GEOLOGY OF THE BRITISH ISLES BY P. G. H. BOSWELL, GRENVILLE A. J. COLE, ARTHUR MORLEY DAVIES, CHARLES DAVISON, JOHN W. EVANS, J. WALTER GREGORY, ALFRED HARKER, OWEN THOMAS JONES, PERCY FRY KENDALL, LINSDALL RICHARDSON, WILLIAM WHITEHEAD WATTS, H. J. OSBORNE WHITE EDITOR: J. W. EVANS WITH AN APPENDIX: THE CHANNEL ISLANDS BY JOHN PARKINSON THE HAGUE MARTINUS NIJHOFF 1918 The British Isles by Grenville A. J. Cole, Arthur Morley Davies, Charles Davison, John W. Evans, J. Walter Gregory, Alfred Harker, Owen Thomas Jones, Percy Fry Kendall, John Parkinson, Linsdall Richardson, William Whitehead Watts, H. J. Osborne White. Preliminary Note by the local Editor. The completeness of the geological record in the British Isles, the variations in the facies of the different formations from place to place, and the immense volume of the literatüre that has accumulated, render it impossible for one man to do justice to the Regional Geology of the area. It was therefore decided to divide the work among a number of specialists, each of whom could write with authority on the subject allotted to him and be individually responsible for his contributions. Every effort has, however, been made to secure as much uniformity as was possible. in bibliographical and typographical details. The majority of the illustrations have been taken by permission from the official Reports of the Geological Surveys and the publications of the Geological Society and of the Geologists' Association, the exact source being given in each case. The general maps have been prepared by A. Morley Davies, who has made a careful study of the structural geology of the whole country. He also had the advantage of detailed information supplied to him by other contributors. I am however responsible for the symbols employed on the structural maps, and the system of shading adopted in those showing the distribution of the different formations at the surface. Other maps and diagrams have been specially prepared for the present work by the contributors, who are identified by their initials. John W. Evans. I. Morphology. a. England and. Wales. By Arthur Morley Davies. The folds and faults of England and Wales are usually grouped in four systems, according to their general axial directions: 1. The Charnian system, with N.W.—S.E. direction; 2. The Caledonian system, with N.E.—S.W. direction; 3. The Malvernian system, with N.—S. direction; 4. The Armorican system, with direction varying from E.N.E.—W.S.W. through E.—W. to W.N.W.—E.S.E. To each of these systems an age of predominance may be assigned, but the use of any name must not be taken as implying age: it denotes merely direction. Handbuch der regionalen Geologie. III. 1. 1 2 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — Morphology. The Charnian system is principally developed in the pre-Cambrian rocks- of Charnwood Forest (Fig. 8). As both Carboniferous andTriassic strata lap up unconformably against these ancient rocks, and Cambrian strata, present only 24 km- (15 miles) away, are there wanting, it is probable that the folding of the Charnian rocks is itself pre-Cambrian in age. Movement on the same lines, however, was repeated at later periods, notably in post-Carboniferous time, when the boundary-faults of the Leicestershire and Warwickshire coalfields were formed. These are in the near neighbourhood of Charnwood Forest. Other folds and faults with the same axial direction are found at greater distances and separated by areas with other dominant directions, so that their relationship to the Charnian system must be regarded as more doubtful. Such are a) the Eden Valley fault of Cumberland (Fig. 4); b) one set of faults in the Lancashire and Yorksbire coalfields (Fig. 5); c) the post-Carboniferous Woolhope anticline of Herefordshire (Fig. 8); d) part of tbe system of pre-Bajocian and Bajocian folds, of very slight amplitude, detected in the Cotteswplds by the minute zonal work of Buckman (Fig. 8); e) a series of post-Jurassic pre-Cretaceous folds, with one fault, in the Oxford district (Fig. 8); and f) possibly the post-Eocene folds in the neighbourhood of Lambourn, Berkshire (Fig. 8). The Caledonian system is mainly of post-Silurian age, though movement on these lines seems to have begun in the Ordovician period. It is the dominant system throughout North and Central Wales (Fig. 7). As the folds and faults approach South Wales they become deviated under the influence of the Armorican movement, while as they approach the English border of North Wales they are similarly modified by the Malvernian movement. Fig. l. Tectonlo Map of the British Isles—Section I.—Hebrides and North-West Highlands. Region of thrust planes of Caledonian system. A. M. D. The scale of these structural maps of the British Isles is about 1:2 650 000 or 42 miles to an Inch. Davies: England and Wales. (III. 1.) 3 Fig. 2. Tectonic Map of the British Isles—Section II.—North-E ast-Scotland, Orkneys and Shetlands. Caledonian system dominant. A.M.D. To this system belong two of the most powerful faults in the country — a) the Dee Valley fault, traceable from Cheshire to Cardigan Bay, and b) the Church Stretton fault, part of a series of faults that form an almost continuous line of fracture from Morecambe Bay to Garmarthen Bay. Beginning with a Charnian direction in Morecambe Bay it extends to the neighbourhood of Manchester, when it curves round into the Caledonian direction, forming first the western boundary fault of the North Staffordshire coalfield, and later the eastern boundary of the 1* 4 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — Morphology. Longmyndian horst. Other important disturbances are c) the faults to which the Menai Straits owe their existence; d) the Snowdon syncline; e) the Harlech anticlinorium; f) the Builth anticlinorium, with its igneous rocks; g) the Berwyn anticlinorium; h) the St. David's anticlinorium. Besides the many folds and faults in Wales, there also belongs to the Caledonian system a series of post-Carboniferous faults in Northumberland, in close association with the structure of the Southern Uplands of Scotland (Fig. 4), including the well-known 90-fathom "dyke" of the Newcastle district (the term "dyke", as used by Northumbrian miners, meaning simply a fault — not an igneous dyke). The post-Carboniferous folds of the Lancashire coalfield and the district to the north of it (Fig. 4) may also possibly indicate a revival of Caledonian movements; and in the Yorkshire coalfield there are two intersecting series of faults having respectively the Charnian and Caledonian as their dominant directions. The Malvernian system of north-and-south direction includes more faults than folds. It is of post-Carboniferous and partly of post-Triassic age. Starting at the northern end in the neighbourhood of Manchester with a series of north-and-south faults, these pass into a series of anticlines and synclines which radiate out southwards and determine the form of the North Staffordshire and adjacent coalfields. They are continued southwards by the boundary faults of the South Staffordshire coalfield (Fig. 8) and parallel faults in the Trias of Worcester- Fig. 3. Tectonic Map of the British Isles.—Section III.—North-West-Ireland. Caledonian system dominant. A. M. D. Davies: England und Wales. (III. 1.) 9 shire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire and part of Gloucestershire, 3) the Pennine area, of Northumbria, Lancashire and Yorkshire, and 4) the Lake District of Gumberland and Westmorland. To these may be added 5) the Isle of Man. Most, if not all, of these areas were submerged in the Upper Cretaceous transgression, if not previously, and have been re-exposed by Kainozoic erosion. There are also a number of minor areas, less completely stripped of their Mesozoic cover — 1) the Mendip Hills, with the Somerset and Bristol coalfields, 2) the South Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Leicestershire coalfields, and 3) Charnwood Forest. 1) The South-western peninsula (Devon andCornwall) (Fig. 7) maybe described broadly as an Armorican synclinal area, with Carboniferous and Permian rocks in the centre, Devonian on the north and, the same, with Silurian, Ordovician and Metamorphic rocks, on the south. The southern limb is complicated by large granite intrusions, igneous dykes and metalliferous veins. The river system is obviously epigenetic, hut so complex and intricate in its character, that it has hitherto defied explanation. Tin- and copper-mining have been carried on here from prehistorie times, and china-clay is now extensively produced from the kaolinized granites. 2) Wales (with the border counties) (Fig. 7) is an area in which Caledonian structure predominates, the trend lines passing into a Malvernian direction in the north, while in the south they end off against well-marked Armorican folds. The rocks include members of all the pre-Palaeozoic and Palaeozoic systems except undoubted Permian, but Ordovician and Old Bed Sandstone cover the widest areas. Wales is classical as the case in which a mountainous country was first recognized as a deeply dissected plateau, Jtjkes and Ramsay having pointed out the uniform gentle slope of the plane surface tangential to the highest mountain-tops. In the west, the river-system has become well-adapted to the rock-structure, but in the South-Wales coalfield the epigenetic character is well shown. Most of the rivers, like the Taff, traverse the coalfield completely from north to south, though in the west the Towy, working on the soft Ordovician shales, has beheaded the transverse river Loughor or Llwehwr. Still more striking is the lower Wye, of which the entrenched meanders cross and recross the boundary between Old Red Sandstone and Carboniferous Limestone, forming deep narrow gorges in the latter and wide vales in the former. The broad subsequent valleys of Wales are devoted to agriculture, but the rest of the country consists of barren moors, thinly populated, except where coalmining and iron-smelting has drawn together a huge industrial population. 3) The Pennine area (Fig. 5) is mainly a series of moorlands of grit, with limestone areas characterized by caverns and underground drainage. The northto-south trend of the area is believed to have been blocked out in the Kainozoic era, and by no means corresponds to the tectonic structure of the rocks, almost entirely Carboniferous, of which it is composed. The drainage is mainly eastwards and westwards, but in the south the Derwent, working along an outcrop of shale, at the foot of a grit escarpment, has disturbed the simplicity of the river-system. 4) The Lake district (Fig. 4) consists of an area of slaty and volcanic rocks, of Lower Palaeozoic age, and has a strikingly radial drainage practically independant of the structure. The Neozoic part of Britain consists mainly of alternations of escarpments and vales, with a maturely - adjusted river-system showing numerous 10 (III. t. The British Isles. — Morphology. examples of capture. The principal resistant beds, forming the main escarpments are 1) the Permian Magnesian Limestone (included with the Mesozoie for topographical convenience), 2) certain of the Triassic sandstones, 3) the Marlstone of the Lias, 4) the limestones of the Lower Oolites and 5) the Upper Chalk. Of the two main escarpment-lines of England, one is formed in part (as near Bath) of the Great Oolite, in part (as near Cheltenham and again near Lincoln) of the Inferior Oolite, and elsewhere where neither of these is welldeveloped, by the Marlstone: the other is the striking Chalk escarpment. Hg7 Tectonic Map of the British Isles.—Section VU.—Sonth-E ast-Ireland, Wales and South-West-E ngland. Meeting of Caledonian and Armorican systems. A. M. D. Davies: England and Wales. (HL 1.J 11 Epigenetic drainage is well-shovrn by the Bristol Avon, which euts through the Carboniferous Limestone at Clifton in the gorge which gives the Standard section of that formation — a gorge 90 me tres (300 ft.) deep, though an easier cours? over the Triassic red marl seems open to it. Of glacial disturbances of drainage two striking cases may be given. The upper Severn emerges from the Palaeozoic upland of Wales on to the Triassic Ktvt. Tectonie Map of the British Isles.—Section VIII.