846 Mesa Lago, C. 3633 3639 3642 Mesleé, E.M. la 3917 messianism religion social and cultural anthropology 3585 messianism rural area SI social conflict 1800/1940 history Jawa 233 Messina, M. 3688 Messy, R. 3823 Meteray, R.J. 161 Métraux, A. 3683 Meuraxa, D. 111 237 2813 Mexican sociolinguistics USA dialect 3877 Mexico City reference material history 3772 Mexico Latin America Catholic church 3855 Mexico peasant 1971 Latin America feudalism intergroup relations 3833 Mexico USA international relations Latin America 3797 Meyer, E.W. 3525 Meyer, H.C. = Buitenweg, H. ps 30 Miadji, K 1928 Miailhe, W.A. Burke 3308 Michaels, A.L. 3750 Michel, J.R. Cardero 59 Michelena, H. Süva 3870 354 Index Michels, J.K. 3610 Michielsen, K.W.J. poetry Indonesia 2785 Michon, M. 3965 microfiche periodical 1945/1968 Indonesia catalogue 2746 microfilm South East Asia directory information service 3550 Micronesia Pacific Islands Polynesia 1971 bibliography botany 3528 Micronesia 1970 bibliography ecology land tenure 3525 Middelkoop, P. 2837 middle class Brazil 3703 middle class Trinidad and Tobago Caribbean 3684 Middle East Indonesia Far East history 3100 Middle East religious mission Christianity Islam 1630 Miege, J.L. 3661 Miga, F. 94 Migozzi, J. 3247 3577 migration Dominican Republic Haitian 3653 migration France French Antilles 3661 migration Monterrey social mobility Mexico 3779 migration Montserrat 3659 migration Philippines 1971 3327 migration Puerto Rican USA acculturation education interethnic relations 3648 Mihalic, F. 3375 Mihardja, AK. 1171 Mihardja, A.K. novel Indonesian 2840 2944 3028 Miles, D. 3385 Miliband, R. 3684 military aid USA 1950/1965 Latin America statistical analysis 3815 military aid 1938/1965 Latin America defence policy 3813 military aid 1970 Latin America defence policy 3837 military history ABRI armed forces Kalimantan 1944 military history Indonesia foreign policy Malaysia 1910 military history Indonesia historiography 1914 military history Indonesia independence movement Irian Jaya 1908 military history insurrection PRRI/Permesta Indonesia textbook 1920 military history Jawa Timur 1878 military history nationalism 1908/1945 Indonesia textbook 211 military history navy Indonesia textbook ABRI 1911 military history navy Pacific Ocean sea traffic 1500/1970 3566 military history navy Pacific Ocean USA 1897/1909 3373 military history navy Pacific Ocean World War II 1944 3684 military history navy 1945/1970 Indonesia KKO ABRI 1912 military history political science war Indonesia textbook 3951 military history revolution Sumatera 1945/1949 1847 military history Sumatera 1945/1949 insurrection 1847 military history United Kingdom 1919/1939 colonial history Far East 3477 military history 1945/1962 Indonesia ABRI armed forces 1840 military history 1961/1973 Indonesia KOSTRAD army 1928 military Indonesia Islam 1727 military national plan 1967 Indonesia 1870 military Pakistan political participation Thailand Burma Korea R 1899 military periodical 1965 Latin America bibliography 3803 military Philippines biography Luna, A 3322 military Philippines politics 1972 legislation law 3342 military political leadership 1943/1967 Latin America 3875 military political party social change urbanization Latin America 3853 military politics student 1972 Indonesia literature 2817 military prison Vietnam R war 3223 military science Indonesia ABRI armed forces 1834 1835 1836 1874 1877 military science Indonesia geography 1839 military science Indonesia textbook ABRI army 1831 1832 1837 1841 1843 1898 1905 military science navy Indonesia ABRI 1844 1895 military science navy 1965/1972 Indonesia ABRI 1925 military science psychology Indonesia textbook 1892 military science 1952/1969 AHM Indonesia ABRI armed forces history law 1881 1901 military science 1964 Indonesia meeting report ABRI army 1849 Personal name — Organization - Geography - Descriptor 355 military science 1970 Indonesia training course ABRI armed forces 1904 military 1967 Colombia legal status 3716 military 1973 Indonesia administration of justice criminal law 1823 miHtia 1962/1972 Indonesia 1934 militia 1964 Indonesia defence policy 1845 Milkr, T B. 3457 Miller, H. 3275 Miller, H.A. 3528 Miller, N. 3558 Miller, R.U. 3835 Millet, J.D. 420 Millette, J. 3684 Mills, C.W. 3634 Mills, G E. 3684 Milne, P.M. 3201 Minahasa village 1971/1972 survey Bolaangmongondow community development Gorontalo 610 Minahasa village 1972 report community development 656 Minangkabau community development customary law 2541 Minangkabau customary law 87 Minangkabau folk tale 3078 Minangkabau modernization 3385 Minangkabau modernization woman 1972 meeting report 102 Minangkabau Nias traditional culture Toraja Yogyakarta Bali Maluku Tenggara 4 Minangkabau political leadership Sumatera Barat 1968 meeting report customary law 70 Minangkabau Radjab, M. 1913/1928 biography 2948 Minangkabau thesis 1973 bibliography 2752 Mindoro poetry Am bahan 3335 mineral resources mining 1969 Indonesia 2026 mineral resources 1971 forecast Indonesia foreign investment 2600 mining ministry 1971 annual report Indonesia DEPTAM 589 590 mining nuclear power Sulawesi Selatan 1971/1972 report industry Kalimantan Selatan 686 mining nuclear power 1971/1972 report Bali industry Jawa Barat Jawa Tengah 686 mining Repelita 11971/1972 Indonesia agriculture electricity industry manpower 698 mining sUver 1546/1700 Mexico 3757 mining 1968/1972 Indonesia report 2620 mining 1969 Indonesia mineral resources 2026 mining 1969/1970 Indonesia statistical data labour productivity 2596 mining 1971 annual report Indonesia 2605 mining 1971 directory Indonesia investment 2603 mining 1971/1972 project report internal migration Kalimantan Selatan land ownership 2539 ministry Indonesia DEP P&K education inspection 932 ministry Indonesia legislation DEPKES health service 497 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEP P&K 1142 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPAG 1144 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPDAG 1136 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPDAGRI 1129 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPHANKAM 1131 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPHUB 1141 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPKEH 1132 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPKES 1143 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPKEU 1134 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPLU 1130 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPNAKER 1145 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPPEN 1133 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPRIN 1138 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPSOS 1146 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPTAM 1139 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPTAN 1137 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPTRANSKOP 1147 ministry national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DPUTL 1140 ministry national plan religious policy Repelita 11973/1974 Indonesia DEPAG 883 ministry national plan Repelita I 1969/1972 Indonesia report DEPSOS 851 356 Index ministry personnel management 1972/1973 Indonesia DEP P&K labour productivity 918 ministry personnel management 1973 Indonesia DEPHUB 907 2266 ministry public administration 1950/1971 Indonesia DEP P&K management 575 ministry public administration 1968 Indonesia textbook DEPHANKAM 1873 ministry public administration 1970 Indonesia DEPHANKAM 1903 ministry public administration 1972 Indonesia DEPLU efficiency 1046 ministry religious policy 1946/1973 Indonesia DEPAG 1717 ministry sea transport 1965 BKI directory Indonesia DEPHUB 1983 ministry sea transport 1971 annual report Indonesia DEPHUB 862 863 ministry sea transport 1972 annual report Indonesia DEPHUB 2278 ministry social policy 1972/1973 Indonesia DEPSOS 623 ministry textile industry 1970/1971 annual report Indonesia DEPRIN 2041 ministry textile industry 1971/1972 annual report Indonesia DEPRIN 2141 ministry textile industry 1972/1973 annual report Indonesia DEPRIN 695 ministry woman 1972 Indonesia statement association civil service DEPPEN 315 ministry 1960 annual report Indonesia cooperative DEPTRANSKOP 360 ministry 1960 directory Indonesia DEP P&K education 1182 ministry 1961 directory Indonesia DEPDAG 359 ministry 1967 Indonesia ABRI armed forces DEPHANKAM development policy 1868 ministry 1968 annual report Indonesia DEPAG 1603 ministry 1968 annual report Indonesia DEPHANKAM 1889 ministry 1968 Indonesia meeting report air transport DEPHUB 2290 ministry 1969 constitution Indonesia defence policy DEPHANKAM 1884 ministry 1969 directory Indonesia communication DEPHUB 424 ministry 1969 Indonesia DEPDAGRI legislation 407 ministry 1969 Indonesia meeting report DEPTAN 403 ministry 1969 Indonesia report DPUTL 2585 2587 ministry 1969 Indonesia statement defence policy DEPHANKAM 1888 ministry 1969/1970 annual report Indonesia DEPTRANSKOP 465 ministry 1969/1970 Indonesia progress report DEPDAGRI development policy 434 ministry 1970 Indonesia meeting report DEPTRANSKOP internal migration 451 ministry 1970/1971 annual report Indonesia cooperative DEPTRANSKOP 2086 ministry 1970/1971 annual report Indonesia DEPNAKER employment policy 295 ministry 1970/1973 evaluation Indonesia DEPSOS labour administration 624 ministry 1971 annual report Indonesia DEPTAM mining 589 590 ministry 1971 directory Indonesia civil servant DEPTAN 551 ministry 1971 directory Indonesia DEP P&K development project 543 ministry 1971/1972 annual report Indonesia animal husbandry DEPTAN 2411 ministry 1971/1972 annual report Indonesia DEPTAN forest policy 2404 ministry 1971/1972 annual report Indonesia DEPTRANSKOP internal migration 699 ministry 1972/1973 annual report Indonesia civil servant DEPSOS 850 ministry 1972/1973 annual report Indonesia defence policy DEPHANKAM 1947 ministry 1972/1973 annual report Indonesia DEPNAKER 869 ministry 1972/1973 annual report Indonesia DEPRIN 2241 ministry 1973 Indonesia DEPHUB management 906 ministry 1973 Indonesia DEPTAN management 538 ministry 1973 Indonesia meeting report communÜy development DEPDAGRI 805 ministry 1973 Indonesia meeting report cooperative DEPTRANSKOP 832 2545 ministry 1973 Indonesia meeting report DEPSOS 809 ministry 1973 Indonesia meeting resolution'DEPNAKER DEPTRANSKOP 833 Personal name - Organization — Geography - Descriptor 357 ministry 1973 Indonesia report DEP P&K 870 rhinistry 1973 Indonesia report DEP P&K higher education 1441 ministry 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPHUB financial administration 1164 minority group Moluccan Netherlands Surinamese 1973 3965 minority group national development 1972 Indonesia Chinese 18 minority group Philippines 1898/1935 Chinese 3340 minority group politics CELAP Dominican Republic Haiti 3653 minority group social policy tribe 1972 Maluku 141 minority group social policy 1973 Indonesia 329 minority group sociology Eurasian India 3193 minority group Vietnam R Chinese 3207 minority group 1973 Indonesia Chinese 1092 Mintardja Rikin, W. '64 493 Mintaredja, H.M.S. 493 1056 1312 1326 1937 Mintz, S.W. 3647 3648 3683 MIR MOEL PCC 1972 document ELN FALN FAR FARC FLN 3851 Mirikitani, L.T. 3333 Misas, A. Urebe 3715 Missen, G.J. 254 missionary Protestant church American biography Hawaii 3376 missionary 1626/1724 Mexico American Indian history insurrection 3742 missionary 1862/1962 Indonesia Catholic church 1496 missionary 1942/1945 Indonesia Catholic church 1487 Miulla, I. 3231 Miyakawa, T.S. 3407 Miyamoto, S.F. 3407 Mocht ar 354 Mochtar, M.S. 1867 Mochtar, R. 2 Mochtarram 810 Modave, L.L. de F. de travel 1773/1776 India 3182 modernization India 3190 modernization Indonesia Islam 1718 1721 modernization Minangkabau 3385 modernization peasant rural development comparative analysis Africa Asia 3553 modernization Peru social change urbanization Latin America Brazil Colombia 3861 modernization ship 1972 Indonesia seminar engineering 2454 modernization socialism Africa Latin America 3569 modernization traditional culture collective volume Latin America 3840 modernization woman 1972 meeting report Minangkabau 102 modernization 1763/1834 abolition of slavery bibliography British Caribbean 3675 modernization 1960/1970 East Malaysia 3276 modernization 1972 Indonesia educational administration information system 1388 Moeavaata, A. 3416 MOEL PCC 1972 document ELN FALN FAR FARC FLN MIR 3851 Moerman, M. 3696 Mohamad, G. 2841 Mohamad bin Jamil, T.S. 2442 Mohamed bin Awang 3020 Mohamed Nasruddin bin 987 Mohr, A. Fuentes 3738 Mohsin Salmah 2981 Mokarapong Thawatt 3240 Mokhtar Daud 2981 Mokhtar Yassin 3038 Moko 3684 Mokodompit, E.A. 1334 Molenaar, G. novel Indonesia 2787 Molenkamp, J.W. 2798 Molina, A.J. 3296 Molina, P. 3836 Molina, R.L. Trujillo 3802 Molina Enriquez, A. 3744 3827 Moll, B.V. 1255 Moluccan Netherlands Surinamese 1973 minority group 3965 Monberg, T. 3370 monetary circulation 1971 forecast Indonesia 2096 monetary policy 1972 Indonesia banking 2188 monetary system 0000/1874 Dominican Republic Haiti 3655 monetary system 1971/1972 Indonesia project report forecast 2192 money market tradition Indonesia 2027 money market 1970/1972 Indonesia project report 2182 Mongolia PR China PR general study Japan Korea DPR Korea R 3468 Mongolia PR 0500/1700 history 3471 Mononutu, A. 2696 Monroy, D.G. 3474 Montalva, E. Frei 3820 358 Index Monterrey social mobility Mexico migration 3779 Montias, J.M. 3823 Montserrat Antigua electoral system 3684 Montserrat migration 3659 monument Thailand Chiang Sen 3209 Moon, B E. 3523 Moonen, F. 3700 Moore, Jr., B. 3944 Moore, O.E. 3657 Morales, M.D. 3772 Morales Jiménez, A. 3750 Moraze, C. 3661 Moreau de Saint-Méry, M.L.E. 3694 Moreno, D. 3744 Moreno Toscano, A. 3772 Morga, F.L. Acevedo 3949 Morin, F. 3661 Morin, M. Gomez 3750 Moriori New Zealand bibliography Maori 3539 Mörner, M. 3637 3811 morphology Bena-Bena 2891 morphology dialect Jakarta Raya 2877 morphology Indonesian 2862 2878 2879 2883 morphology Indonesian statement 1460 morphology Philippines 3299 morphology Portugese 3707 morphology regional language Gorontalo 2880 morphology Vietnamese 3215 morphology Yucatan 3736 Morris, K.L. 3695 Morris, P.J. 3428 Morrow, D.W. 3750 Morse, R.M. 3802 mortality population dynamics 1970 Mexico fertility internal migration manpower 3751 Morton, A L. 3604 mosque Indonesia Islam 1572 1693 mosque Saudi Arabia architecture 1518 Moss, R. 3958 Mossman, J. 969 mountain flora Jawa 2624 Mountjoy, A.B. 3568 Movimiento Guerillero Marquetalia 1972 document 3851 Mplambut 1357 MPR indonesia Congress 766 MPR national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia Congress 1120 MPR parliament PNI political party 1970 Indonesia report Congress DPR 1014 MPR parliament 1970 Indonesia legislation Congress DPR DPRD election 1784 MPR political participation Tanahlaut 1973 Congress 1075 MPR politics 1973 statement ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Selatan 1091 MPR presidency 1968 Indonesia Congress constitutional law 1773 MPR 1971 Indonesia biography Congress 2701 MPR 1973 Indonesia Congress 875 MPR 1973 Indonesia Congress legislation 835 MPR 1973 Indonesia meeting report Congress 813 MPR 1973 Indonesia report Congress 868 MPR 1973 Indonesia resolution Congress government policy 801 MPRS political participation 1967 Indonesia Congress Christianity 990 MPRS UN 1967 Indonesia Congress human rights ICJ 1768 MPRS 1966 1967 1968 Indonesia meeting report Congress legislation 404 1000 Mu, C. 1408 Mu'arif, S. 1069 Mubyarto 2239 2485 2512 2636 Muchtar 2455 Muchtar, D.M.Z. 1056 Muchtar, M. 2351 Muchtar, R. 2728 Muchtar, S. 2541 Muchtar, Z. 1041 Muchtaruddin 2361 Muda Yusuf 3020 Mudarso, R. 2630 Mudjanattistomo 1259 2724 2725 2726 2908 Mudjijono 675 Mudyadi, D. 2973 Mugeni, A A. 996 Mugihardjo 3 Muhadi, M. 1269 Muhammad, H.A.D. 1056 Muhammad Hadji Salleh poetry Malay 3029 Muhammad Indonesia biography Islam 1500 1502 1642 1666 Muhammad Ishak Hadji 3030 Muhammad Nor Aini 3020 Muhammad Suhaimi 3020 Muhammadi 1450 Muhammady, T.M.U. el 1608 Muharam, M. 336 Muhiddin, E. 2754 Muhidin 2082 2161 2240 Muhnilabib, M. 1274 Muin, A. 878 1373 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 359 Muis, G.A. 1018 1040 1566 1567 1568 1569 1635 1696 1703 Muis, Z.A.A. 2841 Mukadas, A. 2483 Mukhtariddin Dain Raja 2888 Mukijat 1912 Mukomoko, J.A. 2610 Mukti, D. 532 Mulder, J.A.N. 3490 Mulia, A. 389 Mulia, W. 2096 Muliadi, M. 804 Muliono, A.M. 1274 2914 2921 Muliono, C.S. 3470 Muljadi 1881 2556 Muljadi, M.A. 2257 Muljadi, S.W.R. 1738 Muljatno 1778 Muljoko 853 Muller, J. 3832 Muller, J.P. = Kuwiks, ps 2680 Muller Armin 1381 Muller Osten, K. 2276 Multatuli biography literature 2801 Muluk, C. 1467 Muna village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Kendari Kolaka 609 Munadi, I. 421 422 721 843 1056 Munaf, H. 3115 Munandar 328 Munandar, A.A. 1706 Munawwir, A.W. 2935 Munawwir, K.Z.A. 2935 Munir S. 2408 Munoz Marin, L. 3827 Munroe, T. 3684 Murad, T A. 2696 Murdharmo, R.B. 484 Murdodiningrat 429 Murdoko, W. 2094 Murdowo, R. 1317 Murod, M. 1881 Murpby.J.J. 1358 Murphy, M.B. 2200 Murray Selepet Kaugel linguistics 2875 Mursalin 682 976 Mursjid, H. 1512 Murtadji, K. 409 1352 Murtopo, A. 723 877 1076 1381 2133 Murut linguistics 2887 Musa, M. 1919 Musaffa, A.S. 1251 museum Indonesia educational aspect 1295 museum Pacific Islands Papeete catalogue 3391 museum physical anthropology USA zoology 1971/1974 report botany geology 3881 museum 1932/1972 Bali culture 186 museum 1969 progress report Kalimantan Selatan 196 museum 1973 culture handicraft Jawa Barat 60 museum 1973 Indonesia 1476 music Aceh culture dance 107 music Africa 3890 music curriculum Latin America secondary education cinema 3863 music Indonesia 2816 music Indonesia primary school 3111 3113 music Philippines 3296 music poetry Acehnese Lamnjong, A. 3079 music poetry Badui 3057 music poetry Javanese 2814 music religious text Indonesia Hinduism 1578 music social and cultural anthropology 3589 music textbook Jawa 2815 music 1972 Indonesia 1359 Muskens, M.P.M. = Pipitseputra, ps 239 Muskita, J. 1937 Muslim, M. 1332 Musnamar, T. 1334 Mustari, I. 2133 Mutchinson, J. 3318 Mutchler, D.E. 3855 Muttalib, J.A. 2751 Muttanabbi 3498 Muttaqien 1678 Muzakkar, A.Q. 1850 Muzakkar, A.Q. social conflict Sulawesi Selatan 1945/1965 insurrection 2686 Mya Maung 3454 Myerson, M. 3648 mysticism education Javanese 1606 mysticism Indonesia 1741 mysticism Indonesia Islam 1682 1715 mysticism Islam 3497 mysticism Jawa 1504 1514 1643 mysticism religion Indonesia fiqih tasawuf tauhid Islam law 1697 mysticism religious policy collective volume Indonesia 1725 mysticism 1972 Indonesia statement Islam 1687 myth painting Aboriginal Australia 3424 myth religion social and cultural anthropology symbol theory 3580 myth Toraja death rite 136 360 Index N Naafi 1056 Nach, J. 3221 3261 Nadaraja, T. 3195 Nadvi, S.S. 1617 Nagava, P. 3209 Nagazumi, A. 217 Nagelkerke, G.A. 3542 Nahdi 3498 Nahmar Jamil 3020 Nahrdel, C. 3571 Naim, A.M. 2752 Naim, M. 100 2752 Nainggolan, P. 864 Naipaul, V.S. 3695 Nakpil, C.G. 3322 Napal, A. 119 Naphil, C.G. 3304 Napis, M. 1269 Napitupulu, L.A. 2361 2433 Napitupulu, W.P. 2276 Napoliello, E. 2087 Narayana, I.B.U. 2917 narcotic social problem 1972 regulation Jawa Timur juvenile delinquency 2660 Nartosabdo 2815 Nas, CM. theatre child Indonesian 2990 Nasir, I.A. 2610 Nasruddin bin Mohamed 987 Nasrun, A S. 1490 Nasrun, M. 1754 1776 Nasrun, M. novel ethics Indonesian 3031 Nasuhi, A. 2379 Nasution 2380 Nasution, A. 373 2096 Nasution, A.B. 579 Nasution, A.H. 781 960 1056 1077 1078 1202 1467 1614 1840 1841 1881 1937 1939 2686 2696 2817 Nasution, A.K. 1442 1803 Nasution, A.P. 1685 Nasution, D. 1079 Nasution, H. 1451 1664 1686 1687 Nasution, H.M. 2813 Nasution, J.H. 1693 1937 Nasution, M.J. 303 Nasution, M.Y. 1688 Nasution, N.H. 2361 Nasution, P.N. 1056 Nasution, R.E. 2386 Nasution, S. 3149 Nasution, U. 94 2486 Nasution, Y. 1678 Natakusumah, S. 818 1155 Natawisastra, M. 3054 national budget Indonesia textbook 1100 national budget Nusa Tenggara Timur parliament 1973/1974 local government DPRD 936 national budget Nusa Tenggara Timur 1973/1974 local government 826 national budget parliament 1972 local government DPRD Jakarta Raya 627 628 national budget parliament 1973/1974 Indonesia DPR 1121 national budget parliament 1973/1974 local government DPRD Jakarta Raya 795 796 818 1155 national budget parliament 1973/1974 local government DPRD Jawa Tengah 886 945 947 national budget political party PSII 1971/1972 Indonesia 1041 national budget presidency 1973/1974 Indonesia 1126 national budget public finance 1949 East Indonesia legislation 1098 national budget regional development 1971/1972 Hulu Sungai Utara 513 national budget regional development 1973/1974 local government Bukittinggi 1119 national budget regional plan 1970/1972 Indonesia 678 national budget regional plan 1971/1975 Indonesia 674 national budget Sumatera Barat 1968 local government 1106 national budget Sumatera Barat 1969/1970 local government 423 1114 national budget Sumatera Barat 1970/1971 local government 454 490 national budget Sumatera Utara 1973/1974 local government 788 879 880 national budget 1957 local government Kebumen 349 national budget 1961 local government Jawa Barat 362 national budget 1962 Indonesia statement 363 national budget 1963 1964 comment Indonesia 367 national budget 1969/1970 Indonesia 425 national budget 1969/1970 local government Aceh 441 national budget 1970/1971 local government Kalimantan Selatan 453 539 562 Personal name - Organization — Geography - Descriptor 361 national budget 1971/1972 local government development policy Kalimantan Selatan 560 national budget 1971/1972 local government Kalimantan Selatan 561 1115 national budget 1971/1973 local government Aceh 505 national budget 1972/1973 Indonesia 1158 1167 national budget 1972/1973 local government Gunung Kidul 717 national budget 1972/1973 local government Jakarta Raya 1159 national budget 1973 local government Jakarta Raya 952 national budget 1973/1974 BPK Indonesia 1123 national budget 1973/1974 DPA Indonesia 1122 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia 823 1128 1135 1152 1157 1165 national budget 1973/.1974 Indonesia administration of justice 1124 1125 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia Congress MPR 1120 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEP P&K ministry 1142 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPAG ministry 1144 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPDAG ministry 1136 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPDAGRI ministry 1129 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPHANKAM ministry 1131 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPHUB ministry 1141 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPKEH ministry 1132 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPKES ministry 1143 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPKEU ministry 1134 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPLU ministry 1130 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPNAKER ministry 1145 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPPEN ministry 1133 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPRIN ministry 1138 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPSOS ministry 1146 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPTAM ministry 1139 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPTAN ministry 1137 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPTRANSKOP fcmistry 1147 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia DPUTL ministry 1140 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia legislation 1153 1160 1166 1169 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia legislation communication 1154 national budget 1973/1974 Indonesia SEKNEG 1127 national budget 1973/1974 local government Bukittinggi 1148 national budget 1973/1974 local government Jakarta Raya 585 789 822 881 902 903 928 national development religion 1972 Indonesia 1654 national development social change collective volume Latin America 3840 national development woman 1972 Indonesia statement 586 national development 1957 Indonesia meeting report 350 national development 1970 Indonesia meeting report Muhammadijah association Islam 1589 national development 1971 Indonesia Islam 1649 national development 1971 Indonesia statement Islam 1646 1647 national development 1972 Indonesia Chinese minority group 18 national development 1972 Indonesia Islam 1655 national development 1972 Indonesia seminar environment 253 national development 1972/1973 almanac Indonesia enterprise government 786 national development 1973 Indonesia Islam 1707 national development 1973 Indonesia thesis food technology 2463 national income public finance 1900/1965 Mexico 3755 national income Sumatera Barat 1966/1969 statistical data economics 76 national income 1971 forecast Indonesia 2096 national Netherlands 1972 annual report history 232 national plan law legislation Indonesia 1782 national plan Nusa Tenggara Barat Repelita I social policy 1973 meeting report 321 national plan psychiatry Repelita II 1974/1979 Indonesia 2663 362 Index national plan public administration Repelita ƒ 1971 Indonesia thesis 503 national plan public opinion Repelita I 1973 Indonesia 636 national plan religious policy Repelita I 1973/1974 Indonesia DEPAG ministry 883 national plan Repelita I Indonesia economie evaluation 2072 national plan Repelita I sea transport 1971/1974 Indonesia progress report 2037 national plan Repelita I Sumatera 1969/1973 Indonesia reference book 917 national plan Repelita I Yogyakarta 1969/1974 agricultural development 2333 national plan Repelita 11969 report Irian Jaya 466 national plan Repelita 11969/1970 exhibition Indonesia reference book 515 national plan Repelita 11969/1970 Indonesia culture education 1232 1233 national plan Repelita 11969/1972 Indonesia report DEPSOS ministry 851 national plan Repelita 11969/1973 exhibition Indonesia 815 867 national plan Repelita 11969/1973 Indonesia education employment 1254 national plan Repelita 11969/1974 Indonesia 408 national plan Repelita 11969/1974 Indonesia horticulture 2441 national plan Repelita 11970 Indonesia memorandum 474 national plan Repelita ƒ 1971 exhibition Indonesia commodity production 2499 national plan Repelita 11971/1972 Indonesia Statement 650 national plan Repelita 11971/1972 statistical data general study Jawa Timur 2137 national plan Repelita 11972 Bengkulu Selatan internal migration 752 national plan Repelita 11972 exhibition Indonesia 710 national plan Repelita 71972 Indonesia food production 2440 national plan Repelita 11972/1973 Indonesia statement 840 national plan Repelita 11973 Indonesia meeting report cooperative 791 national plan Repelita 11973/1974 Indonesia industrial policy 2268 national plan Repelita II sea transport Sulawesi 191 Al 1919 2053 national plan Repelita II sea transport 1973 Indonesia meeting report 887 2255 national plan Repelita II sea transport 1974/1979 Indonesia 920 national plan Repelita II social implication 1972 Indonesia meeting report environment 670 national plan Repelita II transport policy 1974/1979 Indonesia commodity market 2227 national plan Repelita II1972 Indonesia statement 777 national plan Repelita II1974/1979 Indonesia agricultural development 911 2521 2522 2523 2524 national plan Thailand Buddhism 3490 national plan 1956/1960 Indonesia 346 national plan 1964 annual report Indonesia 370 national plan 1967 Indonesia military 1870 national plan 1972 Indonesia banking 2189 national plan 1975/2000 Indonesia model development policy 877 937 national symbol Indonesia history 5 national 1955 Mexico ideology 3743 nationalism anthology communism! economics Latin America 3827 nationalism cultural factor Guyana 3684 nationalism Indonesia education historical aspect 1199 nationalism Indonesia Islam 1020 nationalism Indonesia STOVIA Budi Utomo independence movement 1090 nationalism Palangka raya 1973 anniversary 238 nationalism Philippines biography Bonifacio, A. Mabini, A. 3322 nationalism Philippines Quezon, M.L. biography 3325 nationalism Philippines 1898/1899 legislation 3339 nationalism PNP political party 1938/1944 Jamaica 3684 nationalism political ideology communism developing country independence movement 3571 nationalism political ideology 1960 Indonesia Manipol Usdek 3108 nationalism political party political theory 1972 Indonesia 1045 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 363 nationalism politics collective volume Castro, F. Cuba economics 3640 nationalism politics Indonesia history Islam 239 nationalism politics Latin America Caribbean indigenous population 3841 nationalism politics Trinidad and Tobago economie development 3663 nationalism politics Vietnam 1900/1945 collective volume Confucianism history 3243 nationalism politics 1900/1970 Mexico education history 3827 nationalism politics 1973 conf Indonesia 2826 2828 2829 nationalism race relations Trinidad and Tobago election 3667 nationalism Ratu Langie, G.S.S.I. Indonesia biography 2687 nationalism revolution cultural change developing country independence movement 3558 nationalism revolution'South East Asia 1972 communism 3445 nationalism social class collective volume Latin America colonialism 3820 nationalism social security 1973 conf Indonesia 2827 nationalism South East Asia USA 1945/1955 colonialism communism international relations 3439 nationalism student 1970 Indonesia 1023 nationalism Sumatera Barat 1927/1933 educational policy history Islam 202 nationalism symbol youth 1972 Indonesia statement 1357 nationalism Thailand 1900/1925 history 3209 nationalism youth 1928 Indonesia history 201 nationalism 1900/1940 Indonesia STOVIA Budi Utomo independence movement 246 nationalism 1908/1918 Indonesia Budi Utomo independence movement 217 nationalism 1908/1938 Indonesia PI 189 nationalism 1908/1945 Indonesia textbook military history 211 nationalism 1920 Indonesia colonialism democracy 955 nationalism 1959 Cuba 3827 nationalist Indonesia biography 2700 Natsir, M. 1019 1020 1490 1527 1570 1571 1572 1573 1642 1678 1689 1690 1703 1729 Natsir, M. biography 2682 natural disaster safety 1971 Indonesia 251 natural disaster social policy 1971 Indonesia emergency reliëf 554 natural disaster social policy 1971 Indonesia meeting report ASEAN 319 natural disaster 1586/1970 Indonesia 252 natural disaster 1970 meeting report ASEAN international cooperation 506 507 508 524 580 natural gas Palembang 1972 electricity energy source 2608 natural gas petroleum 1972 Indonesia seminar data collecting 2604 natural resources population increase 1968 Indonesia workshop food supply 2636 Nauze, J.A. la 3931' Navarette, A. 3823 Navarro, M. Gonzalez 3754 Navis, AA. 2841 navy Indonesia ABRI military science 1844 1895 navy Indonesia textbook ABRI 1890 navy Indonesia textbook ABRI military history 1911 navy Indonesia 1800/1900 ABRI memoir 2680 navy Pacific Ocean sea traffic 1500/1970 military history 3566 navy Pacific Ocean USA 1897/1909 military history 3373 navy Pacific Ocean World War II 1944 military history 3564 navy World War II collective volume Japan 3358 navy 1945/1970 Indonesia KKO ABRI military history 1912 navy 1965/1972 Indonesia ABRI education 1926 navy 1965/1972 Indonesia ABRI military science 1925 navy 1970 Indonesia ABRI Christianity 1590 Nawawi Zaharah 2981 Nawier, A A. 996 1049 Naya, S. 3465 Naylor, B. 3677 Nazar, M.Y. 1589 Nazeni, I. 2361 2920 Nazir, M. 1983 Needham, R. 3593 Needler, M C. 3840 Neely, J.A. 3785 Negara, M. 1574 Negeri Sembilan Rembau social conflict 3283 364 Index Negro Caribbean interest group kinship system 3684 Negro psychological aspect race Caribbean cultural factor 3684 Negro religion Surinam animism 3612 Nehen, IK. 1317 Neilen, M. 68 Nelson, L. 3640 Nengone dictionary English 3398 Neporozhny 2601 Netherlands Antilles British Virgin Islands Guadeloupe Guyana Jamaica land tenure 3683 Netherlands Antilles Papiamento thesis education language 3626 Netherlands Antilles political party 1973 election 3627 Netherlands Antilles social change British Virgin Islands 3684 Netherlands Antilles Surinam geography interethnic relations 3615 Netherlands constitutional law history 3954 Netherlands NVB political ideology political party 1950 3942 Netherlands periodical social sciences 1973 bibliography 3938 Netherlands petroleum industry history 2618 Netherlands port technical assistance 1971 Indonesia 2102 Netherlands Protestant church religious mission 1973 annual report 1674 Netherlands sea transport South Africa periodical 3943 Netherlands sea transport 1873/1973 3966 3970 Netherlands slavery 3885 Netherlands sociology 1970 bibliography 3932 Netherlands South Africa 1923/1973 international relations 3924 Netherlands Spain 1556/1706 survey archives 3927 Netherlands Surinamese 1973 minority group Moluccan 3965 Netherlands 1600/1942 Indonesia colonial history independence 3923 Netherlands 1945/1950 Indonesia bibliography international relations 2739 Netherlands 1956/1973 Indonesia international relations 3572 Netherlands 1968 Indonesia fiscal administration police 1105 Netherlands 1969/1973 Indonesia report culture international relations 1481 Netherlands 1970 Indonesia agricultural education international cooperation 1255 Netherlands 1972 annual report central bank 2233 Netherlands 1972 annual report development aid 3576 Netherlands 1972 annual report history national 232 Netherlands 1972 curriculum ecology 3957 Netherlands 1972 survey archives 3936 Netherlands 1973 archives customary law inventory 2748 Netherlands 1973 bibliography library 3933 Netherlands 1973 CRM yearbook international relations 3969 Nettleford, R.M. 3684 network analysis Indonesia textbook 1377 1391 2173 Neumann, J. 3742 New Guinea civil law colonialism customary law land ownership 173 New Guinea Pacific Islands race relations dependence 3967 New Guinea poetry Johnson, L. 150 New Guinea social and cultural anthropology social change 169 New Guinea social and cultural anthropology tribe 172 New Zealand bibliography Maori Moriori 3539 New Zealand geography history 3898 New Zealand Oceania Philippines politics Australia Hong Kong Japan Malaysia 3464 New Zealand Pacific Islands Australia inventory manuscript 3931 New Zealand Pacific Islands USA 1970 Asia Australia international relations 3457 New Zealand Papua New Guinea 1973 DPR Indonesia mission report Australia foreign policy 1071 New Zealand Philippines presidency 1972 Indonesia Australia foreign policy 1058 New Zealand regional planning Wanganui 1971 3909 New Zealand 1830/1968 history 3906 New Zealand 1951/1971 foreign policy 3914 New Zealand 1972 collective volume general study 3913 New Zealand 1973 collective volume general study 3915 Newell, L.E. 3515 Newman, A.P.J. 166 Personal name - Organization — Geography - Descriptor 365 Ngaju Dayak Kaliman tan kinship system 3385 Ngali, A.M. 1725 Nganjuk orphanage 1971 report Blitar Gerakan 30 September 1965 301 Ngawi regiohal planning 1972 730 Ngewa, D.D. 3067 Ngulomo, S.I. 2096 Ngurah, G.N.G. 2737 Ngurah, I G.N.B. 182 708 Nguyen Dang Liem 3214 3215 Nguyen Van Phong, J. 3222 Nias traditional culture Toraja Yogyakarta Bali Maluku Tenggara Minangkabau 4 Nias 1972 general study 98 Nias 1973 exhibition general study 109 Nicaragua politics history independence 3733 Nickel, H.J. 3833 Nicolson, J.F. 3464 Niddrie, D.L. 3831 Niehoff, A.H. 3591 Niekerk, A.E. 3853 Niekerken, C. van 2811 Nielsen, H.D. 3543 Nieuwenhuys, R. = Breton de Nijs, E.ps 228 2810 Nigeria 1972 general study 3891 Nikmah 1738 Nikolinakos, M. 3967 Nüakusuma 102 Nimpuno, H. 863 2197 Nimschowski, H. 3571 Nishihara Masashi 1035 Nishimura,T. 2351 Niskawaih, I. 3498 Nitisastro, W. 2 253 1988 2636 Nitobe, I. 3407 Nivat, D. 3209 Nix, T. 2783 Niza, R.A. novel Malay 3032 Njakman, M. 71 107 224 225 Nkrumah, K. 3684 Noor, A. 1244 1591 Noor, E.S. 2432 Noor, M. 119 Noor, P.M. 2696 Noorjaya 2981 Nor Aini Muhammad 3020 Norvell, D.G. 3683 Norzah 2981 Notodarmodjo, K. 1326 1352 Notohamiprodjo 1985 Notosusanto 1790 Notosusanto, N. 205 211 1869 1908 1910 1911 1914 1920 2696 2698 2699 2700 2817 3559 3951 Notosutardjo 2813 Notosuwarso 2239 novel Aafjes, B. 3365 novel Abadi Jihaty Malay 3013 3014 novel AcehnestfiLamnjong, A. 3085 novel Ahmad Shannon Malay 3016 novel Ali Alias Malay 2972 novel Alias Harun Malay 2967 novel Arman Sani Malay 3017 novel Capelle, M C. 2797 novel ethics Indonesian Nasrun, M. 3031 novel Eurasian Indonesia Lorz, W. 2783 novel Fawana Malay 3023 novel Hassan Rahman Malay 2983 novel history Ujungpandang 1679 Balen, J.H. van 2758 novel Indonesia As, G. van 2761 novel Indonesia Bovene, G.A. van 2770 novel Indonesia Deelman, A.G. 2807 novel Indonesia Dimyati, M. 2937 novel Indonesia Droppers, J.A. 2791 novel Indonesia Duri Tinggi 2759 novel Indonesia Fokker, AA. 2764 novel Indonesia Japanese occupation Leffelaar, H.L. 2795 novel Indonesia Jevea 2768 novel Indonesia Molenaar, G. 2787 novel Indonesia VOC Homoet, J.C. 2760 novel Indonesia 1896 ethics Islam 1483 novel Indonesian Audah, A. 2968 novel Indonesian Djamily, B. 2953 novel Indonesian Hamka 2956 novel Indonesian Iskandar, N.H. 2939 novel Indonesian Mihardja, A.K. 2840 2944 3028 novel Indonesian translation Kawabata, Y. 2985 novel Irian Jaya Berg, J.H. van den 2798 novel Irian Jaya Hoeven, J.A. van der 2799 novel Ishak Hadji Muhammad Malay 3030 novel Ja'afar Hasny Malay 2970 novel Jawa Couperus L. 2806 novel Jawa Barat plantation Horst van Doorn, GC. van der 2772 novel Karssen, H. 2763 novel Khadijah Hashim Malay 2987 novel Malay Niza, R.A. 3032 novel Malaysia Singapore Loftus, P. 3273 novel Maluku 2805 novel Meijer, H.E. 2794 novel Nurany Javanese 3045 3046 novel Oceania 3369 novel Oosterbroek-Dutschun, A. 2802 novel Othman Kelantan, S. Malay 3033 366 Index novel Pacific Islands Stevenson, R.L. travel 1888/1889 3397 novel Pamuntjak nan Sati, A.S. Indonesian 2945 novel Rizalman Malay 3034 novel Sabar Bohari Malay 2994 novel Salome Indonesia 2762 novel Selasih Indonesian 2947 novel Shannon Ahmad modernization peasant Malay 3279 novel Siagian, G. Indonesian 2959 novel Sjamsulbahri Indonesian 2950 novel Slater, P. Australia 3902 novel Sofiman Malay 3037 novel Suman, H.S. Indonesian 2955 novel travel Bushnell, O.A. Cook, J. Hawaii 3386 novel travel Indonesia Fabricius, J. 2809 novel Trisnojuwono Indonesian 2966 novel Tur, P.A. Indonesian 2942 novel war Janan bin Ahmad Malay 3025 novel Wijaya Mala Malay 3015 3039 NU political party 1926/1971 Indonesia 1038 NU political party 1968 constitution Indonesia Islam 991 NU political party 1969 Indonesia training course 1004 NU political party 1969/1971 progress report Jawa Tengah 1084 NU political party 1970 meeting report Banjarmasin 1015 NU political party 1971 Indonesia 1037 nuclear power Sulawesi Selatan 1971/1972 report industry Kalimantan Selatan mining 686 nuclear power 1968 Indonesia report seminar electricity 2559 nuclear power 1971/1972 report Bali industry Jawa Barat Jawa Tengah mining 686 Nugroho 1360 3454 Nuh Abdullah bin 1494 Nulty, L. 3188 Numata, M. 2386 Nun,J. 3801 3853 Nunez, R. 3802 Nunez Escalante, R. 3949 Nunn, G.R. 3531 Nur, D. 1730 1902 Nur, M. 1056 1679 1703 1881 Nur, R. 2454 Nuraini, D. 78 Nurany Javanese novel 3045 3046 Nurbambang, M.A. 1272 Nurdin, A. 104 Nurdin, B. 2096 Nurdin,!. 1107 Nurdin, M.S. poetry Abdulmuthalib, M. Acenese Lamnjong, A. 3074 Nurdin, S.U. 989 Nurdin, T. 2146 2343 Nurdin, T.D. 681 Nurjadin, R. 1881 Nurman, M. 1638 Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur 1968 planning Bali energy Jawa Maluku 2571 Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur 1969 statistical data Bali civil servant 288 Nusa Tenggara Barat Repelita I social policy 1973 meeting report national budget 321 Nusa Tenggara Barat Repelita 11971 statement educational development 1264 1265 Nusa Tenggara Barat sanitation service Sulawesi Selatan 1969 survey coconut 2023 Nusa Tenggara Barat social administration 1972/1973 local government progress report 747 748 Nusa Tenggara Barat 1969/1970 annual report community development 470 Nusa Tenggara Barat 1970/1972 economie development education 1370 Nusa Tenggara Timur parliament regional plan 1969/1994 DPRD 946 948 Nusa Tenggara Timur parliament 1970/1971 meeting report DPRD 762 Nusa Tenggara Timur parliament 1973/1974 loeal government DPRD national budget 936 Nusa Tenggara Timur 1968 planning Bali energy Jawa Maluku Nusa Tenggara Barat 2571 Nusa Tenggara Timur 1969 statistical data Bali civil servant Nusa Tenggara Barat 288 Nusa Tenggara Timur 1971/1972 report family planning health Jambi 685 Nusa Tenggara Timur 1973 local government 944 Nusa Tenggara Timur 1973 local government labour policy 839 Nusa Tenggara Timur 1973/1974 local government national budget 826 Nuswantoro, T. 2841 Nusyirwan, Y. 1327 nutmeg plantation quinine rubber tea tobacco 1970 Indonesia cinnamon cocoa ginger 2354 nutrition Indonesia textbook household 2820 2830 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 367 nutrition South Bast Asia Mekong river disease health service 3246 NVB political ideology political party 1950 Netherlands 3942 O OAS publication 1972/1973 catalogue 3929 OAS 1972 directory 3854 Oatridge, D. 2915 Oatridge, J. 2915 Oaxaca colonialism land tenure 3777 Oaxaca slum 3861 Oaxaca trade 1750/1821 history 3758 Obbema, P.F.J. 2717 Obregon, A. 3744 3750 O'Brien, P. 3862 Obura Tairora Waffa Agarabi Auyana Awa Binumarien Gadsup linguistics 2915 Ocampo, EA. de 3309 3322 3331 Ocampo Marin, J. 3710 Oceania ecology 3401 Oceania novel 3369 Oceania periodical 1970 Asia catalogue 3524 Oceania Philippines politics Australia Hong Kong Japan Malaysia New Zealand 3464 Oceania politics Statistical data Asia demography economics geography 3464 Oceania religion social and cultural anthropology 3385 Oceania religion social and cultural anthropology Asia 3467 Oceania religious mission 0000/1855 3410 Oceania social and cultural anthropology 3377 ©•Connefl, J.F. 3414 O'Connor, J. 3639 O'Connor, R. 3358 Octavio Ianni 3801 Oehlers, E G. 3620 Oei Khee San 1183 Oei Tjhat Tjoe 1183 Oen Tjhing Tiauw 1183 Oey, G.P. 3544 Oey, M. 567 office worker Indonesia management 2206 Ogan Komering Ilir village 1971/1972 statistical data Bangka community development Lahat 612 Ogawa, T. 3334 Ogloblin, A.K. 2893 oilpalm plantation Sumatera 1960/1961 meeting report 2313 oilpalm plantation Sumatera Timur agave 2318 oilpalm plantation Sumatera Timur 1956 meetingreport 2309 oilpalm Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise agriproduct processing 2466 oilpalm 1970 Indonesia statistical data food inspection food processing 2349 oilpalm 1971 Indonesia'statistical data food inspection food processing 2397 Ojeda, C. 3308 Ojeda, F. 3820 Ojong, P K. 1269 2817 Oka, I.B.P. 1546 Oka, I.G.A. 1543 1544 1545 1609 1610 1691 2860 2867 2923 Oka,L. 1317 Okamoto, S. 3573 Okochi, K. 3367 Oksapmin Halia linguistics 2892 Olazagasta, A. Lorand de 3737 old age benefit Indonesia civil service 296 298 305 old age benefit Protestant church Kalimantan Selatan 1491 old Javanese Indonesian dictionary 2933 old Javanese textual edition manuscript 2838 Olea, V. Flores 3801 3949 O'Leary, D M. 3466 Oliver, D. 3370 Oliver, D L. 171 Oltmans, W.L. 3572 Omar, A. 2921 0'Meara,J. 1381 Ong Hok Ham 1851 Ong Tee Wah 3258 OngWahKim 3258 Ongkili, J.P. 3276 Onvlee, L. 2837 Oosterbroek-Dutschun, A. novel 2802 Opperman, J. 2330 Opstall, M.E. van 3473 o ral literature proverb Acehnese 3086 oral literature saying Balinese 2831 oral literature Sundanese proverb 3054 Ordaz, G. Diaz 3827 Orde Baru Pancasila political doctrine 1972 Indonesia constitution 1806 Orde Baru political ideology 1973 Indonesia statement 1078 Orendain, J.C. 3304 Organski, A.F.K. 3568 Organski, K. 3568 Orloff Jakobson, S. 3461 Ormeling, F.J. 257 ornithology Australia 3897 368 Index ornithology Tahiti French Polynesia 3402 Orozco, P. 3744 orphanage 1947/1973 Banjarmasin child care history 335 orphanage 1971 report Blitar Gerakan 30 September 1965 Nganjuk 301 Ortiz, F. 3683 Orvedal, A.C. 2636 Osborne, M. 3232 3243 Osgood, C. 3581 Osipov, Y.M. 3570 Osman, M. Taib 2844 2888 Osten, K. Muller 2276 Otanes, F T. 3336 Otero, L. Marinas 3712 Othman Kelantan, S. 2981 3033 Othman Kelantan, S. Malay novel 3033 Otomi Mexico American Indian Maya 3767 Otten, F.J.M. 2727 Ottino, P. 3370 3433 Owen, E.R.J. 3567 Owen, H.F. 3226 Owen, M.G. 3867 Owen, N.G. 3318 P Pacific Islands art 3421 Pacific Islands Aus travel 1800/1900 Caroline Islands 3414 Pacific Islands Australia inventory manuscript New Zealand 3931 Pacific Islands Chile history 3393 Pacific Islands foreign investment 3561 Pacific Islands FR archaeology 3501 Pacific Islands FR 1886/1959 colonial history 3415 Pacific Islands geography 3408 Pacific Islands linguistics 3425 Pacific Islands Palau Islands kinship system 3409 Pacific Islands Papeete catalogue museum 3391 Pacific Islands politics 1940 colony France 3423 Pacific Islands Polynesia 1971 bibliography botany Micronesia 3528 Pacific Islands race relations dependence New Guinea 3967 Pacific Islands religious mission Rotuma culture education 3380 Pacific Islands rural planning urban planning Asia bibliography 3540 Pacific Islands ship social and cultural anthropology fishery house 3368 Pacific Islands social and cultural anthropology 1967 culture history linguistics 3370 Pacific Islands sociology USA Canada emigration history Japanese 3407 Pacific Islands Solomon Islands economie development Guadalcanal Melanesia 3413 Pacific Islands Stevenson, R.L. travel 1888/1889 novel 3397 Pacific Islands trade union 3465 Pacific Islands UK social and cultural anthropology family 3427 Pacific Islands USA Asia China PR economie development economie relations Japan 3465 Pacific Islands USA geography 3416 Pacific Islands USA public law legislation 3374 Pacific Islands USA 1970 Asia Australia international relations New Zealand 3457 Pacific Islands voluntary service Asia bibliography Dutch 3937 Pacific Islands zoology directory 3548 Pacific Islands 1863/1907 Australia labour supply 3899 Pacific Islands 1963 directory botanist 3546 Pacific Islands 1966 directory entomologist 3547 Pacific Islands 1971 bibliography 3529 Pacific Islands 1971 directory anthropologist 3549 Pacific Islands 1971 index linguistics 3530 Pacific Islands 1972 archaeology 3361 Pacific Ocean salt water fish textbook 3429 Pacific Ocean sea traffic 1500/1970 military history navy 3566 Pacific Ocean ship China history Indian Ocean 3476 Pacific Ocean travel 1825/1828 Arctic Beechey, F.W. 3426 Pacific Ocean travel 1869 3392 Pacific Ocean USA 1897/1909 military history navy 3373 Pacific Ocean USA 1897/1911 defence policy Japan 3360 Pacific Ocean World War II 1944 military history navy 3564 Pacitan 1968 statement local government 396 Pacitan 1969 statement local government 430 431 446 Pacitan 1970 statement local government 482 483 Pacitan 1973 annual report local government 858 Padang, M. 2696 Personal name — Organization - Geography — Descriptor 369 Padang Repelita 11969/1970 Indonesia project report Bukittinggi employment policy 473 Padangpanjang 1970 economics 83 Padang/Pariaman statistical data land utilization 96 Padang/Pariaman 1970 economics 81 Padilla, H. 3639 Padilla Seda, E. 3647 Padmanagara, S. 2461 Padmaseputra, B.Y.S. 239 1408 Padmosusas t ro 3150 Padnowirjono, W. 1312 Pahang 0000/1970 history 214 painting Aboriginal Australia 3412 3422 painting Aboriginal Australia myth 3424 painting Mexico folk art 3781 painting Philippines biography Luna, J. 3322 painting Tahiti 3400 painting 1954 exhibition Jawa Timur 1175 painting 1972 exhibition Indonesia 1361 Pak, AR. 1547 Pakasi, S. 1277 Pakistan history 3177 Pakistan political participation Thailand Burma Korea R military 1899 Pakistan rice cultivation technique 3188 Paku Alam, S.P. 11 Paku Alam VIII 868 1056 1251 1269 1640 1706 palace Surakarta architecture 42 Palangkaraya resettlement rural area 1972 feasibility study community development 691 Palangkaraya 1973 anniversary nationalism 238 Palau Islands kinship system Pacific Islands 3409 Palawan travel 1800/1900 Luzon 3308 Palembang geography 135 Palembang port 1970 annual report public administration 2082 Palembang port 1971 annual report public administration 2161 Palembang port 1972 annual report public administration 2240 Palembang port 1972 budget 2110 Palembang 1972 electricity energy source natural gas 2608 Palestine politics 1500/1970 history legal aspect 3438 Pali Prakrit Sanskrit catalogue India 3522 palm oil plantation research centtt^'- Sumatera 1958/1959 meeting report 1960 Palmer, G. 3392 Pamudji 684 Pamungkas 529 Pamuntjak nan Sati, A.S. Indonesian novel 2945 Panama travel 1876/1878 Darien 3726 Panarukan 1969/1971 progress report local government 745 Pancasila Indonesia constitution history 1017 Pancasila political doctrine 1972 Indonesia constitution Orde Baru 1806 Pancasila political ideology curriculum Indonesia 992 1093 Pancasila political ideology politics religion 1973 Indonesia Islam 1070 Pancasila political ideology religion 1973 Indonesia economics Islam 1096 Pancasila political ideology student 1960 Indonesia seminar 1202 Pancasila political ideology youth organization 1966 Indonesia 1201 Pancasila political ideology 1955 Indonesia 959 Pancasila political ideology 1964/1965 Indonesia statement 982 Pancasila political ideology 1966 Indonesia ABRI armed forces 1858 Pancasila political ideology 1970 Indonesia ABRI armed forces 1915 1916 1936 Pancasila political ideology 1973 Indonesia 1083 Pancasila political theory 1971 Indonesia constitution 1027 Pandegelang village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Garut Ka ra wang 615 Pane, S. 190 1171 Panganiban, D.F. 2442 Pangerapan, B. 2 Panggabean, A. 3021 Panggabean, F. 1937 Panggabean, G. 2386 Panggabean, L.S.M. 1881 Panggabean, M. 205 211 1871 1881 1908 1910 1911 1914 1920 1937 1940 1944 1948 3559 3951 Panit, S. 3020 Panji, S. 3163 3164 Panudju 1949 Panupong, V. 3209 Papeete catalogue museum Pacific Islands 3391 paper 1969 report Banyumas factory 2024 Papiamento language 3625 Papiamento thesis education language Netherlands Antilles 3626 370 Index Papua language 2906 Papua New Guinea biography Matane, P.N. 160 Papua New Guinea economie growth entrepreneur Goroka 171 Papua New Guinea folk tale 3417 Papua New Guinea geography 148 164 Papua New Guinea grammatical study 2913 Papua New Guinea linguistics 2872 2884 Papua New Guinea physical anthropology 1973 Aboriginal Australia genetics health 3428 Papua New Guinea political geography 1967/1972 155 Papua New Guinea rite adaptability 3591 Papua New Guinea Sepik Wik-mungkan Aboriginal Australia Iatmul kinship system marriage 3593 Papua New Guinea social and cultural anthropology Chimbu 154 Papua New Guinea social and cultural anthropology Massim 153 Papua New Guinea social structure agriculture 170 Papua New Guinea trade transport 1972 163 Papua New Guinea trade 1971 investment 152 Papua New Guinea 1970/1971 development policy independence movement 166 Papua New Guinea 1972 development policy independence movement 165 Papua New Guinea 1972 geography historical Irian Jaya 3910 Papua New Guinea 1973 DPR Indonesia mission report Australia foreign policy New Zealand 1071 Papua 1973 administration of justice legal aspect 168 parasitic disease St Lucia health service 3664 Pardjaman, D. 200 Pardyanto, K. 255 Paredes, A. 3797 Parera, J.D. 2896 Parker, G. 3927 Parker, G.J. 3382 parliament PNI political party 1970 Indonesia report Congress DPR MPR 1014 parliament political party 1972 training course DPRD GOLKAR Kalimantan Selatan 1060 parliament Purworedjo 1955 meeting report DPRDS 343 parliament'Purworedjo 1956 meeting report DPRDS 347 348 parliament Purworedjo 1960 meeting report DPRD 355 356 357 358 parliament regional plan 1969/1994 DPRD Nusa Tenggara Timur 946 948 parliament textbook Aruba meeting 3620 parliament 1969 legislation DPRD election Kalimantan Selatan 449 parliament 1970 Indonesia legislation Congress DPR DPRD election MPR 1784 parliament 1970 meeting report Batang DPRD 461 494 parliament 1970 meeting report DPRD Kalimantan Selatan 493 parliament 1970/1971 meeting report DPRD Nusa Tenggara Timur 762 parliament 1971 Banjarmasin DPRD election 514 parliament 1971 data analysis Indonesia DPR election 1033 parliament 1971 Indonesia DPR DPRD election Irian Jaya 542 parliament 1971 Indonesia DPR election 1032 parliament 1971 Indonesia list of participants DPR DPRD election Irian Jaya 519 parliament 1971 meeting report DPRD Kalimantan Selatan 536 566 parliament 1971/1972 DPRD Jawa Timur legislation 637 parliament 1971/1972 meeting report DPRD Jakarta Raya 761 parliament 1971/1973 meeting report Aceh DPRD 930 parliament 1972 local government DPRD Jakarta Raya national budget 627 628 parliament 1972/1973 Indonesia meeting report DPR 1051 1067 parliament 1972/1973 meeting report DPRD Kalimantan Tengah 760 parliament 1972/1973 meeting report DPRD Lampung 924 925 926 parliament 1973 meeting report DPRD Lampung 1087 parliament 1973/1974 Indonesia DPR national budget 1121 parliament 1973/1974 local government DPRD Jakarta Raya national budget 795 796 818 1155 parliament 1973/1974 local government DPRD Jawa Tengah national budget 886 945 947 parliament 1973/1974 local government DPRD national budget Nusa Tenggara Timur 936 Personal name - Organization — Geography — Descriptor 371 Parlindungan, A.P. 1415 Parmasad, K.V. 3695 Parmer, J.N. 123 PARMUSI political party politics 1970 statement Banjarmasin 1018 PARMUSI political party 1968/1969 annual report Banjarmasin 1002 PARMUSI political party 1968/1969 Indonesia history 999 PARMUSI political party 1969 1970 conf Banjarmasin 1012 PARMUSI political party 1970 conf Kalimantan Selatan 180 1013 PARMUSI political party 1970 Indonesia election Kalimantan Selatan 1019 PARMUSI political party 1971 Indonesia election 1040 Parnikelja, B B. 2846 Parsons, P.A. 3428 Partadireja, A. 2239 2512 Partaningrat, W. 2604 Partosudarso, M. 2386 Pasaman Solok village 1971/1972 statistical data Agam community development 611 Pasha, M.K. 1624 Pasila, A M. 554 Pasni 2754 Passos, J. dos 3393 Pastor Lopez, E. 3811 Patang, B. 2004 Patanne, E.P. 3483 Patianom, S.D. 475 Patmodiwirja, M. 2921 Patnaik, P. 3567 Patompo, M.D.G. 1056 Paton, W.F. 3394 Pattee, R. 3649 Patterson, D. 3613 Patterson, O. 3694 Pattianom, F.A.D. 2133 Pattiradjawane, H. 2 Patty, F. 1248 Pauker, G. 3456 Pauker, G.J. 2535 Pawenang, S. 1514 payment system 1970 Indonesia external debt IGGI 2056 Payot 3433 Paz, O. 3750 Paz, O. biography 3784 3792 Paz, O. poetry Mexico 3786 PCC 1972 document ELN FALN FAR FARC FLN MIR MOEL 3851 Peace Corps television 1969 Colombia development project education 3721 peace 1956 Indonesia international law 1756 Peacock,A. 165 Peacock, J.L. 31 Peard, G. 3426 Pearse, A. 3683 Pearson, J.D. 3945 Pearson, MN. 3474 peasant political power social history Asia China PR India Japan 3944 peasant rural development comparative analysis Africa Asia modernization 3553 peasant woman youth 1973 Indonesia meeting report agricultural extension 2483 peasant 1968 meeting report association Kalimantan Selatan 2325 peasant 1971 Latin America feudalism intergroup relations Mexico 3833 peasant 1972 meeting report association Kalimantan Selatan 2432 peasant 1973 Indonesia meeting report agricultural extension 2488 2489 2496 2497 pedagogy Indonesia textbook 1426 1465 pedagogy pediatrics 1972 expert report Indonesia 2651 Pedersen, H. 3823 pediatrics 1972 expert report Indonesia pedagogy 2651 Pelzer, KJ. 3327 Pena, S. de la 3852 penal code Indonesia criminal law 1778 Pence, A. 2876 Penders, C.L.M. 3464 Pendle, G. 3834 Penghulu, I.H.D.R. 2541 Pennington, C.W. 3832 Penny, D.H. 2383 Penth, H. 3209 Peperzak, B.J. 3105 pepper plant disease Bangka Lampung 2354 Perak history 3268 Perak Sakai travel 1883 3249 Peransi, D A. 2834 Pereira de Quelraz, M.I. 3585 Perelaer, M.T.H. 2306 Perez, D. 3648 Perez, H. 3750 Perez Valle, E. 3836 periodical Bataviaasch Genootschap index Indonesia 2749 periodical Latin America United Kingdom catalogue 3677 periodical Malagasy Rep 3526 periodical Singapore 1876/1941 Arabic bibliography Malay Malaysia 3536 periodical social and cultural anthropology 1973 index 3934 372 Index periodical social sciences 1973 bibliography Netherlands 3938 periodical 1945/1968 Indonesia catalogue microfiche 2746 periodical 1945/1970 Indonesia catalogue 2756 periodical 1965 Latin America bibliography military 3803 periodical 1970 Asia catalogue Oceania 3524 periodical 1971 bibliography 3928 periodical 1972 Indonesia bibliography health service 2731 periodical 1973 catalogue electronic data processing Indonesia information retrieval 3964 periodical 1973 Indonesia PDIN bibliography 2750 periodical 1973 Leiden museum catalogue 3939 Perkin, H. 3555 Perkins, J.O.N. 3561 Perloff, H.S. 3823 personnel management Indonesia civil servant human relations 1261 2060 2063 personnel management Indonesia cJy#' J servant labour legislation 2224 personnel management 1972/1973 Indonesia DEP P&K labour productivity ministry 918 personnel management 1973 Indonesia DEPHUB ministry 907 2266 Peru social and cultural anthropology 3858 Peru social change urbanization Latin America Brazil Colombia modernization 3861 Pessoa Camara, H. 3855 pesticide 1972 Jawa Barat 2408 PETA 1945 Blitar history insurrection Japanese occupation 226 Peters 3206 Petit Jean Roger, B. 3661 Petras, J. 3862 petrochemical industry Sumatera Selatan 1971/1972 report fertilizer industry Jambi 2149 petrochemical industry Sumatera Utara 1971/1972 report fertilizer industry 2149 petroleum industry history Netherlands 2618 petroleum industry South East Asia 1973 bibliography 3535 petroleum industry Sumatera 1969 2031 petroleum industry trade union 1905/1970 Indonesia PERBUM 309 petroleum industry training centre 1955 Indonesia 1955 petroleum industry 1941 collective volume air traffic Irian Jaya labour policy 145 petroleum industry 1963 Indonesia foreign enterprise 2555 petroleum industry 1972 Indonesia PERTAMINA 2611 petroleum industry 1973 Indonesia 2617 2622 petroleum South East Asia 3447 petroleum Tapanuli Selatan 1968 distribution network 2014 petroleum transport 1927 Indonesia legislation 2046 2048 petroleum 1972 Indonesia seminar data collecting natural gas 2604 Pfanner, M.R.H. 3454 Pfeffer, R.M. 3558 pharmaceutical index Indonesia 2668 2676 pharmaceutical industry public enterprise quinine 1964 Indonesia 1974 pharmacology UNAIR university 1963/1973 Indonesia 1473 pharmacology UNAIR university 1969 curriculum Indonesia 1216 Philippines adaptability Ifugao law 3591 Philippines annotated bibliography ethnography 3537 Philippines archives history library 3322 Philippines bibliography linguistics 3527 Philippines biography Bonifacio, A. Mabini, A. nationalism 3322 Philippines biography Luna, A. military 3322 Philippines biography Luna, J. painting 3322 Philippines church history 3328 Philippines civil rights history 3317 Philippines folk art Islam 3295 Philippines history 3305 3306 Philippines history mass communication 3307 Philippines morphology 3299 Philippines music 3296 Philippines photograph geography 3310 Philippines Pilar, M.H. del biography 3322 Philippines poetry Rizal, J.P. 3291 3292 Philippines political oppositie* biography Mabini y Maranan, A. 3294 Philippines politics Australia tiong Kong Japan Malaysia New Zealand Oceania 3464 Philippines politics 1898/1945 colonial history economics education 3318 Philippines politics 1900/1970 3330 Personal name — Organization - Geography — Descriptor 373 Philippines politics 1969 statement 3301 Philippines politics 1970 economie development 3312 Philippines politics 1971 3314 Philippines politics 1972 legislation law military 3342 Philippines population increase 3466 Philippines prehistory Tabon archaeology 3505 Philippines presidency 1972 Indonesia Australia foreign policy New Zealand 1058 Philippines Quezon, M.L. biography nationalism 3325 Philippines Singapore Thailand urbanization Vietnam bibliography Hong Kong Malaysia 3545 Philippines social and cultural anthropology Tasaday 1972 3329 Philippines social and cultural anthropology Tausug agression customary kw Islam 3332 Phil ippines social conflict agrarian structure Hukbalahap insurrection 3321 Philippines social psychology 1969 cultural factor 3300 Philippines social survey 3320 Philippines South East Asia culture interethnic relations 3483 Philippines subsistence farming marketing 3338 Philippines temple archaeology 3309 Philippines UN 1970 foreign policy 3326 Philippines USA 1898/1900 colonial history independence movement 3337 Philippines 1200/1900 history Maragtas 3304 Philippines 1898 independence movement 3331 Philippines 1898/1899 legislation nationalism 3339 Philippines 1898/1935 Chi nese minority group 3340 Philippines 1945/1970 industrial development manufacturing 3313 Philippines 1952/1960 Indonesia international relations Japan 3463 Philippines 1967/1970 economie development 3322 Philippines 1971 ASEAN Indonesia international relations Khmer Republic Malaysia 3440 Philippines 1971 migration 3327 Philippines 1972 bibliography folklore 3533 Philippines 1973 economie geography human geography 3344 Philippines 1973 employment policy 3343 Phillips, A.W. 3786 Phillips, M.B.H. 3481 philosophy Chinese literature 3350 philosophy Indonesia 1412 14133162 philosophy Indonesia Islam 1585 philosophy Indonesia Javanese Islam 1488 philosophy Indonesia law 1791 1827 philosophy Indonesia textbook 1414 1685 2833 philosophy Indonesia textbook ethics management 3127 philosophy Indonesia textbook Islam logic 3146 philosophy Islam Malaysia 1704 philosophy prehistory religion Indonesia 1675 philosophy religion Indonesia 1451 philosophy religious text Indonesia Buddhism 1543 philosophy religious text Indonesia Hinduism 1545 philosophy social and cultural anthropology 3606 philosophy 1972 Indonesia statement Islam 1686 Philpott, S.B. 3659 phonemics Macassarese 3067 phonetics Indonesian 2881 2882 phonetics Vietnamese English 3214 phonology American Indian Cuna 3728 phonology Indonesian 2858 2861 2904 phonology linguistics Malay 2897 phonology Lisu 3218 phonology Selepet 2874 phonology Thai 3209 phonology Tuamatuan 3381 physical anthropology archaeological site Hawaii 3586 physical anthropology Eastern Highlands 159 physical anthropology USA zoology 1971/1974 report botany geology museum 3881 physical anthropology 1972 Aboriginal Australia 3605 physical anthropology 1973 Aboriginal Australia genetics health Papua New Guinea 3428 physics UI university 1952/1953 curriculum Indonesia ma thematics 1173 Piarah, N. 2299 Piazza, H. 3571 Pichardo, G. Arroyo 3949 374 Index Pidgin English language 3375 Pidgin linguistics 2871 2890 Pidgin standardization dialect English Hawaii 3404 Pidie village 1972 report community development 666 Pieris, P.E. 3196 Pigeaud, T.G.T. 2837 Pilar, M.H. del biography Philippines 3322 Pindha, I.G.N. 1523 1614 Pindling, L.O. 3827 Pino Suarez, J.M. 3744 Pipitseputra, ps Muskens, M.P.M. 239 Pirenne, L.P.L. 3936 Pittman, R.S. 3323 PKI political party USSR Indonesia China PR foreign policy 1050 PKI political party USSR 1959/1965 Indonesia China PR foreign policy 1065 PKI political party 1965 resolution ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Selatan 1855 PKI political party 1971 document Indonesia 1043 PKI politics 1945/1965 curriculum Indonesia Gerakan 30 September 1965 1005 Plam,Y.Y. 3511 plant breeding rice agricultural extension Jawa Barat 2337 plant disease Bangka Lampung pepper 2354 plant disease Indonesia leguminous plant 2625 plant disease rubber Sumatera Utara 1971 conf 2385 plant disease vanilla Indonesia 2354 plant disease 1970 Indonesia meeting report disease control 2626 plant ecology 1898 3940 plant product Indonesia textbook clove 2398 plant production coconut food processing 3946 plant production public enterprise tobacco 1967 annual report Indonesia 2327 2328 plant production research policy rice 1973 Indonesia 2525 plant production rice Indonesia 2526 plant production rice 1971 forecast Indonesia 2096 plant production Sumatera Barat Tapanuli Selatan 1969 economie survey Kerinci 2343 plant production 1970/1971 project report Aceh agricultural project 2391 plant production 1973 Aceh Utara agricultural project 2520 plantation agrarian structure French Antilles land tenure 3662 plantation clove Jawa 2354 plantation Guyana Indian 3684 plantation Indonesia agrarian legislation 2354 n plantation Indonesia animal husbandry cow 2354 plantation Indonesia maize medical plant 2354 plantation political aspect Grenada 3684 plantation price Indonesia erop diversification market 2354 plantation private enterprise Riau Sumatera Barat Sumatera Utara 1972 Aceh Jambi 2460 plantation private enterprise Sumatera Utara 1973 meeting report 2517 plantation production cost Indonesia bank financial aspect light industry 2354 plantation public enterprise Semarang Sumatera Timur 1958 meeting report Bandung 2311 plantation public enterprise Sumatera 1972 exhibition 2421 plantation public enterprise 1962 progress report Jawa Timur 2314 plantation quinine rubber tea tobacco 1970 Indonesia cinnamon cocoa ginger nutmeg 2354 plantation railway Sumatera Timur 1883/1939 thesis economie development 2301 plantation research centre rubber Sumatera 1949/1952 meeting report 1953 plantation research centre rubber Sumatera 1958/1959 meeting report 1959 plantation research centre Sumatera 1958/1959 meeting report palm oil 1960 plantation rice Indonesia apple erop diversification kapok 2354 plantation rosella textile industry 1970 gunny Lampung 2359 plantation rubber Sumatera Timur 1957 meeting report 2310 plantation rubber 1969/1970 research result Aceh erop diversification 2382 plantation rubber 1970 Indonesia meeting report 2354 plantation social structure Caribbean Cuba farmer 3683 plantation sugar Barbados labour relations 3696 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 375 plantation Sulawesi Selatan 1970 food production 2355 plantation Sumatera 1960/1961 meeting report oilpalm 2313 plantation Sumatera 1971 annual report 2409 plantation Sumatera Timur agave oilpalm 2318 plantation Sumatera Timur 1956 meeting report oilpalm 2309 plantation Sumatera Utara trade union wage determination 1971 303 plantation Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition 2508 plantation textile fibre 1970 Lampung 2358 plantation tobacco 1973 Indonesia meeting report 2529 plantation trade West Indies 1720/1795 agricultural economics colonial history commerce 3611 plantation urban development Caribbean 3577 plantation wage rate 1971 Indonesia 318 plantation 1965 Indonesia economie doctrine foreign trade land reform 1985 plantation 1965 1966 1967 Indonesia statistical data horticulture 2389 plantation 1969 Indonesia agricultural management 2338 Platt, D.M.C. 3567 Plaza, S. de la 3820 Pleyte, M E. 1725 Ploeg, M. 3413 Pluvier, J.M. 3454 plywood Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise cocoa 2531 PNI political party 1968 Indonesia pamphlet 993 PNI political party 1970 congress Indonesia 1016 PNI political party 1970 Indonesia report Congress DPR MPR parliament 1014 PNI political party 1971 Indonesia election 1030 1036 1039 PNP political party 1938/1944 Jamaica nationalism 3684 Poeder, H. 2775 poetry Abadi Jihaty Malay 3026 poetry Abdullah, A.H. Acehnese Arif, A. 3088 poetry Abdulmuthalib, M. Acehnese Lamnjong, A. Nurdin, M.& 3074 poetry Acehnese 3069 poetry Acehnese Daud, M. 3070 poetry Acehnese Geureutee, N. 3080 poetry Acehnese Hasnah Kruengraja, R 3077 3081 poetry Acehnese history 3068 poetry Acehnese Kruengraja, R. 3071 3073 3076 3082 3090 poetry Acehnese Lamnjong, A. music 3079 poetry Alfalah, I. Malay 2971 poetry Ambahan Mindoro 3335 poetry anthology Indonesian 2957 poetry anthology Islam Malay _ 2969 poetry anthology Malay 2965 3020 3038 poetry Badui music 3057 poetry Hassan Ahmad, S. Malay 2954 poetry Indonesia Alter Ego 2766 poetry Indonesia Bachri, S.C. 3018 poetry Indonesia Eysma, CM. 2808 poetry Indonesia Michielsen, K.W.J. 2785 poetry Indonesian 3953 poetry Indonesian Damono, S.D. 2963 poetry Indonesian Hamzah, A. 2695 poetry Indonesian Jakarta Raya 2978 poetry Indonesian literary theory 3022 poetry Indonesian secondary education textbook 3101 poetry Javanese music 2814 poetry Johnson, L. New Guinea 150 poetry Malay Muhammad Hadji Salleh 3029 poetry Mexico Paz, O. 3786 poetry Philippines Balthasar, F. 3293 poetry Prijono Indonesian 2992 poetry primary education Malaysia 3265 poetry Rendra, W.S. Indonesian Ismail, T. 2803 poetry Rizal, J.P. Philippines 3291 3292 poetry Sadjin, K. Sundanese pantun 3064 poetry Said Zahari Malay 3035 poetry Samid, K. Sundanese pantun 3059 poetry Shamsuddin Ja'afar Sujak bin Rahiman Jaafar Husin, S. Malay 3036 poetry Singapore Malaysia 3289 poetry Subarma, K Sundanese pantun 3062 poetry Sundanese pantun Kamal, K. 3063 3065 3066 poetry Sundanese Tamadipura, KA. pantun 3060 3061 poetry Tatengkeng, J.E. Indonesian 2936 poetry 1945/1949 Aceh Acehnese Arif, A. history 3089 poetry 1972 anthology Indonesian 2839 Pohan, S. 2813 Pohan, S.M. 687 Pohing, M. 1593 Poitelon, J.C. 3526 Poizat, C. du 2361 376 Index Polak, J.B.A.F. Mayor 2916 police Netherlands 1968 Indonesia fiscal administration 1105 police 1972 statement delinquency Kalimantan Selatan 1804 political aspect CARIFTA 3684 political aspect Grenada plantation 3684 political aspect Indonesia administration of justice Islam 1800 political aspect race Trinidad and Tobago 3684 political aspect rural development 1960/1964 Indonesia 3456 political aspect rural development 1967 Indonesia 2535 political aspect social stratification 1945/1965 Islam Jawa 3456 political aspect sugar 1838/1904 economics Guyana 3670 political aspect USA Vietnam 1964/1965 conflict 3217 political aspect USA 1960/1961 conflict Laos 3217 political aspect USA 1962 conflict Cuba 3217 political behaviour Spanish 1939/1940 Mexico emigrant 3783 political behaviour teacher 1964 Indonesia statement 1192 political behaviour test 1966/1970 report civil servant Jakarta Raya 848 political behaviour USA Latin America economie relations Eastern Europe 3808 political behaviour Venezuela lower class 3714 political doctrine 1963 Indonesia constitution 972 political doctrine 1972 Indonesia constitution Orde Baru Pancasila 1806 political geography 1967/1972 Papua New Guinea 155 political ideology Central America history 3825 political ideology communism developing country independence movement nationalism 3571 political ideology curriculum Indonesia 1068 political ideology curriculum Indonesia Pancasila 992 1093 political ideology political participation Malaysia 3282 political ideology political party 1950 Netherlands NVB 3942 political ideology political party 1973 Indonesia GOLKAR 1085 political ideology political system collective volume British West Indies 3695 political ideology political theory collective volume Latin America 3824 3840 political ideology politics religion 1973 Indonesia Islam Pancasila 1070 political ideology religion 1973 Indonesia economics Islam Pancasila 1096 political ideology student 1960 Indonesia seminar Pancasila 1202 political ideology symbol Indonesia 3456 political ideology theatre 1945 Japanese occupation Javanese 2938 political ideology upper class Argentinia Brazil 3709 political ideology Yogyakarta 1971 local government 570 political ideology youth organization 1966 Indonesia Pancasila 1201 political ideology 1943/1944 Indonesia Japan 207 political ideology 1955 Indonesia Pancasila 959 political ideology 1960 Indonesia Manipol Usdek nationalism 3108 political ideology 1964/1965 Indonesia statement Pancasila 982 political ideology 1966 Indonesia ABRI armed forces Pancasila 1858 political ideology .1969 Indonesia 997 political ideology 1970 Indonesia ABRI armed forces Pancasila 1915 1916 1936 political ideology 1972 Indonesia ABRI armed forces 1939 political ideology 1973 Indonesia Asia foreign policy 1076 political ideology 1973 Indonesia Pancasila 1083 political ideology 1973 Indonesia statement Orde Baru 1078 political leadership political power 1965 collective volume Latin America 3802 political leadership social participation village 1957 thesis Jawa 352 political leadership Sumatera Barat 1968 meeting report customary law Minangkabau 70 political leadership 1943/1967 Latin America military 3875 political opposition biography Mabini y Maranan, A. Philippines 3294 political opposition 1972 Dominican Republic 3652 political participation Indonesia ABRI armed forces 1942 3456 Personal name - Organization - Geography — Descriptor 377 political participation Malaysia political ideology 3282 political participation Pontianak village local government 544 political participation Sumatera Barat 1973 statement 1066 political participation Tanah laut 1973 Congress MPR 1075 political participation Thailand Burma Korea R military Pakistan 1899 political participation Venezuela historiography marxism 3713 political participation youth - Jamaica 3684 political participation 1967 Indonesia Congress Christianity MPRS 990 political participation 1971 Indonesia meeting report Hinduism 1640 political party political system 1970 Indonesia 1010 political party political theory 1972 Indonesia nationalism 1045 political party politics social conflict Venezuela Catholicism 3711 political party politics 1966 resolution GOLKAR Kalimantan Selatan 985 political party politics 1970 Indonesia statement election 1021 political party politics 1970 statement Banjarmasin PARMUSI 1018 political party PSI 1953 constitution Indonesia 957 political party PSII 1966/1972 Indonesia report 1053 1055 political party PSII 1971/1972 Indonesia national budget 1041 political party PSII 1972 constitution Indonesia 1052 political party SI 1973 Indonesia 1064 political party social change urbanization Latin America military 3853 political party USSR Indonesia China PR foreign policy PKI 1050 political party USSR 1959/1965 Indonesia China PR foreign policy PKI 1065 political party 1926/1971 Indonesia NU 1038 political party 1938/1944 Jamaica nationalism PNP 3684 political party 1950 Netherlands NVB political ideology 3942 political party 1954/1956 Indonesia IPKI 960 political party 1965 GOLKAR ORMAS Kalimantan Selatan 980 political party 1965 Indonesia meeting report GOLKAR 976 political party 1965 ORMAS GOLKAR Kalimantan Selatan 977 979 980 political party 1965 resolution ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Selatan PKI 1855 political party 1968 constitution Indonesia Islam NU 991 political party 1968 Indonesia pamphlet PNI 993 political party 1968/1969 annual report Banjarmasin PARMUSI 1002 political party 1968/1969 Indonesia history PARMUSI 999 political party 1969 Indonesia training course NU 1004 political party 1969 1970 conf Banjarmasin PARMUSI 1012 political party 1969/1971 progress report Jawa Tengah NU 1084 political party 1970 conf Kalimantan Selatan PARMUSI 180 1013 political party 1970 congress Indonesia PNI 1016 political party 1970 Indonesia election Kalimantan Selatan PARMUSI 1019 political party 1970 Indonesia report Congress DPR MPR parliament PNI 1014 political party 1970 meeting report Banjarmasin NU 1015 political party 1971 conf election GOLKAR Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1029 political party 1971 constitution Indonesia GOLKAR 1026 political party 1971 document Indonesia PKI 1043 political party 1971 Indonesia election GOLKAR n 1035 political party 1971 Indonesia election PARMUSI 1040 political party 1971 Indonesia election PNI 1030 1036 1039 political party 1971 Indonesia NU 1037 political party 1972 training course DPRD GOLKAR Kalimantan Selatan parliament 1060 political party 1973 election Netherlands Antilles 3627 political party 1973 Indonesia GOLKAR political ideology 1085 political party 1973 Indonesia program me planning GOLKAR 1086 political power Indonesia Gerakan 30 September 1965 1042 political power Jamaica local government 3684 political power social class collective volume Latin America 3840 political power social history Asia China PR India Japan peasant 3944 378 Index political power USA 1965 collective volume Latin America international relations 3802 political power 1965 collective volume Latin America political leadership 3802 political science collective volume China India Indonesia Japan 3456 political science social sciences university UNPAD 1972 curriculum Indonesia 1365 political science war Indonesia textbook military history 3951 political system collective volume British West Indies political ideology 3695 political system Mexico local level 3771 political system public administration 1973 Latin America 3859 political system social psychology 1968 Indonesia economie development 995 political system 1970 Indonesia political party 1010 political theory Africa Asia dependence international relations marxism 3567 political theory collective volume Lflhiy America political ideology 3824 3840 political theory war future defence policy 1419 political theory 1971 Indonesia constitution Pancasila 1027 political theory 1972 Indonesia nationalism political party 1045 politics armed forces Indonesia 1007 politics Australia Hong Kong Japan Malaysia New Zealand Oceania Philippines 3464 politics CELAP Dominican Republic Haiti minority group 3653 politics collective volume Caribbean government 3684 politics collective volume Castro, F. Cuba economics nationalism 3640 politics constitutional law Guatemala 3739 politics history independence Nicaragua 3733 politics Indonesia 3464 politics Indonesia defence policy government 1848 politics Indonesia history 247 politics Indonesia history Islam nationalism 239 politics Indonesia Islam 3456 politics Latin America Caribbean indigenous population nationalism 3841 politics Latin America colonial history 3843 politics Latin America intellectual 3809 politics Latin America statistical data 3850 politics Mexico economics 3746 politics population social structure developing country development policy economics 3560 politics presidency Sulawesi Tenggara 1969 mission report government policy 435 politics presidency 1968 mission report Aceh government policy 71 politics priest Latin America church Golconda group 3822 politics public administration Indonesia decentralization economics local government 452 politics regional development 1964 Kalimantan Selatan 366 politics religion 1973 Indonesia Islam Pancasila political ideology 1070 politics rural development social structure Malagasy Rep 3431 politics Singapore Thailand Vietnam 3464 politics Singapore 1972 forecast 3284 politics social change Costa Rica 3731 politics social conflict Venezuela Catholicism political party 3711 politics social participation 1972 exhibition economie development Kalimantan Barat 675 politics social structure urbanization 1960/1970 Cuba economics education 3643 politics South East Asia 3448 politics statistical data Asia demography economics geography Oceania 3464 politics student 1965 Gerakan 30 September 1965 Kalimantan Selatan 368 politics student 1967 KAMI association Kaliman tan Selatan 115 politics student 1967 KAMI resolution association Kalimantan Selatan 986 politics student 1972 Indonesia literature military 2817 politics student 1973 Malaysia 3286 politics trade union Singapore international relations 284 politics Trinidad and Tobago economie development nationalism 3665 politics UNTEA 1963/1964 Indonesia statement government policy Irian Jaya 973 politics urbanization Latin America lower class 3869 politics USSR 1966 Latin America 3804 politics Venezuela 1900/1935 Caribbean Central America Colombia 3676 Personal name - Organization — Geography — Descriptor 379 politics Vietnam 1900/1945 collective volume Confucianism history nationalism 3243 politics Western Europe 1919/1940 3941 politics 1500/1970 history legal aspect Palestine 3438 politics 1600/1900 Costa Rica history 3730 politics 1839/1848 Indonesia history 231 politics 1898/1945 colonial history economics education Philippines 3318 politics 1900/1970 Mexico education history nationalism 3827 politics 1900/1970 Philippines 3330 politics 1940 colony France Pacific Islands 3423 politics 1945/1965 curriculum Indonesia Gerakan 30 September 1965 PKI 1005 politics 1945/1965 Indonesia 3923 politics 1945/1973 Indonesia seminar history independence movement 1079 politics 1954 statement Irian Jaya 1755 politics 1958 Indonesia statement 965 politics 1959 Dominican Republic economics education 3650 politics 1962 Cuba foreign policy 3635 politics 1962/1969 document Irian Jaya 998 politics 1963 history Malaysia 3253 politics 1965 Indonesia research result economie conditions 1988 politics 1966 Indonesia seminar ABRI armed forces defence policy economics 375 1862 politics 1966 resolution GOLKAR Kalimantan Selatan political party 985 politics 1966/1971 collective volume Indonesia economie development 1056 politics 1967 ABRI army Kalimantan Selatan 1867 politics 1967 Latin America development aid economie development 3800 politics 1968 Indonesia statement government policy 392 politics 1969 report legal status Irian Jaya 1001 politics 1969 statement Philippines 3301 politics 1970 economie development Philippines 3312 politics 1970 Indonesia economie policy 1024 politics 1970 Indonesia statement election political party 1021 politics 1970 statement ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Timur 1900 politics 1970 statement Banjarmasin PARMUSI political party 1018 politics 1971 Indonesia 1025 politics 1971 Indonesia statement government policy 566 politics 1971 Philippines 3314 politics 1972 Aboriginal Australia 3911 politics 1972 Indonesia statement government policy 1044 politics 1972 legislation law military Philippines 3342 politics 1973 conf Indonesia nationalism 2826 2828 2829 politics 1973 Indonesia statement government policy 904 1088 politics 1973 statement ABRI armed forces Kalimantan Selatan MPR 1091 Polynesia 1971 bibliography botany Micronesia Pacific Islands 3528 Poncet, A. 3415 Pond, E. 3232 Pondaag, W.S.T. 2687 Pondichery 1690/1789 archives 3184 Poniman 70 Pontianak port 1971 annual report public administration 2299 Pontianak resettlement rural area Sintang 1972 feasibility study community development 690 Pontianak Sambas village 1971/1972 statistical data community development 616 Pontianak village local government political participation 544 Popenoe, H. 3577 Popenoe, J. 3946 Poppino, R. 3840 population dynamics collective volume demography 3568 population dynamics social theory Jawa 2638 population dynamics youth 1972 Indonesia seminar statement 1360 population dynamics 1970 Mexico fertility internal migration manpower mortality 3751 population dynamics 2000 Indonesia projection education family planning ruture 1253 population increase Indonesia economie development environment 24 population increase Philippines 3466 population increase population policy 1963 demography Jawa 47 population increase population policy 1971 Indonesia meeting report 567 population increase urbanization Asia family planning food supply land use '3466 380 Index population increase 1968 Indonesia workshop food supply natural resources 2636 population map Mexico geographic distribution 3745 population policy 1963 demography Jawa population increase 47 population policy 1971 Indonesia community development family planning 2647 population policy 1971 Indonesia family planning 2648 population policy 1971 Indonesia meeting report population increase 567 population policy 1971 Latin America employment family planning 3835 population Quintana Roo 1970 statistical data census 3764 population school age population 1971/1991 projection Jakarta Raya manpower 472 population social structure developing country development policy economics politics 3560 population Sumatera Barat employment 100 population Sumatera Barat 1971 statistical data census 14 population Sumatera Selatan 1972 statistical data census 889 population Tamaulipas 1970 statistical data census 3763 population Veracruz 1970 statistical data census 3761 population Yucatan 1970 statistical data census 3762 population 1956 collective volume Indonesia 2 population 1968/1970 Mexico projection census 3749 population 1970 Latin America statistical data census 3829 population 1970 statistical data Campeche census 3760 population 1971 Indonesia statistical data census 22 23 26 782 population 1971 statistical data census Jawa Madura 13 population 1971 statistical data census Jawa Barat 34 57 population 1971 statistical data census Jawa Tengah 27 33 population 1971 statistical data census Jawa Timur 28 55 population 1971 statistical data census Kediri 15 population 1971 statistical data census Maluku 144 population 1972 Indonesia statistical data census 32 population 1972 statistical data census Jawa Madura 66 population 1972 statistical data census Jawa Tengah 65 port project report public administration Banjarmasin 2256 port public enterprise 1970/1971 progress report Bengkalis 2093 port public works ship 1971 Indonesia job description 526 port regional cooperation 1970 ECAFE infrastructure 2051 port rehabilitation 1971/1972 Cirebon 2196 port Repelita I Sabang 1969/1973 development plan 2013 port Repelita / 1971/1972 Cirebon 2195 port Repelita 11972/1979 Cirebon 2253 port safety fire control Jakarta Utara 2217 port Samarinda 1971/1972 annual report public administration 2179 port sea transport tariff 1973 Indonesia customs 2211 2251 2252 2302 2303 port sea transport 1925 Indonesia legislation 2049 port sea transport 1925/1940 Indonesia legislation 2294 port sea transport 1969 Indonesia legislation 2035 port sea transport 1971 Indonesia report foreign aid 2075 port sea transport 1972 research result Aceh 2111 port sea transport 1973 Indonesia freight rate 2211 port Semarang 1971 annual report public administration 2172 port storage tariff Ujungpandang 1971 2064 port Sumatera 1972 meeting report public administration 2127 port technical assistance 1971 Indonesia Netherlands 2102 port transport policy 1971 Cirebon 2101 port urban planning 1965/1985 Jakarta Utara 1997 port Willemstad economie geography 3616 port 1954 regulation Medan 1954 port 1955 regulation Jakarta Utara 1956 port 1967 research result Aceh economie development 2001 port 1968 development policy Kendari 2004 port 1969 regulation Jakarta Utara 2022 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 381 port 1969 1970 annual report public administration Banjarmasin 2039 port 1970 annual report public | administration Palembang 2082 port 1970 expert report industrial economics Jakarta Utara 2044 port 1970 regulation Jakarta Utara 2038 port 1971 annual report public administration Cirebon 2083 port 1971 annual report public administration Palembang 2161 port 1971 annual report public administration Pontianak 2299 port 1971 annual report public administration Ujungpandang 2163 port 1971 1972 regulation Jakarta Utara 2077 port 1972 annual report public administration Cirebon 2162 port 1972 annual report public administration Palembang 2240 port 1972 budget Palembang 2110 port 1972 feasibility study Donggala 2144 port 1972 Jakarta Utara 2183 port 1972/1974 Indonesia meeting report budget infrastructure 2128 port 1973 feasibility study Donggala 2226 Portes, A. 3868 3869 Portugal trade relations 1500/1800 Asia 3236 Portugal United Kingdom 1700/1770 Brazil international trade 3950 Portugal 1500/1700 archives Asia colonial history 3474 Portugese comparative linguistics Maluku Tengah Malay 2924 Portugese morphology 3707 Portugese wordlist borrowing Maluku 3147 Poso village 1971/1972 statistical data Banggai community development Donggala 617 Pospisil, L. 3592 Post, K.W.J. 3684 postal service dictionary English Malay 2929 postal service telecommunication 1968 Indonesia planning 2567 postal service telecommunication 1968 Indonesia planning foreign aid 2579 postal service telecommunication 1968 planning Jawa 2568 Postma, A. 3335 Potaminianos, D. 3661 poultry production increase Indonesia extension service 2380 poverty town Guatemala 3741 Powelson, J.P. 3809 power resources 1968 Indonesia 2560 power resources 1969 Indonesia development policy electricity 397 Pozas, I.H. de 3765 Pozas, R. 3765 practical studies student 1973 Indonesia pilot project 1461 Pradjapangarsa, W.H. 1530 Pradjudi 1881 Pradopo. T.S. 1456 Prajitno, P. 683 Prajogo, M.J. 271 Prajoto 2559 Prakash, V. 3461 Prakrit Sanskrit catalogue India Pali 3522 Pramudarjono 2300 Pramudjono, R.G. 200 Pramutadi, S. 1462 Pranoto, W E. 2407 Praptokusumo, S. 1839 Prasadja, A.B. 726 Prasetyo, J.T. 1820 Prasodjo, S. 1664 Pratikto, H. 2949 Pratomo, R. 302 Prats, Y. 3431 Prawiraatmadja, A. 1905 1919 1922 Prawiraatmadja, S. 4 Prawiradilaga, KJ. 2 Prawiranegara, A.S. 684 Prawiranegara, S. 995 1079 1678 1996 2696 Prawiranegara, S. biography 2682 Prawiro, R. 1056 1862 2188 2189 2818 Prawirodihardjo, S. 1056 Prawirodihardjo, T. 1205 Prawirohardjo, S. 2 11 2107 2636 2696 Prawirosubroto, S. 1283 Prawirosudirdjo, G. 567 1219 1253 Prawirosuparto 2814 Prawoto, BV 2481 Prawotohadikusumo, S. 875 Prayitno, S. 2515 Prebisch, R. 3820 prehistory America archaeology 3601 prehistory ecology 3587 prehistory religion Indonesia philosophy 1675 prehistory Sabah 122 prehistory Tabon archaeology Philippines 3505 prehistory Thailand Indonesia mission report 208 Premdas, R.R. 3671 Prentice, D.J. 2887 382 Index preschool education primary education special education 1972/1973 annual report Jawa Timur 1440 presidency Indonesia constitutional law 931 presidency security Sulawesi Tenggara 1969 1893 presidency Sulawesi Tenggara 1969 mission report government policy politics 435 presidency 1968 Indonesia Congress constitutional law MPR 1773 presidency 1968 mission report Aceh government policy politics 71 presidency 1972 Indonesia Australia foreign policy New Zealand Philippines 1058 presidency 1973 Indonesia statement 803 934 presidency 1973/1974 Indonesia national budget 1126 press Indonesia pamphlet journalist 1197 press trial 1966 Indonesia statement 1771 press university UNPAD 1973 almanac Indonesia 1403 press vocational training 1971 Banjarmasin 1280 press 1930/1940 Indonesia history 229 press 1966 conf Indonesia 1200 press 1966 Indonesia legislation 1769 press 1969 Indonesia government policy 1228 press 1970 congress Indonesia 1247 press 1970 Indonesia meeting report 1251 press 1971 Indonesia meeting report 1269 press 1972 congress Indonesia 1337 press 1972 Indonesia meeting report 1324 press 1972 Indonesia report industrial enterprise industrial equipment 1353 Prewett, V. 3750 Pribadi, A. 553 Pribadi, S. 1219 Price, A. Grenfell 3910 price control price policy rice 1970 Indonesia 2059 price Indonesia erop diversification market plantation 71 306 548 price list 1972 Indonesia development project 592 price policy rice 1970 Indonesia price control 2059 price 1968 1969 Indonesia statistical data food economics 427 priest Latin America church Golconda group politics 3822 Prijono Indonesian poetry 2992 Prijosudarmo, S. 71 306 primary education Indonesia Islam 3112 primary education secondary education 1971 Indonesia catalogue library 2721 primary education special education 1972/1973 annual report Jawa Timur preschool education 1440 primary education teacher training curriculum Indonesia 3149 primary education teacher training Indonesia 3148 primary education teaching material 1971 Indonesia 1277 primary education teaching method Indonesia 1238 primary education teaching method thesis Malaysia 3255 primary education 1968 curriculum Islam Jakarta Raya 1210 primary education 1971 Indonesia seminar curriculum educational development 1284 primary education 1973 Indonesia dropout enrolment 1397 primary school 1972 educational development Jawa Timur 1297 primary school 1973 Indonesia meeting report educational development 1398 1399 Prinet, J. 3526 Pringgoadisurjo, L. 1463 3964 Pringgobroto, S. 1249 Pringgoutomo, S. 1327 PTinBvJ. 