—England (Gentral, Southern and Eastern). Malvernian. Charnian and Armorican systems. The London Basin is Ma b» be composed of two separate syndines. not in line: the connexion between theni is obscure ovrïng to sughtness of dip. A M. D. 12 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — Morphology. plain of North Shropshire, where its natural course would appear to be northwards to join the Dee. This was probably its course until the Glacial Epoch, when the Irigh Sea ice blocked its course and formed a lake that overflowed southwards and cut the gorge at Ironbridge, through which the Severn was permanently diverted into a valley that had been tributary to the Warwickshire Avon. The second case is that of the Yorkshire Derwent. The upper waters of this stream were originally gathered into a river occupying the vale of Kimmeridge Clay at the foot of the Chalk Escarpment of the Yorkshire Wolds, and entering the sea near Filey. The North Sea ice dammed up this stream, and made a lake, the alluvial floor of which now forms the Vale of Pickering. This lake overflowed south-westwards into the Vale of York, and in doing so cut the gorge at Malton which now forms its permanent course. In the south-east of England, the anticlinal dome of the Weald exhibits the effects of mature adjustment of drainage, of which it is a classical example. Its original continuation in the Bas Boulonnais has been severed from it by marine erosion. The coasts of England af ford many fine examples of the effects of marine erosion, of submergence and of accumulation. Drowned river-valleys are characteristic of the southern coasts from Milford Haven round to the mouth of the Thames. Plymouth Sound and Portsmouth Harbour are the two most important ports due to submergence. The original central river-valley of the Hampshire basin (the continuation of the Dorset Frome) has been converted by the combined effects of submergence and erosion into the Solent and Spithead. The Isle of Wight has been separated from the Purbeck peninsula by marine erosion, and its river-system, heading in the south coast, shows that it once extended as land much farther south. Along the Dorset coast, where Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous beds dip steeply landward, the progress of marine erosion has led to a number of beautiful features, of which Lulworth Cove is the finest. This is a nearly circular bay, hollowed out in the soft Lower Cretaceous strata, with a narrow opening to the sea through the hard Portland limestone. Other coves in various stages of growth or destruction are found along the same coast. Extensive alluvial areas, deposited partly by river s, partly by the sea, are seen in the Fens of Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire, in Sedgemoor (Somerset) and elsewhere. Of accumulations of shingle, the most interesting is the Chesil Bank, which unites the Isle of Portland to the mainland, and extends north-westwards along the coast for 19km (12 miles). The pebbles decrease in size westwards, although they are all of rocks of westerly origin, but they make their way to Portland apparently along the sea-bottom on a line some distance south of the coast. Another important accumulation of shingle is at Dungeness: this appears to have accumulated entirély since the formation of the Straits of Dover. b, Scotland. By J. W. Gregory. Scotland, the northern part of Great Britain, is separated from England in par.t by the Tweed and one of its tributaries, in part by the watershed along the Cheviot Hills, whence the boundary is continued westward along a less natural line to the Solway Firth. Scotland is bounded to the east by the shallow basin of the North Sea and to the west by the Atlantic. The Continental platform extends westward and bears the numerous Western Isles, of which the most remote is the 14 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — Morphology. There is accordingly abundant evidence that the Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Highlands have been covered by a long series of later deposits, most of which have been swept away, leaving the country as a dissected block of Archean rocks. The two southern divisions of Scotland, on the other hand, contain no outcrops of Archean rocks in situ, though pebbles found in the Palaeozoic conglomerates indicate the former extension of the Archean into southern Scotland. The Midland Valley (Fig. 4) is occupied mainly by Upper Palaeozoic rocks, chiefly Old Bed Sandstone, Carboniferous and Permian. The Old Red Sandstone is exposed to the north and south of the valley, beside the boundary faults; while the central area consists of Carboniferous rocks and includes the chief coalfields. The largest area of the Permian rocks is preserved by a basin-shaped depression around Mauchline in Ayrshire. Silurian rocks occur in the inlier at Lesmahagow and in the Pentland Hills. The esSential structure of the Midland Valley may be regarded as an irregular geosynclinal of Upper Palaeozoic rocks, dropped by trough faults between the Archean rocks of the Highlands and the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Southern Uplands. The Southern Uplands (Fig. 4) have quite a distinct structure from either of the two other divisions, as they consist mainly of Lower Palaeozoic rocks belonging to the Ordovician and Silurian (Gothlandian). The rocks, though intensely folded, have a predominant dip to the south-east-. The oldest rocks, the Arenig (Lower Ordovician), occur along the northern edge of the Southern Uplands. They are followed to the south by the Llandeilo (Middle Ordovician) and Caradoc (Upper Ordovician). The slope downward to the Solway Firth and the lower Tweed is formed mainly by Silurian rocks. This Lower Palaeozoic foundation is capped by sheets of Old Bed Sandstone, some Carboniferous rocks, as in the coalfield of Sanquhar, and some Permian and Trias. The Southern Uplands have also been invaded by masses of Devonian granites. Their essential structure however is a broad band of Lower Palaeozoic rocks cut off to the north by faults and having a long and very disturbed dipslope south-eastward. The three structural divisions of Scotland are more sharply defined than the political and ethnographic divisions. The differences between the Upper Palaeozoic rocks of the Midland Valley and the Lower Palaeozoic of the Southern Uplands are less marked than those of the Highlands and the Midland Valley. Hence there are less striking geographical differences between the two southern areas which are grouped together as the Lowlands, and are both occupied by the same race. Owing to the more favorable agricultural conditions of the eastern as compared with the western Highlands, the Lowland race has crossed the eastern end of the Highland Boundary Fault and has extended northward occupying parts of Aberdeenshire and the adjacent counties; this area, though geologically Highland, is therefore ethnographically Lowland. The Highlands were once a plateau having its main slope from north-west to south-east, but the old plateau surface has been destroyed by denudation, which has been guided by bands of weakness due to earth movements of at least three dates. The oldest of these three is post-Cambrian and probably Silurian. It thrust the schists and gneisses of the Highlands westward over the Ordovician, Cambrian and Torridonian rocks. This great overthrust can be traced from the northern coast of Scotland at Loch Eriboll for one hundred miles south-south-westward to Skye (Fig. 1). This line of movement separates a western area of varied geological character, including Lewisian and Moine gneisses, Torridonian Sandstone, Cambrian quartzites and Durness limestones from an eastern area of more monotonous Gregory: Scotland. (III. 1.) 15 geological character, as it consists mainly of gneisses covered in places by Öld Red Sandstone (Figs. 1, 2). The s e c o n d movements happened in Devonian times and are known as the Caledonian. A series of faults along the eastern coast of Sutherlandshire and in eastern Ross-shire dropped the Lower Old Red Sandstone against the Archean gneisses (Fig. 2). Faulting at the same date occurred along the line of the Great Glen, which now traverses Scotland from Loch Linnhe to the Moray Firth at Inverness (Figs. 2, 4); and strips of the Old Red Sandstone are preserved in the valley along the course of this fault. The typical Caledonian direction, as seen in northern Scotland, is approximately from north-north-east to south-south-west; but further southward the line trends from east-north-east to west-south-west, as along the boundary faults which border the Midland Valley (Fig. 4). That these faults were formed in Middle Devonian times is indicated by the evidence near Loch Lomond, where the Upper Old Red Sandstone is nearly horizontal, while the Lower Old Red Sandstone is uptilted against the fault. The main strike of the rocks in the Southern Uplands was doubtless determined by the Caledonian movements. The thir d series of movements happened in Kainozoic times and wasconnected with those that formed the Alps and the North Atlantic. These movements broke up the great volcanic plateau of which the islands of Muil, Skye and some of the smaller of the western islands were part. The subsidence, as suggested by Mackinder, of a submarine rift-valley formed the deeper part of the Little Minch, which separates the Hebrides from Skye; and various faults produced rift valleys, such as the Sound of Muil, and caused rifts and lines of weakness, which have been enlarged by rivers and ice into the glens and lochs of western Scotland. One of the most striking features in the structure of the Highlands is the contrast between the western and eastern sides of the country. The western coast is skirted by an archipelago of innumerable islands, and the coast is indented by a series of lochs which include fiords. There are, on the other hand, very few islets off the eastern coast, and they are volcanic necks belonging to the Midland Valley. The eastern coast of the Highlands extends in unbroken stretches, of which the longest are inAberdeenshire and on the north-western side of the Moray Firth, and trend from north-north-east to south-west, parallel to the main Caledonian lines. The intervening coast line of Nairn, Elgin and Banff trends from east to west parallel to an important series of Highland valleys, such as Glens Oykell, Strathconnan, Strathbrae, Strathfarrar, Glengarry, Loch Arkaig, Loch Morar, Loch Eil, etc. The only important indentations on the eastern coast of the Highlands are at the head of the Moray Firth (Fig. 2), which continues inland as the Firths of Cromarty, Beauly and Dornoch. The connexion of Cromarty Firth with Moray Firth past the town of Cromarty is of post-Glacial date, the former outlet having been into the Dornoch Firth, to the west of Tarbat Ness. The great difference between the western and eastern coasts of the Highlands is due partly to geological structure and partly to earth-movements. The Archean rocks sink eastward below sea level and are covered by wide sheets of Old Bed Sandstones and their associated shales, and by the largest Jurassic areas in Scotland. Fluvioglacial gravels and sands have been laid down along the river valleys and over the low country along the eastern coasts. Hence the Eastern Highlands are bordered by wide plains, which have a better soil, a drier climate and more sunshine than the western districts and thus enjoy great agricultural advantages 20 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — I. Morphology. of Cork and the whole of that of Kerry. The trend of the ranges is here east and west. Carrauntoohil in Macgillicuddy's Reeks rises 1040 m (3414 ft.) above the sea, and is the highest Irish mountain. The west of Clare is a country of high plateaus. The county of Galway, with its irregular peaks of stratified quartzite rising among granites and mica-schists, introducés us to a complex highland type, which occurs generally throughout Mayo, and again from Donegal town across to Londonderry. In the latter region, as in the Ox Mountains, a north-east and south-west trend is conspicuous. In a stretch intervening between Ballina and Donegal town, limestone plateaus prevail, resembling those of southern Derbyshire. The high margin of Ireland is maintained across the east of Co. Londonderry and the whole of Co. Antrim by the basalt plateaus, which are tilted down in the latter country to the south-west and attain their highest points (some 450 m., 1500 ft.) along their north-east border. Then we meet the region of hummocky country already rèferred to as reaching to the coast from Co. Longford. The granite crests of the Mourne Mountains (750 m.), and the older granite ridge from Newry to Slieve Croob on the north-west, diversify this part of the landscape. The coast is actually low from the south of Carlingford Mt. to Dublin; but here the great range of the Leinster granite rises from the sea at Killiney, and forms a high barrier on the edge of the central plain, until it unites with the east-and-west ridge of Slievenaman. The north-east and south-west trend of the Leinster Chain (Fig. 7) clearly links it with the axis of Newry and Slieve Croob, with the Ox MountainB, and with the ridged moorlands of the county of Donegal. We thus have one series of marginal ridges that suggests the Caledonian or early Devonian chains of Europe. The country from Longford to the coast of Co. Down expresses the same general structure. In the south, the close-set eastand-west ranges, with valleys running between them, recall the Armorican or early Permian chains. The protruding masses that break the central plain will be found to be connected with these southern ranges, though they have been influenced in their trend by the pre-existing Caledonian obstacles, and thus have often a north-easterly direction. The great plain itself merely repeats on a broad scale the features of the long valleys among the southern Armorican ranges. Limestone, which has been removed by denudation from the intervening ridges, remains in these valleys, and also forms the floor of the central plain. Long ages of denudation have worn it down to a general and nearly level surface, a true "peneplain", and this has been uplifted again sufficiently in recent geological times to allow the streams to notch its margins. The longest river in Ireland, the Shannon, lies almost entirely in the plain, rising in the Lough Allen upland in the west of Co. Cavan, and running southward to western Tipperary, with intervening expansions in the form of lakes. It cuts across the Slieve Bernagh mass, has a more rapid fall towards Limerick, and then enters the submerged part of its valley, the long sea-inlet stretching down to Kerry Head. The courses of the southern rivers among the Armorican ranges will be considered in connexion with the geological structure of the orographic features of Ireland (p. 23). The two directions of folding that control the main orographic features of the Irish area have already been rèferred to. The whole floor of this area must have been remodelled, like so much of north-west Europe, by the Caledonian earth-movements at the close of Silurian, and therefore in early Devonian, times. Possibly the Dingle Promontory represents a region where the floor of the Silurian sea was at first uplifted more gently, as in Cole: Ireland. (III. 1.) 21 parts of South Wales and the west of England, so that the striking uiiconformitjr between its deposits and those of the Old Red Sandstone lakes was here for a time avoided. But everywhere else in Ireland there are signs of the formation, by extensive crumpling, of Continental land, prior to the deposition of the Old Red Sandstone. The most continuous feature produced by these Caledonian movements is the Leinster Chain. The Ordovician and Gothlandian sediments became raised in the south-eastern Irish area into a huge anticlinal arch, the visible part of which is 150 km. (94 miles) in length (Fig. 7). The little isle of Rockabill off Balbriggan is the last relic of the north-east end of the anticlinal, where it becomes lost in the Irish Channel. The southwest end has been cut. into by the Atlantic waves along the coast of Waterford. As the arch rose, numerous subsidiary crumplings went on in the strata forming its cover and its flanks, while a granitic magma, perhaps in successive inflows (Sollas 1891, 1893), followed it from below, and cooled as a strengthening mass along its core. The strata in contact with it were greatly altered, and flake after flake of the schists that were produced was eaten off and became assimilated by the granite, which is thus highly charged with biotite in many places along its margins. The foliation of the schists has taken place along their uptilted bedding-planes, and the gneissic structure that is often traceable in the granite runs parallel with this foliation. Long tongues of schist are included in the granite, as near Wicklow Gap and near Mount Leinster, showing the mode in which the igneous core has attacked its bounding walls. Denudation in Devonian and Carboniferous times reduced the height of the chain, stripped off any Gothlandian strata, carved deep valleys an the Ordovician and Cambrian slates, and exposed the granite in the form of a central moorland. It is doubtful if this moorland was ever covered by marine Carboniferous strata, though the coal-forests probably grew across it. Denudation may have acted continuously on the chain since the Armorican uplift, and at the present day, while the Carboniferous beds near Dublin are being removed, features of the early Devonian topography must be slowly coming to light. The contrast between the central granite and the stratified foothüls is very picturesque. The granite, with its large curving joints, and its fairly uniform and crumbling system of decay, forms a rounded moorland ridge, on either side of which the head-waters of numerous rivers, assisted by upland glaciers, have cut out broad basins. When the streams, however, reach the Ordovician slates and sandstones, or the somewhat similar Cambrian beds, they carve their way down along more definite lines, keeping ahead of the results of the lateral and pluvial denudation. Gorges are thus frequent, and waterfalls occur at their heads, as the streams cut backward; until, as may be seen at Glenmacnass in Co. Wicklow, the streams fall steeply from the granite moorland over the actual junction of igneous and stratified material. (On the association of mature and immature features on the Leinster Chain, see G. A. J. Cole, 1912.) The great domes, such as those of Kippure, Tonlagee, Lugnaquilla, and Mount Leinster, are mere protuberances on a granite core that lies mainly 600 m. (2000 ft.) above the sea. The few roads that cross this highland have to ascend passes some 550 m. (1800 ft.) in height. In the foothills, valleys are numerous, and Communications are far more easy. A great variety of surface-features is here produced by the juxtaposition of rocks of different hardness and different resistance to the atmosphere, such as quartzite, slate, eurite, and diorite. Woods grow freely in the hollows, and numerous private dwellings, set in their own parks ("demesnes"), characterise eastern Leinster. On the west side of the chain, the overlapping of the Carboniferous Limestone is far more obvious, and this brings the features of the great arable plain abruptly against the granite highland, from Athy down to Goresbridge, as we follow the valley of the Barrow. The same contrast is repeated 22 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — I. Morphology. on the south oï Dublin city, where the limestone boundary crosses the strike of the Leinster Chain. The Newry axis (Fig. 4). The granite axis near Newry recalls the features of the Leinster Chain on a less imposing scale. The reappearance of granite dt Crossdoney close to Cavan town shows that a long bar of igneous rock in reality occupies the core of the Caledonian fold from Longford to the sea. The Ordovician and Gothlandian strata have here been much contorted, and their general trend is best realised when we observe that of the granite along the axis of uplift. Carboniferous, and probably Triassic beds, once covered the whole triangular area now exposed by denudation. The region does not become mountainous until we reach the granite of Slieve Croob in Co. Down (535 m., 1755 ft.); but it affords an interesting ülustration of what the Leinster Chain must have been like before it had become seriously attacked by denudation. Western Caledonian masses (Fig. 3, 4). The whole structure of Donegal has been controlled by the Caledonian folding. The Dalradian rocks, already invaded and metamorphosed by older igneous masses, became rearranged along folds with a north-easterly and south-westerly trend. The intrusion of the great central mass of granite from Ardara nearly to Mulroy Bay probably dates from this epoch of compression. Its contact-effects on the old sediments are complicated by earthpressures accompanying and following its intrusion; and faulting has taken place along the trend of the folds. The line of weakness along which we find the Gweebarra River running south-west, and the great eroded hollow of Glen Veigh running north-east, seems due to one of these earth-fracturings. In the north of Tyrone, the Sperrin Mountains are a Caledonian chain running east and west, possibly influenced by the proximity of the Pre-Cambrian mass immediately to the south. The Ox Mountain axis (Fig. 3), 100 km. (62 miles) long, running from the north ofManorhamiltontoCastlebar,isrevealedasanarrowmoorland,some450m. (1500ft.) in height, with a core of granite intimately intruded into Dalradian quartzites, schists, and epidiorites. The arrangement of the highly siliceous masses in the portion of the ridge near Sligo suggests that the original strike of the sediments was north and south. The rounded summits rise in marked contrast with the Carboniferous landscapes on either side. Through western Mayo and Galway, the Dalradian masses form an irregular highland country, and the stratification of their quartzites may be seen on the hillsides from a distance of many kilometres. In Donegal and in the Dalradian country generally, these quartzites have weathered out into massive conical mountains, or ridges displaying striking features of bare rock. Muckish, Errigal and Aghla in Donegal, Nephin in central Mayo, Groaghaun in Achill Island, and the Twelve Bens (misnamed Twelve Pins) in Connemara, are alike evidences of the resisting power of the quartzites. Round Killary Harbour, the Silurian masses, standing out upon a Dalradian foundation, form great fort-like bluffs marked by almost horizontal terraces of stratification. Central Armorican masses. The Armorican folding is seen in the small range of the Curlew Hills (Fig. 3), and in the denuded dome-like uplands that break the central plain. These are described in the Silurian and Devonian pages of the section dealing with Irish stratigraphy. The influence of the pre-existing Leinster Chain on the trend of these Armorican masses is conspicuous. The Upper Carboniferous outlier that includes Slieve Ardagh and the Castlecomer coalfield similarly shows a north-easterly trend. Armorican ranges oï the south (Fig. 6). But throughout the south the characteristic east-and-west Armorican direction controls the orographic Cole: Ireland. (III. 1.) 23 features. Owing to the difference in resisting power the Carboniferous strata and the underlying Old Red Sandstone, the latter series forms the ridges, while Carboniferous Limestone remains along the synclinal hollows. These hollows, occupied by streams, are usually well wooded, and are set with numerous farms and market-towns. The Old Red Sandstone slopes above are bare and mountainous, or covered locally by plantations of coniferous trees. The wildest rock-scenery of Ireland occurs amid the Old Red Sandstone of MacGillicuddy's Reeks, where Carrauntoohil reaches 1040 m. (3414 ft.) above the sea. The famous Upper Lake of Killarney lies in this region, and the broad Lough Leane below rests on a limestone synclinal, recalling, with its low shores, all the features of the central plain. The influence of the rocks brought up by the Armorican folding on the local river-system was pointed out by J. B. Jukes in a memorable paper in 1862. He explained how the main Irish rivers had begun to flow on a great denuded surface of Carboniferous rocks, which sloped generally towards the south. Such a surface, which would now be described as a peneplain, was attributed in Jukes's time to marine denudation. The rivers, as usually happens, were able to cut their way downwards more quickly than atmospheric denudation could reduce the general level of the uplifted peneplain. The peneplain gradually came to show great irregularities of surface, as the Carboniferous rocks were stripped off from the crests of the Armorican folds. Though the "consequent" rivers could cut right across these folds, whether working against limestone, shale, or the underlying sandstone, their "subsequent" tributaries gradually extended up the synclinals in which soft Carboniferous rocks still lay. The Shannon system, aided by general atmospheric denudation, wore out a broad basin in a Carboniferous area, which is now part of the central Irish plain, while the main stream, well fed by its tributaries continued to carve its way across the Devonian and Silurian mass at Killaloe. The general denudation could not remove this mass so rapidly as could the concentrated stream along its own southerly course; and we now find the river apparently sawing its way across a mountain-ridge. In the southern ranges, the tributaries, extending westward up the long synclinals, gradually became the more important portions of the streams; but the main courses are still seen in the abrupt bends of the rivers southward, across the sandstone ranges, shortly before they reach the sea. As Jukes (1862) contended, there was a tendency for the waters of the district to be "always turned down the transverse ravines, because, at whatever rate the ground in the longitudinal valleys sank [through denudation], the erosion of these rivers was able to keep the bottom of the ravines «ufficiently below it; while other brooks, being unable to effect this, were ultimately drawn down into the longitudinal valleys, and their water [was] carried out to the ravines." Here we find truly stated the process now known as river-capture. The longitudinal valley of one stream, by extension westward or eastward, may have cut off the head-waters of the transverse part of another stream, and an original consequent transverse valley may now be found divided into several portions which drain into successive and parallel subsequent valleys. The Brinny was thus held by Jukes to be an original transverse stream, of which the Bandon was an exaggerated tributary. The Finisk Biver, he urged, once ran south across the folding to the sea parallel with the southern course of the Blackwater; but the lowering of the limestone surface just east of the Blackwater drew off the waters of the Finisk westward into the Blackwater itself. It is obvious that, the greater number of captures a river can effect, the greater will be its flow and its power to maintain its own transverse course across the Armorican folds. The Lava-plateaus (Fig. 4). The highlands of eastern Londonderry and Antrim are due to successive outpourings of basalt in early Kainozoic times. There are no 24 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — II. Earthquakes. mountain-ranges in this region, and the volcanic neck of Slemish, a prominent mass of olivine-dolerite, is the only striking feature of the interior. The falling in of the plateaus towards the present basin of Lough Neagh gives the country the structure of a basin, with high marginal escarpments, worn out by atmospheric denudation (Hardman 1876). Finally, the Mourne Mountains (Fig. 4) ar e formed bya knot of granite that broke through the Silurian slates and sandstones of Co. Down in Kainozoic times. Denudation has carved deep valleys in the mass, and has left dome-like crests upstanding, on which crags and pinnacles still remain, in spite of the formation of long grey taluses on their flanks. The surface-forms of this picturesque highland, as viewed from Slieve Donard (852m., 2796ft.) or Slieve Bingian (746 m., 2449ft.), are clearly far less mature than those of the adjacent Newry axis or of the Leinster Chain. Glacial moraines form barriers across several of the valleys, and the lowland along the coast is cumbered with detritus from the hills. South of Carlingford Lough, a mass of granite has invaded gabbro. The granite has become worn down into a basin, while the gabbro forms an upstanding and rugged ring about it, the chief peak of which rises among the black crags of Carlingford Mountain. Bibliography of the Morphology of Ireland. 