1732 Prins Winkel, AC. 3626 printing industry Semarang IKIP 1338 printing industry Sumatera Utara 1973 catalogue 2742 printing industry 1922/1972 Indonesia Catholic church 2174 printing industry 1952 Indonesia catalogue 2711 2712 2713 printing industry 1954 exhibition Indonesia 2813 printing industry 1954 Indonesia catalogue 2714 prison Vietnam R war military 3223 private education Indonesia diploma 1180 private education 1969 Indonesia Islam 1562 private enterprise Riau Sumatera Barat Sumatera Utara 1972 Aceh Jambi plantation 2460 private enterprise Sumatera Utara 1973 manufacturing 2248 Personal name - Organization — Geography — Descriptor 383 private enterprise Sumatera Utara 1973 meeting report plantation 2517 private enterprise trade policy 1964 Indonesia 1975 private enterprise 1971 Indonesia dismissal labour legislation 302 private investment Caribbean 3691 private investment USA Latin America 3798 3799 private investment USA 1959/1960 Cuba 3630 Priyosudarmo, S. 764 2133 processing rice Indonesia marketing 2481 processing rubber Indonesia 2088 Proctor, J.H. 3684 Proctor, Jr., J.H. 3695 Prodjodikoro, W. 2696 Prodjokusumo, H.S. 1589 Prodjomiseno, S. 1442 Prodjosujitno, R.N. 42 production cost Indonesia bank financial aspect light industry plantation 2354 production increase Indonesia extension service poultry 2380 production increase rice Indonesia agricultural project 2345 production increase rice 1968 agricultural production Kalimantan Selatan 2332 production increase rice 1968/1969 comparative analysis Jawa Barat 2348 production increase rice 1972 Indonesia agricultural project 2403 2438 2444 production increase rice 1972/1973 report agricultural production Bali 2540 production increase seed 1972 Indonesia progress report 2401 production increase 1972 Indonesia food production 2428 production public administration rice South East Asia 1973 agricultural project 3449 production Repelita 11971 exhibition Indonesia commodity national plan 2499 production rice vegetable erop 1972 Indonesia agricultural project horticulture 2437 production vegetable erop 1972 Indonesia leguminous plant maize 2394 productivity rice 1973 sawab survey Aceh Tenggara land utilization 2486 productivity 1973 Indonesia seminar agricultural development agricultural engineering 2513 programme planning university 1973 Indonesia meeting report 1462 programme planning 1970 Indonesia development plan 457 programmed instruction Indonesia textbook 3160 prostitution 1969 social survey Jakarta Pusat Jakarta Selatan Jakarta Utara 426 Protestant church American biography Hawaii missionary 3376 Protestant church family hygiëne 2635 Protestant church Indonesia 1536 1553 Protestant church Kalimantan Selatan old age benefit 1491 Protestant church religious mission Caribbean Dutch history 3672 Protestant church religious mission 1855/1960 Indonesia health service 2649 Protestant church religious mission 1973 annual report Netherlands 1674 Protestant church Sulawesi Tenggara Sulawesi Utara 1900/1967 1586 Protestant church worship Batak 1600 Protestant church 1942/1945 Indonesia Japanese occupation 1486 Protestant church 1969 conf GBIS Indonesia 1557 Protestant church 1969 Indonesia meeting report 147 Protestant church 1972 directory Indonesia 1711 Protestant church 1973 annual report Indonesia 1674 Protestantism religious practice Indonesia 1531 1583 1596 Protestantism theatre Indonesia 2964 prototype 1971 project report Bandung housing 504 Proum, I. 3233 Provencher, R. 3262 PRRI/Permesta ABRI armed forces history insurrection 1851 PRRI/Permesta Indonesia textbook military history insurrection 1920 PRRI/Permesta 1957/1960 Indonesia insurrection 969 PSI 1953 constitution Indonesia political party 957 PSII 1966/1972 Indonesia report political party 1053 1055 PSII 1971/1972 Indonesia national budget political party 1041 PSII 1972 constitution Indonesia political party 1052 psychiatry Indonesia mental disease 2662 psychiatry Indonesia textbook health service 2664 384 Index psychiatry Indonesia thesis child care 2666 psychiatry Repelita II1974/1979 Indonesia national plan 2663 psychological aspect Indonesia economie development 6 psychological aspect Indonesia education 1339 psychological aspect Indonesia individual 2628 psychological aspect race Caribbean cultural factor Negro 3684 psychology higher education Indonesia textbook Islam 3152 psychology Indonesia crime 1808 psychology Indonesia textbook 1248 1355 1466 3129 psychology Indonesia textbook military science 1892 psychology religion Indonesia 1713 psychology youth Indonesia 1260 Puar, J.A. 350 public accounting Indonesia textbook financial administration 383 1163 2066 public accounting 1974/1972 BPK Indonesia report 621 public administration Auckland, Lord colony India 3179 public administration bureaucracy Colombia 3725 public administration Commonwealth Caribbean development policy 3680 public administration Indonesia civil servant labour legislation personnel management 2224 public administration Indonesia civil servant local government 571 public administration Indonesia comparative analysis 2286 public administration Indonesia constitutional law 2208 public administration Indonesia decentralization economics local government politics 452 public administration Indonesia local government 873 public administration Indonesia management 502 public administration Indonesia textbook law 1812 public administration public relations Indonesia 382 public administration Repelita 11971 Indonesia thesis national plan 503 public administration rice South East Asia 1973 agricultural project production 3449 public administration sea transport 1973 Indonesia management 2265 public administration sea transport 1973 Indonesia planning 2262 2263 public administration Sulawesi Selatan 1972 local government 681 public administration Sumatera Barat 1973 meeting higher education 882 public administration Sumatera Barat 1973/1974 higher education 1373 public administration Sumatera Selatan 1971/1972 mission report DPR 683 public administration training 1874/1969 CIBA Indonesia MOSVIA OSVIA history 398 public administration United Kingdom Caribbean 3684 public administration Yogyakarta 1951 curriculum civil servant information service 339 public administration 1950/1971 Indonesia DEP P&K management ministry 575 public administration 1966/1968 legislation Irian Jaya local government 405 public administration 1967 Indonesia civil service 378 public administration 1968 Indonesia efficiency 394 public administration 1968 Indonesia textbook DEPHANKAM ministry 1873 public administration 1969 curriculum Indonesia ABRI armed forces civil servant 402 public administration 1970 Hulu Sungai Tengah local government 495 501 public administration 1970 Indonesia DEPHANKAM ministry 1903 public administration 1970 Indonesia economie development 496 public administration 1971 textbook commerce correspondence Malaysia 2295 public administration 1971/1972 mission report Bengkulu DPRR Kalimantan Tengah Lampung 683 public administration 1972 comparison Jawa Barat Jawa Tengah local government 953 public administration 1972 Indonesia DEPLU efficiency ministry 1046 public administration 1973 Indonesia customs 1150 public administration 1973 Latin America political system 3859 public enterprise quinine 1964 Indonesia pharmaceutical industry 1974 Descriptor 385 Personal name - Organization - Geography - public enterprise rubber 1972 Banjar 2180 public enterprise Semarang Sumatera Timur 1958 meeting report Bandung plantation 2311 public enterprise sugar industry 1968 Indonesia report 2006 public enterprise Sumatera 1972 exhibition plantation 2421 public enterprise Sumatera Utara survey 113 public enterprise Surabaya 1963 local government budget 364 public enterprise tobacco 1967 annual report Indonesia plant production 2327 2328 public enterprise 1959/1970 Indonesia project report agricultural mechanization 2384 public enterprise 1960 Indonesia legislation 1759 public enterprise 1960/1966 Indonesia research result budgeting efficiency 2009 public enterprise 1962 progress report Jawa Timur plantation 2314 public enterprise 1966/1970 PERHUTANI statistical data forestry Jawa Timur 2430 public enterprise 1968 annual report Indonesia PERHUTANI forestry 2344 public enterprise 1970 annual report PERHUTANI forestry Jawa Barat 2369 public enterprise 1970 annual report PERHUTANI forestry Kalimantan Selatan 2370 public enterprise 1970/1971 progress report Bengkalis port 2093 public enterprise 1970/1971 progress report Jakarta Raya 558 public enterprise 1971 brochure Banjarmasin 2067 public enterprise 1971 Indonesia PERHUTANI statistical data forestry 2390 public enterprise 1971 PERHUTANI forest production Jawa Timur 2402 public enterprise 1971 PERHUTANI statistical data forestry Jawa Timur 2431 public enterprise 1972 annual report Indonesia electric power 2621 public enterprise 1972 annual report PERHUTANI forestry Jawa Tengah 2476 public enterprise 1972 annual report PERHUTANI forestry Jawa Timur marketing 2405 public enterprise 1972 annual report PERHUTANI forestry Kalimantan Tengah 2413 public enterprise 1972 meeting report PERHUTANI forestry Jawa Tengah 2399 public enterprise 1973 PERHUTANI budget forestry Kalimantan Selatan 921 public finance Indonesia 2074 public finance Indonesia textbook administrative aspect legal aspect 2071 public finance 1900/1965 Mexico national income 3755 public finance 1949 East Indonesia legislation national budget 1098 public finance 1971 Indonesia 1113 public law legislation Pacific Islands USA 3374 public opinion Repelita 11973 Indonesia national plan 636 public relations collective volume Indonesia 2034 public relations Indonesia public administration 382 public works regional development Sulawesi 1970/1971 2594 public works ship 1971 Indonesia job description port 526 public works 1970/1971 development project Jawa 2595 public works 1971 Indonesia budgeting 576 public works 1971/1972 report Bengkulu 97 public works 1972/1973 Indonesia 2615 publication Singapore 1971 bibliography Brunei government Malaysia 3532 publication UN catalogue 3925 publication 1972/1973 catalogue OAS 3929 publicity 1959/1969 Indonesia 1231 publisher science Indonesia training course 1416 Puchinger, G. 2618 Pudja, G. 1650 Pudjawijatna, I R. 2833 Pudjokusumo, B.P.H. 39 Pudjosubroto, R.S. 200 Puerto Rican USA acculturation education interethnic relations migration 3648 Puerto Rico religion 3683 Puerto Rico social and cultural anthropology cultural change 3647 386 Index Puerto Rico social change agrarian reform individual 3693 Puerto Rico social change culture 3648 Puerto Rico technical education 1948/1958 industrial extension 3645 Puerto Rico 1970 general study 3646 Puk ui, M. Kawena 3406 pulp and paper industry Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Tengah 1971/1972 report 2080 pulp and paper industry Sulawesi Tenggara 1971/1972 report 2080 pulp and paper industry 1971 Indonesia meeting report 2062 pulp and paper industry 1971/1972 report Kalimantan Selatan 2148 Pulungan, A. 1415 Pulungan, S.M. 2014 Puluwat dictionary 3518 Puluwat folk tale Pacific Islands 3388 Punyatmadja, I.B.O. 1616 1640 1641 1644 2867 pupil social participation 1968 Indonesia Islam 1537 pupil teacher recruitment 1969/1971 Indonesia aptitude 1387 pupil 1970 Indonesia workshop health service 2643 Puradimadja, S. 810 Puradiredja, H.K. 2696 Purawidjaja, S. 2736 Purba, R. 700 725 1056 1881 Purbah, S.S. 2295 Purbakawatja, S. 47 135 Purbaningrat 1194 Purbatjaraka 1171 2848 Purbawijaga, S.P. 1706 Purbo, H. 389 Purbo Hadiwidjojo, M.M. 2026 2605 Purbolingga 1969/1970 progress report local government 484 Purbopranoto, K. 2696 Purcal, J.T. 3277 Purcell, D.C. 3407 Purnell, Jr., H.C. 3514 Purwadadi 437 Purwanti K. 2094 Purwodihardjo, R.S. 2201 Purwodihardjo, S. 2643 Purwono, P.H. 3047 Purworedjo 1955 meeting report DPRDS parliament 343 Purworedjo 1956 meeting report DPRDS parliament 347 348 Purworedjo 1960 meeting report DPRD parliament 355 356 357 358 Purworihardjo, S. 11 Purwosutjipto, H.M.N. 1499 Puspasari, M. 810 Puspojudo, W. 976 Pusponegoro, S.D. 2636 Pusponoto, S. 1760 Puspoprodjo, R.C. 3131 Puteh, O. 3024 Putera, A.A.G. 527 647 834 Putigny, B. 3416 Putroe Ansari 3084 Q QaderLAH. 1577 Qazwaini Abu Dja'far Umar 1645 Qismany, A. 1492 Qomar, M. 1968 Qosim, S. 989 Quah Swee Lan 3535 Queljoe, D.H. de 2865 Quelraz, M.I. Pereira de 3585 Quevara, S. 3339 Quezon, M. 3318 Quezon, M.L. biography nationalism Philippines 3325 Quiason, S.D. 3322 Quiche semantics Tzotzil Yucatec Chamula Chorti Chuj ethnolinguistics Jacaltec Maya 3867 quinine rubber tea tobacco 1970 Indonesia cinnamon cocoa ginger nutmeg plantation 2354 quinine 1964 Indonesia pharmaceutical industry public enterprise 1974 Quinn, M.A. 3875 Quintana Roo statistical data census population 3764 Quintero, C. 3949 Quintos, R.N. 3322 Quirarte, J. 3872 Quirino, C. 3293 3325 Quirk, R.E. 3750 Quoc Ngu 3243 Quraishi, A I. 1617 R Raalte, E. van 3954 Raan, E. van 3926 race British West Indies 3674 race Caribbean cultural factor Negro psychological aspect 3684 race relations Caribbean 3681 3692 race relations collective volume British West Indies cultural property 3694 race relations dependence New Guinea Pacific Islands 3967 race relations Jamaica 3684 race relations social stratification Caribbean ethnic factor 3683 race relations sociology Guyana 3669 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 387 race relations Trinidad and Tobago election nationalism 3667 race relations 1800/1900 Jamaica 3555 race relations 1970 Cuba 3632 race Trinidad and Tobago political aspect 3684 Rachim 58 Rachim, R.S.D.A. 268 Rachmad, A. 3102 Rachman, A.M. 976 Rachmat, B. 71 racial conflict Surinam 1972 3621 racial policy 1970 education income Malaysia 3257 Radaza, F.R. Demetrio y 3533 Raden, A.M. 847 Radin Intan II 1835/1856 biography history Lampung 241 radio teaching aid 1973 expert report Indonesia 1395 radio technical education curriculum Indonesia 2291 radio 1900/1925 Indonesia memoirs 2776 Radja, B. 2343 Radja, V.T. 2559 2583 2591 2601 Radjab, M. 1913/1928 biography Minangkabau 2948 Radjimin 1056 Radjtno, A.J. 2361 Radyomardowo, M.B. 3043 Rafar Wan A. 3020 Raffae, A. 122 Raffel, B. 2803 Raffles, T.S. biography 2703 Ragatz, L.J. 3675 Rahajeng, K. 3151 Rahardja, S. 1097 Rahardjo, F.X. 1881 Rahardjo, J. 567 Rahardjo, K. 2515 Rahiman Sujak bin 1704 2844 2981 3001 3029 3036 3040 3268 Rahman, A. 3440 Rahman, A.A. 3024 Rahman, AD. 1593 Rahman Hassan 2983 Rahmat, Q. 1645 2689 2691 2693 2694 Rai, I.B. 1578 Raidt, E.H. 3883 railway Indonesia bridge Cilacap 2606 railway Sumatera Timur 1883/1939 thesis economie development plantation 2301 railway transport road transport 1966 Indonesia report 2289 railway transport 1967 Indonesia statistical data 2288 railway United Kingdom 1895/1902 Burma China colonialism France 3459 Rais, M.A. 989 Raja Mukhtariddin Dain 2888 Rajadhan, P.A. biography 3209 Rajagukguk, F.M.T. 818 1155 Rajakumar, M.K. 3035 Rajaratnam, A. 3258 Ra ja rat nam, S. 3440 Raka, A.A.G. 1641 1644 Rakoto Ratsimamanga, A. 3433 Raksakusumah, S. 222 1219 3027 Raliby, O. 1665 Rama II 3248 Ramali, A. Reksohadiprodjo, I. Sedijatmo, R.M. biography Hatta, M. Johannes, H. 2710 Ramelan 882 Ramelan, R. 686 Rameli 1881 Ramlee, P. biography 3285 Ramli, M. 3152 Ramli, M.T. 1881 Ramos Shahani, L.V. 3310 Ramphal, S.S. 3695 Randrianarivelo, R. 3526 Rands, R L. 3832 Ranggoani, I. 2536 Rangkuti, B. 1372 1655 1733 1937 Ranis, G. 3755 3823 Ranuwidjojo, S. 1183 Ranuwihardjo, S. 328 793 2029 Rao, A.N. 3258 Rao, K.N. 2107 Rappaport, A. 3501 Rappaport, R.A. 3501 3591 Ras, S. 102 Rasjid, AK. 2696 Rasjid, M. 2133 Rasjid, N. 1308 1309 Rasjid, S.H. al 87 Rasjid, S M. 2696 Rasjid Harun al 1773 Rasjidi 1219 Rasjidi, M. 1664 1715 1725 1734 1779 Rasman, W. 2033 Rasmusson, R. 3894 Rasuanto, B. 2841 Rasul, O. 3024 Rathmann, L. 3571 Rathomy, M.A. 1697 Ratiadi S. 2957 Ratjani, R.A.S. 960 Ratsimamanga, A Rakoto 3433 Ratu Langie, G.S.S.I. Indonesia biography nationalism 2687 Raveau, F. 3661 Raven, P.H. 3867 388 Index Raven Hart, R. 3883 raw material rubber small scale industry 1972 Indonesia industrial estate 2118 Rawin, M. 1881 Ray, T.F. 3714 Razafintsalama, G. 3526 Razak, N. 1698 1772 Razak, N.A. 989 Razidun, S. 1872 rebellion Aljure, D. Colombia 3718 rebellion Trinidad and Tobago 1970 3684 rebellion Venezuela document Colombia Guatemala Latin America 3851 Rebo, D.A. 622 Reclus, A. 3726 Red Cross youth 1954 Indonesia 2627 Red Cross 1971/1973 report Banjarmasin 333 Red Cross 1972 report Banjarmasin 313 Redmana, H R. 2239 Reed, E. van 3407 Reed, E.K. 3832 Reed, J. 3750 Reeves, W.P. 3458 reference book Asia bibliography 3531 reference book 1736/1834 bibliography British Caribbean 3675 reference material SALALM 1973 conf Port of Spain library science 3871 3873 3874 reforestation 1969 conf Lampung 2J52 reforestation 1969 conf Lampung land utilization 2592 reforestation 1972 survey erosion control Gorontalo 2609 regional cooperation Caribbean 3552 regional cooperation Central America 3552 regional cooperation Latin America 3552 regional cooperation Singapore Malaysia 3552 regional cooperation 1970 ECAFE infrastructure port 2051 regional development religion 1972 seminar Kalimantan Selatan 765 regional development Repelita I Sulawesi Tenggara 1969/1973 385 regional development Repelita I Sumatera Barat 1969/1970 report 415 480 regional development Repelita I Sumatera Barat 1969/1973 report 598 757 regional development Repelita I Sumatera Utara 1971 report 531 regional development Repelita I Sumatera Utara 1972/1973 report 885 2254 regional development Repelita I Yogyakarta 1972/1973 annual report 679 regional development Repelita 11969 progress report Blora 485 regional development Repelita I 1969/1970 report Jambi 468 regional development Repelita I 1969/1971 progress report Jawa Timur 758 regional development Repelita I 1969/1973 Aceh Tengah 433 regional development Repelita I 1969/1973 Banjarmasin 443 regional development Repelita I 1969/1973 project report Cianjur 399 regional development Repelita I 1969/1974 statistical data Aceh Besar 829 regional development Repelita I 1970/1971 project report Jawa Timur 711 regional development Repelita I 1970/1971 report Kalimantan Selatan 471 regional development Repelita II Sumatera Selatan 1974/1979 economie development 774 regional development Repelita II urban planning 1972 research Aceh drinking water 101 regional development Repelita II1972 research Aceh 706 718 719 regional development Repelita II1973 Jakarta Raya 824 825 regional development Repelita II 1974/1979 Asahan 772 773 802 regional development Repelita II 1974/1979 Irian Jaya 914 regional development South East Asia university 1972 814 regional development Sulawesi 1970/1971 public works 2594 regional development Sumatera Selatan tax 1972 Bengkulu Jambi Lampung 108 regional development Sumatera Utara textile industry 1973 preliminary report 2270 regional development Sumatera Utara 1961/1964 report 372 regional development Sumatera Utara 1973 food production 2482 regional development Tapanuli Utara 1967/1972 progress report 768 regional development welfare 1972 progress report family Jember 712 regional development Yogyakarta 1972/1973 727 729 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 389 regional development 1958 Kebumen 353 regional development 1964 Kalimantan Selatan politics .366 regional development 1968 Indonesia preliminary report development resources 386 regional development 1969/1972 progress report Jember 759 regional development 1969/1973 plan of operation Jember 629 regional development 1970 news item Kalimantan Selatan 456 regional development 1971 seminar Cirebon 2097 regional development 1971/1972 Hulu Sungai Utara national budget 513 regional development 1972 Irian Jaya 162 regional development 1972 Islam Kalimantan Se la tan 1703 regional development 1972 mission report Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah 630 regional development 1972 seminar cattle production Kalimantan Selatan 713 regional development 1972 seminar Kalimantan Selatan 643 646 764 776 897 2133 regional development 1972 seminar Kerinci 723 regional development 1973 Asahan coastal fishing 2494 regional development 1973 exhibition Asahan hydroelectric power 790 regional development 1973 report Lampung 787 regional development 1973/1974 local government Bukittinggi national budget 1119 regional language Gorontalo morphology 2880 regional plan Repelita I Simalungun 1969/1974 444 regional plan Repelita / Tapanuli Utara 1972/1975 754 regional plan Repelita 11969/1974 Aceh 492 regional plan Repelita 11972/1975 Karo 753 regional plan Sabang 1963 industrial estate 1973 regional plan Sumenep 1970 452 regional plan tourism 1968 Bali 389 regional plan 1969/1994 DPRD Nusa Tenggara Timur parliament 946 948 regional plan 1970/1972 Indonesia national budget 678 regional plan 1971/1975 Indonesia national budget 674 regional planning rural area 1972 Jawa Tengah 721 regional planning Sulawesi 1972 agriculture Kalimantan 2425 regional planning Sulawesi Selatan Sumatera Selatan 1971 Jambi Jawa Barat Kalimantan Timur 563 regional planning Sulawesi Selatan 1973 report Kalimantan Timur 950 regional planning Sumatera Barat 1970/1971 local government 491 regional planning Sumatera Barat 1972/1973 local government 756 regional planning Wanganui 1971 New Zealand 3909 regional planning 1969 Indonesia report training course 1221 2033 regional planning 1971/1972 Magetan 692 regional planning 1972 agriculture Bali Jawa 2426 regional planning 1972 Ngawi 730 regional planning 1973 report Aceh Bali Jawa Timur Kalimantan Selatan 950 rehabilitation rubber small scale industry 1972 Indonesia industrial estate 2116 rehabilitation sea transport 1971 feasibility study Indonesia merchant marine 2103 rehabilitation 1971/1972 Cirebon port 2196 Reid, L.A. 3311 Reifler Bricker, V. 3867 Reina, R E. 3591 Reinhorn, M. 3516 Reisinger, L. 3350 Rejab 2981 Rejab F.I. 3020 Reksodipuro, S. 1022 Reksohadiprodjo, I. Sedijatmo, R.M. biography Hatta, M. Johannes, H. RamaIi,A. 2710 Reksohadiprodjo, S. 328 Reksoprodjo 3119 Reksoputranto, S. 2754 Reksosudarmo, S. 2276 Reksosumitro, L. 2605 Reksowardojo, H. 2407 2469 religion Bali 1720 religion chotbah Indonesia Islam 1568 1593 1679 religion dawah Indonesia Islam 1645 religion dawah Indonesia statement Islam '1743 religion fiqih Indonesia tauhid Islam law 1577 390 Index religion Indonesia administration of justice family law marriage 1824 religion Indonesia biography Islam 1680 religion Indonesia Buddhism 1661 1662 religion Indonesia Christianity 1705 religion Indonesia economie development 294 religion Indonesia fiqih tasawuf tauhid Islam law mysticism 1697 religion Indonesia Hinduism 1722 religion Indonesia Islam 1485 1507 1632 1729 religion Indonesia philosophy 1451 religion Indonesia philosophy prehistory 1675 religion Indonesia primary education textbook Islam 1558 1559 religion Indonesia psychology 1713 religion Indonesia secondary school textbook Islam 3121 religion Indonesia statement Islam 1569 religion Indonesia tauhid Islam 1656 1708 religion Jamaica 3683 religion kebatinan Javanese 1735 religion Puerto Rico 3683 religion social and cultural anthropology Asia Oceania 3467 religion social and cultural anthropology messianism 3585 religion social and cultural anthropology Oceania 3385 religion social and cultural anthropology symbol theory myth 3580 religion social participation collective volume adaptability art family ideology magie 3591 religion social participation Thailand 3209 religion South East Asia tribe group relations 3450 religion student 1967 Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1532 religion Sumatera Barat 1800/1925 bibliography 1737 religion Surinam animism Negro 3612 religion symbol Bali Hinduism 1524 1544 religion temple Bali Hinduism 1628 religion 1945/1952 Japan 3363 religion 1967 Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1522 religion 1969 Indonesia ABRI army 1883 religion 1970 Indonesia statistical data 1595 religion 1972 Indonesia freedom of speech law literature 2841 religion 1972 Indonesia national development 1654 religion 1972 Indonesia statement Islam 1678 religion 1972 seminar Kalimantan Selatan regional development 765 religion 1973 Indonesia economics Islam Pancasila political ideology 1096 religion 1973 Indonesia Islam Pancasila political ideology politics 1070 religious education Indonesia Islam 1663 1719 religious education Muhammadijah Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1489 religious education secondary education 1971 Indonesia Islam 1273 religious education technological change youth 1972 Indonesia seminar statement 1372 religious education training centre youth 1969 Banjarmasin Islam 1575 religious education youth 1969 Muhammadijah Islam Kalimantan Selatan 996 1560 religious education youth 1972 Muhammadijah Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1049 religious education 1971 primary education Banjarmasin 1270 religious education 1972 Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1673 religious freedom Indonesia Islam 1501 religious law Indonesia administration t>f justice 1790 religious mission Caribbean Dutch history Protestant church 3672 religious mission Christianity Irian Jaya Jali 149 religious mission Christianity Islam Middle East 1630 religious mission Rotuma culture education Pacific Islands 3380 religious mission 0000/1855 Oceania 3410 religious mission 1855/1960 Indonesia ■ health service Protestant church 2649 religious mission 1973 annual report Netherlands Protestant church 1674 religious mission 1973 planning Catholic church developing country Dutch 3608 religious policy collective volume Indonesia mysticism 1725 religious policy Repelita11973/1974 Indonesia DEPAG ministry national plan 883 religious policy Sulawesi Utara 1972 local government Islam 716 Personal name — Organization — Geography - Descriptor 391 religious policy 1946/1973 Indonesia DEPAG ministry 1717 religious policy 1972 progress report Badung Hinduism 1695 religious policy 1973 regulation Islam Kalimantan Selatan 939 religious policy 1973/1974 hadj Indonesia Islam 1723 religious practice Bali 1515 religious practice Banjarmasin Islam 1657 religious practice da'wah Indonesia economie development Islam 1690 religious practice da'wah Indonesia Islam 1493 1547 1567 1637 1742 religious practice hadj Indonesia Islam 1620 1633 1668 1692 1702 religious practice Indonesia Buddhism Hinduism 1616 religious practice Indonesia death rite Islam 1520 religious practice Indonesia Hinduism 1534 1609 1745 religious practice Indonesia Islam 1495 1498 1540 1552 1554 1566 1608 1621 1688 religious practice Indonesia Protestantism 1531 1583 1596 religious practice Indonesia sunnah Islam 1624 religious practice Indonesia zakat Islam 1494 religious practice Medina Mekka Islam 1726 religious practice social control Indonesia Islam 1698 religious practice taxation 1973 Indonesia statement Islam 1744 religious practice Trinidad and Tobago 1800/1900 3683 religious practice worship Indonesia Islam 1551 religious practice 1968/1969 hadj Indonesia Islam 1602 religious practice 1971/1972 hadj Indonesia report Islam 1681 religious practice 1972 hadj Indonesia Islam 1676 religious practice 1972/1973 hadj Islam Jakarta Raya 1731 religious text Bali 1519 religious text Indonesia Buddhism 1549 1724 religious text Indonesia Buddhism philosophy 1543 religious text Indonesia Catholicism 1497 religious text Indonesia Christianity 1587 religious text Indonesia Hinduism 1523 1530 1546 1548 1641 1716 religious text Indonesia Hinduism leadership 1610 religious text Indonesia Hinduism music 1578 religious text Indonesia Hinduism philosophy 1545 religious text Indonesia Islam 1592 1625 1627 1736 religious text Indonesia Ramayana Hinduism 2949 religious text Jawa magie 3042 religious text Sanskrit Indonesia Hinduism 1650 2860 Rellum, E. 3623 Rembau social conflict Negeri Sembilan 3283 Remolina Roqueni, F. 3775 Renaud, M. 3427 Rendra, W.S. biography literature 2704 Rendra, W.S. Indonesian Ismail, T. poetry 2803 Rentier, J. 3416 Rentmeester, C. 37 Repelita I feasibility study Indonesia capital resources economie resources 933 Repelita I Indonesia economie evaluation national plan 2072 Repelita / rice 1972 Indonesia meeting report agricultural project 693 Repelita Irural industry 1972/1974 Indonesia meeting report industrial development 2228 Repelita / Sabang 1969/1973 development plan port 2013 Repelita I school system 1972/1973 project report educational development Jawa Timur 1436 Repelita /sea transport 1971/1974 Indonesia progress report national plan 2037 Repelita I Simalungun 1969/1974 regional plan 444 Repelita I social policy 1973 meeting report national plan Nusa Tenggara Barat 321 Repelita / Sulawesi Tenggara 1969 community development 445 Repelita I Sulawesi Tenggara 1969/1973 regional development 385 Repelita I Sumatera 1969/1973 Indonesia reference book national plan 917 Repelita / Sumatera Barat 1969/1970 report regional development 415 480 Repelita / Sumatera Barat 1969/1973 report regional development 598 757 392 Index Repelita I Sumatera Utara 1971 report regional development 531 Repelita I Sumatera Utara 1972/1973 report regional development 885 2254 Repelita ƒ Tapanuli Utara 1972/1975 regional plan 754 Repelita / transport 1971/1972 Indonesia project evaluation communication 649 Repelita / Yogyakarta 1969/1974 agricultural development national plan 2333 Repelita / Yogyakarta 1971 profeet 'tJ' report 672 Repelita / Yogyakarta 1972/1973 annual report regional development 679 Repelita 11969 progress report Blora regional development 485 Repelita 11969 report Irian Jaya national plan 466 Repelita 11969/1970 exhibition Indonesia reference book national plan 515 Repelita 11969/1970 Indonesia culture national plan education 1232 1233 Repelita 11969/1970 Indonesia project report Bukittinggi employment policy Padang 473 Repelita 11969/1970 report Jambi regional development 468 Repelita 11969/1971 annual report Indonesia agricultural development manpower need 530 Repelita 11969/1971 progress report Jawa Timur regional development 758 Repelita 11969/1972 Indonesia report DEPSOS ministry national plan 851 Repelita 11969/1973 Aceh Tengah regional development 433 Repelita 11969/1973 Banjarmasin regional development 443 Repelita 11969/1973 exhibition Indonesia national plan 815 867 Repelita 11969/1915 Indonesia education employment national plan 1254 Repelita 11969/1973 Indonesia seminar agricultural development 2320 Repelita 11969/1973 project report Cianjur regional development 399 Repelita 11969/1974 Aceh regional planning 492 Repelita 11969/1974 educational development Jakarta Raya 819 Repelita 11969/1974 Indonesia horticulture national plan 2441 Repelita 11969/1974 Indonesia national plan 408 Repelita 11969/1974 Jakarta Raya living conditions 820 Repelita 11969/1974 statistical data Aceh Besar regional development 829 Repelita 11970 Indonesia memorandum national plan 474 Repelita 11970/1971 project report Jawa Timur regional development 711 Repelita 11970/ Ï971 report Kalimantan Selatan regional development 471 Repelita 11971 exhibition Indonesia commodity national plan production 2499 Repelita 11971 Indonesia thesis national plan public administration 503 Repelita 11971 statement educational development Nusa Tenggara Barat 1264 1265 Repelita 11971 /1972 Cirebon port 2195 Repelita 11971 /f972 Indonesia agriculture electricity industry manpower mining 698 Repelita 11971/1972 Indonesia statement national plan 650 Repelita 1 1971/1972 project report educational development Jawa Timur 1350 Repelita 11971/1972 statistical data general study Jawa Timur national plan 2137 Repelita 11972 Bengkulu Selatan internal migration national plan 752 Repelita 11972 exhibition Indonesia national plan 710 Repelita 1 1972 Indonesia food production national plan 2440 Repelita 11972 1973 1974 Buru Indonesia employment policy Maluku 537 Repelita 1 1972/1973 Indonesia statement national plan 840 Repelita 11972/1973 project report educational development Jawa Timur 1435 Repelita 11972/1975 Karo regional plan 753 Repelita 11972/1979 Cirebon port 2253 Repelita 1 1973 Indonesia meeting report cooperative national plan 791 Repelita 1 1973 Indonesia national plan public opinion 636 Repelita 1 1973 Indonesia plan of operation forestry development 2487 Repelita 11973/1974 Indonesia DEPAG ministry national plan religious policy 883 Repelita 11973/1974 Indonesia industrial policy national plan 2268 Repelita 1 1973/1974 project report educational development Jawa Timur 1437 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 393 Repelita II sea transport Sulawesi 1974/1979 national plan 2053 Repelita Ilse» transport 1973 Indonesia meeting report national plan 887 2255 Repelita Ilse» transport 197'Al'1979 Indonesia national plan 920 Repelita II social implication 1972 Indonesia meeting report environment national plan 670 Repelita II Sumatera Selatan 1974/1979 economie development regional development 774 Repelita //transport policy 1974/1979 Indonesia commodity market national plan 2227 Repelita II unemployment 1973/1979 Indonesia working group labour policy 325 Repelita //urban planning 1972 research Aceh drinking water regional development 101 Repelita II1972 Indonesia statement national plan 777 Repelita II 1972 research Aceh regional development 706 718 719 Repelita II1973 Jakarta Raya regional development 824 825 Repelita II1974/1979 Asahan regional development 772 773 802 Repelita II1974/1979 draft Indonesia community development 922 Repelita II197'Al'1979 Indonesia agricultural development national plan 911 2521 2522 2523 2524 Repelita II1974/1979 Indonesia national plan psychiatry 2663 Repelita II197'4/1979 Irian Jaya regional development 914 Repet, I K. 1579 research and development 1972 report Jakarta Raya 593 research centre directory Indonesia 1188 research centre research programme 1970 Indonesia demography 12 research centre rubber Sumatera 1949/1952 meeting report plantation 1953 research centre rubber Sumatera 1958/1959 meeting report plantation 1959 research centre scientist 1971/1972 Indonesia survey manpower 310 research centre Singapore directory Malaysia 3252 research centresocial sciences 1972 Indonesia report economics 651 671 research centre Sumatera 1958/1959 meeting report palmoil plantation 1960 research centre Vietnam R directory 3203 research centre 1971 annual report agricultural research Bogor 2414 research centre 1973 report agricultural research Bogor 2477 research centre 1973/1974 agricultural research budget Medan 2518 research method social and cultural anthropology Indonesia interethnic relations 36 research method village Indonesia 330 898 923 research policy rice 1973 Indonesia plant production 2525 research programme Singapore 1969 seminar 3258 research programme 1970 Indonesia demography research centre 12 research technology 1971 Indonesia meeting report industry 2107 research village Indonesia community development 890 research village 1972 draft Indonesia community development 720 research village 1972 Indonesia statistical analysis 584 research village 1972/1973 data collecting Indonesia 798 resettlement rural area Sin tang 1972 feasibility study community development Pontianak 690 resettlement rural area 1972 feasibility study community development Palangkaraya 691 resin Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise latex 2234 Resink, G.J. 240 Resink, H. 2817 Resosudarmo, D. 183 resources inventory Sragen urban planning 1969 preliminary report 447 resources inventory Sulawesi Utara urban planning 1968 statistical data Manado 442 Restrepo, C. Torres 3820 retail marketing Dominican Republic 3683 retail marketing Haiti kinship system 3683 retail marketing 1972 survey Jakarta Raya 634 retail trade 1972 thesis Jakarta Raya 625 Retmono 1369 Revol, P. 3308 394 Index revolution cultural change developing country independence movement nationalism 3558 revolution general study Cuba 3639 revolution Mexico literature 3744 revolution social conflict 1950/1960 Latin America 3805 revolution South East Asia 1972 communism nationalism 3445 revolution Thailand 1932/1933 history 3240 revolution Vietnam R 3558 revolution 1791/1804 Haiti history 3656 revolution 1823/1966 Latin America business cycle 3857 revolution 1910/1940 Mexico agrarian reform 3750 revolution 1913/1920 Mexico government 3769 Rex, J. 3967 Reyes, A. 3704 Reyes, M. Carias 3836 Reyna, J.L. 3809 Reyna de Krammer, C. 3772 Reynolds, C.W. 3755 Rheinderhoff, R. 2777 Rhoads, E B. 3407 Riau Sumatera Barat Sumatera Utara 1972 Aceh Jambi plantation private enterprise 2460 Riau textile industry 1972 report 2155 Riau 1971/1972 annual report local government industrial administration 2169 Riau 1972/1973 annual report local government industrial administration 2236 Riberu, J. 567 rice agricultural extension Jawa Barat plant breeding 2337 rice cultivation technique Pakistan 3188 rice Indonesia agricultural project production increase 2345 rice Indonesia apple erop diversification kapok plantation 2354 rice Indonesia marketing processing 2481 rice Indonesia plant production 2526 rice Indonesia textbook food processing 2365 rice South East Asia 1973 agricultural project production public administration 3449 rice Sumatera Barat 1970/1971 agricultural credit agricultural project debt repayment 2114 2393 rice Thailand agriculture ecology 3230 rice vegetable erop 1972 Indonesia agricultural project horticulture production 2437 rice Yogyakarta 1971 report agricultural cooperative agricultural project 2366 rice 1957 field report Indonesia marketing 1967 rice 1960/1962 Indonesia programme planning agricultural production 2312 rice 1963 Indonesia survey agricultural production buffer stock food policy 365 rice 1968 agricultural production Kalimantan Selatan production increase 2332 rice 1968 Indonesia agricultural project 2329 rice 1968/1969 comparative analysis Jawa Barat production increase 2348 rice 1968/1970 Indonesia agricultural project foreign enterprise 2363 rice 1969 Indonesia agricultural project 2342 rice 1969 Indonesia statistical data agricultural project 411 412 413 rice 1970 Indonesia meeting report agricultural research 2357 rice 1970 Indonesia price control price policy 2059 rice 1970 Indonesia progress report agricultural project 462 rice 1970 Indonesia report agricultural research 2360 rice 1970/1971 agricultural project Jawa Barat 2362 rice 1970/1971 Indonesia agricultural project 2350 rice 1970/1971 Indonesia agricultural project cultivation technique 2387 rice 1971 forecast Indonesia plant production 2096 rice 1971/1972 research result agricultural development farming Klaten 2395 2396 2452 rice 1972 agricultural income economics employment opportunity Malaysia 3277 rice 1972 Indonesia agricultural project 2436 rice 1972 Indonesia agricultural project fertilizer 2181 rice 1972 Indonesia agricultural project production increase 2403 2438 2444 rice 1972 Indonesia meeting report agricultural project Repelita I 693 rice 1972 Indonesia statement agricultural project 2429 2435 rice 1972 Indonesia textbook agricultural extension agricultural project 2424 Personal name — Organization — Geography - Descriptor 395 rice 1972 report agricultural project Bali Jawa 642 rice 1972/1973 report agricultural production Bali production increase 2540 rice 1972/1974 Indonesia agricultural project 731 rice 1973 agricultural project Bali 908 rice 1973 Indonesia agricultural project 2503 rice 1973 Indonesia agricultural project marketing planning 2269 2546 rice 1973 Indonesia legislation 2462 rice 1973 Indonesia meeting report agricultural extension cul ti vat ion technique 2493 rice 1973 Indonesia plant production research policy 2525 rice 1973 sawah survey Aceh Tenggara land utilization productivity 2486 rice 1973/1974 Indonesia report marketing 884 Richards, AI. 3602 Rkhards, N.H. 3684 Richardson, J. 3433 Richardson, J.L. 3457 Richter, R. 3571 Ridhan, A. 2321 Ridwan, A A. 1518 Rieker, J. 3632 Riesenberg, S.H. 3414 Riesthuis, G.j.A. 3932 Rifai, B. 1381 Rifai, M. 1219 1881 Rifai, TB. 1285 1330 1349 1375 1449 Rifain, M.N. 3141 3142 3143 3144 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3165 Rijanto 1968 Rijcklof van Goens 2780 Rikin, W. Mintardja 64 Riley, CL. 3832 Rirnmer, P.J. 163 Rios, O. Trevino 3949 Ripley, S.D. 3599 Rippy, J F. 3802 Risjad, T. 2001 2519 rite adaptability Papua New Guinea 3591 rite social and cultural anthropology 3602 rite social and cultural anthropology Aboriginal Australia 3385 Ritonga, A. 1995 Ritonga, A.S. 303 Ritonga, S.M. 2433 Rivai, D. 104 Rivai, F. 780 Rivera, D. 3591 Riviere, P.G. 3593 Rizal, J.P. 3309 Rizal, J.P. history Philippines biography 3303 Rizal, J.P. Philippines poetry 3291 3292 Rizalman Malay novel 3034 Roa, R. 3634 road construction Sumatera Selatan 1969 development project infrastructure Jambi 2593 road construction 1972/1973 development project Gunung Kidul 755 road Surakarta 1848/1948 history 245 road traffic Indonesia legislation 1757 road transport 1966 Indonesia report railway transport 2289 Robbani, R. 2197 2454 Robe, S.L. 3787 Roberts, B.R. 3741 Robinson, A.N.R. 3665 Robinson, DJ. 3831 Robinson, H.F. 2636 Robinson, R 3567 Roca, S. 3640 Roces, A R. 3325 Rochati, S. 1256 Rochekouste, E. 2386 Rodan, P.N. Rosenstein 3820 Rodney, W. 3684 Rodo, J.H. 3827 Rodriguez, A. 3750 Rodriguez, CR. 3637 Rodriguez, E.B. 3292 Rodriguez, E.R. 3291 Rodrigues, J.H. 3801 Roeder, O.G. Indonesia folk tale 2804 Roelofsz, M.A.P. Meilink 242 Roesin, H. 3112 Roff, M. 3532 Roff, W.R. 3536 Roger, Br Petit Jean 3661 Rogers, W.D. 3849 Roham, A. 1642 Romdon 1735 Romeo, C. 3820 Romero Castilla, A. 3949 Romney, A.K. 3581 Romulo, C.P. 3326 3440 3483 Ronfeldt, D.F. 3837 Ronodipuro, S. 263 Ronoprawiro, S. 2386 Ronowisroyo, S. 1377 Rooi vink, R. 2717 Roos, F. 927 Roosevelt, N. 3312 Roper, C. 3862 Roqueni, F. Remolina 3775 Rorimpandey, H.G. 1251 Rosario, G. del 3304 396 Index Rosario, R.M. del 3528 Rosdiwati 79 Rose, M.L. 2932 rosella textile industry 1970 gunny Lampung plantation 2359 Rosenfield, CS. 3209 Rosenstein Rodan, P.N. 3820 Rosidi, A. 2841 2845 2978 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 Rosjadi, I. 1004 Ross, M.W. 3544 Ross, S.R. 3750 3788 Rothlisberger, H. 1531 Rotuma culture education Pacific Islands religious mission 3380 Roucek, J.S. 1068 Roumeguere, J.Y. 3661 Routh, S. 3464 Rowi, M. 1529 Rowley, CD. 3395 3396 Rozi, M F. 682 rubber Indonesia chemistry 2307 rubber Indonesia processing 2088 rubber rural population Jambi 2354 rubber small scale industry 1968 industrial development Kalimantan Selatan 2331 rubber small scale industry 1972 Indonesia industrial estate raw material 2118 rubber small scale industry 1972 Indonesia industrial estate rehabilitation 2116 rubber standardization 1972 Indonesia industrial estate 2117 rubber Sumatera 1949/1952 meeting report plantation research centre 1953 rubber Sumatera 1958/1959 meeting report plantation research centre 1959 rubber Sumatera Timur 1957 meeting report plantation 2310 rubber Sumatera Utara 1970 seminar forest product 2361 rubber Sumatera Utara 1971 conf plant disease 2385 rubber Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise 2231 rubber tea tobacco 1970 Indonesia cinnamon cocoa ginger nutmeg plantation quinine 2354 rubber terminology Indonesia 2920 rubber 1876/1922 industrial growth Malaysia 3288 rubber 1966 annual report cooperative Kalimantan Selatan 2319 rubber 1969/1970 research result Aceh erop diversification plantation 2382 rubber 1970 Indonesia meeting report plantation 2354 rubber 1972 Banjar public enterprise 2180 rubber 1972 Indonesia meeting report agricultural research 2433 Rubin, T.I. 1881 Rubio, M. Valladeres 3836 Ruchijat, H.A. 848 Ruchnajat, B. 510 Ruddle, K. 3850 Rudjito, G.E. 2023 Ruegg, D.S. 3491 Rufinos Barrio, J. 3739 Ruggles, R. 3823 Ruit, A. van de 2778 2781 Ruiz, S. Lombardo de 3772 Rukadjat, A. 1465 1466 3148 Rukan 763 Rukmantara, A.R. 2364 ruling class 1944 biography Jawa 2705 ruling class 1973 Indonesia government leadership lower class 1073 Ruil Sabater, A. 3838 Rum, M. 1040 1824 2696 Rum, M. biography 2682 Rumambi, W.J. 1881 Ru ma was, F. 1467 Rumi 3498 Rumokoy, O.I. 1240 rural area British Honduras Guyana local government 3684 rural area SI social conflict 1800/1940 history Jawa messianism 233 rural area Sintang 1972 feasibility study community development Pontianak resettlement 690 rural area social change 1971 field study Klaten labour intensive labour mobility 49 rural area social structure urban area 1971 Malaysia 3262 rural area Sumatera Utara coast economie development 103 rural area 1967 Indonesia report education 1205 rural area 1972 feasibility study community development Palangkaraya resetdement 691 rural area 1972 Indonesia research result income distribution 632 rural area 1972 Jawa Tengah regional planning 721 rural development comparative analysis Africa Asia modernization peasant 3553 rural development social structure Malagasy Rep politics 3431 rural development South East Asia 1973 seminar 3574 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 397 rural development 1960/1964 Indonesia political aspect 3456 It rural development 1967 Indonesia political aspect 2535 rural development 1971 Indonesia plan of operation community development 552 rural development 1972 Indonesia plan of operation community development 626 rural development 1973 Indonesia seminar cooperative 2235 rural industry 1972/1974 Indonesia meeting report industrial development Repelita I 2228 rural migration urban area 1969 Colombia * internal migration 3722 rural migration urban area 1970 Colombia internal migration 3723 rural planning urban planning Asia bibliography Pacific Islands 3540 rural planning village 1967 Indonesia community development 380 rural population Jambi rubber 2354 rural welfare 1950/1970 Brazil cooperative movement 3699 rural worker size of enterprise Jamaica labour mobility land utilization 3696 Kusamsi, Y. 2841 2975 Rus'an 1498 1647 Rusdiwati 100 Rusidi 2461 Ruslan, A. 495 Rusli, D. 373 Rusli, J. 2133 Rusli, S. 2513 Rusminah Z. 2432 Rustan, U. 810 Rutgers, A. 3897 Rutjito 2094 Ruttan, V.W. 2636 Ruys, C. 2681 Ryacudu, R. 1897 Ryadi, A.L.S. 2679 Ryan, S.D. 3667 Ryanto, B. 2273 S Saad, AR. 403 Saad, M. 2057 Saad, R. 2386 Sa'ad Masja, ps Ma'arof 3038 Sa'ad Shukri 212 Saai, D. 2321 Sabah prehistory 122 Sabah travel report 3266 Sabana 2556 Sabang 1963 industrial estate regional pkn 1973 Sabang 1969/1973 development plan port Repelita I 2013 Sabar Bohari Malay novel 2994 Sabara, E. 385 445 533 724 744 1056 2004 2450 Sabater, A. Ruil 3838 Sabu, A. 1580 Sachman, H. 1431 Sack, P.G. 173 Sadali, A. 1361 Sadarjun 1172 Sadeli, M. 630 1381 2133 Sadikin, A. 379 822 901 902 903 928 1056 1422 1830 1881 Sadjad, S. 2513 Sadjarwo 1985 Sadjidiman 670 Sadjin, K. Sundanese pantun poetry 3064 Sadjud 1324 Sadli, M. 311 1056 1861 1862 1937 1988 2239 3561 Safarian, A.E. 3561 safety education Indonesia family 2657 safety fire control Jakarta Utara port 2217 safety Indonesia air traffic 2296 safety 1969 Indonesia meeting report maritime law 2292 safety 1971 Indonesia natural disaster 251 Safiun 1056 1968 Safwan, M. 241 2697 Sagimun 4 241 243 2709 2710 Sagir, S. 2097 Sahertian, P.A 1286 Sahlins, M.D. 3591 Said, A. 3024 Said, D. 344 Said, M. 126 131 1493 Said, N. 80 Said, Y. 92 Said, Z. 81 Said Zahari 3035 Said Zahari Malay poetry 3035 Saidi, A.S. 2030 Saidi, M.F. 115 Saidy, L 71 Saifuddin, M.J. 2317 Saifullah 1937 Saifullah, A 2210 Saint-Mery, M.L.E. Moreau de 3694 Saint-Pol Lias Brau de 3249 Saintsbury, G. 3189 Saito, S. 3537 Sajogo = Utomo, K. ps. 2636 Sajuti 1673 398 Index Sakai travel 1883 Perak 3249 Sakimi, R.S. 1183 1802 Sakti, H.U.K. 1079 Saladikun 2314 SALALM 1973 conf Port of Spain library science reference material 3871 3873 3874 Salam, B. 1219 Salam, M R. 1197 Salam, S. 2685 Salamuddin 1797 Salatiga village 1971 survey community'6' development living conditions 622 Salayan, A.W. 70 1508 1618 1699 1765 Salazar, RA. 3836 Saldin, S. 73 Saleh, A. 1326 1968 Saleh, C. 1759 1985 Saleh, H. 1097 Saleh, L 1902 Saleh, IA. 1248 Saleh, K W. 1805 1825 Saleh, M. 1312 2433 2541 Saleh, R. 2056 Saleh, S. 82 Saleh, W. 2407 Salekan 2675 Salen, A. 1052 Saletore, BA. 3175 Salgado, E. Hernandez Vela 3949 Salgado Salgado, J.E. 3949 Salim, A. 1490 1678 2001 Salim, A. biography 2682 Salim, E. 270 1862 1988 2107 2279 Salim, H. 1700 Salim, M. 1920 2541 3559 Salim, TA. 592 594 Saljo, S. 336 1326 Salleh, A. bin M. 2442 Salleh, I. = Alfalah, l.ps 2971 Salleh, M. 3289 Salleh Abdullah al-Qari bin 212 Salleh Haji = Yusof Sri Ana, ps 3038 Salleh Muhammad Hadji 3029 Salmah Mohsin 2981 Salmon, C. Lombard 3349 Salmun, M.A. 3103 Salombe, C. 136 Salome Indonesia novel 2762 salt water fish textbook Pacific Ocean 3429 Samad, B. 1255 Samad, D. 1678 Samad bin Idris Abdul 3269 Samad Ismail A. 2844 Samarinda 1971/1972 annual report public administration port 2179 Samawi 1324 Sambas village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Pontianak 616 Sambas village 1972 report communttyj development 663 Samid, K. Sundanese pantun poetry 3059 Samoa linguistics 3420 Samori, L. 157 Samson, AA. 3456 Samsuddin, A. 1057 Samsuri 2856 2897 Samuel, E. 50 Sanawi 1251 Sanchez, G. 3750 Sanchez, Y. Frias 3949 Sanchez de Tagle, R.M. 3772 Sandbergen, F.J.W.H. 1757 Sanders, C. 3570 Sanders, M. 563 Sanders, T.G. 3855 Sandhi, G. 1716 Sandhu, K.S. 2617 3290 Sandis, E.E. 3648 Sandor, A. 3570 Sandy, W. 1056 Sang Thong 3248 Sangalle, S.R.P. biography 136 Sanger, C. 3568 Sanggau 1056 Sangihetalaud 1972 economie survey Maluku Utara 696 Sani, A. 467 1736 Sani, A. short story Indonesian 2995 Sani Arman 3017 Sanio-Hiowe Anggor Iatmul linguistics 2895 Sanisidro, J. 3862 sanitation service Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Tengah waste disposal 1969 survey 2025 sanitation service Sulawesi Selatan 1969 survey coconut Nusa Tenggara Barat 2023 sanitation service 1969 survey Bali coconut Jakarta Raya Jawa Barat 2023 sanitation service 1972 report Jakarta Raya 635 Sanskrit Buddhism literature 3489 Sanskrit catalogue India Pali Prakrit 3522 Sanskrit Indonesia Hinduism religious text 1650 2860 Sanskrit Indonesian dictionary 2923 Sanskrit Indonesian textbook grammatical study 2867 Santamaria, BA. 3204 Santana, A. Diaz 3652 Santeria Cuba 3683 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 399 Santizo, B. Mazariego 3839 Santos, T. Dos 3870 Santosa, L 1225 Santoso, R.A. 1219 Santoso, R S I. 1202 Santoso, S.I. 1858 Sanusi, A. 1219 1257 1791 Sanusi, H.M. 1517 Sanusi, M.U. 1056 Sanusi, S. 1701 Saragih, L. 1056 Saraksi, A. 905 Sarangani Atta Bilaan Binongan Itneg Ilianen Manobo linguistics 3324 Saraswati 186 Sarbini, M. 465 1937 Sardi, I.K. 2407 Sardjana, H.A. 2961 Sardjito 1178 Sardjito, U. 84 Sardjono 126 354 529.1853 Sardjono, R. 11 1312 2632 Sardju 2454 Sareco 2033 Saridjo, M. 2841 Sarijanto, T. 2379 2407 Sarijun, J. 127 Sarimin 866 Sarivaxevanis, R. Boser 3888 3889 Sarjono, R. 426 Sarju Ahmad 3020 Sarkar, H.B. 218 Sarkar, J. 3466 Sarkisyanz, M. 3198 Sarmiento, D.F. 3802 Saronto 2250 Sartono 2813 3202 Sartono, R.M. biography 2682 Sarwono, D. 1781 Sasak social and cultural anthropology Lombok 185 Sasrosuwarta 3110 Sastrawidagda, S. 3353 Sastroamidjojo, A. 960 2696 Sastroamidjojo, S. 2 Sastrodihardjo 3136 Sastrodihardjo, M.S. 2629 Sastrohadikusumo, R.S. 1102 Sastrosatomo, S. 1079 Sastrosukotjo 3136 Sastrowardoyo, S. 2204 Satari, A.M. 2386 2636 Sati, AS; Pamuntjak nan 2945 Satijatmo 2062 Satijo 1602 Satjadibrata, R. 2919 3056 Satmoko 1431 Satrio 2642 Saudt Arabia architecture mosque 1518 Sauer, J.D. 3832 Saulo, AB. 3322 Saunders, J.J. 3471 Saveur 2556 sa ving working capital Indonesia textbook business economics 1976 Sawahlunto 1970 economics 82 Sawahluntosijunjung statistical data land utilization 95 Sawahluntosijunjung 1970 economics 79 Sawaluddin 1442 Sawarsono, B. 2096 Saxe Fernandez, J. 3820 Sayogyo 1327 Scalapino, R.A. 3204 Schaafsma, N.D.R. 2550 Schaap, D. 3966 Schachter, P. 3336 Schaeffer, W.G. 3841 Schatte, J. 3897 Schatz, R. 3465 Scheele, R.L. 3647 Scheers, J.H. 1752 Scheffler, H. 3385 Schemer, H.W. 3419 Schegloff, E.A. 3600 Schenkel, R. 2623 Schermerhorn, E.J.G. 3105 Scherpenzeel, J. van 2773 Schilling, H. 3571 Schimmel, G.J. 145 Schimper, A.F.W. 3940 Schirmer, D.B. 3337 Schlesinger, A.M. 3634 Schmidt, V. 2309 2310 Schmidt F rungel, W. 3571 Schmitt, K.M. 3855 Schnell, G.A. 3568 Schoen, I.L. 3617 school age population 1971/1991 projection Jakarta Raya manpower population 472 school guidance teacher training Indonesia in plant training 1286 school Indonesia Muhammadijah educational technology Islam 1509 school Sulawesi Tenggara 1971 leadership 1281 school system 1970/1973 Indonesia educational development 1469 school system 1972 Indonesia seminar educational development 1332 1333 1334 1349 school system 1972/1973 project report educational development Jawa Timur Repelita I 1436 school system 1973 Indonesia educational development 1449 1455 400 Index school tax 1972 Indonesia development project 1382 school 1972 Indonesia bibliography library 2730 Schooneveld, C.H. van 3229 Schrieke, B.J.O. 1737 Schultz, T.P. 3719 3722 3723 3814 Sc hult ze Westrum, T. 164 Schuur, G. 2307 Schuurman, J.A. 956 Schwartz, CF. 3823 science Indonesia training course publisher 1416 science policy student 1972 Indonesia meeting report extension service 1329 science policy student 1972 Indonesia training course extension service 1327 science policy 1969 AIPI Indonesia educational institution higher education LIPI 1220 science society 1973 Indonesia ABRI armed forces 1077 scientist Siebold, von biography 3921 scientist 1971/1972 Indonesia survey manpower research centre 310 Scott, A.C. 3478 Scott, G. 2913 Scott, P.D. 3239 Scott, R.E. 3750 3861 script codex Mexico legislation 3776 script Thai 3209 sculpture India 3503 sculpture photograph Borobudur Buddhism 236 sea traffic 0000/1500 America interethnic relations 3832 sea traffic 1500/1970 military history navy Pacific Ocean 3566 sea traffic 1968 Indonesia planning 2562 2582 sea transport Indonesia accident insurance 2277 sea transport Indonesia cargo handling 1995 sea transport Indonesia history 2100 sea transport Indonesia management technique 2057 sea transport ship Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Tenggara wind power 1969 2346 sea transport South Africa periodical Netherlands 3943 sea transport South East Asia 1972 ASEAN meeting report 2197 sea transport Sulawesi 1974/1979 national plan Repelita II 2053 sea transport tariff 1973 Indonesia customs port 2211 2251 2252 2302 2303 sea transport tariff 1973 Indonesia legislation 2279 sea transport technical assistance 1972/1973 directory Indonesia development policy 2176 sea transport traditional culture 1860/1943 archives Chinese 3352 sea transport 1873/1973 Netherlands 3966 3970 sea transport 1925 Indonesia legislation port 2049 sea transport 1925/1940 Indonesia legislation port 2294 sea transport 1965 BKI directory Indonesia DEPHUB ministry 1983 sea transport 1965 Indonesia development policy export 1876 sea transport 1966 Indonesia report 1994 sea transport 1969 Indonesia legislation 2028 sea transport 1969 Indonesia legislation. port 2035 sea transport 1969/1972 Indonesia report 2207 sea transport 1970 anniversary Indonesia 121 sea transport 1971 annual report Indonesia DEPHUB ministry 862 863 sea transport 1971 feasibility study Indonesia merchant marine rehabilitation 2103 sea transport 1971 Indonesia legislation 2068 sea transport 1971 Indonesia report foreign aid port 2075 sea transport 1971/1974 Indonesia progress report national plan Repelita I 2037 sea transport 1972 annual report Indonesia DEPHUB ministry 2278 sea transport 1972 research result Aceh port 2111 sea transport 1973 Indonesia financial administration 2264 sea transport 1973 Indonesia management public administration 2265 sea transport 1973 Indonesia meeting report national plan Repelita II 887 2255 sea transport 1973 Indonesia planning public administration 2262 2263 sea transport 1974/1979 Indonesia national plan Repelita II 920 SEADAG 1972 meeting report 3538 SEADAG 1973 report 3551 Searle, J. 3600 Sebajang, T. 1056 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 401 secondary education teaching material 1971 Indonesia 3140 secondary education 1971 directory Jawa Timur 1262 secondary education 1971 Indonesia catalogue library primary education 2721 secondary education 1971 Indonesia Islam religious education 1273 secondary education 1972 Indonesia educational policy 1379 1380 secondary education 1972 Indonesia survey agricultural education 1423 secondary school social conformity Indonesia 3122 secondary school 1972 Indonesia programme planning educational development 1307 1310 secondary school 1973 Indonesia meeting report attendance educational planning 1428 $t||tt$< secularization Indonesia Islam 1734 security Sulawesi Tenggara 1969 presidency 1893 Seda, E. 3693 Seda, E. Padilla 3647 Seda, F. 1056 1985 2043 2197 2239 Sedahmirah, N.A. theatre wayang Javanese 3052 Sedijatmo, R.M. biography Hatta, M. Johannes, H. Ramali, A. Reksohadiprodjo, L 2710 seed 1969 FAO Indonesia mission report agricultural production 2339 seed 1972 Indonesia progress report production increase 2401 seed 1973 Indonesia meeting report cultivation technique 2473 Seers, D. 3823 Segaf, H. 1664 Seitz, F. 2636 Selangor history 3260 Selasih Indonesian novel 2947 Selden, M. 3558 Seleky, W A. 2738 Selepet Buin Kaugel linguistics 2869 Selepet dictionary English 2873 Selepet grammatical study 2894 Selepet Kaugel linguistics Murray 2875 Selepet phonology 2874 Sella, B. 3440 semantics Indonesian 2868 semantics Thai 1972 3229 semantics Tzotzil Yucatec Chamula Chorti Chuj ethnolinguistics Jacaltec Maya Quiche 3867 Semarang cardamon 2354 Semarang IKIP printing industry 1338 Semarang spinning 1972 Indonesia foreign enterprise 2109 Semarang Sumatera Timur 1958 meeting report Bandung plantation public enterprise 2311 Semarang teacher training 1973 directory IKIP 1425 Semarang teacher training 1973 IKIP 1431 Semarang urbanization 1972 social survey 332 Semarang village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Klaten Kudus Magelang 602 Semarang 1971 annual report public administration port 2172 Sembiping, S. 3021 Semendawi, M.H. 1814 Sen, B.R. 2322 Senduk, H L. 147 Senegal 1972 general study 3892 Senegal 1973 general study 3895 Senior, C. 3648 Sennett, R. 3591 Senoadji, U. 1472 Sentanu, B. 2182 Sepik classification language 2911 Sepik Wik-mungkan Aboriginal Australia ' Iatmul kinship system marriage Papua New Guinea 3593 Serang 1972 industrial enterprise industrial equipment >iron and steel industry 2204 Sereh, J.A. 2818 Serie, G. 3905 Serrano, L. 3330 Serton, P. 3883 Service, E.R. 3594 service industry Sumatera Utara trade 1973 directory commercial enterprise 2218 Setijadi 1355 Se t jadi p rad ja, A. 3111 settlement Latin America legal aspect 3864 setdement social policy Aboriginal Australia 3901 settlement soil fertility report British Honduras forest product processing 3736 Setyonegoro, K. 2662 2663 2664 Sevenhoven, J.I. van 135 Sevortjan, R.E. 2877 Sewell, W.G. 3694 sex Indonesia educational aspect 2633 sex Indonesia family 2637 Sexton, A.B. 3376 Seybold, H. 2276 Shaari, A F. 3024 402 Index Shafi'i 3498 Shah, A.B. 3204 Shah, R. 3684 Shahab, A.H. 1693 Shahani, L.V. Ramos 3310 Shahrom, M.D. 2981 Shaleh, B. 1743 Shalehun, S.A. 463 Shamsuddin Ja'afar 3020 3036 Shamsuddin Ja'afar Sujak bin Rahiman Jaafar Husin, S. Malay poetry 3036 Shanley, T. 3826 Shannon Ahmad 3016 3279 Shannon Ahmad modernization peasant Malay novel 3279 Shariefuddin, A.M. 2989 Sharifah Hasnah Abdullah youth literature Malay 3159 Shastry, S.V.S. 2360 Shaw, R.A. 3465 Shee, S.C. 3258 shellfish Aruba Bonaire Curacao 3613 Shelton, J. 2107 Sheppard, M. 3280 Sherk, D R. 3465 Sherzer, D. 3727 Sherzer, J. 3727 3728 3729 ship China history Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean 3476 ship social and cultural anthropology fishery house Pacific Islands 3368 ship social and cultural anthropology Laos 3225 ship Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Tenggara wind power 1969 sea transport 2346 ship 1968 Indonesia legislation maritime law 2012 2184 ship 1971 Indonesia job description port public works 526 ship 1972 Indonesia classification 2216 ship 1972 Indonesia seminar engineering modernization 2454 Short, D E. 3263 short story anthology Malay 2977 short story Indonesia Kampen, A. van 2800 short storv Indonesia navy Dussel, W. 2788 short story Indonesian Kayam, U. 2986 short story Indonesian Sani, A. 2995 short story Szekely-Lulofs, M.H. Indonesia 2779 short story Thein Pe Myint Birma 3201 short story 1966/1970 anthology Malay 2981 Shukri Sa'ad 212 Shun Sheng Ling 3467 SI social conflict 1800/1940 history Jawa messianism rural area 233 SI 1973 Indonesia political party 1064 Siagan, G. 2817 Siagian, A.H. 2157 Siagian, G. Indonesian novel 2959 Siagian, S.P. 1965 Siahaan, M. 3163 Siahaan, N. 1738 Siambaton, M. 2454 Siauw, D A. 2445 Sibarani comic dip Indonesian literature 2946 Sibbelee, D.J. youth literature Indonesia 2777 Sicking, L.M.C.J. 3961 Sidabutar, W. 1752 Siddhananda, M. 1549 Sidi, P. 2133 Sidibjo, M. 960 Sidik, H. 1976 Sieber, R. 3591 Siebold, von biography scientist 3921 Siërra, G. de 3652 Sietaram, K. 3623 Sigit, S. 2605 Sihombing, H. 70 87 2541 Sihombing, L.S. 287 Sihombing, P.H. 1590 Sihombing, T.M. 105 Silaban, D. 287 Silalahi 1056 Silalahi, H.T. 1056 Silalahi, P. 818 Silani 3140 Silen, J.A. 3648 Silitonga, T. 2407 2433 Silva Michelena, H. 3870 silver 1546/1700 Mexico mining 3757 Silverman, B. 3643 Silverman, S.F. 3591 Silverstein, J. 233 3454 Silvert, K.H. 3823 Simalungun social structure community development 725 Simalungun Tapanuli Selatan village 1971/1972 statistical data community development 614 Simalungun village 1972 report community development 653 Simalungun 1969/1974 regional plan Repelita I 444 Simalungun 1971 annual report local government 700 Simalungun 1971/1996 community development development plan 581 Simandjuntak, B. Simorangkir 3099 Simandjuntak, B.T.H. 1881 1901 Simandjuntak, C.J. 682 Simandjuntak, F. 1056 Simandjuntak, H.T. 509 Personal name — Organization - Geography - Descriptor 403 Simandjuntak, LP. 1253 1330 1381 1426 1459 1466 Simandjuntak, W. 2813 Simangunsong, B. 2857 Simatupang, T.B. 220 1079 1937 2696 2817 Simbolon, M. 960 Simbolon, T. 1079 Simkins, P D. 3327 Simmonds, E.H.S. 3454 Simmons, R.T. 3428 Simons, W E. 3217 Simonsen, M.H. 3823 Simorangkir, J.C.T. 766 931 1770 1779 1826 3137 Simorangkir Simandjuntak, B. 3099 Simpoha, J.M. 2407 Simpson, E.N. 3750 Simpson, G.E. 3683 Sinaga, M.S.M. 751 767 768 1056 Sinaga, O. 800 tng^ Sinaro, M.G.D.P. 70 Sindangan Subanun Bilaan Dibabawon linguistics 3302 Sindhudarmoko, M. 534 1113 Singadilaga, D. 1848 Singapore directory Malaysia research centre 3252 Singapore geography Malaysia 3261 Singapore Malaysia poetry 3289 Singapore Malaysia regional cooperation 3552 Singapore Thailand urbanization Vietnam bibliography Hong Kong Malaysia Philippines 3545 Singapore Thailand Vietnam politics 3464 Singapore Thailand 1971 ASEAN Indonesia international'relations 3440 Singapore 1300/1824 history 3269 Singapore 1876/1941 Arabic bibliography Malay Malaysia periodical 3536 Singapore 1942/1945 educational policy 3290 Singapore 1969 seminar research programme 3258 Singapore 1969/1971 report ubrary 3278 Singapore 1971 bibliography Brunei government Malaysia publication 3532 Singapore 1972 bibliography 3534 Singapore 1972 forecast politics 3284 Singapore 1972 general study 3274 Singaradja Buleleng history 194 Singer, M. 3190 Singh, P.G. 3689 Singh, T. 3461 Singham, A.W. 3684 Singuravelu, S. 3209 Sinha, D.P. 3179 Sin kin, R.W. 3789 Sinner, M. 2334 Sinoto, Y.H. 3370 3582 3583 Sintang 1972 feasibility study community development Pontianak resettlement rural area 690 Sipohutar, M. 1056 Si rai t, M. 1189 Sirait, M.B. 943 Siregar, AD. 2813 Siregar, B. 92 236 Siregar, D. 509 Siregar, H. 1327 1400 Siregar, M. 1056 2115 2361 2385 2454 Siregar, M.S. 682 Siregar, O. 2386 Siregar, S. 2991 Siregar, T. 112 1739 Siregar, T.H. 683 Sirgit, S. 2026 Sirie, J. 1324 Sirk, C. 2893 Sirk, J.H. 2878 2879 3511 Sirk, J.X. 2866 Sissahadi, S. 1743 Siswohardjojo, S. 2377 Siswoharjoko 742 Siswojo, A. 818 1155 Siswojo, H. 1641 1644 Siswomartojo, M.S. 1176 Siswosardjono 3110 Siswosudiro, S. 3107 Sithi Amnuai, P. 3454 Sitohang, D. 1550 Sitohang, P. 1980 Sitompul, B. 2242 Sitorus, B. 2512 Sitorus, H. 517 Sivanandan, A. 3967 Siwabessy, G.A. 11 1056 1937 2559 size of enterprise Jamaica labour mobility land utilization rural worker 3696 Sjaaf, O.B. 1880 Sjachminan 75 Sjachran 1673 Sjachrani, A. 3120 Sjaf, M. 3121 Sjah, M. 3496 Sjah, S.M. 1813 Sjahar, S. 1848 Sjahdansjah, A. 1056 Sjahdin, A. 70 Sjahman, A. 2319 Sjahran 1009 Sjahranie, A.W. 119 769 844 Sjahril, A. 1056 Sjahril, T. 1251 1337 404 Index Sjahruddin 100 Sjahruddin, D. 2604 Sjahruni, A. 683 Sjahsan, S. 2361 Sjaichu 1004 Sjaichu, A. 493 1056 1614 Sjaifullah, A. 2641 Sjalthout, M. 1740 Sjam, M.N. 1248 Sjamsu, N. 1582 Sjamsudin, E. 2513 Sjamsulbahri Indonesian novel 2950 Sjamsuridjal, R.A. B S. 11 Sjarief 2432 Sjarif, A. 1881 Sjarif, R. 1332 Sjarifudin, D. 2386 Sjarifullah, G. 2386 Sjech, S. 1932 Sjofjan, A. 2364 Sjukani 1056 Sjukur, A. 280 1903 Sjukur, M.A. 1619 3146 Sjukur, S.A. 811 Sjukur, Z. 83 Sjureich, M. 1247 Sjurkani 2822 Skidmore, T.F. 3862 Skinner, E.P. 3683 Skinner, H.D. 3370 Slamet 1589 Slamet, D.S. 1056 Slamet I. 1381 Slater.J. 3651 Slater, P. Australia novel 3902 slavery Brazil 3705 slavery Caribbean 3683 3684 slavery India 3189 slavery Netherlands 3885 slavery social conflict Yucatan agrarian structure American Indian caste 3754 slavery 1750/1900 collective volume Caribbean 3694 Sleman textile industry 1962 cooperative 1968 Sleman village 1971/1972 statistical data Bantul community development Gunung Kidul 604 Sleman 1969 administrative reform local government 429 Sleman 1972 agricultural project irrigation 709 Sloan, S. 1042 Slot, J.A.H.J.S. biography Bruins 3922 slum Kingston 3696 slum Latin America 3868 slum Oaxaca 3861 small scale industry Indonesia entrepreneur 3116 small scale industry 1968 industrial development Kalimantan Selatan rubber 2331 small scale industry 1972 exhibition Indonesia handicraft 2186 small scale industry 1972 Indonesia industrial estate raw material rubber 2118 small scale industry 1972 Indonesia industrial estate rehabilitation rubber 2116 Smith, C.T. 3831 Smith, D.R. 3528 Smith, E.E.T. 3634 Smith, GE. 3223 Smith, M G. 3694 Smith, M.H. 3696 Smith, R. 167 3454 Smith, R B. 3243 Smith, R.T. 3684 3696 Smith, T.E. 3568 Smith, T.M. 496 Smitt, J.H.S. 1590 Sneebeling, J. 3618 Snodgrass, D.R. 3453 Snouck Hurgronje, C. 244 Snow, P.A. 3392 Soares, G.A. Dillon 3853 SOAS 1969 Africa Asia library 3945 Sobarzo, A. 3949 social administration social work training 1972 annual report Indonesia 326 social administration Sulawesi Utara ABRI armed forces local government 715 social administration 1972 annual report local government Maluku 859 social administration 1972/1973 local government progress report Nusa Tenggara Barat 747 748 social and cultural anthropology 3590 3594 3604 social and cultural anthropology Aboriginal Australia 3419 social and cultural anthropology Aboriginal Australia rite 3385 social and cultural anthropology Africa economie development India Liberia 3588 social and cultural anthropology art Irian Java 151 social and cultural anthropology Asia Oceania religion 3467 social and cultural anthropology Batak customary law 105 social and cultural anthropology Carib Guyana 3818 social and cultural anthropology ceramic Irian Jaya Kwoma 156 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 405 social and cultural anthropology Chimbu Papua New Guinea 154 social and cultural anthropology cultural change Puerto Rico 3647 social and cultural anthropology dictionary 3597 social and cultural anthropology ecosystem family Hawaii Ka-'u 3406 social and cultural anthropology family Pacific Islands UK 3427 social and cultural anthropology Fiji 3418 social and cultural anthropology fishery' house Pacific Islands ship - 3368 social and cultural anthropology Guatemala American Indian 3818 social and cultural anthropology India 3187 social and cultural anthropology Indonesia 20 12681385 social and cultural anthropology Indonesia history 31 social and cultural anthropology Indonesia interethnic relations research method 36 social and cultural anthropology Indonesia textbook 19 35 3598 social and cultural anthropology Japan 3355 social and cultural anthropology Kalimantan 127 social and cultural anthropology Laos ship 3225 social and cultural anthropology law 3592 social and cultural anthropology Lombok Sasak 185 social and cultural anthropology Massim Papua New Guinea 153 social and cultural anthropology messianism religion 3585 social and cultural anthropology music 3589 social and cultural anthropology Oceania 3377 social and-cultural anthropology Oceania religion 3385 social and cultural anthropology Peru 3858 social and cultural anthropology philosophy 3606 social and cultural anthropology rite 3602 social and cultural anthropology social change New Guinea 169 social and cultural anthropology social structure community Laos 3235 social and cultural anthropology social structure Kalimantan Ma'anyan 124 social and cultural anthropology sociology Asia 3609 social and cultural anthropology South East Asia village 3441 social and cultural anthropology Sumatera Barat economie development 86 social and cultural anthropology Sundanese thesis circumcision rite 64 social and cultural anthropology symbol theory myth religion 3580 social and cultural anthropology Tasaday 1972 Philippines 3329 social and cultural anthropology Tausug agression customary law Islam Philippines 3332 social and cultural anthropology tribe New Guinea 172 social and cultural anthropology tribe women's rights customary law Malagasy Rep 3433 social arid cultural anthropology war 3595 social and cultural anthropology welfare 1972jayapura 158 social and cultural anthropology welfare 1972 Jayawijaya Barat 157 social and cultural anthropology Yakutat Alaska American Indian 3599 social and cultural anthropology 1934/1964 bibliography Maluku 2738 social and cultural anthropology 1964 conf linguistics 3581 social and cultural anthropology 1967 culture history linguistics Pacific Islands 3370 social and cultural anthropology 1972 Badui Lebak living conditions 61 social and cultural anthropology 1973 index periodical 3934 social change agrarian reform individual Puerto Rico 3693 social change British Virgin Islands Netherlands Antilles 3684 social change collective volume Latin America national development 3840 social change Costa Rica politics 3731 social change culture Puerto Rico 3648 social change Latin America economie growth foreign investment 3809 social change law 3562 social change New Guinea social and cultural anthropology 169 social change social stratification Latin America cultural change economie development 3816 social change urbanization Latin America Brazil Colombia modernization Peru 3861 406 Index social change urbanization Latin America military political party 3853 social change youth 1972 Indonesia seminar statement 307 social change 1920/1960 Caribbean history 3684 social change 1964 India 3176 social change 1966 Indonesia ideology 983 social change 1969 Latin America Catholic church 3819 social change 1971 field study Klaten labour intensive labour mobility rural area 49 social class collective volume Latin America colonialism nationalism 3820 social class collective volume Latin America political power 3840 social class Mexico American Indian 3765 social class socialism Latin America employment foreign enterprise 3870 social conflict agrarian structure Hukbalahap insurrection Philippines 3321 social conflict Caribbean Black power 3687 social conflict Negeri Sembilan Rembau 3283 social conflict student 1968 Latin America 3810 social conflict Sulawesi Selatan 1945/1965 insurrection Muzakkar, A.Q. 2686 social conflict Venezuela Catholicism political party politics 3711 social conflict Yucatan agrarian structure American Indian caste slavery 3754 social conflict 1800/1940 history Jawa messianism rural area SI 233 social conflict 1950/1960 Latin America revolution 3805 social conformity Indonesia secondary school 3122 social control Indonesia Islam religious practice 1698 social history Asia China PR India Japan peasant political power 3944 social history Latin America Spanish colonialism 3865 social history lontar Buginese 137 social history 1788/1970 Australia 3912 social implication Indonesia cultural change Islam 1570 1571 social implication Indonesia Islamic law 1508 