1898. Cole, G. A. J. Knowledge. Vol. 21, p. 74 (Structure of Ireland). 1912. — Proc. Roy. Irish. Acad. Vol. 30 Sect. B, p. 8 (Liffey Valley). 1876. Hardman, E. T. Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Irel. Vol. 4, p. 170 (Lough Neagh). 1862. Jukes, J. B. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, Vol. 18, pp. 378 and 395 (River Valleys of S. Ireland). 1893. Sollas, W. J., Proc. Geol. Assoc. Vol. 13, p. 108 (Dublin etc). 1891. — Trans. Roy. Irish. Acad. Vol. 29, p. 427 (Leinster Granites). 1888. Süess, B. Das Antlitz der Erde. Vol. 2, pp. 185—6 (Armorican Movement). II. British Earthquakes. By Charles Davison. The most complete catalogue of British earthquakes is that published in 1889 by the Mr. W. Roper. This includes notices of all the more important known earthquakes until the beginning of 1889, though few details are given with regard to any shock. As British earthquakes seldom cause damage to buildings and rarely result in loss of life, they have attracted little notice, and, with a few exceptions, it is now impossible to determine the position of the epicentre of any earthquake before the year 1889. From the beginning of that year, however, they have been continuously studied, and the present section therefore deals mainly with the earthquakes of this period. During the twenty one years 1889—1909, 250 earthquakes occurred in Great Britain, 50 in England, 27 in Wales and 173 in Scotland. In Ireland and the Isle of Man, none is known to have originated in the same period, though five strong earthquakes originating in England and Wales were feit in the eastern and southeastern counties of Ireland, and two in the Isle of Man. British earthquakes may be divided into three classes, according to the area included within the isoseismal Davison: British Earthquakes. (III. 1.) 25 4 of the Rossi-Forel scale. An earthquake may be regarded as strong when this area exceeds 13000 km2. (5000 square miles), as moderate when it lies between 2600 and 13000 km2. (1000 and 5000 square miles), and as slight when it is less than 2600 km2. (1000 square miles). Of the earthquakes here considered, 9 were strong, 7 moderate, and 223 slight, while 11 were earth-sounds without any accompanying tremor. Of the strong earthquakes, only three reached an intensity as high as 8, namely, the Hereford earthquake of 1896, the Inverness earthquake of 1901 and the Swansea earthquake of 1906. Of the 250 earthquakes, it is possible to associate 199 with known lines of fault or folding. The distribution of the earthquakes among the principal directions of faulting is shown in the following table: Caledonian Charnian Malvernian Armorican England 15 22 6 5 Wales 9 — 5 8 Scotland . . . . . 128 I — Total Ï52 23 ïï Ï3 Certain characteristics of all British earthquakes may be first referrred to. 1. So far as our limited survey goes, the growth of any fault is now extremely localized. The epicentres of successive shocks rarely coincide, but their migrations are confined within small limits. 2. Measuring the length of the seismic focus by the difference between the lengths of the longer and shorter axes of the innermost isoseismal, the average length of focus for strong earthquakes is 19.6 km. (121/4 miles) and for moderate earthquakes 20.8 km. (13 miles). Slight earthquakes are divisible into two subclasses, one in which the 'focus is 14.4 km. (9 miles) or more in length, the other in which it is 9.6 km. (6 miles) or less in length. The average length of focus in the former is 19.2 km. (12 miles), in the latter 6.4 km. (4 miles) or less. The grouping of the average length of focus about 19.2 or 20.8 km. (12 or 13 miles) is probably connected with the average distance between the crests of successive crust-folds. In Scotland nearly all the earthquakes that can be rèferred to known faults are connected with 'the two great faults, which bound the Highland district to the north-west and south-east, and the fault, which skirts the southern margin of the Ochil Hills. The first of these, which runs in a southwesterly direction from Inverness, is now growing in two portions, one lying between Inverness and the northeast end of Loch Ness, the other in the neighbourhood of Fort William. In the former district, important earthquakes occurred in 1816, 1888, 1890 and 1901. In most or all of these, the seismic focus probably extended from Inverness to Loch Ness. With the exception of the earthquake of 1888, they were followed by a succession of af ter-shocks, the foei of which show a marked têndency to migrate to the south-westward, some of them lying beneath the north-east end of Loch Ness. In the neighbourhood of Fort William, five earthquakes, all of them very slight, occurred between 1889 and 1909. The southern boundary fault of the Highland district is remarkable for the numerous earthquakes in the region immediately surrounding the village of Comrie. The epicentres, though not fixed, are confined to a very short length of the fault. The more important earthquakes in this district occurred in 1801 and 1839, and on each occasion were followed by a great number of after-shocks, that of Oct. 23, 1839, being followed by not less than 334 within the next five years. Since 1845 they have gradually decreased in number and intensity and between 1889 and 1909 only three very slight shocks occurred. 32 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — III. Stratigraphy. — 1. Pre-Cambrian. and mica-schists. The bulk of the rocks seem to be of igneous origin and to have received a foliated structure partly during injection (Callaway 1897), and partly as the result of subsequent disturbance; but there are undoubtedly some altered sediments associated with them. Into what rocks this plutonic complex was intruded is not certain, but it is flanked by great masses of highly contorted micaceous, chloritic, chloritoid, and glaucophane schists. At least two other groups of Pre-Cambrian rocks occur in Anglesey as well as those just mentioned and the rocks of Beaumaris, an older one named by Matley (1899, 1900) the "Green Series", and a newer the "Llanbadrig Series". The former consists of flaggy and phylliti'c grits, chloritic and micaceous phyllites, and slates. The latter Series is in the main gritty, it contains irregular bands of quartzite, limestone, and intercalated spilites or "pillow lavas". The rocks have undergone extensive earth-movement, and the limestones, quartzites, and volcanic rocks, have been sheared into lenticular masses ("quartz knobs" etc). Much overthrusting has obscured the mutual relations of these rocks, but there is evidence which seems to indicate that the two Series are unconformable to one another. It is also clear that they are pre-Llandeilo m age and therefore almost certainly pre-Cambrian. Greenly (1902) has described in south-eastern Anglesey, jaspers, mspery phyllites, and slates, associated with limestones and pillow lavas. These rocks seem to be also pre-Ordovician, and, though Greenly declines to refer them to any particular part of the Pre-Cambrian sequence, they may presumably be rèferred to one or other of Matley's groups. Similar rocks also occur on the western side of the Lleyn Peninsula, and at Bardsey Island. The North of England. Near Ingleton in Yorkshire, there exists a group of grits, slates, and conglomerates, underlying, probably with unconformity, Ordovician rocks. Though these are probably of Prè-Cambrian age, it has not been found possible to parallel them exactly with any British rocks. Perhaps they may find their representatives m the Longmynd. The South of England. In the Lizard district of Cornwall, there exists a series of mica-schists (Geological Survey 1906, 1907, 1908, 1912), granulites, and quartzites, of sedimentary origin, and hornblende-schists of igneous origin. These are associated with serpen- 1 ne UOUUUJ l Uli». la oei jjciiuiim which has a weak fluxion foliation almost due north; this is cut by a dyke of gabbro schist (B) running into a north-west direction, perfectly foliated and in places highly schistose. It contains many blocks of serpentine but both these inclusions and the walls of the dyke are almost quite massive. The gabbro-schist is cut in turn by a straight dyke öï coarse gabbro pegmatite (C) with crystals of felspar and diallage up to two inches in diameter; it runs north-north-east and shows very little foliation. This dyke also contains inclusions of serpentine. The whole series is crossed in a westnorth-west direction by a dyke of olivine dolerite (D) which is in a perfectly massive condition. FIK 10. Plan of dykes In shore at westend of Coverack, Lizard Peninsula. Reproduced from the Memolrs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales. Sheet 359—Lizard and Meneage, p. 94, 1912; with the permission of the Director and of H. M. Stationery Office. Watts: England and Wales. (III. 1.) 33 tines, gabbros, granulites, and other rocks. This complex appears to be of Pre-Cambrian age, as the rocks seem to be quite distinct from the older Palaeozoic rocks to the north and west. The rocks on which the Eddystone Lighthouse is built are preCambrian gneisses. Again, about the Start Point in Devonshire, Bonney describes sections of highly folded micaceous and chloritic schists, which he considers to be older than the Devonian rocks, and therefore possibly of pre-Cambrian age. With this group the phyllites of the Dodman in Cornwall may also be compared. Fig. 11. Kennack Gneiss; Streaky type. Kennack (Lizard Peninsula). XVi. Reproduced from the Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales; sheet 359 Lizard and Meneage, p. 132, 1912; with the permission of the Director and of H. M. Stationery Office. The Kennack Gneisses (the Granulite Series of Bonney) were preceded by doleritic intrusions shown in Fig. 10 and succeeded by red gneissic granite. They are believed to represent an imperfect combination of these two elements. Summary and Correlation. From the foregoing description, it would appear to de doubtful whether the Lewisian gneisses are represented at all in England or Wales, except possibly in Anglesey, or at Malvern, or in Cornwall. Probably the chief of the foliated rocks, like those of Bushton and Anglesey, more nearly correspond with the Moinian or Dalradian Systems. The Pebidian System would appear to be of wide occurrence, from Pembrokeshire and Carnarvonshire into Anglesey on the one side, and into Shropshire and perhaps farther east in the Midlands on the other. The Longmyndian and Charnian Rocks appear to have a more limited range, though they may be represented in some of the newer Pre-Cambrian groups of Anglesey, and possibly at Ingleton. The Upper Longmyndian Bocks may be safely correlated with the Torridonian of Scotland. The Pontesfordian Group has not been recognised elsewhere with certainty, though it seems very probable that the acid volcanic rocks of other Midland localities are of this age. It .is clear that the Pre-Cambrian history of England and Wales was one of active vulcanicity and the intrusion of igneous rocks, that marine areas were limited in extent and of restricted duration, and that conditions were highly unfavourable for the preservation of fossils. Handbuch der regionalen Geologie. III. 1. 3 34 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — III. Stratigraphy. — 1. Pre-Cambrian. Bibliography — Pre-Cambrian of England and Wales. 1877. Allport, S. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 33, pp. 449-460 (Shropshire). 1883. Bonney, T. G. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 39, pp. 470-486 (Anglesey). 1896. — Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol 52, pp. 17-51 (Lizard). 1914. — "The Crystalline Rocks of the Lizard", Cambridge (Lizard). 1904! Boulton, W. S. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 60, pp. 450-466 (Pontesford). 1879. Callaway, C. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 35, pp. 643-669 (Shropshire). 1880. — Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 36, pp. 536-539 (Malvern). 1887, _ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 43, pp. 525-536 (Malvern). 1897. — Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 53, pp. 349-349 (Anglesey). 1912. Flett, J. S., Mem. Geol. Surv., Sheet 359, pp. 34—146 (Lizard). 1908. Green, J. F. N. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 64, pp. 363-383 (St. Davids). 1902! Greenly, E. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 58, pp. 425-440 (Anglesey). 1897. Hicks, H. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 53, Proc. pp. lxv-xcii (Pre-Cambrian Rocks). 1886. Lapworth, C. Geol. Mag. dec 3. vol 3, pp. 319-322 (Nuneaton). 1910. — and Watts W. W. Geol. Assoc, Jub. Vol., Geology in the Field. pp. 739-769 (Shropshire). 1898. — (Watts, W. W. and Harrison W. J.) Proc. Geol.-Assoc. vol. 15, pp. 313-416 (Midland England). 1899. Matley, C. A. Quart Journ. Geol. Soc. 55, pp. 635-680 (Anglesey). 1900 — Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 56, pp. 233-256 (Anglesey). 1912. Thomas, H. H. and Jones, O. T. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 68, pp. 374-401 (Pembrokeshire). 1896. Watts, W. W. Geol. Mag., pp. 485-486 (Charnwood). 1910. _ Geol. Assoc, Jub. Vol., Geology in the Field, pp. 770-785 (Charnwood). Geological Survey. Summary of Progress for 1906, p. 30., for 1907, p. 25 (Cornwall). See also Flett, J. S. b. Scotland (see plate I opposite p. 40). By J. W. Gregory. The whole of Scotland north of the Highland Boundary Fault may be regarded as a block of Pre-Cambrian crystalline schists and gneisses, with various intrusive rocks many of which are of Pre-Cambrian age. The Pre-Cambrian rocks outcrop over most of the area, though the old foundation is covered in places by piles of Kainozoic volcanic material, by small remnants of once wide sheets of Mesozoic and upper Palaeozoic sediments, by large areas of Old Red Sandstone, and along the northwestern edge by a tract of Cambrian and Ordovician quartzites, shales, and limestones. There is also a narrow band of rocks, apparently of Cambrian age, beside the Highland Boundary Fault, which forms the Southern boundary of the Pre-Cambrian area. The schists and gneisses were first studied in the Southern Highlands; the less crystalline of the schists were then regarded as the metamorphosed continuation of the rocks of the Southern Uplands, which are now known to be Silurian and Ordovician. The coarsely were at first regarded as older than any of the fossiliferous rocks of southern Scotland. Prominent attention was attracted to the Scottish Pre-Cambrian rocks in 1819, when Macculloch described the apparent interstratification of fossiliferous limestones and quartzites between two series of gneisses on the shores of Loch Eriboll in north-western Sutherland. He concluded that the gneisses above the fossiliferous rocks were younger in age than the limestones; and as these gneisses rested on red sandstone regarded as Old Bed Sandstone and as the fossils in the limestones were identified as Carboniferous, Macculloch regarded the overlying gneisses as altered rocks of Carboniferous or post-Carboniferous age. The fossils however, were subsequently shown by Salter to be Ordovician and the overlying gneisses were therefore regarded as altered Silurian rocks. This problem was investigated by Murchison who adopted Macculloch's conclusion that the upper gneisses were younger than the fossiliferous limestones; Gregory: Scotland. (III. 1.) 35 and this view was supported by Sir Archibald Geikie's discovery of the section at Craig a Knochan, north of Ullapool, where the gneisses apparently rested conformably on the fossiliferous sedünentary series. It appeared therefore that the western gneisses of north-western Scotland were Archean; while the eastern gneisses, which constitute nearly the whole of the Scottish Highlands, were Silurian. This view was opposed by Nicol who regarded the apparently ascending sequence from sedimentary to crystalline rocks as delusive, and explained the undeniable super position of the eastern gneisses by overthrust faulting. Nevertheless, the authority of Murchison and Geikie, the simplicity of their explanation of the facts, and Nicol's rejection of the obvious differences between the western and eastern gneisses led to the almost unanimous acceptance of Murchison's theory. The first fatal blow to it was struck in 1880 by Bonney, who showed, that some of the eastern gneisses at Loch Maree, were petrographically identical with the western gneisses. Subsequently Lapworth (1883) proved that at Loch Eriboll, the locality for which the Palaeozoic age of the eastern gneisses was first advanced, the eastern gneisses were, as Nicol had held, old rocks which hed been thrust over the fossiliferous sediments; and this conclusion was established beyond doubt by the work of the Geological Survey. The eastern gneisses are therefore to be included in the PreCambrian rocks of Scotland, which comprise four main groups: 4. Torridonian. Sedimentary rocks mainly sandstone, grits. conglomerates and shales. 3. Dalradian. A varied series of gneisses, schists, crystalline limestones, amphibolites, etc; they are no doubt a metamorphosed stratified series. 2. Moinian. A thick series of granulitic gneisses and mica-schists. i. Lewisian. The basal or "Fundamental Complex"; composed mainly of gneisses, with the characters of altered igneous rocks; they are traversed by a varied series of dykes and are associated with some schists, cherts and limestones of sedimentary origin. 1. Lewisian System; The oldest Scottish rocks unquestionably belong to the series of coarse gneisses, which form the foundation of north-western Scotland and the whole of some of the Hebrides. From their resemblance to some of the Laurentian gneisses of Canada they have been called Laurentian. As they are well exposed on the Hebrides they have been named Hebridean; but as they arë especially well developed in the island of Lewis, they are now generally known as the Lewisian Gneisses. These Lewisian rocks underlie all the other Archean groups, and they are therefore regarded as the "fundamental complex". The rocks are very varied in character; they are mostly coarse gneisses, which have the mineralogical characters of gneiss formed from altered plutonic rocks; but as Te all has pointed out the metamorphism of an arkose would give rise to precisely similar gneisses, and it is therefore not certain that the whole of these rocks were directly of igneous origin; they may include altered gabbro-arkose, diorite-arkose, as well as granitic arkose. The rocks of the Lewisian complex are divided by Teall into five groups. 1. rocks of ultra-basic composition, such as banded amphibolites, pyroxenites and peridotites. 2. Rocks in which pyroxene is the predominant ferromagnesian constituent combined with felspar and usually quartz; the series includes pyroxenegranulites, augite-gneiss, and hypersthene-gneiss. 3. Amphibolites, hornblendeschist, and hornblende-gneiss, with or without quartz. 4. Rock rich in biotitej including biotite-schist and biotite-gneiss. 5. Rocks containmg both biotite and muscovite, such as muscovite-biotite-gneiss. 3* Gregory: Scotland. (III. 1.) 37 The typical Moine rock is a granulitic quartz-felspar schist or gneiss; and it consists mainly of grains of equal size of quartz and alkali-felspar. The foliation is often remarkably regular and the rock breaks along the micaceous divisional planes into thin flat slabs. Some of the cliffs of Moine rocks weather into the aspect of a series of ordinary flags. They have therefore been described as gneissose flagstones. In places, as east of Ullapool, the rock includes pebbles of quartz and felspar, a quarter of an inch in diameter, and süch bands were no doubt originally fine grained conglomerates. The rock is holocrystalline, and the mica flakes often run through the grains of quartz and felspar, so that the minerals have crystallized in situ. Nevertheless the foliation closely resembles bedding planes and sometimes even shews false-bedding; hence the foliation may have developed along the old bedding planes, and the layers of biotite may represent argillaceous bands interstratified with the quartz-felspar sands. The granulitic Moine Gneiss is the most widely distributed rock in Scotland. It is sometimes associated with garnetiferous mica-schists, with mica-schists in which the foliation is less regular, and with "flaser gneiss". It rests unconformably on the Lewisian. In the neighbourhood of the thrust planes the Moine gneisses have been broken down into mylonites; and in some localities, as near Graig a Knochan, sills of foliated igneous rocks, which are probably post-Cambrian in age, have been crushed into schists with the foliation planes parallel to those in the Moine. In such cases the existing foliation planes in the Moines may have been due to the overthrusting; but in other cases it is clear that the Moines had their present characters before the date of these movements. The folds in the Moines, for example, trend from west-north-west to east-south-east at right angles to the direction of the earth-thrusts. At Tarskavaig, at the northern end of the Sleat of Skye is an area of Moine composed of siliceous schists, phyllites, and granulitic schists, which are faulted against the Torridon Sandstone. 3. Dalradian. The name Dalradian was introduced by Sir Archibald Geikie in 1891. The Southern Highlands of Scotland are composed of a complex series of schists, gneisses and crystalline limestones which have a general strike from east-north-east to west-south-west. They extend across Scotland in a broad belt from Banff, Aberdeenshire and Kincardine on the eastern coast, to Argyll and the Firth of Clyde on the west. The schists are invaded by masses of granites, diorites, quartz-porphyries etc, and they contain bands of hornblende schist due to foliated igneous rocks; but the Dalradian System as a whole consists of altered sediments. The stratigraphical relations of these rocks have given rise to special difficulties. Sir Archibald Geikie in 1891 grouped these rocks together under the name Dalradian, which he proposed as the name of a petrographic group rather than a distinct geological system; for he considered that these rocks included Palaeozoic and earlier rocks folded together and so altered that their separate elements are inextricably welded. Later work renders it probable that the Dalradian rocks may be regarded as the Scottish representatives of a pre-Torridonian system. The sequence of the Dalradian rocks is shewn in sections north and south across the Southern Highlands. The Dalradian system has been divided into five series in the following order from north to south: Gregory: Scotland. (III. 1.) 39 there is a descending sequence southward from the unfoliated felspathic quartzites (the Schichallion Quartzites) and the graphitic schists of the Blair Atholl Series — the two northern members of the Dalradian System — to the albite .schists and granulitic gneisses of the Loch Lomond Series. Further south, however, the order is reversed and the beds probably follow in an ascending order to the south. South of the Loch Lomond Gneisses is a band of slates and grits, which is well developed at Aberfoyle and is therefore called the Aberfoyle Series. These rocks are also found in the Peninsula of Cowal, and at Luss on Loch Lomond. This Aberfoyle series is probably post-Dalradian and was deposited unconformably upon the southern edge of the Dalradians. The typical rocks of the Dalradian Series are as follows: The Schichallion quartzite is a massive felspathic quartzitic grit; it forms the ridge of Schichallion and constitutes the Ben-y-Ghloe Mountains. At its base a boulder bed occurs in several localities along the northern edge of the Dalradian band. The characteristic rocks of the Blair Atholl Series are graphitic schists and crystalline limestone. The characteristic rock of the Ben Lawers Series is known as "phyllite"; it is a calc-sericite-schist. The Loch Tay Series consists of garnetiferous mica schists and gneisses, some quartzitic schists, the Loch Tay Limestone and some bands of amphibolite which represent basic lava flows, sills and earthy limestones. The Loch Lomond Series consists of a series of crushed schistose grits, which in places are albite gneiss and granulitic gneiss. The Loch Lomond granulitic gneisses are associated with bands of epidote chlorite schists, which from their colour are known as the Green Beds and have prov- ed of great value in the field mapping. Some of the granulitic gneisses have been formed from the alteration of grits, and the clastic grains are sometimes still recognisable. Fig. 13. Main or Blair Atholl Limestone restingonthe eroded surface of Moine. Glen Tilt, below Marble Lodge (George Barrow). Reproduced from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society vol. 60, p. 430, 1914; with th'e permission of the Council and of the author. 4. The Torridonian. The Torridonian System consists of a thick series of red sandstones, conglomerates and shales, which range in northwestern Scotland for a length of 184 km (115 miles) from north to south and for a width of about 32 km (20 miles). The beds are often almost horizontal and they are so little altered, that they were originally identified, not unnaturally, as part of the Old Bed Sandstone. They are especially well developed at the head of Loch 40 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — III. Stratigraphy! — 1. Pre-Cambrian. Torridon and there rise in bold precipices. The Torridon Sandstone often rests on the Lewisian platform and masses isolated by denudation, such as Suilven and Stack Poli, form some of the most striking in aspect of Scottish mountains. The material of the lowest beds has been in many localities derived from the decomposition of the Lewisian rocks and contains much oligoclase; but most of the Torridon Sandstone is rich in microcline, which is not a characteristic Lewisian felspar. The pebbles in the Torridon conglomerates are also not of common Lewisian types. They include various felsites and other igneous rocks, and pebbles of quartzite, chert, jasper and grit, which do not resemble the Lewisian rocks. The Torridon Sandstone therefore appears to have been formed of sediments derived from some post-Lewisian deposits. The maximum thickness of the Torridon Sandstone appears to be about 6000 m. (20 000 ft). It is divided into three series, which in descending order are as follows: 3. The Aultbea Series, sandstone and flags with some calcareous bands and shales. 