social implication 1972 Indonesia meeting report environment national plan Repelita II 670 social integration Aboriginal Australia 3903 social integration Indonesia statement ethnic group 1460 social integration youth 1973 Indonesia family planning 337 social integration 1973 data analysis educational administration enrolment Malaysia 1427 social mobility Mexico migration Monterrey 3779 social movement Indonesia Muhammadijah Islam 1694 social movement Jamaica 3684 social movementJSurabaya 1920/1960 TNH Chinese 1183 social moveihent 1969 constitution Jakarta Raya 287 social participation collective volume adaptability art family ideology magie religion 3591 social participation student 1973 HMI Indonesia association Islam 1714 social participation Thailand religion 3209 social participation urban renewal 1972 report community development Jakarta Raya 891 social participation village 1957 thesis Jawa political leadership 352 social participation woman 1945/1972 Indonesia bibliography 2736 social participation youth organization 1972 Banjarmasin Islam 1701 social participation youth 1969 conf Indonesia development policy family 409 social participation 1968 Indonesia Islam pupil 1537 social participation 1971 exhibition Indonesia government policy information 529 social participation 1972 exhibition economie development Kalimantan Barat politics 675 social participation 1972 exhibition Indonesia economie development election Jawa Madura 676 social planning 1969 Central America economie planning 3838 social policy Aboriginal Australia setdement 3901 social policy Burma 3571 social policy Jamaica legislation 3658 social policy Sulawesi Utara youth local government 714 social policy Sumatera Barat 1968/1972 development project 900 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 407 social policy tribe 1971 Maluku minority group 141 social policy youth 1972 document Indonesia seminar 317 social policy 1971 Indonesia emergency reliëf natural disaster 554 social policy 1971 Indonesia meeting report ASEAN natural disaster 319 social policy 1972/1973 Indonesia DEPSOS ministry 623 social policy 1973 Indonesia minority group 329 social policy 1973 meeting report national plan Nusa Tenggara Barat Repelita I 321 social policy 1973 project report Bukittinggi 855 856 social problem 1972 regulation Jawa Timur juvenile delinquency narcotic 2660 social problem 1973 juvenile delinquency Kalimantan Selatan 1822 social psychology Indottesia Islam 1582 social psychology Indonesia textbook 2641 social psychology village Mexico 3753 social psychology 1968 Indonesia economie development political system 995 social psychology 1969 cultural factor Philippines 3300 social reform economie development Haiti 3657 social research Latin America 3801 social role Indonesia Islam leadership 1689 social sciences Azevedo, T. de Brazil 3708 social sciences collection Holt, C. Indonesia bibliography 2723 social sciences Cuba 3637 social sciences Latin America bibliography 3830 social sciences UI university 1972 curriculum Indonesia 1298 social sciences university UNPAD 1972 curriculum Indonesia political science 1365 socialsciences UNSJIAH university 1968 annual report Indonesia law 1250 social sciences 1960/1970 indonesia bibliography language literature 2728 social sciences 1972 Indonesia report economics research centre 651 671 social sciences 1973 bibliography Netherlands periodical 3938 social sciences 1973 directory Indonesia economics>library 2732 social security 1973 conf Indonesia nationalism 2827 social service Indonesia 308 social service social structure French Guinea 3668 social service 1967 constitution Bali 1203 social service 1972 constitution ABRI armed forces Kalimantan 1923 social service 1972 Indonesia report 314 social service 1973 Indonesia project report income lower class 842 social status woman Indonesia statement 25 social stratification Caribbean ethnic factor race relations 3683 social stratification Latin America cultural change economie development social change 3816 social stratification 1945/1965 Islam Jawa political aspect 3456 social structure Aboriginal Australia demography 3900 social structure adaptability Guyana Jamaica 3689 social structure adaptability Jamaica 3591 social structure agriculture Papua New Guinea 170 social structure Caribbean 3673 social structure Caribbean Cuba farmer plantation 3683 social structure community development Simalungun 725 social structure community Laos social and cultural anthropology 3235 social structure developing country development policy economics politics population 3560 social structure French Guinea social service 3668 social structure Kalimantan Ma'anyan social and cultural anthropology 124 social structure Malagasy Rep politics rural development 3431 social structure Trinidad West Indies collective volume Caribbean family Jamaica 3696 social structure Ujungpandang 1973 Buginese ethnography 139 social structure urban area 1971 Malaysia rural area 3262 social structure urbanization 1960/1970 Cuba economics education politics 3643 social structure Vietnam Jorai kinship 3227 social structure village China R 3356 408 Index social structure village 1951 thesis Jawa Timur 38 social structure 1608/1937 history India 3194 social survey Philippines 3320 social survey 1970/1971 Bali economie survey 183 social theory Jawa population dynamics 2638 social work training 1972 annual report Indonesia social administration 326 socialism Africa Latin America modernization 3569 socialism Antigua 3684 socialism Indonesia Islam 1618 socialism Latin America employment foreign enterprise social class 3870 socialism 1964 Indonesia economie theory 1980 society women's rights 1968 Indonesia law 285 society 1965 conf Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1505 society 1972 directory Scandinavia history Latin America 3968 society 1972 Garut general study 59 society 1973 Indonesia ABRI armed forces science 1077 sociolinguistics USA dialect Mexican 3877 sociology Asia social and cultural anthropology 3609 sociology Eurasian India minority group 3193 sociology Guyana race relations-êtti}<■■■■ sociology Indonesia textbook 16 3135 3166 sociology Indonesia textbook economics 1958 sociology Indonesia textbook interview 1474 sociology linguistics 3600 sociology Mexico community 3766 sociology USA Canada emigration history Japanese Pacific Islands 3407 sociology 1970 bibliography Netherlands 3932 Soest, E.J.H. van youth literature Indonesia 2778 2781 2786 2789 Sofiman Malay novel 3037 Sofwan, M. 2709 soil fertility report British Honduras forest product processing settlement 3736 soil improvement 1969 Gunung Kidul 2340 soil resources 1952 agricultural planning drainage Kalimantan planning 2551 Sokowati, S. 1640 Solano Astaburuaga, F. 3732 Solaun, M. 3861 3875 Soleiman, HA. 1727 Solheim II, W.G. 3361 Solichin Sumbono al 1673 Solien, N L. 3683 Solihin 1056 Solihin, G.P. 253 Solivan, M.V. 3204 Solli, M. 1332 Solok village 1971/1972 statistical data Agam community development Pasaman 611 Solok 1970 economics 78 Solok 1970/1971 general study 89 Solomon Islands economie development Guadalcanal Melanesia Pacific Islands 3413 Somaatmadja, D. 2386 Somantri, N. 1334 Somawinata, S. 1862 Somsanith, T. 3204 Sonfiani 1009 Song Tjendra 1780 Sonnega Ez., H.W. youth literature Indonesia 2769 Sontani, U.T. theatre Indonesian 2941 Sopater, S. 1706 Sorenson, J.L. 3832 Sosrodihardjo, S. 352 Sosrohadikusumo, RA.S. 2678 Sosroharjono, R.M. 1757 Sosrowerdojo, H. 1023 South Africa periodical Netherlands sea transport 3943 South Africa travel 1685/1714 general study 3883 South Africa 1923/1973 international relations Netherlands 3924 South East Asia botany 3443 South East Asia Buddhism 3485 South East Asia culture interethnic relations Philippines 3483 South East Asia directory information service microfilm 3550 South East Asia foreign investment 3561 South East Asia human geography 3442 South East Asia linguistics 3218 3511 South East Asia Mekong river disease health service nutrition 3246 South East Asia petroleum 3447 South East Asia politics 3448 South East Asia report seminar manpower planning 3453 South East Asia teacher trade union 1972 Bandung conf IFFTU 1381 South East Asia tourism 1972 ASEAN conf 3444 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 409 South East Asia translation bibliography literature 3541 South East Asia travel 1500/1600 history India 3472 South East Asia tribe group relations religion 3450 South East Asia university 1972 regional development 814 South East Asia urbanization collective volume bibliography 3545 South East Asia urbanization 1970 development policy 3461 South East Asia USA Vietnam DR Vietnam R war 1945/1966 Far East international relations 3204 South East Asia USA 1945/1955 colonialism communism international relations nationalism 3439 South East Asia vegetable erop 3446 South East Asia village social and cultural anthropology 3441 South East Asia VOC history 223 South East Asia World War II international relations Japan 3557 South East Asia 1969 directory general study library 3523 South East Asia 1970 archaeology artefact 3504 South East Asia 1970 conf economie cooperation economie development 2043 South East Asia 1970/1980 Indonesia seminar economics 2239 South East Asia 1972 ASEAN meeting report sea transport 2197 South East Asia 1972 communism nationalism revolution 3445 South East Asia 1972 meeting report agriculture FAO food 2442 South East Asia 1973 agricultural project production public administration rice 3449 South East Asia 1973 annotated bibliography research evaluation education 3543 South East Asia 1973 bibliography petroleum industry 3535 South East Asia 1973 collective volume economics geography history 3454 South East Asia 1973 development plan 3452 South East Asia 1973 report education 3451 South East Asia 1973 seminar rural development 3574 Southall, A. 3602 Southwold, M. 3593 Sowojo 1056 soybean 1973 annotated bibliography Indonesia food processing 2458 Spain 1556/1706 survey archives Netherlands 3927 Spanish central government colony Latin America 3846 Spanish intergroup relations marriage 3880 Spanish Venezuela Merida language 3710 Spanish 1939/1940 Mexico emigrant political behaviour 3783 special education 1972/1973 annual report Jawa Timur preschool education primary education 1440 special education 1973 Indonesia development project 1456 Spector, S. 1219 Speed, F.W. 3464 spelling Indonesian historical linguistics 2898 spelling Indonesian Malay 2865 spelling Yogyakarta statement Arabic 1460 spelling 1947 Indonesian 2847 spelling 1972 Indonesian statement 1368 spelling 1973 meeting report Balinese 2917 spelling 1973 meeting report Javanese 2907 2908 Spengler, J.J. 3835 Spindler, G. 33323591 Spindler, L. 3332 3591 Spinks, C.N. 3209 spinning textile industry 1964/1967 Bekasi industrial development 2005 spinning 1972 Indonesia foreign enterprise Semarang 2109 Spoehr, A. 3370 sport Central America history 3872 sport Indonesia 1321 1478 1482 sport 1967 Indonesia industrial worker 2558 sport 1969 Indonesia 1226 sport 1972 Indonesia regulation ICSPE 1318 sport 1973 directory Indonesia 1405 1406 sport 1973 Indonesia 1454 sport 1973 Jakarta Raya 1429 sport 1973 meeting report Kalimantan Selatan 131 Sprague, G.F. 2636 Springer, H.W. 3695 Springer, J.F. 3449 Spuler, B. 3492 3494 3495 Squier, E.G. 3732 410 Index Sragen urban planning 1969 preliminary report resources invenwry 447 Sragen village 1970 survey community development 499 Sragen 1968 progress report local government 388 Sragen 1969/1970 progress report local government 749 Sragen 1970/1974 progress report local government 750 Sri Ana, ps Salleh haji Yusof 3038 Srimuang, T. 253 Sriplung, S. 2442 St. Lucia health service parasitic disease 3664 Staalsen, P. 2863 2895 Stachouwer Tjarda van Starkenborgh 229 Stadeli, W. 1583 standardization dialect English Hawaii Pidgin 3404 standardization vocational training 1972 Indonesia seminar industrial sector 1383 standardization 1971/1972 Indonesia project report financial administration 1118 standardization 1972 Indonesia industrial estate rubber 2117 Stanford, Q.H. 3568 Stange, P. 622 Stanner, W.E.H. 153 Stanton, E.F. 3439 Starkenborgh Stachouwer Tjarda van 229 Starker, K. 3571 state Indonesia history international relations 243 statistical service 1971/1972 report Jakarta Raya 673 statistics Indonesia textbook 3144 3161 statistics Indonesia textbook fishery 2515 statistics 1971 Indonesia educational administration 1292 statistics 1971 Indonesia meeting report education 1293 Stavenhagen, R. 3820 3840 Stedman, J.G. 3694 Steelink, W. 2758 Steenhoven, G. van den 1828 Steenis, C.G.G.J. van 2624 Steier, U. 3494 Steinberg, DJ. 3318 Sten, S. 3776 Stengers, J. 3567 Stenning, DJ. 3591 Stepan, A. 3840 Stepan III, A.C. 3817 3819 Stephens, J.L. 3732 3839 Stephens, S.G. 3832 Sternstein, L. 3545 Stevenson, A. 3634 Stevenson, R L. travel 1888/1889 novel Pacific Islands 3397 Steward, J.H. 3647 Steward, T.G. 3656 Stewart, A.T.Q. 3199 Stewart, D.E.J. 3830 Stodtbeck, F.L. 3581 Stoetzei, J. 3222 Stone, R.L. 3346 storage Sumatera Utara warehouse 1973 directory 2215 storage tariff Ujungpandang 1971 port 2064 Strathern, A. 151 Strathern, M. 151 168 strike' sugar industry worker Indonesia Kendal labour dispute legal aspect 282 strike Surinam 1973 economie geography 3622 Stringer, M. 2915 Strode, H. 3750 Stross, B. 3867 student UNAND university 1973 Indonesia medicine 1446 student university UNLAM 1971 Indonesia 1389 student university UNLAM 1972 Indonesia extension service 1374 student university UNLAM 1972/1973 Indonesia 1464 student university UNLAM 1972/1974 Indonesia 1390 student USSR 1966 Indonesian periodical PPI association 1198 student 1960 Indonesia seminar Pancasila political ideology 1202 student 1965 Gerakan 30 September 1965 Kalimantan Selatan politics 368 student 1967 IMM Indonesia meeting report association Islam 989 student 1967 Islam Kalimantan Selatan religion 1532 student 1967 KAMI association Kalimantan Selatan politics 115 student 1967 KAMI resolution association Kalimantan Selatan politics 986 student 1967 KAPPI association ideology Kalimantan Selatan 1207 student 1968 Latin America social conflict 3810 student 1969 congress GMNI Indonesia association 1003 1225 student 1970 conf PII association Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1009 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 411 student 1970 HMI association Banjarmasin Islam 1591 student 1970 Indonesia nationalism 1023 student 1972 IMM meeting Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1328 student 1972 Indonesia literature military politics 2817 student 1972 Indonesia meeting report extension service science policy 1329 student 1972 Indonesia training course extension service science policy 1327 student 1972 PII statement association Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1323 student 1973 conf PII association Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1424 student 1973 HMI Indonesia association Islam social participation 1714 student 1973 HMI meeting report association Islam Kalimantan 1069 student 1973 Indonesia pilot project practical studies 1461 student 1973 Indonesia seminar higher education 1422 student 1973 Malaysia politics 3286 study abroad 1962 almanac Indonesia PPI Germany FR 1189 study abroad 1968 conf Indonesia Japan 1209 Sturtevant, W.C. 3581 Stycos, J.M. 3835 Suandra, LM. 1579 1584 Suardi, E. 1426 1459 Suarez, J.M. Pino 3744 Suasso, H. 1497 Subadio, H. 2908 Subagio, G. 2133 Subagio I.N. 2696 Subagyo, H. 2290 Subagyo, R. 1741 Subalidinata 2908 Subandri 1185 Subandrio 970 Subandrio, H. 38 Subandrio trial 1967 Gerakan 30 September 1965 1767 Subani 1056 Subardjo 126 539 776 1047 1635 1673 1703 1878 2133 2432 Subarkah, I. 2098 Subarkah, M. 2184 Subarma, K. Sundanese pantun poetry 3062 Subchan 1985 Subchan, M. 1056 Subekti, R. 1056 1829 1881 Subhadradis Diskul, M.C. 3508 Subiantoro 699 Subiantoro, R 728 Subiapradja, R. 2361 2409 Subido, T. 3293 Subijarso, K. 2250 Subijono 1942 Subki, I. 2559 Subroto 1056 1876 1939 1988 2276 2361 2429 Subroto, P. 1460 Subroto, T. 811 subsistence farming marketing • Philippines 3338 Suchlicki, J. 3640 Sudargo, S. 2379 Sudarjanto 1460 Sudarjono 2 Sudarma, M.H. 2340 2556 2589 Sudarman 1881 1907 1913 1945 Sudarman t o 1189 Sudarmo, M.H. 2379 Sudarmo, P. 2636 Sudarmono 1056 1269 Sudarno 2914 Sudarno, R. 2033 Sudarsono 568 1056 1384 2276 Sudarsono, B. 2559 Sudarsono, G. 100 Sudarsono, S. 1499 Sudewa, E. 2097 Sudewo 1484 Sudharma, K.D. youth literature Indonesian 2998 Sudharno, I. 2728 Sudharta, T.R. 1548 2860 2867 Sudharto 2512 Sudiana, I.B.N. 1706 Sudiarto, R. 2556 Sudiatso, S. 2513 Sudibio 550 Sudibjo 1968 Sudihardjo 2407 Sudijarto 1330 1332 2745 Sudiomo, J. 2379 Sudirdjo, P. 1056 Sudirman 960 1845 Sudirman, H. 1743 Sudiro 192 221 2696 Sudiro, H.S. 1056 Sudjadi, B. 933 Sudjadi, K. 569 570 Sudjadi, M. 2696 Sudjana, E.A. 818 Sudjanadi 2608 Sudjanadi, R. 2276 Sudjari, S.I. 1253 Sudjarwo 2379 2407 Sudjatmoko 253 2239 3465 Sudjoko 818 1155 Sudjono 1858 1861 1865 1866 2097 Sudjono, D. 3166 412 Index Sudjono, I. 731 2513 Sudomo 158 1056 1590 1925 Sudomo, M. 1288 Sudono, C. 1861 Sudradjat 2407 Sudyarsana, K. 2908 Sunan bin Taimon 223 sufism Islam 3499 sugar Barbados labour relations plantation 3696 sugar industry Sulawesi 1961 report 134 sugar industry worker Indonesia Kendal labour dispute legal aspect strike 282 sugar industry 1968 Indonesia report public enterprise 2006 sugar 1838/1904 economics Guyana political aspect 3670 Sugeng 157 Sugiarso 553 1251 Sugiarto, I. 1060 1091 1635 Sugiharso 685 Sugijapranata, A. 1496 Sugijoko, S. 1870 Sugijono, M. 2172 Sugimoto, H.H. 3407 Sugirman 960 Sugo, K. 2465 Sun Dai Suk 2991 Suhadi 558 786 2539 Su hadji 2133 Suhaimi, K. 1446 Suhaimi Muhammad 3020 Suhanda 2461 Suhanda, A.B. 921 Suhandi, A. 139 1385 Suhardi 11 2406 2814 Suhardi, A. 968 Suhardjo 2827 Suhardjono 1056 Suharjo, A. 2513 Suharto 392 566 583 777 786 840 875 904 934 976 1044 1058 1081 1202 1614 1639 1646 1647 1725 1881 1907 1913 1930 1939 1968 2107 2611 2636 Suharto, M. 1946 Suharto, S. 1251 Suharto, T. 71 Suharto, T. biography 2706 Suharto biography 2706 Suhartono 1334 1431 1968 Suhasim 1937 Suherlan, H. 2433 Suherman, S.N. 2673 Suhondo, M. 707 Suhud, A.R. 2239 2559 Suhud, R. 2098 Suhud, R.A. 2379 Suin, A.T. 2004 Suindijo 1712 Suitu, S. 1465 1466 3148 Sujadji, R. 2097 Sujak bin Rahiman 1704 2844 2981 3001 3029 3036 3040 3268 Sujak bin Rahiman Jaafar Husin, S. Malay poetry Shamsuddin Ja'afar 3036 Sujak bin Rahiman youth literature Zakaria bin Hitam Malay 3001 3040 Sujani, M. 2386 Sujati 2921 Sujatna, G. 1317 Sujatno, H. 200 Sujitno 1255 Sujitno, B. 686 Sujitno, D. 2675 Sujono 2146 Sujono, A. 2062 Sujoso 1056 Sujoto 1937 2642 Sukabumi village 1956 report community development 351 Sukardan 1993 Sukardi 686 Sukardi, M. 788 2822 Sukardi, N. 1056 Sukardjasman, I. 1057 Sukardjo, S. 2728 2734 Sukardjono 1881 Sukardjono, R. 430 Sukardono, R. 1762 1766 Sukarja, S. 1102 Sukarmen 264 811 1056 1640 Sukarno 342 350 363 965 972 976 1199 1985 2133 2315 2660 3202 Sukarno, S.H. 1442 Sukarno, T. 2361 Sukarno biography 2682 Sukarno 1942/1945 photograph biography 2683 Sukarnoputeri 1972 family law Gamal, H. marriage 1814 Sukarso, E. 1327 Sukarsono 1589 2841 Sukarsono, I. 2914 Sukarsono, S. 2921 Sukarta, T. 2133 Sukartaatmadja, K. 2386 2513 Sukertijo 1614 1906 Sukhphun, B. 3248 Sulrijo, B.P. 414 Sukirin 1743 Sukirman 898 Sukirna, N. 369 Sukisno 1589 Sukito, W. 2841 Sukmana, T. 1228 Suko, S. 3348 Sukoharjo village Wonogiri Wonosobo 1971/1972 statistical data community development 602 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 413 Sukotjo 1881 Sukotjo, W. 2096 2276 Sukowati 1614 Sukra, Y. 1467 Sulaiman, A. 2690 k Sulaiman, li 1830 Sulaiman, M. 1210 Sulaiman, M.B. 1082 Sulandra 1345 Sulasmoro, B 2026 Sulawesi comparative linguistics folk tale Malaysia 138 Sulawesi Sumatera Sumba Timor Toraja Balinese Javanese linguistics 2837 Sulawesi welfare youth policy 1972 seminar Irian Jaya Maluku 1371 Sulawesi youth organization 1958 directory 966 Sulawesi 1961 report sugar industry 134 Sulawesi 1969 statistical data civil servant 291 Sulawesi 1970 ABRI armed forces 1933 Sulawesi 1970/1971 public works regional development 2594 Sulawesi 1972 agriculture Kalimantan regional planning 2425 Sulawesi 1974/1979 national plan Repelita II sea transport 2053 Sulawesi Selatan manuscript archives 2753 Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Tengah waste disposal 1969 survey sanitation service 2025 Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Tengah 1971/1972 report pulp and paper industry 2080 Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Tenggara wind power 1969 sea transport ship 2346 Sulawesi Selatan Sumatera Selatan 1971 Jambi Jawa Barat Kalimantan Timur regional planning 563 Sulawesi Selatan 1945/1965 insurrection Muzakkar, A.Q. social conflict 2686 Sulawesi Selatan 1966 progress report local government 376 Sulawesi Selatan 1969 survey coconut Nusa Tenggara Barat sanitation service 2023 Sulawesi Selatan 1969/1971 statistical data economie development 599 Sulawesi Selatan 1970 food production plantation 2355 Sulawesi Selatan 1971/1972 report industry Kalimantan Selatan mining nuclear power 686 Sulawesi Selatan 1971/1972 report infrastructure Jambi Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Timur 687 Sulawesi Selatan 1972 local government public administration 681 Sulawesi Selatan 1972/1973 annual report local government industrial administration 2245 Sulawesi Selatan 1973 agriculture civil servant job description Kalimantan Selatan 817 Sulawesi Selatan 1973 report Kalimantan Timur regional planning 950 Sulawesi Tengah waste disposal 1969 survey sanitation service Sulawesi Selatan 2025 Sulawesi Tengah 1971 progress report local government 565 Sulawesi Tengah 1971 report internal migration 553 Sulawesi Tengah 1971/1972 report pulp and paper industry Sulawesi 1 Selatan 2080 Sulawesi Tengah 1972 statistical data forestry 2471 Sulawesi Tenggara Sulawesi Utara 1900/1967 Protestant church 1586 Sulawesi Tenggara Sumatera Barat Sumatera Utara 1971/1972 report infrastructure 687 Sulawesi Tenggara wind power 1969 sea transport ship Sulawesi Selatan 2346 Sulawesi Tenggara 1969 community development Repelita I 445 Sulawesi Tenggara 1969 mission report local goveniment presidency 435 Sulawesi Tenggara 1969 presidency security 1893 Sulawesi Tenggara 1969/1973 regional development Repelita I 385 Sulawesi Tenggara 1971 annual report local government 533 Sulawesi Tenggara 1971 leadership school 1281 Sulawesi Tenggara 1971/1972 annual report local government industrial administration 2170 Sulawesi Tenggara 1971/1972 mission report DPR Lampung local finance 682 Sulawesi Tenggara 1971/1972 report pulp and paper industry 2080 Sulawesi Tenggara 1972 progress report local government 744 Sulawesi Tenggara 1972 statement local government 724 Sulawesi Tenggara 1972/1973 annual report local government industrial administration 2237 Sulawesi Tenggara 1973 cattle production 2450 Sulawesi Utara ABRI armed forces local government social administration 715 414 Index Sulawesi Utara constitution development centre local government 645 Sulawesi Utara teacher training 1970 directory IKIP 1240 Sulawesi Utara urban planning 1968 statistical data Manado resources inventory 442 Sulawesi Utara youth local government social policy 714 Sulawesi Utara 1900/1967 Protestant church Sulawesi Tenggara 1586 Sulawesi Utara 1946 history independence movement 210 Sulawesi Utara 1972 annual report local government industrial administration 2244 Sulawesi Utara 1972 legislation local government 638 Sulawesi Utara 1972 local government Islam religious policy 716 Sulawesi Utara 1972 seminar customary law 705 Suleman, M.R.S. 1807 Sulihati 847 Sulistio 1614 2512 3469 3470 Sumaatmadja, K. 464 Sumadi 1056 Sumadi, I. 2442 Sumadiredja, M. 2828 Sumahamidjaja, S. 1103 2696 Suman, H.S. Indonesian novel 2955 Sumanang 1251 Sumantri 2107 2202 Sumantri, B. 2739 Sumardi, K. 1881 Sumardjan, S. 770 1386 1725 1988 2043 Sumardjo 1185 Sumargo 2249 Sumarlin 2239 Sumarlin, J.B. 532 1422 2065 Sumarman 783 Sumarno 2433 Sumarno, K.H. 1881 Sumarsono 382 1781 Sumarsono, R. 2099 Sumartini 231 Sumarto, S. 572 Sumartojo 2512 Sumartono 1442 2386 Sumartono, D. 1894 Sumarwoto, O. 253 2636 Sumarwoto, O.D. 2386 Sumaryadi 2433 Sumatera geography 67 Sumatera geomorphology 257 Sumatera Sumba Timor Toraja Balinese Javanese linguistics Sulawesi 2837 Sumatera technology 1973 agricultural development industry 2470 Sumatera travel VOC 1823 204 Sumatera 1945/1949 insurrection military history 1847 Sumatera 1949/1952 meeting report plantation research centre rubber 1953 Sumatera 1958/1959 meeting report palm oil plantation research centre 1960 Sumatera 1958/1959 meeting report plantation research centre rubber 1959 Sumatera 1960/1961 meeting report oilpalm plantation 2313 Sumatera 1968 planning irrigation 2572 Sumatera 1969 petroleum industry 2031 Sumatera 1969 statistical data civil servant 292 Sumatera 1969/1973 Indonesia reference book national plan Repelita I 917 Sumatera 1971 annual report plantation 2409 Sumatera 1972 exhibition plantation public enterprise 2421 Sumatera 1972 Indonesia meeting report forest production Jawa 2407 Sumatera 1972 meeting report public administration port 2127 Sumatera 1972 report agricultural project irrigation Kalimantan 2406 Sumatera Barat economie development social and cultural anthropology 86 Sumatera Barat employment population 100 Sumatera Barat Sumatera Utara 1971/1972 report infrastructure Sulawesi Tenggara 687 Sumatera Barat Sumatera Utara 1972 Aceh Jambi plantation private enterprise Riau 2460 Sumatera Barat Tapanuli Selatan 1969 economie survey Kerinci plant production 2343 Sumatera Barat technology vocational school 1971 1972 annual report chemistry 1347 Sumatera Barat tourism prospectus 273 Sumatera Barat village 1969 bank 2030 Sumatera Barat 1800/1925 bibliography religion 1737 Sumatera Barat 1927/1933 educational policy history Islam nationalism 202 Sumatera Barat 1966/1969 income local finance 74 Sumatera Barat 1966/1969 statistical data economics national income 76 Sumatera Barat 1968 economics 91 Sumatera Barat 1968 local government national budget 1106 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 415 Sumatera Barat 1968 meeting report customary law Minangkabau political leadership 70 Sumatera Barat 1968/1972 development project social policy 900 Sumatera Barat 1969/1970 annual report local government 469 Sumatera Barat 1969/1970 local government national budget 423 1114 Sumatera Barat 1969/1970 report regional development Repelita I 415 480 Sumatera Barat 1969/1972 project report community development 938 Sumatera Barat 1969/197* report regional development Repelita I 598 757 Sumatera Barat 1970 annual report statistical data general study 90 Sumatera Barat 1970/1971 agricultural credit agricultural project debt repayment rice 2114 2393 Sumatera Barat 1970/1971 local government national budget 454 490 Sumatera Barat 1970/1971 local governmenr regional planning 491 Sumatera Barat 1971 prospectus culture 265 Sumatera Barat 1971 report ABRI armed forces internal migration 516 Sumatera Barat 1971 statistical data census population 14 Sumatera Barat 1971 statistical data general study 106 778 Sumatera Barat 1972 project report internal migration irrigation 780 Sumatera Barat 1972/1973 local government regional planning 756 Sumatera Barat 1972/1973 project report community development 688 689 Sumatera Barat 1973 exhibition local government industrial administration 2223 Sumatera Barat 1973 local government report educational administration 1432 Sumatera Barat 1973 meeting higher education public administration 882 Sumatera Barat 1973 statement political participation 1066 Sumatera Barat 1973/1974 higher education public administration 1373 Sumatera Selatan tax 1972 Bengkulu Jambi Lampung regional development 108 Sumatera Selatan textile industry 1972 report 2156 Sumatera Selatan 1800/1920 bibliography history 2751 Sumatera Selatan 1968 progress report local government 387 Sumatera Selatan 1969 development project infrastructure Jambi road construction 2593 Sumatera Selatan 1971 Jambi Jawa Barat Kalimantan Timur regional planning Sulawesi Selatan 563 Sumatera Selatan 1971 seminar economie development 509 532 Sumatera Selatan 1971 statistical data general study 779 Sumatera Selatan 1971/1972 mission report DPR public administration 683 Sumatera Selatan 1971/1972 report fertilizer industry Jambi petrochemical industry 2149 Sumatera Selatan 1972 preinvestment survey cycle factory 2139 Sumatera Selatan 1972 report industrial development 846 Sumatera Selatan 1972 statistical data census population 889 Sumatera Selatan 1973 workshop agricultural cooperative 2475 Sumatera Selatan 1974/1979 economie development regional development Repelita II 774 Sumatera Tengah 1955 annual report local government industrial administration 2308 Sumatera Tengah 1956 annual report local government industrial administration 1957 Sumatera Timur agave oilpalm plantation 2318 Sumatera Timur customary law 1797 Sumatera Timur 1883/1939 thesis economie development plantation railway 2301 Sumatera Timur 1956 meeting report oilpalm plantation 2309 Sumatera Timur 1957 meeting report plantation rubber 2310 Sumatera Timur 1958 meeting report Bandung plantation public enterprise Semarang 2311 Sumatera Timur 1973 exhibition culture housing Malay an 114 Sumatera Utara coast economie development rural area 103 Sumatera Utara culture history lil Sumatera Utara customary law land ownership 2549 Sumatera Utara marine fishing 2323 Sumatera Utara survey public enterprise 113 Sumatera Utara textile industry 1972 report domestic investment foreign investment 2159 416 Index Sumatera Utara textile industry 1973 preliminary report regional development 2270 Sumatera Utara tourism trade 1971 directory 263 Sumatera Utara tourism 1973 prospectus 269 275 Sumatera Utara trade fair 2822 Sumatera Utara trade union wage determination 1971 plantation 303 Sumatera Utara trade 1973 directory commercial enterprise service industry 2218 Sumatera Utara transport policy 1973 exhibition 951 Sumatera Utara warehouse 1973 directory storage 2215 Sumatera Utara Yogyakarta 1971/1972 report education Jawa Tengah Kalimantan Selatan 684 Sumatera Utara 0700/1200 history Islam 237 Sumatera Utara 1960 annual report health service 2630 Sumatera Utara 1961/1964 report regional development 372 Sumatera Utara 1964 exhibition local government development plan 373 Sumatera Utara 1964 preliminary survey cotton food erop food production 2316 Sumatera Utara 1966 progress report economie conditions 377 Sumatera Utara 1967 thesis export 2003 Sumatera Utara 1968 survey electricity 2583 Sumatera Utara 1970 seminar forest product rubber 2361 Sumatera Utara 1971 conf plant disease rubber 2385 Sumatera Utara 1971 programme planning flood control 2599 Sumatera Utara 1971 report regional development Repelita I 531 Sumatera Utara 1971/1972 annual report local government industrial administration 2165 Sumatera Utara 1971/1972 directory enterprise export import 2120 2214 Sumatera Utara 1971/1972 report fertilizer industry petrochemical industry 2149 Sumatera Utara 1971/1972 report infrastructure Sulawesi Tenggara Sumatera Barat 687 Sumatera Utara 1972 Aceh Jambi plantation private enterprise Riau Sumatera Barat 2460 Sumatera Utara 1972 chemical industry 2146 Sumatera Utara 1972 conf juvenile delinquency 1802 Sumatera Utara 1972 foreign trade 2272 Sumatera Utara 1972 statistical data Aceh economics 94 Sumatera Utara 1972/1973 annual report local government forest policy 2480 Sumatera Utara 1972/1973 report regional development Repelita I 885 2254 Sumatera Utara 1973 catalogue printing industry 2742 Sumatera Utara 1973 economie development 2219 Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition bank 2209 Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition fishery food policy 2451 Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition plantation 2508 Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise Aceh agricultural administration 2453 Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise agriproduct processing oilpalm 2466 Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise cocoa plywood 2531 Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise latex resin 2234 Sumatera Utara 1973 exhibition public enterprise rubber 2231 Sumatera Utara 1973 family food consumption 943 Sumatera Utara 1973 food production regional development 2482 Sumatera Utara 1973 manufacturing private enterprise 2248 Sumatera Utara 1973 meeting report plantation private enterprise 2517 Sumatera Utara 1973 textbook agricultural management business organization 2455 Sumatera Utara 1973/1974 local government national budget 788 879 880 Sumawidjaja, K. 1467 Sumawidjaja, U. 2407 Sumawinata, S. 2 2512 Sumba Timor Toraja Balinese Javanese linguistics Sulawesi Sumatera 2837 Sumbarjono 2601 Sumbawa village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Lombok Barat 607 Sumbing, A.G. ps Suriokusumo, AG. 2957 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 417 Sumbono 353 Sumbono al Soüchin 1673 Sumenep 1970 regional plan 452 Sumintaatmadja, Z. 2027 Suminto, R.H.A. 1742 Sumhra, A A. 1551 Sumitro 1034 1056 1862 1939 Sumitro, D. 1460 Sumitrohadi 2433 Sumodihardjo, R.T. 1504 Sumodihardjo, T. 1643 Sumolang, D.S. 1056 2256 Sumosaputro, S. 41 1193 Sumpena, S. 2076 2100 2271 2277 Sunadi 1929 Sunadjo 329 Sunan Kudus biography 2685 Sunan dar 1861 Sunardhy 200 Sunardi 1048 1895 Sunardi, D.M. 1005 Sunardi, S. 1988 Sunardji 1369 Sunardjo 256 Sunario 221 967 993 2696 Sunarjo 971 Sunarjo, M.W. 1251 Sunarso 987 Sunartho, J.H. 1056 Sunarto 2408 Sunarto, I. 2296 Sunarto, R. 1643 Sunaryo 2433 Sundanese customary law Jawa Barat 51 Sundanese dictionary 2919 Sundanese folk tale 3055 3056 Sundanese pantun Kamal, K. poetry 3063 3065 3066 Sundanese pantun poetry Sadiïn, K. 3064 Sundanese pantun poetry Samid, K. 3059 Sundanese pantun poetry Subarma, K. 3062 Sundanese primbon Bandung genealogy 3027 Sundanese proverb oral literature 3054 Sundanese Tamadipura, KA. pantun poetry 3060 3061 Sundanese textbook grammatical study 2853 Sundanese textbook literature 3103 Sundanese thesis circumcision rite social and cultural anthropology 64 Sundanese 1700/1750 text history Jawa Barat literature 3058 Sundardi, F. 2433 Sundaru, M. 2386 Sundoro 1251 1269 1324 1706 sunflower Indonesia cultivation technique 2324 Sunhudi, M.I. 1589 Sunjoto 668 1056; 1474 1881 Sunkel, O. 3823 Sunoto 1591 Suntoro 2337 2348 Suny, I. 1779 Sunyoto, T.R. 2147 Supadi, S. 2559 Supadmo, B. 2433 Supangat, I. 158 Supangkat 1330 2696 Supanto Djaffar 4 Supardi 1056 2133 Supardiman 2512 Supardjata, M. 1317 Supardjo 1848 Suparman 2094 3043 Suparman, S. 571 Suparmo, R. 1189 Suparmoko 328 550 Suparno, A.S. 1253 Suparto 1783 Suparto, G. 2033 Suparto, S. 424 Supayo 2147 Supeno, B. 1771 1830 Supit, W.W.W. 2728 Supomo 1255 1369 1754 Suprandono, R. 1881 Supranoto 126 Suprapto 1459 1466 3148 Suprapto, B S. 2250 Suprapto, S. 2069 Supraptono 2097 Suprato 1465 Suprayogi, D. 621 Suprijono, P. 2094 Suptandar, J.P. 2025 Suptandar, P. 2023 Surabaya vegetable oil 1964 economie agreement Indonesia foreign investment Germany DR 1981 Surabaya village 1972 report community development 658 Surabaya 1920/1960 TNH Chinese social movement 1183 Surabaya 1945 independence movement 216 Surabaya 1963 local government budget public enterprise 364 Surabaya 1969 legislation local government 1777 Surabaya 1970 mission report Banjarmasin local government 467 Surachmad, W. 567 1219 1253 1387 Surachman 1985 Surachman, J.M. 1056 418 Index Surachman, M.I. 20122184 Suradio 1324 Suradji 1868 Suradji, G. 1388 Suraji 2147 Surakarta architecture palace 42 Surakarta 1848/1948 history road 245 Surakarta 1959 local government development plan 354 Surakhmad, W. 1332 Suranggadjiwa, M.H. 2379 Suratman 1332 Suratmo, G. 2674 Sunvwiguna, H. 2096 Suria, J.S. 532 Suriamihardja, B. 1056 1381 Surianegara, I. 1006 2379 2407 Surijadinata, L. 2719 Surinam animism Negro religion 3612 Surinam anthology literature 3619 Surinam geography 3614 Surinam geography interethnic relations Netherlands Antilles 3615 Surinam Islam Javanese 3683 Surinam 1700/1800 document American Indian 3618 Surinam 1873/1973 immigration Indian 3623 Surinam 1902/1903 immigration Indian 3628 Surinam 1920/1970 thesis demography 3624 Surinam 1971 American Indian 3617 Surinam 1972 racial conflict 3621 Surinam 1973 économie geography strike 3622 Surinamese 1973 minority group Moluccan Netherlands 3965 Suriokusumo, A.G. = Sumbing, A.G. ps 2957 Suriokusumo, R.M.S. 955 Suria, M. 3148 Surjadi 1003 Surjadi, A.J. 2559 Surjadji 2337 2348 Surjani, M. 2386 Surjaningrat, S. 337 2648 Sur jan to 516 Surjobrongto, B.P.H. 1259 Surjokusumo 3136 Surjono 2559 Surjono, R. 2556 Surjopranoto, M. 1048 Surjosubroto, A. 1961 Surjosuporto, A. 3150 Surjowidjojo, M. 1345 Surohaldoko, S. 2386 Surono 1640 1706 1881 Suroso 2696 Suroso, S. 2461 Suroto 1289 Suroto, S. 231 Surowinoto, S. 2513 Surya, W.P. 1640 Suryadi, D. 222 3027 3053 Suryadinata, L. 2702 Suryaman, U. 1475 Suryana, A.S. 781 Suryanti, N. 2031 Susan to 2147 Susanto, A.S. 2817 Susanto, E. 3149 Susastro, M.H. 1089 Susatyo 2688 Suseno, S. 2433 Susilo 1590 Susilo, R.M. 1504 Susmono, J. 2160 Sutaarga, M.A. 567 1295 1476 Sutadi 1266 1314 1315 2081 Sutadiwirja, D. 2638 2661 Sutami 71 397 474 579 1056 2352 2585 Sutanto 572 Sutanto, H. 723 Sutanto, S. 1097 Sutardi, M. 2671 Sutardja 1369 Sutarjo 1056 Sutarno 297 1706 Sutarso 1906 Sutarso, K.S. 1194 Sutarto 1205 Sutarto, R.M. 1442 Sutcliffe, R.B. 3567 Sutedja,G.W. 811 Sutedjo 2631 Sutedjo, R. 1290 1291 Sutidja, T. youth literature Indonesian 2999 Sutidjo, D. 2386 2513 Sutijadi, J.S. 84 Sutijoso 481 Sutiksno 1827 Sutisna, O. 1237 Sutiyoso 787 Sutiyoso, Y. 2512 Sutjipto 1327 1329 2322 2407 2513 2636 Sutjipto, ii 2154 Sutjitro 2133 Sutojo, P. 2298 Sutomo 1092 1171 1327 2407 3043 Sutono 2386 Sutono, D. Suwarto Tjokronegoro, S. artist biography intellectual Kusumahatmadja, S.E. 2709 Sutopo, P. 2818 Sutopo, R. 1048 1806 Personal name — Organization - Geography - Descriptor 419 Sutopo, S. 2023 Sutopo, U. 579 Sutowo, H.T. 1056 Sutowo, I. 3447 Sutoyoso, Y. 563 Sutran 1056 Sutrismo 550 Sutrisno 811 1056 Sutrisno, A.J. 1056 Sutrisno, R.I. 1272 Sutrisno, R.T. 1292 1293 Sutrisno, S. 1253 Sutter, J.O. 1188 3203 3252 Suwadi, S.S. 1179 Suwadji, R. 1906 Suwanda, A. 2407 Suwandi 4 1641 1644 Suwardi, H. 2461 2513 Suwardi, T. 2097 Suwardiyono, R. 2935 Suwardjono 2644 Suwargana, U. 1063 Suwarman 579 Suwarno 70 Suwartha, M.B. 811 Suwarto 1861 Suwarto Tjokronegoro, S. artist biography intellectual Kusumahatmadja, S.E. Sutono, D. 2709 Suwidji 245 Suwignjo 1056 Suwignjo, R. 743 Suwirjo 200 Suwirjo, N. 1776 Suwiyo, B. 1345 Suwondo, H. 1400 Suwondo, N. 285 2645 Suyaji, R. 2101 2195 2196 2253 Suyoto 917 Swaan Koopman, C. youth literature Indonesia 2790 Swantoro 3122 Swasono, E. 632 Swasono, S.E. 2133 2275 2276 Sweden technical assistance trade relations 1958/1970 Cuba 3637 Sween, J.A. 3791 Sweeney, P.L.A. 3281 Sweeting, M.M. 3736 Swellengrebel, J.L. 2831 2837 Swift, M.G. 3385 Syah, S.M. 1732 1821 Syahid, B. 1093 1094 1477 1706 Syarif, S. 2899 Syed Hussein Alatas 3282 Sylvain 3391 Sylvanus 1056 Sylvanus, R. 500 578 Sym, C.A.M. 3460 symbol Bali Hinduism religion 1524 1544 symbol Indonesia history national 5 symbol Indonesia political ideology 3456 symbol theory myth religion social and cultural anthropology 3580 symbol youth 1972 Indonesia statement nationalism 1357 Symonds, R. 3177 syntax American Indian Cuna 3729 syntax Indonesia Dutch 3126 syntax Indonesian 2854 2855 syntax Indonesian secondary education textbook 2857 syntax Indonesian textbook 2901 syntax Kapampangan 3333 syntax teaching method Indonesian statement 1460 Szanton, M.C.B. 3338 Szekely-Lulofs, M.H. Indonesia short story 2779 Szentes, T. 3575 Szwed, J.F. 3591 T Tabanan tourism 1969 project report 179 Tabanan 1969 Hinduism 1584 Tabari 3498 Taboada, I. 3661 Tachart 3206 Tadjudin, D. 1185 Taft, R. 3903 Tagalog grammatical study 3336 Tagalog language teaching 3298 Tagle, R.M. Sanchez de 3772 Tahalele, J.F. 1238 Tahir, A. 263 3024 Tahiti French Polynesia ornithology 3402 Tahiti painting 3400 Tahitian textbook grammatical study 3384 Tahura 2695 Taib Osman, M. 2844 2888 Taiuard, C. 3577 Taimon Sufian bin 223 Taipeh, A. 1408 Tairas, J.N.B. 2707 2755 Tai rora Waffa Agarabi Auyana Awa Binumarien Gadsup linguistics Obura 2915 Taketomi Masakazu 2918 Talbot, P. 3538 3551 Talsim 3057 Talsya, A. 361 Talsya, T A. 107 420 Index Tamadipura, K.A. pantun poetry Sundanese 3060 3061 Tamam, B. 1678 Tamanoi, Y. 3367 Tamaulipas 1970 statistical data population 3763 Tamboto, J.H. 2057 Tambunan, A.H.O. 341 Tambunan, A.M. 1590 2352 Tambunan, D. 263 2822 Tambunan, M O. 1056 Tamimi, S. 1727 Tamimy, D. 1694 Tampubolon, B. 943 Tampubolon, H.W. 2433 Tampubolon, W.P. 2318 Tan, A.S. 3340 Tan, M.G. 294 336 670 Tan Giok Tjhwan 1183 Tan Hong Gie 975 Tan Hong Tong 2433 Tan Kiat Djwee 3145 Tan Kin Hwa 975 Tana Toraja village 1971/1972 statistical data Bantaeng community development Maros 608 Tanah Datar 1970 economics 85 Tanahlaut 1973 Congress MPR political participation 1075 Tanbandaro, D.D. 73 85 Tandjung, I. 2096 Tang Tsou 3456 Tanhar 2677 Tanjungjabung village 1971/1972 statistical data Batanghari community development Kerinci 613 Tanojo, R. 43 56 3052 Tantera, I.D.M. 2625 Tanukhi 3498 Tanumidjaja, TM. 2632 Tanzil, H.O.K. 2634 Tapanuli Selatan village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Simalungun 614 Tapanuli Selatan 1100/1200 Buddhism history 1739 Tapanuli Selatan 1968 distribution network petroleum 2014 Tapanuli Selatan 1969 economie survey Kerinci plant production Sumatera Barat 2343 Tapanuli Tengah 1973 general study 112 Tapanuli Utara 1967/1972 progress report regional development 768 Tapanuli Utara 1971/1972 progress report local government 751 Tapanuli Utara 1972 general study 767 Tapanuli Utara 1972/1975 regional plan Repelita I 754 Tara, V. 3661 Tari, E. 944 1056 tariff Ujungpandang 1971 port storage 2064 tariff 1971 Indonesia GATT import 1111 tariff 1971 Indonesia regulation import 2076 tariff 1973 Indonesia customs economie legislation 1161 1168 tariff 1973 Indonesia customs import 2283 tariff 1973 Indonesia customs port sea transport 2211 2251 2252 2302 2303 tariff 1973 Indonesia electricity 2616 tariff 1973 Indonesia legislation sea transport 2279 Tarling, N. 204 Tartib 1172 Tarumingkeng, R.C. 2379 Tas, S. 247 Tasaday 1972 Philippines social and cultural anthropology 3329 Tashadi 241 2709 2710 Tasrif, S. 1251 2841 Tatengkeng, J.E. Indonesian poetry 2936 Taufiq, S. Abu 1593 1679 Taufiqurrahman 1678 Tausug aggression customary law Islam Philippines social and cultural anthropology 3332 tax collection vehicle 1973 legislation Bukittinggi 1162 tax collection 1964 Indonesia meeting report fiscal administration 1102 tax system 1969 conf Indonesia 2018 tax system 1969 Indonesia seminar fiscal policy 1097 tax system 1971/1972 Indonesia project report fiscal administration 2187 tax 1964 Indonesia thesis 1103 tax 1972 Bengkuiü Jambi Lampung regional development Sumatera Selatan 108 tax 1972 Indonesia development project school 1382 tax 1972 Indonesia statistical data 1116 tax 1973 education Jawa Timur 1149 taxation 1972/1973 Indonesia economie legislation 1151 taxation 1973 Indonesia statement Islam religious practice 1744 Tayibnapis, Y. E. 132 Taylor, C.R.H. 3539 Taylor, D. 3683 Taylor, F.M. 1980 Taylor, GR. 3568 Taylor, H.C. 3832 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 421 Taylor, R.H 3200 Taylor, W.B. 3777 tea tobacco 1970 Indonesia cinnamon cocoa ginger nutmeg plantation quinine rubber 2354 teacher recruitment 1969/1971 Indonesia aptitude pupil 1387 teacher trade union 1972 Bandung conf IFFTU South East Asia 1381 teacher training curriculum Indonesia primary education 3149 teacher training Indonesia in plant training school guidance 1286 teacher training Indonesia primary education 3148 teacher training 1969 annual report Bandung IKIP 1234 teacher training 1969 directory IKIP Malang 1215 teacher training 1970 annual report Bandung IKIP '1257 teacher training 1970 directory IKIP Sulawesi Utara 1240 teacher training 1970/1971 Indonesia educational policy 1275 teacher training 1971 directory Indonesia further training 1296 teacher'training 1971 educational development IKIP Jakarta Raya 1287 teacher training 1971 Indonesia educational development IKIP 1285 teacher training 1971 1972 educational development IKIP Jakarta Raya 1276 teacher training 1972 Indonesia meeting report educational policy IKIP 1325 teacher training 1972 report educational development IKIP Jakarta Raya 1346 teacher training 1972/1973 Indonesia report 1434 teacher training 1973 administrative aspect educational development IKIP Yakarta Raya 1447 teacher training 1973 directory IKIP Medan 1404 teacher training 1973 directory IKIP Semarang 1425 teacher training 1973 educational development extension service IKIP Jakarta Raya 1448 teacher training 1973 IKIP Semarang 1431 teacher 1964 Indonesia statement political behaviour 1192 teacher 1973 statistical data Jawa Timur 1430 teaching aid 1972 Indonesia mass media 2298 teaching aid 1973 expert report Indonesia radio 1395 teaching material Indonesia standardization 1258 teaching material 1961/1962 catalogue Malaysia 2715 teaching material 1971 Indonesia primary education 1277 teaching material 1971 Indonesia secondary education 3140 teaching method Indonesia primary education 1238 teaching method Indonesian statement syntax 1460 teaching method thesis Malaysia primary education 3255 technical assistance trade relations 1958/1970 Cuba Sweden 3637 technical assistance 1971 Indonesia Netherlands port 2102 technical assistance 1971/1972 aid programme Indonesia culture education 1267 technical assistance 1972/1973 directory Indonesia development policy sea transport 2176 technical assistance 1972/1973 Indonesia extensive farming Japan Jawa Barat 2547 technical assistance 1972/1973 Indonesia report agricultural project Japan Jawa Barat 2465 2516 technical education curriculum Indonesia radio 2291 technical education 1948/1958 industrial extension Puerto Rico 3645 technical education 1973 Indonesia meeting report industrial extension 2229 technical school Ujungpandang 1972 annual report 1433 technical school 1963/1965 curriculum Indonesia higher education ITB 1191 technological change youth 1972 Indonesia seminar statement religious education 1372 technology Indonesia labour 2287 technology vocational school 1971 1972 annual report chemistry Sumatera Barat 1347 technology 1971 Indonesia meeting report industry research 2107 technology 1973 agricultural development industry Sumatera 2470 Tedang, I.M. 811 Tedjopramono 1514 Tedjosumarto, S. 396 431 446 Teeuw, A. 248 2708 2803 2837 2916 Tegal textile industry 1971 project report 2094 Teh, H.H. 3258 422 Index Tehuacan Mexico archaeology 3785 Teigo, Y. 994 Tekan, H 1552 Teken, I.G.B. 2512 2513 telecommunication 1968 Indonesia planning foreign aid postal service 2579 telecommunication 1968 Indonesia planning postal service 2567 telecommunication 1968 planning Jawa postal service 2568 television 1969 Colombia development project education Peace Corps 3721 Telia, T.S. Di 3840 3853 Telukbetung/Tanjungkarang 1972 statistical data general study 836 Temanggung village 1952 capital resources community development 2533 Tembaru 2346 temple archaeology Phillippines 3309 temple Bali Hinduism religion 1628 temple Thailand architecture building 3506 Temyang, H.A.M.A. 256 Tengkar Hassan 3020 Teo Huat 3020 terminology Indonesia rubber 2920 terminology Thai language 3209 terminology 1972 Indonesian meeting report language standardization 2914 test 1966/1970 report civil servant Jakarta Raya political behaviour 848 textile fibre 1970 Lampung plantation 2358 textile Indonesia 50 textile industry 1948/1968 Indonesia cooperative 2020 textile industry 1962 cooperative Sleman 1968 textile industry 1963 Indonesia 1972 textile industry 1964/1967 Bekasi industrial development spinning 2005 textile industry 1970 gunny Lampung plantation rosella 2359 textile industry 1970/1971 annual report Indonesia DEPRIN ministry 2041 textile industry 1971 forecast Indonesia 2096 textile industry 1971 Indonesia preliminary report market study 2089 textile industry 1971 project report Tegal 2094 textile industry 1971/1972 annual report Indonesia DEPRIN ministry 2141 textile industry 1972 directory Indonesia enterprise 2123 textile industry 1972 report Bali 2158 textile industry 1972 report domestic investment foreign investment Jakarta Raya 2152 textile industry 1972 report domestic investment foreign investment Jawa Tengah 2150 2151 textile industry 1972 report domestic investment foreign investment Jawa Timur 2160 textile industry 1972 report domestic investment foreign investment Sumatera Utara 2159 textile industry 1972 report Jawa Barat 2157 textile industry 1972 report Jawa Timur 2154 textile industry 1972 report Riau 2155 textile industry 1972 report Sumatera Selatan 2156 textile industry 1972/1973 annual report Indonesia DEPRIN ministry 695 textile industry 1973 preliminary report regional development Sumatera Utara 2270 textile 1600/1800 exhibition fine arts India 3181 textile 1972 report consumer demand Jawa Tengah marketing 2147 textile 1972 report consumer demand Kalimantan Barat 2153 textual edition Javanese 3053 textual edition manuscript old Javanese 2838 Teylingen, H. van 3621 Thabit 3498 Thaha, M.N. 1009 Thahir, A.R. 2032 Thai dictionary English 3520 3521 Thai electronic data processing 3209 Thai folk tale 3209 Thai language terminology 3209 Thai phonology 3209 Thai script 3209 Thai 1972 semantics 3229 Thaib, M. 1744 Thaib, M.A. 94 Thailand agriculture ecology rice 3230 Thailand archaeology Ayudhya mapping 3209 Thailand architecture building temple 3506 Thailand art history 3502 3508 Thailand Buddhism 3487 Thailand Buddhism national plan 3490 Thailand Burma Korea R military Pakistan political participation 1899 Thailand Chiang Sen monument 3209 Thailand dance 3248 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 423 Thailand development policy marketing 3208 Thailand geography 3221 Thailand history international relations Laos 3219 Thailand history Khmer Republic 3212 Thailand Indonesia mission report prehistory 208 Thailand land utilization 3577 Thailand marriage 3209 Thailand religion social participation 3209 Thailand United Kingdom 1600/1950 international relations 3211 Thailand United Kingdom 1800/1900 international relations 3238 Thailand urbanization Vietnam bibliography Hong Kong Malaysia Philippines Singapore 3545 Thailand Vietnam politics Singapore 3464Thailand 0000/1972 history 3237 Thailand 1100/1200 history 3209 Thailand 1689 Catholic church 3206 Thailand 1725/1750 history 3209 Thailand 1750/1800 history 3209 Thailand 1800/1870 history 3213 Thailand 1800/1900 map 3209 Thailand 1900/1925 history nationalism 3209 Thailand 1932/1933 history revolution 3240 Thailand 1968 archaeology 3596 Thailand 1971 ASEAN Indonesia international relations Singapore 3440 Thailand 1972 manpower planning 3226 Thailand 1973 bibliography 3542 Thajib, S. 1862 Thakali linguistics 3218 Thalhah, A F. 2133 Tham Seong Chee 3258 Thamrin 2033 Thamrin, M.H. 501 Thamrin, M.H. biography 197 Than An Kow 3258 Thawatt Mokarapong 3240 Thawil, T. 3146 The Liang Gie 192 393 394 TheTjengSioe 1219 theatre Africa Asia 3484 theatre Asia China history India Islam Japan 3478 theatre child Indonesian Nas, CM. 2990 theatre independence movement Indonesian 3021 theatre Indonesia biography Brammetje, ps Croo, M.H. du 2681 theatre Indonesia cinema 1392 1393 theatre Indonesia Protestantism 2964 theatre Indonesian Ismail, U. Jassin, H.B. 2940 theatre Indonesian Sontani, U.T. 2941 theatre Indonesian translation folk tale Javanese 2973 theatre Malay 3270 theatre Mexico 3774 theatre Ramayana wayang Malay 3281 theatre textbook wayang Javanese 1194 theatre training centre Kalimantan Selatan 1206 theatre travel Indonesia memoir 260 theatre wayang Bali 187 theatre wayang Javanese 1193 3041 3044 3049 3050 3051 theatre wayang Javanese Mangkunegara IV, K.G. 3048 theatre wayang Javanese Sedahmirah, N.A. 3052 theatre Yogjakarta 1969/1971 wayang Jawa Tengah 2757 theatre 1945 Japanese occupation Javanese political ideology 2938 theatre 1969 Indonesia wayang 7 Thee Kian Wie 1074 Thee Tjoen Giap 1190 Thein Pe Myint Birma short story 3201 Theng, K.H. 1478 Theophanes 1496 thermal energy 1973 Indonesia 255 thesis UNAND university 1958/1970 Indonesia bibliography law 2722 thesis UNHAS university 1960/1972 Indonesia bibliography 2735 thesis writing Indonesia textbook 1271 1452 2842 thesis 1973 bibliography Minangkabau 2752 Thet 1967 Burma ethnography India 3178 Thiel, P. van 145 Thiesenhusen, WC 3835 Thin, T. 3823 Thio, E. 3258 Thole, G. 3571 Thomas, C.Y. 3695 Thomas, J.J. 3694 Thomas, R.M. 1387 2745 Thompson,,1^ 3418 Thompson, W.S. 3568 Thomson, D.F. 3419 Thomson, G. 3454 Thomson, K W. 3915 Thorn, R.S. 3809 Thumboo, E. 3289 Thung, Y. 2756 Tibesar, A. 3855 Tidrick, G. 3696 Tiknopranoto ps Diposutarno 41 424 Index Tilaar, HAR. 1330 timber 1971 Indonesia economie conditions forestry 2106 time factor archaeology 3610 Timm, K. 3571 Timmermans, W. 3793 Titnor Toraja Balinese Javanese linguistics Sulawesi Sumatera Sumba 2837 Timor Tengah Selatan village 1972 report community development 652 Ting, A. 3428 Tinggen, I.N. 2917 Tinggi Duri 2759 Tinker, S.W. 3429 Tirtarahardja, P. 2386 Tirthayasa, W K. 2434 Tirtosudiro, A. 884 1056 2059 Tiwar, A R. 2002 Tjakrawerdaja, S. 2433 Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer 229 Tjarks, G.O.E. 3796 T j i n darbum i 1171 Tjiptoadinugroho, R. 2205 Tjitroshbono, H. 3470 Tjitrosuwarno, U. 982 TjoaBungWan 1183 Tjoa Hin Hoey 1183 Tjoah Kok Hong 464 Tjokroamidjojo, B. 2104 Tjokroaminoto, A 341 1041 1055 1056 1064 2696 Tjokrodidjojo, S. 1056 Tjokromidjojo, P. 1988 Tjokronegoro, S. artist biography intellectual Kusumahatmadja, S.E. Sutono, D. Suwarto 2709 Tjokrosuseno, A. 2636 Tjondronegoro 2276 Tjondronegoro, M.P. 1902 Tjondronjegoro, S. 1001 2513 Tjondronegoro, SM.P. 2542 Tjuhaja, M. 1255 Tjut, A. 2519 Tjutje, ps Hussin, TM. 224 225 tobacco 1967 annual report Indonesia plant production public enterprise 2327 2328 tobacco 1970 Indonesia cinnamon cocoa ginger nutmeg plantation quinine rubber tea 2354 tobacco 1972 annual report research centre Medan 2242 tobacco 1973 exhibition public enterprise Deliserdang 2284 tobacco 1973 Indonesia meeting report plantation 2529 Tobar Cruz, P. 3836 Tobing, F.L. 2813 2849 Tobing, V.L. 2407 Togas, P.G. 1056 Toh Chin Chye 3258 Toledano, V. Lombardo 3750 Tolla, A.M. 2033 Tolleng, AR. 683 Ton That Thien 3204 Tonkawa linguistics 3878 Top, H.J. 145 Toraja Balinese Javanese linguistics Sulawesi Sumatera Sumba Timor 2837 Toraja death rite myth 136 Toraja Yogyakarta Bali Maluku Tenggara Minangkabau Nias traditional culture 4 Tornay, S. 3590 Torres, C. 3822 3855 Torres, E. 3322 Torres Restrepo, C. 3820 Toscano, A. Moreno 3772 Toskin, M. 4 Totten, G.O. 3456 tourism Mexico La Paz 3756 tourism prospectus Jawa Barat 58 tourism prospectus Sumatera Barat 273 tourism trade 1971 directory Sumatera Utara 263 tourism 1968 Bali regional plan 389 tourism 1969 meeting report Yogyakarta ASEAN 261 tourism 1969 project report Badung 175 tourism 1969 project report Bangli 176 tourism 1969 project report Buleleng 177 tourism 1969 project report Klungkung 178 tourism 1969 project report Tabanan 179 tourism 1971 forecast Indonesia 2096 tourism 1971 seminar Bali 264 tourism 1972 ASEAN conf South East Asia 3444 tourism 1972 Indonesia legislation 1799 tourism 1972 meeting report Jawa Barat 268 tourism 1972 prospectus Bukittinggi 266 tourism 1973 Indonesia 270 271 tourism 1973 prospectus Karo 274 tourism 1973 prospectus Sumatera Utara 269 275 Town, G.A. 3909 town Guatemala poverty 3741 town value Latin America 3866 town 1956 directory Bandung 369 Townsend, W.C. 3750 trade development 1971 1974 1979 Indonesia projection export 2194 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 425 trade fair 1969 finaf report Jakarta Raya 1222 trade fair 1969 Jakarta Raya Jawa Barat 45 trade fair 1972 Medan Sumatera Utara 2822 trade fair 1973 directory Jakarta Raya 2824 trade policy 1858/1920 Japan 3353 trade policy 1900/1965 Mexico 3755 trade policy 1964 Indonesia private enterprise 1975 trade policy 1971 Indonesia legislation financial policy 2061 trade policy 1972 annual report local government export Jawa Timur 864 trade policy 1972 Indonesia 2125 trade poIicy-1972 Indonesia report 854 trade promotion 1968 IBC Indonesia 2011 trade relations 1500/1800 Asia Portugal 3236 trade relations 1958/1970 Cuba Sweden technical assistance 3637 trade relations 1972 Indonesia EEC 2178 trade transport 1972 Papua New Guinea 163 trade union Pacific Islands 3465 trade union Singapore international relations politics 284 trade union Trinidad and Tobago 3684 trade union wage determination 1971 plantation Sumatera Utara 303 trade union 1800/1949 Singapore history ICFTU international relations 283 trade union 1905/1970 Indonesia PERBUM petroleum industry 309 trade union 1969 congress GBK Indonesia 286 trade union 1970 congress Indonesia civil servant 297 trade union 1971/1976 Indonesia KORPRI civil servant government policy 896 1081 trade union 1972 Bandung conf IFFTU South East Asia teacher 1381 trade union 1972 constitution Indonesia KORPRI civil servant 306 trade union 1972 Indonesia KORPRI civil servant 312 trade union 1972 Indonesia KORPRI statement civil servant 582 trade union 1972 Indonesia MPBI resolution 311 trade West Indies 1720/1795 agricultural economics colonial history commerce plantation 3611 trade 1750/1821 history Oaxaca 3758 trade 1971 annual report Indonesia bank 2821 trade 1971 directory Sumatera Utara tourism 263 trade 1971 investment Papua New Guinea 152 trade 1972 Indonesia economie legislation 1819 2130 trade 1973iidirectory commercial enterprise service industry Sumatera Utara 2218 trade 1973/1974 directory Indonesia commerce industry 2825 tradition hadith Indonesia history Islam 1709 tradition hadith Indonesia Islam 1510 1658 tradition hadith Indonesia Islamic law 1598 1669 tradition Indonesia money market 2027 traditional culture Bali dance Jawa 1384 traditional culture collective volume Latin America modernization 3840 traditional culture Kalimantan Timur 119 traditional culture Toraja Yogyakarta Bali Maluku Tenggara Minangkabau Nias 4 traditional culture 1860/1943 archives Chinese sea transport 3352 traffic 1972 Indonesia legislation inland waterway 2297 traffic 1973 legislation Jakarta Raya 2300 training centre Indonesia agricultural education 1313 training centre Kalimantan Selatan theatre 1206 training centre youth Banjarmasin Islam 1576 training centre youth 1969 Banjarmasin Islam religious education 1575 training centre 1955 Indonesia petroleum industry 1955 training centre 1970 Indonesia community development 478 training centre 1970 Indonesia seminar health service 1468 training method Indonesia agricultural extension 2447 training method Indonesia higher education 3131 training 1874/1969 CIBA Indonesia MOSVIA OSVIA history public administration 398 training 1964 Indonesia management 1978 training 1969 Indonesia medical personnel 2654 ijsman 426 Index training 1972 annual report Indonesia social administration social work 326 translation 1968 bibliography Dutch literature 3926 transport Indonesia commercial law 1762 transport policy 1971 Cirebon port 2101 transport policy 1973 exhibition Sumatera Utara 931 transport policy 1974/1979 Indonesia commodity market national plan Repelita II 2227 transport 1927 Indonesia legislation petroleum 2046 2048 transport 1971/1972 Indonesia project evaluation communication Repelita I 649 transport 1972 Papua New Guinea trade 163 Traub 1479 travel Bushnell, O.A. Cook, J. Hawaii novel 3386 travel Indonesia Fabricius, J. novel 2809 travel Indonesia memoir theatre 260 travel report Sabah 3266 travel Verhoeff, P.W. 1607/1612 thesis Asia 3473 travel VOC 1823 Sumatera 204 travel Yucatan Central America Chiapas 3839 travel 1500/1600 history India South East Asia 3472 travel 1685/1714 general study South Africa 3883 travel 1773/1776 India Modave, L.L. de F. de 3182 travel 1800/1900 Caroline Islands Pacific Islands Aus 3414 travel 1800/1900 Costa Rica 3732 travel 1800/1900 Luzon Palawan 3308 travel 1825/1828 Arctic Beechey, F.W. Pacific Ocean 3426 travel 1869 Pacific Ocean 3392 travel 1876/1878 Darien Panama 3726 travel 1876/1880 Australia 3917 travel 1883 Perak Sakai 3249 travel 1888/1889 novel Pacific Islands Stevenson, R.L. 3397 travel 1915 Maluku 2793 travel 1937 Bali 259 travel 1952 Asia 3186 travel 1968 Antarctica 3371 Tretiak, D. 3634 Trevino Rios, O. 3949 Trewartha, G.T. 3568 trial 1966 Indonesia statement press 1771 trial 1967 Gerakan 30 September 1965 Subandrio 1767 tribe group relations religion South East Asia 3450 tribe New Guinea social and cultural anthropology 172 tribe women's rights customary law Malagasy Rep social and cultural anthropology 3433 tribe 1972 Maluku minority group social policy 141 Trimarjono 804 Trimingham, J.S. 3494 3497 3499 Trimurti, S.K. 1937 2696 Trinidad and Tobago colonial history 3666 Trinidad and Tobago economie development nationalism politics 3665 Trinidad and Tobago election nationalism race relations 3667 Trinidad and Tobago middle class 3684 Trinidad and Tobago political aspect race 3684 Trinidad and Tobago trade union 3684 Trinidad and Tobago 1800/1900 religious practice 3683 Trinidad and Tobago 1970 rebellion 3684 Trinidad and Tobago 1971 election 3684 Trinidad West Indies collective volume Caribbean family Jamaica social structure 3696 Trisnojuwono Indonesian novel 2966 Trisulo, R. 1324 Triwijoso, U. 2361 Triwitono 2454 Trlin, A.D. 3915 Troike, N.P. 3790 Trollope, A. 3732 tropical disease health service 2665 tropical zone climate Indian Ocean 3185 tropical zone collective volume human geography 3577 Trujillo, R.L. 3652 Trujillo Molina, R.L. 3802 Truong Buu Lam 3243 Tryon, D.T. 3383 3384 3398 Tuamotuan Pacific Islands FR phonology 3381 Tuasikal, A. 2033 tuberculosis 1967 Indonesia statement 2634 tuberculosis 1972 Indonesia disease control 2659 Tubin 2250 Tuhadi 2407 Tuloli, N. 2880 Tulungagung 1927 customary law 52 Tuohy, W.S. 3771 Tur, P A. 2951 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 427 Tur, P.A. Indonesian novel 2942 Turkey 1972 general study 3437 Turley, W.S. 3232 Turnbull, CM. 3591 Turney High, H.H. 3595 Tusan, N. 1524 Tusid, O. 1222 Tuty, S. 2989 Tzotzil Yucatec Chamula Chorti Chuj ethnolinguistics Jacaltec Maya Quiche semantics 3867 U Ubid, A. 2432 Udaya, I N.S. 1203 Udin, B. 2321 Ugalde, A. 3725 UGM university 1955 Indonesia statement anniversary 1178 UGM university 1973 Indonesia textbook management development 1402 UGM university 1973 Indonesia yearbook 1311 UI university 1952/1953 curriculum Indonesia mathematics physics 1173 UI university 1965 curriculum Indonesia medicine 2631 UI university 1972 prospectus Indonesia social sciences 1298 UI university 1973/1974 curriculum Indonesia 1401 Ujungpandang port 1971 annual report 2163 Ujungpandang vocational school 1972 annual report technology 1433 Ujungpandang 1971 port public administration storage tariff 2064 Ujungpandang 1973 Buginese ethnography social structure 139 Ukardi, S. 2285 UKSW university 1972 prospectus Indonesia 1322 Umar, A. 71 Umar, A.M. 1746 Umar, I.S. 2155 Umar Qazwaini Abu Dja'far 1645 Umarie, B. 1510 UN catalogue publication 3925 UNZaire 1960/1964 3887 UN 1947/1963 Indonesia bibliography 2744 UN 1961 statement Irian Jaya 970 UN 1967 Indonesia Congress human rights ICJ MPRS 1768 UN 1970 foreign policy Philippines 3326 UNAIR university 1954 Indonesia statement 1177 UNAIR university 1963/1973 Indonesia pharmacology 1473 UNAIR university 1969 yearbook pharmacology Surabaya 1216 UNAND university 1958/1970 Indonesia bibliography law thesis 2722 UNAND university 1973 Indonesia medicine student 1446 UNBRA university 1971 directory Indonesia economics 1239 UNCTAD developing country economie relations international cooperation 3552 underdevelopment Latin America 3852 underemployment unemployment 1899/1970 Cuba employment manpower 3642 Underwood, B A. 3246 Underwood, J.H. 3586 UNDIP university 1972 directory Indonesia 1319 unemployment 1899/1970 Cuba employment manpower underemployment 3642 unemployment 1973/1979 Indonesia working group labour policy Repelita II 325 UNHAS university 1960/1972 Indonesia bibliography thesis 2735 Unikel, L. 3772 United Kingdom Caribbean public administration 3684 United Kingdom 0000/1914 dependence Latin America 3567 United Kingdom 1600/1700 colonial history India 3191 United Kingdom 1600/1950 international relations Thailand 3211 United Kingdom 1700/1770 Brazil international trade Portugal 3950 United Kingdom 1800/1900 international relations Thailand 3238 United Kingdom 1895/1902 Burma China colonialism France railway 3459 United Kingdom 1919/1939 colonial history Far East military history 3477 United Kingdom 1953/1962 emigration Jamaica 3696 United Kingdom 1972 conf information network library 3955 university Indonesia budgeting 1411 university UNLAM curriculum Indonesia administration of justice 3120 university UNLAM 1970 Indonesia yearbook 1244 university UNLAM 1971 Indonesia student 1389 428 Index university UNLAM 1972 Indonesia extension service student 1374 university UNLAM 1972 Indonesia yearbook 1363 university UNLAM 1972/1973 Indonesia student 1464 university UNLAM 1972/1974 Indonesia student 1390 university UNLAM 1973 pilot project community development Kalimantan Selatan 910 university UNPAD 1957/1969 Indonesia graduate student law 1214 university UNPAD 1957/1972 Indonesia medicine 1308 1309 university UNPAD 1959/1964 Indonesia report dentistry 1196 university UNPAD 1971 almanac Indonesia linguistics literature 1278 university UNPAD 1972 curriculum Indonesia political science social sciences 1365 university UNPAD 1973 almanac Indonesia press 1403 university UNPAR 1969 Indonesia yearbook 1230 university UNPAR 1970 Indonesia catalogue library 2718 university UNPAR 1972 Indonesia yearbook 1364 university UNSRAT 1970/1971 Indonesia yearbook 1241 university UNTAG 1968 almanac Indonesia 1208 university UNUD 1962/1969 Indonesia 1235 1236 university UNUD 1962/1972 Indonesia 1317 university USU 1973 Indonesia 1400 university USU 1973/1977 Indonesia development plan medicine 1409 university 1952/1953 curriculum Indonesia mathematics physics UI 1173 university 1954 Indonesia statement UNAIR 1177 university 1955 anniversary Indonesia statement UGM 1178 university 1958/1970 Indonesia bibliography law thesis UNAND 2722 university 1960/1972 Indonesia bibliography thesis UNHAS 2735 university 1963/1973 Indonesia pharmacology UNAIR 1473 university 1965 curriculum Indonesia medicine UI 2631 university 1966/1967 annual report Malaysia 3297 university 1967 Leiden catalogue library 2717 university 1968 annual report Indonesia law social sciences UNSJIAH 1250 university 1968/1970 curriculum directory Mexico 3748 university 1969 curriculum Indonesia pharmacology UNAIR 1216 university 1969 Indonesia statement library 1224 university 1970/1972 Bali community development 708 university 1971 curriculum Indonesia economics UNBRA 1239 university 1972 annual report Malaysia 1354 university 1972 curriculum Indonesia social sciences UI 1298 university 1972 Indonesia yearbook UKSW 1322 university 1972 Indonesia yearbook UNDIP 1319 university 1972 regional development South East Asia 814 university 1973 Indonesia medicine student UNAND 1446 university 1973 Indonesia meeting report educational planning 1417 1418 1420 1450 1480 university 1973 Indonesia meeting report programme planning 1462 university 1973 Indonesia textbook management development UGM 1402 university 1973 Indonesia yearbook UGM 1311 university 1973 Indonesian seminar language teaching 1475 university 1973/1974 curriculum Indonesia UI 1401 UNLAM curriculum Indonesia administration of justice university 3120 UNLAM 1970 Indonesia yearbook university 1244 UNLAM 1971 Indonesia student university 1389 UNLAM 1972 directory Indonesia yearbook university 1363 UNLAM 1972 Indonesia extension service student university 1374 UNLAM 1972/1973 Indonesia student university 1464 UNLAM 1972/1974 Indonesia student university 1390 UNLAM 1973 pilot project community development Kalimantan Selatan university 910 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 429 UNPAD 1957/t969~Indonesia eraduate student law university 1214 UNPAD 1957/1972 Indonesia medicine university 1308 1309 UNPAD 1959/1964 Indonesia report dentistry university 1196 UNPAD 1971 almanac Indonesia linguistics literature university 1278 UNPAD 1972 curriculum Indonesia political science social sciences university 1365 UNPAD 1973 almanac Indonesia press university 1403 UNPAR 1969 Indonesia yearbook uhiversity 1230 UNPAR 1970 Indonesia catalogue library university 2718 UNPAR 1972 directory Indonesia yearbook university 1364 UNSJIAH university 1968 annual report Indonesia law social sciences 1250 UNSRAT 1970/1971 Indonesia yearbook university 1241 UNTAG 1968 almanac Indonesia university 1208 UNTEA 1963/1964 Indonesia statement government policy Irian Jaya politics 973 UNUD 1962/1969 Indonesia university 1235 1236 UNUD 1962/1972 Indonesia university 1317 Updike, J. 3591 upper class Argentinia Brazil political ideology 3709 upper class Brazil landowner 3706 upper class 1900/1970 Indonesia biography Chinese 2702 urban area war 1970 Asia guerilla Latin America 3947 urban area 1969 Colombia internal migration rural migration 3722 urban area 1970 Colombia internal migration rural migration 3723 urban area 1971 Jakarta Raya landscape protection 549 urban area 1971 Malaysia rural area social structure 3262 urban development Caribbean plantation 3577 urban guerilla Venezuela Cuba Guatemala 3958 urban guerilla 1972 3848 urban planning Asia bibliography Pacific Islands rural planning 3540 urban planning 1965/1985 Jakarta Utara port 1997 urban planning 1967 report Jakarta Raya 381 urban planning 1968 statistical data Manado resources inventory Sulawesi Utara 442 urban planning 1968/1970 statistical data Bandung 564 urban planning 1969 preliminary report resources inventory Sragen 447 urban planning 1970 Indonesia housing living conditions 489 urban planning 1971 Kendari 528 urban planning 1972 research Aceh drinking water regional development Repelita II 101 urban renewal 1972 report community development Jakarta Raya social participation 891 urbanization Asia family planning food supply land use population increase 3466 urbanization bibliography Indonesia 3545 urbanization collective volume bibliography South East Asia 3545 urbanization Latin America Brazil Colombia modernization Peru social change 3861 urbanization Latin America lower class politics 3869 urbanization Latin America military political party social change 3853 urbanization Manilla 3346 urbanization Vietnam bibliography Hong Kong Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand 3545 urbanization 1900/1965 Mexico industrialization 3755 urbanization 1960/1970 Cuba economics education politics social structure 3643 urbanization 1960/1970 Mexico election industrialization 3791 urbanization 1970 development policy South East Asia 3461 urbanization 1972 social survey Semarang 332 Urebe Misas, A. 3715 Uribe, H. 3684 Urqaidi, V.L. 3748 3801 Urry, J. 3593 Urtrecho, J. Coronel 3733 USA acculturation education interethnic relations migration Puerto Rican 3648 USA American Indian linguistics 3882 USA Asia China PR economie development economie relations Japan Pacific Islands 3465 USA bilingualism education 3879 USA Canada emigration history Japanese Pacific islands sociology 3407 430 Index USA dialect Mexican sociolinguistics 3877 USA international relations Latin America Mexico 3797 USA Latin America aggression history international relations 3849 USA Latin America dependence international relations 3820 USA Latin America economie relations Eastern Europe political behaviour 3808 USA Latin America private investment 3798 3799 USA USSR Cuba international relations 3634 USA Vietnam DR Vietnam R war 1945/1966 Far East international relations South East Asia 3204 USA Vietnam DR Vietnam R war 1954/1972 collective volume communism Khmer Republic 3232 USA Vietnam R war history 3228 USA Vietnam 1964/1965 conflict political aspect 3217 USA Western Europe Asia cultural change 3948 USA zoology 1971/1974 report botany geology museum physical anthropology 3881 USA 1790/1971 Australia foreign policy 3904 USA 1897/1909 military history navy Pacific Ocean 3373 USA 1897/1911 defence policy Japan Pacific Ocean 3360 USA 1898/1900 colonial history independence movement Philippines 3337 USA 1910/1940 Mexico international relations 3750 USA 1931/1941 international relations Japan 3573 USA 1945/1952 international relations Japan 3363 USA 1945/1955 colonialism communism international relations nationalism South East Asia 3439 USA 1945/1970 international relations Laos 3245 USA 1950/1965 Latin America statistical analysis military aid 3815 USA 1959/1960 Cuba private investment 3630 USA 1960/1961 conflict Laos political aspect 3217 USA 1962 conflict Cuba political aspect 3217 USA 1965 .collective volume Latin America international relations political power 3802 USA 1965 Dominican Republic international relations 3651 3654 USA 1969 Latin America defence policy international relations 3817 USA 1970 Asia Australia international relations New Zealand Pacific Islands 3457 USA 1971 Cuba international relations 3636 3638 USA 1972 Latin America economie integration foreign policy 3845 USA 1973 index Mexico Central America folk tale 3787 Usana 3498 Ushioda, S.C. 3407 Usman, A.M. 2412 Usman, B. 2486 Usman, H. 1056 Usman, M. 1703 Usman, S. 1649 Usman Awang 2844 3035 3038 USSR Cuba international relations 3640 USSR Cuba international relations USA 3634 USSR India international relations 3565 USSR Indonesia China PR foreign policy PKI political party 1050 USSR 1959/1965 Indonesia China PR foreign policy PKI political party 1065 USSR 1966 Indonesian periodical PPI association student 1198 USSR 1966 Latin America politics 3804 USSR 1967 Cuba international relations 3631 USU 1973 Indonesia university 1400 USU 1973/1977 Indonesia development plan medicine university 1409 Utomo, K. ps. Sajogo 2636 Utomo, S. 1885 Utomo, U. 2289 Utrecht, E. 1775 3104 V Vacaflor, H. 3862 Valdepenas, VB. 3313 Valdes, N.P. 3639 Valens 1496 Valentijn, F. 3883 Valladeres Rubio, M. 3836 Valle, E. Perez 3836 Valle, J.C. del 3836 Vallejo, C. 3876 Vallier, L 3855 value Latin America town 3866 Van Dyke, J.M. 3241 Vandenvries, R. 3861 Personal name — Organization — Geography — Descriptor 431 vanilla Indonesia plant disease 2354 Vanoverbergh, M. 3341 Vansina, J. 3591 Varenne, A. 3243 Vasconcelos, J. 3750 Vazquez Gomez, F. 3744 Veen, H. van der 2837 Vega, L. Mercier 3821 vegetable erop South East Asia 3446 vegetable erop 1972 Indonesia agricultural project horticulture production rice 2437 vegetable erop 1972 Indonesia leguminous plant maize production 2394 vegetable erop 1972 Indonesia working group 2434 vegetable oil 1964 economie agreement Indonesia foreign investment Germany DR Surabaya 1981 vehicle 1973 legislation Bukittinggi tax collection 1162 Vela, D. 3836 Vela Salgado, E. Hernandez 3949 Velazquez GS. 3750 Vella, W.F. 3243 Venezuela Catholicism political party politics social conflict 3711 Venezuela Cuba Guatemala urban guerilla 3958 Venezuela document Colombia Guatemala Latin America rebellion 3851 Venezuela guerilla 3827 Venezuela historiography marxism political participation 3713 Venezuela Merida language Spanish 3710 Venezuela 1900/1935 Caribbean Central America Colombia politics 3676 Venezuela 1965 constitutional law 3712 Veracruz 1970 statistical data census population 3761 Verbiest Hergesell, M. 3853 Verhoeff, P.W. 1607/1612 thesis Asia travel 3473 Verkuyl, J. 1565 Vermeulen, A. 3570 Vernon, R. 3750 Verstappen, H.T. 257 Versteeg, W.C.J. 145 Verton, P. 3627 Vervoorn, J.D. 2665 veterinary medicine 1972 abstract Indonesia publication animal husbandry 2443 2737 Veur, P.W. van der 770 2749 3198 Veyra, J.C. de 3291 3292 Vican, J. 3438 Vietnam bibliography Hong Kong Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand urbanization 3545 Vietnam China culture international relations Japan Korea 3460 Vietnam colonial history 3234 Vietnam conf 1966 independence 3205 Vietnam DR Vietnam R war 1945/1966 Far East international relations South East Asia USA 3204 Vietnam DR Vietnam R war 1950/1970 3239 Vietnam DR Vietnam R war 1954/1972 collective volume communism Khmer Republic USA 3232 Vietnam DR 1959 Indonesia international relations 3202 Vietnam DR 1965/1968 3241 Vietnam DR 1969 Indonesia foreign policy 1006 Vietnam history 3244 Vietnam Jorai kinship social - structure 3227 Vietnam politics Singapore Thailand 3464 Vietnam R Chinese minority group 3207 Vietnam R directory research centre 3203 Vietnam R revolution 3558 Vietnam R war history USA 3228 Vietnam R war military prison 3223 Vietnam R war 1945/1966 Far East international relations South East Asia USA Vietnam DR 3204 Vietnam R war 1950/1970 Vietnam DR 3239 Vietnam R war 1954/1972 collective volume communism Khmer Republic USA Vietnam DR 3232 Vietnam R war 1966 history 3242 Vietnam R 1971 photograph geography Khmer Republic Laos Mekong 3216 Vietnam war Asia economie implication 3455 Vietnam war 1972 3231 Vietnam 1882/1902 colonial history 3222 Vietnam 1900/1945 collective volume Confucianism history nationalism politics 3243 Vietnam 1964/1965 conflict political aspect USA 3217 Vietnam 1973 bibliography 3544 Vietnamese English phonetics 3214 Vietnamese literature 3243 Vietnamese morphology 3215 Villa, P. 3744 3750 village China R social structure 3356 432 Index village dialect Jakarta Raya lexicographical study 2921 village Indonesia community development research 890 village Indonesia defence policy 1909 village Indonesia economie development local government 2238 village Indonesia research method 330 898 923 village local government political participation Pontianak 544 village Mexico social psychology 3753 village social and cultural anthropology South East Asia 3441 village Wonogiri Wonosobo 1971/1972 statistical data community development Sukoharjo 602 village Yogyakarta 1971 local government 569 village Yogyakarta 1972 report community development credit policy Jawa Tengah 680 village Yogyakarta 1973 research result community development Lampung 892 village 1951 thesis Jawa Timur social structure 38 village 1952 capital resources community development Temanggung 2533 village 1956 report community development Sukabumi 351 village 1957 thesis Jawa political leadership social participation 352 village 1960 Jawa living conditions 40 village 1967 Indonesia community development rural planning 380 village 1968 Indonesia planning irrigation 2557 village 1969 bank Sumatera Barat 2030 village 1969 Indonesia Ciamis community development elite 46 village 1970 Indonesia community development 455 village 1970 Indonesia community development internal migration 488 village 1970 survey community development Sragen 499 village 1971 survey community development living conditions Salatiga 622 village 1971/1972 statistical data Agam community development Pasaman Solok 611 village 1971/1972 statistical data Balikpapan community development Kutai 606 village 1971/1972 statistical data Banggai community development Donggala Poso 617 village 1971/1972 statistical data Bangka community development Lahat Ogan Komering Ilir 612 village 1971/1972 statistical data Bantaeng community development Maros Tana Toraja 608 village 1971/1972 statistical data Bantul community development Gunung Kidul Sleman 604 village 1971/1972 statistical data Batanghari community development Kerinci Tanjungjabung 613 village 1971/1972 statistical data Bogor Ciamis Cianjur Cirebon community development 615 village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Dairi Deliserdang 614 village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Garut Karawang Pandegelang 615 village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Hulu Sungai Selatan 603 village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Jakarta Raya 605 village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Jawa Timur 618 village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Kebumen Kendal 602 village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Kendari Kolaka Muna 609 village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Klaten Kudus Magelang Semarang 602 village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Lombok Barat Sumbawa 607 village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Pontianak Sambas 616 village 1971/1972 statistical data community development Simalungun Tapanuli Selatan 614 village 1971/1972 survey Bolaangmongondow community development Gorontalo Minahasa 610 village 1972 classification Indonesia community development 648 village 1972 draft Indonesia community development research 720 village 1972 Indonesia institutional framework local government 775 village 1972 Indonesia project report local government 694 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 433 yillage '1972 Indonesia regulation community development 587 village 1972 Indonesia seminar agricultural development community development 2512 village 1972 Indonesia statistical analysis research 584 village 1972 report Banjarnegara community development 662 village 1972 report Bantaeng community development 665 village 1972 report Batanghari community development 657A village 1972 report Caamis community development 654 village 1972 report community development Gianyar 664 village 1972 report community development Gunung Kidul 667 village 1972 report community development-Jakarta Selatan 661 village 1972 report community development Kepulauan Riau 655 village 1972 report community development Kutai 659 village 1972 report community development Lombok Barat 660 village 1972 report community development Minahasa 656 village 1972 report community development Pidie 666 village 1972 report community