2. The Applecross Series, mainly red arkose with bands of conglomerate composed of pebbles of quartzite and jasper. 1. The Diabaig group which reaches its maximum thickness in Skye; it-is mainly composed of fine red sandstone and shales with calcareous lenticles. The lowest part of this series consists of a conglomerate made from the underlying Lewisian. WNW- BEI AM £ I G H E SAIL MHÖft Fig. 14. Section across Beinn Eighe to A Gairbhe, south of Kinlochewe. A. Lewisian Gneiss. Ba. Diabaig Group (Torridonian). Bb. Applecross group. Ca. Basal Quartzite (Cambrian). Cb. Pipe-rock. Cc. Fucoid-beds. Cd. Serpulite-grit. M'. Mylonized Rocks, Phyllites, and Siliceous Schists. M. Moine-scbist. T. Thrusts. ?T'. Moine thrust. T. Minor thrusts. F. Fault. Reproduced from the Memoirs of 'the Geological Survey of Great Britain—The Geological Structure of the North-Western Highlands of Scotland, 1907, p. 550, with the permission of the Director and of H. M. Stationery Office. As a general rule the coarsest varieties of the Torridonian rocks are in the north, and they become finer in grain to the south. Some of the rocks in the Torridon Sandstone were clearly formed under water, but the pebbles in many places are faceted; and both the form of the sand grains and the polishing of the pebbles show that they were deposited on land under arid terrestrial conditions. Owing to the remarkable freshness of some of the grains, L. Hinxman has suggested that the Handbuch der regionalen Geologie. (III. 1.) The British Isles. Plate I. j.w. o. Cjarl Winters Üniversitatsbüchhandl'ung, Heidelberg. Gregory: Scotland. (III. 1.) 41 rocks were rapidly accumulated in a cold climate, while J. G. Goodchild regarded the rocks as accumulated under desert conditions. The rocks have smothered an old Archean land surface, which is now being slowly reexposed by the denudation of the sandstones. The rocks are so little altered that the shales might well have retained any fossils originally present in them; but the only certain traces of fossils that have been discovered hitherto are some spherical bodies and brown fibres, discovered by J. J. H. Te all; they occur in phosphatic grains found in the upper Torridon shales from Loch Broom. The relationship of these Archean systems involves many problems on which opinion is still divided. The Lewisian System is unquestionably the oldest though there are some younger gneisses of Lewisian aspect. The Moinian System, according to the evidence near Glenelg and in Ross-shire, rests unconformably upon the Lewisian, and the base of the Moinian is there a thick conglomerate. The fact that many of the dykes in the Lewisian do not penetrate the adjacent Moinian also gives some evidence in support of the view that the deposition of the two series of rocks was separated by a considerable interval of time. According to Barrow however the Moinian and the Lewisian are parts of one system. The Moine gneiss has also been regarded as metamorphosed Torridon Sandstones, a view suggested by B. N. Peach, and several facts concerning the petrography and distribution of the rocks appeared to favour that hypothesis; but the view appears now to be generally accepted that the Moinian is an older system than the Torridonian (Gregory 1915). The Dalradian System is a very varied collection of rocks which according to the writer are later than the Moinian and were deposited unconformably upon the southern flanks of a land composed of Lewisian and Moinian rocks. On the other hand, according to P. Macnair and some members of the Geological Survey, the Dalradian rocks are earlier than the Moinian and the superposition of the Dalradians upon the Moinian is explained by great overfolds. According to Barrow the less altered condition of the Dalradian Series is due to the fact that the Scottish Highlands are a great metamorphic aureole, in which the metamorphism is most intense in the centre and the beds become less crystalline to the north-west and the south-east. The author regards it as most probable that the Lewisian and Moinian Systems formed an ancient land which had been greatly denuded before the deposition of the Dalradian sediments upon its south-eastèrn border. Another area of the Lower Archean rocks must have existed in southern Scotland, and the Dalradian sediments were deposited on the north-western slopes of these highlands; the Lewisian and the Moinian rocks formed a foreland, against which the Dalradian beds were intensely puckered by pressure from the south-east. These southern highlands must have been destroyed before the Upper Cambrian, as some beds of that age have been laid down along the south-eastern edge of the Dalradian; but the existence of Archean areas south of the Midland Valley of Scotland in Devonian times is indicated by the large boulders of Schichallion grit found in the Old Red Sandstone conglomerates near Lesmahagow. Cole: Ireland. (III. 1.) 43 vades this series at Fir Mt., and produces a composite rock, the features of which are so similar to those of the gneiss to the south-west that we may conclude that this also had a composite origin. Were the granitic material removed from this ancient gneiss, it might resemble an ordinary Dalradian schist. The later granite in this district is pre-Devonian (Cole 1899) and the proximity of masses of it to the little altered Ordovician slates of Pomeroy goes far to show that it is not one of the "Caledonian" intrusive masses, but is of late Pre-Cambrian age. Above the gneisses and schists are greenish diabases, sometimes massive and crystalline, sometimes Volcanic, and with a scoriaceous structure, which form the flanks of the moorland. They are associated with red and green cherts, containing very dubious traces of organisms, and are invaded by the younger granite. Though at one time these rocks were compared with the Arenig series of southern Scotland, it seems probable that they also are Pre-Cambrian. Devitrified rhyolites and rhyolite-tuffs occur in this series at Creggan and other places. Gneisses, probably of intrusive or composite origin, come out to the north-east in connexion with a series of mica-schists and dark crystalline limestones at Torr Head on the Antrim coast. The area of old rocks here, in which the Glendun and Glenshesk valleys have been cut, is mostly occupied by the normal Dalradian series. This series consists throughout western Londonderry of much folded mica-schists and quartzose pebble beds, with occasional slates. Traces of the original bedding are clear in places; but in general the most prominent Road Schist Diorite Dolerite Dolerite Road Fig 15. Section through the Klng and Queen of the Mintiaghs, showing influence of sills of dolerite on the surface features of Co. Donegal, Pre-Cambrian area, Irishowen. Reprod.uced from the Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Ireland, Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6 and H. Inishowen, Co. Donegal, p. 31, 1890; with the permission of the Director and of H. H. Stationery Office. divisional planes are those of cleavage. Disturbances during the Caledonian folding have crumpled these oleavage-surfaces and have sometimes developed a second cleavage (Geol. Surv. 1908). A greater variety of rocks occurs to the west in Donegal. Crystalline limestones, quartzites and mica-schists have been invaded by basic igneous rocks, which, during a general epoch of metamorphism, have passed into an epidiorite state. Great masses of granite, mainly lying in the strike of the Caledonian folds, have risen through this series, and have enriched themselves with biotite on their margins of contact against the schists and epidiorites. The strike impressed upon the region at the close of Silurian times remains recorded in numerous strips of schist included in the granite itself, whereby the igneous rock has locally become a composite gneiss, with a foliation running north-east and south-west. Contact phenomena may be well studied in the southern area of metamorphic rocks near Lough Erne. Great eyes of amphibolite, consisting of quartz, basic felspars, pyroxene, amphibole, and garnet, lie in the granite round Lough Derg near Pettigo, and gneissic features have been produced along the contact-zone. The invading granite has, not unnaturally, been taken in places for a "fundamental gneiss". Yet here, as elsewhere in Ireland, the Dalradian sediments are the oldest traceable series. (Haughton 1862; Scott 1862-4; Geol. Surv. 1891; Cole 1900-2.) Watts: Great Britain, including the Isle of Man. (III. 1.) 47 Hitherto the Harlech beds have not yielded fossils, other than worm tracks or "fucoids" found commonly in the highest division, but from the fact, that the fossiliferous Menevian Beds succeed without unconformity, there can be little doubt that they represent the Lower Cambrian and possibly part of the Middle Cambrian. When the Cambrian rocks rise up again from under the Snowdon syncline, they are much finer in texture, and constitute the Llanberis Slates, which rest -unconformably on the Pebidian rhyolites. Grits, thinner than those of Harlech, are present on several horizons, but the chief rocks are purple and green slates in which a vast series of quarries has been opened all along the line extending from Penrhyn, through Llanberis, to Nantlle. The perfect cleavage of the rocks, due to considerable mineral change, has been connected by Harker with the presence of the resistant Pre-Cambrian mass of Llanberis, against which the slates have been pressed by earth movement and converted into fine-grained phyllites. The only fossils hitherto found in the Llanberis Slates are two specimens of Conocoryphe viola, a species not known elsewhere. A small patch of Cambrian rock also occurs in the south of the Lleyn Peninsula. In Anglesey the Cambrian Rocks appear to be overlapped by Ordovician Rocks, and they nowhere come to the surface. The Upper part of the Paradoxidian Series, called by Belt and Salter the Menevian, is a group of dark, almost black, shales and slates indicating the deepening of the sea. They are generally characterised by a small-scale cuboidal jointing. Fossils have been found at several places, and among them, the following are the chief: Protospongia fenestrata, Agnostus punctuosus, A. altus, Anopolenus saüeri, Mieródiscus punctatus, Paradoxides. davidis, and P. hicksi. Tne slates are not so black as the famous "black band" of the Dolgelly Stage, and the colour seems to be due to the presence of pyrites, which tends to collect in bands that weather white. The beds are traversed by numerous intrusions of "porphyry" and "pale diabase". It is in association with these igneous rocks that mineral veins occur, especially the gold-bearing lodes for which the district has been long famous. The Upper Cambrian Rocks have been divided on lithological grounds into the Lingula Flags and the Tremadoc Slates. The former is characterised by species of Olenus and other Trilobites, the latter by Niobe, Shumardia, and AsapheUus, and by Dictyonema and Clonograptus. The latter division is now often placed in the Ordovician System, but for convenience of description, it is found better to include it in Britain with the Cambrian and to treat it as a Transition Series. The lower members of the Lingula Flags are coarse-grained flaggy rocks deposited in shallow water, but the highest division is characterized by the presence of a well marked, intensely black band, deposited in deep water. These upper beds were evidently deposited slowly and they may comprise a peripd much more lengthy than the rest of the Series (Fearnsides 1905, 1910). The chief d ivisions are the following: 3. Dolgelly Stage; 80—200 m. (250—650 ft.). d) Zone of Peltura scarabaeoides; sooty-black mudstones. c) Zone of Agnostus triseetus; blue-black mudstones. b) Orusia lenticularis bands in black slates. a) Zone of Parabolina spinulosa; dark flaggy slates. 2. Ffestiniog Stage. c) Band rich in Linguletta davisi, 9 to 12 m. (30—40ft.). b) Tough blue-grey flags. a) Blue and brownisn-grey fine-grained flags 575 m. (1900 ft.). 1. Maentwrog Stage. b) Upper, or Pen Rhos Beds: dark blue slates, weathering bright red. a) Vigra Beds: dark grey and blue slates, with hard stticeous beds, known as "ringers". 