development Sambas 663 village 1972 report community development Simalungun 653 village 1972 report community development Surabaya 658 village 1972 report community development Timor Tengah Selatan 652 village 1972 research result community development development potential i Indramayu 633 village 1972/1973 data collecting Indonesia research 798 village 1973 Indonesia research result community development 806 807 808 893 village 1973 research result Bali community development 894 village 1973 research result community development Jawa Barat Jawa Timur Kalimantan Timur 892 village 1973 training course Badung civil servant local government 811 Villanueva, J. 3823 Villaret, B. 3400 Villegas, D. Cosio 3750 3797 3801 Viloria, L.A. 3545 Vincent, A. 2915 VklOgradov, S.A. 2889 Viqueira, C 3842 Virata, C. 3561 Viravan, A. 3561 VOC history South East Asia 223 VOC Indonesia Mataram Aceh history 223 VOC 1823 Sumatera travel 204 vocational school 1971 constitution curriculum Bogor chemistry 1282 vocational school 1971 1972 annual report chemistry Sumatera Barat technology 1347 vocational school 1972 annual report Bogor chemistry 1439 vocational training Indonesia community development 279 vocational training 1968 curriculum Indonesia 1212 vocational training 1971 Banjarmasin press 1280 vocational training 1972 Indonesia seminar industrial sector standardization 1383 Vogt, W. 2776 Vollenhoven, C. van 1807 voluntary service Asia bibliography Dutch Pacific Islands 3937 Voodoo Haiti 3683 Voorhoeve, CL. 2872 2875 2884 3530 Voorhoeve, J.J.C. 2363 Voorhoeve, P. 2837 Voorhoeve, R. youth literature Irian Jaya 2784 Voort, J.P. van de 3611 Vos, G.A. de 3456 Voute, J.R. 1481 Vries, E. de 2636 Vries, J.W. de 2909 Vu Duc Bang 3243 Vu Manh Phat 3545 Vuyk, B. ps Willigen-Vuyk, E. de 2805 2830 W Waal Malefijt, A. de 3683 Waaldijk, E.T. 3623 Waddell, E. 170 Waddell, J.R.E. 3448 Wadsworth, J. 3634 Waffa Agarabi Auyana Awa Binumarien Gadsup linguistics Obura Tairora 2915 wage determination 1971 plantation Sumatera Utara trade union 303 wage policy 1973 Indonesia 324 wage rate 1955 Indonesia civil servant 277 434 Index wage rate 1968 Indonesia civil servant 316 wage rate 1968 regulation civil servant Irian Jaya 331 wage rate 1971 Indonesia plantation 318 wage rate 1972 Indonesia development project 594 wage structure Colombia educational level 3719 Wagenaar, P.G.J.M. 3936 Wagenheim, K. 3646 3648 Wagley, C. 3840 Wahab, S. 94 2078 2081 Wahab Alwee, A. 3283 Wahid, B. 1706 Wahid, R.A. 687 Wahju 2200 Wahono 1881 Waithayakon, W. 3209 Wajong, J. 783 1110 Wajong, P. 3019 Wal, A. van der 3937 Walad, A.M. 71 492 847 1943 Walad, J. 2001 Walad, M. 1056 Walad, M.J. 94 Waldman, M.R. 3498 Wali, A. 1446 Walijo ps Atmojo, W. 258 Waliyat, B. 29 Wallace, B.J. 3441 Walne, P. 3690 Walsh, A.C. 3908 Walters, E. 3684 Walton, C. 3324 Walton, J. 3791 Walujono, K. 2361 2433 Wan A. Rafar 3020 Wanganui 1971 New Zealand regional planning 3909 Waning, CF. de Haas van 1954 war Asia economie implication Vietnam 3455 war future defence policy political theory 1419 war history USA Vietnam R 3228 war Indonesia textbook military history political science 3951 war military prison Vietnam R 3223 war social and cultural anthropology 3595 war 1873/1912 Aceh history 224 war 1885/1886 Burma colonial history Dufferin 3199 war 1945/1966 Far East international relations South East Asia USA Vietnam DR Vietnam R 3204 war 1950/1953 Indonesia textbook history Korea 3348 war 1950/1970 Vietnam DR Vietnam R 3239 war 1954/1972 collective volume communism Khmer Republic USA Vietnam DR Vietnam R 3232 war 1966 history Vietnam R 3242 war 1970 Asia guerilla Latin America urban area 3947 war 1972 Vietnam 3231 Ward, B. 3568 Ward, B E. 3433 Ward, R. 3917 Wardhana, A. 1988 Wardhana, S.W. 2361 Wardojo 2513 warehouse 1973 directory storage Sumatera Utara 2215 Wargasasmita, K. 2206 2286 Warmansjah, G.A. 197 Warotamasikkhadit, U. 3209 Warpani, S. 810 Warren, J.F. 123 Warsa, I.G.K. 1641 1644 Warsito, S. 1715 1725 Warso, E. 529 Warsono 2814 Wartomo, J. 2661 Wasito 637 Wasito, K. 2559 Wassen, H. 3920 waste disposal 1969 survey sanitation service Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Tengah 2025 Wasyim, A.T. 1713 1747 water conservation water pollution 1947 Indonesia thesis 2550 water pollution 3956 water pollution 1947 Indonesia thesis water conservation 2550 Wati, N. 2754 Watkins, D.O. 3648 Watson, J.A. 2915 Watson, K.S. 3685 Watt, A. 3457 Watt, L 3600 Wauchope, R. 3752 Waugh, A. 3224 Wauran, M.H. 1553 Waworuntu, W.J. 3545 Wax, R.H. 3591 Wazir, A. 2434 weapon Indonesia art artefact 17 Weaver, T.F. 3574 Weber, J. 3369 Wedyodiningrat, R. 972 Weekes, G. 3684 Wehler, H.U. 3567 Wehner, G. 954 Weimer, H. 2876 Personal name — Organization - Geography - Descriptor 435 Weimer, N. 2876 Weinkie, J. 3640 Weisbrod, B.A. 3664 Weisfeit, J. 2301 Weissbort, D. 3821 Weitering, E. 46 Welerubun, B. 1345 welfare Boyolali Jawa Tengah 421 welfare youth policy 1972 seminar Irian Jaya Maluku Sulawesi 1371 welfare 1972 economie development family Jember 619 welfare 1972 Jayapura social and cultural anthropology 158 welfare 1972 Jayawijaya Barat social and cultural anthropology 157 welfare 1972 progress report family Jember regional development 712 Wellisz, S.H. 3461 Wells, j. 3862 Wells, L.T. 2287 Wenas, A.Z.R. biography 1586 Weno,J. 1330 Wentholt, A.D. 3970 Wernstedt, F.L. 3327 Werveke, H. van 3960 Werwie, B. 1330 West Indies Associated States constitution 3684 West India* collective volume Caribbean family Jamaica social structure Trinidad 3696 West Indies 0000/1800 history 3678 West Indies 1720/1795 agricultural economics colonial history commerce plantation trade 3611 West Jr, F.J. 3242 Western, J.S. 3464 Western Europe Asia cultural change USA 3948 Western Europe 1919/1940 politics , 3941 Westra, P. 1706 Westrum, T. Schultze 164 Weyl, N. 3750 Weyl, S. 3750 wheat Australia cultivation technique 3916 Wheeler, J.T. 3191 Whitaker, T.W. 3832 White, J.W. 3456 White, N.G. 3428 White, R.G. 3370 Whitehead, L. 3862 Whitelaw, J.S. 3898 Whitfield, WAD. 3736 Whittier, H O. 3528 Whittle, C. 3324 Wibisono, B.G. 818 1097 1155 2191 1155 Wibisono, S. 51 59 1219 Wibowo, M. 1925 Wibowo, S.E. 1056 Widajat 2094 Widarmana, S. 2379 Widartho, G. 2249 Widia L.Z. 1442 Widjaja, F. 550 Widjajakrama, A. biography Djaketra A. ps 197 Widjajakusuma biography 197 Widjanarko, S. 2433 Widodo 529 1056 1058 Widodo, D.S. 293 Widodo, O. 2204 Widya 2841 Wiersma, P. 3628 Wigena, S. 2033 Wignjodipurno, S. 1789 Wignjowerdojo, S. 1589 Wijaya Mala Malay novel 3039 Wijaya Mala ps Abu Yazid Abidin 3039 Wijnand, I.C.I. 2385 Wïjono, M.H. 1259 Wik-mungkan Aboriginal Australia Iatmul kinship system marriage Papua New Guinea Sepik 3593 Wiknjosastro, H. 11 Wikke, H.L 2107 2636 Wikox, B.S. 3376 Wilde, C.J.M. Kretschmer de 145 Wilder, G.D. 3519 Wilder, W. 3593 Wilkens youth literature Indonesia 2782 Wilkeshuis, C. 2792 Wilkie, J.W. 3750 Wilkie R. 3766 Willemstad economie geography port 3616 Willey, K. 167 3401 Williams, E. 3683 3684 3695 Williams, H. 3457 Williams, W. 3634 Willigen-Vuyk, E. de = Vuyk, B. ps 2805 2830 Wilms, G.J. 3608 Wilopo 1056 Wilpert, C.B. 3484 Wilson, B. 3591 Wilson, D. 3284 Wilson, F. 3194 Wilson, H E. 3290 Wilson, M. 3602 Winaja, D. 1317 Winans, E.V. 3591 Winarno, R AS. 1324 wind power 1969 sea transport ship Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Tenggara 2346 436 Index Wing, G.G. 3792 3876 Winiar, R. 2461 Winkel, A.C. Prins 3626 Winkelman, G.A.W.C. de Haze 145 Winotosastro 1968 Winter, K.F. 3150 Wionczyk, M.S. 5 Wiradinata, R. 1391 Wiradisuria, R. 253 Wirahadikusumah, U. 1894 1922 Wirakusumah, R.M. 2853 Wirakusumah, S. 913 Wirapradja, A. 2379 Wirawan, P.S. 1725 Wiriaatmadja, S. 1881 2532 3138 Wirjodiprodjo, H. 1862 Wirjosandjojo, S. biography 2682 Wirjosudjono, S. 2026 Wirjosuhardjo, K. 1232 1858 1861 1862 1988 Wirmark, D. 3637 Wkohardjono, S. 964 Wirokusumah, S. 2379 Wiromidjojo, W. 1324 Wirtaatmadja, A. 2204 Wiryodinomo, Y. 1392 1393 Witono, A.J. 1881 Witte, CJ. de 3126 Woetzel, R.K. 3665 Wofenden, E. 3298 Wojowasito, S. 2900 2901 2902 Woldendorp, R. 21 Wolf, E.R. 3558 3647 Wolf, Jr., C. 3800 Wolff, J.U. 3517 woman Indonesia Islam 1699 woman Indonesia statement social status 25 woman youth 1973 Indonesia meeting report agricultural extension peasant 2483 woman 1600/1942 Aceh biography 2692 woman 1945/1972 Indonesia bibliography social participation 2736 woman 1948 Indonesia instruction sheet association Christian 1170 woman 1972 Indonesia statement association civil service DEPPEN ministry 315 woman 1972 Indonesia statement national development 586 woman 1972 meeting report Minangkabau modernization 102 woman 1973 Indonesia meeting report agricultural extension 2498 woman 1973 Indonesia seminar family planning 336 women's rights customary law Malagasy Rep social and cultural anthropology tribe 3433 women's rights Indonesia 276 women's rights Indonesia biography Kartini 2951 women's rights 1968 Indonesia law society 285 Wong Hoy Kee, F. 3264 Wong May 3289 Wong Phui Nam 3289 Wonogiri Wonosobo 1971/1972 statistical data community development Sukoharjo village 602 Wonohito, M. 1251 1324 Wonosobo 1971/1972 statistical data community development Sukoharjo village Wonogiri 602 Wonowidjojo, M. 3136 Wood, B. 3801 wood 1971 Indonesia economie legislation export 2091 Woodard, W.P. 3363 Woodburn, J. 3591 Woodcock, H.I. 3666 Woodroof, J.G. 3946 Woodward, M. 3600 woodworking industry 1968 Indonesia research result 2330 woodworking industry 1971 directory Indonesia 2168 Worang, H.V. 705 714 715 716 1056 Worcester, D.E. 3841 wordlist borrowing Maluku Portugese 3147 worker Chinese colony emigrant English 3458 worker Indonesia Kendal labour dispute legal aspect strike sugar industry 282 working capital Indonesia textbook business economics sa ving 1976 working class developing country 3571 World War II collective volume Japan navy 3358 World War II history 230 World War II Indonesia textbook history 3559 World War II international relations Japan Malaysia 3251 World War II international relations Japan South East Asia 3557 World War II 1942/1945 Japan Luzon 3334 World War II 1944 military history navy Pacific Ocean 3564 worship Batak Protestant church 1600 worship Indonesia Hinduism 1574 worship Indonesia Islam 1535 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 437 worship Indonesia Islam religious practice 1551 worship Indonesia textbook ABRI armed forces Hinduism 1622 worship 1972 Indonesia Christianity 1651 Wrigglesworth, H. 3324 Wright, C. 3435 Wright, R.D. 3193 writing Indonesia textbook 1463 writing Indonesia textbook thesis 1271 1452 2842 writing Indonesian commercial education 3164 l Wudyosumarto, S. 2814 Wurjo, K. 1248 1260 1339 2641 Wurm, H.M. Groger 3424 Wurm, S.A. 2884 2890 3530 Wuryanto 1431 Wyatt, D.K. 3201 3454 Wyrtzen, J. 1590 Y Yaakob, H. 3024 Yabes, L.Y. 3303 Yacoub, U.L. 847 Yager, J.A. 3457 Yahaya Ismail 2844 2981 Yahya, D. 2133 Yahya Kamalrulzaman 2905 Yakti, D.K. 1327 YakubT.H.I. 1706 Yakutat Alaska American Indian social and cultural anthropology 3599 Yang, Y. 3561 j Yanyula linguistics 3390 Yap Fong Nim 2003 Yap Kie Hien 1202 Ya'qub, H. 1585 1748 Yareba Austronesian Golin Kunimaipa linguistics 2876 Yasni, Z. 2512 Yassin Mokhtar 3038 Yazid Abidin Wijaya Mala ps Abu 3015 3039 Yeh, S. 3545 Yen, D.E. 3832 Yogyakarta Bali Maluku Tenggara Minangkabau Nias traditional culture Toraja 4 Yogyakarta dance 1259 Yogyakarta 1951 curriculum civil servant information service public administration 339 Yogyakarta 1966/1969 statistical data Jawa Tengah local finance 550 Yogyakarta 1968 Aisjijah conf Islam 1542 Yogyakarta 1968/1969 statistical data cost of living 2282 Yogyakarta 1969 annual report local government agricultural administration 2353 Yogyakarta 1969 local government mission report government policy 414 Yogyakarta 1969/1971 wayang Jawa Tengah theatre 2757 Yogyakarta 1969/1974 agricultural development national plan Repelita I 2333 Yogyakarta 1970 annual report local government agricultural administration 2375 Yogyakarta 1970 local government crime social control 498 Yogyakarta 1970 report cultural policy dance 1249 Yogyakarta 1970 statistical data general study local government 574 Yogyakarta 1970/1971 annual report local government agricultural administration 2372 2373 2374 2376 Yogyakarta 1971 BUUD report agricultural cooperative agricultural project 2366 Yogyakarta 1971 catalogue manuscript 2724 2725 2726 Yogyakarta 1971 local government political ideology 570 Yogyakarta 1971 local government village 569 Yogyakarta 1971 project report Repelita I 672 Yogyakarta 1971/1972 annual report local government agricultural' administration 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2417 2418 Yogyakarta 1971/1972 decentralization local government 546 Yogyakarta 1971/1972 report education Jawa Tengah Kalimantan Selatan Sumatera Utara 684 Yogyakarta 1972 annual report technical school 1470 Yogyakarta 1972 IAIN statement higher education Islam 1733 Yogyakarta 1972 prospectus general study 54 Yogyakarta 1972 report community development credit policy Jawa Tengah village 680 Yogyakarta 1972/1973 annual report local government labour administration 861 Yogyakarta 1972/1973 annual report regional development Repelita I 679 438 Index Yogyakarta 1972/1973 regional development 727 729 Yogyakarta 1973 annual report IAIN higher education Islam 1477 Yogyakarta 1973 map 258 Yogyakarta 1973 research result community development Lampung village 892 Yomo, W. 954 Yorke, S. 3684 You Poh Seng 3258 3258 Young, L.B. 3568 Young, M.W. 153 Young, RA. 2891 youth Banjarmasin Islam training centre 1576 youth Indonesia psychology 1260 youth Jamaica political participation 3684 youth literature anthology Malay 3024 youth literature Grisee 2773 youth literature Hamzah, A. Malay 2960 youth literature Indonesia Boschma, H. 2765 youth literature Indonesia Gabius, T. 2767 youth literature Indonesia Hazevoet, J. 2771 youth literature Indonesia Masdorp, D. 2775 youth literature Indonesia Sibbelee, DJ. 2777 youth literature Indonesia Soest, E.J.H. van 2778 2781 2786 2789 youth literature Indonesia Sonnega Ez., H.W. 2769 youth literature Indonesia Swaan Koopmans, C. 2790 youth literature Indonesia VOC Akker, W. van den 2780 youth literature Indonesia VOC biography Haghen, S. van der 2792 youth literature Indonesia Wilkens 2782 youth literature Indonesian 2962 2979 2980 youth literature Indonesian Armérun, J 2974 youth literature Indonesian Dahlan, N. 2952 youth literature Indonesian Firdaus, M. 2943 youth literature Indonesian Hakim, L. 2982 youth literature Indonesian Mandonk, D. 2988 youth literature Indonesian Sudharma, K.D. 2998 youth literature Indonesian Sutidjo, T. 2999 youth literature Indonesian translation Blackmore, R.D. 2975 youth literature Irian Jaya Berg, P. van den 2796 youth literature Irian Jaya Voorhoeve, R. 2784 youth literature Malay Sharifah Hasnah Abdullah 3159 youth literature Zakaria bin Hitam Malay 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3041 youth literature Zakaria bin Hitam Malay Sujak bin Rahiman 3001 3040 youth local government social policy Sulawesi Utara 714 youth organization Indonesia 1184 1266 youth organization Indonesia textbook 1314 1315 youth organization Muhammadijah Islam Kalimantan Selatan 1670 youth organization 1958 directory Sulawesi 966 youth organization 1961 exhibition Kalimantan Selatan 1186 youth organization 1965 constitution Banjarmasin 1195 youth organization 1965 constitution Muhammadijah Banjarmasin Islam 1503 youth organization 1966 anniversary Muhammadijah Banjarmasin Islam 1516 youth organization 1966 Indonesia Pancasila political ideology 1201 youth organization 1970 conf Muhammadijah Banjarmasin Islam 1011 1601 youth organization 1972 Banjarmasin Islam social participation 1701 youth policy Indonesia Islam 1728 youth policy 1972 seminar Irian Jaya Maluku Sulawesi welfare 1371 youth 1928 Indonesia history nationalism 201 youth 1953 Indonesia internal migration 341 youth 1954 Indonesia Red Cross 2627 youth 1967 conf Muhammadijah Islam Kalimantan Selatan Kalimantan Tengah 1528 youth 1969 Banjarmasin Islam religious education training centre 1575 youth 1969 conf Indonesia development policy family social participation 409 youth 1969 Muhammadijah Islam Kalimantan Selatan religious education 996 1560 youth 1971 Bali cultural factor culture 184 Personal name - Organization - Geography - Descriptor 439 youth 1972 Indonesia seminar education 317 1312 1326 1352 1375 1378 1386 youth 1972 Indonesia seminar statement education mental health 1331 youth 1972 Indonesia seminar statement ethics 1356 youth 1972 Indonesia seminar statement population dynamics 1360 youth 1972 Indonesia seminar statement religious education technological change 1372 youth 1972 Indonesia seminar statement social change 307 youth 1972 Indonesia statement nationalism symbol 1357 youth 1972 Muhammadijah Islam Kalimantan Selatan religious education 1049 youth 1973 Indonesia family planning .social integration 337 youth 1973 Indonesia meeting report agricultural extension 2490 2492 youth 1973 Indonesia meeting report agricultural extension peasant woman 2483 youth 1973 Indonesia seminar environment 1471 Yucatan agrarian structure American Indian caste slavery social conflict'. 3754 Yucatan archaeology 3752 Yucatan Central America Chiapas travel 3839 Yucatan morphology 3736 Yucatan 1970 statistical data census population 3762 Yucatec Chamula Chorti Chuj ethnolinguistics Jacaltec Maya Quiche semantics Tzotzil 3867 Yudoprasetio, B. 1482 Yunus, H.K. 1070 1096 Yunus, M. 1623 1749 Yusof Ibrahim, M. 3364 Yusof Sri Ana, ps Salleh haji 3038 Yusuf Muda 3020 Yuwono, S. 1326 Z Zabidin, H.M. 2841 Zable, A. 3967 Zachman, N. 1856 Zahara Ariff 2981 Zaharah Nawawi 2981 Zahari Said 3035 Zahir, B. 102 Zahri, A. 3258 Zaid Ahmad 2981 Zaidan, A.K. 1703 Zain, H. 91 480 490 688 689 1056 2276 Zain Baha 3020 3038 Zainal Abdidin, P.A. 1056 Zaini 1366 Zainuddin 556 Zainuddin, A. 746 Zainuddin, M. 2692 2852 3084 3086 Zainuddin, U. 701 Zainun, B. 1261 2060 Zaire 1960/1964 UN 3887 Zaisnie, A. 682 Zakaria, A. 2407 Zakaria Ali 3020 Zakaria bin Hitam 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3040 3041 Zakaria bin Hitam Malay Sujak bin Rahiman youth literature 3001 3040 Zakaria bin Hitam Malay youth literature 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3041 Zam Ismail 3020 Zambia general study 3896 Zamor, J.C. Garcia 3680 Zamzamy, J. 1250 Zapata, E. 3744 3750 3827 Zarqoni, M. 1750 Zasloff, J.J. 3232 Zea, L. 3743 Zega, M.S. 1056 Zekya, C. 3733 Zenteno, R. Benitez 3749 Z'Graggen, J.A. 3399 Zinzendorf, N.L. von 3672 Ziyad ibn Abihi 3498 Zoetmulder, P.J. 2837 zoology directory Pacific Islands 3548 zoology 1971/1974 report botany geology museum physical anthropology USA 3881 Zorin, V. 3634 Zubkova, L.G. 2858 2861 2881 2882 Zuchradi, T. 1309 Zuhri, S. 1004 Zuhrie, I. 1535 Zulkiflee bin Haji Abdul Hamid 3266 Zultanawar 2604 Zurinah Hassan 3020 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY of the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde SEVENTH SUPPLEMENT ACCESSIONS FOR 1973 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE KONINKLIJK INSTITUUT VOOR TAAL-, LAND- EN VOLKENKUNDE Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology SEVENTH SUPPLEMENT ACCESSIONS FOR 1973 THE HAGUE - MARTTNUS NUHOFF - 1980 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY ROUFFAER, G. P., en W. C. MULLER. Catalogus der Koloniale Bibliotheek van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Landen Volkenkunde van Ned. Indië en het Indisch Genootschap / door G. P Rouffaer en W.C. Muller. - 's-Gravenhage: Nijhoff, 1908- . - dl. Eerste supplement / door W. C. Muller, 1915. Tweede supplement / door W. C. Muller, 1927. Derde supplement, 1937. Vierde supplement op de "Catalogus der Koloniale Bibliotheek door G. P. Rouffaer en W. C. Muller": aanwinsten 1936-1959, 1966. Vijfde supplement op de "Catalogus der Koloniale Bibliotheek door G. P. Rouffaer en W. C. Muller": aanwinsten 1960-1969,1972.- ISBN 90-247-1741-8. [Zesde supplement]: Catalogus van de aanwinsten van de bibliotheek van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 1970-1972 / door H. L. BARRE, C. G. van den AARDWEG [en] Ch. M. PIETERSZ-de HASETH, 1975. ISBN 90-247-1741-8. From the fourth volume onward the title has been: Catalogus van de Bibliotheek van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. © Copyright 1979 by Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Leiden, the Netherlands. AU rights reserved, including the right to translate or to reproduce this book or parts thereof in any form. Printed in the Netherlands. ISBN 90.247.2387.6 PREFACE The Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (or Royal Institute of Linguisties and Anthropology, as the official English translation of its name runs, so that it will henceforward be referred to as the Royal Institute), which was founded in 1851, has from the beginning concerned itself with the collection of publications from and about the then, or former, Dutch colonies in Asia, Latin America, North America and Africa. The disciplines specialized in in this connection were, in today's terminology, those of the social sciences and the humanities, with the incidental acquisition of works in the sciences and applied sciences pertaining to these areas. Within the abovementioned extensive geographical area the focus was, as it still is, on what is now Indonesia, Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles.' In those early years the Royal Institute's library grew rapidly as a result of the activities of its vice-secretary, Dr. G. P. Rouffaer, and the incorporation of the collections of the Indisch Genootschap and several other organisations.2 By around 1900 the collection had grown so much in both size and importance that the publication of a printed catalogue was deemed necessary, and in 1908 a volume listing about 14.500 titles saw the light. The title part was arranged systematically in 78 categories, which had been worked out by Rouffaer, and contained a complete alphabetical list of personal names and a less complete subject index. As is apparent from the bibliographical history on p. iv, it was followed bij six more volumes, all of them less voluminous than the main one, but arranged according to the same system, and each with its own separate index. A cumulative index was never attempted, and moreover would have had little use, as t he index- terms selected were ne ver checked against any authority list or thesaurus, and in fact consisted of a mixture of catchwords, subject words, or f ree choice words, of ten in the language in which the books concerned were written. Moreover, over the years the index-term selection was done by different persons, ranging from learned librarians to library assistants. The last volume in this series lists the Institute's accessions to the end of 1972. Around 1972 it was realized that new techniques and more professional methods for the rationalization and improvement of the compilation and indexing of the printed catalogues were necessary to facilitate acces/ to the Royal Institute's collections, which by then had grown to some 63.000 titles, with an annual growth rate of between 4000 In practice the acquisition area is wider, comprising i.a. (pen)insular and mainland Southeast Asia, the South Seas area and the islandsof the Carribbean. In May 1976 an acquisition polky formalizing the existing post-war poiicy was ratified by the Royal Institute's Board. For a brief history of the Royal Institute and the various institutes amalgated with it see H. H. Scholtens, Inventaris van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 18511951. [Leiden], Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1979; H.H Scholtens and F. G. P. Jaquet, Inventarissen van de Archieven van het Indisch Genootschap (1854-1928), de Oost-Indische Kiesvereniging I Vereniging "Moederland en Koloniën " (1898-1921), het Secretariaat van de (Koninklijke) Vereeniging "Oost en West" (1899-I971). [Leiden], Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land' en Volkenkunde, 1979; and F. G. P. Jaquet, Overzicht van het archief van de A datrecht stichting. [Leiden], Kon ink I ij k Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1973. For the main ancestral line of this catalogue, see the bibliographical history on p. iv of this catalogue. The complete genealogy is more complicated, however. So the Indisch Genootschap published earlier printed catalogues, for which see the Preface to the fïrst-mentioned volume on p. iv. and 5000 titles. If printed catalogues to cope with such a rate of growth would have had to be compiled on the basis of the classical card files and the traditional mode of index-term selection, followed by manual typesetting, the labour expense would have been disproportionately high, and the volume of the "manuscripts" far too bulky, while the in te mal consistency and retrieval capability of the indexes would still have been open to improvement. Therefore a computerized approach was chosen, whereby the titles were punched onto paper tape, and read into and sorted out by a computer (according to the traditional Rouffaer arrangement), with the computer program compiling an index of terms selected by professional indexers with the aid of an English-language thesaurus.4 The resultant computer tape was then used to drive a computerized typesetter, thus providing the film from which this book has been offset-printed. From the fact that this printed catalogue lists the Royal Institute's accessions for 1973, it may rightly by inferred that the printed catalogue modernization project met with many set-backs. Suffice it to say that it is difficult for a librarian to fathom the secrets of the computer expert, and visa versa, not to mention the organizational and management problems involved. These problems have in any case been solved, and any shortcomings to be observed in this volume will hopefully be absent from the volumes to be published in the near future. For a compilation work such as this, in which the efforts of so many people — documentalists, cataloguers, library assistants, data-typists, and computer experts — are reflected, it is difficult to thank individual persons. Thants are due to all of them. However, specific mention should be made of Mr. H. C. Kemp, chief documentalist with the Modern Indonesia Department of the Royal Institute, for his untiring efforts to maintain indexing standards and to draw up the authority list for the Royal Institute, as well as of the automation experts Mr. H. T. Wong and Mrs. A. van Duijn-Verdoes of the Institute of Dutch Lexicology (Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie) at Leiden, who came to the rescue at a time when hopes were low and saved the project by writing flawlessly running computer programs. The thesaurus used as a basis was the Macrothesaurus: a basic list of economie and social development terms, I, English edition. Paris, Development Centre of the Organization for Economie Co-operation and Development, 1972, now superseded by Macrothesaurus for Information processing in the field of the economie and social development, New English edition prepared by J. Viet, [Paris] Organization for Economie Co-operation and Development, 1978. For the specific needs of the Royal Institute an Alphabetical list of newly adopted terms was drawn up, following as much as possible the principles and structure of the Macrothesaurus. It is expected in due time to develop into a special KJTLV Microthesaurus. On this latter see H. C. Kemp, Thesaurusbouw op KITLV sinds 1974, [Leiden]. Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1980. For an account of this see R. S. Karni, From printed catalogue to database: creating an inexpensive database for Third World studies in the social sciences and humanities (mainly Indonesia and the Caribbean area) [Leiden]. Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [1976]. Finally, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the Board of the Royal Institute for the patience with which it has awaited this publication. Let them be assured that the work was done in the spirit of the late G. P. Rouffaer, who wrote in his Preface to the main volume of 19^08: "Our aim in the arrangement and extension of our Colonial Library has indeed beetno make it representative abroad and unconditionally the best organization of its kind at home". Drs. R. S. Karni. CONTENTS I. INDONESIA a. Anthropology and geography of Indonesia in general 1 b- » ti M n Jawa and Madura (Java and Madura) 3 c- n » h » Sumatera (Sumatra) 4 » » it tt Kalimantan (Borneo), Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei 7 e- it » „ w „ Sulawesi (Celebes) 8 *• t> tt tt tt Maluku (the Moluccas) 9 8* tt n tt tt Irian Jaya (New Guinea) and Papua/New Guinea 9 !*• tt tt tt t, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat and Nusa Tenggara Timur (Bali and the Lesser Sunda Islands) 11 i. History - Art - Art History - Archaeology - Prehistory 12 j. Geology - Hydrography - Meteorology - Physical geography 15 k. Tourism — Travel 16 1. Social and labour problems - Pensions 17 m. Central government: governmental institutions and government projects - Regional government: provincial and kabupaten publi- cations—Local government: cities and desacommunities i& 21 n. Foreign affairs - Internat politics . 61 o. Finance — Taxes 69 p. Cultural affairs - Education - Mass media - Press - Sports 73 q. Islam - Christianity - Buddhism - Hinduism - Other religions 93 r. Administration of j ustice - Law - Legislation - Poüce 107 s. Military affairs 1 j i t Economics - Trade - Banking - Cooperations - Shipping - Industry Hg u. Communications - Transport 139 v. Agriculture and horticulture - Plantations and forestry - Stock- breeding — Fisheries 140 w. Agrarian legislation and agrarian regulations - Land rent 154 x. Natural resources - Public works - Water management - Mapping 155 y. Biology - Veterinary medicine 160 z. Health - Medicine 160 aa. Biographies - Personal records 163 bb. B ibliographies - Catalogues - In ven tories 165 cc Literature in European languages 168 dd. Almanacs — Digests — Musical compositions - Miscellaneous 170 ee. Philological and literary studies 171 ff. Grammars — Language courses — Linguistic studies 172 gg. Dictionaries and word lists 177 hh. Indonesian and Malay texts/literature, published in Indonesia and in Malaysia 178 ü. Javanese texts and literature 183 jj. Sundanese texts and literature 183 kk. Madurese texts and literature — U. Texts and literature in the languages of Sulawesi 184 mm. Texts and literature in the languages of Sumatera 184 nn. Texts and literature in the languages of Kalimantan, Maluku, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat and Nusa Tenggara Timur and Irian Jaya — oo. Old Javanese and Balinese texts/literature 185 pp. Bible translations — qq. Schoolbooks and textbooks 185 II. ASIA it. South Asia: India - Pakistan - Srilanka - Nepal — Bhutan 189 ss. Burma 190 tt. Continental Southeast Asia (excluding Burma) 190 uu. Malaysia and Singapore (For Bahasa Malayu see also categories ee, ff, gg and hh) 193 w. Philippines ; 195 ww. China — Korea - Tibet 198 xx. Japan — Formosa 199 yy. Oceania — Aboriginal Australia and New Zealand 199 zz. Madagascar and adjacent islands 203 3a. The Middle East - Central Asia 203 3b. Various Southeast Asian countries combined 204 3c. Various countries of Asia and Oceania combined 204 3d. Early travels and discoveries 205 3e. Asian studies in general 206 3f. Hinduism — Buddhism 206 3g. Islam 207 3h. Art — Art history - Archaeology 207 3i. Asian language grammars and textbooks 208 3j. Asian language dictionaries 208 3k. Sanskrit texts — 31. Bibliographies — Catalogues — Inventories 208 3m. Directories — Personal records — Miscellaneous 210 III. ASIA AND THE WEST 3n. Colonial policy and colonial history in general - 2nd World War and decolonization - Post-war political and economie problems and development cooperation 211 3o. General description - Travel - Shipping - Navigation - Maps - Atlases 212 3p. Social and cultural anthropology — Sociology — Law - History of religion - Christian missions - Palaeontology - Prehistory - Physical anthropology 212 IV. AMERICA - AFRICA - AUSTRALIA 3q. Surinam and the Netherlands Antilies up to 1815 215 3r. Surinam and the Netherlands Antilies after 1815 215 3sl. Bahamas, 3s2. Cuba 216 3s3. Porto Rico, 3s4. Dominican Republic, 3s5. Haiti 217 3s6. Jamaica, 3s7. Virgin Islands, 3s8. Antiqua - Barbuda - Montserrat Nevis, 3s9. Guadeloupe—Maitinique—Marie Galanta, 3sl0. Dominica - Sta Lucia - St Vincent - Grenada - Grenadines, 3sll.Barbados, 3sl2. Tobago - Trinidad, 3sl3. Cayenne 218 3sl4. Guyana 219 3s. The Caribbean area 219 3t. Brazil 220 3ul. Venezuela, 3u2. Colombia 221 3u3. Panama, 3u4. CostaRica, 3u5. Nicaragua 222 3u6. Honduras, 3u7. El Salvador, 3u8. Belize, 3u9. Guatemala, 3ul0. Mexico 223 3ull. Other Latin American countries 226 3u. The Latin American area 227 3v. North America 232 3w. South Africa 232 3x. The coast of Guinea - Slavery 232 3y. Africa in general 232 3z. Australia and New Zealand 233 V. GENERAL LIBRARY 4a. Encyclopaedias - Repertories - Dictionaries 235 4b. Biographies - Personal records - Miscellaneous 235 4c Almanacs - Bibliographies - Catalogues - Digests - Directories - Inventories 235 4d. Other subjects - Library science 236 NAME AND SUBJECT INDEX Personal name — Organization — Geography - Descriptor 239 I. INDONESIA a. Anthropology and geography of Indonesia in general 1 NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE. Uitg. van het Kantoor voor den Handel van het Departement van Economische Zaken. Batavia, Kolff & Co., [c. 19401.40 pp ills 30 cm. a-301-N+ ' 2 PENDUDUK Indonesia. Pernjataan-bersama, disusun oleh R. MOCHTAR, Widioio NITISASTRO, H. PATTIRADJAWANE, dll. HORSTMANN (Kurt), Djumlah jang luar biasa ketjilnja dari anak2 di Indonesia [Djakarta, De Unie, c. 1956.131 pp., 23 cm. Overdr. uit: Ékonomi dan Keuangan Indonesia, 1956. a-316-N 3 MUGIHARDJO (Raden), Primbon sangkan paraning manungsa. Sipat rongpuluh bisa dadi gum Umu tanpa guru. Tiet. ke-3. Semarang, Kene, 1959. 54 pp. 20 cm a-351-N ™ 4 ADAT istiadat dan tjeritera rakjat. [Oleh Muchtar TOSKIN, Soejono HARDJOMARTONO, Soepanto-Djaf&r, dll.] [Jokjakarta, Djambatan,] 1962. 102 pp., dis,,20 cm. Departemen P.D. dan K., Urusan Adat-Istiadat dan Tjeritera Rakjat Djawatan Kebudajaan. Brosur no 6. a-239-N 5 AVE (J.B.), Tentang asalusul dan pemakaian istilah "Indonesia". [Djakarta 19631 6 pp., 25 cm. Overdr. uit: Bintang Timur minggu, 1963, 25 Aug. a-247-N 6 KOENTJARANINGRAT, Rintangan2 mental dalam pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia. Djakarta, Bhratara, 1969. 70 pp., 22 cm. Lembaga Research Kebudajaan Nasional. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (L.I.P.I.) Seri No: 1/2. a-314-N 7 LAPORAN pekan wajang Indonesia t, 24 s/d 28 Djuli 1969. [Ketua panitia- Sri MULJONO, SUWANDONO, dan D. DJAJAKUSUMA.] Djakarta 1969^21 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Pekan Wajang Indonesia. a-94-N + 8 INDONESÏAN man and his culture. As reflected at pavilion Indonesia Expo 70 in Osaka - Japan. Djakarta, Jajasan Penerbitan Pantjasila, 1970. 62 pp., ills, 31 cm. The National Committee for Expo '70. a-345-N + 9 ISKANDER (N.), Het bevolkingsvraagstuk in het kader van de nationale opbouw. Djakarta 1970. 14 pp., 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Demografi. Serie no 1/008/LD/70. a-310-N + 10 LUCAS (Christopher), Indonesia is a happening. Photogr. by Victor ENGLEBERT New York, 1970. 11 pp., 38 cm. In: Venture. The traveler's world. 1970, vol. 6, no. 10, p 39. Ook: Indonesian travel notes. a-299-N + 11 NASKAH kongres ke-2 perkumpulan keluarga berentjana Indonesia, logjakarta 10 -16 Mei 1970. Ketua: Hanifa WIKNJOSASTRO.1 [Djakarta] 1970 245 pp ills 24 cm. a-330-N ' 12 RESEARCH programme and related requirements of Population Studies Centre of Indonesia, REPORT prep. by S. HASHMI. [Djakarta] 1970. 29 pp., 35 cm Getvote tekst, a-311-N + 13 INDONESIA Sensus penduduk 1971. Penduduk diperintji menurut ketjamatan di Djawa- Madura. Angka2 sementara. - INDONESIA. 1971 Population census. Population by sub- district in Djawa-Madura. Preliminary figures. [Kata pengantar oleh M. ABDULMADJIDJ Djakarta 1972. XII, 150 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik, Biro IH/Sensus. - Central Bureau of Statistics, Census Bureau. Serie B. No 2. a-307-N 14 SENSUS penduduk 1971. Hasil pentjatatan sensus lengkap, bulan September 1971 di Propinsi Sumatera Barat (angka sementara). [Kata pengantar oleh M. Zen St MADJOLELO.] Padang 1971.101 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik Propinsi Sumatera Barat. a-307-N 15 SENSUS penduduk 1971. Keterangan Rumah Tangga dalam kabupaten/kotamadya Kedin. Kepala sensus dan statistik kabupaten Kediri: HARTOJO. Kediri 1971. 2 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Biro Pusat Statistik, Kantor Sensus dan Statistik Daerah Tingkat II/kabupaten Kediri. a-308-N + 16 DARYANTO, Sosiologi I [dan] II. Bandung 1972. 2 djl. 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Jurusan Antropologi. a-320-N + 2 I. Indonesia 17 DRAEGER (Donn F.), Weapons and fighting arts of the Indonesian archipelago. Rutland, Tokio, Tuttle Company, 1972. 254 pp., ills, 25 cm. a-298-N 18 GARNA (Yudistira K.), Masyarakat Cina dan pembangunan Indonesia. (Suatu studi latar belakang masalah Cina di Indonesia). Bandung 1972.15 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst Universitas Negeri Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Jurusan Antropologi. Etn. 9/72. »324-N + 19 HARSOJO, Beberapa tjatatan tentang antropologi sosial. Bandung 1972. 33 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Djurusan Antropologi. Ant. 4/72. a-326-N + 20 HARSOJO, Unsur2 tingkah laku sosial manusia. Bandung [z.j.1 31 pp., 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Jurusan Antropologi. a-321-N + 21 INDONESIA. Photography by Richard WOLDENDORP. Text by AInthony] H. JOHNS and Ylohanni] JOHNS. Melbourne, Nelson, 1972. 224 pp., 30 cm. Plaatwerk. a-297-N + 22 INDONESIA. Sensus penduduk 1971. Penduduk diperintji menurut ketjamatan diluar Djawa-Madura. Angka2 sementara. - INDONESIA. 1971 Population census. Population by sub district outer Djawa-Madura. Preliminary figures. [Kata pengantar oleh M. ABDULMADJID J Djakarta 1972. IX, 185 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik, Biro III/Sensus. - Central Bureau of Statistics, Census Bureau. a-307-N 23 INDONESIA. Sensus penduduk 1971. Penduduk diperintji menurut propinsi dan kabupaten/ kotamadya. Angka2 sementara. - INDONÉSIA. 1971 Population census. Population by province and regency/municipality. Preliminary figures. [Kata pengantar oleh M. ABDULMADJIDJ Djakarta 1972. XIII, 302 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik, Biro III / Sensus. - Central Bureau of Statistics, Census Bureau. a-307-N 24 ISKANDAR (N.), Masalah populasi dalam rangka pembangunan dan lingkungan. Djakarta 1972. 33 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Demografi. a-354-N + 25 LAMBUT(M.P.), Humanities no 6. Edisikhusus. Bandjarmasin[1972.15 pp., 29cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (Ünlam), Service Department a-329-N + 26 SENSUS penduduk Indonesia 1971. Tabel-tabel pendahuluan. Angka sementara. 1971 Population census Indonesia Advance tables Preliminary figures. [Kata pengantar oleh M. ABDULMADJIDJ Djakarta [1972.1XVI, 180 pp., 24 cm. obl. Biro Pusat Statistik Djakarta. - Central Bureau of Statistics Djakarta. Seri C. a-322-N 27 ULASAN ringkas hasil sensus penduduk 1971 Jawa Tengah. Kata pengantar oleh Soekarno SLAMET. Semarang 1972. XII, 37 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik propinsi Jawa Tengah. a-346-N 28 ULASAN ringkas. Hasil sample sensus penduduk th. 1971. [prakata oleh SOEKAJAT.1 [Surabaya 1972.136 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik propinsi Jawa-Timur. a-325-N + 29 WALIYAT (Benyangga), Seni merangkai janur. [Semarang, Mandira, 1972.132 pp., ills, 32 cm. a-319-N + 30 BUITENWEG (Hein) [ps. van H.C. Meyer], Land waar de gamelan klinkt. Wassenaar, Servire, 1973. 150 pp., ills, 20 cm. Plaatwerk van 79 foto's. a-300-N 31 PEACOCK (James L), Indonesia: an anthropological perspective. Pacific Palisades, Calif., Goodyear Publ. Co., 1973. XII, 168 pp., ills, 25 cm. Goodyear regional anthropology series a-302-N 32 PENDUDUK luar Jawa Hasil registrasi penduduk 1972. - POPULATION of outer Java. Results of population registration 1972. Jakarta 1973. XXIV, 105 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst Biro Pusat Statistik. - Central Bureau Of Statistics. a-358-N 33 PENDUDUK Jawa Tengah. Hasil registrasi pertengahan tahun 1972. POPULATION of Central Java. Results of registration, mid year 1972. Kata pengantar oleh Soekarno SLAMET. Semarang 1973. III, 114 pp., ill., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik propinsi Jawa Tengah. - Census and Statistical Office of Central Java. a-348-N b. Anthropology and geography of Jawa and Madura (Java and Madura) 3 34 PENDUDUK Jawa-Barat. Hasil registrasi penduduk 1972. Kata pengantar oleh Sutopo MARTOWARDOYO. Bandung 1973. III, 73 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst Biro Pusat Statistik, Kantor Sensus dan Statistik Jawa-Barat a-347-N 35 PENGETAHUAN dasar tentang antropologi-sosial. [Direktur: SOENARJO.] Jakarta 1973. 40 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Sosial, Direktorat Pembangunan Masyarakat Suku-Suku Terasing (P.M.S.T.), Direktorat Jenderal Bina Karya. a-342-N + 36 PETUNJUK menjalankan penelitian. Jakarta 1973. IV, 61 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Sosial, Direktorat pembangunan Masyarakat Suku-Suku Terasing (P.M.S.T.), Direktorat Jenderal Bina Karya. a-341-N + 37 RENTMEESTER (Co), Indonesië. Drie gezichten. Een foto-impressie van - met tekst van Hella S. HAASSE [= H.S. van LELYVELD - HAASSEI. Amsterdam enz. Elsevier, 1973. 192 pp., ills, 31 cm. Plaatwerk a-303-N + b. Anthropology and geography of Jawa and Madura (Java and Madura) 38 SUBANDRIO (HurustiatO, Javanese peasants life. Villages in East Java. London 1951. VI, 198, XXX pp. 111. 26 cm. Thesis London. Gestencild. b-165-N-III 39 KOESWARAGA (B ), Buku pasinaon beksa putri Ngajogjakarta. Solo [etc.] Fadjar, [1957.1 90 pp., ills, 21 cm. b-176-N-II 40 KEADAAN penduduk di duapuluhtiga desa di Djawa. Penjusun laporan: J.E. ISMAEL. Djakarta 1960. 34 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst Lembaga Penjelidikan Ekonomi dan Masjarakat, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. No 15 A. b-210-N + 41 TIKNOPRANOTO alias DIPOSOETARNO, kabijantu dening: Soemantri SOEMOSAPOETRO, Buku pengetan bab pamiwahing agesang. Metu, manten, mati. Surakarta, Tri Jasa, [1961.] 107 pp., ills, 21 cm. b-192-N- 42 PRODJOSOEJITNÖ (R.Ng.), Tjatatan ringkas karaton Surakarta. Sala, Seribusatu, [1965.1 44 pp., 15 cm. b-178-N 43 PRIMBON Djawa Sabdo pudjonggo. Petangan djangkep kangge sadintendinten. Kahimpun dening: R. TANOJO. Solo, Sri Muljo, [1966.] 64 pp., 20 cm. b-lT^N 44 ALI (R. Mohamad), [dan] F. BODMER, Djakarta djaja sepandjang masa. Djakarta, 1969. XII, 158 pp. III. 40 cm. Pemerintah Daerah Chusus Ibukota. b-166-N + 45 PARTISIPASI Djawa Barat dalam Djakarta Fair 1969. [Ketua umum: Harlan BEKTI.] Djakarta 1969. 45 pp., ills, 24 cm. Paviljun Lembur Kuring b-206-NI 46 HELMER (J.) en E. WEITERING, Kommunikatiepatronen in een West-Javaanse desa Doktoraalskriptie Tilburg. Tilburg 1970. 152 pp., ills, 29 cm. Stichting Werkgroep Studiereizen Ontwikkelingslanden (W.S.O.) b-201-N + 47 BREMAN (J.C.), Djawa: Pertumbuhan penduduk dan struktur demografis. Diterdjemahkan oleh Sugarda PURBAKAWATJA. Kata pengantar oleh N. ISKANDAR. Djakarta, Bhratara, 1971. 112 pp., 21 cm. Oorspr. titel: Java: Bevolkingsgroei en demografische structuur, 1963. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV). , Seri terdjemahan karangan-karangan Belanda, no 4. b-171-N 48 CURRENTfertility, Jakarta 1970. [Prakataoleh N. ISKANDER.1 Jakarta[1971.162 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Demografi. b-188-N + 49 LAPORAN hasil penelitian padat kar ja dan perubahan sosial dalam masjarakat pertanian di kabupaten Klaten. [Studi tentang pola penjaluran tenaga kerdja). [Ketua: SOEPRAPTO.] Jogjakarta [1971.] II, 19 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Fakultas Sosial dan Politik, Team Seksi Ilmu Sosiatri. b-180-N + 50 SAMUEL (Evelyn), Introducing batik. Repr. London, Batsford, 1971.80 pp., 8 pltn, ills, 21 cm. b-169-N 51 HIDDING (K.A.H.), Adat Sunda. Terdjemahan [dari bahasa Belanda oleh] Singgih WIBISONO. Bandung 1972. 22 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Djurusan Antropologi. b-187-N + 4 I. Indonesia 52 HOLLEMAN (F.D.), Hukum adat di Tulungagung. Diterjemahkan dengan pengawasan dewan redaksi. Dengan kata pengantar oleh Moh. KOESNOE. Jakarta, Bhratara, 1972. 46 pp., 21 cm. Oorspr. titel: Het adatrecht van de Afdeling Toeloengagung (gewest Kediri): Een onvoltooide studie, 1927. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV). Seri terjemahan karangan-karangan Belanda, no 25. b-211-N 53 JAWA Timur dalam angka th. 1971. tDjl. ke-2.1 [Surabaya c. 1972.] 182 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik propinsi Jawa Timur. b-189-N + 54 MENUDJU Jogjakarta. [Kata sambutan oleh: Ngatiman KARSOJ [Jogjakarta 1972.] 188 pp., ills, 21 cm. Gabungan Karjawan Swasta Republik Indonesia di Jogjakarta. b-184-N 55 PENDUDUK Jawa-Timur th. 1971 (24 September), diperinci menurut kecamatan. [Kepala Biro Pusat Statistik: M. ABDULMADJID J [Surabaya 1972.] 50 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik propinsi Jawa-Timur. b-182-N 56 PRIMBON Djawa pandita sabda nata. Ngemot sa'at-sa'at pandita sabda nata lan hawaning bawana, bab dedunung lan tetanen. [Kaimpun déning: R. TANOJOJ Tj.-tj. ka-2. [Surakarta, PeladjarJ 1972. 91 pp., 20 cm. b-179-N 57 STATISTIK Jawa-Barat 1971. [Kata pengantar oleh Sutopo MARTOWARDOVOJ Bandung [1972.] 132 pp., 20 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik Jawa-Barat. b-183-N + 58 WEST-JAVA tourist miscellany. Designed and ed. by ANANGSUMARNA. Bandung, Masa Ban», [z.j.] 160 pp., ills, 16 cm. West Java Regional Tourist Office. b-181-N-I 59 WIBISONO (Singgih), Kehidupan masyarakat Dukuh di daerah Garut, Jawa Barat. Bandung 1972. 25 pp., ill., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Negeri Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Jurusan Antropologi. Etn. 3/72. b-185-N + 60 ANEKA permuseuman. Bandung 1973. 115 pp., 34 cm. Losbladige gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, propinsi Jawa Barat. Kantor Pembinaan Permuseuman. Proyek Penunjang Peningkatan Kebudayaan propinsi Jawa Barat, Sub Proyek Museum Kebudayaan. b-207-N + 61 GARNA (Judistira), Masyarakat. Baduy di Banten Selatan, Jawa Barat. Sistim matapencaharian hidup dan dasar kemasyarakatan. Bandung 1973.17 pp., ills, 29cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Jurusan Antropologi. b-205-N + I 62 INDIKATOR ekonomi Jawa Tengah, April 1973. [Semarang 1973.] V, 52 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik propinsi Jawa Tengah. b-198-N 63 LUCAS (Heinz), Java-Masken. Der Tanz auf einem Bein. Mit 4 mehrfarbigen, 134 einfarbigen Bildtaf. und einer Karte. Kassei, Erich Röth-Verlag, 1973.348 pp., 24cm. Die grosse Maskenkunde 4. b-168-N 64 MINTARDJA RIKIN (W), Ngabersihan als knoop in de tali paranti. Bijdrage tot het verstaan van de besnijdenis der Sundanezen. Meppel, Racmo Offset, 1973. 194 pp., 22 cm. Proefschrift Leiden. b-172-N-I 65 PENDUDUK Jawa Tengah. Hasil registrasi pertengahan tahun 1972. POPULATION of Central Java. Results of registration, mid year 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh Soekarno SLAMET.] [Semarang 1973J 114 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik propinsi Jawa Tengah. - Census and Statistkal Office of Central Java. b-197-N 66 PENDUDUK Jawa-Madura. Hasil registrasi penduduk 1972. - Population of Java Madura. Results of population registration 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh M. ABDULMADJIDJ Jakarta 1973. X, 50 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik. - Central Bureau of Statistics. b-202-N c. Anthropology and geography of Sumatera (Sumatra) 67 TUSSCHEN straat en wereldzee. Speciaal Sumatranummer van de Indische courant. Buitenzorg 1936. 18 pp., ills, 46 cm. C-94-N + 18 I. Indonesia 289 STATISTIK pegawai pemerintah Djawa dan Madura, 1 Djuni 1969- [Kata pengantar oleh M. ABDULMADJIDJ Djakarta 1969. 22 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik. 1-106-N + 290 STATISTIK pegawai pemerintah Kalimantan, 1 Djuni 1969. [Kata pengantar oleh M. ABDULMADJID.1 Djakarta 1969. 22 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik. 1-109-N + 291 STATISTIK pegawai pemerintah Sulawesi, 1 Djuni 1969. [Kata pengantar oleh M. ABDULMADJIDJ Djakarta 1969. 22 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik. 1-105-N + 292 STATISTIK pegawai pemerintah Sumatera, 1 Djuni 1969- [Kata pengantar oleh M. ABDULMADJIDJ Djakarta 1969. 22 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik. 1-108-N + 293 WIDODO (D.S.), Analisa pekerdjaan. Jogjakarta [19691 20 pp. 20 cm. Balai Pembinaan Administrasi Universitas Gadjah Mada, SEKIP Jogjakarta. Bulletin Balai Pembinaan Administrasi Universitas Gadjah Mada (Bulletin) No 3/1969. 1-77-N 294 ALFIAN. Agama dan masalah perkembangan ekonomi. Djakarta 1970. 16 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Ekonomi dan Kemasjarakatan Nasional (LEKNAS). 1-83-M + 295 LAPORAN Departemen Tenaga Kerdia R.I., tahun anggaran 1970/1971. [Menteri: Tatang MAHMUD.1 [Djakarta 1970.1 201 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Tenaga Kerdja Republik Indonesia (R L). 1-133-N + 296 PETUNJUK tentang administrasi pensiun. Jakarta [c. 1970.] IX, 424 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Administrasi Kepegawaian Negara. 1-75-N + 297 RISALAH singkat Kongres Ikatan Karyawan Iuran Pembangunan Daerah ke-VIII jang diselenggarakan dari tanggal 14 s/d 17 Desember 1970 di Tjipajung, Bogor. Ketua umum: SOETARNO. [Djakarta 1970.121 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Ikatan Karyawan Iuran Pembangunan Daerah. 1-84-N +1 298 BUKU pedoman tentang peraturan dan pelaksanaan tjara pengurusan pensiun djanda/duda pegawai negeri. [Kepala: SOEDIRDJOJ[Djakarta 1971.] 78 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Inspektorat Djenderal, Bagian Tata Usaha. 1-134-N + 299 HIMPUNAN peraturan-peraturan perburuhan. Disusun oleh Daud FIKIR. Djakarta [19711 VII, 87 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Gabungan Importir Nasional Seluruh Indonesia (Ginsi). 1-167-N + 300 KARTONO, Unsur manusiadalam perusahaan modern. Djakarta, Pradnja Paramita, 1971. 96 pp., 21 cm. 1-171-N 301 LAPORAN pelaksanaan survey foster-care tentang anak-anakkorbanG.30S. /P.KI. [ = Gerakan 30 September/Partai Komunis Indonesia] didaerah Blitar Selatan dan tjalon keluarga asuhan di ketjamatan Bagor kabupaten Ngandjuk dan di kotamadya Blitar. Dilaksanakan pada tg. 8 - 26 Maret tahun 1971. Projek pembinaan kesedjahteraan anak dan taruna Departemen Sosial Republik Indonesia, sebagai projek pelita[ = pembangunan lima tahun.] [Surabaja 1971J III, 100 pp., ill., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan (I.K.I.P.) Negeri Surabaja, Balai Penelitian Pendidikan, Team Dosen Assisten. Dinas Sosial propinsi Djawa Timur. 1-102-N + 302 PRATOMO (R.), The Indonesian labour legislation on the termination of employment in private enterprises. [Djakarta 1971.] 18 pp., 31 cm. 1-88-N + 303 SEMINAR pengupahan buruh perkebunan Sumatera Utara, pada tg. 29 s/d 31 Djanuari 1971 di Medan. [Ketua: AS. RITONGA, Mahmud ABBAS, M.J. NASUTION.] Medan 1971. 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Sekretariat Kerdja-Sama Serikat Buruh Perkebunan Sumatera Utara. 1-90-N + 304 [KELUARGA berencana menurut pandangan Islam, pandangan Iman, moral Kristen dan pandangan Hindu. Kata pengantar oleh Imam BACHRI J Banjarmasin 1972. 22 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Binrohtal Komando Daerah Kepolisian, Kalimantan Selatan. 1-182-N + 305 ADMINISTRASI dan kelantjaran pembajaran uang pensiun. [Pendahuluan oleh: Muljatno SINDHUDARMOKO.1 JakartaÜ972J 275 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan, Lembaga Penelitian Keuangan. 1-93-N + 1. Social and labour problems - Pensions 19 306 ANGGARAN rumah tangga Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia. [Ketua: Soenandar PRIJOSOEDARMO.] Jogjakarta [c. 1972.] 37 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, Daerah Istimewa Jogjakarta. 1-87-N + 307 AWALOEDIN, Problema2 yang ditimbulkan oleh perobahan sosial yang serba cepat khususnya yang menyangkut kehidupan generasi muda. Ceramah [pada SEMINAR nasional pembinaan generasi muda Indonesia, tg. 19 s/d 23 Sept. 1972 di Jakarta.] Gestencilde tekst. 1-91-N + 308 FAKTOR elementasi pembentukan Kurehana-Foundation. Jakarta ca 1972. 52 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kurehana-Foundation (International Social-Welfare Services), Preparatory Organizing Committee. 1-162-N + 309 GERAKAN PERBUM [= Persatuan Buruh Minyak] dan aspek aspeknya dalam industri minyak di Indonesia. Kata pengantar oleh Ibnu SUTOWO. Jakarta 1972.84 pp., 22 cm. Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Negara. 1-165-N 310 HASIL pengumpulan data survey tenaga kerdja dibidang penelitian dan pengembangan di lembaga2penelitian dalam lingkungan departemen dan lembaga non departemen 1971 - 1972. Djakarta 1972. III, 45 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Biro Koordinasi dan Kebidjaksanaan Ilmiah. 1-94-N + 311 IKRAR bersama Madjelis Permusjawaratan Buruh Indonesia(MPBI)tg. 26 Mei 1972. SADLI (M.), Pidato bapak menteri Tenaga Kerdja, Prof. Dr. M. Sadli, menjambut lahirnja ikrar-bersama MPBI. Jakarta 1972. 8 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Tenaga Kerdja Kalimantan Selatan, Kantor Daerah. 1-168-N + 312 KORPRI (Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia). [Jakarta, Perc. Negara.] 1972.113 pp., ills, 21 cm. Departemen Penerangan. 1-89-N 313 LAPORAN panitia bulan dana PMI [ = Palang Merah Indonesia] Bandjarmasin 1972, 8 Mei s/d 8 Djuni. [Ketua umum: Riduan IMANJ [Bandjarmasin 1972.1 9 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Palang Merah Indonesia Bandjarmasin, Panitia Bulan Dana 1-111-N + 314 PANORAMA pekerdjaan sosial di bidang kesedjahteraan anak, keluarga dan masjarakat. Djakarta 1972. 40 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Sosial. 1-98-N + v 315 PENGARAHAN kebijaksanaan menteri Penerangan kepada Persatuan Wanita Departemen Penerangan Dian Eka Wati. Amanat menteri Penerangan, tg. 7 Sept. 1972. [Jakarta] 1972. 23 pp., 32 cm. Persatuan Wanita Departemen (PWD) Dian Eka Wati: 1-129-N + 316 PERATURAN gaji pegawai negeri sipil republik Indonesia (P.G.P.S. 1968.) Dilengkapi dengan berupa petunjuk2 dan peraturan pelaksanaanya. [Jakarta] 1972.80 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. 2 exempl. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Biro Personalia. 1-99- N + 317 PROVINCI AL papers. Sebagai backgroundpaper untuk seminar nasional pembinaan generasi muda Indonesia tg. 19 s/d 23.9.'72 di Djakarta. Buku 1 - 3. Djakarta 1972. Band 1 - 3.33«n. Gestencilde tekst. Buku 1: Wilajah Sumatra. Buku 2: Wilajah Djawa dan Bali. Buku 3: Wilajah Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. Badan Koordinasi Nasional untuk Kesedjahteraan Keluarga dan Anak 1-164-N 318 RATA-RATA upah buruh perkebunan 1971. Jakarta [z.j.] 13 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik, Bagian Penduduk dan Tenaga Kerja 1-143-N 319 REPORT of the meeting of experts for the establishment of ASEAN [= Association of South East Asian Nationsl combined operations against natural disasters. Puntjak, - Okt. '71. Djakarta 1972. 190 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde Engelse tekst. Departemen of Social Affairs, Directorate General for Natural Disaster and Social Aid Funds 1-166-N + 320 STATISTIK tenaga kerja Indonesia 1971. [Kata pengantar oleh R.S. ATMANAGARA.] Jakarta [1972.] V, 261 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Tenaga Kerja, Bagian Penelitian dan Statistik. Bulletin tahunan no 1 1-92-N 20 I. Indonesia 321 BAHAN workshop dari Jawatan Sosial propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Penyelenggara workshop/ penyusunan pelita [= pembangunan lima tahun] ke-2, daerah Nusa Tenggara Barat pada tg. 9 s/d 12.5.73. [Kepala Jawatan Sosial: M.Djafar AHMAD.] Mataram 1973. 17 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Jawatan Sosial, propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. 1-161-N + 322 HADISOEMARTO (Ti, Hukum perburuhan tentang dana kecelakaan kerja. [Semarang 1973.] 51 pp., 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. 1-141-N 323 HADISOEMARTO (T), Pentunjuk menegakkan keadilan berdasarkan undang-undang no 22 th. 1957 tentang penyelesaian perselisihan perburuhan. [Semarang 1973.] 33 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. 1-139-N 324 HADISOEMARTO (T.), Perkembangan upah dengan masalah-masalahnya di Indonesia dan negara-negara lain. [Semarang 1973.] 51 pp , 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. 1-140-N 325 HIMPUNAN bahan-bahan dan hasil rapat kerja masalah Tuna karya, tg. 21 s/d 22 Maret 1973, di Ciumbuleuit, Bandung. [Ketua: SANTOSO.] Jakarta 1973. 133 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Sosial, Direktorat Tuna Karya, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Karya. 1-135-N + 326 LAPORAN kerja Bagian Pendidikan (Biro P dan HLN), 1972. Pengantar oleh Mohammed Isom SUMHADI Jakarta 1973. IV, 78 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Sosial, Biro Pendidikan dan Hubungan Luar Negeri (Biro P dan HLN). 1-163-N + 327 LAPORAN survey team Kamp Kerja Mahasiswa 1 di daerah transmigrasi Way-Abung, Lampung, 18-29 Januari 1973. Disusun oleh Panitiya Pelaksana Kamp Kerja Mahasiswa 1 Dewan Mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor. [Ketua: ERIYATNO.1 Jakarta 1973. 120 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). 1-173-N + 328 MASALAH kesempatan kerja di sektor industri di Indonesia Oleh Sukadji RANUWIHARDJO, Sukanto REKSOHADIPRODJO, Budiono Sri HANDOKO, dl 1. Yogyakarta 1973. V, 170 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Fakultas Ekonomi, Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi. 1-159-N + 329 PEDOMAN operasionil PMST [= pembangunan masyarakat suku-suku terasing] 1973. [Sambutan oleh ACHMADI ] Jakarta 1973. 51 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Sosial, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Karya, Direktorat Pembangunan Masyarakat Suku-suku Terasing. 1-131-N + 330 PENELITIAN di masyarakat pedesaan. Kerangka teoritis dan pengalaman praktis. Salatiga 1973. V, 59 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP), Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Lembaga Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial (LPIS). Seri monografi, no. 7. 1-138-N 331 PENYESUAIAN PGPN [ = peraturan gaji pegawai negeri] 1961, kedalam PGPS [ = peraturan gaji pegawai sipill 1968 di propinsi Irian Jaya. [Kepala: A.E. MANIHURUKJ. Jakarta 1973. III, 87 pp, 26 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Administrasi Kepegawaian Negara. Surat edaran kepala Badan Administrasi Kepegawaian Negara, no. 02/SE/1973 tg. 21 Maret 1973.1-132-N + 332 PERKEMBANGAN kota Semarang. Laporan sosiologis dari presurvey yang dilaksanakan atas permintaan gereja Kristen Jawa (GKD) Semarang Barat dalam rangka pelayanan masyarakat kota di Semarang. Salatiga 1973. XI, 172 pp., 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas/ Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Kristen Satya Wacana, Lembaga Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial. Seri laporan penelitian, no 8. 1-172-N + 333 REKAPITULASI keadaan DDD PMI Banjarmasin, dari th. 1971 s/d Maret 1973. Banjarmasin 1973. 2 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Banjarmasin, Dinas Dermawan Darah (DDD). 1-169-N + 334 RUMUSAN musyawarah Badan Kerja Sama Panti Asuhan dan Penatran BP4 se propinsi Kalimantan Selatan di Banjarmasin. Banjarmasin 1973. 84 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Kerja Sama Panti Asuhan Kalimantan Selatan. Badan Penasehat Perkawinan dan Penyelesaian Perceraian (BP4). 1-170-N + m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 21 335 SEDJARAH ringkas panti asuhan "Sentosa" Banjarmasin, didirikan tg. 2 Mai 1947. Banjarmasin 1973, 5 pp., 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pengurus Yayasan Panti Asuhan "Sentosa". 1-184-N + 336 SEMINAR tentang kedudukan wanita dan keluarga berencana. Diselenggarakan di Jakarta, pada tg. 1 dan 2 Juni 1973. Kata pengantar oleh M. WAHJUDI. Jakarta 1973. 95 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Komisi Nasional Kedudukan Wanita Indonesia (KNKWD. Kongres Wanita Indonesia (KOWANI). Koordinasi Wanita Golongan Karya (Golkar) Pusat 1-183-N + 337 SURJANINGRAT (Suwardjono), Pentingnya pengertian dan pelaksanaan keluarga berencana dan partisipasi pemuda dalam pelaksanaan program nasional keluarga berencana. (Disampaikan pada "Seminar tentang Perkawinan dan Keluarga Berencana" yang diselenggarakan oleh PB-HMI [= pelajaran besar himpunan mahasiswa Islam] di Ciloto, tg. 2 April 1973). [Z.pl. 1973.19 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional, Biro Penerangan dan Motivasi. 1-137-N + m. Central government: governmental institutions and government projects - Regional government: provincial and kabupaten publications Local government: cities and OÉMcommunities 338 VE RZ AM ELI NG residentie verordeningen Zuider- en Oosterafdeeling van Borneo. Bandjarmasin, Boemi Poetra, 1941. 315 pp., 21 cm. m-1326-N-II 339 DIKTAT latihan pegawai Djalwatanl Penferanganl DTaeranl Hstimewal Jogjakarta. Jogjakarta [19511 ill., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Pendidikan Pegawai Djawatan Penerangan Daerah Istimewa Jogjakarta. m-1333-N+II 340 KARTOHADIKUSUMO (M. SOETARDJO), Bahan-bahan untuk mempertjepat penjempurnaan pembentukan daerah-daerah autonoom. [Djakarta 1952J 65 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat - Republik Indonesia (D.P.R.-R.I.), Seksi Dalam Negeri dan Penerangan (Seksi G). m-620-N + II 341 DJOKO LELONO (R.), Membuka tanah baru. Masalah pemuda dan transmigrasi. Djakarta, Endang, 1953. 139 pp., ills, 21 cm. m-663-N-I 342 DJADIKANLAH konstituantrtempat perpaduan. Pidato presiden [Sukarnol pada konperensi Panitia Pemilihan Indonesia pada tanggal 27 Maret 1954. Djakarta 1954. 9 pp., 21 cm. Kementerian Penerangan Republik Indonesia m-543-N-I 343 NOTULEN rapat pleno ke 20/1/1955, dan 21/11/1955 D.P.R.D.S. Kab. Purworedjo, tertanggal 17 Maret 1955, dan 11-12 Djuli 1955. [Ketua: PRATIKTO.1 Purworedjo 1955. 2 djl., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Purworedjo, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Sementara (D.P.R.D.S.) m-602-N + II 344 PERSLAH tahunan kabupaten Indramaju 1954. [Bupati: Djoko SAID.1 Undramaju c. 1955.1 78 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-757-N + II 345 SEKITAR soal konstituante dan konstitusi. Djakarta c. 1955. 279 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kementerian Penerangan, Bagian Dokumentasi. m-1332-N + I 346 GARIS-GARIS besar rentjana pembangunan lima tahun 1956 -1960. [Jakarta! 1956. 203 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Perantjang Negara. m-731.-NI 347 NOTULEN rapat pleno D.P.R.D. ke 22/I/I956, tanggal 16 s/d 19 Djanuari 1956. [Ketua: S. SASTRODIPRODJO.] Purworedjo 1956. 32 pp., 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Purworedjo, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah (D.P.R.D.) Sementara Kabupaten Purworedjo. m-616-N + II 348 NOTULEN rapat pleno D.P.R.D. ke 23/11/1956, tanggal 26 dan 27 Maret 1956. [Ketua: S. SASTRODIPRODJO.1 Purworedjo 1956. 26 pp., 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Purworedjo, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah (D.P.R.D.) Sementara Kabupaten Purworedjo. m-605-N + II 349 ANGGARAN belandja dan pendapatan dari daerah Swatantra, kabupaten Kebumen, tahun 1957. [Kebumen 1957.161 pp., 34 cmlGestencilde tekst. m-533*N + II 350 RISALAH musjawarah nasional pembangunan. [Ketua publisitet: Jusuf A. PUAR.1 Djakarta [1957.1 djl. 1- 4. 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Musjawarah Nasional (Munas) Pembangunan. Sekretariat. m-685-N + I 22 I. Indonesia 351 SEKITAR langkah pembangunan masjarakat desa. Daerah kerdja P.M.D. [ = pembangunan masjarakat desa] distrik Sukabumi, prop. Djawa Barat, dalam th. 1956. Sukabumi 1957. 62 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Djawatan Penerangan Kabupaten Sukabumi. m-758-NIII 352 SOSRODIHARDJO (Soedjito), Kedudukan pemimpin didalam masjarakat desa. Jogjakarta 1957. VI, 173 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Thesis Universitas Gadjah Mada, Fakultas Hukum. m-991-N + III 353 URGENSI program daerah swatantra tingkat ke-II. Kebumen, tahun 1958. [Ketua: SUMBONO.] [Kebumen 1958.110 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Daerah Swatantra tingkat ke-II Kebumen. m-585-N + II 354 KARESIDENAN-SURAKARTA daerah kerdja untuk pembangunan. [Sambutan oleh SARDJONO.1 Surakarta, 1959. 44 pp., ills, krtn, 21 cm. Kantor Karesidenan Surakarta. m-580-N-III 355 NOTULEN rapat pleno istimewa D.P.R.D. ke 3/11/1960, tanggal 4 April 1960. [Ketua: PAMUDJI.1 Purworedjo 1960. 32 pp., 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, Daerah Swatantra Tingkat ke-II Purworedjo, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah m-604-N + II 356 NOTULEN rapat pleno D.P.R.D. gotong rojong. Rapat pelantikan ketua/anggota D.P.R.D.-G.R. dan ke-l/VIII/1960, tanggal 19 Desember 1960. [Ketua: Slamet SOETOHARDJONO.] Purworedjo 1960. 27 pp., 35 cm. Pemerintah Daerah, Daerah Swatantra Tingkat Ke-II Purworedjo, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah (D.P.R.D.) m-601-N + II 357 NOTULEN rapat pleno D.P.R.D. ke8/VII/1960, tanggal 3 Desember 1960. [Ketua: Ki Turki TJOKROPRAWIRO.] Purworedjo 1960. 22 pp., 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, Daerah Swatantra Tingkat ke-II Purworedjo, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah (D.P.R.D.) m-600-N + II 358 NOTULEN rapat pleno D.P.R.D. ke-4/III/1960 dan 5/IV/1960, tanggal 24,25,27,28 dan 30 Mei 1960, dan 13 Djuni 1960. [Ketua: Ki Turki TJOKROPRAWIRO! Purworedjo 1960. 57 pp., 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, Daerah Swatantra Tingkat ke-II Purworedjo, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah (D.P.R.D.) m-603-N + II 359 BUKU pedoman Biro Pendidikan, Departemen Perdagangan R.I. [= Republik Indonesia,] Djakarta. [Kata pendahuluan oleh S. BROTOMIDJOJO.1 Djakarta 1961. 170 pp., ills, 24 cm. Departemen Perdagangan, Biro Pendidikan. m-750-N-I 360 BUKU tahunan 1960 Departemen Transkopemade, Djawatan Koperasi Pusat. Djakarta [1961.1 157 pp., ills, 27 cm. Departemen Transmigrasi, Koperasi dan Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa (Transkopemade), Djawatan Koperasi Pusat. m-910-N + I 361 LAPURAN tahun 1960 Pemerintah Daerah Istimewa Atjeh. [Kata pengantar oleh Ali HASJMY. Ketua: Teuku Alibasjah TALSYAJ [Kutaradja 1961.1337 pp, ills, 27 cm. Pemerintah Daerah Istimewa Atjeh. m-669-N + III 362 RENTJANA anggaran keuangan daerah tingkat I Djawa-Barat, th. 1961. [Bandung 1961.] 196 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, Daerah Tingkat I Djawa Barat. m-809-N + II 363 NOTA pendjelasan padaamanat keuangan presiden 1972. [ Z.pl., z.j.] 69 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst m-671-N + I 364 KOTAPRADJA Surabaja. Anggaran keuangan. Perusahaan2 dan dana2, tahun dinas 1963. [Untuk turunan sebenarnja: Sekretaris R. Soetopo DANOESOEBROTO.1 Surabaja 1963. 4 vols. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Gotong-Rojong kotapradja Surabaja. m-782-N + II 365 PERUMUSAN hasil survey tentang pembelian beras Pemerintah dari Panitia Dewan Bahan Makanan untuk Perentjana Pembelian Beras oleh Pemerintah. [Ketua: WILUJOPUSPOJUDO.1 Djakarta [1963.1 136 pp., ill, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Bahan Makanan. m-808-N + I 366 MADIU terus pan tang mundur. Disusun oleh: A.E. MANIHURUK. [Bandjarmasin 1964.1X, 424 pp., ills, 24 cm. Pantja Tunggal Daerah Tingkat I Kalimantan Selatan. m-539-N-III 367 NOTA pendjelasan tentang anggaran pendapatan dan belandja negara tahun 1963 dan 1964. [Z.pl, z.j.1 49 pp-, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-664-N +1 m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 23 368 APEL besar peladjar mahasiswa anti kontra revolusi Kalimantan Selatan. [Ketua: AHWYJ [Bandjarmasin 1965.] 6 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst m-776-N +1 369 BANDUNG; pedoman kota besar. [Penjusun pada Toto KARTAATMADJA, dan Nara SUKIRNA.1 Bandung, [1956.1 280 pp., ills, 21 cm. Kota Besar Bandung, Djawatan Penerangan. Voortzetting van: Pedoman kota besar Bandung, 1951. m-579-N-III 370 ICHTISAR tahunan tentang pelaksanaan ketetapan M.P.R.S. [= Madjelis Perm usjawara tan Rakjat Sementara) no 2/MPRS/1960, mengenai pola pembangunan semesta berentjana tahapan pertama 1961 - 1969 jang berkenaan tahun pelaksanaan pembangunan 1964. [Djakarta 1965.1211 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Badan Perentjanaan Pembangunan Nasional. m-742-N +1 371 LAPORAN panitia ad hoe perumus perioritas pembangunan projek-projek industri dasar. Ketua: J. SIM ANDJUNTUK. Djakarta 1965. 77 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian Dasar. m-1203-N + I 372 LAPORAN pembangunan daerah Sumlatera] Utara, th. 1961 s/d 1964. [Kata pengantar oleh: Ulung SITEPU.1 [Medan 19651 297 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Koordinasi Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Utara (Bakopdasu). m-648-N + II 373 PAMERAN pembangunan nasional dan daerah Shimateral Utara, 22 Agustus 1964 s/d 27 September 1964. Buku kenang2an [Disusun oleh Amiruddin NASUTION, A. Azix JAHJA, Dailami RUSLI dll.] [Medan 1965.1 128 pp., ills, 21 cm. Badan Koordinasi Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Utara. m-617-N*II 374 UNDANG-UNDANG no 18 tahun 1965 (lembaran negara tahun 1965 no 83) tentang pokok pokok pemerintahan daerah lengkap dengan nota pendjelasannja. [Djakarta c. 1965.1 53 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-728-N + I 375 GARIS-GARIS besar kebidjaksanaan dan rentjana - pelaksanaan stabilisasi politik. Hasil seminar AD ke-2, tg. 25 s/d 31.8.'66 di Bandung. Bandung 1966.41 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Angkatan Darat (AD), Sekolah Staf dan Komando Angkatan Darat (Seskoad). m-1217-N + I 376 PROGRESS report pemerintahan Sulawesi Selatan 1966. Makassar 1966. 155 pp., 33 cm. Getypte tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, propinsi Sulawesi Selatan m-1197-N + II 377 PROGRES-REPORT tentang keadaan wilajah pemerintahan daerah propinsi Sumatera Utara, th. 1966. [Medan 1966.1 191 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst Pemerintahan Daerah, propinsi Sumatera Utara. m-745-N-II 378 DANUREDJO (Sumitro Iionol SledewoD, Struktur administrasi dan sistim pemerintahan di Indonesia Djakarta, Laras, 1967. III, 82 pp., 20 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-550-N-I 379 DCI [= daerah chusus ibu kota] Djakarta. Pola rehabilitasi-pembangunan 3 tahun daerah chusus ibu kota Djakarta 1967 - 1969. Djakarta [1967.] 94 pp. 25 cm. obl m-699-N + III 380 MASKOEN (Soemitro), Aspek planning dalam pembinaan desa. Bandung 1967. 39 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst Akademi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pemerintah Daerah (Center for Local Government Studies). m-1084-N-III 381 PUBLIKASI 1967 [no.] 14. [Djakarta 1967.1 12 pp., ills, 20 cm.obl. Gestencilde Engelse^tekst Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djendral Tjipta Karya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. m-1337-N + II 382 ARTIKEL-ARTIKEL public relations.lOleh: Imam BUCH ARIfAK. BONAR, drs. SOEMARSONO, dl 1.] [Z.pl. c. 1968.1 58 pp, 32 Cm. Gestencilde tekst. Overdr. v.: Madjalah Administrasi Negara no 1 s/d 9 th. 1959, no 2 th. 1960, no 11 dan 12 th. 1962, Mei 1967 en Djaja no 312 th. 1968. m-651-N + I 383 AZIS (R.P. Abdul), Ilmu perbendaharaan negara dan administrasi anggaran. [Jakarta z.j.167 pp., 30cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Administrasi Negara. m-634-N +1 384 HASIL musjawarah pamong desa se kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah jang diadakan pada tg. 25 April s/d 27 April bertempat di balai rakjat Barabai. [Ketua: Amir BADERI.llBarabai 1968.] 3 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Persatuan Pamong Desa kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah. m-1114-N + III m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 25 401 DESA teratur/sedjahtera kabupaten Bandjar. Brosur [disusun oleh H.A.H. BUDHIGAWIS.KMartapura 1969.1III, 23 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bandjar. m-554-N + II 402 DJABATAN negeri dan pendjabatnja (management). Djakarta 1969. 27 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan. Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional. m-1243-N + I 403 HASIL-HASIL perumusan rapat kerdja Direktorat Djenderal Perkebunan, dengan dinas-dinas perkebunan rakjat dan inspektorat-inspektorat perkebunan, tg. 20-24.10.'69 di Djakarta. [Ketua umum: A. Rivai SAAD1 Djakarta 1969. 72 pp., 33 cm. Gestencild* tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Djenderal Perkebunan m-1238-N + I 404 HIMPUNAN ketetapan2 Mtadjelisl Hermus jawatan] Rlakjat] Stementaral (M.P.R.S.). HasiPsidang umum kelV 1966. Hasil2 sidang istimewa 1967. Hasil2 sidang umum ke V 1968. Dengan lampiran2 disertai undang2 dasar 1945. [Kata peng. Abdulkadir BESAR.] [Tj. ke-II.] Djakarta, Pantjuran Tudiuh, [1969.] XV, 277 do. 21 cm. m-630-N-I 405 HIMPUNAN peraturan mengenai pengurusan daerah propinsi Irian Barat, th. 1966 s/d 1968. Djakarta 1969. 543 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Irian Barat. m-1356-N-II 406 HIMPUNAN peraturan-peraturan transmigrasi 1969. Djakarta 1969. 45 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departmen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi, Direktorat Djenderal Transmigrasi, Sekretariat. m-1246-N + I 407 HIMPUNAN undang-undang/peraturan Pemerintah /keputusan/instruksi presiden Republik Indonesia sepandjang ada hubungannja dengan tugaskewadjiban menteri Dalam Negeri, dan peraturan/keputusan/instruksi menteri Dalam Negeri R.I., tengah tahun ke-2, 1969. Djakarta 1969. 500 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Sekretariat Djenderal, Biro Hukum. m-820-N + 1 408 INDONESIA develops. LA digest of the! Five-Year Development Plan, April 1969 - April. 1974. [Djakarta 1969.1 44 pp, 24 cm. Department of Information, Republic of Indonesia. Special issue No 006/1969. Re-issued by the Embassy of the R.I. in Cairo. m-527-N 409 KEADAAN sosio-economis-budaja keluarga dalam hubungan dengan anak dan pemuda Konperensi Nasional tentang anak dan pemuda dalam perentjanaan pembangunan nasional, Djakarta 22 - 28.10.'69. [Ketua umum: Kumpul MURTADJI1 Djakarta 1969. VIII, 114 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Koordinasi Nasional untuk Kesedjahteraan Keluarga dan Anak. m-1253-N + I 410 KOSWARA (E.), Decentralization system in Indonesia Development administrators training program Institut of Public Service. Bandung 1969. 34 pp., 20 cm. Gestencilde tekst Akademi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pemerintahan Daerah. m-1230-N-II 411 LAMPIRAN dari laporan fact finding Bimas GR Coopa. Djakarta 1969. 19 pp., 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst m-1423-N +1 412 LAMPIRAN dari laporan fact finding Bimas GR Hoechst. Djakarta 1969. 20 pp., 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst m-1427-N +1. 413 LAMPIRAN dari laporan tact finding Bimas GR. Ciba 1-2. Djakarta 1969. 2 bdn., 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1426-N +1 414 LAPORAN delegasi pemerintah daerah istimewa Jogjakarta ke: 1. Pemerintah propinsi Djawa Barat. 2. D.C.I. Djaya [= Daerah chusus ibukota Djakarta Raya]. 3. Kementerian Dalam Negeri. 4. Bulognas[= Badan Urusan Logistik Nasional] pada tg. 27 s/d 2 Ag. 1969. [Ketua delegasi: B. SUKIJO Pw.] [Jogjakartal 1969. 41pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, daerah istimewa Jogjakarta, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Gotong Rojong. m-734-N + II 415 LAPORAN triwulan 1 tahun 1969/1970 (1 April 1969 s/d 30 Djuni 1969) perkembangan pelaksanaan projek-projek pelita [= pembangunan lima tahun] nasronal di Sumatera Barat (Gubernur kepala daerah: Harun ZAIN-KPadang 1969.] 84 pp, 29 cm. Gestencild*:tekst. m-884-N + II 416 LIST of project proposals 1970/1971 of National Development Planning Agency (Bappeneas). Djakarta 1969. 125 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas). m-1241-N + I 26 I. Indonesia 417 MASKOEN (Soemitro), Dasar-dasar pemikiran tentang program pembinaan dan kebidjaksanaan kepegawaian Pemerintah Daerah. Bandung 1969. 28 pp., 20 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Akademi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pemerintah Daerah. m-1231-N-II 418 MASKOEN (Soemitro), Posisi management pimpinan eksekutip pemerintah propinsi. (Tindjauan tentang leadership, posisi, fungsi, status, hubungan dan kewadjiban serta tanggung djawab: gubernur, para anggota BPH [= Badan Pemerintahan Harianl sekretaris daerahypropinsi/daerah tingkat 1). Bandung 1969. 44 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Akademi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pemerintah Daerah. m-1229-N-II 419 MASKOEN (Soemitro), Posisi management pimpinan eksekutip pemerintah propinsi. (Tindjauan tentang leadership, posisi, fungsi, status, hubungan dan kewadjiban serta tanggung djawab: Gubernur, wakil gubernur para anggota BPH, ) sekretaris daerah, propinsi/ daerah tingkat D. Bandung 1969. 44 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Akademi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri Bandung, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pemerintah Daerah (Center for local Government Studies). m-1357-N-II 420 MILLET (John D.), Management dalam pemerintahan, Saduran bebas oleh Soemitro MASKOEN. Bandung 1969. 70 pp., 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Akademi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pemerintah Daerah (Center for Local Government Studies). m-1083-N-III 421 MOENADI OU, Laporan Pusat Latihan Pendidikan itesedjahteraan Keluarga (P.L.P.K.K.) propinst Djawa Tengah. [Semarang 1969.1 16 pp., 1 krt, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. w*558-N + III 422 MOENADI, Pidato gubernur kepala daerah Djawa-Tengah, Moenadi, pada hari pembangunan Djawa-Tengah, tg. 2.7.'69- Semarang 1969.36pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah. propinsi Djawa-Tengah. m-1242-N + II 423 NOTA pendjelasan anggaran pendapatan dan belandja daerah propinsi Sumatera Barat 1969/1970. [Kata pengantar oleh Harum ZAIN.1 Padang 1969.148 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, propinsi Sumatera Barat. m-720-N + II 424 ORGANISASI dan uraian tugas Departmen Perhubungan. I. [Kata pengantar oleh Soejono SOEPARTO.1 [Djakarta 1969.1 321 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Biro Organisasi dan Persoml. m-589-N-I 425 PEDOMAN pelaksanaan APBN [= anggaran pendapatan belandja negara] 1969/1970. Djakarta 1969. 35 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestemde tekst. Direktorat Perbendaharaan Negara. m-1250-N + I 426 PENINDJAUAN on the spot. Hasil survey sosial tentang masalah wanita tuna susila di daerah Jakarta Utara, Pusat dan Selatan. [Prakata oleh: Ibnu SAWABI.1 Jakarta [1969.1 79 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Sosial, Panitia Perundangundangan seksi B, Team Survey. m-681-N + III 427 PERKEMBANGAN rata2 harga pasar etjeran bahan makanan utama dibeberapa pasar ibukota kabupaten/kotamadya di Indonesia 1968,1969. [Jakarta c. 1969,1970.1 d dln, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Penjaluran Perdagangan. m-688-N-I|I 428 PERUMUSAN hasil-hasil rapat kerdja transmigrasi seluruh Indonesia, tg. 24 s/d 27.2.'69 di Sala [Ketua: BOESIRI1. Sala 1969. 50 pp., 34 cm..Gestencilde tekst. Losbladig. Departemen Transmigrasi dan KoperasL m-1257-N + I 429 PIDATO bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Sleman [MURTODININGRATl dalam menjampaikan pokok-pokok kebidjaksanaan konsepsi politis komposisi BPH [= badan pemerintah harianl kabupaten Sleman pada sidang pleno DPRD-GR, 6 Augustus 1969 di Beran. [Beran 1969.1 6 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah- Gotong Rojong (PDRD-GR), Kabupaten Sleman, Sekretariat. m-587-N +II 430 PIDATO pembantu gubernur propinsi Djawa Timur di Madiun [ R. SOEKARDJONOl, jang dilantik mendjadi Pd. [ = pedjabat] kepala daerah kabupaten Patjitan pada tg. 30 Djuli 1969 di Patjitan. Patjitan 1969. 4 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Patjitan. m-1071-N + II m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 29 463 KUMPU LAN pidato pd. t = pedjabat] gubernur/kepala daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan OM. JAMANI.1 dalam rangka HUT [= hari ulang tahun] proklamasi kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ke-25,17-8-1970. [Bandjarmasin'b lfir^BJ 27 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan! Hubungan Masjarakat (HUMAS). m-781-N + II 464 LAPORAN housing sample survey di Bandung, Mei 1970. Buku l.iDisusun oleh M Saleh AMIRUDIN, Komar SOEMAATMADJA, TJOAH KOK HONG, dll.] [Bandung 1970.1 ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djendral Tjipta Karya, Lembaga Penjelidikan Masalah Bangunan. m-594-N + III 465 LAPORAN kegiatan tahun 1, pelita [= pembangunan lima tahun] 1969 - 1970, Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi. [Menteri: M. SARBINI.1 [Djakarta 1970.1 43 pp., krtn. 