50 (IH. 1.) The British Mes. — III. Stratigraphy. — 2. Cambrian. follows a considerable thickness of barren shales, in the upper part of which Callaway (1877) detected the rich fauna of the Shumardia zone, including Macrocystella mariae, Lingulella nicholsoni, Asaphellus homfrayi, Olenus salteri, O. triarthus, Agnostus dux, Niobe, and Shumardia pusilla. The beds are uncleaved and the fossils beautifully preserved. They enable correlation to be effeeted with certain parts of the Tremadoc Series of North Wales, although the Niobe beds below and the Angelina beds above have not yet been identified." The highest rocks exposed are unconformably overlapped in some places by the basal beds of the Ordovician and in others by the Gothlandian. At Pedwardine Farm, near the village of Brampton Bryan, in Herefordshire, richly fossiliferous Dictyonema beds of Tremadoc age have been found. At the Lickey Hills, south-west of Birmingham, the Barnt Green Rocks (Lapworth, Watts and Harrison 1898) are followed by a quartzite, the basal beds of which contain fragments derived from the Pre-Cambrian Rocks; but the bulk of the rock is a typical quartzite much quarried for road-metal. No fossils have been discovered, but the fact that it is overlain unconformably by basal Valentian beds, and comparison with the Wrekin and Nuneaton Quartzites, make it practically certain that it is of Lower and possibly Middle Cambrian age. North and north-west of Nuneaton, the Carboniferous Rocks are underlain by a considerable series of Cambrian Rocks recognised and worked out by Lapworth (1886, Strahan 1886, Lapworth, Watts and Harrison 1898) and the Geological Survey. Overlying the Caldecote Volcanic Series come grits and massive conglomerates made up of fragments of the underlying ashes and the rocks intrusive into them. These soft rubbly beds are followed by compact and flaggy quartzites exposed in a large series of quarries where the rock is worked for road-metal. In this division there are two or three seams of shale, and worm-tracks have been found in the quartzites. The highest division of the Quartzite consists of softer sandy strata, of little use for road-metal, and hence less favourably exposed. In this division however, a band of limestone have been discovered (Lapworth 1886, Strahan 1886, Lapworth, Watts and Harrison 1898). It is rich in the remains of Hyolithus, Orthotheca, Coleolides, Stenotkeca rugosa, and Kutorgina cingulata. The genera and species found in these beds at Camp Hill Quarry compare closely with those found elsewhere in the Olenellus Series, and with those of the Etcheminian Series of New Brunswick. In spite of the absence of trilobites this limestone may be safely correlated with part of the Olenellus Series. The quartzites immediately associated with it yield worm-tracks and other markings like those found in the "Fucoid Beds" of North Scotland in which the Olenellus fauna has been found. On this horizon, oxide of manganese occurs and'was at one time mined. The top beds of the Quartzite are interbedded with purple shales and are followed by a thick shale series named, after its occurrence at the village of that name, "The Stockingford Shales". These have been subdivided by Lapworth as follows: 3. Grey or Merevale Shales. 2. Black or Oldbury Shales. 1. Purple or Purley Shales. The recent discovery of Olenellus in the Lower Purley Shales by the Geological Survey places the line of division between Lower and Middle Cambrian above the base of these shales, in which Lingulella ferruginea and Acrothele granulata have also been found. V. C. Illing has found the species of Paradoxides, Anopolenus, Conocoryphe, Liostracus, Microdiscus, and Agnostus characteristic of the zones of Agnostus atavus, P. hicksi, and P. davidis in the lower part of Watts: Great Britain. — The Midlands, North of England. (UI. 1.) 51 the Oldbury Shales; while, in the higher part of the same shales he has been able to recognise the characteristic fossils of the Maentwrog, Ffestiniog, and Dolgelly divisions of the Lingula Flags. The highest shales yield Dictyonema sociale, and therefore clearly belong to the Tremadoc. East of Nuneaton, Cambrian Rocks have not been found at the surface of the ground, but borings near Leicester have brought up cores of shales of Stockingford type yielding Upper Cambrian trilobites and associated with characteristic sills of intrusive rock like those of Nuneaton. It is interesting to find these rocks so near to the axis of Charnwood Forest in an unaltered and uncleaved condition. They not only prove the extension of Cambrian Rocks in this direction, but they also clinch the other arguments which have been put forward for the pre-Cambrian age of the Charnian Rocks. Another boring recently carried out at Calvertin Buckinghamshire, has struck Cambrian Rocks beneath the Lower Lias and a small thickness of Trias. The rocks are shales of Stockingford type which have yielded to Arthur Morley Davies perfectly preserved specimens of Clonograptus. At the Malvern Hills, the Cambrian succession combines the characters shown in Shropshire with those of the Nuneaton area (Groom, 1901). At several localities in these hills, and to the north, caught in faults and overfolds, there occurs a quartzite, "The Malvern Quartzite", which forms the lowest member of the Cambrian System. It contains fragments derived from both the plutonic and volcanic members of the Pre-Cambrian Rocks. It is succeeded by a mass of green glauconitic sandstone. known as the Hollybush Sandstone, probably not less than 270—300 m. (900—1000 ft.) in thickness. The lower part is flaggy and shaly, with calcareous layers and a thin band of limestone; the upper part is massive and contains Kutorgina phittipsi, and two or three species of Hyolithus. These rocks correspond with the Comley Sandstone of Shropshire and the Upper Quartzites of Nuneaton, and therefore they seem to represent the upper part of the Lower Cambrian System. This division is followed by a considerable thickness of shales, black in the lower part, the "White-leaved-Oak Shales", and grey in the upper part, the "Bronsil Shales"). The black shales have yielded Sphaerophthalmus alatus, Peliura scarabaeoides, and Agnostus trisectus, while Polyphyma lapworihi, and Protospongia paradoxica, have been found in the lowermost beds. These shales therefore represent at least the Dolgelly Stage of the Lingula Flags, but they probably range much lower, and the sequence may even include part of the Paradoxides beds. Groom parallels them with the Oldbury Shales of Nuneaton. The shales are not less than 150—180 m. (500 to 600 ft.) thick, and include a dark-grey shelly limestone probably discontinuous. The grey shales, bluish, grey, or yellow in tint, are characterised by Dictyonema sociale in the lower part. In the higher beds Dictyonema is again found, but it is associated with Niobe homfrayi, Platypeüis crofti, and an Agnostus allied to A. dux. These shales may be correlated with the Merevale Shales of Nuneaton, with the lower part of the Shineton Shales, and the Tremadoc of North Wales. Instrusive camptonites and diabases are frequently found in association with the Midland Cambrian strata, occurring as dykes or sills (Lapworth, Watts and Harrison 1898). They are found at Nuneaton both in the shales and the quartzites, forming a valuable source of road-metal. They also occur in Shropshire in the Shineton Shales and in the Longmyndian Rocks, at the Lickey Hills, and at Malvern, and they have even been found in Leicestershire and Buckinghamshire. Similar rocks are met with on in the Cambrian of the Highlands of Scotland. D. The North of England and Isle of Man. In the Lake District of Cumberland and Westmorland, fossil evidence proves that the upper parts of the "Skiddaw Slates" are of Arenig age. It is therefore highly 4* 52 (III. 1.) The British Isles, — Hl. Stratigraphy. — 2. Cambrian. probable that the bulk of these slates must belong to the Cambrian System. Slabs containing a Bryograptus allied to, or identical with, B. caüavei have been found at Barf. In the Isle of Man the older Palaeozoic Rocks are made up of the Manx Slates and the Lonan Flags (Geol. Surv., Distr. Memoir). The order of succession of these two divisions is as yet unknown. No undoubted fossils have been found in them, but the slates present considerable resemblances to the Skiddaw Slates. In all probability part of the Manx Slates must also belong to the Cambrian System. E. Scotland. Between the area occupied by the Lewisian Gneisses in the North West Highlands of Scotland and the huge tract of the "Eastern Gneisses", there runs a broad belt of sediments from Loch Eriboll to Loch Carron and the Island of Skye. The western part of this belt consists of Torridonian Rocks, the eastern of rocks, in part at least and possibly altogether, belonging to the Cambrian System. The succession given by the Geological Survey of Scotland (1907) is as follows: 3. Durness Limestone. Dolomites and Limestones with certain fossiliferous zones. 2. "Serpulite Grit" and "Pneoid Beds" yielding the Olenellus fauna. 1. Quartzites with worm-casts in the upper portion and false-bedded grits below. Fig 16 Section across Loch Glendhu and the North-East SldeofBeinn AirddaLoch. Scale about 1 :40,000. A = Lewisian Gneiss; Ca = Basal Quartzite (Cambrian); Cb = Pipe-rock; Cc = Fucoid-beds; Cd = Serpulite-grit; Cel = Ghrudaidh group; M = Eastern Schists; F = Porphynte SOL T = Thrusts. T* = Moine-Thrust; t = Minor thrusts. Reproduced from the Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. The Geological Structure of the North-Western, Highlands of Scotland. 1907, p. 500, with the permission of the Director and of H. M. Stationery Office. The total thickness of these Cambrian strata is about 630 m. (2,100 ft.) The lower Quartzite is based upon a thin brecciated conglomerate; this is followed by false-bedded flaggy grits and quartzites. The upper Quartzites are fine-grained and perforated by vertical worm-casts and burrows which become more numerous towards the top ("Pipe Rock"). It has been found possible to subdivide this division into five sub-zones each distinguished by its own peculiar type of "pipes". * The next division consists of two zones. The lower is made up of dolomitic shales and mudstones, traversed by numerous worm-casts, usually flattened, and resembling fucoidal impressions. The fossils found in this zone include (Peach 1894) Hyolithus, Coleolides, SatiereUa, Paterina (Kutorgina) labradorica,Olenellus lapworthi, O. reticulatus, O. gigas, and OleneUoides armatus. These fossils, which exhibit a close parallelism with Eastern American forms, are sufficiënt to establish correlation with the beds of the Olenellus Stage found elsewhere. The upper zone consists of a massive band of quartzite and grit, passing upwards into carious dolomitic grit, crowded in patches with SaltereUa ("Serpulite Grit"), and yielding Olenellus Lapworthi, Orthoceras, and lingulids. CAMBRIAN SYSTEM. WALES. ENGLAND. SCOTLAND. Subdivisions. South Wales. | North Wales. Shropshire. Nuneaton. Malvern. N. Scotland. I f. Angel in a Beds: over 37 m. (120 ft.) Tremadoc e. Shumardia Beds: c. Upper Shineton _ , Peltura L' over 30 m. (100 ft.) Shales. Bronsil Shales; rTsTm'ubuOttS Transition * "^er^nfhooft, about300m.(1000ft.) Deaa- c. MoeI-y-GestBeds;73m.(240ft.) Merevale Shales. Series. b. D icty onema Band: b. Dictyonema Band. 4,5-6 m. (15—20 ft.) c. Lower Shineton _ . C4. £ a. Niobe Beds: 58 m. (190ft.) Shales. g. ü urine stage. 0< c. Dolgelly Stage; 75 to 180 m. Cl, (450—600 ft.) White-leaved f. Croisaphuill Stage. Ld Lineula Peltura scarabceoides. O. Ienticular 1 s Oak Shales; xjiueuia t. Agnostus trlseetus. Shales- 150 m. (500ft.) Flags 4. Orthis lenticularis; .. ... ' . e. Balnakiel Stage. or Lingula Flags. . D U\to 1,5 m. (4-5 ft.) Joo-toÓn ) or 1. Parabolinaspmulosa; 61 m. t*uuouun.j Oienus (200 ft-) d- Sangomore Stage. | b. Ffestiniog Stage; 610 m. Oldbury Shales. Series. (2000 ft.) c. Maentwrog Stage; 730 m. c. Sailmhor Stage. (2400 ft.) d. P. davidis. b. BUean Dubh Stage. * c. P. rugulosus. S Paradoxides Menevian Stage; Menevian Beds. b. Dorypygelakei, &c. a. Ghrudatdh Stage. t-j 230 m. (750 ft.) 9 m. (30 ft.) Series. Solva Stage; Gamlan Shales; 230-365 m. Shales; 90m.(300 ft.) S 600 m. (2000 ft.) (750—1200 ft.) a. P> gr0omi; 6.5 m. Purley Shales; ? Hollybush 1 m. (20 ft.) 800 m. (2000 ft.) Sandstone. d. Protolenus Beds. .» d. Barmouth Grits; 180 m. 1,5 m. (5 ft.) b. Hollybush LowebCambrian; 180m. £ Olenellus p..rhi (600ft.) c. Olenellus Beds; Sandstone? 335m. (600ft.) E over 460gm. c. Hafotty Shales; 305m.(1000ft.)L 0 Ott.) h „ (1100 ft.) c. Serpulite Grit. „ . /hm » i . _., „ .. * ,„„„„' b. Sandstones; b. Hyolithus b. Fucoid Beds © Series. (1500 ft.) b. KhlnogGrits; 700 m. (2300ft.) 90-120 m. <30oUoO ft.) Limestone. (Olenellus). a. Llanbedr Slates. a. Quartzite; 30 m. a. Quartzite. a. Quartzite 60-90 m. a. Quartzite. ' _ (100 ft.) (200-300 ft.) Dimetian and _ .' _- - Uriconian and _ ,. . _ , Volcanic and _ , Pebidian. Bangor and Llanberis Rocks. Longmyndian. Caldecote Rocks. Plutonic Rocks. Torridonian. W. W. W. Watts: Great Britain.— Scotland. (III. 1.) 53 54 (III. 1.) The British Mes. — III. Stratigraphy. — 2. Cambrian. Fig. 17. Section from Quinag by Glas Bbeinn Uidhe to Gorm Loch Hór and Fionn Allt. Scale, 1:43,600. A = Lewisian Gneiss; Bg = Dykes in Gneiss; B = Torridon Sandstone; Ba = Diabaig group (Torridonian); Bb = Applecross group; Ca = Basal 'Quartzite (Cambrian); Cb = Pipe-rock; Cc = Fucoid-beds; Cd = Serpulite grit; Ce = Limestone (Cambrian); CeI = Limestone (Grudaidh group); Ce 11 = Limestone (BileanDubhgroup); F = Intrusive Igneous Rocks; M = Eastern Schists; T = Thrusts; T1 = Moine-thrust; t = Minor thrusts; F = Faults. Reproduced from the Memolrs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain: The Geological Structure of the North-West Highlands of Scotland, 1907, p. 510 with the permission of the Director and of H. M. Stationery Office. The Limestones have been divided into seven stages. They are mostly dark and light grey dolomites, sometimes granular, sometimes massive, with some bands of true limestones, and occasional bands of chert nodules. Several of the beds are marked by worm-casts, but in certain others, mainly in the higher divisions, well-preserved fossils have been found. These fossils include Archaeoscypkia, Camarella, Orthisina festinata, Euchasma, Maclurea, Ophileta, Murchisonia (Hormotoma and Ectomaria) Pleurotomaria, Piloceras, Endoceras, Orthoceras, and Trocholites. Trilobites are extremely scarce, only one species, Bathyurus nero, has been with certainty determined, but it is possible that Solenopleura, Conocoryphe, and Paradoxides may be present. From the palaeontological evidence it would appear that all the calcareous beds, "overlying the Salterella dolomites represent the Middle and Upper Cambrian Formations. But owing to the American facies of the fauna, it is impossible to correlate these sub-divisions either with the Welsh or Scandinavian succession". Along the fault which forms the southern border of the Central Highlands of Scotland from Stonehaven to Loch Lomond, patches of Palaeozoic rocks occasionally make their appearance, generally emerging from beneath thrust planes. These include (1) Jaspers and Green Rocks and (2) the Margie Series of shales and limestones. In these rocks fossils, mainly hingeless brachiopods, have been found, Watts: Great Britain, — Summary, Bibliography. (III. 1.) 