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi m-906-N+I 466. LAPORAN pembangunan lima tahun Irian Barat. Buku 1. Jakarta 1970. 97 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Sektor Chusus Irian Barat' m-1364-N + II 467 LAPORAN penindjauan delegasi pemerintah daerah Kotamadya Bandjarmasin ke Kotamadya Surabaja pada tg. 17 s/d 26 Djuni 1970. [Oleh Riduan IMAN, A. Chalik DACHLAN, Abdullah BASRI dll.1 [Bandjarmasin 1970.112 pp., 33 cm Gestencilde tekst. m-615-N + II 468 LAPORAN repelita [ = rentjana pembangunan lima tahun] 69/70 [oleh] gubernur propinsi Djambi [R.M. Nnr ATMADIBRATAJ [Djambi 1970.] 18 pp., 34nm. Gestencilde tekst. m-877-N + I 469 LAPORAN tahunan gubernur kepala daerah propinsi Sumatera Barat tahun 1969/1970, [Penutup oleh Harun ZAIN1 Padang 1970. 251 pp., ills, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, propinsi Sumatera Barat. m-1079-N + II 470 LAPORAN tahunan 1969/1970 Direktorat Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa, propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Mataram, Lombok[1970.] 110 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde "tekst. Direktorat Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa, propinsi Nusa Teneeara Barat m-695-N+II 471 LAPORAN tentang pelaksanaan pembangunan lima tahun didaerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan tahun ke-2 1970 -1971, no. 3, Djuni 1970. [Kata pengantar oleh M. JAMANIJ Bandjarmasin 1970. 45 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. m-729-N + II 472 MAMAS (S.G. Made), Proyeksi penduduk; angkatan kerja dan anak sekolah DKI [ = daerah khusus ibukota] Jakarta 1971-1991. Jakarta (z.j.1 VI, 75 pp, 33cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik. m-1089-N + I 473 MANUPUTTY (Boetje), dan ATMANAGARA, Laporan penindjauan projek Pelita [- pembangunan lima tahun] di Padang dan Bukittinggi. Djakarta 1970. 14 pp., ill., 34 cm; Gestencilde tekst Departemen Tenaga Kerja Team Pembangunan' m-1135-N + II 5 474 MEMORANDUM mengenai beberapa aspek penting dari pada penjelenggaraan repelita-I'* .«Bdtjana pembangunan lima tahun] berikut saran2 penjempurnaan pengorganisasian dan tata laksananja [Oleh SUTAMIJ [Jakarta 1970.125 aft, ills, 21 cm. obl. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik. m-710«8*T 475 PATIANOM (S.D), Laporan dinas, Dinas Berindustrian .propinsi Kalimantan Tengah, tahun anggaran 1969/1970. Palangka Raya 1970. 41 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Kalimantan Tengah m-1430-N + II 8 ' 476 PEDOMAN penjelenggaraan demplot [ = demonstrasi plot.1 [Bandjar Baru 1970.13 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Peri Bimbingan Massal (Pra Bimas). m-1116-N + I 477 PEDOMAN survey penerangan umum. [Djakarta 1970.112 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Penerangan, Projek Penelitian dan Pengembangan m-1434-N + I 478 PEDOMAN TC. [= Training Centrel kader L.S.D. I [= Lembaga Sosial Desa IJ [Kata pengantar oleh Gatot S. HADISANTOSA] [Djakarta 1970J. 27 pp., 21 cm Departemen Sosial Republik Indonesia Direktorat Djendral Bina Karya Direktorat Pembinaan Lembaga Sosial Desa. m-560-N-III 30 I. Indonesia 479 PERANTJANGAN lingkungan perumahan, buku 1. Proyek prototype perumahan Bandung '69, Tjidjagra. Bandung [1970.] 25 pp., ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum Tenaga Listrik (Putenaga), Direktorat Djenderal Tjipta Karya, Lembaga Penjelidikan Masalah Bangunan, Pemerintah Daerah Kotamadya Bandung. m-552-N-III 480 PERKEMBANGAN Pelita [= pembangunan lima tahun], tahun pertama 1969/1970 didaerah propinsi Sumatera Barat, Uraian gubernur kepala daerah propinsi Sumatera Barat [Haroen ZAIN.] pada Commanders Call Kodam III/17 Agustus di Padang, tg. 13 April 1970. Padang 1970.67 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, propinsi Sumatra Barat. m-1137-N + II 481 PIDATO bupati kepala daerah Klaten [SOETIJOSO] kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Gotong Rojong kabupaten Klaten, pada hari ulang tahun ke XX Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Klaten, tg. 28 Oktober 1970. [Klaten 1970.] 264 pp., ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-789-N+ II 482 PIDATO bupati kepala kabupaten Patjitan [Moch. KOESNAN] dalam menjambut masa sidang DPRD-GR [ = Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah-Gotong Rojong] kabupaten Patjitan, tg. 26 Mei 1970. [Patjitan 1970.142 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Patjitan. m-1070-N + II 483 PIDATO kepala daerah kabupaten Patjitan [ Moch. KOESNAN] dalam menjambut masa sidang DPRD-GR [= Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah-Gotong Rojong] kabupaten Patjitan, tahun 1970 (tg. 15-1-1970). [Patjitan 1970.1 9 pp-, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Patjitan. m-1060-N + II 484 PROGRESS report bupati kepala daerah Purbalingga th. repelita 1969/1970 [R. Bambang MOERDHARMO.] Purbalingga 1970. 6 djl. 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-652-N+II 485 PROGRESS report pembangunan lima tahun tahap kesatu tahun pertama, modernisasi desa 1969 - 1970, daerah kabupaten Blora, jil. A 1- F 6. [Kata pengantar oleh SRINARDLl Blora 1970. 12 delen. 32 cm. m-711-N + II 486 PROGRESS-REPORT. Pidato bupati kepala daerah kabupaten Bandjar [H.A. BUDHIGAWIS.1 didepan sidang istimewa Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah, kabupaten Bandjar, pada tg. 16 Ag. 1970 [dan! 1971 di Martapura. [Martapura 1970, 1971.] 2 bdn. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Bandjar, Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah. m-735-N + II 487 PROJEK pembukaan persawahan pasang surut, Barambai [dan] Tamban. Bandjarmasin 1970. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. m-583-N + II 488 PROJEK resettlement desa. [Jakarta 1970.1 133 pp, ill., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Djenderal Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa. m-698-N+III 489 RANTJANGAN pedoman perentjanaan lingkungan perumahan untuk kota* di Indonesia Disusun oleh Team Penjusunan buku pedoman Standard minimum untuk Perentjanaan Perumahan Rakjat. [Ketua: Saleh AMIRUDIN] [ Bandung 1970.] ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Tjipta Karya Lembaga Penje- lidikan Masalah Bangunan, Team Penjusunan Buku Pedoman Standard Minimum untuk Perentjanaan Perumahan Rakjat. m-590-N +1 490 RENTJANA kerdja Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Sumatera Barat, tahun 1970/1971. [Guburnur kepala daerah: Harun ZAIN.1 [Padang 1970.] 28 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Sumatera Barat. m-883-N + II 491 RENTJANA kerja Pemerintah Daerah propinsi Sumatera Barat tahun 1970/1971. [Penutup oleh Harun ZAIN] Padang 1970 28 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, propinsi Sumatera Barat. m-1076-N + II 492 RENTJANA pembangunan lima tahun, 1969/70-1973/74, propinsi daerah istimewa Atjeh. LAMPIRAN: Keputusan gubernur kepala daerah propinsi daerah istimewa Atjeh [A. Muzakkir WALAD1 no 174/1970 tentang rentjana pembangunan lima tahunt [Banda Aceh, c. 1970.1 XIII, 337 pp., krtn, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Atjeh. m-597-N + III m. Central government. Regional government. Local government 31 493 RISALAH sidang istimewa Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan tgl. 16 Djuli 1970. (Briefing menteri negara penghubung pemerintah MPRS/DPRGR/DPA. H. MINTAREDJA, dan ketua D.P.R.-&E*!! K.H.A. SJAICHU). [Djakarta 1970.1 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. m-614-N + II 494 RISALAH sidang paripurna chusus ke 2/1970 Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Gotong Rojong kabupaten Batang (tg. 22 Sept. 1970). [Ketua: pimpinan sidang: Abdullah MAKSUM ] [Batang 1970J 28 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Gotong Rojong kabupaten Batang. m-740-N + II 495 RUSLAN(Abdulmalik), Mata peladjaran:"Pemerintahan Desa". [Barabai 1970.16pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah. m-1100-N + III 496 SMITH (T.M.), A tentative report concerning Indonesia's administrative system, its capacity and problems in connection with economie development. Djakarta 1970. 25 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Samengestr. op verzoek v.d. gouverneur van West Sumatra en de gouverneur van Zuid Sulawesi. m-612-N+I 497 STRUKTUR organisasi dan pembagian tugas Sekretariat Djenderal Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. [Djakarta z.j.1 45 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Kesehatan, Sekretariat Djenderal. ni-983-N +1 498 SUMBANGAN fikiran Dinas Sosial DIJ/ sekretaris BPPK [= Badan Pentjegahan dan Pemberantasan Kemaksiatanl - DIJ kepada pemerintah daerah DIJ/ BPPK DIJ. [Kepala Dinas Sosial DIJ: DARMONEGORO.] [Jogjakarta 1970.1 14 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Gotong Rojong daerah istimewa Jogjakarta (DIJ). m-760-N + II 499 SURVEY keadaan desa dalam rangka projek pembangunan masjarakat desa "Jakkum" di desa Bojolajar (kabupaten Sragen - Djawa Tengah), September 1970. [Anggota team: N.L. KANA, Sri ISTIKOMAH, PRADJARTA e.a ]Salatiga 1970. III, 75pp., "•^1k%, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP). Universitas Kristen Satya Watjana. Lembaga Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial (LPIS). Seri Laporan penelitian, no 1/1970. m-1123-N + I 500 SYLVANUS (R.), Laporan (kertas kerdja) Pemerintah Daerah propinsi Kalimantan Tengah 1970. Radiogram menteri Dalam Negeri, tg. 4 Oktober 1970 no Sd-4/5/41. Palangka Raya 1970. 107 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. m-1433-N+ II 501 THAMRIN (M. Husny), Peningkatan pengetahuan administrasi desa. (Uraian sederhana untuk menambah pengetahuan para kepala kampung dalam upgrading course (kursus pamong desa) sekabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah, dari tg. 19 s/d 21 Djanuari 1970). Barabai 1970. 12 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst, m-1101-N+ III 502 ABDURACHMAN (Drs.), Prinsip-prinsip management dalam pemerintahan. Analisa tugas-tugas pimpinan. Sumenep, The Sun, 1971. 172 pp., ills, 21 cm. m- 542-N-1 503 ADMINISTRASI pelaksanaan rentjana pembangunan. Thesis diadjukan oleh sindikat C Sekolah Staf dan Pimpinan Administrasi Angkatan ke-2. Peserta' GULTOM (M), Moh. DJAFAR, Moh. HARDJITO dl 1.1 Djakarta 1971. 87 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Administrasi Negara. Sekolah Staf dan Pimpinan Administrasi (SESPA). m-1102-N + I 504 AMIRUTJIN (M. Saleh), Prototype housing project in Bandung, Indonesia. Paper pres. to the 5th CIB congress, Paris, June 1971. Bandung ijjf 1. 37 pp., Ministry of Public Works and Electric Power, Di ree tora te General of Planning and Construction, Building Research Institute. United Nations, Regional Housing Centre, Economie Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE). m-610-N + III 505 ANGGARAN pendapatan dan belandja daerah propinsi daerah istimewa Atjeh untuk tahun dinas 1971/ 1972,1972/ 1973. [Banda Atjeh 1971,197212 vols. 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah (DPRD), propinsi daerah istimewa Atjeh. m-764-N + II 506 ASEAN combined operation against natural disaster. Indonesian working paper no 1II1 of the meeting of experts towards the establishment of an ASEANcombined operation against natural disasters, at Puntjak, Oct. 29 - Nov. 1,1970. Djakarta 1971. 5 pp, ills, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Association of the South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), National Secretariat Republic of Indonesia, Organizinr Committee. SP/ADEM 004/71. m-1300-N + I o. Finance — Taxes 69 1084 PROGRESS report partai Nahdlatul Ulama wilajah propinsi Djawa-Tengah tahun 1969 - 1971. [Z.pl.1 1973. 36 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi lawa-Tengah. n-590-N + I 1085 RANCANGAN atribut-atribut golongan karya. Z.pl. z.j. 21 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Golongan Karya. n-771-N + I 1086 RANCANGAN program umum organisasi golongan karya. Z.pl. z.j. 17 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Golongan Karya. n-772-N+I 1087 RISALAH sidang pleno luar biasa th. 1972-1973, pencalonan dan pemilihan gubernur/kdh [ = kepala daerah] propinsi Lampung. [Ketua: Anwar Rasyid SIREGAR.1 Telukbetung 1973. 22 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD), propinsi Lampung. n-738-N + II 1088 SOEHARTO. Pidato kenegaraan presiden republik Indonesia jenderal Soeharto, didepan sidang Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, tg.l6-8-'73. Jakarta 1973. 62 pp., ill, 21 cm. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR). n-731-N 1089 SOESASTRO (M.Hadi), The world of strategy and the foreign policy of nations. Opening speech [at the! second Franco-Indonesian conference, Jakarta, Juli 2,1973. Jakarta 1973. 4 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Yayasan Proklamasi, Centre for Strategie and International Studies. n-693-N + 1090 STOVIA [= School tot Opleiding van Inlandsche Artsen] mata air sungai kebangunan nasional. - STOVIA the cradle of the Indonesian national movement. Jakarta 1973. 44 pp., ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Yayasan Idayu. n-769-N+ I 1091 SUGIARTO (Iksan), Pidato radio berkenaan dengan selesainya sidang umum MPR [ = Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat! laksus [= pelaksana khusus! Pangkopkamtib, daerah Kalimantan Selatan. [BandjantiÉöh 1973.! 3 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Komando Operasi Pemulihan Keamanan dan Ketertiban (Pangkopkamtib) daerah Kalimantan Selatan. n-744-N-I 1092 SUTOMO, Surat terbuka bung TOMO kepada Mao Che Tung dan Chiang Kai Shek. Penjelasan dan tanggapan. Jakarta, Usaha Penerbitan Balapan, [1973.! 56 pp., ills, 21 cm. n-660-N-I 1093 SYAHID (Bakri), Himpunan kuliah ideologi negara pancasila. Yogyakarta 1973. 89 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga" n-774-N + I 1094 SYAHID (Bakri), Pertahanan keamanan nasional. Yogyakarta 1973. III, 132 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Agama Islam Negeri "Sunan Kalijaga*. «-775-N + II 1095 The MAKING of foreign policy in regional cooperation: the Asean experience [Address to the 2nd Franco-Indonesian colloquium, Adam MALIK, minister for Foreign Affairs.! Jakarta 1973.14 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Yayasan Proklamasi, Centre for Strategie and International Studies. n-692-N + II 1096 YUNUS (H. Kahrudin), S.P.E.P. (sistim politik ekonomi pancasila). Pancasilaisme atau bersamaisme, jadi synthetis antara kapitalisme dan komunisme. Jakarta, P.H.I. (Prinsip Hiduup Islam), [1973.] 150 pp., 21 cm. n-592-N + I o. Finance - Taxes 1097 BAHAN-BAHAN seminar perpadjakan di Universitas Trisakti. [Djakarta 1969.1113 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Djenderal Padjak, Hubungan Masjarakat (Humas). Serie P.W. no 9/1969. O-120-N + 1098 PENDAHULUAN umum dari anggaran belandja 1949 dari negara Indonesia Timur. UNDANG-UNDANG komtabttjiet. [Kata pengantar oleh HAMELINK.] Makassar [ 1948.] 56 pp., 24 cm. Pemerintah Indonesia-Timur, Kementerian Keuangan. o-138-N 1099 PENUNTUN 1960 untuk badan umum. [Djakarta 19601. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. o-78-N + 1100 MARSONO (M.), Buku tata-usaha perbendaharaan negara R.I. Dj.-l. Tj. ke-3. Djakarta, Saptadarma. [1961.1 119 pp., 23 cm. o-80-N 1101 KUMPULAN peraturan-peraturan pelaksanaan "deklarasi-ekonomi", jang berlaku mulai 27 Mei 1963. Djakarta, Bussiness News, 1963. 124 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. o-125-N + 70 I. Indonesia 1102 KONPERENSI dinas ke-5 Direktorat Padjak, di Tjibogo dari tg. 28-9-1964 - tg. 3-10-1964. [Ketua: Sutadi SUKARJA.] Djakarta 1964. 251 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Padjak. o-127-N + 1103 SOEMAHAMIDJAJA (Soeparman), Padjak berlandaskan asas gotong rojong. Bandung 1964. IV, 352 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dissertatie Bandung, Universitas Padjadjaran 1964. o-124-N + 1104 BASIC documents on economie and finance. Djakarta 1967. 56 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Trade, Directorate General of Marketing and Commercial Development. o-139-N + 1105 HANADY, Fiscale Inlichtingen- en Opsporings Dienst (F.I.O.D.) [di Nederland.] [Amsterdam 1968.134 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Indonesische tekst. Hubungan Masjarakat (Humas), Direktorat Djenderal Padjak. o-74-N + 1106 RENTJANA anggaran pendapatan dan belandja daerah propinsi Sumatera Barat tahun 1968. [Ketua: Iman SOEPARTOl. Padang c. 1968.260 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah propinsi,Sumatera Barat. o-155-N + 1107 NOERDIN (Isjrin), Alat penjuling uap jang sederhana. Padang 1969. 10 pp., 22 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan. o-176-N 1108 LAPORAN tahunan tahun anggaran 1969/1970 Badan Urusan Cess. [Z.pl. z.j.] 75 pp., 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Urusan Cess. o-175-N + 1109 RANTJANGAN program kerdja dan R.AB. [= rentjana anggaran belandja] 1969/1970 Badan Urusan Cess Pusat dan Daerah bidang pembinaan, peremadjaan dan penelitian. [Z.pl. z.j.] 169 pp., 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Urusan Cess Pusat dan Daerah. o-174-N + 1110 WAJONG (J.), Administrasi keuangan daerah. Tj. ke-3. Djakarta, Ichtiar, z.j. 156 pp., 21 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1962. o-128-N 1111 BUKU tarip untuk barang impor. Bea masuk, GATT [ = general agreement on tariffs and trade], pembebasan dan pungutan extra, opcenten, golongan barang, P.Pn. impor. Tj. ke-3. [Kata pengantar oleh Zahri AHMAD.1 Djakarta 11971.] 421 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bevat bijl. Gabungan Importir Nasional Seluruh Indonesia (GINSD.O-77-N + 1112 DEFINISI tingkat completely knocked down (C.K.D.) barang impor, untuk kenderaan bermotor, radio dan televisi, sepeda, tape recorder, electric üan, phonograph, accu, motor disel, kerosene ranges, sepeda motor, mesin djahit, air conditioners, refrigators. Kata pengantar oleh Zahri ACHMAD. Djakarta [1971.1 58 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Gabungan Importir Nasional Seluruh Indonesia (GINSI). o-76-N + 1113 LAPORAN team-survey "Standardisasi dan normalisasi pengeluaran negara". [Ketua: Muijatno SINDHUDARMOKO.] [Djakarta] 1971. 96 pp, 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Direktorat Djenderal Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan. o-133-N + 1114 RANGKA anggaran pendapatan dan belandja rutin daerah propinsi Sumatra Barat, tahun 1969/1970. Z.pl., c. 1971. 45 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. o-154-N 1115 RANTJANGAN anggaran pendapatan dan belandja daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, tahun 1971 - 1972. [Banjarmasin 1971.] 86 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. o-149-N + 1116 BUKU statistik padjak no 2, 1972. [Ketua penjususn: DJOKOBIROWO.] Jakarta 1972. 69 pp., ills, 22 cm. Departemen Keuangan, Direktorat Djenderal Padjak, Direktorat Perentjanaan Penerimaan dan Penagihan. o-145-N 1117 HIMPUNAN peraturan/instruksi Direktorat Djendral Bea dan Tjukai. Tahun anggaran 1971/1972 (April 1971 s/d Maret 1972). Djakarta [1972.1 XL, 1201 pp, 22 cm. Kantor Besar Direktorat Djendral Bea dan Tjukai. o-112-N 1118 STANDARDISASI dan normalisasi keuangan negara. Laporan projek penelitian Institut Ilmu Keuangan, tahun 1971/1972 [Prakata oleh: W. GULTHOMJ Jakarta [1972.] 39 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan, Lembaga Penelitian Keuangan. 0-114-N + 1119 ANGGARAN pembangunan daerah kotamadya Bukittinggi tahun 1973/1974. [Bukittinggi c. 1973.1 19 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst o-183-N + 1120 ANGGARAN pendapatan dan belanja negara tahun dinas 1973/1974. Bagian Ol. Rutin. Isi: Satuan 2A, 2B, 2C, 3, 3A. [Jakarta c. 1973.18 pp., 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat. o-95-N p. Cultural affairs — Education - Mass media - Press - Sports 73 1157 NOTA keuangan dan rancangan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara, tahun 1973/ 1974 Republik Indonesia. [Djakarta c. 1973J XVII, 307 pp., ills, 28 cm. o-75-N + 1158 NOTA keuangan dan rancangan undang-undang tentang tambahan dan perubahan atas anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara, tahun 1972/1973. [Jakarta 1973.1 V, 72 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. o-117-N + 1159 NOTA penjelasan tentang tambahan dan perubahan atas anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah, daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta, tahun dinas 1972/1973. Jakarta 1973. 18 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. o-189-N + 1160 PEDOMAN pelaksanaan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara, tahun 1973/1974. Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia [SOEHARTO! nomor 11 tahun 1973. [Jakarta 1973.149 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Sekretariat Jenderal, Biro Tata Usaha. o-152-N + 1161 PENYEMPURNAAN tarip bea masuk menurut Brussels tariff nomenclature classification (BTN), Berdasarkan peraturan pemerintah no 2 tg. 20 Januari 1973, perubahan dan tambahan atas peraturan pemerintah no 6/1969 tentang pembebanan atas impor ... surat edaran direktur jenderal bea dan cukai no KBC/DJBC/KHL/223/1973, tg. 31 Januari 1973 tentang petunjuk penggunaan sistim klasifikasi BTN. [Jakarta 1973.148 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. o-126-N + 1162 PERATURAN daerah kotamadya Bukittinggi no 2/perda/DPRD/1973 tentang pemungutan pajak kenderaan tidak bermotor dalam daerah kotamadya Bukittinggi. [Bukittinggi 1973.! 3 pp., 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Kotamadya Bukittinggi. o-lll-N 1163 PETUNJUK administrasi keuangan untuk para bendaharawan Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. Cet. ke-5. [Jakarta! 1973. V, 166 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. o-113-N + 1164 POKOK-POKOK pengarahan pelaksanaan administrasi keuangan. Jakarta 1973. 121 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut. o-173-N + 1165 RANCANGAN anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara tahun 1973 - 1974. Pembangunan. Bagian 1 - 28. [Z.pl. z.j ] 28 delen. 30 cm. 0-II8-N + 1166 RANCANGAN undang-undang tahun 1973 tentang anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara tahun anggaran 1973/1974. Lampiran I - IV. (Jakarta, c. 1973.! 27 cm. o-79-N + 1167 RANCANGAN undang-undang tentang tambahan dan perubahan atas anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara, tahun 1972/1973. Beserta lampiran-lampiran. [Jakarta 1973.! 46 pp., 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. 0-II6-N + 1168 TARIP bea masuk, Brussels tariff nomenclature. Lampiran peraturan pemerintah no 2, th. 1973. - CUSTOMS tariff, Brussels nomenclature. Attachment to government regulation no 2 of 1973. Jakarta Trikarya Bhakti, 1973. XXV, 377 pp., 23 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. o-119-N 1169 UNDANG-UNDANG Republik Indonesia, nomor 3, tahun 1973 tentang anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara, tahun anggaran 1973/1974. Jakarta 1973. 79 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Sekretariat Jenderal, Biro Tata-Usaha. o-153-N + p. Cultural affairs - Education - Mass media - Press - Sports 1170 APAKAH Y.W.C.A. [ = Young Women's Christian Association] ? Djakarta 1948. 16 pp., 16 cm. Badan Penerbit Geredja dan Zending. p-799-N 1171 POLEMIK kebudajaan. Pokok pikiran: Takdir ALISJAHBANA, Sanusi PANE, PURBATJARAKA, d.1.1. Dikumpulkan [dan dengan] kata pengantar oleh Achdiat K. MIHARDJA. Djakarta, Balai Pustaka, 1948. 154 pp., 23 cm. p-329-N 1172 RENTJANA konperensi Inspektur Pendidikan Masjarakat ke-2, tg. 31 Agustus s/d 5 September 1951 di Djakarta. Djakarta 1951. 158 pp., ills. 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kementerian Pendidikan, Pengadjaran dan Kebudajaan (P.P. dan KJtfDjawatan Pendidikan Masjarakat p-285-N + 74 I. Indonesia 1173 UNIVERSITAS Indonesia, Fakultet Ilmu Pasti dan Alam Bandung, dibuka dengan resmi tg. 6 Okt. 1947. Rantjangan dan penerangan untuk tahun peladjaran 1952 1953. [Ketuafakultet: H. Th. M. LEEMAN.] [Bandung, Vorkink, c. 1952.1 56 pp, 24 cm. Universitet Indonesia, Fakultet Ilmu Pasti dan Alam Bandung. p-414-N 1174 ANGGARAN dasar dan peraturan rumah tangga. Djakarta 1953. 34 pp., 24 cm. Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Lembaga Kebudajaan Indonesia. p-653-N 1175 PAMERAN seni rupa Djatim [= Djawa Timur] th. 1954, Nopember-Desember. Surabaja 1954. 9 pp-, ills, 20 cm. Perwakilan Djawatan Kebudajaan Djawa Timur. Tunas Muda Madiun. Angkatan Pelukis Muda Malang. e.a. p-657-N 1176 SISWOMARTOJO (M. Sadarjoen), Pidato pengantar oleh M. Sadarjoen SISWOMARTOJO, dekan Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru dalam upatjara pembukaan Perguruan Tinggi pada hari Rabu tg. 20 Oktober 1954 bertempat di Bumi Siliwangi, Bandung. -Address by M. Sadarjoen SISWOMARTOJO, dean of the Teachers' Faculty introducing the ceremonial opening of the Faculty on Wednesday, 20 Oktober 1954 on the Siliwangi Site, Bandung. Bandung, Saksama, 1954. 23 pp., 22 cm. p-576-N 1177 YAMIN (Muhammad), Pidato-pembukaan Universitas Airlangga dikota Surabaya, tg. 10 Nopember 1954. [Z.pl., z.j.1 10 pp., 23 cm. p-286-N 1178 SARDJITO, Pembukaan rapat senat. Uraian pembukaan rapat senat terbuka pada dies natalis Universitas Gadjah Mada jang ke VI tanggal 19 Desember 1955. Jogjakarta [1955.1 11 pp., 24 cm. Jajasan Badan Penerbit Gadjah Mada. p-298-N 1179 SUWADI, Suratmi Sudir. Batok bulu eusi madu. Bandung etc, Banaco, 1956. 54 pp., ills, 19 cm. p-739-N 1180 PENGHARGAAN resmi (effectus civilis). Idjazah sekolah partikelir. I. [Djakarta 19571. 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kementerian Pendidikan, Pengadjaran dan Kebudajaan. p-273-N + 1181 PROGRAM Akademi Pemimpin Perusahaan (School of Industrial Management) 1958 - 1959. [Pendahuluan oleh Adnan KUSUMA.1 Djakarta. [1958.] 100 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kementerian Perindustrian, Djawatan Balai2 Penjelidikan dan Pendidikan. p-328-N 1182 ORGANISASI Departemen Pendidikan, Pengadjaran dan Kebudajaan (menurut keadaan pada bulan Desember 1959). Lampiran ke-1. [Djakarta,] 1960. II, 26 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan, Pengadjaran dan Kebudajaan, Biro Perundang-undangan. p-296-N + 1183 TARUNA Nan Harapan (TNH) Surabaia 40 tahun. [Ketua: KHO SWIE PIK.] Surabaja [1960.] 76 pp., ills, 25 cm. Taruna Nan Harapan (TNH), Panitya Ulang Tahun. p-408-N 1184 DARJOSUDIRO (Sudarmo), Tuntunan pramuka [= p rad ja muda karanal untuk SLTA [= sekolah landjutan tingkat atas] klas 1. Sala, Dharma Pustaka, [c.1961] 78 pp., ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. p-332-N 1185 LAPORAN rapat kerdja (workshop) pengawas Djawatan Pendidikan Umum Dep. P.D. dan K, Puntjak, 6 - 27 April 1961. Ketua umum: Ali MARSABAN. Djakarta 1961. 217 pp., ills, 21 cm. Departemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Kebudajaan (Dep.P.D. dan K.), Djawatan Pendidikan Umum, Naskah/Penerangan. p-686-N 1186 RISALAH pekan-pemuda Kalimantan Selatan ke-2 di Martapura, tg. 25 s/d 31 Djuli 1961. [Ketua: M. Husin DACHLAN.] Martapura 1961. 14 pp., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Penjelenggara Pekan Pemuda Kalimantan Selatan ke-2. p-810-N + 1187 SERIBU SEMBILAN RATUS ENAM PULUH SATU latihan pembangunan ketatalaksanaan ke-2, dari tg. 14 Mei s/d tg. 24 Djuni, di Bogor. Djakarta 1961. 31 pp., ills, 23 cm. Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Ekonomi. p-410-N 1188 SUTTER (John O), Scientific facilities and information services of the Republic of Indonesia. Honolulu, Hawaii 1961. VI, 136 pp., 26 cm. B.P. Bishop Museum. Pacific Scientific Information. No. I. p-163-N 1189 ALMANAK Perhimpunan Peladjar Indonesia di Djerman Barat. [Redaksi: Wibowo ALIMUSTOPO.HBeriin, Arno Brynda, 1962.] 235 pp, ills, 21 cm. p-330-N 1190 THEE TJOEN GIAP, Pedoman sekolah2 di Indonesia. Djakarta, Kinta, [1962.] 177 pp., 21 cm. p-267-N p. Cultural affairs — Education — Mass media — Press — Sports 75 1191 BUKU kurikulum Institut Teknologi Bandung, untuk th. kuliah 1963 - 1965 [Kata pengantar oleh R.M. SOEMANTRI.] [Bandung 1964.1254 pp., ills, 21 cm. Institut Teknologi Bandung. p-362-N 1192 MACHMUD (Amir), Guru ha rus sadar - politik dan sadar - revolusi. Prasaran pada sidang paripurna ke-2 konperensi daerah ke-11 pgri [ = persatuan guru Republik Indonesia] daerah 10 Kalimantan Selatan di Gambut, tg. 29 Oktober 1964. [Bandjarmasin 1964.] 27 pp., ill., 20 cm. Pantja Tunggal Tingkat 1 Kalimantan Selatan (Kal.SeD. p-386-N 1193 SERAT tuntunan tjaking pakeliran pedalangan ringgit purwa, lampahan: Donorodjo. Mendet waton saking balungan pakem padalangan ringgit purwa tilaranipun: HARDJOBASONTO. Kababar dados serat tuntunan dening: Soemantri SOEMOSAPOETRO. [Surakarta, Tri-Jasa, 1964.1 162 pp, ills, 21 cm. p-387-N 1194 SOETARSO (Ki Slamet), Lampahan: Purbaningrat. Pedalangan jangkep sedalu muput,Cet. ke-3. Sala, KeluargaSoebarno,z.j. 102 pp.,ills, 21 cm. Oorspr.uitg. 1964. p-740-N 1195 ANGGARAN rumah tangga (ART) Kerukunan Pemuda Pengambang (KERUPP) Bandjarmasin. Ketua umum: H.M. TAKER. [Bandjarmasin 1965.1 7 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst p-719-N + 1196 BUKU peringatan pantja warsa 1959 - 1964 Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Padjadjaran. Bandung 1965. 105 pp., ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi. p-683-N + 1197 S AL AM (M. Rais), Pengantar tentang d jurnalistik. Z.pl. z.j. 8 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst p-721-N + 1198 BULLETIN PPI di Uni Sovjet. Moskow 1966.9 pp., map, 36 cm. Gestencilde tekst Persatuan Peladjar Indonesia (PPD di Uni Sovjet Pusat p-798-N + 1199 KAMADJAJA, Pendidikan nasional Pantjasila, Perdjuangan pendidikan nasional Indonesia dan hasil-hasilnja; dengan amanat P.J.M. Presiden/panglima tertinggi/pemimpin besar revolusi Dr. Ir. SUKARNO. Jogjatkartal U.P. Indonesia, 1966. XXII, 221 pp., ill, 21 cm. p-282-N 1200 KEPUTUSAN2 konperensi kerdja nasional S.P.S.-O.P.S. Pers [ = Serikat Penerbit Suratkabar Organisasi Perusahaan Sedjenis Pers], 21-23 Nopember 1966 di Tjipajung. [Ketua: Subud S. KUSUMO. Bogor 1966.19 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. P-311-N + 1201 PEMUDA pantjasila [Kata pengantar oleh: Jack P. SIHOMBING.1 [Djakarta 1966.1 52 pp., ills, 21 cm. Edisi proklamasi. p-287-N 1202 PRAE seminar ilmiah Pantjasila Universitas Indonesia [pada] 5-8 Des. 1966 [di Djakarta, jang] diselenggarakan oleh KASI-UI dan fak. PSY.UI bersama dengan DM-UI dan KAMI-ULITJipimpin oleh Soemantri BRODJONEGORO.1 Djakarta 1966. 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Indonesia p-294-N + 1203 AWIG-AWIG Bandjar Belong Gede-Denpasar. [Ketua: I Njoman Sardja UDAYA ] Denpasar 1967. 41 pp., 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitya Penjusun Awig-awig Bandjar Belong. p-741-N 1204 HUSSIN, Research pendidikan di Indonesia (Suatu analisa ringkas). Jakarta 1967.17 pp., 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Badan Pengembangan Pendidikan. p-672-N + 1205 LAPORAN tentang beberapa aspek pendidikan kedesaan Indonesia 1967. Disusun oleh staf pribadi menteri pendidikan dan kebudajaan [Tartib PRAWIRODIHARDJO, Ki SOETARTO, dan KRBSNO M.O.] LDjakarta 1967.) III, 39 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst p-350-N +1 1206 PENGUMUMAN tentang dibukanja Studio Sanggar Budaja Bandjarmasin. Urusan seni-teater dan film Indonesia, jang memberi kesempatan kepada putra-daerah Kalimantan Selatan jang berminat dalam seni-drama, jakni: studi praktek acting dan directing. Bandjarmasin 1967.2 pp., 33 CBri. Gestencilde tekst. Studio Sanggar Budaja Bandjarmasin. p-720-N + 1207 VARIA musjawarah dan upgrading KAPPI se Kalimantan Selatan. [Bandjarmasin 1967.] 4 pp., ill., 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kesatuan Aksi Pemuda Peladjar Indonesia (KAPPI) Kalimantan Selatan. p-806-N 1208 BUKU petundjuk tentang UNTAG Semarang, tahun 1968. [Kata pengantar oleh G. WIRJONO.1 Semarang[1968.1123 pp., ills, 24 cm. Universitas 17 Agustus (UNTAG) 1945 Semarang. p-567-N + p. Cultural affairs - Education - Mass media - Press - Sports 79 1258 STANDARDISASI peralatan labor dan work shop sekolah pembangunan. Padang [z.j.124 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Sekolah Pembangunan Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP), Padang. Proyek perintis. p-355-N + 1259 SURJOBRONGTO (B.P.HJ, The classical Yogyanese dance. Transl. by Moh. Harun WIJONO. and MUDJANATTISTOMO. Jogjakarta 1970. 37 pp, ills, 21 cm. 2 exemplaren. Oorspr. th»: Tari gaja Jogjakarta. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Direktorat Djendral Kebudajaan. Lembaga Bahasa Nasional Tjabang 2. Widyaparwa, no 2. p-804-N 1260 WOERJO (Kasmiran), Psychologi remadja. Malang, Almamater, 1970. V, 182 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang. p-538-N 1261 ZAINUN(Buchari), Personttelmanagement. Human relations approach. [Jakarta z.j.] 65 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Administrasi Negara. p-318-N + 1262 BUKU alamat SLTP - SLTA [= sekolah land ju tan tingkat pertama - sekolah land ju tan tingkat atas] se Djawa-Timur, 1971. [Kata pengantar oleh Soemantri HASAN.1 [Surabaja 1971.1 II, 57 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan propinsi Djawa Timur, Sekretariat Perwakilan, Sub BagianTatausaha/ Rumah Tangga. p-394-N + 1263 BURHAN(Jazir), Problema bahasa dan pengadjaran bahasa Indonesia. Bandung, etc, Ganaco, 1971. 227 pp, 21 cm. Problema pengadjaran bahasa Indonesia, no 1. p-493-N 1264 CHABIT (Mohammad), Pelita dibidang pendidikan. Kertas kerdja Disampaikan pada konperensi kerdja nasional Direktorat Djendral Pendidikan Dep. P. dan K di Djakarta Mataram 1971. II, 36 pp, 33 cm. GestencM4fc tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P. dan K) p-404-N + 1265 CHABIT (Mohammad), Pelita [ = pembangunan lima tahun] dibidang pendidikan. Kertas, kerdja disampaikan pada konperensi kerdja nasional Direktorat Djendral Pendidikan, Dep. P. dan K. di Djakarta, [Februari 1971.1 Mataram 1971. II, 36 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Perwakilan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P. dan K.) Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. p-480-N + 1266 DARJOSUDIRO (Sudarmo), Sekilas tentang gerakan pramuka [Surakarta 1971.] 38 pp, ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. p-335-N 1267 EDUCATION and culture. Technical assistance proposals for the Department of Education and Culture, for the fiscal year 1971 - 1972. Djakarta 1971. 53 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Education and Culture. p-407-N 1268 HARSOJO (Prof.), Apakah ilmu itu? Bandung [1971.1 39 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Djurusan Antropologi. Seri kuliah: IP no 2/71. p-312-N + 1269 HASIL loka karja karjawan pers Indonesia di Jogjakarta jang ke 2, bulan September 1971. [Kata pengantar oleh winarno WIROMIDJOJO.] Jogjakarta 1971.148 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Proyek Pendidikan/Latihan Kewartawanan di Jogjakarta. P-466-N + 1270 ICHTISAR perbulan pem berian peladjaran Agama untuk sekolah dasar dalam daerah kotamadya Bandjarmasin untuk SDN [ = sekolah dasar negeri.] Bandjarmasin 1971. 14 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Djenderal Bimbingan Masjarakat Beragama, Dinas Pendidikan Agama, kotamadya Bandjarmasin. p-715-N + 1271 JONI, (T. Raka), Penuntun teknik penulisan tesis. Malang, Almamater, 1971. II, 58 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang P-587-N + 1272 KUMPULAN kertas kerdja untuk konkernas [= konperensi kerdja nasional] Departemen P. dan K. 1971, [oleh Moh. Abd. NOERBAMBANG R. Ic. SOETRISMO, Soswarno MANGOENHADIKOESOEMO, dll.1 [Surabaja] 1971.34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Perwakilan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P. dan K.) Propinsi Djawa Timur. p-300-N + 1273 KURlKULUM M.M.A.N. (madrasah menengah atas negeri). [Kata pengantar oleh: H. SJARIFUDDIN.][Djakarta] 1971.146 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Agama, Direktorat Djenderal (Ditdjen) Bimas Islam, Direktorat Pendidikan Aeama P-342-N+ 8 80 I. Indonesia 1274 LAPORAN workshop on language centres, Selecta-Malang, 8,9,10, Djuni 1971. [Ketua: Zaini MACHMOED, dan ZUCHRIDIN.1 Malang 1971. 116 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Malang, Fakultas Keguruan Sastra dan Seni, Panitia Penjelenggara. p-703-N + 1275 LAPORAN 1970-1971 dan rekomendasi policy pembinaan IKIP2 dan FIP-FKg2[ = institut2 keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan dan fakultas2 ilmu pendidikan fakultas keguruan] di Indonesia. [Ketua: Achmad SANUSI.1 Djakarta 1971.1, 64 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Konsorsium Ilmu Pendidikan dan Keguruan. p-710-N + 1276 MENGENAL Sekolah Pembangunan IKIP Jakarta. [Kata pengantar oleh Deliar NOER ] Jakarta 1971. 1972. 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Jakarta, Sekolah Komprehensif. Proyek TPK daerah khusus j ibukota Jakarta Raya (DKI Jaya). p-392-N + 1277 PAKASI (S.), Buku peladjaran, buku batjaan dan buku perpustakaan di sekolah dasar. [Malang 19711. 17 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. p-271-N + 1278 PEDOMAN Fakultas Sastra Universitas Padjadjaran. [Kata pangantar oleh Livain j LUBIS.1 Bandung 1971. V, 68 pp, 22 cm. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra p-557-N 1279 PEMBINAAN pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia. Edisi Mei 1971. [Disusun oleh Koesnadi HARDJASOEMANTRI.1 Djakarta 1971.61 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P. dan K.), Direktorat Djenderal Pendidikan Tinggi. p-523-N 1280 PENDIDIKAN pers daerah tahap 1, 13 April - 17 April 1971 IPMI, tjabang Bandjarmasin. Pengantar oleh M. Rais SALAM. Bandjarmasin 1971. 39 pp, 33 cm. Losbladige,.gestencilde tekst. Ikatan Pers Mahasis^üyIndonesia (IPMD, tjabang Bandjarmasin. p-757-N + 1281 PENENTUAN kepala-kepala sekolah jang dapat dipertanggung djawabkan. Kertas kerdja. Disusun oleh Nurdin Dg. MAGASSING. [Kendari 1971.] 63 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, perwakilan propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. p-476-N + 1282 PERATURAN dasar dan kurikulum Sekolah Analis Kimia Menengah Atas. [Direktur: Ahmad CHON.1 Bogor 1971. 80 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Industri, Sekolah Analis Kimia Menengah Atas, Bogor. p-349-N + 1283 PRAWIROSUBROTO (Suhari), dan Soekarto INDRAFACHRUDI. Dasar-dasar ilmu pengetahuan administrasi-pendidikan. Malang, Almamater, 1971. IX, 181 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang. p-582-N 1284 PROGRAM kerdja 1971-1974 projek2 pembaharuan kurikulum dan metode mengadjar sekolah dasar. Keputusan: Rapat kerdja/workshop antar projek P.K.M.M.-S.D, 19-25 Djanuari 1971 di Tugu, Bogor. [Koordinator: S.A. ACKBAR.1 Djakarta 1971. 33cm. Projek pembaharuan kurikulum dan metode mengadjar daerah chusus ibukota Djakarta. p-302-N + 1285 RIFAI (Tb. Bachtiar), "Bimas" pendidikan suatu tantangan bagi mahasiswa IKIP [ = Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan]. Prasaran pada sidang pleno gabungan j eksekutif ke-IV Dewan Mahasiswa IKIP Bandung pada tg. 27 April 1971 di Sukabungi. [Djakarta 1971.1 14 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Direktorat Djenderal Pendidikan. p-304-N + 1286 SAHERTIAN (P.A.), dan J. MATAHERU, Supervisi-pendidikan dalam rangka program in-service education. (Pengertian, problema, metode), djl. 1 - Malang, Almamater, 1971. VI, 102pp,21cm. Gestencilde tekst Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang. p-381-N 1287 SEKOLAH Pembangunan (Comprehensive School) IKIP-Jakarta. Buku 1: Pemikiran dasar. [Ketua projek: Deliar NOER.1 Jakarta 1971. V, 37 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Jakarta, Sekolah Comprehensive. Proyek TPK daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta Raya (DKI Jaya). P-393-N + 1288 SOEDOMO (M.), Beberapa konsep pendapat tentang pendidikan sosial sebagai ilmu-pengetahuan. Malang, Almamater, 1971. V, 163 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst, j Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang. p-584-N p. Cultural affairs - Education - Mass media - Press - Sports 81 1289 SOEROTO Pelaksanaan sekolah komprehensif di Indonesia. Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas jang diberikan oleh Dirdjen [ = Direktorat Djenderal] Pendidikan Departemen P. dan IC dalam rangka konkernas [=Konperensi kerdja nasional] 1971 di Djakarta. [Z.pl.11971. 10 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P. dan K). p-405-N + 1290 SOETEDJO (R.), Masalah keuangan dan materiil. Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas jang diberikan oleh Dirdjen [ = Direktorat Djendral] Pendidikan Departemen P. dan K. dalam rangka konkernas [ = konperensi kerdja nasional] 1971 di Djakarta. [Surabaja] 1971. Ill, 17 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P. dan K.), p-406-N + 1291 SOETEDJO (R.), Masalah keuangan dan materiil, Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas jang diberikan oleh Dirdjen. [ = Di rek tora t Djendral] Pendidikan, Departemen P. dan K. dalam rangka konkernas [ = konperensi kerdja nasional] 1971. [Surabaja] 1971. III, 17 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Perwakilan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P. dan K.) Propinsi Djawa Timur, Kantor Pembinaan P.M.U.P. P-479-N + 1292 SOETRISNO (R.Tc.), Masalah statistik. Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas jang diberikan oleh Dirdjen [ = Direktorat Djendral] Pendidikan, Departemen P. dan K. dalam rangka konkernas [ = konperensi kerdja nasional] 1971 di Djakarta. [Surabaja] 1971. 48 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Perwakilan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P. dan K.) Propinsi Djawa Timur. p-475-N + 1293 SOETRISNO (R.Tc), Masalah statistik. Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas jang diberikan oleh Dirdjen [ = Direktorat Djenderal] Pendidikan Departemen P. dan K dalam rangka konkernas [ = konperensi kerdja nasional] 1971 di Djakarta. [Surabaja] 1971. 48 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P. danK.). 0-4O3-N + 1294 STAFF faculty in IPB 1971. Bogor 1971. 28 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). - Bogor Agricultural University. p-359-N + 1295 SUTAARGA (Moh. Amir), Persoalan museum di Indonesia. Tj. ke-3. Djakarta 1971. 64 pp, ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Oorspr. uitg. 1962. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Direktorat Djenderal Kebudajaan, Direktorat Museum. P-402-N + 1296 UPGRADING ka Kabin [ = kepala pembinaan] pendidikan guru dan tenaga tehnis dan staf DPGT [ = Direktorat Pendidikan Guru dan Tenaga Tehnis], tg. 2 s/d 21 Agustus 1971, di Tjiloto. Tjiloto 1971. Djl. 1 - 6. 36. cm. Gestencilde tekst. P-745-N + 1297 ALI (Achmad), Sekolah dasar annex kelas pembangunan sebagai persiapan pelaksanaan sekolah pembangunan di Jawa Timur. Kertas kerja. Surabaya 1972. VII, 61 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (P.dan K.), Perwakilan Propinsi Jawa Timur. p-473-N + 1298 APAKAH FIS-UI itu? Jakarta 1972. Folder 22 cm. Universitas Indonesia (UI), Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Sosial (FIS), Panitia Penerangan. p-753-N 1299 APPRAISAL of a second education project: Agricultural education Indonesia. [z. pl.1 1972. 18 pp, krt, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Development Association (IDA). Education Project Department. Report No. PE - 40A. p-320-N + 1300 ATMAKUSUMA (A), Lap oran konsorsium ilmu-ilmu pertanian untuk annual review 1972. Bogor 1972. 30 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Pertanian Bogor. P-562-N + 1301 BAHAN pelengkap uraian mengenai pembaharuan pendidikan di Indonesia. [Djakarta z.j.] 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (Dept. P. dan K.) p-322-N + 1302 BAHASA Indonesia. Pedoman guru batjaan untuk kelas 3. Djakarta [c. 1972.] 49 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan Projek pembaharuan kurikulum dan metode mengadjar daerah chusus ibukota (D.C.I.) Djakarta. p-389-N + 1303 BAHASA Indonesia. Pedoman guru buku peladjaran bahasa untuk kelas 3. Djakarta [1972.160 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan. Projek pembaharuan kurikulum dan metode mengadjar daerah chusus ibukota (DCI.) Djakarta. p-389-N + 82 I. Indonesia 1304 BROLIN (K.G.), Data jang diperlukan dalam perentjanaan pendidikan. Disadur oleh HUSSIN. Djakarta 1972. 18 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Oorspr. titel: Statistics needed for educational planning, 1965. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Badan Pengembangan Pendidikan. p-668-N + 1305 BRYAN (Harrison), Report on the development of national documentation/information services in Indonesia. Djakarta 1972. III, 40 pp, 28 cm. Xerox-copie. p-248-N + 1306 BUKU induk kebidjaksanaan-fcebidjaksanaan pendidikan dan kebudajaan. Naskah sementara ke-1. Djakarta 1972. III, 238 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan. p-705-N + 1307 BUKU pedoman pelaksanaan pembangunan projek sekolah menengah pembangunan. Dikerdjakan dan disusun oleh team dari: 1. DIREKTORAT Djenderal Pendidikan 2. BADAN Pengembangan Pendidikan. 3. INSTITUT Teknologi Bandung, Bagian Arsitektur. Djakarta 1972. II, 59 pp, 32 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Direktorat Djenderal Pendidikan. p-401-N + 1308 BUKU pedoman peringatan lustrum ke 3/usia 15 tahun Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran. LRedaksi: H. Chasan BOESOIRIE, dan Nagar RASJIDL Bandung 1972. 294 pp, ills. 24 cm. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Kedokteran. p-702-N 1309 BUKU pedoman peringatan lustrum ke-III/usia 15 tahun Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung. Edisi: H. Chasan BOESOIRIE [danl Nagar RASJID. Bandung [1972.] 296 pp, ills, 24 cm. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Kedokteran. p-333-N. 1310 BUKU penuntun perentjanaan pembangunan projek sekolah menengah pembangunan. Dikerdjakan dan disusun oleh team dari: 1. DIREKTORAT Djenderal Pendidikan. 2. BADAN Pengembangan Pendidikan. 3. INSTITUT Teknologi Bandung, Bagian Arsitektur. Jakarta 1972. IV, 74 pp, ills, 32 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Direktorat Djenderal Pendidikan. p-400-N + 1311 BUKU petundjuk Universitas Gadjah Mada, tahun akademi 1973. [Kata pengantar oleh: H.J. KOESOBtflANTO.] [Yogyakarta,] Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, W72. VIII, 594 pp, 24 cm. Universi- tas Gadjah Mada (U.G.M.), Team Projek Buku Petundjuk. p-289-N 1312 BUKU petunjuk, SEMINAR nasional pembinaan generasi muda Indonesia, tg. 19 s/d 23 Sept. 1972 di Jakarta, Jakarta 1972. 28 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Koordinasi Nasional untuk Kesejahteraan Keluarga dan Anak. p-343-N + 1313 CONTRACT for consulting services for thirty agricultural secondary schools and training centers. [Z.pl. z.j.] 20 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Education and Training Project, Republic of Indonesia F.C. de Weber Internationaal B.V.- Rotterdam. p-338-N + 1314 DARJOSUDIRO (Sudarmo), Tuntunan membina penegak lengkap. Untuk pegangan pembina penegak dan pembantu pembina penegak. Sala Dharma Pustaka, fc. 1972.1174 pp, ills, 20 cm. Gestencilde tekst p-336-N 1315 DARJOSUDIRO (Sudarmo), Tuntunan membina penggalang lengkap. Untuk pegangan guru2 S.D. [= sekolah dasar] klas V dan VI, guru2 S.L.T.P. [= sekolah landjutan tingkat pertama,] pembina penggalang dan pembantu pembina penggalang. [Sala, Dharma Pustaka, 1972.] 164 pp, üb, 20 cm. Gestencilde tekst. p-337-N 1316 DARUSMAN (Ruth), Sourees and uses of educational finance in Indonesia. Jakarta 1972. III, 109 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Badan Pengembangan Pendidikan, Proyek Penilaian Nasional Pendidikan. p-669-N + 1317 DASA warsa Universitas Udayana Denpasar, 1962 - 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh I Gusti Ngoerah Gde NGOERAH.] (Denpasar 1972.) 131 pp, ills, 21 cm. Universitas Udayana. p-372-N 1318 DEKLARASI I.C.S.P.E. [=International Council of Sport and Physical Education] tentang olahraga. Diterjemahkan [dari bahasa InggerisJ [Jakarta c. 1972.] 31 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Oorspr. titel: Declaration on sport Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Olahraga dan Pemuda, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pembangunan Prasarana. p-319-N + p. Cultural affairs - Education - Mass media - Press - Sports 83 1319 DIPONEGORO University. Semarang-Indonesia. General information. Semarang 1972.13 pp, ills, 22 cm. Publ. by Research Center Diponegoro University. p-247-N 1320 EDUCATION and development reconsidered. Prepared fora conference at Bellagio, Italy May 3 - 5, 1972. volume 1. Djakarta 1972. 108 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Education and Culture, the Office of Educational Development (BPP). The Rockefeller Foundation. The Ford Foundation. p-678-N 1321 FAIR play. (Semangat olahragawan sejati). Terjemahan. [Jakarta! 1972. 30 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Komite Negara Perancis untuk Fair Play. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Olahraga dan Pemuda, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Prasarana. p-314-N + 1322 GENERAL information Satya Wacana Christian University and Teacher Training Institute. Salatiga c. 1972. 26 pp, ills, 21 cm. Satya Wacana Christian University and Teacher Training Institute, Public Relations Bureau. p-754-N 1323 HAMDIE (Muhammad Nawawie), Beladjar, berorganisasi, membangunan. Pidato hari bangkit peladjar Islam Indonesia ke-15,20 Mei 1972. Bandjarmasin 1972. 4 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Peladjar Islam Indonesia (PID Kalimantan Selatan. P-808-N + 1324 HASIL loka karja pers se Indonesia, di Jogjakarta jang ke 3, bulan Maret 1972. [Ketua U team penjelenggara: SAMAWI.] Jogjakarta 1972. 114 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Penerangan, Projek Pendidikan/Latihan Kewartawanan di Jogjakarta. p-398-N + 1325 HASIL pertemuan rektor-rektor IKIP [= Institut Kegururan Ilmu Pendidikan negeri se-Indonesia. Diselenggarakan di Bogor, tg. 12 dan 13 Nopember 1972. [Z.pl. c. 1972.! 25 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan, Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi. p-351-N + 1326 HASIL seminar nasional pembinaan generasi muda Indonesia, di Jakarta, tg. 19 s/d 23 September 1972. [Ketua 1: Kartono NOTODARMODJO.] Jakarta 1972. IV, 77 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Koordinasi Nasional untuk Kesejahteraan Keluarga dan Anak. p-397-N + 1327 HASIL HASIL upgrading-course organisasi mahasiswa profesi se Indonesia di Tugas, 11-15 Oktober 1972. [Editor: SUTJIPTO.] [Tugu 1972.184 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Ikatan Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia (IMKI). Ikatan Mahasiswa Teknik Indonesia (IMTI). Ikatan Mahasiswa Pertanian Indonesia (IMPI). p-354-N + 1328 HASIL Musda ke 3 IMM Kalimantan Selatan. Ketua: Husnan BUDIMAN. Banjarmasin 1972.4 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadijah (IMM), Dewan Pimpinan Daerah. p-758-N + 1329 HASIL-HASIL pertemuan pendahuluan dan pertemuan pertama Organisasi mahasiswa profesi se-Indonesia, 11 s/d 15 Juli 1972 dan 25 s/d 27 Oktober 1972 di Cilotodan Tugas. [Editor: SUTJIPTO.][Tugas 1972.125 pp, ill, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Ikatan Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia (IMKD- Ikatan Mahasiswa Pertanian Indonesia (IMPD- Ikatan Mahasiswa Teknik Indonesia (IMTI), Panitya Pelaksana pertemuan Pertama. p-352-N + 1330 HASIL-HASIL workshop pengadjaran bahasa Djerman. Diselenggarakan di Tjiloto/Puntjak, pada tg. 1 s/d 7 Desember 1971. Berdasarkan surat keputusan Dirdjen. Pendidikan Departemen P. dan K no A-0677/Set/Kep/1971. [Pengantar oleh Supraptol [Jakarta 1972.] II, 143 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan. (Dep. P. dan K.). p-459-N + 1331 HAWARI (Dadang), Peranan kesehatan jiwa (Mental health) dalam perkembangan generasi muda Indonesia, tg. 19 s/d 23 Sept 1972 di Jakarta Jakarta 1972. 11 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Koordinasi Nasional untuk Kesejahteraan Keluarea dan Anak. p-341-N + 1332 HIMPUNAN kertas kerja pada seminar dan lokakarya sekolah pembangunan tg. 18 s/d 23 Desember 1972 di Jakarta. Buku Ha [Kata pengantar oleh: T. Umar ALI.1 Jakarta 1972. 217 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Sekretariat Panitia Seminar P-346-N + 1333 HIMPUNAN kertas kerja pada seminar dan lokakarya sekolah pembangunan, tg. 18 s/d 23.12. '72 di Jakarta Buku 2b. Jakarta 1972. 250 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Badan Pengembangan Pendidikan, Sekretariat Panitia Seminar. p-714-N + 84 I. Indonesia 1334 HIMPUNAN kesimpulan dan hasil lokakarya sekolah pembangunan tg. 21 s/d 23 Desember 1972 di Jakarta. Buku III. Jakarta 1972. 102 pp, ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Sekretariat Panitia Lokakarya. p-307-N + 1335 HUSSIN, Analisa statistik dan lcwantifikasi dalam perentjanaan pendidikan. Djakarta 1972. 25 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Badan Pengembangan Pendidikan. p-670-N + 1336 HUSSIN, Pola pembiayaan pendidikan untuk sistem pendidikan pembangunan 1974 - 1978. Jakarta 1972. 17 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Badan Pengembangan Pendidikan. p-671-N + 1337 ICHTISAR laporan umum pengurus SPS Pusat pada kongres ke 14, tg. 8 s/d 11 Djuni 1972 di Udjung Pandang. [Ketuaumum: T. SJAHRIL.1 Udjung Pandang 1972. 112 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Serikat Penerbit Suratkabar (SPS) Pusat. P-315-N + 1338 IKIP Semarang Press. Brosur perkenalan. Semarang z.j. 12 pp, ills, 21 cm. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP). p-797-N 1339 INDRAFACHRUDI (Soekarto), dan Kasmiran WOERJO, Pengantar piikologi ■ pendidikan. Malang, Almamater, 1972. XI, 133 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang. p-575-N 1340 INDRAKUSUMA (Amir Daien), Evaluasi-pendidikan. Penilaian hasil-hasil beladjar. Terb. ke-2. Malang, Almamater, 1972. dl. 1-2, ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang. p-591-N 1341 INSTRUMENTS used in study of external assistance in the field of education 1967 - 1971. Appendix 2. Jakarta z.j. 42 pp, 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Badan Pengembangan Pendidikan. p-752-N + 1342 KEPUTUSAN menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia [MASHURI,] no. 066/1970 tg. 9 April 1970, tentang peraturan penyerahan wewenang dibidang tata-usaha kepegawaian kepada pejabat/pejabat tertentu dalam lingkungan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan dilengkapi dengan undang-undang, peraturan pemerintah serta peraturan- peraturan lain dalam bidang kepegawaian. [Jakarta] 1972. 328 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. 2 exempl. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Biro Personalia. p-474-N + 1343 KESIMPULAN perumusan hasil rapat task force 1, 2 dan 3 Dewan Pertimbangan Pendidikan Tinggi. Diselenggarakan di Djakarta, 17 s/d 19 Pebruari 1972. III, 55 pp, 34 cm.'16estencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Direktorat Djenderal Pendidikan, Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi. p-486-N + 1344 KEUANGAN pendidikan di Indonesia. Jakarta 1972. 108 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Badan Pengembangan Pendidikan, i Projek Penilaian Nasional Pendidikan. p-747-N + 1345 LAPORAN hasil Konkerda 1972 perwakilan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan propinsi Jawa Timur. [Kata pengantar oleh Tc. SOETRISNO.] Surabaya i 1972. 161 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Perwakilan propinsi Jawa Timur, Panitia Penydenggara Konperensi Kerja Daerah (Konkerda) 1972. p-395-N + 1346 LAPORAN kegiatan proyek perintis Sekolah Pembangunan IKIP Jakarta. Jakarta 1972. III, 43 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP), Jakarta Sekolah Pembangunan Proyek Perintis. p-409-N + 1347 LAPORAN kegiatan th. 1971: program kerdja th. 1972 dan laporan singkat pelita [ = pembangunan lima tahunl S.A.K.M.A. dan S.T.M.A. [ = Sekolah Analis Kimia Menengah Atas, dan Sekolah Teknologi Industri Menengah Atas.] PROJEK perguruan/akademi/sekolah industri Sumatera Barat. [Kepala projek: Meigoes MAAROEF.1 Padang 1972. 27 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. p-353-N + 1348 LAPORAN rektor IAIN Antasari Bandjarmasin [Mastur J AH RIL pada rapat senat terbuka dalam rangka dies natalis ke-8, tgl 20 Nopember 1972. Bandjarmasin 1972. 13 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Agama Islam Negara (IAIN) Antasari. P-284-N + 1349 LAPORAN sidang-sidang pada seminar sekolah pembangunan, tg. 18 s/d 23.12. '72 di Jakarta. [Ketua umum: Tb. Bachtiar RIFAI.1 Buku 1. Jakarta 1972. 59 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Badan Pengembangan, Sekretariat Panitia Seminar. p-713-N + 88 I. Indonesia 1396 BAHASA Indonesia. Pedoman gum untuk mengadjar membaca dan menulis permulaan di kelas 1. Hasil team revisi proyek PKKM DKI Jakarta. Jakarta 1973. 38 pp., 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Proyek pembaharuan kurikulum dan metode mengadjar (PKKM) daerah khusus ibukota DKI Jakarta. p-389-N + 1397 BEBERAPA masalah mengenai anak-anak usia sekolah dasar yang tidak tertampung dan anak-anak yang gagal sekolah dasar. [Jakarta 1973.123 pp, ills, 33cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Direktorat Pendidikan Dasar, Prasekolah dan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Dinas Kewajiban Belajar. p-481-N + 1398 BEBERAPA masalah tehnis pendidikan di sekolah dasar dalam rangka pembinaan S.D. pembangungan. Laporan untuk Direktorat PDPLB dalam rangka musyawarah kerja dan upgrading kepala-kepala Kantor Pembinaan PDPLB, tg. 10 s/d 22 Maret 1973 di Cibogo. [Jakarta 1973.1 9 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (P. dan K.), Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan, Direktorat PDPLB, Dinas Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar. p-477-N + 1399 BEBERAPA masalah tehnis pendidikan di Sekolah Dasar dalam rangka pembinaan S.D. [= sekolah dasar] Pembangunan. Laporan untuk Direktorat PDPLB dalam rangka musyawarah kerja dan upgrading, kepala-kepala kantor pembinaan PDPLB tg. 10 s/d 22.3.73 di Cibogo. Jakarta etc. 1973. 9 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Direktorat PDPLB. p-711-N + 1400 BUKU dies natalis ke 16danhariwisudasarjanath. 1973, Universitas Sumatera Utara. [Rektor: Harry SUWONDO.1 Medan 1973. 81 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Sumatera Utara, Biro Rektor. p-586-N + 1401 BUKU pedoman tahun 1973-1974 Universitas Indonesia. [Rektor: Sumantri BRODJONEGORO.1 Jakarta, Grand Pacific Corp, 1973. 92 pp, ills, 21 cm. Universitas Indonesia, Biro Hubungan Masyarakat. p-577-N 1402 BUKU pedoman tatakerja BPA UGM [ = Balai Pembinaan Administrasi Universitas Gadjah Mada.] [Kata pengantar oleh SUTARTO.1 Yogyakarta 1973. V, 158 pp», 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Balai Pembinaan Administrasi P-555-N + 1403 BUKU pedoman Fakultas Publisistik Universitas Padjadjaran. [Kata pengantar oleh Astrid S. SUSANTO.1 Bandung 1973. 86 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Publisistik. p-597-N + 1404 BUKU pedoman Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Negeri Medan, tahun akademi 1973. [Kata sambutan oleh Apul PANGGABEAN.1 Medan 1973. 183 pp, 23 cm. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Negeri, Medan. p-325-N 1405 BUKU pedoman PON VIII, prestasi Jakarta. [Ketua umum PON VIII: Ali SADIKIN.1 Jakarta 1973. 236 pp, ills, 21 cm. Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) VIII, pengurus Besar (P.B.). p-55«»N 1406 BUKU petunjuk PON VIII, Jakarta 73. Dikeluarkan oleh assisten urusan Municipal Committee PON VIII - 1973 [SUWONDO, PRAJOGO, Kosasih PURWANEGARA, dll.1 Jakarta [Publishing House! 1973.168 pp, ills, 21 cm. Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) VIII, Municipal Committee. p-551-N 1407 CAGAR budaya. Peraturan-peraturan dan instruksi pemerintah republik Indonesia yang perlu diketahui oleh masyarakat. [Kata pengantar oleh ATJAJ Bandung 1973. 66 pp, 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Perwakilan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan propinsi Jawa Barat, Kantor Pembinaan Permuseuman. p-585-N 1408 DASAR-DASAR manager profastonil. [Oleh Chan MU, LU CHANG SZE, dan Allen TAIPEH. Diterdjemahkan dari Inggris oleh B.J.S. PADMOSEPUTRA.1 Jakarta, Erlangga, 1973. 55 pp, 22 cm. Oorspr. titel: The profession of management. Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Management Seri management, no 9. p-360-N 1409 DEVELOPMENT plan of the Medical Faculty University of North Sumatra 1973-1977. [Foreword by Marwali HARAHAP.! Medan 1973. 79 pp, ills, 30 cm. Gestencilde Engelse- tekst. University of North Sumatra, Medical Faculty. p-709-N + 1410 EDUCATIONAL innovations in Indonesia. Jakarta 1973.68 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Ministry of Education and Culture R.I, Office of Educational Culture. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Badan Pengembangan Pendidikan. P-751-N + p. Cultural affairs — Education — Mass media — Press — Sports 89 1411 FAIZAL (Moh.), Program biaya. Bandung 1973. 36 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Tehnologi Bandung. p-470-N + 1412 GAZALBA (Sidi), Sistematika filsafat. Buku 4: Pengantar kepada teori nilai. Jakarta Bulan Bintang, 1973. 104 pp, 22 cm. p-800-N 1413 GAZALBA (Sidi), Sistematika filsafat. Pengantar kepada: dunia filsafat, teori pengetahuan, metafisika, teori nilai. Jakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1973. 96 pp, 22 cm. p-572-N 1414 GAZALBA (Sidi), Sistematika filsafat. Pengantar kepada: Dunia filsafat, teori pengetahuan, metafisika, teori nilai. Buku-2. Jakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1973. 264 pp 21 cm. p-727-N 1415 GRADUATION day Akademi Bahasa Asing (A.B.A.) Yayasan Pendidikan Harapan di Medan, 1973. [Ketua umum: Arifin PULUNGAN.1 Medan 1973. 22 pp, 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Akademi Bahasa Asing (A.B.A.) Yayasan Pendidikan Harapan (Yaspendhar), Sekretariat. p-455-N 1416 GRUNEWALD (Helmut), Courses on scientific editing in Indonesia. Jakarta 1973. 59 pp, 29 cm. p-590-N + 1417 HALIM (Mohammad), Network planning. Disampaikan pada workshop "university planning", tg. 18 - 20 Juni 1973 di Jakarta. [Jakarta 1973.1 28 pp, ills, 28 cm. ' Gestencilde tekst. p-495-N+ 1418 HALIM (M.), Evaluasi program. Disampaikan pada workshop "university planning", tg. 18 - 20 Juni 1973 di Jakarta. [Jakarta 1973.] 9 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. p-494-N + 1419 HAMON (M.Léo), Reflections on future strategy. Jakarta 1973. 10 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Yayasan Proklamasi, Centre for Strategie and Inter- national Studies. p-595-N + 1420 HARTANTO (Frans Mardi), Penentuan skala prioritas pengembangan universitas dengan metoda pengembangan input. Bandung 1973. II, 30 pp, ill, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. p-469-N + 1421 HASIL rapat ke-2, Dewan Pertimbangan Pendidikan Tinggi. Diselenggarakan di Jakarta, 27 Pebr. s/d 1 Maret 1973. Jakarta 1973. 63 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan, Direktorat Tinggi. Doe. l/DPPT/1973. p-673-N + 1422 HASIL-HASIL seminar kemahasiswaan dewan-dewan mahasiswa perguruan tinggi negeri (dibawah Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan) se Indonesia, di Campus Universitas Udayana tg. 12-16 Mei 1973 di Denpasar, Bali. [Ketua umum: I Wayan BENNY.] [Denpasar 1973.] 101 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Udayana, Dewan Mahasiswa. p-552-N + 1423 KN1VENTARISASI sarana dan kegiatan pendidikan pada S.P.M.A. [= sekolah pertanian menengah atas] daerah dan swasta di Indonesia. Laporan Team Survey Pendidikan Pertanian. [Ketua: R. HARJONO.] Jakarta 1973. 51 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian, Direktorat Penyuluhan Pertanian. p-548-N + 1424 IDERIS (Chairani), Prasaran ketua 2 PII Kal.-Sel. [ = Pelajar Islam Indonesia Kalimantan-Selatanl Chairani IDERIS pada sidang dewan pleno 1 wilayah PII KalSel. di Banjarmasin tg. 3 s/d 6 Maret 1973. Regional problem/problem solving Banjarmasin 1973. 7 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. p-718-N + 1425 IKIP Semarang. Buku informasi 1973. Semarang 1973. 72 pp, ills, 20 cm. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP). p-796-N 1426 ILMU pendidikan untuk S.R6. [ = sekolah pendidikan guru] kelas I, II, III, Ed.: I P SIMANDJUNTAK Team penulis: S.A. BRATANATA, M. DOMIN, Edi SUARDI dll. [Jakarta 1973.] Dl. I, II, III, in 2 bdn. 21 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Proyek penyediaan buku-buku pelajaran sekolah guru tahun ke-4 pembangunan lima tahun 1, 1972/1973. p-490-N 1427 KAJIAN keciciran. (Dropout study). Kuala Lumpur 1973. IX, 125 pp, 25 cm. Engelse tekst. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. p-728-N 1428 KONSEP penggunaan gedung SM-Swasemba dihasilkan dalam lokakarya tg. 22 s/d 25 Agustus 1973. Draft 1. Panitia pengarah: SETIJADI, dan SUMITRO. Jakarta 1973. 62 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Badan Pengembangan Pendidikan. p-802-N + 90 I. Indonesia 1429 KONTINGEN Jakarta menuju PON [= pekan olahraga nasional] prestasi. Jakarta 1973. 218 pp, ills, 19 cm. Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI), daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta. p-664-N 1430 KUMPULAN daftar registrasi personil Perwakilan Departemen P. dan K. propinsi Jawa Timur, April 1973. [Surabaya 1973.1 62 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (P. dan K.), Perwakilan propinsi Jawa Timur. p-755-N + 1431 LAPORAN dies natalis ke-8 IKIP Semarang, 28 Maret 1973. [Ketua Panitia Dies Natalis: Humar SACHMAN.1 Semarang 1973. 129 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Semarang, Panitia Dies Natalis ke-8. P-361-N + 1432 LAPORAN kepala perwakilan Departemen P. dan K. propinsi Sumatera Barat LZaini ADLAN1 bidang pembinaan dan pengawasan administratif. Padang 1973. 8 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (P. dan K), perwakilan propinsi Sumatera Barat. p-463-N + 1433 LAPORAN kerja tahun 1972, Sekolah Kejuruan Teknologi Menengah Atas, Ujung Pandang. [Direktur: Tadjuddin LATIEF.] Ujung Pandang [1973.1 31 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Industri, Sekolah Kejuruan Teknologi Menengah Atas, Ujung Pandang. p-340-N + 1434 LAPORAN pelaksanaan dan hasil proyek survey integrasi PGSLP dan IKIP 1972 1973. [Kata pengantar oleh Kasim DANGKUA.1 Jakarta 1973. IV, 182 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Proyek Survey Integrasi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Lanjutan Pertama (PGSLP), dan Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) p-462-N + 1435 LAPORAN pelaksanaan proyek pelita Dep. P. dan K. [ = pembangunan lima tahun Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan! tahap ke 1, th. ke 4 (1972 -1973) propinsi Jawa Timur. [Ketua: SULANDRA.! Surabaya 1973.40 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, perwakilan propinsi Jawa Timur, Team Pengawasan dan Perencanaan Daerah (TP2D). p-417-N + 1436 LAPORAN pelaksanaan proyek 12 gedung sekolah pembangunan tingkat menengah di Jawa Timur. Proyek pelita [= pembangunan lima tahun! 1, tahun ke-4 (1972 1973) propinsi Jawa Timur. [Prakata oleh SULANDRA.1 Surabaya 1973. 37 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, perwakilan Jawa Timur, Sekretariat Proyek Sekolah Pembangunan Tingkat Menengah Jawa Timur. P-457-N + 1437 LAPORAN proyek' pelita Dep. P. dan K. [ = pembangunan lima tahun Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan] propinsi Jawa Timur. Pelita tahap 1-th. 5,1973 - 1974. [Ketua: SULANDRA.1 Surabaya 1973. III, 44 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Omslag titel: Lokasi/ sasaran/target proyek pelita Dep. P. dan K. tahap ke 1, th. ke 5 (1973 - 1974) propinsi Jawa Timur. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, perwakilan propinsi Jawa Timur, Team Pengawasan dan Perencanaan Daerah (TP2D). P-418-N + 1438 LAPORAN rektor Institut Agama Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin [Mastur JAHRIL pada upacara dies natalis 9, IAIN Antasari, tg. 20 Nopember 1973 di Barabai. Banjarmasin 1973. 37 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Antasari, Panitia Dies Natalis ke 9. p-805-N + 1439 LAPORAN tahunan Sekolah Analis Kimia Menengah Atas Bogor, 1972. [Direktur: Ahmad CHON.1 Bogor [1973.1 32 pp, ill, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Industri, Sekolah Analis Kimia Menengah Atas. p-339-N + 1440 LAPORAN tahunan 1972 dan program kerja th. 1973. Kantor Pembinaan Pendidikan Dasar, Prasekolah dan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, propinsi Jawa Timir. [Kata pengantar oleh Achmad ALI.1 Surabaya [1973.1 60 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, perwakilan Jawa Timur, Kantor Pembinaan Pendidikan Dasar, Prasekolah dan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, propinsi Jawa Timur. p-456-N + 1441 LAPORAN Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Edisi Mei 1973. [Jakarta! 1973.65 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Met bijl. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan, Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi. p-472-N + p. Cultural affairs — Education — Mass media — Press — Sports 91 1442 LOKAKARYA hak cipta Departemen Penerangan. [Jakarta 1973.] Losbladig. 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Penerangan, Proyek Pendidikan/Latihan Juru Penerangan. p-399-N + 1443 MASHURI, Kebijaksanaan dan langkah-langkah pembaruan pendidikan. Jakarta 1973. 107 pp., ills, 21 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. p-724-N 1444 MASHURI, Masalah-masalah yang melandasi pembaruan pendidikan. [Jakarta 1973.1 10 pp, 21 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas). p-326-N 1445 MASHURl, Masalah-masalah yang melandasi pembaruan pendidikan. Jakarta 1973. 10 pp, 21 cm. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Hubungan Masyarakat. p-725-N 1446 MASYARAKAT mahasiswa kedokteran Universitas Andalas. Buku kenang2an pekan orientasi study mahasiswa, periode 1973. [Ketua umum: K. SUHAIMIJ [Padang] 1973. 44 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. p-357-N 1447 MENGENAL organisasi dan administrasi pendidikan Sekolah Penbangunan IKIP Jakarta. Jakarta 1973. 52 pp, ills, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Jakarta, Badan Perencanaan, Pembinaan dan Pengembangan (B.P.3), Proyek Perintis Sekolah Pembangunan. p-391-N + 1448 MENGEN AL program bimbingan dan penyuluhan Sekolah Pembangunan IKIP Jakarta Jl. 1. Jakarta 1973.88 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan, Jakarta Badan Perencanaan, Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Proyek Perintis Sekolah Pembangunan. p-411-N + 1449 MENGENAL sistim pendidikan pembangunan di Indonesia. Jakarta 1973. Vol. 1, 2. 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Proyek Perintis Sekolah Pembangunan Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP), Badan Perencanaan, Pembinaan dan Pengembangan. p-396-N + 1450 MUHAMMADI, Pendekatan sistim dalam perencanaan universitas. Bandung 1973. 28 pp, 29 cm Gestencilde tekst. Institut Tehnologi Bandung. p-468-N + 1451 NASUTION (Harun), Falsafat Agama. Jakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1973. 96 pp, 22 cm. p-801-N 1452 PEDOMAN cara menulis skripsi. [Kata pengantar oleh Livain LUBIS.] Bandung 1973. 30 pp, 21 cm. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra. p-556-N 1453 PEDOMAN guru. Petundjuk chusus untuk menggunakan buku murid. Djakarta [z.j.] Deel 2a - 2c. 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Projek pembaharuan kurikulum dan metode mengadjar daerah chusus ibu kota (D.C.I.) Djakarta. p-388-N + 1454 PEDOMAN kerja assisten urusan protokol PON [= pekan olahraga nasional] ke-8/1973 di Jakarta Jakarta 1973. 131 pp, ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KOND. p-676-N + 1455 PEDOMAN-umum penyelenggaraan kelas pembangunan, tahun 1973. [Kepala: Oding Moh. TADJUDlN.] [Disampaikan pada musyawarah kerja/upgrading Direktorat Pendidikan Dasar, Prasekolah dan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan, Departemen P dan KI [Jakarta 1973.148 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan, Direktorat Pendidikan Dasar, Prasekolah dan Pendidikan Luar Biasa. p-465-N + 1456 PEMBINAAN pendidikan luar biasa dalam menyongsong penyebaran dan palaksanaan sistim pendidikan pembangunan. [Disusun dibawah pimpinan: Ts. Soekini PRADOPO.] [Djakarta 1973.] 75 pp, iils, 33 cm. Gestencüde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (P dan K), Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan, Direktorat Pendidikan Dasar, Prasekolah dan Pendidikan Luar Biasa. p-482-N + 1457 PENELITIAN masalah anak2 drop-outs sekolah dan usaha2 penanggulangannya. [Ketua: Agoeng YOEWONO.] Jakarta [Z.j.] 69 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Koordinasi Nasional untuk Kesejahteraan Keluarga dan Anak. p-566-N. 1458 PENELITIAN masalah anak-anak berhenti sekolah dan kemungkinan usaha-usaha penanggulangannya [Kata pengantar oleh Kartono NOTODARMODJO.] Jakarta 1973. VI, 54 pp, ill, 27 cm. Badan Koordinasi Nasional untuk Kesejahteraan Keluarga dan Anak. p-461-N + q. Islam - Christianity - Buddhism - Hinduism - Other religions 95 1512 MURSJID (Hasbullah), Approach da'wah Islamijah terhadap komunisme/Marxisme- Leninisme. Pidato hari lahir ke 2 Institut Agama Negeri Djami'ah Antasari Bandjarmasin, 20 Nopember 1966. Bandjarmasin 1966. 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Agama Islam Negeri Djami'ah Antasari Bandjarmasin, Panitia Hari Lahir ke 2. q-553-N + I 1513 PAULUS VI, Ensiklikecclesiam suam. Dengan djalan-djalan mana hendaknjageredja Katolik melaksanakannja dizaman ini. Ende, Flores, Indah, 1966. 78 pp, 16 cm. q-387-N-II 1514 PAWENANG (Sri), Tjeramah kerochanian sapta darma, pada pertemuan periodik antara PAKEM [= pengawas Agama dan kepertjajaan masjarakat] Kedjaksanaan Tinggi Djakarta Raya, dengan ORMAS2 [organisasi massa] kebatinan/kerochanian/kedjiwaan [di Djakarta, 12 Maret 1966.1 Disalin oleh TEDJOPRAMONO. [Djakarta 1966.] 78 pp, 32 cm. q-808-N + III 1515 PEMUDJAAN ring prelingga manut Mantram. Sapta Rsi. Disusun oleh I N.S. ATMANADHI. [Z. pl. z.j.] 19 pp, ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pusat Mana Gotra Sanak Sapta Rsi. q-776-N-III 1516 PERTANGGUNGAN djawab Panitia Peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun Pemuda Muhammadijah ke-34. Ketua: Abdul Kadir AHMAD. Bandjarmasin 1966. 67 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemuda Muhammadijah, Panitia Peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun ke-34, Seksi Dokumentasi dan Publukasi. q-761-N + I 1517 QAIDAH Muhammadijah Madjlis ekonomi. Rentjana kerdja periode 1966/1968, regi strasi/inventarisasi karyawan ekonomi Muhammadijah. Susunan pengurus pimpinan pusat Muhammadijah Madjlis ekonomi Djakarta, periode 1965/1968. [Ketua: H.M. SANUSI.] Bandjarmasin 1966. 11 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pimpinan Muhammadijah Madjlis Ekonomi Wilajah Kalimantan Selatan/Tengah. q-436-N-I 1518 RIDWAN (A. Aziz), Modernisasi masdjid An-Nabawie dan Baitullah El Haram. [Tjirebon, Toko Messir, 1966.] 28 pp, ills, 21 cm. q-423-N-I 1519 SUNDARI Gading. Sapta Rsi. Disusun oleh I N.S. ATMANADHI. [Dialih bahasakan setjara bebas dari lontar kaputusan Sundari Gading.] Z.pl. z.j. 16 pp, ill, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pusat Maha Gotra Sanak Sapta Rsi. q-777-N-III 1520 TUNTUNAN penjelenggaraan djenazah. [Bandjarmasin 1966.1 35 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pimpinan Muhammadijah daerah kotamadya Bandjarmasin. q-552-N + I 1521 AHMAD (Hazzat Mirza Bashir), Islam dan komunisme. Alihbasa [oleh] R. Ahmad ANWAR. Bandung, Wisina Damai, 1967. 36 pp, 17 cm. q-395-N-I 1522 BERTUHANAN adalah fithrah manusia. [Ketua coaching: Agil ASSEGAF.] [Bandjarmasin 1967.1 4 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Djami'ah "Antasari" Kalimantan Selatan. q-806-N + I 1523 BHAGAWAD-GITA. Naskah Sanskreta. Alih bahasa dan penjelasan oleh I.B. MANTRA. Denpasar 1967. XII, 268 pp, ill, 19 cm. Parisada Hindu Dharma. q-617-N-III 1524 GINARSA (Ketut), Gambar lambang. [Denpasar, Serba Guna Press, 1967.] 72 pp, ills, 18 cm. Projek Pemeliharaan dan Pengembangan Kebudajaan Daerah Bali. q-639-N-III 1525 HANAFI (A.), Asas-asas hukum pidana Islam. Djakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1967. 304 pp, 22 cm. q-367-N-I 1526 HIDUP selajak anak Allah. [Oleh JOHANNS S. J.] Ende, Flores, Arnoldus, 1967.207 pp, 21 cm. q-358-N-II 1527 IBRAHIM (Taher), Islam, Marx dan Keynes. Djakarta, Bulan Bintang, [1967.] 68 pp, 21 cm. Pembahasan ekonomi. q-386-N-I 1528 KONPERENSI wilajah ke-1 dan Training-Center Pemuda Muhammadijah Kalimantan Selatan/Tengah, di Bandjarmasin, 22 s/d 26 April 1967. Bandjarmasin 1967. 18 pp, 37 cm. Losbladige, gestencilde tekst. q-758-N + I 1529 PEDOMAN agama Islam untuk TNI-AD [= Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Darat]. [Kepala:M. ROWI.lTj. ke-3. Djakarta 1967.218pp, 15tm. Angkatan Darat, Pusroh Islam. q-448-N-I 1530 PRADJAPANGARSA (W. Hardjanta), Pantjaran hindu-dharma. Surakarta [1967,1 Djl. 1. 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Parisada Hindu-Dharma Surakarta. q-364-N-III 100 I. Indonesia 1611 ORDO-ORDO dan kongregasi2 di Indonesia, 1959-1968.- Orders and congregations in Indonesia: 1959-1968. Djakarta 1970. 89 pp, gram, tabn, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pembangunan Sosial - Institute of Social Research and Development, Laporan 3. q-346-N + II 1612 PETUNDJUK dan bahan-bahan penasehat perkawinan untuk B.P.4 propinsi Djawa Tengah. [Semarang 1970.1 21 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah DaerahPropinsi Djawa Tengah. q-472-N +1 1613 PIODALAN ekadasa warsa Parisada Hindu Dharma. Om swastyastu. Om dirghajur astu, H.U.T. 1= hari ulang tahun] ke-11, Denpasar. Denpasar, Dharma Bhakti, 1970. 54 pp, ills, 21 cm. q-634-N-III 1614 POKOK-POKOK sedjarah perkembangan Parisada Hindu Dharma. [Kata pengantar oleh4.B. ASTAWA.1 Denpasar [1970.1106 pp, ills, 20 cm. Parisada Hindu Dharma Pusat, Bagian Penjalur. q-612-N-III 1615 POKOK-POKOK sedjarah perkembangan Parisada Hindu Dharma. [Kata pengantar oleh I.B. ASTAWA.1 Denpasar [1970.1 108 pp, 20 cm. Parisada Hindu Dharma Pusat Denpasar, Sekretariat q-636-N-III 1616 PUNYATMADJA (Itdal Blagusl Oka), Pancha cradha. [Diterb. untuk: Sub. projek bimbingan penjuluhan dan da'wah agama Hindu dan Budha.] Denpasar, Parisada Hindu Dharma Pusat 1970. 95 pp, ill, 21 cm. Parisada Hindu Dharma Pusat. q-481-N-III 1617 QURAISHI (Anwar IqbaD, Islam dan teori pembungaan uang. Alih bahasa: M. CHALIL B. Djakarta, Tintamas, 1970. 169 pp, 22 cm Oorspr. titel: Islam and the theory of interest, 1967. q-542-NI 1618 SALAYAN (A. Wahid), Islam dan sosialisme "zakat". Padang, Res Publika-Padang, z.j. 33 pp, 21 cm. q-726-N-I 1619 SJUKUR LC. (H M. Asjwadie), Asas2 hukum perdata Islam. Bandjarmasin 1970. V, 245 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Antasari Bandjarmasin, Fakultas Da'wah. q-495-N-I 1620 TATA-TERTIB diatas kapal haji. Djakarta [z.j.1 62 pp, ills, 15 cm. Perusahaan Pelajaran "Arafat", Hubungan Masjarakat (Humas). q-438-N-I 1621 TUNTUNAN thaharah dan shalat untuk TNI-AD [= Tentera Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat]. [Pengantar kata oleh M.J. IRAWAN.1 [Djakarta 1970.1 115 pp, ills, 14 cm. Angkatan Darat, Pusat Rawatan Rohani (PUSROH) Islam. q-469-N-I 1622 TUSPAYAD tuntunan sembahyang dan panca yajna Angkatan Darat. Djakarta z.j. 54 pp, UI, 20 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Angkatan Darat (AD), Pusat Rawatan Rohani (PUSROH) Hindu. q-810-N-III 1623 YUNUS (Mahmud), Soal-jawab hukum Islam dalam empat mazhab. Padang Panjang, Sa'adyah Putra, z.j. 68 pp, 19 cm. q-728-N-I 1624 AHLAQUS-sunnah untuk S.L.T.P. [ = sekolah landjutan tingkat pertama] sederadjat. Disusun oleh: M.K. PASHA. Dibantu oleh: Muhammad Rusjdi BADRANI. Jogjakarta, Persatuan, [1971.1 40 pp, 21 cm. Muhammadijah Kotamadya (Kodya) Jogjakarta, Madjlis Pendidikan dan Pengadjaran. q-464-N-I 1625 AHMAD (Zainal Abidin), Ditubir djurang kehantjuran. Mari bekerdja sama menanggulangi kehantjuran bangsa. Djakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1971. 39 pp, 19 cm. q-363-N-I 1626 AJAH bunda Rasullalah s.a.w. Bondowoso [z.j.1 30 pp, 16 cm. Lembaga Da'wah Pesantren Islam. q-559-N-I 1627 AL-BAJAAN. Tafsir 1. [Di tafsirkan oleh T.M. Hasbi ASHSHIDIEQY. Bandung, Alma'arif, 1971. 362 pp, 22 cm. q-799-N-I 1628 ARDANA (I Gusti Gde), Pengertian pura di Bali. [Denpasar] 1971. 70 pp, ills, 18 cm. Projek Pemeliharaan dan Pengembangan Kebudajaan Daerah Bali. q-633-N-III 1629 BISAMA wara-warah ira Bhatara Abhra Sinuhun ri pratisantananira sadya (maha gotra sanak sapta rsi). Buleleng 1971. 4 pp, 30 cm. Ikatan Warga Pasek Sanak Pitu, kabupaten Buleleng. q-809-N + III 1630 CHALIDY (Mustafa), dan Omar FARROUCH, Missi asing dan pendjadjahan (attabsjier wal-istim'mar). Semarang [etc,] 1971. 46 pp, 19 cm. Jajasan Kesedjahteraan Pemuda Islam Surakarta. q-463-N-II q. Islam - Christianity - Buddhism - Hinduism - Other religions 101 1631 DACHLAN (Moh.), Peranan ummat Islam dalam pembangunan bangsa dan negara. Pidato/ tjeramah pada musjawarah alim ulama ahlussunnah wal djamaah, di Djombang Djawa Timur, [16 April 1971.] [Djakarta 1971.1 16 pp, ill, 20 cm. q-391-N-I 1632 FADLLY (Al-Ustadz Sjeich Chudlary), Peranan wahju. LZ.pl, Kamiko Trading Comp, 1971.1 59 pp, 21 cm. q-449-N-I 1633 HAM BA, Itu dia hadji Mabrur. Djakarta 1971. 72 pp, ills, 17 cm. Jajasan Perdjalanan Hadji Indonesia, Kantor Pusat. Seri Da'wah P.H.I, no 04/71. q-767-N-I 1634 KEPERTJAJAAN menurut U.U.D. '45. Hasil keputusan Senat Fakultas Ushuluddin I.A.I.N. Sunan Kalidjaga. [Dekan: Moh. Tolchah MANSOER ] Jogjakarta 1971. 8 pp, 20 cm. Seri penerbitan ilmijah no. 1. Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sunan Kalidjaga, Fakultas Ushuluddin, Lembaga Penerbitan Ilsmijah. q-353-N 1635 KEPUTUSAN musjawarah wilajah ke-27 di Bandjarmasin [dari] Muhammadijah, Aisjijah, dan N.A. [ = Nasjitul 'Aisjijah! Bandjarmasin 1971. 26 pp, 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst, q-497-N +1 1636 KONFERENSI wilajah N. A. [ = Nasjiatul 'Aisjijah] se-Kalimantan Selatan ke-27 tg. s/d 26 Desember 1971, di Bandjarmasin. Bandjarmasin 1971. 67 pp, 34 cm. Losbladige, gestencilde tekst. q-763-N +1 1637 LATIF (Nasaruddin), Kerasulan dan kepemimpinan nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Djakarta, [c. 1971.] 32 pp, 21 cm. Departemen Agama, Direktorat Djenderal Bimbingan Masjarakat (Ditdjen Bimas) Islam, Direktorat Penerangan Agama, Projek Penerangan, Bimbingan dan Da'wah Agama Islam (Pusat). Seri: Hidup beragama (1971-1972.) q-370-N-I 1638 NOERMAN (Moehammad), Sedjarah kebudajaan Islam, Tj. ke-3. Bukittinggi, Sa'adijah, 1971. 144 pp, 20 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1967. q-727-NI 1639 PERINGATAN maulid nabi Muhammad s.a.w.diistana negara, 7 Mei 1971. Amanat oleh SOEHARTO. Sambutan oleh Moch. DACHLAN. [Djakartal 1971. 24 pp, ills, 21 cm. Departemen Agama. q-427-N-I 1640 PESAMUHAN agung Parisada Hindu Dharma Pusat 21 s/d 24 Pebruari 1971 di Jogjakarta. [Denpasar 1971.] 71 pp, ills, 20 cm. q-614-N-III 1641 PUDJA astuti ngaben tjaturing Tri Sandyo. Disusun oleh: HADISISWOJO. Denpasar 1971. 26 pp, 20 cm. Parisada Hindu Dharma Pusat. q-375-N-III 1642 ROHAM (Abujamin), Kebenaran risalah Muhammad S.A.W. [= salalluhu alaihi wassalaml Djakarta, Bulan Bintang, [1971.1 56 pp, 18 cm. q-341-N-I 1643 SERAT Sasangka Djati. Ngewrat klempakan dawuh wedjanganipun Sang Guru Sadjati (Suksma Sadjati), ingkang kadawuhaken lumantar siswanipun paparab R. SOENARTO. Pinengetan dening: HARDJOPRAKOSO tuwin Trihardono SOEMODIHARDJO. Tj.tj, ke-8. [Surakarta] 1971.229 pp, 23 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1954. Pagujuban Ngesti Tunggal (Pangestu). q-389-N-III 1644 SISWOJO (Hadi), Pudja astuti ngaben tjaturing tri sandyo. Denpasar [1971.] 26 pp, 20 cm. Parisada Hindu Dharma Pusat. q-613-N-III 1645 SJU'ABUL - iman-Xbeberapa tjabang iman). Ringkasan. Kitab aslinja oleh: ABU BAKAR AHMAD BIN HUSSAIN BAIHAQI, diichtisarkan oleh: ABU DJA'FAR 'UMAR QAZWAINI, Dinukil dan ditardjamahkan dengan bahasa Djawa Pegon oleh: K.H.A. BADAWI. Disalin kedalam bahasa Indonesia oleh: RACHMATQ. Jogjakarta 1971. 72 pp, 22 cm. Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadijah Jogjakarta. q-467-N-I 1646 SUHARTO, A. MUKTI ALI, dan S.M. Nasaruddin LATIF, Mengedjar kemadjuan dengan mendjundjung tinggi moral dan kesusilaan. Himpunan pidato-Ipidato] pada peringatan Isra' dan Mi'radj Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, tg. 17 Sept. 1971 di Djakarta. Djakarta 1971. 23 pp, ill, 21 cm. Kantor Pusat Jajasan Perdjalanan Hadji Indonesia (Wil). Seri Da'wah Ph-no 06/71. q-334-N-I 1647 SUHARTO, M. DACHLAN, dan RUS'AN, Islam adalah agama kemadjuan. Himpunan pidato [-pidato] pada peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, tg. 7 Mei 1971 di Djakarta. Djakarta 1971. 32 pp, ills, 22 cm. Kantor Pusat Jajasan Perdjalanan Hadji Indonesia (PHD Seri Da'wah PHI, no 05/71. q-336-N-I 1648 TUNTUNAN muspa. LAmlapura 1971.1 20 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dinas Agama Hindu Budha, kabupaten Karangasem. q-770-N-III 102 I. Indonesia 1649 USMAN (Sjarif), Strategi pembangunan Indonesia dan pembangunan dalam Islam. [Djakarta, Fa. Djakarta, Ie. 1971.1 79 pp, 19 cm. q-441-N-I 1650 WEDAPARIKRAMA. Satu himpunan naskah mantra dan stotra teks asli bahasa Sanskerta dan pendjelasannja, oleh G. PUDJA. Diteliti dan disahkan oleh Lembaga Penjelenggara Penterdjemah Kitab Sutji Weda. Djakarta. Junasco, [1971.1 XIII, 412 pp, ills, 19 cm. Departemen Agama, Direktorat Djendral Bimbingan Masjarakat Hindu dan Budha, Projek Penerbitan Kitab Sutji Hindu dan Budha. q-452-N-III 1651 ACARA perayaan natal bersama antar warga Kristen lembaga-lembaga negara non departemental R.I. ke-3, tahun 1972. [Ketua panitia: Radius PRAWIRO.1 [Jakarta 1972.] 8 pp, ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. q-547-N-II 1652 AHMAD (H.A. Malik), dan H.M. Bustami IBRAHIM, Tafsir Al Qur*an. Jil. 1: Juz 1 - 2. Medan, Madju, [1972.1 173 pp, 22 cm. q-557-N-I 1653 ALHAMID(Sjarif M), Ajah bunda Rasulullah. Surabaja, Tjahaja Islam, 1972.45 pp, 18 cm. q-558-N-I 1654 ALI (H.A. Mukti), Agama dan pembangunan di Indonesia. Djakarta 1972, 1972, 1973. dl. 1, 2, 3, ills, 21 cm. Departemen Agama, Biro Hubungan Masjarakat. q-694-N 1655 ALI (Mukti), Agama dan pembangunan di Indonesia. Jakarta 1972. 152 pp, ills, 21 cm. Departemen Agama, Biro Hubungan Masyarakat. q-439-N-I 1656 AMIR (Ja'far), Pelajaran tauhid. Untuk SMP [ = sekolah menengah pertama,] PGAP [= pendidikan guru agama pertama] dan yang sederajat. Semarang, Ramadhani, [1972.166 pp, 22 cm. q-465-N-I 1657 ASSEGAF (Moezenah), "Taz-kijatun nafs". Muharram operasi Djiwa. Bandjarmasin, Aisjiah Daerah, Bag. Da'wah, 1972. 11 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. q-355-N-I 1658 BAHREISY (Salim), Tarjamah riadlus shalihin. Bandung, Alma'arif, 1972. dl. 1,2. 22 cm. q-690-N-I 1659 BANDUNG (Ibrahim), Hukum pidana Ta'zir. Diucapkan dalam dies natalis I.A.I.N. raden Intan Lampung. ttanjung Karangl 1972. 39 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Insitut Agama Islam Negeri (I.A.I.N.) Jai'ah Raden Intan Lampung, Panitia Dies Natalis. q-409-N + I 1660 BUDDHAVADA. Disusun oleh Oka DIPUTHERA. Jakarta 1972. 94 pp, ills, 21 cm. Direktorat Jenderal Bimbingan Masyarakat Hindu dan Buddha. q-478-N-III 1661 BUDDHA dharma. [Jogjakarta 1972.] 36 pp, 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. q-561-N-III 1662 CIWA Buddha bhineka tunggal ika. Prawacanaoleh Padanda Gde Wajan SIDEMAN. Djakarta z.j. 20 pp, 20 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Angkatan Darat (AD), Pusat Rawatan Rohani (Pusroh) Hindu. q-805-N-III 1663 DARADJAT (Zakariah), Pendidikan agama dalam pembinaan mental. Cet. ke-2. Djakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1972. 88 pp, 21 cm. q-484-N-II 1664 DISKUSI tentang methode pengkajian al quran. Diselenggarakan bersama oleh Panitya Nasional Penyelenggara Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur-an ke-5 dengan Dewan Kesenian Jakarta, pada tgl. 24-25 September 1972 di Jakarta. Team penyelenggara: Hussein SEGAF, Sudjoko PRASODJO, Utomo DANANDJAYA. [Jakarta 1972.] 42 pp, 28 em. Gestencilde tekst. q-383-N +1 1665 GEMA kalam Illahi di ibukota. [Kata pengantar oleh Ali SADIKIN.1 [Jakarta 1972.] 64 pp, ills, 22 cm. Badan Perencana Pembangunan Daerah Khusus Ibukota (DKI) Jakarta. q-607-N-I 1666 HAEKAL (Muhammad Husain), Sedjarah hidup Muhammad. Terdjemahan oleh Ali AUDAH. Djl.1. Djakarta, Tintamas, 1972. CXIV, 327 pp, ills, krtn, 24 cm. Oorspr. titel: Hajat Muhammad. q-672-NI 1667 HAMBA, Karakter Islam. Djakarta, Kiblat, 1972. 198 pp, 18 cm. qrir'69-N-I 1668 HAMBA, Labbaik. Tj. ke-3. [Djakrta,] Jajasan Perdjalanan Hadji Indonesia Pusat, [1972.1 142 pp, ills, 17 cm. q-425-N-I 1669 HASBI Ashiddieqy (T.M.), Al-ahkamun Nabawijah 1. Bandung, Alma'arif, 1972.343 pp, 22 cm. Koleksi hadits2 hukum. q-482-N-I 1670 HIMPUNAN beberapa kegiatan2 pemuda Muhammadyah Wilayah Kalimantan Selatan. [Bandjarmasin c. 1972.1156 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. q-474-N + I 1671 HIMPUNAN beberapa kegiatan2 Muhammadiyah Wilayah Kalimantan Selatan. Banjarmasin [c. 1972J130 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. q-475-N + I q. Islam—Christianity - Buddhism - Hinduism - Other religions 103 1672 ILMU2 al-Quran. Media2 pokok dalam menafsirkan al-Quran. Disadur oleh: T.M. Hasbi ASH SHIDDIEQY dari kksb: Mahabits fi ulumil Quran, karangan SUBEHI ASH-SHALIH, serta kitab2: 'Ulumul Quran dan Ushul fiqih. Djakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1972. 300 pp, 22 cm. q-460-N-I 1673 IN service trainging/up grading Djawatan Pendidikan Agama propinsi Kalimantan Selatan di Bandjarmasin, tg. 5 s/d 10 Djuni 1972. [Ketua: SJACHRAN.1 [Bandjarmasin 1972.] 96 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia In Service Training and Up-Grading Pedjabat2 Djapendap Kalimantan Selatan. q-429-N +1 1674 JAARVERSLAG 1972 - van de Raad voor de Zending der Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk. Oegstgeest [1974 - 1 30 cm. q-28-N + II 1675 JAHJA (Muchtar), Aqidah tauhid dalam agama bangsa2 purbakala dan filsafat lama. Jogjakarta 1972. 24 pp, 20 cm. Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sunan Kalidjaga, Fakultas Ushuluddin, Lembaga Penerbitan Ilmijah. Seri penerbitan ilmijah, no 8. q-610-N-I 1676 JAWABAN tertulis Yayasan P.H.I. atas pertanyaan2 Komisi IX, DPR - R I. [ = Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat - Republik Indonesia], pada tg. 18 Desember 1972 di Jakarta. Jakarta 1972. 90 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Yayasan Perjalanan Haji Indonesia (P.H.I.). q-605-N + I 1677 KELUARGA berentjana menurut pandangan Agama-Hindu. Kata pengantar oleh Padanda Gde Wajan SIDEMAN. Djakarta z.j. 25 pp, 20 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Angkatan Darat (AD), Pusat Rawatan Rohani (Pusroh) Hindu. q-804-N-III 1678 KHUTBAH Idul Fithri 1392 H-1972. Khutbah: Mukti ALI, Mohammad NATSIR, Sjafrudin PRAWIRANEGARA,dll. Jakarta, Al-Munawwarah, 1972.81 pp,33cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Da'wah Islamiyah Indonesia. Ikatan Mesjid Jakarta. Yayasan Mesjid- "AL-MUNAWWARAH". q-432-N + I 1679 KHUTBAH Jum'ah lan khuthbah 'Idul Fitthri. Kannthi thema: Lailatul Qadar. 'Idul :i':fttthri lan pembangunan, peningkatan amal (1), peningkatan amal (2). Ingkang nyusun: ABU TAUFIQ S. Purbalingga [1972.] 44 pp, 19 cm. Gestencilde tekst Projek Pembinaan Agama (P2A) Kabupaten Purbalingga. Seri 8, th. ke-4 q-350-N-I 1680 KISAH 25 orang Nabi/Rasul. [Kata pengantar oleh A. SOLEIMANJ [Djakarta 1972.1 183 pp, 21 cm. Tentera Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat, Markas Besar, Dinas Rawatan Rohani Islam, q-461 -N-I 1681 LAPORAN penyelenggaraan urusan haji tahun 1391H/1971 - 1972. [Kata pengantar: Farid MA'RUF.1 Jakarta 1972. 250 pp, 23 cm. Departemen Agama, Direktorat Jendral Urusan Haji. q-442-N-I 1682 MANSUR (Muhd. Laily), Perkembangan dan aliran2 dalam tasauf Islam. Amuntai 1972. 60 pp, 23 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (I.A.I.N.) Jami'ah Antasari Amuntai, Fakultas Ushuluddin, Hubungan Masyarakat. q-426- N-1 1683 MEMBINA keluarga sejahtera. Pelaksanaan putusan muktamar Muhammadiyah ke-38. Yogyakarta, Persatuan, [ c. 1972.1 55 pp, ill, 21 cm. Pi mpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah, Majlis Tarjih. q-480-N-I 1684 MUKTI ALI (A.),Agama dan keluarga berentjana. [Bandung, Harapan, 1972.115pp, ill, 20 cm. q-486-N-I 1685 NASUTION (A. Paruq), Pola-pola umum sekitar ilmu falsafah, falsafah agama dan Islam, ilmu logika, ilmu ethika, ilmu tasawwuf. Tj. ke-2. Bandung 1972. 44 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Islam Bandung, Fakultas Psychologie, Sekretaris. q-487-N + I 1686 NASUTION (Harun), Filsafat Islam. Kuliah2 dan cerama yang diberikan di IKIP [ = Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan] Jakarta, IAIN[= Institut Agama Islam Negeri] dan Universitas Nasional. Jakarta 1972. 33 pp, 29 cm. Kelompok Diskusi Tentang Agama Islam. q-477-N +1 1687 NASUTION (Harun), Misticisme dalam Islam (Tasawwuf/Sufisme). Kuliah2 dan ceramah yang diberikan di IKIP [= Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan] Jakarta, IAIN [= Institut Agama Islam Negeri] dan Universitas Nasional. Jakarta 1972. 32 pp, 29 cm. Kelompok Diskusi Tentang Agama Islam. q-476-N +1 1688 NASUTION (M. Yunan), Chutbah Djum'at Djakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1972. 256 pp, 21 cm. q-337-N-I 1689 NATSIR (Moh.), Tugas dan peranan ulama. Bandjarmasin [c. 1972.1 20 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Da'wah Islamiyah Indonesia Perwakilan Kalimantan Selatan. q-551 -N-I 104 I. Indonesia 1690 NATSIR(M.), Pembangunan manusia2 pembangun. Bandjarmasin [1972.] 19 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Da'wah Islamijah Indonesia Perwakilan Kalimantan Selatan. q-381-N + I 1691 OKA (I. Gusti Agung), Lambang swastika. [Denpasar 1972.] 30 pp, ills, 15 cm. q-616-N-III 1692 PEDOMAN kerja bagi anggauta Majelis pimpinan Haji Indonesia. [Pengantar kata: Farid MA'RUF.1 Jakarta 1972. 93 pp, 21 cm. Departemen Agama, Direktorat Jendral Urusan Haji. q-440-N-I 1693 PEMBANGUNAN mesdjid Istiqlal dan perkembangannja. [Disusun oleh: H. FACHRURAZY A.H, H. Junan Helmi NASUTION, A.H. SHAHAB dl 1.1 [Jakarta 1972.] 70 pp, ills, 21 cm. Panitya Pembangunan Mesdjid Istiqlal. q-445-N-I 1694 PENDJELASAN muqaddimah anggaran dasar dan kepribadian Muhammadijah. Disusun oleh Djindar TAMIMY, dan Djarnawi HADIKUSUMA. Jogjakarta, Persatuan, 1972. 80 pp, 21 cm. q-444-N-I 1695 PROGRESSreportpenjuluhanAgamaHindukabupatenBadungdiPLPMt[*= Pusat Latihan Pendidikan Masyarakat] Kesiman dari tg. 18 s/d 24 Mei 1972. [Ketua: I Njoman WIDJAJA.1 Denpasar 1972. 43 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Penjuluhan Agama Hindu, kabupaten Badung. q-682-N + III 1696 RAPAT kerdja pimpinan (Rakerpim) Muhammadiyah tingkat wilayah, pada tg. 23 s/d 24 Desember 1972. [Ketua: Gt. A. MUIS.1 [Banjarmasin 1972.] 46 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. q-435-N +1 1697 RATHOMY (Moh. Abdai), Tiga serangkai sendi agama, Tauhid, fiqih, tasawuf. Bandung, Alma'arif, 19721343 pp, ills, 22 cm. q-453-N-I 1698 RAZAK (Nasruddin), Dienul Islam. Penafsiran kembali Islam sebagai suatu aqidah dan way of life. Bandung, Alma'ari4.1972. 272 pp, 22 cm. q-454-N-I 1699 SALAYAN (A. Wahid), Fungsi wanita dalam islam. Djakarta 1972. 32 pp, 21 cm. Direktorat Djenderal Bimbingan Masjarakat Islam, Projek Penerangan, Bimbingan Da'wah/Chutbah Agama Islam Pusat. Seri: Hidup beragama(1971-1972). q-731-NI 1700 SALIM (Hadijah), Apa arti hidup? Bandung, Alma'arif, 1972. 172 pp, 22 cm. q-374-N-I 1701 SANUSI (Jahjuni), Membina kembali masjarakat Marhanah. Menjambut bulan Mei - bulan h.u.t. [ = hari ulangan tahun] angkatan muda Muhammadijah. [Bandjarmasin] 1972. 6 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pimpinan Pemuda Muhammadijah, Tjabang Bandjarmasin I. q-431-N + I 1702 TUNTUNAN menasik hadji. [Kata pengantar oleh A. Musaffa BASJYR.1 Djakarta 1972. 158 pp, ills, 17 cm. Jajasan Perdjalanan Hadji Indonesia (P.H.I.) q-356-N-I 1703 UB-GRADING chathib dan muballigh se Kalimantan Selatan di Bandjarmasin, tg. 14 s/d 20 April 1972. Thema: Peningkatan mutu chathib dan muballigh dalam pembangunan. Bandjarmasin 1972. 98 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Da'wah Islamijah Indonesia, Perwakilan Kalimantan Selatan. q-496-N + I 1704 ABDUL JALIL HASSAN, Falsafah dan pengetahuan Islam. Disunting oleh: AWANG MOHAMAD AMIN. Kuala Lumpur, Solai, 1973. 53 pp, 22 cm. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP). Siri pelajaran tinggi DBP Bil. 57. q-400-N-I 1705 ABINENO (J.LCh.), Pengharapan Kristen. Djakarta, Gunung Mulia, 1973.112 pp, 18 cm. q-604-N-II 1706 AGAMA dan pembangunan. Dialog antar ummat beragama di Yogyakarta, tg. 6 sIA 10 Pebruari 1973. [Ketua panitia pelaksana: H. Syamsuddin ABDULLAH.] [Yogyakarta 1973.1242 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Pelaksana Dialog Antar Ummat Beragama Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). q-545-N + 1707 ALI (Abdul Mukti), Agama dan pembangunan di Indonesia. Bahagian 3. [Jakarta 1973.1 159 pp, ills, 21 cm. Departemen Agama, Biro Hubungan Masyarakat. q-800-N-I 1708 ASHSHIDDIEQYOeunku Muhammad HasbD, Sejarah dan pengantar ilmu tauhid/ kalam. Jakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1973. 180 pp, 22 cm. q-689-N-I 1709 ASHSHIDDIEQY (Ttenku] MLohammadlHasbi), Sedjarah perkembangan hadits dan tokoh2 utama bidang hadits. Djakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1973. 188 pp, 22 cm. q-560-N-I 106 I. Indonesia 1729 NATSIR (M.), Capita selecta. Cet. ke-3. Djakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1973. 508 pp, 25 cm. Oorspr. uitg, 1955 q-611-N-I 1730 NOER (Deliar), The modernist Muslim movement in Indonesia 1900 - 1942. Singapore etc, Oxford Univ. Press, 1973. XII, 390 pp, 22 cm. East Asian Historical Monographs. q-338-N-I 1731 PENYELENGGARAAN urusan haji Pemerintah daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta, musim haji 1972/1973 (1392). Pengantar kata oleh Tb. Manshur MA'MUN. Jakarta 1973. 149 pp, ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Koordinator Urusan Penyelenggaraan Haji daerah khusus ibukota Jakarta. q-753-N + I 1732 PRINS, J. Pengaruh Kristen terhadap hukum adat. Diterjemahkan dengan pengawasan dewan redaksi; dengan kata pengantar oleh Soetan Mohamad SJAH [ = Sutan Mohamad SYAH.] Jakarta, Bhratara, 1973. 33 pp, 21 cm. Oorspr. titel: Christelijke beinvloeding van adatrecht, 1949. Konmküjkinstituut voor Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde (KITLV). Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Seri terjemahan karangan-karangan Belanda, no 26. q-732-NH 1733 RANGKUTI (Bahrum), Meluaskan ufuk keilmuan dan watak. Disarikan dari: Pidato sambutan pada pelantikan rektor, para dekan, serta wakil2 nja dari I.A.I.N. sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta,tg. lOagustus 1972. Jakarta,[c. 19731.31 pp, 21 cm.Direktorat Jenderal Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam. Proyek Penerangan, Bimbingan dan Da'wah/khutbah agama Islam (Pusat). Seri: Hidup beragama (1972 - 1973). q-344-N-I \ 1734 RASJIDI (H.M.), Suatu koreksi lagi bagi drs. Nurcholis Madjid. Bandjarmasin Ie. 1973.1 56 pp, 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Da'wah Islamiyah Indonesia, Perwakilan Kalimantan Selatan. q-491-N-I 1735 ROMDON, Aliran - kebatinan. Kuliah. Yogyakarta, Horizon Press, 1973. III, 33 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) "Sunan Kalijaga" Yogyakarta, Fakultas Ushuluddin, Komisaris Jurusan Perbandingan Agama. Penerbitan, ke 5. q-778-N-III 1736 SANI (Abdullah), Mahkamah yaumil-akhirat. (Digali dari Al-Quran). Jakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1973. 72 pp, 22 cm. q-541-N-I 1737 SCHRIEKE, B.J.O. Pergolakan agama di Sumatra Barat: sebuah sumbangan bibliografi; diterjemahkan dengan pengawasan dewan redaksi oleh Soegarda POERBAKAWATJA [ ■ Sugarda PURBAKAWACA1; dengan kata pengantar oleh Taufik ABDULLAH. Jakarta, Bhratara, 1973. 89 pp, 21 cm. Oorspr. titel: Bijdrage tot de bibliografie van de huidige godsdienstige beweging ter Sumatra's Westkust, (1919 - 1921). Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV). Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Seri terjemahan karangan-karangan Belanda, no 31. q-729-NI 1738 SINGKATAN naskah sastra Indonesia lama pengaruh Islam. Disusun oleh Edwar JAMARIS, dengan bantuan A. IBRAHIM, dan NIKMAH. Jakarta 1973. VI, 84 pp, 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan, Lembaga Bahasa Nasional. Bahasa dan kesusastraan, seri khusus no 18, th. 1973. q-546-N +1 1739 SIREGAR (TimbuD, Citra Buddha. Pesantren Buddha di Portibi/Tapsel, Mutti Pramana Dhyani Amitabla/Deli, Wjihara Kwan Ti Setia Budi/Medan Raya. Medan 1973. 22 pp, ills, 20 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Monografia sosio-humaniora. q-801-N-III 1740 SJALTHOUT (Mahmoud), dan M. Ali AS-SAJIS, Perbandingan Mazhab dalam masalah fiqih. Diterjemahkan oleh ISMUHA Djakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1973. 296 pp, 21 cm. Oorspr. titel: Muqaranatul Mazahib. q-685-NI 1741 SUBAGYO (Rahmat), Kepercayaan, kebatinan, kerohanian, kejiwaan dan agama. [Z.pl, Desa Putera, 1973.1 143 pp, 21 cm. Overdr. uit: Spektrum, 1973, vol. 3, no 3, blz! 117-260. q-385-N-III 1742 SUMINTO (R.H.A.), Problematika da'wah. Jakarta, Tintamas Indonesia, 1973. 160 pp, 22 cm. q-609-N-I 1743 TEKNIK dan materi da'wah masakini. Memuat prasaran, sambutan dan keputusan rapat kerdja nasional dan pimpinan tabligh Muhammadiyah tg. 23 - 27 Aug. 1972 di Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta 1973.84 pp, 21 cm. Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah Majhs Tabligh. q-443-N-I r. Administration of justice - Law - Legislation - Police 107 1744 THAIB (Maisir), Pemanfaatan zakat untuk pembangunan sarana ke-agamaan. (Prasaran pada diskusi zakat, tg. 12 Juli 1973, Bukittinggi). Bukittinggi 1973. 30 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. q-693-N +1 1745 TUNTUNAN muspa bagi umat Hindu. Penyusun oleh I Gusti Kt. KALER. Jakarta 1973. 30 pp, ills, 18 cm. Direktorat Jenderal Bimbingan Masyarakat Hindu dan Buddha q-803-N-IH 1746 UMAR (A. Muin), Suatu interpretasi dalam sejarah Islam. Yogyakarta 1973. 30 pp, 23 cm. Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, Fakultas Ushuluddin, Lembaga Penerbitan Ilmiyah. Seri penerbitan ilmiyah, no. 11. q-688-N-I 1747 WASYIM (Alef Theria), Api sebagai alat untuk melakukan upacara keagamaan. Yogyakarta 1973. IV, 30 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sunan Kalijaga, Fakultas Ushuluddin, Jurusan Perbandingan Agama. Penerbitan 3. q-621-N-III 1748 YA'QUB (Hamzah), Leadership Islam. Tangerang letcl 1973. 56 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pustaka Universitas Islam Syekh - Yusuf. q-489-N +1 1749 YUNUS (H. Mahmud), Tafsir Quran karim. Bahasa Indonesia menurut sistim baru dan ejaan baru.- Juz 1 - 10. Cet. ke-5. Jakarta, Al Hidayah, 1973. VII, 280 pp, 24 cm. q-618-N-I 1750 ZARQONI (M.), Ajaran Al-Qur'an mengangkat mental ummat untuk membangun. Sebuah "prasaran" dalam musyawarah officials pimpinan rombongan Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an tingkat propinsi Kalimantan Selatan ke-6 tahun 1973 di Martapura, tg. 21 Augustus 1973. [Martapura 1973.1 7 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an tingkat propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. q-692-N + I r. Administration of justice - Law - Legislation - Police 1751 KARTANEGARA (Satochid), Hukum pidana. Kumpulan kuliah, dan pendapat-pendapat para ahli hukum terkemuka. Telah dikupas kedalam bahasa Indonesia dari bahasa Belanda. Z.pl, Balai Lektur Mahasiswa, z.j. 600 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. r-325-N 1752 SUSUNAN pengadilan dalam negara Republik Indonesia. Disusun oleh J.H. 8CHEERS, V.F.M. DENHARTOG,[dan]WismarSIDABUTAR.Djakarta,Pustaka Rakjat, 1952. 419 pp, 20 cm. Indonesische en Nederlandse tekst r-327-N 1753 PERATURAN perburuhan dan peraturan administrasi perburuhan. [Sepatah kata oleh I. TEDJASUKMANA] [Djakarta, Pertj. NegaraJ 1953. LVII, 556 pp, 21 cm. Kementerian Perburuhan. r-238-N 1754 AMIN(S.M.), Bertamasja ke alam-hukum. Djl. ke-1. Djakarta, Fasco,[1954.1324 pp 23 cm. r-254-N 1755 YAMIN (Muhammad), Empat saran sebagai andjuran kepada sidang Biro-Irian untuk penjelasaian sengketaIrian-Barat dalam bulan April-Mai 1954.[Djakarta 1954.16pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. r-291-N + II 1756 DJATIKOESOEMO (G.P.H.), Hukum internasional bagian damai. Djakarta, Pemandangan, 1956. 176 pp, 24 cm. r-252-N 1757 KARJADI(M.), dan R.M. SOSROHARJONO, Perundang-undangan lalu-lintas djalan di Indonesia. (Dengan komentar setjara tanja-djawab.) Bogor, Politeia, [1956.] 442 pp, ills, 22 cm. r-245-N 1758 LOEBIS (Ali Basja), Undang2 dasar R.I. 1945. (Sedjarah pertumbuhan dan pendjelasan pasal2nja). Djakarta [1959.1 68 pp, 22 cm. r-241-N 1759 ANWAR (Chairul), Perusahaan2 negara di Indonesia. Djakarta, Permata, [1960.1 96 pp, 20 cm. r-258-N 1760 HAAR (B. ter), Asas-asas dan susunan hukum-adat (beginselen en stelsel van het adatrecht). [Diterdjemahkan oleh: Soebakti POESPONOTO.1 Djakarta, Pradnja Paramita, 1960. 268 pp, 23 cm. r-253-N 1761 PERATURAN-peraturan dan pengumuman-pengumuman mengenai kedudukan pegawai negeri jang dikeluarkan dalam tahun 1960 dan daftar penundjuk 1960 mengenai peraturan- peraturan tahun 1950 s/d 1960. [Disusun oleh: S. DJATMIKA.1 [Djakarta,] Djambatan, [1960.] XII, 204 pp, 24 cm. r-237-N 1762 SÓEKARDONO (R.), Hukum dagang Indonesia. Djl II (bag. ke-1). Hukum pengangkutan di darat Djakarta, "Soeroengan", 1961. 144 pp, 24 cm. r-270-N 108 I. Indonesia 1763 LOEBIS (A.B.), Ordonansi dan peraturan devisen terbaru disertai pendjelasannjadan S.I.V.A./S.I.P V.A. [ = surat impor valuta asing/surat izin pembelian valuta asing.] [Sebagaian diterdjemahkan dari bahasa Belanda.1 [Djakarta, Kinta,] 1962. V, 121 pp, 24 cm. r-266-N 1764 DJOJODIGUNO (M.M.), Asas-asas hukum adat. Jogjakarta, Jajasan Badan Penerbit Gadjah Mada, 1964. 57 pp, 18 cm. r-244-N 1765 SALAYAN (Abdul Wahid), Ensiklopedia hukum, A. Padang, Mumbar, [1964.1 77 pp, 21 cm. r-242-N 1766 SOEKARDONO. Hukum dagang Indonesia. Djl. I (bag. 1 dan 2). Djakarta, "Soeroengan", [1964-'67l. 2 bdn. 22 cm. - ld. Suppl. djl. I bag. ke-2, tj. Ke-3: Undang-undang perkoperasian 1965. Ibid. 1966. [VI,] 39 pp, 22 cm. Bd. 1. Tj. ke-4 jang diubah dan ditamb. 1967. Bd. 2. Tj. ke-3 jang diubah dan ditamb. 1964. Oorspr. uitg. 1957. r-271-N 1767 G-30-S. "Gerakan 30 September" dihadapan Mahmillub [ = Mahkamah Militer Luar Biasal 3 (djilid I), di Djakarta. (Perkara Dr. Subandrio). [Kata pengantar: Soedjono WIRJOHATMODJO.] [Z.pl.] 1967. 360 pp, ills, 21 cm. Angkatan Darat, Pusat Pendidikan Kehakintan, Akademi Hukum Militer - Perguruan Tinggi Hukum Militer (AHM - PTHM). r-243-N 1768 HIMPUNAN: Piagam perserikatan bangsa-bangsa, statuta Mahkamah Pengadilan Internasional beserta pendjelasan, pernjataan umum hak-hak azasi manusia beserta pendjelasan, rantjangan M.P.R.S. [= Madjelis Permusjawaratan Rakjat Sementara] tentang hak-hak azasi manusia. Bandung, Academica, 1967. 188 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. r-240-N 1769 LAW no. 11 of 1966 on the basic principles of the press. [Djakarta c. 1967.] 18 cm. Department of Information Republic of Indonesia. Special issue, 012 /1966. r-269-N 1770 RANTJANGAN undang-undang tentang bantuan hukum didalam dan diluar pengadilan. RANTJANGAN undang-undang tentang hukum atjara perdata dalam lingkungan peradilan umum. Djakarta 1967. 108 pp, 21 cm. Lembaga Pembinaan Nasional. Penerbitan II. r-267-N 1771 SUPENO, (Bugi), Responsi diforum pengadilan terhadap publikasi surat kabar warta berita tert. 3 Des. 1966, jang njata-njata mengandung kedjahatan berupa fitnah kotor dan penghinaan jang kedji. [Djakarta 1967.1 80 pp, ills, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. r-280-N + 1772 FARID (Andi Zainal Abidin), Tanggapan terhadap prasaran berdjudul "hukum atjara pidana dan hak asasi manusia" dari Nj. Nanny Razak. [Makassar 1968]. 40 pp, 21 cm. Xeroc copie. r-251-N 1773 HARUN AL RASJID, Hubungan antara presiden dan Madjelis permusjawaratan rakjat. Tj. ke-2. Djakarta, Pelita Ilmu, 1968. 40 pp, 22 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1966. r-239-N 1774 HAZAIRIN, Hukum kekeluargaan nasional. Tj. ke-2, ditambah dengan lembaran kerdja untuk rantjangan undang-undang hukum kewarisan nasional Republik Indonesia. Djakarta, Tintamas, 1968. 93 pp, 22 cm. r-236-N 1775 UTRECHT (FIrnstD, Hukum pidana b Suatu pengantar hukum pidana untuk tingkat peladjaran sardjana muda hukum, suatu pembahasan peladjaran umum (algemene leer- stukken) KUHPidana tahun 1946 (wetboek van strafrecht th. 1915) sampai dengan pasal 54. [Tj. fotografis dari tj. ke-2.] [Bandung, Penerbitan Universitas, 1968.1 412 pp. in 2 bdn, 21 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1958. r-260-N 1776 ADAMY (As), Tindjauan tentang zinah dalam rangkaian delik susila pada K.U.H.P. [ = kitab undang2 hukum pidana.] [Djakarta,] Swada, [19691. 39 pp, 20 cm. r-272-N 1777 BUKU himpunan peraturan-peraturan daerah kotamadya Surabaja. Pengantar kota oleh R. SOEKOTJO. Surabaja 1969. 614 pp, ills, 22 cm. Pemerintah Daerah, kotamadya Surabaja. r-350-N-III 1778 KITAB undang-undang hukum pidana. Terd. MOELJATNO. [Tj. ke-6] [Jogjakarta 1969.] 178 pp, 20 cm. Seksi Pidana Universitas Gadjah Mada. Oorspr. uitg. 1959. r-268-N 1779 SEMINAR hukum nasional ke-22 tahun 1968. Diselenggarakan mulai tg, 27 s/d 30.12^68 di Semarang. [Ketua umum: J.C.T. SIMORANGKIR.1 Djakarta 1969- Djl. 1-3. 21 cm. Djl. 1: Atjara umum dan laporan umum. Djl. 2: Mekanisme demokrasi Pantjasila. Djl. 3: Menegakkan suatu kekuasaan kehakiman jang bebas. Lembaga Pembinaan Hukum Nasional (LPHN). r-349-N r. Administration of justice - Law — Legislation - Police 109 1780 SONG Tjendra, Pembunuhan Lily Kartika oleh Bob Liem di Hongkong. Djakarta 1969. 33 pp, 34 cm. Getypte teksL Scriptie. r-249-N + 1781 HIMPUNAN perundang-undangan bank-bank pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Dihimpun oleh SOEMARSONO dan Djoko SARWONO. Djakarta, Dempo Daja, 1970. 511 pp, 21 cm. Gedeeltelijk in het Nederlands. r-233-N 1782 KUSUMAATMADJA (Mochtar), Fungsi dan perkembangan hukum dalam pembangunan nasional. Bandung 1970. 17 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Rede. Universistas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Hukum. r-248-N + 1783 SUPARTO, Suatu tindjauan singkat tentang masalah delinkwensi atau kenakalan anak2 dan pemuda di Indonesia. Djatinegara, Kajumanis, 1970. 100 pp. 111. 21 cm. r-279-N 1784 UNDANG-UNDANG pemilihan umum dan undang-undang susunan dan kedudukan MPR, DPR dan DPRD. Disusun oleh Sekretariat DPR-GRIjangdiketuai oleh Sri HARD1MAN1. [Djakarta,] Dufy Lj 1970]. 319 pp, 22 cm. - ld. Suppl.: Peraturan pemerintah no 1, th. 1970 hal. 3/323; no 2, th. 1970 hal. 69/389; no 3, th. 1970 hal. 101/421. Ibid. [19701 130 pp, 21 cm. r-259-N 1785 DANUREDJO (Sumitro L.S.), Hukum internasional laut Indonesia. Suatu usaha untuk mempertahankan deklarasi 1957. Djakarta, Bhratara, 1971. 295 pp, 21 cm. . Bevat bijl. r-344-N 1786 EFFENDY (Rheena), Hukum agraria. Suatu tanja djawab. Bandung, Alumni, 1971. III, 130 pp, 22 cm. r-246-N 1787 HIMPUNAN undang-undang, tahun 1971. [Djakarta 1971.] 101 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. r-294-N + 1788 LAMPIRAN hukum internasional laut indonesia. [Dikumpulkan oleh] Sumitro L.S. DANUREDJO. f.Z.pl.1 Bhratara, [z.j.1 21 cm. Kaarten atlas. r-344-N 1789 WIGNJODIPURNO (Surojo), Pengantar dan azas hukum adat. Bandung, Alumni, 1971. XIV, 346 pp, 22 cm. r-234-N 1790 BEBERAPA nukilan dari buku: Organisasi dan jurisprudensi peradilan agama di Indonesia, oleh- NOTOSUSANTO S.H. Bandjarmasin 1972. 29 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Djawatan Peradilan Agama Bandjarmasin. r-283-N + 1791 FILSAFAT hukum. Beberapa bahan sedjarah filsafat hukum. Dihimpun oleh:Chidir ALI. Bandung, Memories Book, 1972.190 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. r-273-N + 1792 GAUTAMA (Sudargo) and Robert N. HORNICK, An introduction to Indonesian law: Unity in diversity. [Jakarta 1972.] XV, 190 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst r-274-N + 1793 HIMPUNAN peraturan perundingan mengenai Pemerintah Daerah. Jl. ke-1, dihimpun oleh Baju SURIANINGRAT, dan MARSONO. Bandung, Baru, 1972.470 pp, 25 cm. r-352-N 1794 HIMPUNAN peraturan-peraturan dan perundangan-undangan republik Indonesia. Disusun oleh Harief HARAHAP [= Muda Pati ADIYAKSA ] Jakarta z.j. 352 pp, 21 cm. Yayasan Tridaya Pusat. r-359-N 1795 HIMPUNAN peraturan-peraturan negara. Triwulan ke 1 s/d 4 th. 1972. Jakarta 1972. 466 pp, in 4 bdn, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Sekretariat Kabinet. r-358-N + 1796 HIMPUNAN undang2 dan peraturan2 tentang pengamanan perairan Indonesia 1972. [Djakarta 1972.] 186 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Komando Pertahanan Maritim Nasional (Kohanmarnas). r-26l-N + 1797 HUSNY (T.M. Lah), Butir-butir adat budaja Melaju pesisir Sumatera Timur. Medan, Husny, [1972.1 205 pp, ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. r-275-N 1798 JAWABAN menteri pertambangan [Soemantri BRODJONEGOROl pada tingkat II sidang Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat mengenai rancangan undang-undang landas kontinen Indonesia. [Jakarta c. 1972.] 11 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. r-22$-N+ ' 1799 KUMPULAN peraturan2 dibidang kepariwisataan. (Kerjariwisataan umum, penanaman modal, perhotelan, travel agency, hiburan dlDIZ.pl, Pertjetakan Bali c 1972.] 165 pp, 32 cm. r-277-N + 1800 LEV (Daniël S.), Islamic courts in Indonesia. A study in the political basés of legal institutions. Berkeley, enz, Univ. of Calif. Press, 1972. XII, 281 pp. 24 cm. r-216-N 1801 MAHADI, Perkembangan hukum antar golongan di Indonesia, no 5. Medan 1972. 137 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Fakultas Hukum. Penerbitan Fakultas Hukum, no 6. r-360-N 114 I. Indonesia 1874 NASKAH rentjana realisasi Sekolah Staf dan Komando Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (Sesko ABRI) [Djakarta 1968.162 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pert ahanan-Keamanan 1875 ORGANISASI dan tata kerdja djumbajar/pakumil dfitingkat Staf dan Komando Pertahanan. Berdasarkan surat keputusan Menteri Pertahanan Keamanan/panglima Angkatan Bersendjata no.. tg.. [Kepala staf: M.M. RACHMAT KARTAKUSUMA.1 Djakarta 1968. 35 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Team Penertib Administrasi Keuangan Pertahanan Keamanan (Hankam). s-226-N + 1876 PEMBINAAN potensi maritim. LPenjusun: K. DJELANI.1 Djakarta 1968. 25 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bevat tevens: SUBROTO, Peranan Ekspor sebagai sektor stategis didalam pembangunan ekonomi. Djakarta 1965.23 pp, Lembaga Pertahanan Maritim. S-167-N + 1877 PERATURAN tentang tata upatjara militer angkatan bersendjata (TUM/AB). [Djakarta] 1968. 189 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan. S-150-N + 1878 SAM karya bhirawa anoraga. Sedjarah militer Kodam [ = Komando Daerah Militer! VIII/Brawidjaja. [Pendahulunan oleh SOEBARDJO.1 [Malang 1968.! 349 pp, ills, 21 cm. Sedjarah Militer Daerah Militer (Semdam) VIII/Brawidjaja. s-131-N 1879 SIARAN Angkatan Bersendjata republik Indonesia 17 Maret 1946 - 17 Maret 1968. Dwi dasadwi warsa (22 th ). Pimpinan red.: Sjarifuddin SJAM. Djakarta 1968. 74 pp, 4lÉs, 30 cm. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Direktorat Pembinaan Umum dan Penerangan. s-266-N 1880 BUKU kenang-kenangan kongres nasional ke-2, Legiun Veteran republik Indonesia, tg. 15 s/d 20.4.'68. [Ketua: O.B. SJAAF.! Djakarta 1969. 224 pp, ills, 24 cm. Legiun Veteran, Markas Besar, Bagian Penerangan. s-271-N 1881 BUKU kenang-kenangan perwira mahasiswa angkatan ke-5 Akademi Hukum Militer (tahun kuliah 1965-1969) dan peringatan 17 tahun Akademi Hukum Militer (20 Agustus 1952-1969). [Ketua projek buku kenag2an: B.T.H. SIMANDJUNTAK.] Djakarta [1969.! 370 pp, ills, 25 cm. Akademi Hukum Militer (AHM) - Perguruan Tinggi Hukum Militer. Korps Perwira Mahasiswa. s-170-N 1882 BUKU petundjuk tentang dasar2 dedaktik membina manusia TNI [= Tentara Nasional Indonesia] jang beragama Islam. No 41-01-1. Pengesjahan surat keputusan Pangad [ = Panglima Angkatan Darat! no kep-66/2/1969 tg.: 1-2-1969. [Djakarta 1969.1 25 pp, 21 cm. Markas Besar Angkatan Darat. s-165-N 1883 BUKU petundjuk untuk para imam tentara. No 41 - Olb - I. Pengesjahan surat keputusan Pangad [ = panglima Angkatan Darat] no kep - 66/2/1969 tg.: 1 - 2 -1969. [Djakarta 1969.1 V, 78 pp, 21 cm. Markas Besar Angkatan Darat. s-166-N. 1884 BUNGA serodja dharma. Pandji-pandji operasi Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional. Djakarta 1969.14 pp, ills. 34 cm. Gestencilde Engelse tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional. S-274-N + 1885 DIKTAT geomorfologi dasar. Disusun oleh Singgih OETOMO. Z. pl. 1969.1 map, ills, 36 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan . Keamanan, Akademi Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (Akabri), Bagian Umum/Darat. S-275-N + 1886 HIMPUNAN keputusan2 bidang pertahanan keamanan. [Berisi:! Keputusan presiden R.I. [ = republik Indonesia] no 80 th. 1969 [dan] no 79 th. 1969, keputusan menteri Pertama Keamanan/ panglima Angkatan Bersendjata no kep./B/429/69, instruksi no ins./B/154/59. [Djakarta c. 1969.1 68 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. s-127-N 1887 KONSEP doktrin pertahanan sipil/perlawanan rakjat. Djakarta 1969 29 pp, ills, 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Pusat Pertahanan Sipil/ Perlawanan Rakjat. S-277-N + 1888 KULIAH umum gubernur Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional pada KRA-3 [ = kursus reguler angkatan-31 Lemhannas. Djakarta 1969. 21 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional (Lemhannas). S-273-N + 1889 LAPORAN tahunan 1968 dan rentjana kerdja 1969, Badan Pengawas Keuangan Hankam. Djakarta 1969. 30 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Pengawas Keuangan Pertahanan Keamanan (Hankam). s-146-N + s. Military affairs 115 1890 ORGANISASI Resünen Infantri USMC lm United States Marine Corpsl dikeluarkan untuk keperluan instruksi: Lembaga Pertahanan Maritim, Sekolah Komando Umum Angkatan Laut, [dan] Kursus Komando Tempur KKO, Djakarta - Surabaja. [Surabaja 1969.] 50 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kursus Komando Tempur, Korps Komando (SUSKOPUR KKO). S-162-N + 1891 PETUNDJUK umum rentjana kegiatan dan persiapan pelaksanaan test aplikatief projek B-69 Lalitbang Hankam. [Ketua: R.S. SUBIJAKTQJ Djakarta 1969. 15 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan. S-270-N + 1892 POLA dasar pembinaan düwa/mental dan tradisi TNI-AD [= tentara nasional angkatan darat] "pinaka baladika". Z.pl. z.j. 295 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst SU Kepala Staf (KAS)6 Komando Daerah Militer (KODAM) 10/Lambung Mangkurat (LAM). S-169-N + 1893 RENTJANA pengamanan Komando Pengamanan Daerah Kendari dan sekitarnja, dalam rangka kundjungan Presiden R.I. dan rombongan di Sulawesi Tenggara. [Kendari 1969.] 36 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Komando Pengamanan Daerah Kendari dan Sekitarnja. s-222-N + 1894 SASANA Canti. Himpunan amanat, briefing dan sambutan Wa Pangad [ = wakil panglima Angkatan Darat] dan Panganda Kal f= panglima antar daerah Kalimantan.] [Kata pengantar oleh Sayid SJECH ] [Bandjarmasin 1969144 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Penerangan Komando Antar Daerah Kalimantan. s-203-N + 1895 SUNARDI, Konsepsi pembinaan/operasi teritorial Angkatan Laut. LZ.pl, z.j.] 15 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. S-137-N + 1896 TUNTUNAN achlaq/budhi pekerti untuk TNI-AD [ = Tentara Nasional Indonesia -Angkatan Darat. KZ.pl. c. 1969.] XI, 152 pp, 14 cm. Angkatan Darat, Disroh Islam. s-155-N 1897 WASPADA 1969. Buku petundjuk latihan gabungan antar angkatan Komando Antar Daerah Indonesia Timur. [Kepala staf: R. RYACUDU.] Makassar 1969. 171 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Komando Antar Daerah Indonesia Timur (Koanda IT) Makassar. s-144-N + 1898 [KUMPULAN diktat dari Komando Daerah Militer X Lambung Mangkurat.] [Z.pl. z.j.] 330 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Angkatan Darat, Komando MiliterX Lambung Mangkurat. s-229-N + 1899 ALFIAN. Militer dan politik. Pengalaman beberapa negara. Djakarta 1970. 37 pp. 24 cm. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Lembaga Ekonomi dan Kemasjarakatan Nasional (Leknas). s-134-N 1900 BRIEFING pang [ = panglima] Kowilhan Hl/Kal, didepan sidang istimewa DPRD -GR [ = Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah - Gotong Rojong] propinsi Kalimantan Timur di Samarinda. [Kata pengantar oleh Sayid SJECH.1 [Bandjarmasin 1970.] 38 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keamanan Pertahanan, Komando Wilajah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan (Kowilhan III/Kal.) S-194-N + 1901 BUKU kenang-kenangan perwira mahasiswa angkatan ke-5, Akademi Hukum Militer (tahun kuliah 1965-1969) dan peringatan 17 tahun Akademi Hukum Militer (20.8/69). [Ketua: B.T.H. SIMANDJUNTAK.] Djakarta 1970. 410 pp, fPl, 24 cm. Akademi Hukum Militer, Perguruan Tinggi Hukum Militer, Korps Perwira Mahasiswa. s-272-N 1902 HIMPUNAN batjaan terpilih tentang pembangunan. [Ketua: Ibnu SALEH.] [Djakartal 1970. 55 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Staf Pembinaan Karyawan. S-172-N + 1903 ORGANISASI dan tugas Pusat Tjadangan Nasional Departemen Hankam. [Kepala: Arifin SJOEKOER.] [Djakarta 1970J 42 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan (Hankam), Pusat Tjadangan Nasional S-173-N + 1904 PETUNDJUK peserta kursus up-grading karyawan teras ABRI [= Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia], tingkat pusat, th. 1970. [Pendahuluan oleh SOEBIJONO.1 [Djakarta 1970.] 37 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. D epartemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Staf Pembinaan Karyawan. s-218-N + 1905 PRAWIRAATMADJA (Abdulkadir), Ketata-laksanaan militer. [Djakarta 1970.] 79 pp, ills, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional. S-224-N + 116 I. Indonesia 1906 [HARI ulang tahun Komando Daerah Militer IX Mulawarman ke-13 dan Komando Daerah Militer XI/LambungmangkuraÜ [Balikpapan 1971.1 35 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Omlag titel: HUT Kodam IX/MW ke-XIII dan Kodam XI Lam. S-190-N + 1907 BUKU himpunan amanat dan sambutan panglima Komando Wilajah Pertahanan III /Kalimantan, tahun 1970. [Kata pengantar oleh Sayid SJECH.1 Bandjarmasin 1971 Dl. 1 - 4. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan, Komando Wilajah Pertahanan III/Kalfenantan. S-200-N + 1908 CHOLIL(M.), Sedjarah operasi2 pembebasan Irian-Barat. [Djakartal 1971. IX, 99 pp, 21 cm. Departemen Pertahanan-Keamanan, Pusat Sedjarah Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (ABRI). Seri text-book sedjarah ABRI, B 6. s-158-N 1909 DJASTANI, Pertahanan/keamanan desa. Pengamanan dan pembangunan wilajah desa. [Z.pl. z.j.1 2 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. S-254-N + 1910 HADININGRAT(Kusumah), Sedjarah operasi2 gabungan dalam rangka dwikora [ = dwi komando rakjat.] [Djakarta] 1971. VIII, 92 pp, 21 cm. Departemen Pertahanan-Keamanan, Pusat Sedjarah Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (ABRI). Seri text-book sedjarah ABRI B 7. s-157-N 1911 JUSUF (Sudono), Sedjarah perkembangan Angkatan Laut. [Djakarta] 1971. IX, 258 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan-Keamanan, Pusat Sedjarah Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (ABRI). Seri text-book sedjarah ABRI, C4. s-160-N 1912 KORPS Komando AL [= Angkatan Laut] dari tahun ketahun. [Pengantar oleh Soegeng SOEDARTO.] Djakarta 1971. 600 pp, ills, 24 cm. Angkatan Laut, Korps Komando, Bagian Sedjarah. s-179-N 1913 KUMPULAN amanat panglima Komando Wilajah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan [Sri Bima Ariotedjol, tahun 1971. [Bandjarmasin 1971.] Dl. 1,2. 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Penerangan Komando Wilajah Pertahanan II/Kalimantan. s-201-N. 1914 NOTOSUSANTO (Nugroho), Norma2 dasar penelitian dan penulisan sedjarah. Djakarta 1971. XI, 175 pp, 21 cm. Departemen Pertahanan-Keamanan, Pusat Sedjarah Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (ABRI). Seri text-book sedjarah ABRI, C 1. s-161-N 1915 PENGERTIAN dasar bagi pedoman implementasi pantjasila untuk ABRI [ = Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia]. (Surat keputusan Men Hankam/Pangab no: Kep./B/639/XI/1970, tg. 16-11-1970). [Jakarta] 1971. 50 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan. S-219-N + 1916 PENGERTIAN dasar bagi pedoman implementasi Pantjasila untuk ABRI [ = Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia.] (Surat keputusan Men Hankam/Pangab [= menteri Pertahanan Keamanan/pangliitia Angkatan Bersendjata], noKep/B/639/XI/1970 tg. 16-11-1970. Himpunan untuk membantu dan mempermudah tjara menangkap pengertian isi buku. Bandjarmasin 1971. 28 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Penerangan Komando Wilajah Pertahanan IIKKowilhan III) Kalimantan. S-280-N + 1917 PERHATIKAN security. [Z.pl. z.j.] 14 pp, ills, 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst. s-279-N + 1918 POLA dasar pembinaan mental ABRI [= Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia] pinaka baladika. [Djakarta] 1971. 31 pp, ills, 20 cm. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan. s-142-N 1919 PRAWIRAATMADJA (Alex), Himpunan amanat dan sambutan panglima daerah militer XI/Tambun Bungai, Brigdjen TNI [= brigadir djenderal Tentara Nasional Indonesia] Alex Prawiraatmadja. [Palangka Raja 1971.] 53 pp, 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Penerangan Daerah Militer XI/Tambun Bungai. s-178-N 1920 SALIM (Makmun), Sedjarah operasi2 gabungan terhadap PRRI-Permesta [ = pemerintah revolusioner republik Indonesia - perdjuangan semesta.] [Djakarta] 1971. VIII, 111 pp, 21 cm. Departemen Pertahanan-Keamanan, Pusat Sedjarah. Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (ABRI). Seri text-book sedjarah ABRI, B 5. s-159-N 1921 AMANAT pada upacara serah - terima jabatan komandan batalyon infanteri 622 di Pleihari, tg. 21-9-1972. [Oleh Budhi ISMARDIJ Banjarmasin 1972. 4 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Komando Wilayah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan, Komando Daerah Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Darat (TNI - AD) X/Lambung Mangkurat. S-188-N + ■ s. Military affairs 117 1922 AMANAT-AMANAT pada hari ulang tahun Kodam [ = Komando Daerah Militer] XI/Tambun Bungai, 17 Djuli 1972, di Palangka Raja, Oleh Umar WIRAHADIKUSUMAH. [Sri Bima ARIOTEDJO, dan Alex PRAWIRAATMADJA.] [Bandjarmasin 1972.] 16 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Angkatan Darat, Tentara Nasional Indonesia (AD-TNI). s-206-N + 1923 ANGGARAN dasar dan anggaran rumah tangga Ikatan Kesedjahteraan Keluarga Hankam. [Djakarta 1972.] 14 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Ikatan Kesedjahteraan Keluarga Pertahanan Keamanan (Hankam), Komando Wilayah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan. S-191-N + 1924 ARIOTEDJO (Sri Bima), Amanat pada peringatan hari ulang tahun Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia yang ke 27, tg. 5 Oktober 1972. [Banjarmasin 1972]. 8 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Komando Wilayah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan. S-153-N + 1925 BUKU peringatan 7 tahun berdirinya Institut Ilmiah Angkatan Laut. [Kata pengantar oleh Harun ISKANDAR] Jakarta 1972. VI, 136 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Ilmiah Angkatan Laut. s-187-N-f- 1926 BUKU peringatan 7 tahun berdirinya Institut Ilmiah Angkatan Laut. Cet. percobaan. Jakarta 1972. 134 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Angkatan Laut, Institut Ilmiah. Publikasi, no 20 UM 72. S-283-N + 1927 DWI fungsi ABRI [= Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia.1 Ceramah asbinyawan HANKAM pada pendidikan sepa-wamil [= sekolah perwira wajib militer] ABRI, Angkatan 1972/1973 di Panasan - Solo. Jakarta[1972.] 39 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Staf Pembinaan Karyawan. S-183-N + 1928 KOSTRAD [= Komando Cadangan Strategis Angkatan Darat] Dharma Putra. [Ketua: Koeslani MIADJL] Jakarta 1972. XII, 167 pp, ills, 21 cm. Angkatan Darat, Komando Cadangan Strategis, Panitia Penyusun Sejarah. s-276-N 1929 KUMPULAN amanat panglima Komando Daerah Tentara Nasional Indonesia. Angkatan Darat XII, Tanjung Pura [SOENADI] kwartal 2, tahun 1972. Pontianak 1972.60 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Darat (TNI - AD) Daerah XII Tanjung-pura, Dinas Penerangan Daerah. s-195-N + 1930 KUMPULAN amanat wakil panglima/1 Komando Wilajah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan [Soeharto], April 1970 s/d Djuni 1972. [Bandjarmasin 1972.] 134 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Penerangan Komando Wilajah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan. S-202-N + 1931 LAPORAN kegiatan PUSWANKAMRA, semester 1 - 1971. Jakarta 1972. II, 185 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Pusat Perlawanan dan Keamanan Rakjat (PUSWANKAMRA). s-278-N-f- 1932 LAPORAN kepala Penerangan Kowilhan III/Kalimantan [Sayid SJECH] pada rapat kerja Penerangan ABRI [= Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia] tg. 21 Desember 1972 di Cipayung (Bogor). Banjarmasin 1972. 58 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Penerangan Komando Wilayah Pertahanan (Kowilhan) III/Kalimantan. S-196-N + 1933 LUKISAN berita slagorde Kodam XIV/HN [= Komando Daerah Militer XIV/ Hasanuddin] 1970. [Penjusun: Hanoch LUHUKAIJJ [Udjung Pandang 1972.] 421 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. s-192-N + 1934 PARTISIPAN rakjat dalam usaha pembelaan negara. 10 Tah un wan kam ra [ = perlawanan keamanan rakjat] hansip [= pertahanan Sipil] 19 April 1962 - 19 April 1972. [Ketua team penerbit = Chaidir BASRIE.] Djakarta [1972.1 L, 640 pp, ills, 23 cm. Pusat Perlawanan dan Keamanan Rakjat (Puswankamra). s-122-N 1935 PEDOMAN pembinaan karyawan ABRI [= Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia.] [Kata pengantar oleh SOEBIJONO.] Jakarta 1972. 29 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Staf Pembinaan Karyawan. S-217-N + 1936 PENGERTIAN dasar bagi pedoman implementasi pantjasila untuk A.B.R.I. (Surat keputusan Men Hankam/Pangab [= Menteri Pertahanan Keamanan/Panglima Angkatan Bersendjata] no: Kep/B/639/XI/1970) tg. 16-11-1970. Jakarta 1972. 65 pp, 20 cm. Departemen Pert ahanan-Keamanan. s-133-N 118 I. Indonesia 1937 REHABILITASIcacad veteran/ABRI [= Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia] dan penderita cacad umum. Laporan hasil keputusan seminar, tg. 22 s/d 25 November 1972 di Gedung Pola - Jakarta. [Dengan kata-pengantar oleh: Bambang UTOYO.1 Jakarta 1972. 76 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Korps Cacad Veteran Republik Indonesia, Badan Pimpinan Harian Pusat. S-139-N + 1938 SIKAP dan perilaku hidup serta amal- perbuatan insan peradjurit sapta marga. Surat keputusan Men Hankam/Pangab [= Menteri Pertahanan Keamanan/Panglima Angkatan Bersendjata] no: KEP/B/142/II/1972 tg. 24-2-1972. [Jakarta] 1972. 22 pp, 20 cm. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan. s-126-N 1939 SOEHARTO, Beberapa pokok pikiran mengenai pewarisan nilai-nilai 45 kepada generasi muda Indonesia. [Berisi djuga singkatan prasaran A.H. NASUTION, SOEMITRO, SOEBROTO, dll.] [Bandjarmasin 1972.] 14 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Penerangan Komando Wilajah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan. S-204-N + 1940 SURAT keputusan Men Hankam/Pangab [= Menteri Pertahanan Keamanan/Panglima Angkatan Bersenjata] ÜM. PANGGABEAN] nomor: Kep./A/10/III/1972, tg. 6 Maret 1972, tentang pengesahan anggaran dasar dan rumah tangga "Dharma Pertiwi". [Djakarta 1972.1 26 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Dewan Kekaryaan Wilajah III/Kalimantan. S-193-N + 1941 BUKU petunjukacaraupacara pembubaran Kowilhan III/Kalimantan. [Banjarmasin 1973.] 19 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahaan Keamanan, Komando Wilayah Pertahanan (Kowilhan) III/Kalimantan. s-177-N 1942 FINER (S.E.), The man on horseback, the role of military in politics. Ichtisar oleh SOEBIJONO. [Djakarta a.j.1 11 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan-Keamanan, Staf Pembinaan Karyawan. s-182-N + 1943 KEBI JAKSAN AAN umum dalam rangka usaha memelihara dan meningkatkan ketahanan nasional di daerah Aceh. [Z.pl, Perc. Negara, 1973.] 43 pp, ill, 21 cm. s-223-N £ , 1944 KENANG-KENANGAN: Komando Wilayah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan. IPrakata oleh Sayid SJECH.1 Banjarmasin 1973. 44 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Penerangan Komando Wilayah Pertahanan (Kowilhan) III/Kalimantan, Pengurusan Kesatuan Tugas (Satgas) Mass Media. s-189-N + 1945 KUMPULAN amanat panglima Komando Wilayah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan [Sn Bima Ariotedjol, tahun 1972. [Bandjarmasin 1973.] dl 1, 2. 33 cm Gestencilde tekst. Penerangan Komando Wilayah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan. S-198-N + 1946 KUMPULAN amanat wakil panglima-1 Komando Wilayah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan LSoehartol, Agustus 1972 s/d April 1973. [Bandjarmasin 1973.] 43 pp, 33 cmJfeestencilde tekst. Penerangan Komando Wilayah Pertahanan III/Kalimantan. S-199-N + 1947 LAPORAN kegiatan kerja Puswankamra [= Pusat Perlawanan dan Keamanan Rakyat] tahun 1972/1973. [Kepala: Gatot SOEWAGIOJ Jakarta 1973. 177 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Pusat Perlawanan dan Keamanan Rakyat. S-253-N + 1948 PANGGABEAN (M.) Amanat menteri Pertahanan Keamanan/panglima Angkatan Bersenjata pada upacara pembubaran Kowilhan III/Kalimantan serta pelimpahan tugas wewenang dan tanggung jawab Kowilhan III/Kalimantan kepada Kowilhan I (baru) dan Kowilhan III (baru) di Banjarmasin, pada tg. 8 Mei 1973. Banjarmasin 1973. 6 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. S-290-N + 1949 PETUNJUK lapangan operasi bhakti ABRI [= Angkatan Beiwjata Republik Indonesia] dalam pembangunan masyarakat desa. [Ketua panitia penyusun: PANOEDJOE.1 [Jakarta] 1973. Bd. 1, 2. 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertahanan Keamanan, Staf Pembinaan Operasi Bhakti Pertahanan Keamanan (HANKAM). S-236-N + t. Economics - Trade - Banking - Cooperations - Shipping Industry 1950 BUKU penjongsong konperensi ekonomi antar Indonesia di Jogjakarta, 2 - 8 December 1949. [Kata pengantar oleh BOERHAN.] Semarang 1949. 41 pp, ills, 28 cm. Harian Tanah Air. t-565-N + I t. Economics — Trade — Banking — Cooperations — Shipping — Industry 123 2019 DJAKARTA busmessguide book. [Foreword by: Zachri ACHMAD.1 Djakarta 1969. 62 pp, 21 cm. Importers and Wholesalers Association of Indonesia, and "Service" Advertising Agency, Djakarta. t-378-N 2020 DUA-PULUH tahun GKBI 1948- 18 September -1968. Djakarta 1969. 60 pp, ills, 22 cm. Koperasi Pusat, Gabungan Koperasi Batik Indonesia (GKBI). t-731-N-II 2021 INVESTMENT in Indonesia today. Bonn 1969. 64 pp. 30 cm. Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia. t-352-N +1 2022 KUMPULAN surat-surat keputusan Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan Tandjung Priok, th. 1969. [Oleh D. HARTONO.] Tandjung Priok 1969. 85 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan Tandjung Priok, Urusan Arsek. t-425-N + II 2023 LAPORAN hasil survey untuk daerah: daerah chusus Djakarta-Raja, propinsi Djawa Barat, propinsi Sulawesi-Selatan, propinsi Nusa-Tenggara Barat dan Bali. Disusun oleh Pamudji SOEPTANDAR, S. SOETOPO, G E. ROEDJITO, dll. Djakarta 196925 pp, ills, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pantja Usaha dalam Pembinaan Perindustrian Keradjinan Rakjat (Pantja Indra), Team Survey Pengolahan Limbah Indra ke-3. t-776-N + II 2024 LAPORAN inventarisasi materüi/keuangan, personil dan dokumentasi data-data, projek pabrik kertas Banjumas (Notog), 24 Maret 1969. [Notog 1969.135 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Djendral Perindustrian Kimia. t-416-N + II 2025 LAPORAN survey limbah di Sulawesi Selatan dan Sulawesi Tengah. Surveyors: J. Pamudji SUPTANDAR, dan MR. ADISENDJAJA. Disusun oleh ADISBNDJAJA. Djakarta 1969. IV, 73 pp, ills, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pantja Usaha dalam Pembinaan Perindustrian Keradjinan Rakjat (Pantja Indra), Team Survey Pengolahan Limbah Indra ke-3. t-775-N + II 2026 MINNERALS and mining in Indonesia. Compiled by Soetarjo SIGIT, M.M. PURBO-HADIWIDJOJO, Bambang SULASMORO, e.a. Djakarta 1969. 124 pp, ills, 25 cm. Ministery of Mines. t-737-NII 2027 NUMISMATIKA. Isi: Sepintas tentang koleksi numismatik, dan numismatika Indonesia oleh GHOZALI. Numismatika oleh Zakaria SOEMINTAATMADJA. Djakarta 1969- 20 pp, ills, 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Museum Pusat. t-733-N-I 2028 PERATURAN pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 2 tahun 1969 tentang penjelenggaraan dan pengusahaan angkutan laut, Salinan. [Djakarta c. 1969.1 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-381-B + 2029 RANUWIHARDJO (Sukadji), Beberapa aspek tentang ketegaran fungsi produksi dan pengaruhnja terhadap pertumbuhan industri di Indonesia. Case-study perkembangan industri di Indonesia 1958-1967. Some aspects of rigidities in production function and their impact on industrial development in Indonesia. With summary in English. Jogjakarta, ÜII, 1969. XIII, 215 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-735-N + II 2030 SAIDI (Anwar Sutan), Bank desa di Sumatera Barat. Singkarak 1969, 18 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-738-N +1 2031 SURYANTI (N ), Oil and people in Sumatra's jungle. Z. pl. 1969. 39 pp, ills, 24 cm. PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI). t-736-NII 2032 THAHIR (A.R.), Peningkatan effisiensi kerdja PT [= perseroan terbatas] Bank Amerta terutama di daerah-daerah dalam rangka mensukseskan repelita [ = rentjana pembangunan lima tahun.] Prasaran pada seminar para kuasa PT Bank Amerta-Lembaga Administrasi Negara di Surabaja, tg. 16.3.'69. Djakarta 1969. 28 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Administrasi Negara. PT Bank Amerta. *M4-N +1 2033 WARNA sari pembangunan daerah. Buku ke-3. [Tulisan-tulisan dari SARECO, CHAMIZIR, Gondo SOEPARTO, dll.] Djakarta 1969. II, 543 pp, ills, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri. Lembaga Administrasi Negara. Badan Perentjanaan Pembangunan Nasional. t-744-N + I 2034 ARTIKEL-ARTIKEL public relations. [Oleh Imam BUCHARI, S.K. BONAR, Drs. SOEMARSONO.dll. Jakarta c. 1970. 58 pp, 30 cm. Lembaga Administrasi Negara. t-653-N + I 2035 HIMPUNAN peraturan pemerintah, kepelabuhan dan angkutan laut. Pelaksanaan P.P. no 1 dan no 2, th. 1969. [Jakarta 1970.1 X, 210 pp, 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-412-N + I 124 I. Indonesia 2036 JOEWONO (Bambang), Diktat ilmu pembiajaan. Malang 1970. 51 pp, ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang, Lembaga Penerbitan. t-629-NI 2037 KERANGKA penjusunan penjesuaian rentjana tiga tahun terachir repelita 1 [ = rentjana pembangunan lima tahun] 1971/72 - 1973/74. Djakarta 1970. 96 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut. t-759-N + II 2038 KUMPULAN surat-surat keputusan badan pengusahaan pelabuhan Tandjung Priok th. 1970. [Administrator: HARTONO D.] [Jakarta 1970.] 231 pp, ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan Tandjung Priok, Urusan Arsek. t-419-N + II 2039 LAPORAN tahunan, tahun 1969, 1970, Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan Administrator Pelabuhan Bandjarmasin. Bandjarmasin 1970, 1971. 2 bdn. 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut, Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan Administrator Pelabuhan Bandjarmasin. t-751-N + 2040 LAPORAN tahun 1970 Dinas Perindustrian, propinsi Bengkulu. [Kepala dinas: Amran HAMID.] [Bengkulu 1971.1 20 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Bengkulu. t-430-N + II 2041 LAPORAN Direktorat Djendral Perindustrian Tekstil semester 1, th. 1970/1971. [Direktur Djendral: H. SAFIOEN J [Djakarta 1970.] 41 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Djendral Perindustrian Tekstil. t-700-N + II 2042 MATSUO Hiroshi. The development of Javanese cotton industry. Tokyo, Institute of developing economies, 1970. VIII, 100 pp, 25 cm. I.D.E. Occasional papers series 7. t-359-N-II 2043 MINISTERIAL conference, 5th, for economie development of Southeast Asia, 22 25 May 1970, Djakarta. Record of proceedings. [Preface by Selo SOEMARDJAN.] [Djakarta 1970.] X, 168 pp, 25 cm. t-428-N-I 2044 MODERNIZATION and rehabilitation of the port of Tandjung Priok. Djakarta 1970. 40 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde Engelse tekst. Departemen of Communications, Directorate General of Sea Communications. Netherlands Engineering Consultan ts (Nedeco). t-761-N + II 2045 NOMOR statistik barang2 import dan eksport. [Z.pl. z.j.] 45 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-492-N + I 2046 ORDONANSI pengangkutan minjak tanah. [Djakarta z.j.] 10 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut, Direktorat Perkapalan dan Pelajaran. t-452-N + II 2047 PEDOMAN pemasaran pupuk PUSRI [= pupuk Sriwidjaja] 1970/1971. [Kata pengantar oleh Madani HASAN.] Djakarta [1970.] 126 pp, ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. P.T. Pupuk Sriwidjaja, Departemen Pemasaran. t-376-N + II 2048 PERATURAN pengangkutan minjak tanah. [Djakarta z.j.] 24 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut, Direktorat Perkapalan dan Pelajaran. t-453-N + II 2049 PERATURAN umum untuk bandar-bandar dan air-air pelajaran di Indonesia. (Peraturan bandar-1925). [Djakarta z.j.] 13 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut, Direktorat Perkapalan dan Pelajaran. t-451-N + II 2050 PETUNJUK-PETUNJUK elementer didalam mengurus perkumpulan koperasi. [Denpasar z.j.] 86 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Jendral Koperasi, Direktorat Koperasi propinsi Bali di Denpasar. t-597-N +1 2051 POOLING dredging in ECAFE [= Economie Commission for Asia and the Far East]. Report on a limited feasibility study. The Hague 1970. 39 pp, ills, 30 cm. Netherlands Engineering Consultants (NEDECO). t-606-N + II 2052 PORTLAND cement international Standard. Ed.: K. MATTJIK. Indarung [1970.1 9 pp, ills, 29 cm. P.N. Semen Padang, Pabrik Indarung, Hubungan Masjarakat (Humas). t-559-N + II 2053 PROGRAMMING pelita [= pembangunan lima tahun] ke-2. (74/75-78/79) sektor perhubungan laut daerah pelajaran-7 (Sulawesi Utara-Tengah). Z.pl. ca 1970.174 pp, 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut daerah pelajaran-7. t-752-N + II 128 I. Indonesia 2105 UNDANG undang dan peraturan pelaksanaan penanaman modal dalam negeri 1968 - 1971. Djakarta, Postiga, [1971.] 170 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-387-N + I 2106 WINDOW on Indonesia. A look at economie conditions and opportunities. [Singapore c. 1971.1 2 dln. Ill, 29 cm. Inliggend: Timber in Indonesia. 23 pp. 111. In map. Bank Ekspor Impor Indonesia, Djakarta. t-349-N + I 2107 WORKSHOP on industrial and technological research, Djakarta, January 1971. Report on the Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, and National Academy of Sciences, USA. Djakarta 1971. Vol. 1 - 3. 28 cm. Vol. 1: Overall findings and recommendations. Vol. 2: Results of the plenary sessions and working groups. Vol. 3: Workshop program design, pre-workshop program, list of participants, etc. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. National Academy of Sciences, USA. t-552-N + II 2108 ADIKOESOEMAH (R. Soemita), Pengantar rekeningstelsel dan administrasi perusahan modern. Bandung, Tarsito, 1972. V, 455 pp, 26 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-448-N +1 2109 AGREEMENT between the Departmént of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia and W.S. ATKINS and partners consulting engineers for engineering and consulting service for the rehabilitation, expansion and removal of Djantra spinning mill. [Semarang 1972.1 26 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-514-N + II 2110 AKTIVA lancar Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan Palembang, tahun 1972. Buku ke-1. Palembang 1972. 89 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perbuhubungan, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan. Laut daerah pelayaran 3, Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan Palembang. t-753-N + II 2111 ALTERNATE study dan priority selection pelabuhan-pelabuhan daerah istimewa Atjeh. (Peta-peta dan foto-foto terlampir dalam buku tersendiri). Djakarta Dwi Delta Corp. [z.j.] 191 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Projek Survey dan Perentjanaan Umum. t-660-N+ II 2112 ANNUAL report 1971 of the Bank Pembangunan Indonesia. [President: KUNTOADJI1 Jakarta 1972. 40 pp, ills, 28 cm. Bank Pembangunan Indonesia. t-594-N + I 2113 ANNUAL report 1971 Bank Dagang Negara. [President director: Omar ABD ALLA.] Jakarta, Foremost, 1972. 53 pp, ills, 20 cm. obl. Bank Dagang Negara. t-640-N-I 2114 ASNAWI (Sjofjan), Beberapa faktor penjebab penunggakan kredit Bimas [= bimbingan masal] musim tanam 1970/1971 didaerah propinsi Sumatera Barat. Padang 1972. X, 45 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Pertanian. Dinas Pertanian Rakjat Sumatera Barat. Akademi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri Bukittinggi. t-628-N +1 2115 BULLETIN Raker [ = rapat kerja] BUC - BUCD 1972. [Ketua steering commitee: Martuani SIREGAR.1 [Jakarta 1972.118 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Urusan Cess - Badan Urusan Cess Daerah (BUC - BUCD). t-414-N +1 2116 CHAMBE (Robert), Rubber smallholdings. Situation rehabilitation. Internal report to the director of the Research Institute for Estate Crops. Z.pl. 1972. 72 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Research Institute for Estate Crops. t-719-N + II 2117 CHAMBE (Robert), Situation of SIR [= Specified rubbers] factories in the middle of 1972. Internal report to the director of the Research Institute of Estate Crops. Z.pl. 1972. 48 pp, ills, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Research Institute for Estate Crops. t-720-N + II 2118 CHAMBE (Robert), Smallholders' raw materials. Situation improvements. Internal report to the director of the Research Institute for Estate Crops. Z.pl. 1972. 86 pp, ills, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Research Institute for Estate Crops. t-718-N + II 2119 CREUTZBERG(P.), Hetekonomisch beleid van Nederlandsch-Indië. Capita selecta. Een bronnenpublikatie. Economie policy in the Netherlands-Indies. Selected subjects (with a pref, introd. and survey of the documents in English). Groningen, Wolters- Noordhoff, 1972- . dln. Uitg. van de Commissie voor bronnenpublikatie betreffende de geschiedenis van Nederlandsch-Indië 1900-1942 van het Nederlands Historisch Genootschap. No. 5- . t-351-N-I 2120 DAFTAR eksportir dan importir Sumatera Utara th. 1971/1972. Medan [c. 1972.1 32 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perdagangan propinsi Sumatera Utara, Perwakilan. t-446-N-I t. Economics — Trade - Banking — Cooperations — Shipping - Industry 129 2121 DAFTAR nama dan alamat (directory) perusahaan-perusahaan industri besar dan sedang, th. 1971. Hasil registrasi perusahaan-perusahaan industri besar dan sedang, di Indonesia (Jawa dan Madura). [Kata pengantar oleh M. ABDULMADJIBJ Jakarta [1972.1819 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik (Jakarta.) Ind./lA. t-513-N-II 2122 DAFTAR nama dan alamat (directory) perusahaan-perusahaan industri besar dan sedang tahun 1971. Hasil registrasi perusahaan-perusahaan industri besar dan sedang di Indonesia (luar Jawa). [Kata pengantar oleh: M. ABDULMADJID.] [Djakarta 1972.] 291 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik Jakarta. Ind./IB. t-512-N-II 2123 DAFTAR perusahaan industri tekstil di Indonesia 1972. Djakarta 1972. Buku 1- 4. 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Industry, Direktorate General of Textile Industry. Buku 1: Industry pemintalan dan peradjutan. Buku 2: Industri pertenunan ATM [= alat tenun mesin.1 Buku 3: Industri printing, finishing dan dyeing. Buku 4: Industri konpeldE*t-709-N + II 2124 DATA kredit perbankan no 1 dan 2. [Jakartac. 1972.] 2 vols, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bank Indonesia. t-445-N + I 2125 DJOJOHADIKUSUMO (Sumitro), Kebidjaksanaan dibidang ekonomi perdagangan. Djakarta, Jajasan Penjuluh Penerangan Perdagangan, 1972. VIII, 231 pp, 22 cm. t-439-N-I 2126 HARTONO (C.F.G. Sunarjati), Beberapa masalah transnasional dalam penanaman modal asing di Indonesia. Bandung, Binatjipta, 1972. XII, 420 pp, 22 cm. Ook versch. als proefschrift Bandung, Univ. Pajajaran. t-436-N-I 2127 HASIL rapat kerdja daerah pelajaran-1, pada tg. 10 s/d 12 Pebr. 1972 di Belawan. Belawan 1972. 29 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bijl.: Kertas Karya staff. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut daerah pelayaran-1, Belawan. t-748-N + II 2128 HASIL rapat kerdja para administrator pelabuhan (ADPED dan kepala pelabuhan (KEPPEL) se-daerah Pelajaran III, tg. 2 s/d 5 Agustus 1972 di Tjipajung. [Kata pengantar oleh P. SOEPARDJO.] [Tg. Priok 1972.] Buku 1 - 3. 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Buku 1: Pokok2 hasil rapat kerdja. Buku 2: Rechecking anggaran th. 1972/73 RAPB th. 1973/74. Buku 3: Laporan para ADPEL dan KEPPEL se daerah pelajaran III. t-601-N + II 2129 HATTA (Mohammad), Pikiran-pikiran dalam bidang ekonomi untuk mencapai kemakmuran yang merata. (Ceramah yang disampaikan dalam seminar KADIN pada tg. 20 s/d 22 September 1972 di Jakarta). Jakarta, Yayasan Idayu, 1972. 22 pp, ills, 20 cm. Indonesisch en Engelse tekst. t-434-N-I 2130 HIMPUNAN peraturan2 dibidang perdagangan semester 1, th 1972 (Januari s/d Juni 1972). [Kata pendahuluan: C. GULTOM.] Jakarta 1972. IX, 197 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perdagangan, Biro Hukum. Yayasan Penyuluhan dan Penerangan Perdagangan. t-444-N +1 2131 HIMPUNAN peraturan pemerintah tahun 1972. [Jakarta 1972.1 187 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-449-N +1 2132 HIMPUNAN salinan surat2 keputusan menteri keuangan.] [Djakarta c. 1972.1 210 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-462-N + 2133 HIMPUNAN sambutan/ amanat/ prasaran umum/ prasaran/ pembahasan2 bahan informasi dan data pada seminar pembangunan daerah Kalimantan Selatan di Banjarmasin tg. 12 s/d 15 Desember 1972, [yang diketuai oleh: Khalid MAKSUMJ [Banjarmasin c. 1972.1 IV, 293 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Penyelenggara Seminar Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Selatan. t-421-N + I 2134 IMPOR menurut djenis barang dannegeri asal (by commodity and country of origin) 1970. [Kata pengantar oleh: M. ABDULMADJIDJ Djakarta [1972 ] VI, 272 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik. t-418-N + I 2135 INVESTMENT guide to East Java. [Foreword by Mohammad NOERJ [Jakarta 1972.] 36 pp, ais, 27 cm. Bevat bijl. First National City Bank. East Java Development Planning Board, East Java Investment Office. t-506-N + I 2136 INVEST in Indonesia. Guide to laws and procedures for foreign investors. 2nd ed. [Preface by A R. SOEHOEDJ [Z.pH 1972. 24 pp, 30 cm. Foto copie. Oorspr. titel en uitg. Investment in Indonesia today, 1967. Government of the Republic of Indonesia. t-544-N +1 130 I. Indonesia 2137 JAWA TIMUR dalam tahun 1971 - 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh Soebandono Benjamin RIEDI.1 Surabaya, Univ. Airlangga Press, 1972. 86 pp., ills, 21 cm. t-763-N-I 2138 KADIN Djawa Barat dalam pembangunan ekonomi di daerah Djawa-Barat, 1971. [Ketua umum: MACHDI.1 [Bandung 1972.166 pp, ills, 27 cm. Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN) Djawa Barat. t-779-N + II 2139 KEMUNGKINAN pendirian pabrik di propinsi Sumatera Selatan. Laporan-survey. [Ketua: Djarab KOLONEL ! Palembang 1972. III, 18 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pemerintah Daerah propinsi Sumatera Selatan, Team Survey Kemungkinan Pendirian Pabrik Sepeda di propinsi Sumatera Selatan. t-664-N + II 2140 LAPORAN delegasi Republik Indonesia ke: International conference on revision of the International regulations for preventing collisions at Sea [jang diadakan di! London, 4-20 Oktober 1972. [Ketua delegasi: Hamimjar S. ATMADJA.! [Jakarta 1972.! 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, Direktorat Perkapalan dan Pelayaran. t-386-N + II 2141 LAPORAN semester 1,1971/1972 dan prognose semester 2 1971/1972. Direktorat Djendral Perindustrian Tekstil. [Jakarta 1972.] 64 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Djendral Peripiustrian Tekstil. t-701 -N + II 2142 LAPORAN statistik ©pntoh-contoh wajib udji barang^triwulan 1 - 4, tahun 1972, Departemen Perindustrian, L.P.P.I, Balai Penelitian Industn*Pjakarta[z.j.]4dln. 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Industri (L.P.P.I.), Balai Penelitian Industri. t-458-N + II 2143 LAPORAN statistik - Statistical report Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Okt. 1972. Jakarta [z.j.] VII, 136 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Besar Bank Rakyat Indonesia Bagian Pengolahan Data. t-456-N +1 2144 LAPORAN survey feasibility study pelabuhan Pantaloan, untuk Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut Departemen Perhubungan. [Prakata oleh B.Q. VEGA.] Djakarta[1972.] 126 pp, ills, 29 cm. Met bijl. Gestencilde tekst. P.T. Asa Engineering Pertama. t-592-N +II 2145 LAPORAN survey food processing. Team survey: Kardiat KARTAMIHARDJA, Mansur MULJAKUSUMAH, E.S. SUPANDI [dll.1 [Bandung 1972.] IV, 57 pp, 29 cm. Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN) Djawa Barat. t-383-N + 11 2146 LAPORAN survey industri aneka kimia di Sumatera Utara. [Team survey: Giatika HAMDANI, SUJONO, dan Thamrin NURDIN.1 Jakarta 1972. IV, 34 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jenderal Perindustrian iSamia. t-728-N + II 2147 LAPORAN survey marketing dan pola konsumsi tekstil di daerah propinsi Jawa Tengah, Oktober 1972. [Team survey: SUSANTO, T.R. SOENYOTO, Abdullah JUSUF, dll.1 Jakarta 1972. III, 22 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. t-505-N + II 2148 LAPORAN survey nasional industri pulp dan kertas di daerah propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, th. 1971/1972. [Kepala: S R. TAMBUNAN, dan SOEKIRTO.1 [Djakarta 1972.1 56 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Djenderal Perindustrian Kimia, Direktorat Perentjanaan dan Pengembangan. t-602-Nrfr.il.'. 2149 LAPORAN survey nasional industri pupuk-petro kimia di daerah Sumatera Selatan, Djambi, dan Sumatera Utara, tahun 1971-1972. [Kepala: KUSMONO, dan W. SIMANUNGKALIT.1 [Djakarta 1972.] 71 pp, 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Djenderal Perindustrian Kimia, Direktorat Perentjanaan dan Pengembangan. t-609-N + II 2150 LAPORAN survey pembangunan P.M.A/P.M.D.N. [= penanaman modal asing penanaman modal dalam negeri] di Jawa Tengah. [Team survey: P. HADIWARDOJO, PRONO, DJAELANI, dll.1 Jakarta 1972. 20 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jenderal Perindustrian Tekstil. t-727-N + I 2151 LAPORAN survey pembangunan P.M.A./P.M.D.N. [= penanaman modal asing/penanaman modal dalan negeri! di Jawa Tengah. [Ketua: P. HADIWARDOJO.] [Jakarta 1972.1 20 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jenderal Perindustrian Tekstil t-607-N +1 t. Economics - Trade - Banking - Cooperations - Shipping - Industry 131 2152 LAPORAN survey pembangunan (P.M.A./P.M.D.N.) [= penanaman modal asing / penanaman modal dalam negeri] di Jakarta Raya, Djuli 1972. [Ketua: A. Gani AD AM. ] Jakarta 1972. 71 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. t-499-N + II 2153 LAPORAN survey pola konsumsi industri tekstil di Kalimantan Barat, Nopember 1972. [Ketua: W. HUTAJULUJ Jakarta 1972. 26 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. t-503-N + II 2154 LAPORAN survey pola produksi tekstil di Jawa Timur, September 1972. [Ketua: Iman SUTJIPTO.] Jakarta 1972. 21 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. t-502-N + II 2155 LAPORAN survey rehabilitasi penelitian dan pengembangan industri tekstil (pola konsumsi/marketing)di Riau. [Ketua: Iman Sutjipto UMAR.] Jakarta 1972. 35 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. t-504-N + II 2156 LAPORAN survey rehabilitasi teknis ekonomis industri tekstil (kemungkinan un itering/aglomerisasi) di Sumatera Selatan. [Ketua: Hasanusi IBRAHIM.] Jakarta 1972. III, 18 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. t-627-N + II 2157 LAPORAN survey rehabilitasi teknis ekonomi industri tekstil (kemungkinan uni tering/aglomerasi) di Djawa Barat, Desember 1972. [Ketua: A.H. SIAGIAN.] Jakarta 1972. II, 27 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. t-496-N + II 2158 LAPORAN survey teknis ekonomis industri tekstil di daerah tingkat I Bali, Agustus 1972. [Ketua: GOENADI.1 Jakarta 1972. 54 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. t-497-N + II 2159 LAPORAN survey P.M.A./P.M.D.N. [= penanaman modal asing / penanaman modal dalam negeri] di Sumatera Utara. [Ketua: Abdul LATIEF.][Z.pl. 1972.] 8 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. t-501 - N + II 2160 LAPORAN survey P.M.A./P.M.D.N. [= penanaman modal asing/penanaman modal dalam negeri] di Jawa Timur, Agustus 1972. [Ketua: J. SUSMONO ] Jakarta 1972. 10 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jendral Perindustrian Tekstil. t-500-N + II 2161 LAPORAN tahunan administrator pelabuhan Palembang [MUHIDIN1, th. 1971. Palembang 1972. 113 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut, Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan. t-760-N + II 2162 LAPORAN tahunan port administration Cirebon 1972. [Administrator pelabuhan: R. SOEYAJI.] Cirebon 1972, 1973. dl. 1,2, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. dl. 1: Administrasi dan pembangunan pelabuhan Cirebon 1972. dl. 2: Operationil terminal pelabuhan Cirebon 1972. Direktorat Jendral Perhubungan Laut, Daerah Pelayaran 3, Port Administration Cirebon. t-636-N + 11 2163 LAPORAN tahunan Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan Makassar, tahun 1971. Oleh administrator pelabuhan Makassar. Makassar 1972. 69 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan (Port Administration) Makassar. t-745-N + II 2164 LAPORAN tahunan 1971-1972. Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Lampung. [Kepala: H.N. LUKMANSJAH.] [Teluk-Betung 1972.] 64 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Lampung. t-617-N + II 2165 LAPORAN tahunan 1971/1972 Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Sumatera Utara. [Kepala: S. LUMBAN TOBING.] [Medan 1972.] 146 pp, 33 cm. Departemen Perindustrian, Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Sumatera Utara. t-608-N + II 2166 LAPORAN tahunan, tahun 1971 Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Maluku. [Kepala: F.F. RISAKOTTA.] [Ambon 1972.] IV, 76 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Maluku. t-612-N + II 2167 LAPORAN tahun 1971 Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Bali. [Pendahuluan oleh I. Njoman MERATI ] Denpasar [1972.] 64 pp, 33 cm. Departemen Perindustrian, Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Bali. t-509-N + II 132 I. Indonesia 2168 LAPORAN tahun 1971 Direktorat Pemasaran. Lampiran 6: Kumpulan gambar tanda pengenal perusahaan kaju. Djakarta 1972. 113 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Djenderal Kehutanan, Direktorat Pemasaran. t-467-N +1 2169 LAPORAN Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Riau, Tahun 1971/1972. [Pendahuluan oleh Dj. SINAGA ! Pekanbaru 1972. 61 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Riau. t-510-N + II 2170 LAPORAN Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, tahun 1971/ 1972. Kata pengantar oleh M. Kasim ZAKARIAH. Kendari 1972. 36 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara (prop. Sultra). t-805-N + II 2171 LAPORAN Team Pengawasan Projek-projek Penanaman Modal Dalam Negen. Djakarta 1972. 43 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bank Pembangunan Indonesia. Team Pengawasan Projek-projek Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri. Sub Panitia Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri. t-726-N + I 2172 LAPORAN - tahunan tahun 1971 Port Administration Semarang. [Administrator pelabuhan: M. SOEGIJONO.] Semarang 1972. 172 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut, Port Administration Semarang. t-661-N + II 2173 LEVIN (Richard l.\ dan Charles A. KIRKPATRICK, Perentjanaan dan pegawasan dengan PERT dan CPM. Teknik menilai dan mempertimbangan program dan metode djalur kritis. Diterdjemakan oleh Magdalena Adiwardana JAMIN. Djakarta, Bhratara, 1972. VII, 191 pp, ills, 21 cm. Oorspr. titel: Planning and control with program evaluation and review techniques/critical path method (PERT/CPM), 1966. Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Management. Seri management, no 5. t-634-NI 2174 LIMAPULUH tahun Kanisius, 1922 - 1972. Percetakan Penerbitan Kanisius sebagai karya gereja. [YogyakartaJ Kanisius, 1972. 42 pp, ills, 20 cm. obl. t-695-NII 2175 LIST of importen, in Indonesia. Recommended by GINSI [ = Gabungan Importir Nasional Seluruh Indonesia.] Jakarta [1972.1 71 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Importers Association of Indonesia. t-780-N + I 2176 LIST of technical assistance proposals 1972-1973. List of project aid proposals 1972-1973. [Djakarta 1972.] 66 pp, 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut. t-659-N+II 2177 MANUFACTURE and utilization of Indonesia. Monograph. [Jakarta c. 1972.l82pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Public Works and Power, Board of Directors, State Contractors and Consulting Engineers. t-488-N + II 2178 MARBUN (B.N.), Pasar bersama Eropa (PBE) dan Indonesia, Realita dan perkembangan ekspor Indonesia ke PBE. Jakarta, Erlangga, 1972.118 pp, ills, 22 cm. t-801-N-I 2179 MUALI (Soetrisno), Laporan tahunan Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan Samarinda, tahun pelita 1971/1972. Samarinda 1972. 207 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan (Port Administration) Samarinda. t-746-N + II 2180 PABRIK crumb rubber Danau Salak. Letak: Emplasëmen Kebun Danau Salak, kecamatan Astambul, kabupaten Martapura... [Project officer: R. SOEKATMO.] Semarang[1972.l5 pp, 22 cm. Perusahaan Negara(P.N.) Perkebunan 18. t-427-N-II 2181 PARTISIPASI P.T. Pusri dalam penyaluran pupuk Bimas dan Inmas[= bimbingan massal dan intensifikaSi massal] nasional. [Kata pengantar oleh Dalil HASAN.1 Palembang etc. 1972.188 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. P.T. Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Pusri) Industri Petrokimia, Bahagian Pemasaran. t-546-N + II 2182 PASAR uang dan pasar modal. Laporan projek penelitian Institut Ilmu Keuangan 1971/1972. Pelaksana projek: Bambang SENTANU. Jakarta 1972. 195 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan, Lembaga Penelitian Keuangan. t-769-N +II 2183 PENGAWASAN proyek pengerukan pelabuhan-pelabuhan dan alur-alur pelayaran daerah pelayaran-3 (Tanjung Priok). Penyusun: Basuki MANGUNWASITO, dan Sadhu S. ADSASMITA. Tandjung Priok 1972. 43 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut daerah pelayaran-3. t-747-N + II t. Economics - Trade - Banking - Cooperations - Shipping - Industry 133 2184 PERATURAN pendaftaran dan balik nama kapal. - REGELING teboeksfcëlling van schepen. Disusun oleh M.I. SURACHMAN. Repr. Djakarta, Bukit Mas, [1972.1 55 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Oorspr. uitg. 1968. t-450-N + II 2185 PERIMBANGAN keuangan antara pusat dan daerah. Laporan projek penelitian Institut Ilmu Keuangan, tahun 1971/1972. Pelaksana projek: ARBAIN M. Jakarta 1972. IV, 242 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan, Lembaga Penelitian Keuangan. t-766-N +1 2186 PERINDUSTRIAN ringan dan keradjinan rakjat D.F. 72 [Pengantar kata oleh SUDARJADI.] [Djakartal 1972. 30 pp, 20 cm. Djakarta Fair (D.F.) '72. t-563-N-II 2187 PERPADJAKAN. Laporan proyek penelitian Institut Ilmu Keuangan, tahun 1971/ 1972. Pelaksana proyek: Sujodno BROTODIHARDJO. Jakarta 1972. XI, 68 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan Jakarta, Lembaga Penelitian Keuangan. t-771-N + I 2188 PRAWIRO (Radius), Uraian tentang kebijaksanaan moneter dan rencana pembiayaan yang meliputi bidang perbankan pada Lemdikskobag [ = Lembaga Pendidikan Staf dan Komando Gabungan.] [Jakarta] 1972. 19 pp, 32 cm. t-410-N + I 2189 PRAWIRO (Radius), Uraian tentang lembaga2 keuangan sebagai development institution pada program perencanaan nasional. Jakarta 1972. 44 pp, 33 cm. t-411-N + I 2190 PROGNOSA penanaman modal dalam negeri untuk periode 1973 - 1977. [Ketua: S. PAMUNGKAS.1 Jakarta 1972. 47 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-598-N + I 2191 PROSEDURE dan administrasi bantuan luar negeri. Laporan projek penelitian Institut Ilmu Keuangan, tahun 1971/1972. Pelaksana proyek: Gunawan WIBISONO. Jakarta 1972. 123 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan, Lembaga Penelitian Keuangan. t-770-N +1 2192 PROSPEK keuangan Indonesia. Laporan projek penelitian Institut Ilmu Keuangan, tahun 1971 /1972. Pelaksana projek penelitian: ARYMURTHY. Jakarta 1972.86 pp, 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan, Lembaga Penelitian Keuangan. t-768-N +1 2193 PROYEKSI perkembangan ekspor 1971 - 1974 - 1979. Jakarta 1972. 52 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perdagangan. t-706-N +1 2194 PROYEKSI perkembangan ekspor 1971-1974-1979. Menteri perdagangan: [Soemitro DJOJOHADIKUSUMOJ [Jakarta] 1972. 34 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perdagangan. t-515-N + I 2195 REALISASI pembangunan dan aktivitas pelabuhan Tjirebon. Laporan administrator pelabuhan Tjirebon [R. Soeyajil pada upatjara peresmian hasil projek pembangunan pelabuhan Tjirebon 1971/1972. Tjirebon 1972. 15 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Laut, Port Administration Tjirebon. t-667-N + II 2196 REALISASI pembangunan rehabilitasi tambatan pelabuhan Tjirebon. Laporan administrator pelabuhan Tjirebon [R. Soeyajü pada upatjara peresmian steigerpelabuhan Tjirebon 1971/1972. Tjirebon 1972. 23 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Djendral Perhubungan Laut, Port Administration Tjirebon. t-666-N + II 2197 REPORT of the 4th meeting [of the] ASEAN, Permanent Committee on Shipping, Jakarta, 7 to 9 September 1972. [Chairman: Rukmito HENDRANING RAT. [Jakarta 1972. 92 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Permanent Committee on Shippin*. t-471-N + II 2198 RUMUSAN hasil-hasil lokakarya tentang industri makanan dan minuman (food processing industry), 29 Nopember - 1 Desember 1972. Cipanas - Garut. [Ketua: R.E.A. MAMOER.1 [Bandung 1972.1 24 pp, ills, 23 cm. Omslag titel: LOKAKARYA. Kamar Dagang dan Industri Jawa Barat. t-478-NIII 2199 SEKITAR peraturan de visa. Laporan projek penelitian Institut Ilmu Keuangan. [Kata pengantar oleh: Soeroto KARTOSOEDHARMO.1 Jakarta[1972.139 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan, Lembaga Penelitian Keuangan. t-466-N + I 2200 SEMINAR perasuransian tg. 24 s/d 26 Djanuari 1972 di Djakarta. [Kertas kerdja oleh Indra HATTARI, Mohamad S. HASJIM,Th.S.T. GAUTAMA,dll.1 Djakarta 1972. 132 pp, 36 cm. Losbladig. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan. t-426-N + I 134 I. Indonesia 2201 SISTIM pendidikan keuangan. Laporan projek penelitian Institut Ilmu Keuangan, tahun 1971/1972. Pelaksana projek: Raden Soedono POERWODIHARDJO. Jakarta 1972. 231 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Keuangan, Institut Ilmu Keuangan, Lembaga Penelitian Keuangan. t-767-N +1 2202 SOEMA>nKl (Drs.),Teori organisasi. [Jakarta z.j.1 56 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Administrasi Negara. t-654-N +1 2203 STATISTIK industri 1970 Indonesia. Hasil pengolahan data perusahaan2 industn besar dan sedang. - Survey of large and medium scale manufacturing industries. [Pengantar kata oleh M. ABDULMADJIDJ Djakarta 1972. XIV, 368 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik, Bagian Statistik Perindustrian. t-433-N + II 2204 TENDER document [for the] electrical power and illumination system, air conditioning system, sound and projecting systems, water supply and plumbing system [of the operation-room and office complex] P.T. Krakatau ■StéeKalegon. Architects- Alting Pandji INDRA, and Alexander KANDAU. Electrical and mechanical engineers: Sanyoto SASTROWARDOYO, Onno WIDODO, Sri BAGIO, e.a. Jakarta 1972. V, 59 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-457-N + II 2205 TJIPTOADINUGROHO (R ), Perbankan masalah permodalan, dana dan potensi. Penghajatan analisa dan penuntun. Djakarta, Pradnjaparamita, 1972. VII, 183 pp, 22 cm. t-600-NI 2206 WARGASASMITA (Karnakdi), Office management. Z.pl, z.j. 38 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-649-N +1 2207 ANGKUTAN Laut Indonesia 1969 - 1972. Jakarta 1973. II, 64 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Lalu Lintas. Angkutan Laut, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut. t-431-N + II 2208 ATMOSUDIRJO (Prajudi), Hukum administrasi negara, bab 1 dan 2. Jakarta, UNTAG Univ. Press, z.j. 40 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Tujubelas Agustus (UNTAG). t-646-N +1 2209 BANKER'S magazine. 1973 Medan Fair's edition. Medan 1973.128 pp, ills, 24 cm. Met bijl. Board of Bankers of North-Sumatra, Information-Centre. - Badan Musyawarah Perbankan daerah Sumatera Utara (B.M.P.D.-Sumut). t-692-NI 2210 BENNIS (Warren G ), Theori dan methode pentrapan behavioural science kedalam pembaharuan organisasi berencana. Alihbahasa oleh Ali SAIFULLAH. Malang, Almamater 1973. IV, 37 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Oorspr. titel: Theory and method in applying behavioural sciences to planned organisational change. Versch. in: Journal of applied behavioral science, 1965, vol. 1, no. 4. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang. t-632-N-I 2211 BUKU tarif angkutan laut dan jasa kepelabuhanan tahun 1973. Jakarta 1973. 76 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Gabungan Importir Nasional Seluruh Indonesia (Ginsi). t-543-N + II . 2212 CNOSSEN (Sybren), The Indonesian sales tax. Status and structure. Technical features. With complete text of the Sales Tax Act 1951 (State Gazette No. 94,1951) as amended most recently by law No 2,1968 (State Gazette No 14, 1968) Deventer, Kluwer, 1973. XII, 133 pp, 25 cm. t-360-N-I 2213 COCONUT research in Indonesia. Jakarta [c. 1973J 13 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Perindustrian, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Industri. t-$48-N + II 2214 DAFTAR eksportir dan importir Sumatera Utara. [Kata pengantar oleh MUCHTAR.1 Medan 1973. 32 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Perwakilan Departemen Perdagangan propinsi Sumatera Utara. t-641-N-I 2215 DAFTAR gudang dan ruangan yang izinnya diterbitkan th. 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh MUCHTAR.1 Medan 1973. 102 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Perwakilan Departemen Perdagangan propinsi Sumatera Utara. t-642-N + I 2216 DAFTAR kode statistik kapal-kapal Indonesia, Jepang, Hongkong, Singapura, Muangthai dan India, Eropah, Australia dan Amerika. Berdasarkan surat edaran Direktorat Jendral Bea dan Cukai no KBC/DJBC/KHL/1832/1972 tg. 4 - 12 1972. [Jakarta 1973.126 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pustaka Maritim. t-493-N + II 2217 DAFTAR nama bahan/barang2 berbahaya khusus untuk pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. [Tanjung Priok 1973.] 47 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. t-605-N + II t. Economics — Trade - Banking — Cooperations — Shipping - Industry 135 2218 DAFTAR perusahaan dagang/jasa yang izinnya diterbitkan th. 1972. [Katapengantar oleh MUCHTAR.1 Medan 1973. 303 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Perwakilan Departemen Perdagangan propinsi Sumatera Utara. t-639-N +1 2219 DARUS (Masiam), The economie development in Indonesia, exclusively in North Sumatra. Medan 1973. 12 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. t-785-N + I 2220 DATA kredit perbankan no 3. [Jakarta 1973.1 IV, 87 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bank Indonesia. t-460-N + I 2221 DATA kredit perbankan no 8. [Jakarta 1973.187 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bank Indonesia. t-490-N+I 2222 DINAS perindustrian propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Laporan tahunan 1972/1973. [Prakata oleh Ahmad GAZALLI ][Banjarmasin 1973.111,170 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dinas Perindustrian Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. t-476-N + II 2223 DINAS Perindustrian propinsi Sumatera Barat dalam Padang Fair II 1973. [Pengantar kata: Nurman SULTY.IIPadang 1973.139 pp, ills, 20 cm. Padang Fair II, 1973, Dinas Perindustrian propinsi Sumatera Barat. t-691-N-II 2224 DJATMIKA (Sastra), Administrasi kepegawaian (personnel administration) dan hukum kepegawaian R.I. [= Republik Indonesia.] Jakarta z.j. 63 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Administrasi Negara, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (S.T.I.A.)t-648-N + I 2225 EKSPOR menurut jenis barang, negeri tujuan dan pelabuhan ekspor. By commodi ty, country of destination and port of export. 1970 - 1971. [Kata pengantar oleh: SUGITO.1 Jakarta [1973.] VIII, 255 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik Jakarta. t-413-N + I 2226 FEASIBILITY report of the port of Pantoloan, for Directorate General of Sea Communications. Ministry of Communications. Jakarta ca 1973,126 pp, ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bijl.: 1 krt. Asia Engineering Pertama. Architect-Enginëering-Surveyor. t-750-N+ II 2227 FIRST draft of forecasts of commodity flows by regional origins and destinations for repelita [= rencana pembangunan lima tahun] 2 transportation planning. [Jakarta 1973.] 78 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Communications.Task Force Repelita 2, Group Analisa. t-603-N + I 2228 HASIL rapat kerja Direktorat Jenderal Perindustrian Dasar dengan perusahaan perusahaan industri dasar di Medan tg. 27-28 Pebruari -1 Maret 1973. Jakarta 1973. 125 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jenderal Perindustrian Dasar. t-723-N + II 2229 HASIL rapat kerja Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Industri Jakarta, 19-22 Febr. 1973. [Pimpinan harian: Benito KODIJAT.] Jakarta 1973. 66 pp, ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Industri (L.P.P.I.). t-459-N+ II 2230 HASIL-HASIL rapat pengurus pleno Perbanas 1973 diadakan di Jakarta. Jakarta 1973. 144 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Perbankan Nasional Swasta (Perbanas). t-804-N + I 2231 INDUSTRI karet Tafika". Medan 1973. 7 pp, 12 cm. obl. Medan Fair 1973 (MF 73), Pavilyun Perusahaan Negara (P.N.) Perkebunan, Wilayah-1, Panitia Penyelenggara. t-689-N-II 2232 INDUSTRI ringan dan kerajinan rakyat. Buku petunjuk th. 1973. Jakarta, Jüne Advertising Bureau, c. 1973. XXIV, 769 pp, ills, 29 cm. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jenderal Perindustrian Ringan dan Kerajinan Rakyat. t-742-N + II 2233 JAARVERSLAG 1972- [van del Algemene Bank Nederland N.V. [Amsterdam 1973.] ill, 30 cm. Voortzetting van: Verslag van de Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij N.V. Zie ook: t/110. t-58-N + I 2234 KARET. Kulit manis. Damar. Medan 1973. 18 pp, 12 cm. obl. Medan Fair 1973 (MF 73), Pavilyun Perusahaan Negara (P.N.) Perkebunan, Wilayah-t, Panitia Penyelenggara. t-688-N-II 2235 KEPUTUSAN seminar tentang sumbangan koperasi dalam pembangunan pedesaan dan regional, Bukittinggi, 16/20-5-73. Bukittinggi 1973. 18 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Tenaga Kerja, Transmigrasi dan Koperasi. Yayasan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. t-698-N + I U. Communications—Transport 139 2287 WELLS, Jr. (Louis T), Economie man and engineering man: choice of technology in a low wage country. New York, The Asia Society, [1973]. 27 pp, 28 cm. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group of the Asia Society. Seadag papers on problems of development in Southeast Asia 73-1. t-358-N + 11 u. Communications - Transport 2288 STATISTIK bulanan dari lalu lintas barang dan penumpang. [Dikumpulkan oleh Sukarnen KUSUMAWIDJAJA, dan Th. M. DATALJ] Djakarta [1964.] Vi, 23 op, 29 cm. Indon.- en Engelse- tekst. Seri statistik pengangkutan kereta api - Railway transport statistics series. Publikasi 2. Biro Pusat Statistik, Seksi Statistik Pengangkutan. U-152-N + 2289 KEADAAN bidang angkutan darat dan rentjana kerdja tahun 1966 Departemen Perhubungan Darat Kementerian Perhubungan. [Deputy menteri: Utojo ÜTOMO.] [Djakarta 1966.] 4, 33 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kementerian Perhubungan, Departemen Perhubungan Darat. U-166-N + 2290 MASALAH pokok dan bahan pembahasan dalam rapat kerdja Direktorat Penerbangan Sipil ke-3, 1968. [Kepala: D.P.S. Hari SOEBAGYO.] [Djakarta 1968.1 69 pp, ills, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Penerbangan Sipil (DPS). U-168-N + 2291 DIKTAT radio-penerima. Djakarta 1969. V, 25 pp, ills, 35 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Akademi Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (Akabri), Bagian Umum/Darat. U-179-N + 2292 MARITIME safety. LAPORAN delegasi Republik Indonesia pada sidang kedua ad hocdi London, Inggeris, 7-11 Djuli 1969,Ioleh J A. LOLONGJ[Djakarta 1969.1 krt, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bevat bijl. in het Engels. Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultive Organization (I.M.C.O.), Sub Committee on Revision of Simla rules. U-155-N + 2293 SERI statistik kommunikasi (Series of communication statistici 1966 - 1968. Publikasi ke-2. Djakarta 1969- IV, 119 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Biro Pusat Statistik. u-177-N + 2294 HIMPUNAN peraturan-peraturan umum pelabuhan untuk pelabuhan-pelabuhan jang diusahakan. Djakarta z.j. 35 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kementerian Perhubungan, Djawatan Pelabuhan. U-180-N + 2295 PURBAH (S.S.), Aguide to official and business Malay correspondence. 4th pr. Kuala Lumpur etc, Marican and Sons (Malaysia), 1971.11,315 pp, ills, 21 cm. Oorspr. uitg.: 1966. u-175-N 2296 APA yang dapat lalukan bilama ada suatu kecelakaan pesawat terbang. Bandjarmasin 1972. 8 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Berita pers. Komando Daerah Udarah, II, Komando Wilayah Pertahanan III. U-153-N + 2297 BUKU penuntun pembinaan pelajaran sungai, danau dan ferry, djl. 1. [Kata pengantar oleh Herdjan KENASIN.1 [Jakarta 1972 ] 289 pp, 28 cm. Direktorat Djenderal Perhubungan Darat, Direktorat Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Sungai, Danau dan Ferry. u-154-N-I 2298 FUNGSI mass media dalam membantu usaha pendidikan. (Sumbangan fikiran menteri Penerangan [BOEDIARDIOl dalam konperensi kerdja Departemen P. dan K. [= Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan], tg. 28 Maret 1972. [Jakarta] 1972. 72 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. u-169-N + 2299 PIARAH (Newa), Laporan tahunan pelabuhan Pontianak, tahun 1971. Pontianak 1972. 32 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perhubungan, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, Badan Pengusahaan pelabuhan Pontianak. u-181-N + 2300 RENCANA operasi pengaturan dan penegakkan hukum lalu 1973. Hasil rapat koordinasi Polantas Komdak Metro Jaya [kepala: PRAMUDARJONOl dan DLLAJ DKI Jaya [ = Dinas Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan Raya daerah Khusus ibukota Jakarta Raya] [Kepala: Partamoan HARAHAP.] Cipayung 1972. 21 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Polisi Lalu Lintas Metro Jakarta Raya (Polantas Metro Jaya). U-157-N + 2301 WEISFELT (Jacobus), De Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij als factor in de economische ontwikkeling van de Oostkust van Sumatra. Rotterdam, Bronder, 1972. 230 pp. 111. 24 cm. Proefschrift Rotterdam. Offset-druk. u-147-N v. Agriculture and horticuYture - Plantations and forestry - Stockbreeding - Fisheries 141 2317 SAIFUDDIN (M. Jusran), Diktat pendahuluan untuk kuliah-kuliah hukum perdata Indonesia, untuk tingkat Bakaloreat. Z. pl. c. 1965.12 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst V-580-N + 2318 TAMPUBOLON (Wilfried Perlindungan), Produksi serat agave dan kelapa sawit Medan 1965. IX, 38 pp, ill, 29 cm. Getypte tekst. Scriptie. v-284-N + II 2319 NERATJA mengenai th. buku 1966 tdaril Gabungan Koperasi Karet, Kalimantan Selatan [per 31 Desember 1966. Ketua I: A. SJAHMAN.1 Pant jawarsa. [Bandjarmasin 19661. 48 pp, 33 cm. v-316-N + II 2320 FORMULATION of result of the five years agricultural development plan seminar (1969 - 1973) held at Jogjakarta, 1 to 5th July 1967. Jogjakarta 19i% 31 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Relations Bureau, Information and Documentation Division. v-463-N + 2321 HARI nasional nelajan ke 6. Brosure Dinas Perikanan Laut p. Kal. Sel. [ = propinsi Kalimantan Selatanl Pelaksana: Asih RIDHAN, Sjamsuri ABBAS, Belgi UDIN, dll [Bandjarmasin 1967.1 34 pp, ills, 28 cm. Gestencildbèekst. Dinas Perikanan Laut propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. v-384-N + IV 2322 STATEMENT of the mini*» of Agriculture [SUTJIPTO! to honour the visit of the director general of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, on the 23rd Sept. 1967 at Djakarta. Djakarta 1967. 37 pp, ills, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Relations Bureau, Information and Documentation Division. v-464-N + 2323 ARITONANG (Musor Tua), Prospek perikanan laut di Sumatera Utara. Medan 1968. IX, 78 pp, ill, 28 cm. Getypte tekst. Scriptie. v-285-N + IV 2324 AZIS (Hasman), Pengaruh umur panen bunga matahari terhadap beberapa sifat bidji. Bogor 1968. 11 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departen*» Pertanian, Lembaga Penelitian Tanaman Industri (LPTI). Bulletin penelitian tanaman industri Boeor 1968, no 3. v-561-NI 6 ' 2325 BUKU petundjuk peserta musjawarah tani se Kalimantan Selatan [jang] diselenggarakan pada tg. 7 s/d 10 April 1968 di BandjarmasMSIKetua umum panitia persiapan: M. Koernii JOESRI.1 [Bandjarmasin >1968.1 17 pp, 22 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Panitia Penjelenggara Musjawarah Tani se Kalimantan Selatan, Seksi Penerangan/Propaganda/Dokumentasi. V-379-N +1 2326 DIRECTORY of agricultural i nsti tutes and institutes rekted to agriculture in Bogor West Java- Indonesia Vol. 1. English ed. Bogor 1968. III, 68 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde" tekst. Agro Economie Survey, Documentation Committee. v-428-N +1 2327 LAPORAN tahunan perusahaan perkebunan tembakau negara Besuki VI tahun 1967. [Pendahuluanoleh: SOEDARSO.ltDjebuk 1968 ] 196pp, 34cm Gestencilde tekst v-353-N + II 2328 }£?9RANtahun 1967 0311 P^nggungan-djawab B.P.U. P.P.N. Tembakau, sedjak didinkan pada th. 1963, sampai dengan pembubarannja. [Djakarta 1968.1.218 pp. 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Perusahaan Perkebunan Negara, Badan Pimpinan Umum Tembakau. v-370-N + 11 2329 MEARS*N + II 2480 LAPORAN tahunan Dinas Kehutanan propinsi Sumatera Utara, 1972/1973,1 April 1972 s/d 31 Maret 1973. Medan 1973. 79 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dinas Kehutanan propinsi Sumatera Utara. v-533-N + II 2481 MASALAH-MASALAH perberasan (aspek-aspek teknologi beraspadi-gabah). [Penyusun: E. PRAWOTO.1 [Denpasar 1973.] 27 pp, ilb, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Direktorat Jenderal koperasi, Direktorat Koperasi propinsi Bali di Denpasar, Depot Logistik propinsi Bali. v-477-N +1 2482 MENGENAL program pangan dan beberapa kegiatan pokoknya di daerah Sumatera Utara. Z.pl. 1973. 5 pp, 21 ent. Dinas Pertanian Rakyat, propinsi Sumatera Utara (P.S.U.). v-519-N-I 2483 MOEKADAS (Arifien), Pembinaan petani, wanita tani dan pemuda tani. Paper no 2, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta] 1973. 13 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-395-N +1 2484 MONOGRAFI perikanan laut daerah propinsi Jawa Timur 1972. [Pendahuluan oleh Soewarno JOGAWISASTRO.1 [Surabaya 1973.] VIII, 205 pp, ills, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dinas Perikanan Laut daerah propinsi Jawa Timur. v-471-N + IV 2485 MUBYARTO, Pengantar ekonomi pertanian. Jakarta 1973. XVIII, 274 pp^ ills, 24 cm. Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial (LP3ES). v-535-N-I 2486 NASUTION (Usman), Bachtiar USMAN, dan M. Nazir HAWY, Laporan survey areal sawah dan produksinya di daerah kabupaten Aceh Tenggara. Banda Aceh 1973. IV 39 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Aceh. Aceh Development Board. v-478-N + I 2487 ORGANISASI dan tatalaksana proyek pembangunan sub sektor kehutanan. Jakarta 1973. 38 pp, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Kehutanan. v-587-N + II 2488 PEDOMAN membimbing program kelompok tani taruna. Reference no 8, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta] 1973. 22 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-396-N + I 152 1. Indonesia 2489 PEDOMAN membimbing program kelompok taruna tani. Reference no 6, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta! 1973. 12 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-396-N + I 2490 PEDOMAN membimbing regu2 pramuka taruna bumi. Reference no 7. pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta! 1973. 26 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-396-N + I 2491 PEDOMAN pelaksanaan sensus pertanian 1973 DKI Jakarta. [Kata pengantar oleh Soetjipto WIROSARDJONO! Jakarta 1973. 36 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kantor Sensus dan Statistik daerah khusus ibukota (DKI) Jakarta. v-390-N + I 2492 PEDOMAN pembinaan program penyuluhan pertanian bagian pemuda tani. Reference no 5, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta] 1973. 23 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-396-N +1 2493 PEDOMAN penyelenggaraan demonstrasi panca usaha padi. Pedoman kerja no 5, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta!. 1973. 18 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-393-N + I 2494 PEMBANGUNAN desa pantai kabupaten Asahan. [Kata pengantar: ABDULMANAN SI Kisaran 1973. VII, 106 pp, ills, 23 cm. Pemerintah Daerah, kabupaten Asahan. v-483-N-IV 2495 PEMBERI AN penghargaan dalam penyuluhan pertanian. Pedoman kerja no. 2, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta! 1973. 5 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-393-N +1 2496 PEMBINAAN kontak tani, kelompok tani dan himpunan tani. Pedoman kerja no 1, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta! 1973. 17 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-393-N + I 2497 PEMBINAAN kontak tani, kelompok tani, himpunan tani. Jakarta 1973. 13 pp, 28 cm. Badan Koordinasi Penerangan Bimas. v-369-N +1 2498 PEMBINAAN wanita tani. Reference no 4, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta! 1973. 7 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-396-N +1 2499 PENDJELASAN singkat panil-panil sektor H. Ketua: Bustanil ARIFIN. Djakarta 1971. 24 pp, 29 cm. v-565-N + II 2500 PENGEMBANGAN penyuluhan pertanian. Pengarahan no 3, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta! 1973. 4 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-394-N +1 2501 PENGEMBANGAN program penyuluhan pertanian. Reference no 1B, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta! 1973. 3 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-396-N + I 2502 PENGEMBANGAN pusat penyuluhan pertanian. [Jakarta! 1973. 8 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. Reference no 1, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. v-396-N +1 2503 PENGERTIAN dan pola operasionil bimbingan massal. [Pasarminggu! 1973. 10 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Koordinasi Penerangan Bimbingan Massal (Bimas), Badan Pengendali Bimas. v-349-N +1 2504 PENYELENGGARAAN siaran pedesaan sebagai metodik penyuluhan pertanian. [Jakarta] 1973. 12 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. Pedoman kerja no 8, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. v-393-N + I 2505 PENYULUHAN pertanian spesialis dan pembinaannya. Pedoman kerja no 3, pada rapat teknis penyuluhan pertanian, tg. 12 s/d 17 Febr. 1973. [Jakarta] 1973. 9 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. v-393-N +1 x. Natural resources - Public works - Water management - Mapping 155 2539 LAPORAN projek penelitian dan pengembangan pertanahan, triwulan 3, th. 1971/1972, tentang masalah-masalah tanah wakaf, tanah pusaka, tanah pertambangan, tanah transmigrasi dan tanah pasang surut di daerah Kalimantan Selatan. [Ketua team penelitian: SOEHADI.I [Djakarta 1972.] 142 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Dalam Negeri, Direktorat Djenderal Agraria, Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanahan. w-48-N + 2540 LAPURAN pelaksanaan intensifikasi padi, musim tanam 1972/1973, propinsi Bali. [Ketua: SOEKARMENJ [Denpasar 1972.] 44 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Pembina'Bimas, Propinsi Bali. w-43-N + 2541 TANAH ulajat dalam pembangunan. Ed.: Boerma BOERHAN [dan! Mahjuddin SALIM. Padang [1972.1 130 pp, 21 cm. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Hukum dan Pengetahuan Masyarakat w-47-N 2542 TJONDRONEGORO (Sediono M.P.), Land reform or land setdement: shifts in Indonesia's land policy, 1960 - 1970. Madison, Wis, Univ. of Wis. - Madison 1972. 15 pp, 28 cm. Stencil. Land Tenure Center 81. W-37-N + 2543 M AH ADI, Acquisition of land and compensation in Indonesia. Medan 1973.46 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. University of North Sumatra. w-56-N + 2544 MAHADI, Some notes on registration of hak milik in Indonesia. Medan 1973. 16 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst University of North Sumatra. w-57-N + 2545 PERUMUSAN hasil rapat kerja Direktorat Jenderal Koperasi, tg. 6 s/d 9 Maret 1973 di Jakarta. Jakarta 1973.45 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi, Direktorat Jenderal Koperasi. w-42-N + 2546 POLA marketing padi/gabah/beras, oleh BUUD/KUD. Rapat kerja Bimas 6 s/d 9 Maret 1973. Buku A. Jakarta 1973.70 pp, ill, 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Transmigrasi dan Koperasi, Direktorat Jenderal Koperasi. w-41-N + 2547 PROYEK extension farm di 7 kabupaten di Jawa Barat. Dalam rangka kerjasama teknik dibidang pertanian antara pemerintah Indonesia-Jepang/O.T.C.A. [ = Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency.1 Progress report 2,1972/1973. [Jakarta 1973.] 37 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian, Direktorat Penyuluhan Pertanian. w-53-N + 2548 SIMPOSIUM tentang hak ulayat dan penanaman modal, tg. 29 - 30 Juni 1973 di Medan. [Ketua panitia: Ani Abbas MANOPO.] Medan 1973. 76 pp, 32 cm. Losbladige, gestencilde tekst. Universitas Sumatera Utara, Fakultas Hukum. W-64-N + 2549 TRADITIONAL land in Indonesia exclusively in North Sumatra. [Medan 1973.1 8 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst, w-55-N + x. Natural resources - Public works - Water management Mapping 2550 SCHAAFSMA (Nicolaas Daniël RudolD, De verwijdering van organische stoffen uit oppervlaktewater, in het bijzonder uit veenwater, in Nederlands-Indië. Leiden, Groen, 1947. XII, 123 pp, ill, 24 cm. Proefschrift TH. Delft. x-68-N 2551 POLDERPLAN Kalimantan. [Z.pl. 1952.] 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. X-80-N + 2552 The PROBLEM of the people'shousing [Djakarta 1953.] 30 pp, ills, 24 cm. Foto copie. Ministry of Public Works and Power, Department of People's Housing. x-102-N 2553 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana perhubungan, perhubungan darat-djalan raya [Djakarta, Studio, 1961.] 20 pp, 21 cm.obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum. x-132-N 2554 KETETAPAN MPRS [= Madjelis Permusjawaratan Rakjat Sementara] dan rantjangan dasar Depernas [= Dewan Perantjang Nasional] tentang perumahan. Dikumpulkan oleh LJEM SI ANG HOK Bandung [1962.127 pp, 31 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djendral Tjipta-Karya, Lembaga Penjelidikan Masalah Bangunan. X-113-N + 2555 CONTRACT of work between P.N. [—Perusahaan Negara] Pertambangan Minjak Nasional (Permina)and P.T. Stanvac Indonesia, 1963. [Z.pl. 1963.176 pp,iOs, 34cm. X-117-N + 156 I. Indonesia 2556 RENTJANA pengamanan daerah aliran Tjitarum/projek Djatiluhur chususnja dalam bidang penghidjauan. Disusun oleh: R. SOEDIARTO, M.H. SOEDARMA, R. SOERJONO [dll.] Bogor 1966. 89 pp, ills, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Penelitian Hutan. X-82-N + 2557 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana produksi sub bidang pengairan desa. Rentjana kerdja, th. 1968. [Djakarta, Studio, c. 1967.18 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-151-N 2558 ULANG tahun ke 9, P.N. Permina. Porkam [= pekan olah raga karyawan minjak]-antar unit-se-Indonesia. [Sambutan oleh Ibnu SUTOWO.] [Pangkalan Brandan 1967.173 pp, ills 22 cm. Pertambangan Minjak Nasional (Permina), Panitia Hari Perajaan ke-9, Seksi Publi kasi/Dokumentasi. x-118-N 2559 H ASIL-HASIL seminar terbatas introduksi tenaga nuklirguna pembangkitan tenaga listrik di Indonesia, Tjipajung, 12 s/d 15 Nop. 1968. Redaksi: A. ARISMUNANDAR, Budi SUDARSONO, dan A.J. SURJADI. Bandung, Estetika, 1968. 308 pp, ills, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional, Direktorat Djenderal Tenaga dan Listrik, Panitia Seminar Terbatas Tenaga Nuklir. X-94-N + 2560 HUTASOIT (C. Soguntaron), Sebuah studi tentang sumber-sumber tenaga di Indonesia. Djakarta 1968. 97 pp, krtn, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Tenaga dan Listrik, Lembaga Masalah Ketenagaan (LMK). Publikasi teknik ilmiah. Monograph no 03-ER-68. X-88-N + 2561 PEDOMAN umum pelaksanaan projek prasarana. Pembinaan projek/masalah prasarana [Kata pengantar oleh: SUTAMI.] [Djakartal 1968. 13 pp:, ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik. X-160-N + 2562 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. APBN [= anggaran pendapatan belandja negara] 1968, Departemen Maritim. (Bidang perhubungan maritim). [Djakarta, Studio,1968.] 10 pp, 21 cm.obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-143-N 2563 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Check list sektor perhubungan, sektor pertanian, sektor ketenagaan, sektor industri. [Djakarta, c. 1968.1 29 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-138-N 2564 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Memo pengumpulan data dan informasi. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.] 4 pp, 21 cm.obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-153-N 2565 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Nota pendjelasan projek tenaga listrik (diperbaharui). [Djakarta, Studio,] 1968. 13 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-141-N 2566 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana perhubungan sub bidang perhubungan udara. Peta djaringan penerbangan sipil dalam negeri dan projek-projek perhubungan udara, th. 1968. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.] 27 pp, ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-147-N 2567 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana perhubungan sub bidang pos dan telekomunikasi. Peta rentjana pembangunan postel, th. 1968. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.] 21 pp, ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-148-N 2568 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana perhubungan sub bidang pos dan telekomunikasi. Rentjana projek, th. 1968 di Djawa. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.] 10 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-146-N 2569 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana perhubungan Djawa, Kalimantan [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.] 28 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-134-N x. Natural resources - Public works - Water management - Mapping 157 2570 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana perhubungan, perhubungan darat-djalan raya, djalan negara. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.1 75 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Bina Marga. x-131-N 2571 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana produksi ketenagaan Djawa, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Maluku. [ Djakarta] Studio, c. 1968.1 22 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-137-N 2572 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana produksi pengairan Sumatera. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.1 20 pp, ills, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-136-N 2573 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana produksi sub bidang pengairan dasar. Data areal pengairan. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.1 3 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-150-N 2574 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana produksi sub bidang Tenaga Listrik. Keadaan unit-unit. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.] 14 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-149-N 2575 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana produksi. Beberapa pengertian dasar/ checklist. Prasarana pengairan, prasarana ketenagaan. [Djakarta, Studio, c. 1968.1 17 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-135-N 2576 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana produksi, rentjana kerdja, th. 1968 bidang pengairan dasar. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.160 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-140-N 2577 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Prasarana produksi, rentjana kerdja, th. 1968 bidang tenaga listrik. [Djakarta, Studio, c. 1968.] 7 pp,$aiicm. C*L<3e*tencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-139-N 2578 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Rentjana projek tenaga listrik. Menurut pentahapan sasaran projek/masalah prasarana, th. 1968. Tahap A (1969- 1£7$). Tahap B(1974 - 1978). Tentative. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968. 16 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-142-N 2579 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Sektor perhubungan pos dan telekomunikasi. Masalah umum. RAPBN[= rentjana anggaran pendapatan belandja negara], th. 1968. Project aid-1968. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968. 32 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-145-N 2580 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Sektor perhubungan udara. Masalah umum. Rentjana rehabilitasi 1968. Menurut RAPBN [= rentjana anggaran pendapatan belandja negara! 1968 [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.! 12 pp, 21 cm.obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-144-N 2581 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Sektor perhubungan udara, perlengkapan pelabuhan udara achir th. 1967. [Djakarta, Studio, 1968.! 23 pp, 21 cm.obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-133-N 2582 PRASARANA pembinaan projek/masalah. Situasi umum bidang perhubungan maritim. [Djakarta, Studio, c. 1968.! 7 pp, 21 cm.obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum, Direktorat Djenderal Tjiptakarya, Direktorat Tata Kota dan Daerah. x-152-N 2 583 RADJA (Vincent T), Interpretasi geologi lewat potret udara daerah sepandjang trase kutt [Kawat Udara Tetangan Tinggi] 220 kv Medan - Sigura-gura. Djakarta 1968. 12 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Bevat Engelse samenvatting. Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik, Direktorat Djenderal Tenaga dan Listrik, Lembaga Masalah Ketenagaan (LMK). Publikasi teknik " ->'ih. Monograph no 05-GEOL-68. 162 I. Indonesia 2648 SURJANINGRAT (Suwlirdjono), Beberapa tjatatan problema kependudukan dan arah usaha pengendalian. Tj. ke-3. [Bandung] 1971. 20 pp, ill, 21 cm. Seri MD-2/1971. Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berentjana Nasional, Biro Penerangan dan Motivasi. z-169-N 2649 DAKE (W.J.L.), Het medische werk van de zending in Nederlands-Indië. Dl. I- . Kampen, Kok, 1972-. dln. 111. 23 cm. Uitg. Nederlandse Zendingsraad. z-156-N 2650 DINAS Kesehatan DKI Jakarta dalam angka, tahun 1967 - 1971. Kata pengantar oleh Herman SOESILO. Jakarta 1972. 26 pp, ill, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dinas Kesehatan daerah khusus ibukota (DKI) Jakarta. Z-252-N + 2651 EIJSENRING (Atbrahaml ILzakD, Orthopedagogische opmars in Indonesia. (Verslag van een studie- en oriëntatiebezoek aan de Republiek Indonesia.) [Leiden c. 1972J II, 35 pp. Bijlage. 29 cm. Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. Pedagogisch Instituut. Afdeling Orthopedagogiek. Z-157-N + 2652 HASIL rentjana kesehatan (untuk DIP) [= daftar isian projek] th. 1974 Dinas Kesehatan propinsi Djawa Barat. [Kepala: R. ADJIDARMO.HBandung 1972.] 3,185 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dinas Kesehatan propinsi Djawa Barat. Z-229-N + 2653 HASIL workshop pendidikan kesehatan masjarakat (1970). [Ketua: Wirjaman DJOJOSUGITO.] Djakarta 1972. 230 pp, 22 cm. Departemen Kesehatan, Bagian Penerbitan dan Perpustakaan, Biro 5. z-251-N 2654 HASIL workshop perawatan dan kebidanan (mei 1969). [Ketua umum: Wirjawan DJOJOSUGITO.] Cet. ke-2. Jakarta 1972. 98 pp, 21 cm. Oorspr. titel en uitg.: Pedoman dan berita Departemen Kesehatan (PBDK), 1969, no. 2. Departemen Kesehatan, Bagian Penerbitan/Perpustakaan Biro 5. z-254-N 2655 KUMPULAN ichtisar hasil-hasil penelitian keluarga berentjana 1961 - 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh Siti Oemijati D JA JANEGARA.] Jakarta 1972.101 pp, 29 cm. Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berentjana Nasional (BKKBN). Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial (LP3ES). Perkumpulan Keluarga Berentjana Indonesia (PKBI). Z-232-N + 2656 LAPORAN tahunan 1971/72 Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berentjana Nasional DCI Djakarta. Djakarta 1972. 36 pp, 21 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berentjana Nasional daerah chusus ibukota (DCI) Djakarta. z-253-N 2657 MARWAN (Sitti Saudah), Bahan pelajaran pendidikan kesejahteraan keluarga (PKK). Tuntunan untuk ibu2/calon2 ibu rumah tangga. Sala, Ramadhani, 1972. 100 pp, ills, 20 cm. z-235-N 2658 NASKAH lengkap kongres obstetri dan ginekologi Indonesia pertama, Djakarta, 26 - 31 Djuli 1970. Pemimpin red.: S.T. HUDONO. Anggota Red.: A. Bari SAIFUDDIN. Djakarta, Sataama, [1972.1 X, 536 pp, ills, 27 cm. Perkumpulan Obstetri dan Ginekologi Indonesia. Z-210-N + 2659 PEMBERANTASAN tuberculosis di Indonesia. [Sepatah kata oleh Jojoh WARTOMO.] DjakartaQ972.]61 pp, 21 cm. Departemen Kesehatan, Biro 5, Bagian Penerbitan dan Perpustakaan. z-188-N 2660 PERANG total melawan narkotika demi keselamatan generasi remaja kita sebagai harapan cita-cita bangsa. Instruksi pangkopkamtib[ = panglima komando pemulihan keamanan dan ketertiban daerah] tg. 15-1-1972, no ins. -001/ kopkam/I/72. [Kata sambutan oleh Mohammad NOER ] [Surabaya 1972.1 112 pp, 24 cm. Badan Pelaksana Penanggulangan Narkotika dan Kenakalan Anak-anak Remaja Jawa Timur (Bappenkar Jatim). z-202-N 2661 PERKEMBANGAN usaha kesehatan. [Sepatah kata oleh: Jojoh WARTOMO.1 Djakarta 1972. 168 pp, ills, 23 cm. Departemen Kesehatan, Bagian Penerbitan dan Perpustakaan Biro V. Laporan 1970/1971. z-170-N 2662 SETYONEGORO (Kusumanto), Gangguan djiwa: Neurosis atau psiko neurosis. [Djakarta] 1972. 7 pp, 3 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Kesehatan, Direktorat Kesehatan Djiwa. Z-173-N + 2663 SETYONEGORO (Kusumanto), Garisbesar rentjana Pelita [= pembangunan lima tahun] II Direktorat Kesehatan Djiwa th. 1974-1979. [Djakarta] 1972. 28 pp, 33 cm. > Gestencilde tekst. z-172-N + 2664 SETYONEGORO (Kusumanto), Manual for health center workers, psychiatrie section. Djakarta [z.j] 22 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Ministry of Health, ! ÉHfektorate of Mental Health. 2-1ÏF4-N + aa. Biographies — Personal records 163 2665 VERVOORN (J.D.), Tropische gezondheidszorg ia ontwikkeling. Van isolatie tot integratie. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1972. VIII, 75 pp, ills, 23 cm. z-158-N 2666 D AR A DJ AT (Zakiah), Perawatan jiwa untuk anak-anak. [Di terjemahkan dari bahasa Arab oleh penulis.1 Jakarta, Bulan Bintang, 1973. 392 pp, ills, 22 cm. Ook versch. als proefschrift Cairo, Univ. Ein Shams, 1964. z-186-N 2667 FAMILY planning project Serpong Indonesia. Serpong paper 1- . [Leiden 1973- .1 30 cm. Universitas Indonesia. Leiden State University. Projek keluarga berentjana; Z-159-N + 2668 HARTONO (H.D.W.), dan Arifien I. HIDAJAT, The second supplement of selected pharmaceutical specialities. Yogya 1973. 231 pp, ills, 21 cm. z-236-N 2669 INDEKS clipping surat kabar bidang kesehatan dan kedokteran no 1, Djuli 1972. [Kata pengantar oleh Jojoh WARTOMO.1 Jakarta 1973. 39 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Kesehatan, Biro 5, Bagian Penerbitan dan Perpustakaan. Z-187-N + 2670 KERJA sama Dinas Kesehatan Rakyat dengan Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung di kabupaten Dairi (Sidikalang). Z.pl. c. 1973. Folder 4 pp, 22 cm. z-149-N 2671 LAPORAN keuangan proyek pelajaran medis keluarga berencana propinsi Jawa Tengah, tahun anggaran 1972 - 1973. Pemimpin proyek: M. SOETARDI. [Semarang 1973.18 pp, 30cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (D.P.R.D ), propinsi Jawa Tengah. Z-197-N + 2672 LAPORAN pelaksanaan program keluarga berencana periode 1968 - 1972. Jakarta 1973. 43 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional. z-209-N + 2673 LAPORAN proyek administrasi dan pengawasan pelaksanaan keluarga berencana 1973. [Pemimpin proyek: S N. SOEHERMAN.1 [Semarang 1973.1 20 cm. 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (D.P.R.D.), propinsi Jawa Tengah. Z-196-N + 2674 LAPORAN proyek penerangan dan motivasi keluarga berencana propinsi Jawa Tengah April 1971 - Januari 1973. [Pemimpin proyek: G. SOERATMO.llSemarang 1973.1 10 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (D.P.R.D.), propinsi Jawa Tengah. Z-198-N + 2675 MASALAH narkotika khususnya mengenai usaha rehabilitasi. [Ketua: SALEKAN.1 Jakarta 1973. 45 pp, ills, 28 cm. Badan Koordinasi Nasional untuk Kesejahteraan Keluarga dan Anak, Study Team Narkotika. z-234-N + 2676 OBAT-OBAT patent di Indonesia. Sebuah indeks spesialites farmasi jang beredar di Indonesia. Ed.. ke-2. Dewan penjusun dan redaksi: Poernomo Singgih SOEMOHADIPOERO, Martono WINOTOPRADJOKO, Marie A. PEILOUW, dll. Konsultan medik: M. SOEPARNO. [Djakarta 1973.1 731 pp, 21 cm. Departemen Kesehatan, Badan Penjelenggara Dana Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Pusat. z-185-N 2677 PROGRESS report proyek P.L.K.B. [= petugas lapangan keluarga berencana] propinsi Djawa Tengah 1973. [Pemimpin proyek: TANHAR.1 [Semarang 1973. 12 pp, ills, 30 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (D.P.R.D ), • propinsi Jawa Tengah. z-199-N + 2678 PROGRESS report B.K [ = Badan Koordinasi] Keluarga Berencana Nasional, propinsi Jawa Tengah 1970 - 1971/1972 - 1973. [Ketua: R.A Soemiati SOSROHADIKOESOEMO.] [Semarang 1973.1 22 pp, 29 cm. Met bijln. Gestencilde tekst. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (D.P.R.D.), propinsi Djawa Tengah. z-200-N-t- 2679 RYADI (A.L. Slamet), Pengaruh air polution di dalam public health. Semarang Airlangga Univ. Press, 1973. 52 pp, 21 cm. Seri public health, no 5. z-261-N aa. Biographies - Personal records 2680 KUWIKS [ps. van J.P. MULLER], Uit de eerste marinejaren van Dirk Jan. Bew. door—Leiden, Batteljee en Terpstra, [Z.J.] VI, 184 pp, 22 cm. aa-249-N 2681 BRAMMETJE [Ps. van M.H. du CROO], Cor Ruys. Maastricht, Leiter-Nypels, [19461. 176 pp, ills, 23 cm. Toneel-serie 1. aa-250-N 2682 ALAMSJAH (Rais), 10 orang Indonesia terbesar sekarang. Djakarta. "Bintang Mas", 1952. 166 pp, ills, 21 cm. aa-265-N 164 I. Indonesia 2683 "ONCE a turncoat..." Authentic photographs of the "turning" point in the career of Dr. Sukarno, President of the Republic of Indonesia. tZ.pl. en j.] 8 pp, ill, 29 cm. The South Moluccan Anti-Communist Committee. aa-246-N + 2684 BALFAS (M.), Dr Tjipto MANGOENKOESOEMO. Demokrat sedjati. Tj. ke-2. Djakarta etc, Djambatan, 1957. VIII, 126 pp, 20 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1952. Seri: Tjermin kehidupan no 12. aa-261-N 2685 SALAM (Solichin), Sunan Kudus. Riwajat hidup serta perdjoangannja. Kudus, Menara Kudus, 1959. 39 pp, ills, 19 cm. aa-305-N 2686 MATTALIOE (Bahar), Kahar Muzakkar dengan petualangannja. Tj. ke-2. Djakarta, Penerbit Delegasi t, 19651. 168 pp, ills, 18 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1965. aa-266-N 2687 PONDAAG (W.S.T.), Pahlawan kemerdekaan nasional mahaputera Dr. G.S.S.J. Ratu Langie. Riwajat hidup dan perdjoangannja. Surabaja [19661. 215 pp, ill, 24 cm. Jajasan Penerbitan Dr. G.S.S.J. Ratu Langie. aa-257-N 2688 ISMAIL, Seorang peradjurit meninggalkan kita. Biografi singkat djenderal anumerta Ahmad YANI. [Z.pl,] Sasmita Loka, [1967.1 39 pp, ills, 21 cm. aa-259-N 2689 ANIS (M. Junus), Riwajat hidup Njai Ahmad Dahlan. Ibu Muhammadijah dan 'Aisjijah pelopor pergerakan Indonesia. Jogjakarta, Mertju Suar, 1968. 32 pp, ills, 21 cm. Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadijah Urusan Dokumentasi dan Sedjarah. aa-274-N 2690 HALIDI (JusuD, Ulama besar Kalimantan Sjech Muhammad Arsjad al Bandjari (1710-1812). Martapura, [1968.1 40 pp, 21 cm. Jajasan Sjech Muhammad Arsjad al Bandjari. aa-258-N 2691 ANIS (M. Junus), Riwajat hidup: H. Fachrodin (almarhum lahir 1890 wafat 1929) Pengandjur Muhammadijah jang ulang dan pahlawan kemerdekaan nasional. Tj. ke-2. Jogjakarta, Persatuan, 1969. 48 pp, ill, 21 cm. Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadijah Urusan Dokumentasi dan Sedjarah. aa-271-N 2692 ZAINUDDIN (H M ), Srikandi Atjeh. Medan, Iskandar Muda, 1966.139 pp, ills, 21 cm. aa-311-N 2693 ANIS (M. Junus), Riwajat hidup K.H.A. Dardiri. Konsul abadi P.P. Muhammadijah jang banjak djasa dan wakafnja. Purwokerto, etc, Keluarga Almarhum, 1970. 17pp, ills, 21 cm. Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadijah Urusan Dokumentasi dan Sedjarah. aa-273-N 2694 ANIS (M. Junus), Riwajat hidup K.H.A. Badawi. Djabatan terachir penasehat P.P. Muhammadijah dan anggota Pertimbangan Agung. Djakarta [1971.1 48 pp, ills, 20 cm. Gabungan Koperasi Batik Indonesia(G.K.B.I.) Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadijah Urusan Dokumentasi dan Sedjarah. aa-272-N 2695 BERDARAH kisah dan kasih pudjangga Amir HAMZAH. Diungkap - digubah oleh T.M. Lah HUSNY. Medan, Husny, 1971. 118 pp, ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. aa-275-N 2696 BUNG Hatta mengabdi pada tjita-tjita perdjoangan bangsa. Beberapa lukisan pribadi dan perdjoangan pada peringatan ulang tahunnja ke-70. [Disusun oleh: SUMANANG, S.M. RASJID, Abdul KARIM dll.1 Djakarta 1972. XVI, 538 pp, ills, 24 cm. Panitia Peringatan Ulang Tahun Bung Hatta ke-70. aa-316-N 2697 KUTOYO (Sutrisno), dan Mardanas SAFWAN, Riwayat hidup dan perjuangan R. Oto Iskandar DINATA. [Jakarta 1972.1 41 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jendral Kebudayaan, Lembaga Sejarah dan Antropologi. aa-298-N + 2698 PAHLAWAN pembela kemerdekaan, Ketua redaksi: Nügroho NOTOSUSANTO. [Djakartal 1972. VIII, 104 pp, ills, 21 cm. Departemen Sosial, Badan Pembina Pahlawan Pusat. Seri pahlawan nasional. aa-260-N 2699 PAHLAWAN perdjuangan kemerdekaan. Ketua redaksi: Nugroho NOTOSUSANTO. [Djakarta] 1972. 76 pp, ills, 21 cm. Departemen Sosial, Badan Pembina Pahlawan Pusat. Seri pahlawan nasional. aa-263-N 2700 PAHLAWAN pergerakan nasional. Ketua redaksi: Nugroho NOTOSUSANTO. [Djakartal 1972. VIII, 174 pp, ills, 20 cm. Departemen Sosial, Badan Pembina Pahlawan Pusat. Seri pahlawan nasional. aa-262-N. 2701 RIWAYAT hidup anggota-anggota majelis permusyawaratan rakyat hasil pemilihan umum 1971. [Bandung, Star Offset, 1972.1 1277 pp, ills, 21 cm. Lembaga Pemilihan Umum. aa-276-N bb. Bibliographies - Catalogues - Inventories 165 2702 SURYADINATA (Leo), Prominent Ind onesian Chinese in the twentieth century. A Preliminary Survey. Ohio, Ohio Univ., 1972. XI, 62 pp, 28 cm. Papers in International Studies, Southeast Asia Series 23. Center for International Studies aa-247-N + 2703 BOULGER (Demetrius Charles), Life of Sir Stamford Raffles. Ed. and introd. by Adrian JOHNSON. London, Knight&Co, 1973. XXX, 207 pp, ills, 22 cm. Empire series. aa-251-N 2704 LAKE (Antonius YoseD, W.S. Rendra. Penyair dan imaginasinya. Ende, Flores, Nusa Indah, 1973. 131 pp, ill, 21 cm. aa-246-N 2705 ORANG Indonesia jang terkemoeka di Djawa. [Tj. oelang.] [Djakarta, Gunseikanbu, •1973.1 552 pp, 22 cm. Oorpsr. gestencilde uitg.: 1944. aa-253-N 2706 RIWAYAT hidup dan riwayat perjoangan presiden SOEHARTO dan ibu Tien SOEHARTO dan wakil presiden, Sultan HAMENGKU BUWONO IX. Surabaya, Grip, 1973. 123 pp, ills, 18 cm. aa-312-N 2707 TAIRAS (J.N.B.), Pedoman tajuk nama-nama pengarang Indonesia. Jakarta 1973. VII, 148 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Lembaga Perpustakaan. aa-309-N + 2708 TEEUW (Andries), In memoriam Walther AICHELE. Wiesbaden, Kommtssionsverlag Otto Harrassowitz, 1973. 6 pp, ill, 25 cm. Overdr. uit: Oriens Extremus 1973. jrg 20, afl. 1. aa-252-N 2709 TOKOH cendekiawan dan kebudayaan. Prof. Dr. Sulaiman Effendi Kusumah Atmadja S.H, Letjen. Suwarto, Prof. Dr. Djoko Sutono S.H, Prof. Dr. Sutomo Tjokronegoro. [Team penyusun: Sutrisno KUTOJO, TASHADI, Mardanas SOFWAN dll.] [Jakarta] 1973. 67 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (P dan K), Direktorat Jendral Kebudayaan, Lembaga Sejarah dan Antropologi. aa-281-N + 2710 TOKOH cendikiawan dan kebudayaan Ahmad RAMALI, R.M. SEDIJATMO, Herman JOHANNES, dll. Sutrisno KUTOJO. Jil ke-2. Jakarta 1973. II, 121 pp,' 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan, Lembaga Sejarah dan Antropologi. aa-315-N + bb. Bibliographies - Catalogues - Inventories 2711 DAFTAR buku-buku Penerbit Djambatan, Augustus 1952. Djakarta, Djambatan 1952. 46 pp, ills, 20 cm. bb-115-N 2712 DAFTAR buku-buku 1952. Djakarta, Balai Pustaka, [c. 1952.] 116 pp ills 14 cm bb-116-N ' 2713 DAFTAR kitab-kitab dari toko buku dan penerbit Tan Khoen Swie. Kediri, Tan Khoen Swie, 1952, 22 pp, 18 cm. bb-177-N 2714 DAFTAR buku-buku. Lijst van uitgaven. Maret 1954. Djakarta, Wolters, 45 pp 22 cm. bb-109-N 2715 DAFTAR buku 1961 - 1962 Pustaka Antara. Kuala Lumpur z.j. 47 pp, 19 cm. Pustaka Antara bb-156-N 2716 DAFTAR buku pameran Kuala Lumpur. [Ketua: M. HOETAOEROEK.1 Djakarta 1967. 96 pp, 34 cm. Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia (IKAPI), Organisasi Perusahaan Sedjenis (OPS) Penerbitan. bb-157-N + 2717 SCHATTEN uit de Leidse Bibliotheek. [Catalogus door E. BRACHES, P.F.J. OBBEMA R. ROOLVINK e.a. van de tentoonstelling gehouden van] 2 tot 25 juni [in het] Stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal. Leiden [19671 56 pp, 8 pltn. 21 cm bb-102-N 2718 LIBRARY catalogue 1970 [of the! catholic university Parahyangan. Bandung 1970. XXI, 218 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Katolik Parahyangan. bb-126-N+ 7 6 2719 CATALOGUE of newspapers in the collection of the Central Museum Library Djakarta, August 1970. [By Leo SURIJADINATA, Eddy BUDIMAN and Mrs IMAMSUPANGAT.] [Djakarta 1971.1 148 pp, 30 cm. bb-106-N + 2720 CATALOGUE P.N.2, Perum2, P.T.2 industri kimia. Z.pl. c. 1971. 99 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Perindustrian, Direktorat Jenderal Perindustrian Kimia. bb-173-N + 166 I. Indonesia 2721 DAFTAR buku2 jang telah dinilai -IV. Pedoman untuk memüih buku bagi perpustakaan sekolah. Djakarta [c. 1971.1 37 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P dan K), Lembaga Perpustakaan. bb-22-N+ , , 2722 DAFTAR skripsi jang ditulis oleh mahasiswa sebagai sjarat untuk menempuh udjian sardjana hukum, pada Fakultas Hukum dan Pengetahuan Masjarakat, Universitas Andalas Padang. (1958 sampai dengan 1970). Padang 1971. 25 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Andalas, Fakultas Hukum dan Pengetahuan Masjarakat. bb-127-N + 2723 INDONESIA in books: A guide to the Claire Holt memonal collection. Djakarta z.j. VI, 67 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde Engelse tekst. Lembaga Persahabatan Indonesia-Amerika, Library. bb-163-N + 2724 KATALOGUS manuskrip kraton Jogjakarta. [Disusun] oleh MUDJANATTISTOMO. Jogjakarta 1971. 72 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P. dan K), Direktorat Djendral Kebudajaan, Lembaga Bahasa Nasional Tjabang 2. Widyaparwa 3. bb-145-N 2725 MUDJANATTISTOMO, Katalogus manuskrip kraton Jogjakarta. Jogjakarta 1971. 72 pp. 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Direktorat Djenderal Kebudajaan, Lembaga Bahasa Nasional, Tjabang 2. Widyaparwa 3. bb-135-N | 1 ., 2726 MUDJANATTISTOMO, Katalogus manuskrip kraton Jogjakarta. Jogjakarta 1971. 74 pp 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan (P. dan K.), Direktorat Djendral Kebudajaan, Lembaga Bahasa Nasional Tjabang 2. Widyaparwa, no. 3. bb-154-N 2727 OTTEN (F.J.M.), Inventaris van de papieren van Jhr. Mr. B.C. de JONGE. 's-Gravenhage 1971. V, 40 pp. ill, 29 cm. Algemeen rijksarchief. bb-103-N + 2728 A BIBLIOGRAPHY on Indonesian material for the humanities and social sciences 1960 - 1970 Ed. by W.W. Wanny SUPIT. Associate eds.: Rusdi MUCHTAR, Istinganah SUDHARMO, e.a. Djakarta 1972. XIX, 147 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Lembaga Research Kebudajaan Nasional. Seri bibliografi, no 1. bb-137-N + 2729 BUDIARTO, Beberapa sumber data tentang Lombok dalam literatur lama. Bandung 1972. 32 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Djurusan Antropologi. Eto. 8/72. bb-130-N + 2730 DAFTAR buku kumulatif dengan anotasi seri 1, 2,3, dan 4. Pedoman untuk memiuh buku bagi perpustakaan sekolah, th. ke-1. Jakarta 1972. 200 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Lembaga Perpustakaan, Bagian Perpustakaan Sekolah. bb-160-N + 2731 DAFTAR majalah dalam dan luar negeri di Perpustakaan Pusat Departemen Kesehatan RI. [Kata pengantar oleh Ny. Jojoh WARTOMO.1 Jakarta 1972. 48 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (R.I.), Bagian Penerbitan dan Perpustakaan Biro V. bb-136-N + 2732 DIRECTORY of libraries in the field of economie and social sciences. - BUKU petundjuk tentang perpustakaan2 dibidang ekonomi dan ilmu sosial. [Kata pengantar oleh SOEKARMAN, dan Eva PHILIPPS.1 Djakarta 1972. VII, 58 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial (LP3ES). Asosiasi Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Indonesia (APADD. 2733 KATALOGUS karangan-karangan kehutanan. [Jakarta] 1972. No 2 - 10. 20 cm. obl. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pertanian, Direktorat Djenderal Kehutanan. 2734 KATALOGUS perpustakaan 1972 Lembaga Research Kebudajaan Nasional L.I.P.I. [Usaha Penyusunannya dilakukan oleh Ratna Shofi INAYATI, Sulandjani SUKARDJO, dan Sudarmadi A. MADSARI.1 Jakarta 1972. III, 91 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Met bijl.: Suplemen, Desember. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (L.I.P.I.), Lembaga Research Kebudajaan Nasional, Perpustakaan dan Dokumentasi bb-138-N + bb. Bibliographies - Catalogues - Inventories 167 2735 LIST of doctoral dissertations and sardjana skripsis (theses) [of the] Universitas Hasanuddin, 1960-1972. Ed. by W.H. MAKALIWE. Udjung Pandang 1972. III, 46 pp. 30 cm. Hasanuddin University Faculty of Economics, Institute of economie and social research. No 24. bb-92-N + 2736 PURAWIDJAJA (Sukarsih), Bibliografi tentang pergerakan wanita Indonesia sesudah tahun 1945. Amsterdam 1972. 33 pp, 30 cm. Indonesisch Engelse tekstKoninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Centrale Bibliotheek. bb-144-N + 2737 RINGKASAN2 publikasi, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan dan Peternakan, Universitas Udayana. - ABSTRACTS of publications of the Faculty of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry of the Udayana University. [Kata pengantar oleh L Goesti Ngoerah Gde NGOERAH.] Denpasar, Dharma Bhakti, 1972. 47 pp, 24 cm. Universitas Udayana, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan dan Peternakan. - Udayana University, Faculty of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry. bb-128-N 2738 SELEKY (W.A.), Bibliografi tentang penduduk dan kebudajaannja dari kepulauan MalukS 1934- 1964. Amsterdam 1972.13 pp, 30 cm. Engels-en Indoneriscneteklt Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Centrale Bibliotheek. International Course on Library Science and Documentation bb-143-N + 2739 SUMANTRI (Bambang), Bibliografi hubungan Indonesia - Belanda 1945 - 1950. Amsterdam [1972.1 9 pp, 30 cm. Indonesisch-Nederlandse tekst. Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Centrale Bibliotheek. International Course on Library Science and Documentation. bb-137-N + 2740 BIBLIOGRAFI Irian Jaya. Jakarta 1973. 24 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst Yayasan Idayu bb-179-N + 2741 BUUR (Dorothée [Barbara Maria]), Persoonlijke documenten. Nederlands-Indië/Indonesië. Leiden, Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1973. XII, 241 pp, 30 cm. bb-110-N + 2742 DAFTAR buku-b uku, Maret 1973, toko buku "Deli". Medan, Deli, 1973. 101 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Perusahaan Daerah propinsi Sumatera Utara, Percetakan dan Toko Buku Unit. bb-165-N + 2743 DAFTAR tambahan koleksi Perpustakaan LEKNAS, Juli - September 1973. Disusun oleh DJAFRIE S.Rn. Jakarta 1973. 30 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Ekonomi dan Kemasyarakatan Nasional (LEKNAS). Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). bb-178-N + 2744 HOENDERKAMP (Mariëtte), De Verenigde Naties en de Indonesische kwestie 1947 - 1963. Amsterdam, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 1973. II, 8 pp, 30 cm. Literatuur-lijsten van het Koninklijk Instituut voorde Tropen 6. bb-114-N + 2745 INDONESIAN education: an annotated bibliography. Comp. by R. MURRAY THOMAS, Sutan Zanti ARBI and SOEDYARTO. Santa Barbara etc, Univ. of Calif, 1973. VI, 239 pp, 28 cm. Indonesian Bibliography Project. Graduate School of Education. Vol. I (1973). bb-113-N + 2746 INDONESIA periodicals 1. 1973- . catalogue microfiche-editions. Zug, Inter Documentation Company, 1973-. 21 cm. bb-101-N 2747 JAQUET (Hrédéric GCeorgel Pteterl), Lijst van stukken deel uitmakende van de collectie Korn (Or 435). [Leiden] 1973. IV, 56 pp, 30 cm. Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. bb-105-N + 2748 JAQUET (Hrederic GCeorge] Pteter]), Overzicht van het archief van de adatrechtstichting. Leiden, Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 1973. 21 pp, 30 cm. bb-107-N + 2749 LIAN THE, The Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap. An annotated content analysis. Comp. by-. Under the di ree t ion of Paul [W.1 van der VEUR. Athens, Ohio, 1973. VIII, 143 pp, 28 cm. Ohio University, Center for International Studies! Papers in International Studies. Southeast Asia Series 26. bb-lll-N + 2750 MAJALAH ilmiah luarnegeri dilanggan dan diterima sebagai hadiah dan pertukaran Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, dalam th. 1973. Jakarta 1973. 78 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Pusat Dokumentasi Ilmiah Nasional. bb-164-N + 2751 MUTTALIB (Jang Alisjah), The history and society of South Sumatra, 1800-1920: Publications in New York libraries. New York, N.Y. 1973. II, 41 pp, 28 cm. Columbia University. Southern Asian Institute. Occasional bibliographical naner No 2 bb-104-N+ 6 r *^ 168 I. Indonesia 2752 NAIM (Asma M.), dan Mochtar NAIM, Bibliografi Minangkabau. Skripsi, tesis dan disertasi (theses and dissertations). Padang 1973. III, 48 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. 2753 NOTES on South Celebes manuscripts. Distributed by CC. MACKNIGHT. Canberra, Australian National Univ., 1973. III, 79 pp, 30 cm. bb-108-N + 2754 SUATU bibliografi beranotasi dari: Bahan-bahan tentang keluarga berencana dan kependudukan di Indonesia dan bidang-bidang yang berhubungan dengan itu, yang ada di Perpustakaan Pusat Latihan dan Penelitian Nasional/Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia. [Di kumpulkan oleh: PASNI, Ngurah WATI, Srie HARTIAH, d.1.1.1 Jakarta 1973. 73 pp, 34 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Perpustakaan Pusat Latihan dan Penelitian Nasional/Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia. bb-140-N + 2755 TAIRAS (J.N.B.), Daftar karya bibliografi Indonesia. Djakarta 1973. VIII, 71 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (P. dan K.), Lembaga Perpustakaan, Panitia Nasional Tahun Buku International 1972 Indonesia, Panitia Tehnis Perpustakaan, Sub Panitia Kegiatan Bibliografi. bb-121-N + 2756 THUNG (Yvonne), and John M. ECHOLS, A checklist of Indonesian serials in the Cornell University Library (1945-1970). Ithaca, N.Y. 1973. VI, 225 pp, 28 cm. Cornell. Dept of Asian Studies, Southeast Asia Program. Data Paper. No. 89. bb-98-N+ _ 1 , 2757 GANASIDI Lembaga Pembina Seni Pedalangan Indonesia, Djawa Tengah dan daerah istimewa Jogjakarta. Tjatatan dwi warsa 12.7.'69 - '71. IKetua umum: SOEWARSOI. Semarang 1971. 71 pp, ills 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Pembina Seni Pedalangan Indonesia (Ganasidi), Djawa Tengah dan daerah istimewa Jogjakarta. b-208-N cc. Literature in European languages 2758 BALEN (J. Hendrik van), Het beleg van Kappar. De oorlog met de Makassaren in 1679. Met 12 pltn. van Wilm STEELINK. Amsterdam, Jan Leendertz & Zn, lc. 18951 178 pp, 20 cm. De Nederlanders in oost en west, te water en te land. 2e serie. cc-372-N 2759 DOERI TINGGI, Saridja's kind. Een Indische novelle. Utrecht, Bruna, IZ.j.147 pp, 20 cm. Xerox-copie. cc-354-N 2760 HOMOET (J.C.), De bruine prins en zijn vrienden. Een verhaal uit de eerste jaren der Oostindische Compagnie. Met 8 pltn. Nijkerk, Callenbach, [Z.j.1212 pp, 23 cm. cc-378-N 2761 AS (G. van), In veilige haven. Nijkerk, Callenbach, [Z.j.1 11 pp, ills, 19 cm. Xeroxcopie. cc-355-N r««kai 2762 SALOME. Licht uit duisternis. Een verhaal uit Indië. Rotterdam, Daamen, 119031. 158 pp, 20 cm. cc-379-N 2763 KARSSEN (H), De waarzegster en hare kinderen of van duisternis tot licht Rotterdam, Bredee, 1906. lih 124 pp, ills, 19 cm. Xeroc-copie. Ie dr. Amsterdam, Höveker, [18911. cc-362-N 2764 FOKKER (A.A.), Sienjo. Hollandsch-Indische novelle. Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf, [19081. 45 pp, 19 cm. Warendorfs novellen bibliotheek. No. 207. Xerox-copie. cc-346-N £££i-«ri' 2765 BOSCHMA (Hilbrandt), Blank en bruin. 2e dr. 's-Gravenhage, Daamen, 1912. Vil, 182 pp, ills, 21 cm. Xeroxcopie. cc-380-N 2766 ALTER EGO. Verzen. Weltevreden, Kolff & Co, 1919. 76 pp, 19 cm. cc-373-N 2767 GOBIUS (Tine) Het Indische nichtje. Geill. door Willem HARDENBERG. 4e dr. Alkmaar, Kluitman, [c. 19201. 160 pp. ills, 20 cm. Ons genoegen. Bibliotheek voor jongens en meisjes. Serie B - Meisjesboeken. cc-342-N 2768 JEVEA, Het lieve leven. Buitenzorg, Archipel Drukkerij, [1921] 80 pp, 21 cm. Xeroxcopie. cc-361-N 2769 SONNEGA Ez. (H.W.), Henk en Bert. Avonturen van twee Indische jongens op de reis en in Holland. Geill. door Jeanne FAURE. Arnhem, Ten Brink, 1922. 176 pp, 22 cm. Jul iana-Bibliotheek. cc-368-N 2770 BOVENE (G.A. van), Frikkadel. Geill. door Suzon BEYNON. Met 6 pentekn. Den Haag, Van Stockum en Zn, 1923. 125 pp, 22 cm. Xerox-copie. cc-360-N cc. Literature in European languages 169 2771 HAZEVOET (Jac), Keesje's leertijd in de tropen. Geill. door Henk POEDER. Nijkerk, Callenbach, [Z.j.1 94 pp, 20 cm. cc-382-N 2772 HORST- VAN DOORN (Gerda vtanl dterl), Zonnebrand en schaduw. Roman van plantersleven in de Preanger. Weltevreden, Visser & Co, 1924. IV 270 pp 21 cm cc-365-N ' 2773 SCHERPENZEEL (J. van), Klein Jantje van Grisee. Met prentjes van Jan WIEGMAN. Batavia enz, Kolff, 1924. 107 pp, ills, 21 cm. Xerox-copie. cc-350-N 2774 KERSTNUMMER [van het Weekblad] "Sumatra". December 1926. Medan 1926. 52 pp, ills, 39 cm. Weekblad "Sumatra". cc-370-N + 2775 MASDORP (D.), Frits Verster en zijn vrienden in Patria en op Celebes. Met vier platen, band- en omslagtekening van Henk POEDER. Gouda, Goor, [19261. 167 pp ills, 23 cm. G.B.-serie. VI. cc-340-N 2776 VOGT (Willem), Radioleven. Een kwarteeuw pioniersarbeid in een modern beroep. Amsterdam, Scheltens en Giltay, [c. 1930]. 278 pp, ills, 21 cm. cc-375-N 2777 SIBBELEE (D.J.), Katjoeng Poetih's thuisreis. Geill. door Rie REINDERHOFF. Amsterdam Van Holkema en Warendorf,tl933]. 174 pp, 21 cm. Oranje-bibliotheek cc-364-N 2778 SOEST (Ems LH. van), Astrid. Geill. door Annie vfan] dfe] RUIT. Alkmaar, Kluitman, [19331 244 pp, 24 cm. cc-392-N 2779 SZEKELY-LULOFS (M.H.) Emigranten en andere verhalen. Amsterdam Elsevier 1933. 206 pp, 21 cm. cc-349-N 2780 AKKER (W. van den), Van weesjongen tot gouverneur-generaal. Geill. door M.C.A. MEISCHKE. 2e dr. Delft, Meinema, [Z.j.1147 pp, 21 cm. Ie dr. 1934. 2e dr c 1934 cc-366-N 2781 SOEST (Ems J.H. van), Het bergkoninginnetje. Geill. door Annie vtan] dfe] RUIT. Alkmaar, Kluitman, [19341 259 pp, 24 cm. cc-389-N 2782 WILKENS (Duco), De verlaten kampong. Geill. door Pol DOM. Alkmaar, Kluitman, [19341 190 pp, 21 cm. Gefli: bibliotheek "In de vacantie". Serie A Jongensboeken. cc-396-N 2783 LORZ (Wies), Kees de Indo. Met 4 tekn. van Thomas NIX Bandoeng Nix en Co.,119361 VI, 242 pp, 21 cm. cc-387-N 2784 VOORHOEVE (Rudi), De jagers van de Tamirivier. Avonturen in de oerwouden van Nieuw-Guinea. 111. van F. OCKERSE. Amsterdam, Veen's UitgeVérsmij, 1936. 215 pp, 24 cm. cc*376-N 2785 MICHIELSEN(K.W.J.),Indischereflexen.[Gedichten][Batavia,Kolff, 1937 ]51 pp 23 cm. cc-374-N 2786 SOEST (Ems J.H. van ), 't Stuur in handen. Geill. door Hans BORREBACH. 2e dr. Alkmaar, Kluitman, [19401 187 pp, 21 cm. cc-367-N 2787 MOLENAAR (Gerben), Dans der Djoeligs. Batavia, Drukkers- en Uitgevers mij, [19471 202 pp, 21 cm. Nideum-bibliotheek no: A2. Xerox-copie. cc-356-N 2788 DUSSEL (Wim), Heklichtjes. Humoreskes uit het mariniersleven in Indië. Ills, van Nico KOTTEN. Rotterdam, Wyt, 1948.160 pp, ills, 20 cm. Xerox-copie. cc-353-N 2789 SOEST (Ems J.H. van), Ter ere van Holland. Baarn, Hollandia [1948] 263 pp 20 cm. cc-385-N ' 2790 SWAAN-KOOPMAN (C), Het vuurtje op de berghelling. Oegstgeest, Zendingsbureau der Ned. Herv. Kerk, 1953. 31 pp, ills, 21 cm. cc-384-N 2791 DROPPERS (J.A.), Wat dokter Slamet vertelt. Tekn. van Anny ROT Nijkerk Callenbach, [19541 39 pp. 23 cm. cc-343-N 2792 WILKESHUI& (C), De gouden keten van de compagnie. Geill. door P. van der MAADEN. Haarlem, Boom - RuygroMZ.j.1 172 pp, 20 cm. [19541 Pionierserie cc-386-N 2793 BOOY (H.Th. de), Eenzame tropenzeeën. Met Hr. Ms. Halmaheira tussen eilanden en riffen. Omslag, bd en ills van Georges MAZURE. Amsterdam, H. Meulenhoff 1957. 159 pp, 23 cm. cc-352-N 2794 ME IJER (H. Eberhard), Een blijver repatrieert. Roman. Amsterdam, Engelhard Van Embden en Co, 1957. 196 pp, 21 cm. cc-358-N 2795 LBFFELAAR (H.L.), Leven op rantsoen. Amsterdam, De Arbeiderspers 1959 203 pp, 20 cm. cc-388-N 2796 BERG (Phia van den), Dorcas en de kinderen van Toeroe. Met ills, van Corrie van der BAAN. Nijkerk, Callenbach, 1960 61 pp, 22 cm. cc-383-N 170 I. Indonesia 2797 CAPELLE (M C ), Een kleine nietsnut? 3e dr. Den Haag, Voorhoeve, 119621. 32 pp, ills, 20 cm. cc-344-N 2798 BERG (J.H. van den) (vrijbuiter), Hollandiase buitelingen. Geill. door Jan Willem MOLENKAMP. [Amsterdam, Ausgustin en Schoonman, 19631. 60 pp, 11 cm. obl. cc-377-N 2799 HOEVEN (J.A. vfanl dferD, Ratten aan 't spit. Amsterdam, De Standaard, 1964.184 pp, 19 cm. cc-351-N 2800 KAMPEN (Anthony van), Het oog van de naald. Verhalen uit het noorden en het oosten, het zuiden en het westen. Bussum, De Boer, 1969.172 pp, 21 cm. cc-359-N 2801 KING (Peter), Multatuli. New York, Twayne Publ, 1972. 185 pp, 20 cm. Twayne's world authors series 219. A survey of the world's literature. Netherlandic literature. cc-347-N 2802 OOSTERBROEK-DUTSCHUN (Annie), De verte roept. 5e dr. Bussum, Van Holkema & Warendorf, fc. 19721. 232 pp, 20 cm. Unieboek. cc-381-N 2803 RENDRA (W.S.) en Taufiq ISMAIL. [Gedichten! Vert. in Ned. door A. TEEUW. English transl. by H.S. AVELING and Button RAFFEL. [Z.pl. c. 19721. 28 pp, 30 cm. Stencil. cc-371-N + 2804 ROEDER (O.G), Smiles in Indonesia. Cartoonist: G.M. SUDARTA. Jakarta, Gunung Agung, 1972. 119 pp, 20 cm. cc-391-N 2805 VUYK (Beb) [ = E. de Willigen-Vuykl Verzameld werk. Duizend eilanden. Het laatste huis van de wereld. Het hout van Bara en vijftien verhalen. Amsterdam. Querido, 1972. 526 pp, 22 cm. cc-348-N 2806 COUPERUS (Louis), De stille kracht. Utrecht, Knippenberg, lc. 19731. 32 pp, ills, 44 cm. Buik-boek 7. cc-390-N + 2807 DEELMAN (A.G.), Ali bin Joesoep. Roman uk de nadagen van Nederlands-Indië. Franeker, Wever, [c. 1973.! 362 pp, ills, 22 cm. cc-357-N 2808 EYSMA (Carla Maria), Thema van alledag. 's-Gravenhage, Stockum, [z.j.1. 50 pp. 20 cm. cc-341-N 2809 FABRICIUS (Johan), Een reis door het nieuwe Indonesië. Een bew. herdr. van "Sentimen- tal Journey". 's-Gravenhage, Leopold, 1973. 135 pp, ills, 18 cm. cc-393-N 2810 NIEUWENHUYS (RobLertD, OotfFlndische spiegel. Wat Nederlandse schrijvers en dichters over Indonesië hebben geschreven, vanaf de eerste jaren der compagnie tot op heden. 2e verb. dr. Amsterdam, Querido, 1973. 645 pp, 22 cm. cc-345-N dd. Almanacs - Digests - Musical compositions - Miscellaneous 2811 HECK (F.C. van), Nou moet je lachen. Balikpapanrevue. Opgevoerd op 31 december 1925 in de feestzaal der sociëteit te Balikpapan. [Met tekst van C. van NlEKERKEN, B. HEL- DERMAN, Hubert CLEERDIN e.a.! Weltevreden, Kolff & Co, [19251.12 pp, 37 cm. dd-119-N + 2812 LEDENLIJST van de Rotary-clubs in Nederlandsen Oost-Indië district no. 79. 1940/1941. Samengest. door het Districtssecretariaat afgesloten 1 Sept. 1940. Buitenzorg, Archipel, [19411. 105 pp, 19 cm. dd-118-N 2813 SUARA penerbit nasional. Chusus sebagai kenang2an menjambut pameran dan pekan buku-buku Indonesia "IKAPI" di Medan. Pemimpin red.: Harris Muda NASUTION. [Medanl 1954. 49 pp. 26 cm. Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia (IKAPI). dd-140-N + 2814 WARSONO, [dan! KODIRON, UmbuP krido-raras. Hangewrat: Tuntunan bawa tuwin hanggérong. Wigatos sanget tumrapipun para wiraswara, para wirawati, ki dalang sarta para marsudi kagunan karawitan Djawi sanèsipun. [Surakarta, Peladjar, 1968.1 52 pp, 18 cm. Gestencilde tekst. dd-124-N 2815 NARTOSABDO, Gending2 Jawi modern. Lagu dolanan gagrag enggal. [Z.pl. z.j.138 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Muziekwerk. dd-137-N 2816 IRAMA pusparagam. Djakarta. Liem Tiat Sien, [Z.j.1 Deel I - 9, 16 cm. Muziekwerkjes. dd-125-N 2817 KEJAKINAN dan perdjuangan. Buku kenangan untuk letnan djenderal Dr. T.B. Simatupang. [Ketua: P.D. LATUIHAMALLO.TDjakarta, BPK Gunung Mulia, 1972. 452 pp, ill, 22 cm. dd-126-N ee. Philological and literary studies 171 2818 DAMAI di bumi.... bagi orang yang berkehendak baik. [Ketua panytia: Paul SOETOPO.1 [Jakarta 1972.141 pp, ill, 21 cm Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia, Unit Bank Indonesia. dd-138-N 2819 JAARVERSLAG 1972 - [van het! Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen. Amsterdam 1973 -. 26 cm. dd-3-N + 2820 JOHNS (YohannD, De moderne Indonesische keuken. Indonesisch kookboek voor iedereen. Den Haag, Van Goor, 1972. XIV, 151 pp. 7 pltn, 26 cm. Oorspr. titel: Dishes from Indonesia. dd-113-N + 2821 LAPORAN tahunan 1971 Bank Dagang Negara. [Direktur utama: Omar ABDALLA.1 Djakarta, Foremost, 1972. 49 pp, ills, 24 cm. obl. Bank Dagang Negara. dd-167-N 2822 MEDAN fair '72 Sumatera Utara, 29 Des. 1972 - 1 Pebr. 1973. [Pimpinan: Djamaludin TAMBUNAN! Medan 1972. 68 pp, ills, 23 cm. Bevat 2 bijln. Badan Penyelenggara Medan Fair Sumatera Utara 1972. dd-123-N 2823 DAFTAR alamat dan nomor telepon pejabat-pejabat negara 1973. [Jakarta! 1973. 222 pp, 22 cm. Departemen Penerangan. dd-127-N 2824 GUIDE book Jakarta fair-6, 1973, 16 Juni - 28 Juli. Dalam rangka hari ulang tahun ke-446 Jakarta Raya. [Kata pengantar oleh ketua: Usman ISMAIL.1 [Jakarta 1973.! 223 pp, ills, 20 cm. Jakarta Fair, Hubungan Masyarakat. dd-128-N 2825 KOMPASS. Daftar perusahaan industri dan perdagangan di Indonesia. 1973/1974. Jakarta, Kompass Indonesia, c. 1973. 376 pp, ills, 30 cm. Indonesische-, Engelse-, Nederlandse- en Duitse tekst dd-187-N + 2826 LAPORAN ketua PU [ = pimpinan umum] perintis kemerdekaan pada sidang Mubes [= musyawarah besar] perintis kemerdekaan, tg. 26 Mei 1973.! [Jakarta 1973.! 3 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. dd-164-N + 2827 SUHARDJO, Perbaikan nasib para perintis kemerdekaan dalam hidup dan penghidupan. Prasaran dalam musyawarah besar persatuan perintis kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam hidup dan penghidupan, yang berlangsung dari tg- 25 s/d 27 Mei 1973 di Jakarta. Jakarta 1973. 4 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. dd-166-N + 2828 SUMADIREDJA (Maskun), Pidato ketua pimpinan umum pada resepsi musyawarah besar perintis kemerdekaan pada tg. 25 Mei 1973 di Jakarta. Jakarta 1973. 5 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. dd-165-N + 2829 TATA-TERTIB rapat musyawarah besar ke 4, persatuan perintis kemerdekaan Indonesia. [Jakarta 1973.1 2 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. dd-135-N + 2830 VUYK (Beb), [= E. de WILLIGEN-VUYK]. Groot Indonesisch kookboek, (afgewisseld met chinese recepten). Laren N.H, Luitingh, 1973. 448 pp, ills, 22 cm. dd-120-N ee. Philological and literary studies 2831 SWELLENGREBEL(J.L.), Balische zegswijzen. LZ.pl.! 1952. 55 pp, 24 cm. Overdr. uit: Tijdschrift voor Ind. taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Deel 85. jrg. 1952, afl. 1. ee-268-N 2832 HAMZAH (Junus Amir), Tenggelamnja kapal van der Wijck dalam polemik. Dengan bantuan H.B. JASSIN. Djakarta, Mega Book Store. I9f3.196 pp, 18 cm. ee-272-N 2833 POEDJAWIJATNA (I.R.), Pembimbing kearah alam filsafat. Tj. ke-2. Djakarta, Pembangunan, 1966. 230 pp, 18 cm. Pustaka Sardjana. No 34. ee-259-N 2834 PAMERAN dokumentasi kesusasteraan Indonesia modern, fke-3 pada th. 1968 di Djakarta!. [Djakarta 1968.117 pp. ill. 19 cm. Direktorat Bahasa dan Kesusasteraan. Dewan Kesenian Jakarta. Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia. Gedeeltelijk in het Engels vert. ee-257-N 2835 BAGUS (I Gusti Ngurah), Situasi sastra Bali modern dan masalah pembinaannja. Denpasar, Gema, 1969- 9 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. ee-269-N 2836 LIAW YOCK FANG, dengan kerjasama H.B. JASSIN, Ikhtisar kritik sastra. Singapura, Pustaka Nasional, 1970. VII, 132 pp, 19 cm. ee-264-N 2837 VOORDRACHTEN voor de cursus voor Indonesische linguisten door P. MIDDELKOOP, C. HOOYKAAS, A. CENSE, P.J. ZOETMULDER, P. VOORHOEVE, J.L SWELLENG REBEL, Th.G.Th. PIGEAUD, H. van der VEEN, L. ONVLEE en A. TEEUW. Leiden 1971 34 cm. Verzameld in 1 map. ee-265-N + 172 I. Indonesia 2838 AICHELE (Walther), Irrige Textredigierung in Altjavanischen Schriften. Hamburg, Gesellschaft für Nattir»- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, z.j.6o pp, 39 cm. Nachrichten OAG 73. pag. 24-29. Xerox-copie. ee-261-N + 2839 ANTHOLOGUE bilingue de la poesie indonesienne contemporaine - Antologi dwibasa puisi Indonesia dewasa ini. [Jakarta] 1972. 147 pp, ills, 18 cm. Gepubl. ter gelegenheid van het bezoek van pres. Suharto aan Frankrijk en aan andere Europese landen in 1972. Departemen Luar Negeri. ee-278-N 2840 MIHARDJA (Achdiat K.), Atheis. Transl. from the Indonesian by R.J. MAQUIRE. St. Lucia, Univ. of Queensland Press, 1972. XII, 180 pp, 22 cm. Asian and Pacific Writing 1. Oorspr. uitg. van Balai Pustaka, Djakarta, 1949. ee-260-N 2841 POLEMIK. Suatu pembahasan sastera dan kebebasan mencipta berhadapan dengan undang-undang dan agama. [Dikumpulkan olehJ H.B. JASSIN. Kuala Lumpur, Pustaka Antara, 1972. VIII, 244 pp, ill, 21 cm. ee-256-N 2842 ABDULLAH (H. Syamsuddin), Kuliah tentang petundjuk membuat risalah. Yogyakarta 1973. 80 pp, ills, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (I.A.I.N.) Sunan Kalijaga, Fakultas (Fak.) Ushuluddin, Komisaris Jurusan Perbandingan Agama Doktoral II. ee-280-N 2843 BEBERAPA masalah dalam bahasalndonesia. (Kumpulan artikel). Cet. ke-2. Oleh: Sri HASTUTI P.H. Yogyakarta, Swadaya, 1973. 45 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan (I.K.I.P.) "Yogyakarta". Fakultas Keguruan Sastra dan Seni (F.K.S.S.). ee-279-N + 2844 PANDUAN menulis cerpen. Disunting oleh A. BAKER HAMID, dan Usman Awang. Kuala Lumpur, Utusan Melayu, 1973. XIV, 49 pp, 22 cm. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Siri kajian sastra DBP bil. 1. ee-273-N 2845 ROSIDI (Ajip), Masalah angkatan dan periodisasi sedjarah sastra Indonesia. Beserta sepilihan karangan lain. Tj. ke-2. Djakarta, Pustaka Jaya, 1973. 139 pp, 21 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1970. ee-270-N 2846 SKAZANIE O Sang Bome. Perevod s malajskogo L.A. MERVART. Podgotovka k pechati predisl. i prim. B B. PARNIKELJA. Moskva, Nauka, 1973. 311 pp, 20$cm Akademya Nauk SSSR, Institut Vostokovedenija. Oorspr. titel: Hikajat Sang Boma, 1924. ee-258-N ff. Grammars - Language courses - Linguistic studies 2847 EDJAAN bahasa Indonesia dengan huruf Latin menurut surat keputusan Menteri Pendidikan, Pengadjaran dan Kebudajaan tg. 19 Maret 1947 no 264/Bhg. A. [Djakarta 1947]. 9 pp, 32 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Kementerian Pendidikan, Pengadjaran dan Kebudajaan. ff-232-N + 2848 POERBATJARAKA (Raden Mas Ngabehi), dan Tardjan HADIDJAJA, Kepustakaan Djawa. Djakarta etc, Djambatan, 1952. XII, 199 pp, 20 cm. Tevens in het Javaans uitgeg. o.d.t.: Kapustakan Djawi. ff-283-N 2849 TOBING (F.L.), Pidato sambutan menteri penerangan Dr. F.L. Tobing pada pembukaan konggres bahasa Indonesia, 28 Oktober 1954 di Medan. [Z.pl, z.j,] 11 pp, 21 cm. Indon.- en Engelse tekst. Kementerian Pendidikan, Pengadjaran dan Kebudajaan. ff-233-N 2850 YAMIN (Muhammad), Pertumbuhan bahasa Indonesia dalam abad proklamasi. Pidato pembukaan kongres bahasa Indonesia dikota Medan pada tgl 28 Oktober 1954. [Djakarta, Balai Pustaka, c. 1954.] 10 pp, 23 cm. ff-228-N 2851 YAMIN (Muhammad), Pidato penutup kongres bahasa Indonesia seperti diutjapkan dalam sidang tg. 2 Nopember ketika menutup dengan resmi kongres bahasa Indonesia jang berlangsung dikota Medan dari 27 Okt. - 2 Nop. 1954. [Djakarta,] Balai Pustaka, 1954. 7 pp, 23 cm. ff-226-N 2852 ANZIB, dan H.M. ZAINUDDIN, Sarah Atjèh èdjaan tata bahasa Atjèh. Medan, Pustaka Iskandar Muda, [c. 1956.] 56 pp, 21 cm. Fotokopie. ff-245-N 2853 WIRAKUSUMAH (R. Momon), dan R. Tjetje DJAJADISASTRA, Taman sekar. Pangadjaran basa Sunda pikeun S.R. [ = sekolah Sastra Sunda]. Dhl. 2. Bandung etc, Ganaco, 1957. 97 pp, ills, 19 cm. ff-272-N ff. Grammars — Language courses — Linguistic studies 173 2854 ALIEVA (N.F.), Sootnoshenie slovoobrazobatel'nyx i sintaksicheskij funkcij glagol'nyx affiksov v Indonezijskom jazyke. Moskva 1963.10 pp, 21 cm. Xerox copie van: Voprosy jazykoznannija XII, no 2. blz. 103-111. Akademija Nauk SSSR, Institut Jazykoznanie. ff-195-N 2855 MAKARENKO (L.G.), [il N.D. ANDREEV. Approksimacionnyj analiz Indonezijskogo sintaksisa. Moskva [etc.1 1965. 6 pp, 21 cm. Xerox copie van: Statistiko-kombinatornoe modelirovanie jazykov, blz. 437-441. Akademija Nauk SSSR, Institut jazykoznanija. ff-197-N 2856 SAMSURI, Introduction toa Rappang Buginesegrammar. Ann. Arbor, Mich, Univ. Microfilms Ltd, 1965. VI, 204 pp, 23 cm. Indiana University. Department of Linguistks. Xerox copie. ff-192-N 2857 SIMANGUNSONG (B.), Diktat tatabahasa Indonesia. Bandjarmasin 1965. 59 pp, 33 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Sekolah Menegah Atas Negeri I (SMA Neg.1), Bandjarmasin. ff-290-N + 2858 ZUBKOVA (L.G), Spektral'nye xarakteristiki Indonezijskix glasnyx. Leningrad 1966. 12 pp, 21 cm. Xerox copie van: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, no 14; Serija istorii, Jazyka i literatury, afl. 3, blz. 119-127. ff-200-N 2859 HADIWIDJANA (R.D.S.), Tata-sastra. Ngewrat rembag 4 bab: Titiswara tuwin aksarar titi-tembung, titi-ukara, titi-basa. Jogja, Indonesia, 1967. 96 pp. 22 cm ff-230-N 2860 RAMACARITAN. Batjaan Sanskerta sederhana. Disusun oleh Tjok. Rai SUDHARTA dan I Gusti Agung OKA. Denpasar 1967. 40 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Tekst in Sanskriet. Parisada Hindu Dharma Pusat. ff-260-N-III 2861 ZUBKOVA (L.G), Glasnyj [al i ego mesto v sisteme Indonezijskogo vokalizma. Leningrad 1967.7 pp, 21 cm. Xerox copie van: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta 2; istorija jazyk literatura, afl. 1, blz. 97-102. ff-201-N 2862 ALIEVA (N.F.), Vyrazhenie ob'ektnyx otnoshenij glagola kak universal'noe svojstvo jazykov. Moskva 1969. 7 pp, 21 cm. Xerox copie van: Jazykovye universalii i lingvisticheskaja tipologija, blz. 129-134. Akademia Nauk SSSR, Institut Vostokovedenija. ff-193-N 2863 LAYCOCK (Don [CD, Richard G. LLOYD [andi Philip STAALSEN, Papers in New Guinea linguistks No. 10. Canberra, The Australian National Univ., 1969. VI, 84 pp, krt, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistks. Series A. Occasional Papers. No. 22. ff-202-N + 2864 MARETIN (J.V.), Osobennosti baxasa Indonesia kak gosudarstvennogo jazyka respubliki Indonesia. Leningrad 1969. 39 pp, 21 cm. Xerox copie van: Voprosy social'noj lingvistiki, blz. 182-219. Akademija Nauk SSSR, Leningradskoe otdelenie instituta jazykoznanie. ff-194-N 2865 QUELJÓE (David H. de), A preliminary study of Malay/Indonesian orthography. Dekalb, 111, 1969. VIII, 91 pp. 28 cm. Northern Illinois University. Center for Southeast Asian Studies. Special report series 2. ff-190-N + 2866 SIRK (J.X.), Nekotorye tipologicheskie izoglossy v vostochnoj Indonezii. Moskva 1969. 10 pp, 21 cm. Xerox copie van: Jazykovye universalii i lingvisticheskaja tipologya, blz. 288-296. Akademya Nauk SSSR, Institut Vostokovedenija»il-199-N 2867 SUDHARTA (Tjok. Rai) dan I Gusti Agung OKA. Pengantar ke bahasa Sanskerta. Untuk masjarakat umum dan umat Hindu. Denpasar 1969. Dl.1. 54 pp, 21 cm. Gestencilde tekst. ff-261-N 2868 ALIEVA (N.F.), Semantika glagolov i differenciacija perexodnosti. (Na materialc Indonezijskix perexodmijx glagolov s kornevoj osnovoj). Moskva, 1970. 19 pp, 21 cm. Xerox copie van : Jazijke jugo-votochnoj Azii, blz. 52-69. Akademija Nauk SSSR, Institut Vostokovedenija. ff-187-N 2869 BLOWERS (BLrucel L ), Margie GRIFFIN [andi K.A. McELHANON, Papers in New Guinea linguistks No. 13. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1970. IV, 58 pp, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series A. Occasional Papers. No. 26. ff-202-N + 2870 JUSUF (Djanewar), Tamsin MEDAN [dan] H.T. AHMAD. Tatabahasa Bahasa Indonesia. Dj.I. Untuk kelas I S.M.P. dan Sederadjat. Bukittinggi 1970. 52 pp, 22 'i cm. Taman bahasa. Serie peladjaran tata bahasa. ff-179-N 174 I. Indonesia 2871 LAYCOCK (Don [CD, Materials in New Guinea pidgin. (Coastal and Lowlands). Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1970. XXXVIII, 62 pp, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series D. Special Publications. No. 5. ff-213-N + 2872 McELHANON > a.o.] New York, N.Y, enz, Frederick A. Praeger, 1966.192 pp. 22 cm. tt-526-N-III 3205 VIETNAM; conference of representatives of the national associations of democratie lawyers from Western Europe; Brussels, 10-11 December 1966; ed. by M. Jules CHOME. Brussels, [19671 47 p, 24 cm. InternatioOal Association of Democratie Lawyers. Bulletin. tt-752-N III 3206 CHAISE (Father La), Father Peters and Father TACHART, The Jesuite Unmasqued, or a dialogue between —. Wherein the principal measures these Reverend Fathers pretend to take, for the conversion of English hereticks, and the Idolaters of Siam, are displayed. Together with a short Pasquü or Satyr against the most eminent writers for the Gallican Church. Transl. out of French from the Parisian copy. London, Walsal, 1968. VII, 39 pp, HL 23 cm. Photographic reprint. Bangkok, 1969. Series of Extracts 3. tt-551-N-IV 3207 MAW-KUEY (Tsai), Les chinois au Sud-Vietnam. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 1968. 293 pp, 24 cm. Mémoires de la section de géographie 3. Ministère de Péducation nationale. tt-550-N-IV 3208 ANDERSON (Dole A ), Marketing and development. The Thailand experience. East Lansing, Mich. 1970. XX, 214 pp. ills, 24 cm. Michigan State University. International business and economie studies. tt-519-N-III 3209 IN MEMORIAM Phya Anuman Rajadhon. Contributions in memory of the late president of the Siam Society. Ed. by TEJ BUNNAG and Michael SMITHIES. [Contrib. by David K. WYATT, Jane BUNNAG, Gordon H. LUCE a.o.] Bangkok, The Siam Society, 1970. VIII, 397 pp, ills, 25 cm. tt-528-N-I 3210 LEE (Chae-jin), [1936- 1. Communist China's policy toward Laos. A case study, 1954-67. [New York 1970.1 XII, 161 pp, ills, 24 cm. The University of Kansas. Center for Asian Studies. International studies, East Asian series. Research publication Nr 6. tt-522-N-III 3211 MANICH JUMSAI (M.L.), History of Anglo-Thai relations. Bangkok, Chalermnit, 1970. II, 299 pp. Ills, 27 cm. tt-517-N + II 3212 MANICH JUMSAI (M L ), History of Thailand and Cambodia. From the days of Angkor to the present. Bangkokj'fchalermnitt, 1970. X, 236 pp ills, krt, 27 cm. tt-518-N + II 3213 MANICH JUMSAI (M.L.), King Mongkut and Sir John Bowring. (From Sir John Bowring's personal files, kept at the Royal Thai Embassy in London.) Bangkok, Chalermnit, 1970. VIII, 240 pp, ills, 27 cm. tt-543-N + II 3214 NGUYEN DANG LIEM, A constrastive phonological analysis of English and Vietnamese. (A contrastive analysis of English and Vietnamese Vol. 4.). Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1970. XVI, 206 pp, ills, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra, Pacific Linguistics. Series C. Books. No 8 tt-541-N + V 3215 NGUYEN DANG LIEM, Four-syllable idiomatic expressions in Vietnamese. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1970. VI, 60 pp, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series D. Special Publications. No. 6. tt-540-N + V 3216 BURLEIGH (Charles), ThelivingMekong.[Sydneyetc. 1971.1IV, 137pp. ill 29cm Plaatwerk. tt-527-N + I 3217 GEORGE (Alexander L ), David K. HALL, [and! William E. SIMONS. The limits of coercive diplomacy. Laos, Cuba, Vietnam. Boston, Little, Brown and Comp [1971.1 XVIII, 268 pp 22 cm. tt-513-N-II 3218 GLOVER (Warren W.), Maria HARI [and] E.R. HOPE, Papers in South East Asian linguistics No. 2. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1971. IV, 78 pp, krt, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra.' Pacific Linguistics. Series A. Occasional Papers. No. 29. tt-542-N +V 192 II. Asia 3219 MANICH JUMSAI (M.L.), History of Laos. (From the days of Nan-Chao right down to the present day showing how the Thai/Lao were split up into various branches, ...) 2nd rev. and enl. ed. Bangkok, Chalermnit, 1971. VIII, 326, 54 pp. ills, 27 cm. Met bibliografie van Laos. tt-520-N + II 3220 MARTIN (Marie A.), Introduction a 1'ethnobotanique du Cambodge. Paris 1971. 300 pp, ills, krtn, 25 cm. Centre de documentation sur 1'Asie du Sud-Est. Atlas ethno-linguistique. Recherches coopérative sur programme. No. 61. 2me série. Monographies. tt-523-N-I 3221 NACH (James), Thailand in pictures. 9th pr. New York enz. Sterling enz, 1971. 64 pp, 26 cm. Visual geography series. tt-531-N-I 3222 NGUYEN VAN PHONG [(Joseph)], La société vietnamienne de 1882 a 1902 d'après les écrits des auteurs franc,ais. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1971. 388 pp, 24 cm. Publications de la faculté des lettres et sciences humaines de Paris - Sorbonne. Serie "Recherches" 69. tt-537-N-II 3223 SMITH (George E.), P.O.W. Two years with the Vietcong. Introd. and epilogue by Donald DUNCAN. Berkeley, Cal, Ramparts Press, 1971. 304 pp, krt, 8 pltn, 21 cm. tt-521-N-II 3224 WAUGH (Alec), Bangkok, The story of a city, Boston, enz, Little, Brown, 1971. VIII, 282 pp, ills, 25 cm. tt-534-N-II 3225 ARCHAIMBAULT (Charles), La course de pirogues au Laos: Un complexe culture!. Ascona 1972. 156 pp. 111. 32 cm. New York University. Institute of fine arts. Artibus Asiae. Supplementum. XXIX. tt-524-N + IV 3226 BOWEN (Jan), Seven lectures on manpower planning, with special reference to Thailand. Repr. Nedlands, Univ. of Western Australia, 1972. IV, 71 pp, 26 cm. Working papers in Asian studies 2. Centre for Asian studies. tt-555-N + III 3227 DOURNES (Jacques), Coordonnées structures Jörai familiales et sociales. Paris 1972. 323 pp, ills, Krt, 25 cm. UniHafsité de Paris. Institut d'ethnologie. Musée de 1'Homme. Travaux et Mémoires de 1'Institut d'ethnologie. LXXVII. tt-532-N-IV 3228 FitzGERALD (Frances), Fire in the lake. The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam. Boston etc, Little, Brown and Company, 1972. XII, 491 pp, krtn, 24 cm. Met bibliografie. tt-544-N-II 3229 GETHING (Thomas W.), Aspects of meaning in Thai nominals. A study in structural semantics. The Hague [etc.] 1972. 104 pp. 26 cm. Janua Linguarum. Series Practica, 141. tt-512-N + V 3230 H ANKS (Lucien M.), Rice and man. Agricultural ecology in Southeast Asia. Chicago etc, Aldine Atherton, 1972. X, 174 pp, ills, 8 pltn, 22 cm. Worlds of man. Studies in cultural ecology. tt-536-N-III 3231 HONDA (Katsuichi), Vietnam war. A report through Asian eyes. [Transl. by Kiyoshi MIULLA. Photogr. by Takane FUJIKI and Katsuichi HONDA]. Tokyo, Mirai-Sha, 1972. 511 pp, ills, 21 cm. tt-546-N-II 3232 INDOCHINA in conflict. A political assessment. [Introd-l Joseph J. ZASLOFF [and! Allan GOODMAN. Lexington, Mass, enz, D.C. Heath, 1972. XVIII, 227 pp, Krt, 24 cm. tt-525-N-II 3233 INTERMEDIATE Cambodian reader. Ed. by Franklin E. HUFFMAN with the assistance of lm PROUM. New Haven, IConn.!, enz, 1972. X, 502 pp, 26 cm. Yale linguistic series. tt-529-N + V 3234 LAMB (Helen B.), Vietnam's will to live. Resistance to foreign aggression from early times through the nineteenth century. New York etc, Monthly Review Press, 1972. VIII, 344 pp, 21 cm. tt-556-N-II 3235 LEMOINE (Jacques), Un village Hmong vert du Haut Laos. Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1972. 219 pp, ills, 3 Krtn, 14 pltn, 33 cm. Ecöle pratique des hautes études. Centre de documentation et de recherches sur 1'Asie du Sud-Est et le monde InsuBödien. Atlas ethno-linguistique. 2e serie. Monographies. tt-533-N + IV C J I 3236 MANGUIN (Pierre-Yves), Les Portugais sur les cötes du Viet-nam et du Campa. Etude sur les routes maritimes et les relations commerciales, d'après les sources portugaises. (XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe siècles). Paris, Ecole Franc,aise d'Extrême-Orient, 1972. XIV, 324 pp, ills, 28 cm. Publications de 1'école franc.aise d'Extrême Oriënt, Vol LXXXI. tt-549-N + II uu. Malaysia and Singapore (Bahasa Malayu: also categories ee, ff, gg and hh) 193 3237 MANICH JUMSAKM.L.), Popular history of Thailand. Bangkok, Chalermnit, 1972. II, 528 pp, ills, 19 cm. tt-539-N-II 3238 MANICH JUMSAI, M L. King Mongkut & Queen Victoria. (The model of a great friendship). Bangkok, Chalermnit, 1972. IV, 96 pp. 31 cm. tt-514-N + II 3239 SCOTT (Peter Dale), The war conspiracy. The secret road to the second Indochina war. Indianapolis, ünd.1, enz, Bobbs-Merill, 1972. XXVI, 238 pp, 22 cm. tt-530-N-II 3240 THAWATT MOKARAPONG, History of the Thai revolution. A study in political behaviour. Bangkok, Chalermnit, 1972. VIII, 251 pp, 22 cm. tt-538-N-II 3241 VAN DYKE (Jon M.), North Vietnam's strategy for survival. With a forew. by Edwin O. REISCHAUER. Palo Alto, Calif, Patific Books Publ, 1972. 336 pp, ills, 23 cm. tt-552-N-III 3242 WEST Jr. (F.J.), The village. New York enz. Harper & Row, 1972. XII, 288 pp, krtn, 8 pltn, 21 cm. tt-548-N-II 3243 ASPECTS of Vietnamese history. Ed. by Walter F. VELLA [Contrib. by R.B. SMITH, Vu Due BANG, William H. FREDERICK a.o.] Honolulu, University Press of Hawaii, 1973. XII, 276 pp, 23 cm. Asian Studies Program. Asian Studies at Hawaii 8. tt-547-N-II 3244 BUTTINGER (Joseph), A dragon defiant. A short history of Vietnam. Newton Abbot, David and Charles, 1973. XII, 147 pp, ills, 23 cm. tt-558-NII 3245 GOLDSTEIN (Martin E.), American policy towards Laos. Rutherford etc, Fairleigh Oickinson Univ. Press, 1973. 347 pp, krt, 24 cm. tt-545-N-III 3246 HARINASUTA (Chamlong), Richard A. GROSSMAN and Barbara A. UNDERWOOD. Nutrition and some related diseases of public health importance in the Lower Mekong Basin: a review. New York, The Asia Society, [19731 III, 73 pp, krtn, 28 cm. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group of the Asia Society. SEADAG papers on problems of development in Southeast Asia $3-3. tt-554-N + 3247 MIGOZZI (Jacques), Cambodge. Faits et problèmes de population. Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1973. 303 pp, ills, 24 cm. Centre de Documentation et de Recherches sur 1'Asie du Sud-Est et le monde Insulindien. Atlas Ethno-linguistique. Recherche cooperative sur programme. No. 61. 2m serie Monographies. tt-557-NI 3248 SANG THONG. A dance-drama from Thailand. Written by King RAMAII and the poets of his court. Transl. with introd. and notes by Fern S. INGERSOLL. 111. by Bunson SUKHPHUN. Rutland, enz, Charles E. Tuttle, 1973. 199 pp. 20 cm. tt-516-N-V uu. Malaysia and Singapore (For Bahasa Malayu see also categories ee, ff, gg and hh) 3249 BRAU DE SAINT-POL LIAS, Pérak et les Orangs-Sakèys. Voyage dans 1'interieur de la presqu'ilemalaise. Paris, Pion, 1883. VI, IV, 302 pp, ill, Krtn, 19 cm. Idem. 2e ex. uu-647-N-I 3250 CANAI bacaan. Yaitu suatu kitab bacaan bagi murid2 derajat empat disekolah2 MelayuTerpungut daripada beberapa hikayat Melayu. London, MacMillan, 1950.208 pp, 22 cm. The Malay school series. No 1. Departemen of Education, Federation of Malaya. uu-662-N-V 3251 CHIN KEE ONN, Ma-rai-ee. London etc, Harrap & Co, 1952. 256 pp, 20 cm. uu-656-N-II 3252 SUTTER (John O.), Scientific facilities and information services of the Federation of Malaya and State of Singapore. Honolulu, Hawaii 1961. VI, 43 pp. 26 cm. B.P. Bishop Museum. Pacific Scientific Information. No. 2. uu-638-N + I 3253 BAAS (Dirk), Maleisië orde of wanorde? [Amsterdam, IVIO,] 1963. 16 pp. 18 cm. AO-reeks. No. 981. Stichting IVIO uu-643-N-I 3254 ISMAIL HUSSEIN, Sejarah pertumbohan bahasa kebangsaan kita. Kuala Lumpur 1966. XI, 55 pp, ill, 22 cm. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Siri pengetahuan bahasa dan sastera. 9. uu-649-N-V 196 II. Asia 3295 CASINO (Eric), Muslim folk art in the Philippines Manila, [National Media Production Center], 1967. 20 pp, ills, 23 cm. Aspects of Phillippine Culture 4. w-541-N-IV 3296 MOLINA (Antonio J.), Music of the Philippines. [Manila, National Media Production Center, 1967. 20 pp, ills, 24 cm. Aspects of Philippine Culture. w-542-N-IV 3297 UNIVERSITY of Malaya. Eighteenth annual Report. 1966-67. [Kuala Lumpur, 1967], IV, 191 pp, 27 cm. w-532-N + V 3298 INTENSIVE Tagalog conversation course. Ed. by Elmer WOFENDEN Jr. [and! Rufino ALEJANDRO, 2nd. ed. Philippines, Summer institute of linguistics, 1968. 175 pp, 27 cm. Department of Education Philippines. Institute of National language. W-523-N +V 3299 LONGACRE (Robert E.), Discourse, paragraph and sentence structure in selected Philippine languages. 2 Vol. in 1 bd. California, The Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1968. XXX, 234 pp, 23 cm. 1. Discourse and paragraph structure. 2. Sentence structure. Summer Institute of Linguistics publications in Linguistics and related fields publication number 21. w-531-N-V 3300 LAWLESS (Robert), An evaluation of Philippine culturepersonality research. [Quezon City] 1969. X, 57 pp, 28 cm. Asian Center University of the Philippines. Monograph series. No 3. w-514-N + IV 3301 MARCOS (President Ferdinand E.), New Filipinism: The turning point. State of National message to the Congress of the Philippines, 27 January 1969. Manila, [Public Information Office, 1969.1 X, 124 pp, 26 cm. w-528-N + IV 3302 ABRAMS (N ), J. FORSTER [and] R. BRICHOUX, Papers in Philippine linguistics No. 3. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1970. VI, 77 pp, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series A. Occasional Papers. No. 24. W-520-N +V 3303 ANNUAL Jose P. Rizal lectrarés, The third-. Manila, National Historical Commission, 1970 - 3304 A SYMPOSIUM on the Maragtas held on the 27th of January 1968 at the Epifanio de Los Santos Auditorium (National Library Building) under the joint sponsorship of the National Historical Commission and the UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines. [Lectures by Mauro GARCIA, Juan R. FRANCISCO, J.C. ORENDAIN a.o.1 Manila, National Historical Commission, 1970. IV, 96 pp, 23 cm. w-549-N-II 3305 HISTORICAL calendar. Manila 1970. VI, 207 pp, 24 cm. Republic of the Philippines. Department of Education. National Historical Commission. w-511-N-II 3306 KASAYSAYAN, History of the Filipinos. [Message by Ferdinand E. MARCOS.] Manila 1970. 168 pp, ills, 36 cm. Tekst in Tagalog en Engels. Plaatwerk. w-521-N+II 3307 LENT (John), Philippine mass Communications before 1811 after 1966. [Manila] Philippine Press, [c. 1970]. 179 pp, ills, 23 cm. A Philippine Press Institute Publication. w-543-N-II 3308 MARCHE (Alfred), Luzon and Palawan. Transl. from the French. Introd. by W.A. BURKE-MIAILHE. Manila 1970. XX, 296 pp. ill, 24 cm. Publications of the Filipiniana Book Guild. XVII. Oorspr. uitg. 1887. w-506-N-I 3309 OCAMPO (Esteban A de), The Rizal shrine at Dapitan City. Manila, National Historical Commission, 1970. 53 pp, ills, 21 cm. w-548-N-II 3310 RAMOS-SHAHANI (Leticia V.), The Philippines in pictures. 9th pr. New York enz. Sterling Publishing Co, enz, 1970. 64 pp, ills, 26 cm. Visual geography series. w-504-N + 1 3311 REID(Lawrence A.), Central Bontoc: sentence, paragraph and discourse. Oklahoma, Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1970. XX, 185 pp, 22 cm. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 27. w-540-N-V 3312 ROOSEVELT (Nichölas), The Philippines. A treasure and a problem. Repr. New York, N.Y, Ams Press, 1970. XII, 315 pp. 23 cm. w-497-N-III 3313 VALDEPENAS, Jr. (Vicente B.), The protection and development of Philippine manufacturing. With a forew. by Frank H. GOLAY. Manila, University Press, 1970. XVIII, 120 pp. ills, 26 cm. Ateneo de Manila University. w-509-N + III vv. Philippines 197 3314 AVERCH (Hafvey A), John E. KOEHLER and Frank H. DENTON, The matrix of policy in the Philippines. Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton Univ. Press, 1971. XVIII, 236 pp, ills, 24 cm. Rand Corporation research study. Met bibliographie. w-516-N-III 3315 BALLARD (D.Lee), Robert J. CONRAD and Robert E. LONGACRE. More on the deep and surface grammar of interclausal relations. Santa Ana, Calif, Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1971. VI, 61 pp, 23 cm. Language Data. Ook gepubl. als: Language Data Microfiche API. Asian-Pacific Series 1. w-535-N-V 3316 BALLARD (D.Lee), Robert J. CONRAD, and Robert E. LONGACRE, The deep and surface grammar of interclausal relations. [Z.pl. 1971.148 pp. 24 cm. Overdr. uit: Foundations of Language 7 (1971), blz. 70-118. w-499-N-V 3317 BERNAS (Joaquin G), A historical and juridical study of the Philippine bill of rights. Manila, Ateneo University Press, 1971. XVI, 339 pp, 24 cm. w-526-N-II 3318 COMPADRE coionialism. Studies on the Philippines under American rule. Ed. by NormanG. OWEN. Ann Arbor, l#ieh, 1971. XX, 252 pp, ill, 23 cm. The University of Michigan. Center for South and Southeast Asian studies. Michigan papers on South and Southeast Asia. No. 3. w-508-N-II 3319 HOHULIN (R.M.) [and] Lou HOHULIN, Papers in Philippine linguistics no. 4. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1971. IV, 32 pp, 26 cm. The Australian National University Linguistics Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series A. Occasional Papers. No. 32. w-520-N + V 3320 INGERSOLL(Joshena M.), Gold en years in the Philippines. Pak) Al to Pacific Books 1971. 234 pp. ills, 24 cm. w-503-N-II 3321 LACHICA (Eduardo), Huk. Philippine agrarian society in revolt. Ermita, enz, Solidaridad Publishing House, 1971. VIII, 331 pp. III. 22 cm. w-498-N-III 3322 LECTURES on Great Filipinos and others, 1967-1970. [Forew. by Esterban A. de OCAMPO.1 Manila 1971. VI, 147 pp, 22 cm. National Historical Commission. w-525-N-II 3323 McKAUGHAN (Howard) and Jannette FORSTER, Ilocano: an intensive language course. Manila, Summer Institute of Linguistks, 1971.148 pp, 27 cm. w-539-N + V 3324 PHILIPPINE discourse and paragraph studies in memory of Betty McLACHLIN. Ed. by Robert E. LONGRACE. [Contrib. by Charles WALTON, Claudia WHITTLE, Hazel WRIGGLESWORTH a.o.1 Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 197L XVI, 366 pp, portr, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics Series C. Books. No. 22. w-522-N + V 3325 QUIRINO (Carlos), Quezon, paladin of Philippine freedom. Introd. by Alejandro R ROCES. Manila 1971. XVI, 419 pp. ill. 24 cm. Publications of the Philipiniana Book Guild. XVIII. w-505-N-II 3326 ROMULO (Carlos P ), In the mainstream of diplomacy. (A resumé of Philippine participation in the 2 5th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, September-December, 1970) [Manila], 1971.151 pp,26cm. Department of Foreign Affairs. The Office of Press and Public Affairs. w-515-N + III 3327 SIMKINS (Paul D.) and Frederick L. WERNSTEDT, Philippine migration: the settlement of the Digos-Padada Valley, Davao Province, New Haven, Yale Univ, 1971. X, 151 pp, ills, 23 cm. Monograph Series 16. Yale University Southeast Asia Studies. YV-538-N-III 3328 COSETENG (Alicia M.L.), Spanish churches in the Philippines. Quezon City 1972 XX, 142, 159, 37 pp, ills, 27 cm. w-513-N-IV 3329 FERNANDEZ II (Carlos A.), and Frank LYNCH, The Tasaday: Cave-dwelling food gatherers of South Cotabato, Mindanao. Manila 1972. 52 pp, ills, 26 cm. Panamin Foundation Research series. No. 1. Ook in: Philippine sociologkal review Vol 20 Nr. 3, p. 277-330. w-510-N + IV 3330 FIERRO (Aurelia del), Magsaysay. The leader of the Masses. Transl. from the original Spanish by Luis SERRANO. Manila 1972. X, 196 pp.; ills, 22 cm. In dezelfde band: Part II. New Magsaysay stories. By Luis SERRANO. w-512-N-II 3331 JUNE 12, 1898 and related documents. [Publ. by the Independence Day National Committee, secr. Juan L. MANUEL1 Manila 1972. IV, 81 pp, 26 cm. w-527-N-II 3332 KIEFER (Thomas M.), The Tausug. Violence and law in a Philippine Moslem Society. New York etc. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. XII, 145 pp, ills, 24 cm. Case studies in cultural anthropology. w-533-N-IV 198 II. Asia 3333 MIRIKITANI (Leatrice T.), Kapampangan syntax. LZ.pl.,] The University Press of Hawaii, 1972. XII, 263 pp. 23 cm. Oceanic linguistics special publication. No. 10. w-502-N-V 3334 OGAWA (Tetsuro), Terraced heil. A Japanese memoir of defeat and death in Northern Luzon, Philippines. Rutland, enz, Charles E. Tutde Comp, 1972.222 pp, ills, 19 cm. w-507-N-II 3335 POSTM A (Antoon), Treasure of a minority. The Ambahan: a poetic expression of the mangyans of Southern Mindoro, Philippines. Rev. ed. Manila, Arnoldus Press, 1972. 160 pp, ills, 23 cm. w-543-N-V 3336 SCHACHTER (PauD, and Fe T. OTANES, Tagalog reference grammar. Berkeley, enz, Univ. of California Press, 1972. XII, 566 pp. DL 28 cm. w-496-N-V 3337 SCHIRMER (Daniël B ), Republic or empire. American resistance to the Philippine war. Pret by Howard ZINN. Cambridge Mass, Schenkman Publ. Co, 1972. XII, 298 pp, ills, 23 cm. w-546-N-II 3338 SZANTON (Maria Christina Blac), A right to survive. Subsistence marketing in a lowland Philippine town. London etc. Pa. State Univ. Press, 1972. X 161 pp, ills, 8 pltn, 23 cm. w-524-N-III 3339 The LAWS of the fitst Philippine republic (The laws of Malalos), 1898-1899. Comp. & ed. by Sulpicia QUEVARA Manila, National Historical Commission, 1972. XII, 251 pp, ills, 25 cm. w-537-N-IV 3340 TAN (Antonio S ), The Chinese in the Philippines, 1898-1935: A study of their national awakening. Quezon City, Garcia, 1972. XIV, 417 pp, 23 cm. w-529-N-III 3341 VANOVERBERGH(Morice), Isneg-English vocabulafy. [Honolulu!. The University Press of Hawaii, 1972. VIII, 618 pp. 23 cm. Oceanic linguistics special publication. No. 11. w-501-N-V 3342 VITAL documents on the declaration of martial law in the Philippines. Statement of the president. Proclamation no. 1081. 8 general orders. 9 letters of instructions. Manila, National Media Production Center, 1972. 77 pp, 23 cm. w-545-N-III 3343 ALONZO (Ruperto P ), Short-term employment creation projects in the Phlippine setting: problems and prospects. New York, Asia Society, 1973. 18 pp, 28 cm. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group of the Asia Society. Seadag papers on problems of development in Southeast Asia 73-10. w-547-N + III 3344 BURLEY (TM.), The Philippines. An economie and social geography. London, Bell, 1973. XII, 375 pp. ills, 23 cm. w-500-N-III 3345 LAMBRECHT(Francis), The Hudhudof Dinulawan and Bugan at Gonhadan. Repr. Baguio City [c. 19731II, 449 pp, krtn, 23 cm. Overdruk: Saint Louis Quarterly, vol. 5, nos 3-4 (sept.-dec. 1967) Saint Louis University. w-530-N-V 3346 STONE (Richard L ), Philippine urbanization: The politics of public and private property in greater Manila. Dekalb, III, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 1973. VIII, 149 pp. 28 cm. Special Report no. 6 of Northern Illinois University. w-550-N + III ww. China - Korea - Tibet 3347 KAPO (Hysni), - Pidato didepan sekolah tinggi partai comité central partai komuhis Tiongkok Lpada th. 19661 [Peking 1966.1 87 pp, 14 cm. ww-143-N 3348 SUKO (Sri), Ichtisar sedjarah perang Korea. [Djakarta] 1971. IX 170 pp. Hls, 21 cm. Departemen Pertahanan-Keamanan, Pusat Sedjarah Angkatan Bersendjata Republik Indonesia (ABRD. Seri text-book ABRI, c8. ww-140-N 3349 LOMBARD-SALMON (Claudine), Un exemple d'acculturation Chmoise: La province du Gui Zhou au XVIIIe siècle. Paris. Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 1972. 461 pp, ills, 28 cm. Publications de 1'école francaise d'Extrême-Orient. Vol. LXXXIV. ww-133-N + 3350 REISINGER (Leo), Das I Ging. Eine formalwissenschafthche Untersuchung des chinesischen Orakels. Wien 1972. 96 pp. 111. 23 cm. [Institut für Völkerkunde der Universitat Wien.] Acta ethnologica et linguistica Nr 25. Series generalis. 3. ww-131-N xx. Japan — Formosa 199 3351 SYMPOSIUM on the character of the Chi nese. An interdïsciplinary approach. Ed. by: YIH-YUAN LI and KUO-SHI YANG. Nankang, Tapei, Rep. of China, 1972. IV, 470 pp, 22 cm. Institute of Ethnology. Academia Sinica. Monograph Series B. no. 4. In Chinese kar. ww-136-N 3352 PAPERS relating to the Chinese maritime customs 1860 -1943 in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies. London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1973. 13 pp, 22 cm. ww-135-N xx. Japan - Formosa 3353 SASTRAWIDAGDA (Samsi), De ontwikkeling der handelspolitiek van Japan. Leiden, Eduard Ydo, 1925. X, 90 pp, 25 cm. Proefschrift Rotterdam xx-124-N 3354 GODDARD (W.G.), Formosa. A study in Chinese history. London, enz, Michigan State University Press, 1966. XVIII, 229 pp. ills, 8 pltn, 23 Cm. xx-117-N 3355 HARUMI BEFU. Japan: an anthropological introduction. San Francisco etc, Chandler Publ. Co, 1971. XIV, 210 pp, ifis, 23 cm. xx-127-N 3356 LEI SHIH, Su-Paiwan. An anthropological investigation of a Paiwain village. Nankang, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 1971. XII, 288 pp,IHfc 27 cm. Monograph "21. xx-128-N + 3357 LI BAL (Michael), Japans Weg in den Krieg. Die Aussenpolitik der Kabinette Konoye 1940/1941. Düsseldorf, Droste Verlag, 1971. 261 pp. 23 cm. xx-116-N 33 58 The JAPANESE navy in world war II. An anthology of articles by former officers of the Imperial Japanese navy and air defence force, originalïy publ. in the U.S. Naval Institute proceedings. Introd. and comm. by Raymond'O'CONNOR. 2nd pr. Annapolis, Md, U.S. Naval Institute, 1971. X, 148 pp. ills, 24 cm. obl. xx-118-N 3359 HELLMANN (Donald C), Japan and East Asia. The new international order. London, Pall Mali Press, 1972. XII, 243 pp. 21 cm. xx-119-N 3360 IRIYE (Akira), Pacific estrangement. Japanese and American expansion, 1897 -1911. Cambridge, Mass. 1972. XIV, 290 pp. 24 cm. President and Fellows of Harvard College. Committee on American-Far Eastern Policy Studies of the Departement of History at Harvard University. Harvard studies in American-East Asian relations. 2. xx-115-N 3361 KANEKO (Erika), and Herbert MELICHAR, Pu ra Mu tuzuma, Archaeological work on Miyaka Island, Ryukyus. Honolulu 1972. XIV, 163 pp, ills, 28 cm. University of Hawaii. Social Science Research Institute. Asian and Pacific archaeology series. No. 4. xx-121-N + 3362 KUTAKOV (Leonid N.), Japanese foreign policy on the eve of the Pacific war. A Soviet view. Ed. with a forew. by George Alexander LENSEN. Tallahassee, Fla, The Diplomatic Press [19721XIV, 241 pp, 24 cm. xx-125-N 3363 WOODARD (William P.), The allied occupation of japan 1945-1952 and Japanese religions. Leiden, Brill, 1972. XX, 391 pp, ill, 25 cm. xx-122-N 3364 YÜSOF IBRAHIM (Muhd ), Jepun selepas Meijji. Kuala Lumpur, Berhad, 1972. VI, 65 pp, 23 cm. xx-130-N 3365 AAFJES (Bertus), Een lampion voor een blinde of De zaak van de Hollandse heelmeesters. Utrecht 1973. 110 pp. 20 cm. Uitg. door de Commissie voor de collectieve propaganda van het Nederlandse boek ter gelegenheid van de boekenweek 1973. xx-120-N 3366 JENNES C.I.C.M. (Joseph), A history of the Catholic Church in Japan. From its beginnings to the eariy Meyiera(1549-1873). A short handbook. Rev, enLed. Tokyo 1973. XI, 277 pp, ills, 22 cm. Oriens Institute for religious research. xx-123-N 3367 WIRTSCHAFT japans. Wachstum und Strukturwandel. Hrsg. von KAZUO OKOCHI und YOSHIRO TAMANOI. Düsseldorf, Bertelsmann Universitatsverlag, 1973. 292 pp, 23 cm. Wirtschaft und GeseUschaft Ostasiens Bd. 1. xx-126-N yy. Oceania - Aboriginal Australia and New Zealand 3368 CRAIGHILL HANDY (E.S.), Houses, boats and fishing in the Society Islands. Honolulu 1932. 111 pp, XXV foto's, 26 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Bulletin 90. yy-952-N + IV 200 II. Asia 3369 KOCHER (Hugo), und Johannes Weber, Junger Adler To Minigulai. Unter den Kanaken der Södsee. Münster, Regensberg, 1953. 213 pp, ills, 21 cm. yy-956-N-V 3370 POLYNESIAN culture history. Essays in honor of Kenneth Hikel EMORY. Ed. by Genevieve A. HIGHLAND, Roland W. FORCE, Alan HOWARD, a.o. Honolulu, Hawaii 1967. XX, 594 pp, ills, 24 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special publication. 56. yy-936-N-IV 3371 CUMPSTON (Jtohnl S ), Macquarie Islands. [Canberra] 1968. 380 pp, ills, 26 cm. Depart- ment of External Affairs. Antarctic Division. yy-968-N + II 3372 ADAMS (Romanzo), Interracial marriage in Hawaii. A study of the mutually conditioned processes of acculturation and amalgamation. [Repr. from the ed. of 1937, New York.] New York [19691 XX, 353 pp. 111. 23 cm. yy-911-N-IV 3373 BRAISTED (William Reynolds), The United States Navy in the Pacific, 1897 - 1909. [Repr. from the ed. 1958.] New York [19691 XII, 282 pp. 23 cm. yy-912-N-II 3374 MELLER (Norman), The congress of Micronesia. Development of the Legislative process in the Trust ijFerritory of the Pacific Islands. With the assistance of Terza MELLER. Honolulu, Univ. of Hawaii Press, 1969. XII, 480 pp, 23 cm. yy-937-N-III 3375 MIHALIC (HrahD, Introduction to New Guinea Pidgin. [Milton, enz,] Jacaranda Press, [19691 II, 62 pp. 18 cm. yy-923-N-V 3376 MISSIONARY Album. Portraits and biographical sketches of the American protestant missionaries to the Hawaiian islands. Enl. from the ed. of 1937 [by Bernice JUDD, Audrey B. SEXTON, Barbara S. WILCOX a.o.1 Honolulu, Hawaiian Mission Childrèn's Society, 1969. 222 pp, ills, 28 cm. Sesquicentennial ed. 1820-1970. yy-965-N + II 3377 BURROWS (Edwin G ), Western Polynesia: A study of cultural differentiation. Dunedin, University Book Shop, [19701 192 pp. 24 cm. yy-916-N-IV 3378 FOX (C.E.), Arosi-Engfish dictionary. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1970 IV, 406 pp, krt, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series C. Books. No. 11. yy-951-N + 3379 GEERTS (P.), ARE'ARE dictionary. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1970. IV, 187 pp, krtn, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra Pacific Linguistics. Series C. Books. No. 14. yy-941-N + V 3380 HOWARD (Aoan), Learning to be Rotuman. Enculturation in the South Pacific. New York, Teachers College Press, 1970. XIV, 184 pp, 8 pltn, 23 cm. Columbia University. Teachers College. Anthropology and education series. yy-962-N-V 3381 KUKI (Hiroshi), Tuamotuan phonology. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1970. X, 119 pp, The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series B. Monographs. No. 17. yy-943-N +V 3382 PARKER (G.J ), Southeast Ambrym dictionary. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1970. XIV, 60 pp, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series C. Books. No. 17. yy-940-N +V 3383 TRYON (D.T.), An introduction to Maranungku (Northern Australia). Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1970. X, 111 pp, krt, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series B. Monographs. No. 15. yy-947-N +V 3384 TRYON (D.T.), Conversational Tahitian. An introduction to the Tahitian language of French Polynesia. 1970. Canberra, Australian National University Press, XIV, 177 pp, 23 cm. yy-734-N-V 3385 ANTHROPOLOGY in Oceania. Essays presented to Jan HOGEIN. Ed. by L R HIATT and Qhandral JAYAWARDENA. Forew. by Raymond FIRTH. [Contrib. by: Michael ALLEN, Jeremy BECKET, Roger M. KEESING a.o.] Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1971. XII, 290 pp, pit, 24 cm. yy-948-N-IV 3386 BUSHNELL (O.A.), The return of Lono. A novel of captain Cook's last voyage. Honolulu, Univ. of Hawaii Press, 1971. X, 290 pp. 21 cm. Pacific classics. No. 1. yy-927-N-V 3387 CAPELL (A.), Arosi grammar. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1971. IV, 90 pp, krt, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series B. Monographs. No. 20. yy-945-N + V yy. Oceania - Aboriginal Australia and New Zealand 201 3388 ELBERT (S.H.), Three legends of Puluwat and a bit of talk. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1971. X, 85 pp, ill, krt, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series D. Special Publications. No. 7. yy-939-N + V 3389 GÜIDE to place names in the Trust Territory of the Pacific islands (the Marshall, Caroline and Mariana islands). Comp. by Efdwinl H. BRYAN, Jr. Honolulu, Hawaii, 1971. CDXI pp. Krtn. 28 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Pacific Scientific Information Center. yy-920-N +1 3390 KIRTON (Jean F.), Papers in Australian linguMics No. 5. (Ünberra, The Australian National Univ, 1971. IV, 70 pp, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series A. Occasional Papers. No 27 yy-944-N + V 3391 LAVONDES (AfnneD, Le Polynésien et la mer. Catalogue d'une exposition. Objets du musee de Papeete, Photogr. par SYLVAIN. Papeete, Sodeté des Etudes Océaniennes et l"Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer, 1971. 50 pp, ills, 27 cm. yy-969-N + I 3392 PALMER (George), Kidnapping in the South Seas. With a new introd. by Phillip A. SNOW. Repr. Folkestone etc, Dawsons of Pall Mali, 1971. XXXII, 233 pp, ills, 21 cm. The Colonial History Series 70. Oorspr. druk 1871 yy-953-N-I 3393 PASSOS (John Dos), Easter Island. Islam* of enigmas. New York, Doubleday 1971 XIV, 150 pp. ill. 24 cm. yy-915-N-I 3394 PATON (W.F.), Tales of Ambrym. Canberra, The Australian National Univ, 1971. XIV, 82 pp, krt, 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series D. Special Publications. No. 10. yy-946-N + V 3395 ROWLEY (Cfharlesl D.), Outcasts in white Australia. Canberra 1971. XIV. 472 pp, ills, 23 cm. Social Science Research Council of Australia. Aboriginal policy and practice, vol. II Aborigines in Australian society. 6. yy-924-N-IV 3396 ROWLEY (Ctharlesl D.), The remote aborigines. Canberra 1971. XII, 379 pp, ills, 23 cm. Social Science Research Council of Australia. Aboriginal policy and practice, vol. III Aborigines in Australian society. 7. yy-925-N-IV 3397 STEVENSON (Robert Louis), In the South Seas. Beingan account of experiencesand observations in the Marquesas, Paumotus and Gilbert Islands in the course of two cruises, on the yacht "Casco" (1888) and the schooner "Equator* (1889). Facs. Repr. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1971. VIII, 343 pp. 21 cm. Pacific classics. No 3. yy-928-N-I 3398 TRYON (D.T.) [and] M.J. DUBOIS, Nengone dictionary. Part II English-Nengone. Canberra, The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. SerjePC. Books. No. 23. yy-942-N + V 3399 Z'GRAGGEN (J.A.), Classificatory and typological studies in languages of the Madang district. Canberra 1971. VIII, 179 pp. Hl. 26 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic circle of Canberra. Pacific linguistics. Series C-No 19 yy-914-N + V 3400 BOULLAIRE (Jaques), Tahiti, 1937-1966. Dessins. Croquis. Gouaches. Préf. de Bernard VILLARETj*aris, 1972. 80 pp, 38 cm. Plaatwerk. yy-938-N + I 3401 BROWN (Theo), with Keith WILLEY. Crown of thorns. The death of the Great Barrier Reef? Sydney, enz, Angus and Robertson, 1972. XIV, 128 pp. ills pltn 19 cm. yy-922-N-I 3402 BRUNER (Phillip L), Field guide to the birds of French PolynesiaCTahiti]. 111. by O.G. DYKES. Honolulu, Hawaii, 1972. VI, 135 pp. 111. 23 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Pacific Scientific Information Center. yy-919-N-I 3403 BRYAN, Jr. (Efdwinl H ), Life in the Marshall Islands. Honolulu, Hawaii, 1972. IV, 237 pp.«l. 23 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Pacific Scientific Information Center. yjT^918-N-I 3404 CARR (Elizabeth Bali), [With a chapter by DONG JAE LEE1. Da Kine talk. From Pidgin to Standard English in Hawaii. [Honolulu,] The University Press of Hawaii 1972. XVIII, 191 pp. 24 cm. yy-921-N-V 3405 CAWTE (John), Cruel, poor and brutal nations. The assessment of mental health in an Australian Aboriginal community by short-stay psychiatrie field team methods. Honolulu [, Hawaii] 1972. XVI, 183 pp. 111. 24 cm. yy-926-N-IV 202 II. Asia 3406 CRAIGHILL HANDY (E&), Mary KAWENA PUKUI and Elisabeth GREEN HANDY. The polynesian fam i ly system in Ka-'u, Hawai'i. With an introd. by Terence BARROW. Repr. Rutland etc, Tuttle Co, 1972. XX, 259 pp, krtn, 23 cm. yy-966-N-IV 3407 EAST across the Pacific. Historical and sociological studies of Japanese immigration and assimilatie*. Ed. by Hilary CONROY tand] T. Scott MIYAKAWA. Santa Barbara, enz^CSoifms, 1972. XXX, 322 pp, ills, 24 cm. yy-95»N-H 3408 FIELDS (Jack) and Dorothy FIELDS. South Pacific. Tokyo, Kodansha International, 1972. 252 pp, ills, 26 cm. Plaatwerk. yy-970- + I 3409 FORCE (Roland W.) and Maryanne FORCE, Just one house. A description and analysis of kinship in the Palau Islands. Honolulu 1972. XX, 143 pp, 26 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin. 235. yy-935-N + IV 3410 JASPERS (Reiner), Die missionarische Erschliessung Ozeaniens. Ein quellengeschichdicher und mitfonsgeographischer Versuch zur kirchlichen Gebietsaufteilung in Ozeanien bis 1855. Munster Westfalen, Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1972. XXIV, 287 pp, Krtn. 24 cm.iVeröffendichungen des Internationalen Instituts für missionswissenschaftliche Forschungen. Missionswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen und Texte. Etude et documents missionnaires. Mission studies and document. 30 . yy-934-N-II 3411 KALAKAUA (David), The legends and myths of Hawaii. The fables and folk-lore of a strange people. Ed. and with an introd. by R.M. DAGGETT. With an introd. to the new ed. by Terence BARROW. Repr. Rutland etc. Tuttle Co, 1972. VI, 530 pp, ills, 19 cm. yry>955-N-V 3412 KUPKA (Karei), Peintres Aborigenes d'Australië. Paris 1972. XIV, 128, CXXVI pp, ills, 25 em. Musée de PHomme. Publications de la Société des Océanistes. No. 24. yy-933-N-IV 3413 LASAQA (I.Q.), Melanesians' choice. Tadhimboko [of Guadalcanall participation in the Solomon Islands cash economy. Port Moresby-Canberra 1972. XIV, 329 pp. Hl. 25 cm. The Australian National University. New Guinea Research [Unit] Bulletin. No. 46. yy-917-N-III 3414 O'CONNELL (James F.), A residence of eleven years in New Holland and the Caroline Islands Ed. by Saul H. RIESENBERG. Canberra, Australian National Univ. Press, 1972. XIV, 233 pp. UI. 23 cm. Pacific History series. No. 4. yy-910-N-I 3415 PONCET (Alexandre), Histoire de Pile Wallis. Le protectorat Franc.ais. Paris, Musée de l'Homme, 1972. 234 pp, 25 cm. Publications de la Société des Océanistes 23. yy-957-N-II 3416 TAHITI et ses iles, [Texte par Bob PUTIGNY, Gilles ARTHUR, J. RENTIER e.a Photogr. par Bernard HERMANN, Jean COQUIN, Alain COLAS e.a.1 Préf. de Alexandre MOEAVAATA. [Paris, Hachette.1 1972. 128 pp, 21 cm. Plaatwerk. yy-949-N-I 3417 TALES from Torres Strait. Coll. and transl. by Margaret LAWRIE. St. Lucia, Queensland, Univ. of Queensland Press, 1972. X 53 pp, ills, 24 cm. yy-950-NrY 3418 THOM PSON (Laura), Fijian frontier. Introd. by B. MALINOWSKI. Withanewpref. by Laura THOMPSON. Repr. New York, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1972. XXIII, 153 pp, ills, 23 cm. Octagon Books. yy-961-N-IV 3419 THOMSON (Donald F.), Kinship and behaviour in North Queensland. A preliminary account of kinship and social organisation on Cape York Peninsula. Foreword , afterword and ed. by H.W. SCHEFFLER Canberra, 1972. VIII, 59 pp. 111. BiW. Krt 26 cm. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra Australian aboriginal studies no 51. yy-913-N-IV « 3420 ARAKIN (Wladimir Dmitriewic), Samoanckij Jazyk, Moskwa, Izdatel'ctwo Nayka , 1973.88 pp, ill, 22 cm. Jazyki NarodowAziii Afriki. Bevat bibliografie. yy-963-N-V 3421 BARROW (T ), Art and life in Polynesia Rutland, enz, Tuttle, 1973. 191 pp, üL 30 cm. yy-931-N + IV 3422 BRANDL (Eric Joseph), Australian aboriginal paintings in western and central Arnhem land. Temporal sequences and elements of style in Cadell River and Deaf Adder Creek art. Canberra, Australian Institute of Aboriginal studies, 1973. X 214 pp, ills, 37 cm. Australian Aboriginal Studies 52; Prehistory and Material Culture Series 9- yy-971-N + IV zz. Madagascar and adjacent islands 203 3423 CURTON (Emile de), Tahiti 40. Récit du ralliement a la France libre des établissements franc,ais d'Océanie. Paris 1973. 180 pp, ill, 26 cm. Musée de 1'Homme. Publications de la Société des Océanistes. No. 31. yy-932-N + III 3424 GROGER-WURM, (Helen M.), AustraHan aboriginal bark paintings and their mythological interpretation. Canberra, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 1973 - . dln. ills, 26 cm. 1. Eastern Arnhem Land. Australian aboriginal studies 30. Social anthropology series 5. yy-959-N-IV 3425 KRUPA (Viktor), Polynesian languages. A survey of research. The Hague etc, Mouton, 1973. 108 pp, 23 cm. Met bibliografie. Janua Linguarum. Series critica 11. yy-958-N-V 3426 PEARD (George), To the Pacific and Arctic with Beechey. The journal of lieutenant -, of H.M.S. 'Blossom' 1825 - 1828. Ed. by Barry M. GOUGH. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1973 X, 272 pp, ills, 22 cm. The Hakluyt Society. yy-967-NI 3427 SYSTEME des titres, electifs oü hérèditaires dans les NouveBes-Hébrides centrales (d'Efate) aux iles Shepherd. Ed. par Jean-Jacques ESPIRAT, Jean GUIART, Marie-Salomé LAGRANGE e.a. Paris, Institut d'Ethnologie, 1973. IV, 491 pp, 27 cm. MuSeum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Mémoires de 1'Institut d'Ethnologie 10. yy-972-N + IV 3428 The HUMAN"hfology of aborigines in Cape York. Ed. by R.L. KIRK. Contrib. by N.W.G. MacINTOSH & S.L. LARNARCH, R.T. SIMMONS a.o. Canberra, Australian Insdtute of Aboriginal Studies, 1973. XII, 109 pp, ills, 27 cm. Australian Aboriginal Studies. 1973. XII, 109 pp, ills, 27 cm. Australian Aboriginal Studies 44. Human Biology Series 5. yy-960-N + IV 3429 TINKER(Spencer Wilkie), and Charles J. DELUCA, Sharks and rays. A handbook of the sharks and rays of Hawaii and the Central Pacific Ocean. Rutland etc. Charles Tutde Co, 1973. 80 pp, ills» 26 cm. yy-954-N + I zz. Madagascar and adjacent islands 3430 DAHL (Otto Chr.), Contes malgaches en dialecte sakalava. Textes, traduction, grammaire et lexique. Oslo, Unilversite forlaget, 1968. VIII, 124 pp, 23 cm. Institute for sammenlignende kulturforskning. Serie B: skrifter LIV. zz-130-N 3431 PRATS (Yves), Le développement communautaire a Madagascar. Paris, Pichon et Durand- Auzias, 1972. 414 pp, 24 cm. Bibliothèque Africaine et Malgache XVII. zz-129-N 3432 Les CONDITIONS d'installation d'entreprises industrielies dans les etats africains et malgache associés. Republique Malgache. vol. 18. [Brussell Commission des communautés européennes, 1973. VIII, 95 pp, ill, 21 cm. zz-128-N 3433 QUELQUES aspects Malais de la culture Malgache. Conference International sur la promotion des etudes de la culture Malaise (Bonn, 2 - 6 Septembre 1973). [Contrib: Hubert DESCHAMPS, Otto Chr. DAHL, J. RICHARDSON e.a.161 pp, 28 cm. zz-132-N + 3434 RAPPORT de la délégation de Madagascar sur le projet: "Etudes des aspects Malais de la culture Malgache". (Texte intégral en francais; résumé en allemand eten anglais). Bonn 1973. 21 pp, 27 cm. zz-131-N + 3435 WRIGHT (CaroD, Mauritius. Newton Abbot, David and Charles, 1974.179 pp, ills, 22 cm. The Island series. zz-134-N 3a. The Middle East - Central Asia 3436 IRAK. [Amsterdam] 1972. 34 pp. UI. Krtn. 24 cm. Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen. Landendocumentatie. Nr. 160. 3a-48-N 3437 TURKIJE. [Amsterdam] 1972. 52 pp. UI. Krtn 24 cm. Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen. LandendocumenWtie. Nr. 163/164. 3a-47-N 3438 VICAN (Jorge), Aspectos juridicos - diplomaticos del problema de los lugares santos. México 1972. 80 pp, 23 cm. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales. Cuaderr^s del Centro de Relaciones Internacionales, no 6. 3a-59-N 204 II. Asia 3b. Various Southeast Asian countries combined 3439 KING (John Kerry), Southeast Asia in perspective. New York, MacMillan Co, 1956. XXIII, 309 pp, 21 cm. 3b-178-N 3440 NEW directions for ASEAN. Fourth meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Association of South East Asian Nations. [Contrib. by: Ferdinand E. MARCOS, Carlos P ROMULO, Thanat KHOMAN a.o.] Manila, Department of Foreign Affairs, 1971. II, 205 pp, ills, 26 cm. 3b-173-N + 3441 WALLACE (Ben J.), Village life in insular Southeast Asia. Bosten 1971. XIV, 146 pp. ills, 21 cm. The Little, Brown series in anthropology. 3b-168-N 3442 BUDIARTO, Sedikit tentang human geography Asia Tenggara. Bandung 1972. 42 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Djurusan Antropologi. Hg. 1/72. 3b-201-N + 3443 BURGER HZN. (D.), Seedlings of some tropical trees and shrubs mainly of South East Asia. Wageningen 1972. VI, 399 pp, ill, 25 cm. Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation. (Pudoc). 3b-172-N 3444 CONFERENCE documents of the fifth meeting of the ASEAN Permanent Committee on Tourism, Philippines, April 1972. Visit ASEAN lands. IChairman: Marcellinus J. PRAJOGO.] [Jakarta 1972.] 86 pp, 27 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Permanent Committee on Tourism. 3b-214-N + 3445 HAAS (Harry), Revolutionaire kadervorming in Zuidoost-Azië. Amsterdam, Van Gennep, 1972. 133 pp. 21 cm. 3b-170-N 3446 HERKLOTS (G.A.C.), Vegetables in South-East Asia. 111. London, George Allen & Unwin, 1972. XII, 525 pp. 25 cm. 3b-169-N 3447 SUTOWO (Ibnu), Oil and Southeast Asia. [Z.pl.1 z.j.] 8 pp, ills, 33 cm. 3b-248-N 3448 WADDELL (J.R.E.), An introduction to Southeast Asian politics. Sydney, enz, Wiley & Sons, 1972. VIII, 305 pp, ills, 25 cm. 3b-171-N 3449 GABLE (Richard W.) and J. Fred SPRINGER. Comparing administrative "reality worlds": a preliminary report of the administration of rice production project. New York, The Asia Society, [1973]. 40 pp, 28 cm. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group of the Asia Society. Seadag papers on problems of development in Southeast Asia. 73 - 5. 3b-175-N + 3450 KIRSCH (A. Thomas), Feasting and social oscillation: a working paper on religiën and society in Upland Southeast Asia. Ithaca, N.Y, Cornell University, 1973. VIII, 49 pp, 28 cm. Dept. of Asian Studies. Southeast Asian Program. Data paper: 92 3b-177-N + 3451 SEADAG reports [of the] education and human resource development panel. [Chairman: Alex INKELES.] June 28 - 30, 1973. Aspen, Colo, Pomegranate Inn. [19731. 26 pp, 28 cm. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group of the Asia Society. 3b-176-N + 3452 SEADAG reports [of the] tenth panel seminar on Southeast Asian development goals-1980. [Chairman Philips TALBOT]. June 8 - 9, 1973. New York City, Asia House, [19731. 31 pp, 28 cm. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group of the Asia Society. 3b-174-N + 3453 SEADAG reports Ad Hoe seminar on labor strategies [chairman: Donald R. SNODGRASS]. August 21-24,1973. Baguio Country Club Baguio, Philippines. New York 1973. 27 pp, 28 cm. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group of the Asia Society. 3b-179-N + 3454 SOUTH-EAST Asia: an introduction. Essays on the geography, history and economy of the region, repr. from "the Far East and Australia 1973". [Contrib: Teodoro A. AGONCILLO, John BASTIN, Jain BUCHANAN a.o.] London, Europa Publ. Ltd. 1973. VIII, 144 pp, 25 cm. 3b-185-N 3c. Various countries of Asia and Oceania combined 3455 The ECONOMICefccts ofthe Vietnamese war in East and South-East Asia. London, the economist intelligence unit, 1968. 31 pp, 2 pltn, 30 cm. Quarterly economie review special 3. 3c-207-N + 3d. Early travels and discoveries 205 3456 ASIAN political processes: essays and readings. Ed. with original essays by Henri S ALBINSKI. [Contrib. by Daniël S. LEV, AllanA. SAMSQN, Donald HINDLEY, Guy PAUKER, Herbert FEITH a.o.] Boston, Allyn and Bacon, 1971 VI 426 on' 21 cm. 3c-203-N 3457 ASIA and the Pacific in the 1970a the roles of the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. Ed. Bruce BROWN. [With contrib. by Mary BOYD, L.V. CASTLE, Alan WATT a.o.] Wellington, enz. Reed, 1971. XII, 253 pp, 25 cm. 3c-200-N 3458 CAMPBELL (Persia Crawford), Chinese coolie emigration to countries within the British Empire. Préf. by W. Pember REEVES. London, Frank Gass, 1971. XXIV 240 pp, 22 cm. 3c-202-N 3459 CHANDRAN (J.), The Burma-Yunnan railway: Anglo-French rivalry in Mainland Southeast Asia and South-China, 1895-1902. Ohio, Ohio Univ, 1971. X, 111 pp, 28 cm. Papers in International tStudies, Southeast Asia Series 21. Center for International Studies. 3c-206-N + 3460 KOLB (Albert), East Asia. China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam. Geography of a cultural region. Transl. by C.A.M. SYM. London»*Methuen, 1971. XVI, 591 pp ills 25 krtn 26 cm. 3c-204-N + 3461 URBANIZATION and nacional development. Ed. by Leo JAKOBSON and Ved PRAKASH. Associate ed. Sheilah ORLOFF JAKOBSON. Beverly Hills,Calif, Sage publications, 1971. 320 pp, ills, 25 cm. South and Southeast Asia Urban affairs Annuats. Vol. it 3c-199-N 3462 KEENY (S.M.), Organizing national family planning programs some current problems in Asia. New York, The Asia Society, [1972]. 13 pp, 28 cm. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group of the Asia Society. Seadag papers on problems of development in Southeast Asia 72 - 13. 3c-208-N + 3463 KESAVAN (K.V.), Japan's relations with Southeast Asia: 1952 - 1960. With particular reference to the Philippines and Indonesia. Bombay [19721 XII 243 do 23 cm. 3c-198-N ' ™' 3464 PACIFIC polities. Asian, Australasian, Oceanic. Ed. by J.F. NICOLSON and Colin A. HUGHES. [Contrib. by P.M. DAVIDSON, Chr. L.M. PENDERS, AM.G. JARMAN a.o.1 Carlton Vic, Pitman Pacific Books, 1972. VIII 286 dd ills 22 cm 3C-210-N HE ' 3465 PACIFIC Basin development: the American interests. Ed. by Harald B MALMGREN; [Contributions by J. Alexander CALDWELL, Bernard K GORDON, SOEDJATMOKO a.o.1 Lexington, Mass, Heath and Co, 1972. XVIII, 148 pp, 23 cm. Lexington Books. Studies in International Development and Economies. 3c-205-N 3466 POPULATION. 1. The Philippines by Juan L. MERCADO. 2. Asia by Alan B CHALKLEY, Nestor R. CERVANTES, Dennis M. O'Leary a.o. Manila 1972 97 pp / ills, 24 cm. 3c-201-N FF ' 3467 SHUN-SHENG LING, Turtle sacrifice in China and Oceania. Nankang, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 1972. IV, 134 pp, dis, 27 cm. Monograph 20 3C-209-N + 3468 DATA dasar negara-negara Asia Timur. [Kata pengantar oleh A.B. LA PI AN.] Jakarta 1973. II, 46 pp, 28 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Lembaga Research Kebudayaan Nasional - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Seri data dasar, no 1 3c-237-N + 3469 KONPERENSI Lawasia III, Jakarta 16 - 19 july 1973. President: SOELISTIO Bulletin 2,3 [Jakarta 19731 29 cm. 2 Banden. Law Association for Asia and the Western Pacific (LAWASIA), Panitya Nasional Penyelenggara Konperensi LAWASIA III, Seksi Penerangan dan Hubungan Masyarakat. 3C-M3-N + 3470 LAWASIA conference, 3rd, Jakarta 16 - 19 july 1973. President Sddtstio. Bulletin 1. [Jakarta 1973]. 7 pp, 28 cm. Law Association for Asia and the Western Pacific tLawasia) Panitya Nasional Penyelenggara Konperensi LAWASIA III, Seksi Penerangan dan Hubungan Masjarakat. 3c-213-N + 3d. Early travels and discoveries 3471 SAUNDERS (J.J.), The history of the Mongol conquests. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971. XX, 275 pp, ills, 22 cm. 3d-83-N mm 206 II. Asia 3472 EDWARDES (Michael), Ralph Fitch Elizabethan in the Indies. London, Faber and Faber, 1*72. 184 pp. 111. 21 cm. 3d-82-N- 3473 OPSTALL (Margaretha Elisabeth van), De reis van de vloot van Pieter Willemsz Verhoeff naar Azie 1607 - 1612. The voyage of the fleet of Pieter Willemsz Verhoeff to Asia 1607 - 1612. With a summary in English. Den Haag, Nijhoff, 1972. XVIII, 446 pp, ills, 25 cm. Proefschrift Utrecht. 3d-84-N 3474 MARE Luso-indicum. Etudes et documents sur 1'histoire de POcéan Indien et des pays riverains a 1'époque de la domination portugaise. [Contrib. par Jean AUBIN, Genevieve BOUCHON et Michael N. PEARSON.1 Paris, Librairie Minard, 1973. 2 dln. ills, 25 cm. Centre de Recherches d'Histoire et de Philologie. Hautes études Islamiques et Orientales d'Histoire comparée 2 en 5. 3d-85-N 3e. Asian studies in general 3475 DYEN (Isidore), A lexicostatistical classification of the Austronesian languages. Baltimore. Md, Waverly Pms, 1965. V, 64 pp. 25 cm. Supplement to International Journal ofAmerican linguistics. Vol. 31. No. l,1965.IndianaUniversitypuWications in Anthropology and linguistics. Memoir 19 of the International journal of Amencan linguistics. Xerox-copie. 3e-186-N 3476 LINGfShun-Sheng), A Study of the raft, outrigger, doublé, and deck canoes of ancient China the Pacific, and the Indian oceans. Nankang, enz. 1970. VII, 238 pp. Ills, 27 cm. Academia Sinica. Institute of Ethnology. Monograph. No. 16. Tekst in Engels en Chinees. 3e-184-N + 3477 LOUIS (Wm. Roger), Britishstrategy in the Far East, 1919-1939. London, Clarendon Press, 1971. VIII, 284 pp, krt, 21 cm. 3e-190-N 3478 SCOTT (Aldolphel COarencel), The theatre in Asia. London [19721. 289 pp. Hl- 23 cm. The history of the theatre. 3e-183-N 3479 ARNDT(H.W ), Australia and Asia. Economie essays. Canberra, Australian National Univ. Press, 1*72. X, 158 pp. 22 cm. 3e-185-N 3480 FUSSMAN (Gérard), Atlas linguistique des parlers Dardes et Kahrs. Pans 1972. 2 dln. 29 cm. Publications de 1'École franchise d'Extrême-Orient. Vol. UOOCVI. 3481 GHOSH (RN.), and M.B.H. PHILIPPS, Economie growth in Asia, Nedlands, 1972. 28 pp, 25 cm. Working Papers in Asian Studies 4. Uiverrsity of Western Australia Centre for Asian Studies. 3e-188-N 3482 MARSCHALL (Wolfgang), Transpazifische Kulturbeziehungen. Studiën zu inrer Geschichte. München, Klaus Renner Verlag, 1972. 292 pp, 8 pltn, krt, 21 cm. 3e-189-N . ,,. 3483 PATANNE (E.P.), The Philippines in the world of Southeast Asia. A cultural history. Introd. by Carlos P ROMULO. Quezon City, Enterprise Publications, 1972. VIII, XI, 419 pp, ills, 18 cm. 3e-191-N 3484 WILPERT (Clara B.), Schattentheater. Hamburg, Museum für Volkerkunde, 1973. 86 pp, krtn, ills, 16 pltn, 21 cm. Wegweiser zur Volkerkunde 13. 3e-192-N 3f. Hinduism - Buddhism 3485 BLOFELD (John), Mahayana Buddhism in Southeast Asia. Singapore, Donald Moore for Asia Pacific Press, 1971. XII, 51 pp, ills, 19 cm. 3f-121-N 3486 HUNTER (Louise H ), Buddhism in Hawaii. Its impact on a Yankee community. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1971. X, 266 pp, ill, 25 <™-«"l18'™ 3487 KULAMANITO (= M.L. Manich Jumsai), Understanding Thai buddhism. (Being a compendium of information on Buddhism as professed in Thailand). Bangkok, Chalermnit Press, 1971. 124 pp, 11 Pltn, 21 cm. 3M19-N 3488 BHATTACHARYA(Kamaleswar), L'Atman-Brahman. Dans le bouddhismeancien. Paris, Ecole Francaise d'Extrême-Orient, 1973. 186 pp, 28 cm. Publications de 1'école francaise d'extrême-orient. Vol. XC. 3M23-N + 3489 ENSINK (Jfacobl), De grote weg naar het licht. Een keuze uit de literatuur van het Mahayana-Buddhisme. Uit het Sanskrit vert. en toegel. door-. 2e herz. en uitgebr. dr Amsterdam, Wetenschappelijke Uitgeverij, 1973. 183 pp, 20 cm. 31-126-N 3g. Islam 207 3490 MULDER (J.A. Niels), Monks, merit and motivation: Buddhism and national development in Thailand. 2nd rev. ed. De Kalb, 111, 1973. VIII, 58 pp, 28 cm. Northern Illinois University. Center for Southeast Asian Studies. Special report I 3I-120-N + 3491 RUEGG (David Seyfort), Le traité du tathagatagarbha de bu ston rin chen grub. Trad. du: De bzïn gsegs pa'in snin po gsal zin mdzes par bued pa'in Rgyan. Paris, Ecole Francaise d'Extrême-Orient, 1973. XII, 162 pp, 28 cm Publications de l'école francaise d'Extrême-Orient. Vol. LXXXVIII. 3f-124-N + 3g. Islam 3492 SPULER (Bertold), The age of the Caliphs. Transl. from the German by F.R.C. BAGLEY. Leiden, Brill, 1960. VIII, 138 pp, ills, 24 cm. The muslim world. A historical survey 1. Photomechanical reprint. 3g-215-N 3493 LeCORAN (Al-Qor'an). Trad. de 1'arabepar Régis BLACHÈRE. Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, 1966. 748 pp. 18 cm. 3g-212-N 3494 BAGLEY (F.R.C.), The last great muslim empires. With contrib. by H.J. KISSLING Bertold SPULER, J. Spenüef TRIMINGHAM a.o. Leiden, Brill, 1969. X 303 pp! 24 cm. The muslim world. A historical survey 3. 3g«217-N 3495 SPULER (Bertold), The Mongol period. Transl. from the German by F.R.C. BAGLEY. Leiden, Brill, 1969. VI, 125 pp, ills, 24cm. The muslim world. Ahistoricai survey 2. Photomechanical reprint. 3g-216-N 3496 ENAN (M.A.), Detik2 menentukan dalam sedjarah Islam, Alih bahasa: Mahjuddin SJAF. Medan, Pustaka Indonesia [z.j.1 263 pp, 22 cm. Oorspr. titel: Decisive moments in the history of Islam, 2nd ed, 1943. 3g-220-N-I 3497 TRIMINGHAM (J.Spencer), The Sufi orders in Islam. [London! 1971. X 334 pp 23 cm. 3g-2ll-N vv' 3498 The ISLAMIC world. Ed. by William H. McNEILL and Marilum Robinson WALDMAN. London etc, Oxford Univ. Press, 1973. XVIII, 468 pp, ills, 21 cm. Readings in World History 6. 3g-214-N 3499 TRIMINGHAM (J. Spencer), The Sufi orders in Islam. [Paperback ed.1 London enz Oxford University Press, 1973. X 333 pp, 20 cm. 3g-213-N 3h. Art - Art history - Archaeology 3500 PRASASTI Bali. Diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Bahasa dan Budaja (Fakultet Sastra dan Filsafat), Universitet Indonesia. Bandung, Masa Baru, 1954 241 pp ills, 18 cm Xerox-copy 3h-731-N 3501 ARCHEOLOGY on the island of Mo'orea, French Polynesia. [By] Roger C GREEN Kaye GREEN, Roy A. RAPPAPORT a.o, New YorkiAmerican Museumof Natural History, 1967.129 pp, ills. 27 cm. Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History: 51, part 2. 3h-152-N + 3502 GRISWOLD (A.B.), Towards a history of Sukhodaya art. Publ. by the Fine Arts Department in commemoration of the opening of the new galleries and installations of the National Museum, Bangkok by their Majesties the King and Queen May 25 1967. [Bangkok 1967J II, 68 pp, 38 pltn, 4 krtn, 26 cm. 3h-147-N + 3503 APPASAMY (Jaya), A n introduction to modern Indian sculpture. New Delhi 1970 VII, 40 pp, 60 pltn, 25 cm. Indian council for cultural relations. Vikas publications 3h-146-N 3504 DUFF (Roger), Stone adzes of Southeast Asia. An illustrated typology by Christcfaurch 1970. 156 pp, ills, 30 cm. Canteihury Museum Trust Board Canterbury Museum, bulletin. No. 3. 3h-145-N + 3505 FOX (Rovert B.), The Tabon caves. Archaeological explorations and excavations on Palawan Island, Philippines. Manila 1970. XIV, 198 pp, .17 pin. 111. 23 cm. Monograph of the National Museum, Manila, Nr 1. 3h-144-N 3506 JUMSAI (Sumet), Seen. Architectural ferms of Northern Siam and old Siamese fortifications. Bangkok, Thai Watana Panich, 1970. 200 pp, ills, 3 2 cm. The Fine arts commission. The Association of Siamese architects. 3h-151-N + ÉÊÊWÊSSÊBÊÊ 208 II. Asia 3507 LACH (Donald F.), Asia in the making of Europe. Vol 11. A century of wonder. Book one: Thetisual arts. Chicago, The University of Chicago, 1970. XVIII, 257 pp, 142 pltn, 23 cm. 3h-148-N 3508 SUBHADRADIS DISKUL (M.C.), Art in Thailand. A brief history. 2nd rev. ed. Bangkok, 1971. VI, 32 pp, ills, 24 cm. Silpakorn University. Faculty of Archaeology. English-Language Series I. 3h-150-N 3509 FILLIOZAT (Vasundhara), 1'Epigraphie de Vijayanagar du début a 1377. Paris, Ecole franc.aise d'Extrême-Orient, 1973. XL, 180 pp, ills, 28 cm. Publications de 1'école francaise d'Extrême-Orient, Vol. XCI. 3h-149-N + 3i. Asian language grammars and textbooks 3510 HASSAN BIN AHMAD, Kitab al-tasrif. Z.pl, Persatuan, c. 1950. Dl. 1-3 in één band 22 cm. Arabisch schrift. 3M0-N 3511 PLAM (Yu. Ya.), and Yu. H. SIRK, The languages of Southeast Asia. Moscow, 1967. 40 pp, 22 cm. Xerox copie. USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of the Peoples of Asia. Fifty years of Soviet Oriental Studies. (Brief reviews). 3i-34-N + 3512 JORDEN (Eleanor Harz), with the assistance of Hamako Ito CHAPLIN, Beginning Japanese. Part I- . llth pr. New Haven, Conn, enz, Yale University Press, 1971- . dln. 26 cm. Yale Linguistic Series, 5. 3sV32-N 3513 BAKER (Philip), Kreol. A description of Mauritian creole. London, Hurst & Co, 1972 VIII, 221 pp, krt. 22 cm. 3Ï-35-N 3514 MIAO and Yao linguistic studies. Selected articles in Chinese, transl. by CHANG Yü-Lung and CHU Kwo-ray. Ed. by Herbert C. PURNELL, Jr. Ithaca, N.Y. 1972. XIV, 282 pp. 28 cm. Cornell University Dept. of Asian Studies. Southeast Asia Program. Data paper. No. 88. Linguistics series V. 3i-33-N + 3j. Asian language dictionaries 3515 NEWELL (Leonard E.), A Batad Ifugao vocabulary. New Haven, Conn, Human Relations Area Files, 1968. VII, 230 pp, 20 cm. HRAFlex Book OA19-001.3j-95-N 3516 REINHORN (Mare), Dictionnaire Laotien-Francais. Paris 1970. XLX, 2152 pp. 28 cm. 2 dln. Centre de documentation sur 1'Asie du Sud-Est. Atlas ethno-linguistique. Recherche coopérative sur programme. No. 61. 4me série. Dictionnaires. 3j-93-N + 3517 A DICTIONARY of Cebuano Visayan. Vol. I - II. Comp. by John U. WOLFF. [Ithaca, N.Y.1 1972. 28 cm. 2 dln. Cornell University, Southeast Asia Program, Department of Asian studies. Linguistics series VI. Data paper. 87. Linguistic Society of the Philippines. 3j-90-N + 3518 ELBERT(SamuelH.),Puluwat dictionary, Canberra, Australian National Univ. 1972. X, 400 pp, 25 cm. The Australian National University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific linguistics. Series C. Books. no 24. 3j-96-N 3519 FENN (Courtenay H), [Fenn's Chinese-English pocket dictionary.1 The hve thousand dictionary and index to the charactar cards of the college of Chinse studies, California college in China [With the assistance of CHIN HSIEN TSENG112th pr Rev American ed. Based on the 5th Peking ed. which included additions and revisions by George D. WILDER, and CHIN HSIEN TSENG. Cambridge, Mass, 1972 XXXVIII, 696 pp. 18 cm. A Harvard paperback. 35. 3j-92-N 3520 JUMSAI (M.LMankh), SUMET JUMSAI and ART-ONG JUMSAI, Advanced English-Thai dictionary (desk-ed.) Bangkok, Chalermnit, 1972. IV, 1504 pp, ills, 17 cm 3Ï-94-N 3521 MANICH JUMSAI (M.L.), Sumet JUMSAI, and ART-ONG JUMSAI, Thai-English I dictionary. Bangkok, Erawan Arcade, 1972. IV, 440 pp. 19 cm. 3j-91-N 31. Bibliographies - Catalogues - Inventories 3522 SELECT accessions in Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit. List no. 9-. LZ.pl.1 1969- - 30 cm. India Office Library. Foreign & commonwealth office. 31-21É-N + 3523 SOUTH-East ASia Library Group. Survey of library resources. Comp. by Brenda E. MOON. Yorkshire, Univ. of Huil, 1969. 37 pp, 26 cm. In ringband. -Idem. 2nd ed. 1973. 31-240-N + 31. Bibliographies - Catalogues - Inventories 209 3524 ASIEN und Ozeanien. Behandelnde Zeitschritten und ihre Bestande in Bibliotheken der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ZGV Asien). Hamburg 1970. IV, 18129 cm. Institut fiir Asienkunde- Dokumentations-Leitstelle-. 31-224-N + 3525 LAND in Micronesia and its resources: An annotated bibliography. Comp. by E.H. BRYAN, Jr. and staff. Honolulu, Hawaii 1970. 119 pp, 28 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Pacific Scientific Information Center. 31-225-N + 3526 POITELON (Jean-Claude), Germaine RAZAFINTSALAMA et Rasoahanta RANDRIANARIVELO. Periodiques Malgaches de la Bibliotheque nationale. Paris, Bibliotheque nationale, 1970. XVI, 199 pp, 24 cm Catalogue de Periodiques par Langues ét Pays. 31-235-N 3527 ASUNCION-LANDEINobleza C), A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. Athens, Ohio, 1971. XXIII, 147 pp, 27 cm. Ohio University. Center for international studies. Southeast Asian Program. Papers in International studies. Southeast Asia series 20 31-227-N + 3528 BRYOLOGICAL bibliography of the tropical Pacific islands especially Polynesia and Micronesia. Comp. for the Subcommittee for bryophytes and lichens of the Standing committee on Pacific botany of the Pacific Science Association by Harvey A MILLER, Henry O. WHITTIER, Romualdo M. del ROSARIO, a.o. Honolulu 1971. VI, 51 pp. 28 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Pacific Scientific Information Center. 31-220-N + 3529 DAY(A. Grove), Pacific islands literature. One hundred basic books. Honolulu Univ Press of Hawaii, 1971. XXIV, 176 pp, ills, 23 cm. 31-229-N 3530 INDEX to Pacific linguistics, series A-D. As at the end of 1970, Ed. by S.A. WURM Dtonl C. LAYCOCK and CL. VOORHOEVE. Canberra, The Australian National' il University. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Pacific Linguistics. Series D. Special Publications. No. 9. 31-233-N + 3531 NUNN (GRaymond), Asia: a selected and annotated guide to reference works. Cambridge, Mass. tetc. 19711. XVI, 233 pp. 24 cm. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 31-219-N 3532 ROFF (Margaret), Official publications of Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei in New York libraries. New York, N.Y. 1971. II, 45 pp, 28 cm. Columbia University. Southern Asian Institute. Occasional bibliographical papers. No. 1. 31-223-N + 3533 BERNARDO(Gabriel Adriano), A critical and annotated bibliography of Philippine, Indonesian and other Malayan folk-lore. Ed. by Francisco LRJ DEMETRIO Y RADAZA. Cagayan de Oro City, Xavier Univ, 1972. XXII, 150 pp, ills, 28 cm. A museum and archives publication 5. Ook: Ateneo de Manila Univ. Dep. of History, Occasional Papers, Bibliographical Series 3. 31-237-N + 3534 BOOKS about Singapore 1972. Singapore 1972. IV, 50 pp, 21 cm. National Library Singapore. 31-232-N 3535 QUAH SWEE LAN, Oil discovery and technical change in Southeast Asia. A bibliography. Rev. ed. Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1973. V, 32 pp, 28 cm. Library bulletin 6. 31-238-N 3536 ROFF (William R.), Bibliography of Malay and Arabic periodicals published in the Straks Settlements and peninsular Malay States, 1876 -1941. With an ann. union list of holdings in Malaysia, Singapore and the United Kingdom. London 1972. VIII, 74 pp. 24 cm. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. London Oriental bibliographies. Vol. 3. 31-218-N 3537 u£rT° (Shiro)' philiPP'ne Ethnography. A critically annotated and selected bibliography. Honolulu , University Press of Hawaii, 1972. XXXII, 512 pp, krt 28 cm. East-West bibliographic series 2. 31-236-N + 3538 SEADAG chairman's report tby Phillips TALBOT] July 1,1971-June 30,1972 New York, Asia Society, 1972. 33 pp, 23 cm. Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group of The Asia Society. 31-239-N 3539 TAYLOR (C.R.H.), A bibliography of publications on the New Zealand Maori and the Monori of the Chatham Islands. [London] 1972. XII, 161 pp. 24 cm. 31-221-N 3540 CHANG (Diana), Asia and pacific planning bibliography no 3-4. Monticello 111 Council of Planning Librarians, 1973. 2 dln, 28 cm. CPL Exchange bibliography 280-281. CPL Exchange bibliography 380-381. 31-234-N + 3p. Anthropology 213 3581 TRANSCULTURAL studies in cognition. Report of a conference sponsored by social science research council committee on intellective processes research. Ed. by: A. Kimball ROMNEY and Roy Goodwin d'ANDRADE. Menasha Wis, American Anthropological Association, 1964. VIII, 253 pp, 24 cm. American Anthropologist. Special Publication 66 (june 1964) 3, part 2. 3p-549-N 3582 EMORYÜCenneth P.), and Yosihiko H. SINOTO, Age of the sites in the South Point area, Ka'u, Hawaii. Honolulu 1969. IV, 17 pp, ills, 28 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Dept. of Anthropology. Pacific anthropological records. Nr. 8. 3p-537-N- + III 3583 EMORY (Kenneth P.), William J. BONK and Yosihiko H. SINOTO, Waiahukini Shelter, site H8, Ka'u, Hawaii, Honolulu 1969. VI, 12 pp, ills, 28 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Dept. of Anthropology. Pacific anthropological records. Nr. 7 3p-537-N + III 3584 KELLY (Marion), Historical background of the South Point Aream Ja'u, Hawaii. Honolulu 1969. IV, 73 pp, ills, 28 cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Dept. of Anthropology. Pacific anthropological records. Nr. 6. 3p-537-N + III 3585 PEREIRA DE QUEIROZ (Maria Isaura), Réforme et révolution dans les sociétés traditionelles. Histoire et ethnologie des mouvements messianiques. Préf. de Roger Bastide. Paris, Anthropos, [19691. XX, 394 pp. 19 cm. 3p-528-N-I 3586 UNDERWOOD (Jane Hainline), Human skeletal remains from Sand Dune site (Hl), South Point (Ka Lae), Hawaii. Honolulu 1969. IV, 24 pp, ills, 28 cm. Bernice P.' Bishop Museum. Dept. of Anthropology. Pacific anthropological records. Nr 9 3p-537-N + III 5 3587 BUTZER (Karl W.), Environment and archeology. An ecological approach to prehistory. 2nd. ed. London, Methuen & Co Ltd, 1971. XXVIII, 704 pp. ills 24 cm Met bibliografie. 3p-541-N-III 3588 DALTON (George), Economie anthropology and development. Essays on tribal and peasant economics. New York, Basic Books, Ine, [1971.1 386 po 111 24 cm 3B-529-N-I ™ 3589 FODERMAYR (Franz), Zur gesanglichen Stimmgebung in der aussereuropaischen Musik. Ein Beitragzur Methodik der vergleichenden Musikwissenschaft. Wien 1971. 2 dln. 111. 23 cm. [Institut für Volkerkunde der Universitat Wien.1 Acta ethnologica et linguistica. Nr. 24. Series Musicologica. 1. 3p-523-N-I 3590 L'ANTHROPOLOGIE. Sciences des sociétés primitives? [Pari Jean COPANS Maurice GODELIER, Serge TORNAYCattherine Backès-Clément. [Paris! 197L 311 pp, ills, 20 cm. Collection "Le point de la question". 3p-533-N-I 3591 MAN in adaption. The institutional framework. Ed. by Yehudi A. COHEN. Chicago etc, Aldine Atherten, 1971. XVI, 478 pp, 24 cm. 3p-554-N-I 3592 POSPISIL (Leopold), Anthropology of law. A Comparative theory. New York etc. Harper and Row, 1971 XIV, 385 pp, 22 cm. 3p-556-N-I 3593 RETHINKING kihship and marriage. Ed. by Rodney NEEDHAM. London enz Tavistock publications, 1971. CXVIII, 276 pp. 22 cm. Association of Sociai Anthropologists of the Commonwealth. A.S.A. Monographs. 11. 3p-534-N-I 3594 SERVICE (Elman R.), Cultural evolutionism. Theory in practice. New York etc Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971. XII, 178 pp, 23 cm. Met bibliografie! 3p-546-N-I 3595 TURNEY-HIGH (Harry Holvert), Primitive war. Its practice and concepts Forew by David C. RAPOPORT. Afterw. by —. 2nd ed. Columbia, S C, University of South Carolina Press, 1971. XVI, 288 pp, 22 cm. 3p-536-N-I 3596 BAYARD (D.T.), Non Nok Tha. The 1968 excavation procedure, stratigraphy and summary of the evidence. [Z.pl. 1972.! VI, 77 pp, ills, 26 cm. University of Otago. Dept. of Anthropology. Otago University monographs in prehistorie anthropology Vol. 4. 3p-538*N+III v bi 3597 DA VIES (David), A dictionary of anthropology. London, Frederick Muller 1972 197 pp, ills, 22 cm. 3p-555-N-I 3 598 GARNA (Yudistiro K.), Kebudayaan materi. [Sebuah introduction tentang manusia dan karyanyal. Bandung 1972. 58 pp, 29 cm. Gestencilde tekst. Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Sastra, Jurusan Antropologi. Etn. 5/72. 3p-573-N +1 214 III. Asia and the West 3599 LAGUNA (Frederica de), Under Mount Saint Elias: The history and culture of the Yakutat Tlingit. Washington, D.C. 1972. 3 dln. XLIX, 1395 pp. ills, krtn. 30 cm. Smithsonian contributions to anthropology. Vol. 7. 3p-531-N + 1 3600 LANGUAGE and social context. Selected readings. Ed. by Pier Paolo GIGLIOLl. [Contrib. by D. HYMES, J A. FISHMAN, E. GOFFMAN, a.o.1 Harmondsworth 1972. 399 pp, 18 cm. Penguin modern sociology. Readings. 3p-540-N-I 3601 MEGGERS (Betty J ), Prehistorie America. Chicago Etc, Aldine etc, 1972. VI, 200 3602 The INTERPRETATION of ritual. Essays in honour of AI. RICHARDS. Ed. by J.S. FONTAINE [Contrib. by Raymond FIRTH, Elisabeth BOTT, Edmund LEACH a.o.1 London, Tavistock Publ, 1972. XVIII, 296 pp, prt, 21 cm. 3p-547-N-I 3603 ABRAHAMS (Roger D ), A performance-centered approach to gossip. Austin, Tex. [z j 111 pp 25 cm. Overdr. uit: Man, 1970, vol.5, no 2, blz. 290 - 301. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Cmprint series no 103. 3604 BASTLDE (Roger), Applied anthropology. Transl. by Alice L. Morton. London, Groom Helm, 1973. VI, 226 pp, 22 cm. Met bibliografie. 3p-544-N-I 3605 BROWN (Tasman), Morphology of the Australian skull, studied by multivamte analysis. Canberra, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 1973. VIII, 140 pp, iUs, 26 cm. Australian Aboriginal Studies 49. Human Biology Series 4. Met bibliografie. 3p-543-N + III >*\*~t , IT, 3606 GRAEBNER (Fritz), Das Weltbild der Primitiven. Eine Untersuchung der Urtormen weltanschaulichen Denkens bei Naturvölkern. Repr. Nendeln, Kraus, 1973. II, 173 pp ills, 20 cm. Geschichte der Philosophie in Einzeldarstellungen. Abt. 1. Das Weltbild der Primitiven und die Philosophie des Morgenlandes. Bd. L Oorspr. uitg. 1924.3p-539-N-I ; , T, . „ .... 3607 KORN (Francis), Elementary structures reconsidered. Levi-Strauss on Kinsmp. London, Tavistock Publ, 1973. XVI, 168 pp, ills, 22 cm. Met bibliografie. 3p-545-N-I ,. 3608 IAGERBERG (C.S.I.J.), en G.J. WILMS, De Katholieke ontwikkelingsinspanning kwantitatief gezien. Een analyse van het aantal en de activiteiten van Nederlandse missionarissen. Tilburg, Instituut voor Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken, 1973. III, 31 pp, 29 cm. 3p-54B-N + III ... 3609 LOCHER (Gfottfriedl WülhelmD, Ontwikkelingssociologie en algemene cultuurwetenschap Leiden, Instituut voor Culturele Anthropologie en Sociologie der niet-westerse Volken, 1973. 26 pp, 30 cm. Afscheidscollege. 3p-553-N + I 3610 MICHELS (Joseph W ), Dating methods in archaeology. New York etc.. Seminar Press 1973. XIV, 230 pp, ills, 23 cm. Studies in archaeology. 3p-542-N-lll 218 IV. America-Africa-Australia 3s6. Jamaica 3658 CUMPER (Gloria), Survey of social legislation in Jamaica. [Jamaica 1972.1 VIII, 122 pp, 23 cm. University of the West Indies, Institute of Social and Economie Research (ISÈR). Law and society in the Caribbean, no 1. 3s6-741-N-IV 3s8. Antigua - Barbuda - Montserrat - Nevis 3659 PHILPOTT (Stuart B.), West Indian migration: The Montserrat case. London, Athlone Press 1973. VIII, 210 pp, ills, 22 cm. London School of Economics. Monographs on social anthropology no. 47. 3s8-685-NIII 3s9. Guadeloupe - Martinique - Marie Galanta 3660 HOY (Don R.), Agricultural land use of Guadeloupe. Washington, D.C, 1961. VIII, 90 pp, ills, 28 cm. National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Publication884. Office of Naval Research. Foreign field research program. Report no 12. 3s9-627-N + III 3661 La MIGRATION des ressortissants des départements doutre-mer. Aspects médicaux et psycho- sociologiques. Table ronde a Paris juin 1969. Organisée par le CENTRE Charles Richet,avec lacoop. de I.D.E.R.I.C. Nice 1972. V, 149 pp, 26 cm. Université de Nice* Institut d'Etudes et de Recherche Interethniques et Interculturelies (I.D.E.R.I.C.) Etudes préliminaires, no. 5. 3s9-779-N + III 3662 LASSERRE (Guy), La petite propriete des Antilles francaises dans la ense de 1'économie de plantation. Ste-Marie, Martinique, [z.j.118 pp, 22 cm. Uittreksel uit: Etudes de geographie tropicale offertes a Pierre Gourou, 1972. Université de Montréal, Centre de Recherche Cariibes Fond St-Jacques. Collecion de réimpression no 4.3s9-669-N-III , , , „ ,, 3663 ABRAHAMS(RogerD.),BritishWestIndianfolkdramaandthe hfecycle problem. Austin, Tex. [z.j.1 25 pp, 22 cm. Overdr. uit: Folklore, 1970, vol. 81, blz. 241 -265. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 112. 3s9-796-NV 3sl0. Dominica - Sta Lucia - St Vincent - Grenada - Grenadines 3664 DISEASE and economie development. The impact of parasitic diseases in St Lucia. By Burton A. WEISBROD, Ralph L. ANDREANO, Robert E. BALDWIN e.a Madison, Wisc, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1973. XVII, ills, 24 cm. 3slO-623-N-III 3sl2. Tobago - Trinidad 3665 ROBINSON (A.N.R.), The mechanics of independence. Patterns of political and economie transformation in Trinidad and Tobago. Cambridge, Mass, etc, M.I.T. Press, 1971. XIII, 200 pp, 24 cm. 3sl2-654-N-III 3666 WOODCOCK (Henry Ifcs), A history of Tobago. New impr. London, Case and Co, 1971. 209 pp, 23 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1867. Cass Library of West Indian Studies no 28. 3sl2-673-NII . , 3667 RYAN (Selwyn D.), Race and nationalism in Tnnidad and Tobago: A study ot decolonization ki a multiracial society. Toronto, Univ. Press, 1972, XIV, 509 pp, «Is, 24 cm. 3sl2-679-N-III 3sl3. Cayenne 3668 LOWENTHAL (David), French Guiana: Myths and realities. [New York] 1960. 13 pp 24 cm Overdr. uit: Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1960, vol 22, no. 7, pp. 528* 540. 3sl3-770-NIV 3s 14. Guyana 219 3sl4. Guyana 3669 LUTCHMAN (L.F.), De gesegmenteerde samenleving in Brits-Guyana. [Z.pl.] 1966. 68 pp. ills, 30 cm. Xerox copie. 3sl4-758-N + IV 3670 ADAMSON CAlan H.), Sugar without slaves. The political economy of British Guiana, 1838 - 1904. New Haven, [etc] Yale Univ. Press, 1972, IX, 315 pp, ill, 22 cm. Caribbean series, 13. 3sl4-635-N-III 3671 LUTCHMAN (Harold A.), Constitutional developments in Guyana during the second world war. Ed: Ralph R. PREMDAS. Georgetown, Guyana 1972. 30 pp, 28 cm. University of Guyana, Department of Political Science. Occasional paper no 1 3sl4-643-N+III 3s. The Caribbean area 3672 LINDE (J.M. van der), Unitas Fratrum en Caraibisch gebied. Nijkerk, Callenback, [c. 1958.] 24 pp, 24 cm. Inaugurale rede Utrecht 1958. 3s-769-N-IV 3673 LOWENTHAL (David), The range and variation of Caribbean societies. [New York] 1960,9 pp, 23^em. Overdr. uit: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1960, vol. 83, article 5, blz. 786-795. 3s-742-NIII 3674 LOWENTHAL (David), Race and color in the West Indies. Cambridge, Mass. 1967. "49 pp, 23 cm. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Daedalus. Spring 1967. Color and race issue, pp. 580 - 626. 3s-771-NIV 3675 A GUIDE for the study of British Caribbean history, 1763-1834. Including the abolition and emancipation movements. Comp. by Lowell J. RAGATZ. Repr. New York, Da Capo, 1970. VIII, 725 pp, 24 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1932. 3s-626-N-II 3676 JONES (Chester Lloyd), The Caribbean since 1900. Reissued. New York, Russell and Russell 1970. 511 pp, itt, 23 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1936 3s-661-N-I 3677 LATIN America periodicals. A union list of the holdings of the libraries of six British universities. [Foreword by Brigid M. DOHERTY, and Bernard NAYLOR] London 1970. «fcpp, 30 cm. University of London, Institute of Latin American Studies. British union catalogue of Latin America New Latin American titles. Supplement 1. 3S-757-N + II 3678 COKE (Thomas), A history of the West Indies, containing the natural, civil and ecclesiastical history of each island: With an account of the missions instituted in those islands,.... New impr. London, Cass and Co, 1971. Vol. 1 - 3. 22 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1808-1811. Cass Library of West Indian Studies no 21. 3s-688-N-I 3679 DEMAS (William G), The economics of development in small countries. With special reference to the Caribbean. 4th. repr. Montreal, McGill Univ. Press, 1971. XV, 150 pp, 22 cm. Oorspr. uitg. 1965. McGill University, Centre for Developing-Area Studies. Keith Callard lectures, series 1. 3s-719-N*i|I i 3680 GARCIA-ZAMOR (Jean-Claude), Development administration in the Commonwealth Caribbean. Austin, Tex. [z.j.1 14 pp, 27 cm. University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Latin America Studies (ILAS). Offprint series no 107 3s-797-NIII 3681 LOWENTHAL (David), Conflict and race in the Caribbean. [Z.pl.] 1971. 7 pp, ill, 18 cm obl. Overdr. uit: Integrated education: 1971. Sept/Oct, blz. 42-48. 3s-751-N IV 3682 LOWENTHAL (David), West Indies [Z.pl J McGraw-Hill, 1971. 5 pp, ills, 28 cm. Overdr. uit: Encyclopedia of science and technology, 3rd. ed. 3s-756-N +1 3683 PEOPLES and cultures of the Caribbean. An anthropological reader. Ed. and with an introd. by Michael M. HOROWITZ. Garden City, N.Y, National History Press, 1971. XI, 606 pp, ills, 21 cm. American Museum of Natural History. 3s-631-N-IV 3684 READINGS in government and politics of the West Indies. 1971 edition. Ed. by Treyor MUNROE, and Rupert LEWIS. Mona, Jamaica 1971. XI, 270 pp, 28 cm. University of the West Indies, Department of Government. 3s-777-N + III 3685 WATSON (Kari S.), Literature of the English- and Frenchspeaking West Indies in the University of Florida libraries. A bibliography. Gainesville, Fla, 1971. V, 26 pp, ill, 24 cm. University of Florida, Center for Latin American Studies. 3s-636-N-II 220 IV. America - Africa - Australia 3686 BERNEY [Henri-Mauricel, and Helmut BLUME, Antillen. Tropische Insein im Karibischen Meer. Bern, Kummerly and Frey, 1972. 168 pp, ills, 28 cm. 3s-690-N +1 3687 LOWENTHAL (David), Black power in the Caribbean context. [Z.pl.] 1972. 19 pp, 26 cm. Overdr. uit: Economie geography, 1972. vol. 48, no 1, pp, 116 - 133. 3s-723-N + III 3688 MESSINA (Milton), La integración económica del Caribe. [Santo Domingo 1972.] 358 pp, 20 cm. Centro Dominicano de Promoción de Exportaciones. 3s-717-N-III 3689 SINGH (Paul G ), Local democracy in the commonwealth Caribbean. A study of adaption and growth. Trinidad, [etc.], Longmans Caribbean Ltd, 1972. X, 146 pp, 22 cm. 3s-632-N-III 3690 A GUIDE to manuscript sources for the history of Latin America and the Caribbean in the British isles. Ed. by Peter WALNE. With a forword by R.A. HUMPHREYS. London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1973. XX, 580 pp, 24 cm. University of London, Institute of Latin American Studies. 3s-676-N-H 3691 CHEN-YOUNG (Paul L ), Report on private investment in the Caribbean. Kingston, (Jamaica), Atlas, 1973. 86 pp, ill, 25 cm. 3s-624-N-III 3692 LOWENTHAL (David), Free colored West Indians: A racial