55 which seem to indicate that the rocks are of Cambrian age. Dr. Flett has found pebbles of Cambrian limestone in one of the Old Red Sandstone conglomerates of Orkney. Summary and Correlations. The principal correlations are given in the annexed table (p. 53). There is evidently very considerable variation in faunal as well as lithological facies, the fossils of the Scottish area standing apart from those of Wales and England. The lithological characters of the strata and the overlap which occurs in Anglesey, indicate the presence of a shore-line in that direction, possibly a large island with smaller islands about Llanberis, the Longmynd, and elsewhere in the Midlands. The main landmass, however, would appear to have lain towards the north-west, with the Northwest Highlands of Scotland and Ireland on its margin. Eastward and to the southeast the sea deepened sharply and so far no evidence has been obtained in England of any eastern shore to the trough. The chief period of depression was in Upper Cambrian time and though this was but temporary in North and South Wales, it appears to have lasted till the end of the Period farther east. Volcanic action broke out on the flank of the Harlech anticline in later Cambrian time, the beginning of the long and important volcanic history of the succeeding Period. Bibliography of the Cambrian of Great Britain. 1910. Andrew, A. R., Geol. Mag. dec. 5. vol 7, pp. 159-171 (Harlech). 1888. Blake, J. F., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. 44, pp. 534-547. 1877. Callaway, C, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. 33, pp. 652-672 (Shropshire). 1910. Cobbold, E. S., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. 66, pp. 19-51 (Shropshire). 1911. — Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. 67, pp. 282-311 (Shropshire). 1911. — Rep. Brit. Assoc, for 1910, pp. 113-122 (Shropshire). 1898. Blles, Miss G. L., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. 54, pp. 463-539 (Skiddaw Slates). 1905. Fearnsides, W. G., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. 61, pp. 608-640 (Arenig). 1910. — Geol. Assoc, Jub. Vol., Geology in the Field, pp. 786-825 (N. Wales). 1910. — Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. 66, pp. 142-188 (Tremadoc). 1902. Groom, T. T., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 58, pp. 89-149 (Malvern). 1892. Hicks, H., Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. 9, pp. 21-24 (Olenellus Beds). 1894. — Geol. Mag. dec. 4, vol. 1, pp. 368-371, 399-405, 441-448 (Cambrian Life Zones). 1914. Illing, V. C, Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1913, p. 498 (Nuneaton). 1886. Lapworth, C, Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. 3, pp. 319-322 (Nuneaton). 1897. — Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc, vol 7, pp. 231-232 (Hyolithus Limestone). 1894. — and Watts, W. W., Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. 13, pp. 297-355 (Shropshire). 1898. — and Watts, W. W., and Harrison, W. J., Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. 15, pp. 313-416 (Midland England). 1910. — and Watts, W. W., Geol. Assoc, Jub. Vol, Geology in the Field, pp. 739—769. (Shropshire). 1885. Marr, J. E. and Roberts, T., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. 41 pp. 476-491 (Haverfordwest). 1894. — Geol. Mag., dec. 4, vol. 1, pp. 122-130 (Skiddaw Slates). 1894. Peach, B. N., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. 50, pp. 661-676 (Olenellus Beds, Scotland). 1886. Strahan, A., Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. 3, pp. 540-566 (Nuneaton). 1912. Thomas, H. H. and Jones, O. T., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. 68, pp. 374-401 (Pembrokeshire). 56 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — III. Stratigraphy. — 3. Ordovician. Geological Survey of England and Wales. Sheet Memoirs, new ser.: 229. (Carmarthen, A. Strahan and others, 1909), and 230. (Ammanford, A. Strahan and others, 1907.) District Memoir: Isle of Man (G. W. Lampluch, 1903). Geological Survey of Scotland. The Geological Structure of the North West Highlands of Scotland (B. N. Peach, J. Horne and others, 1907). b. Ireland. By G. A. j. Cole. No good fossiliferous representatives of the Cambrian system have been found in Ireland; but a series of crushed and folded slates and quartzites in the east of Leinster has generally been rèferred to the Cambrian. These rocks are exposed from Bray in Co. Wicklow to near Wicklow town, and they also form the promontory of Howth on the north side of Dublin Bay. They reappear at Boney Point in Co. Wexford, and extend south-westward to the south coast of Ireland at Bannow Bay. The radiated or fan-like markings known respectively as Oldhamia radiata and antiqua characterise the pink and green slates, and are properly regarded as organic in origin, though rèferred variously to hydrozoa and to worms (J. R. Kinahan 1858). Undoubted casts of worm-burrows occur at Bray, including Histioderma, and Sollas (1895 and 1900) and Ryan and Hallissy (1912) have described other organisms. G. W. Lamplugh (Geol. Surv. 1903,1875,1869) has suggested, from analogy with the Isle of Man, that the rocks of Bray and Howth are closely Iinked with those styled Ordovician nearer to the Leinster granite axis, and that the whole may be a descending series. J. F. Blake (1888) proposed to place them, however, in analogy with Anglesey, in his Pre-Cambrian Monian system. The quartzites produce striking features in the northern area near Bray, in contrast with the more easily weathered slates. Knob-like bosses of them form the crests of Howth and Bray Head, and a relic of an uptilted bed, dipping steeply seaward, stands out as the sharp summit of the Great Sugarloaf, 506 m. (1660 ft.) above the sea. The ravines of the Dargle near Enniskerry and of the Dartry in the Devil's Glen near Ashford have been excavated in the slates by streams falling rapidly from the granite chain. The quartzites form striking castellated features along the ridge of the Mountains of Forth, south-west of Wexford town. These problematic rocks seem to have been laid down in a basin which subsided slowly, allowing of a great accumulation of shore and estuarine deposits. Bibliography of the Cambrian of Ireland. 1888. Blake, J. F., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, vol 44, pp. 534-536. (Howth Hill & Bray Head.) 1857. Kinahan, J. R., Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, vol. 7, pp. 1884—187 (Bray Head). 1860. — Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, vol. 8, pp. 68—73, 116—120 (Bray & Howth). 1859. — Trans. Roy Irish Acad., vol. 23, pp. 547-562 (Oldhamia). 1912. Ryan, W. J. and T. Hallissy, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. 29 B, pp. 246-251 (Bray Head). 1895. Sollas W. J., Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc, vol. 8, pp. 297-303 (Pueksia). 1900. — Quart., Journ. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 56, pp. 273-286 (Worm track, Bray Head). Geological Survey. Explanatory Memoirs to accompany Sheets: 102-112. Parts of Counties Dublin and Meath (J. B. Jukes and others). 2 nd. Ed. 1875. 112. Dublin (G. W. Lamplugh and others). 1903. 121, 130. Parts of Counties Wicklow & Dublin (J. B. Jukes and others). 1869. Watts: Great Britain, incL the Isle of Man. — Sedimentary and Volcanic Rocks. (III. 1.) 57 3. Ordovician. a. Great Britain, including the Isle of Man. I. Sedimentary and Volcanic Boete.' By W.W. Watts. The Ordovician Rocks occupy a large area of ground in three separate districts in Great Britain: 1. The Southern Uplands of Scotland, 2. the Lake District of England, 3. Wales, both North and South, with the Border County of Shropshire. There are also a few smaller regions such as those in Yorkshire and Cornwall. In the large areas the strata generally strike from N. E. to S. W., but this strike swings round to E. and W. in South Wales. No Ordovician rocks have been found east of the longitude of Shropshire either at the surface or in depth. The rocks present two distinct facies. 1. A deepwater facies represented by shales and mudstones, hearing graptolites: 2. A shallow-water facies of sandstones, grits, and occasional limestones, usually bearing trilobites and brachiopods, but rarely graptolites. Between these two types correlation has been very difficult in the past, but the difficulties are now' gradually being overcome, largely as the outcome of the masterly work of Charles Lapworth on the Moffat and Girvan facies of South Scotland. With either of these types volcanic rocks may be associated, but there are a few areas and some parts of the succession in which important volcanic rocks are not known. Everywhere, however, minute volcanic dust, and the denudation of a freshly formed volcanic material, have provided much of the sediment of which the strata are made. Miss Elles has recently shown that there are two distinct trilobite faunas in the Ordovician Bocks. One, characterized by Asaphus, Calymene, and Trinucleus is more generally met with in Britain', the other marked by Cheirurus, Lichas, and Encrinurus, becomes established early in Scotland, but dominates the whole British area by Ashgillian time. The sub-division of the Ordovician Rocks now usually adopted, is as follows, the nomenclature being that advocated by J. E. Marr (1905. 1907): 4. Ashgillian Séries (after Ashgill in the Lake District). 3. Caradocian Series (after Caradoc in Shropshire). 2. Llandeilian Series (after Llandeilo in Carmarthenshire). 1. Skiddavian Series (after the Skiddaw Slates in the Lake District). The Skiddavian Series has been also called the Arenig or Arenigian Series. Some workers prefer to place the top of the Skiddavian and the bottom of the Llandeilian in a Llanvirn Series. And the "Bala Series" includes at least the greater part of the Caradocian Series. The newer terms are, however, rather more satisfactorily defined and the use of them avoids certain difficulties which are the outcome, in part of our imperfect knowledge of the faunas of the rocks when the names were first given, and in part of the rocks themselves in the type localities when attempts were made to make the terms more precise by means of the definition of faunas discovered elsewhere. The most satisfactory subdivisions of the system as established on graptolite evidence, are the following: 4. Ashgillian Series. c) Zone of small climacograptids. b) Zone of Dicellograptus anceps. a) Zone of Dicellograptus complanatus. 3. Caradocian Series. c) Zone of Pleurograptus linearis. b) Zone of Dicranograptus clingani. a) Zone of Climacograptus wilsoni. 58 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — II Fig. 18. Section exposed In the Clowgill Burn, Glengonner Water, Lanarkshire. Horizontal Scale, 6 in. = 1 mile, or 1: 10,560; Vertical Scale about 1:15,000. 1B = Arenlg volcanic rocks; C = Radlolarlan chert; 21 = Glenkiln Shales; 3 = Garadoc; f = Fault. Reproduced from the Memoirs of the Geological Survey. — The Silurian Rocks of Britain. Vol. 1, Scotland, p. 282, 1899; with the per- misson of the Director and of H. M. Stationery Office. te 1. Stratigraphy. — 3. Ordovician. 2. Llandeilian Series. c) Zone of Climacograptus peltifer. b) Zone of Nemagraptus gracüis. a) Zone of Didymograptus murchisoni. 1. Skiddavian Series. c) Zone of Didymograptus bifidus. b) Zone of Didymograptus hirundo. a) Zone of Didymograptus extensus. A. Scotland. The discovery of the value of graptolites as zone fossils was made in the Southern Uplands of Scotland, in the Moffat district (Lapworth 1878), where the Middle and Upper Ordovician Rocks are represented by an attenuated succession of shales very highly disturbed. The succession was first worked out in the shale facies, and, when the sequence had been independently made out in the shelly and trilobitic facies of Girvan it was found that the two facies could be closely correlated. The classification of Lapworth (1878, 1882, 1889) was later extended by the Geological Survey of Scotland (1899) and applied to the Southern Uplands as a whole. They found it convenient to treat the area under the following heads: 1. The Northern Belt, which extends S.W. from the Lammermuir Hills to Port 2. The Central Belt, from St. Abbs Head, through Moffat, to the Muil of Galloway. 3. The Girvan Area, in Ayrshire and on its coast. The Skiddavian Series. The succession in the Northern Belt and the Girvan area, the base of which is not seen, begins with a volcanic series of lavas and tuffs the "Ballantrae Bocks", from 150-460 m (500 to 1500 ft.) thick. It is not impossible that part of this volcanic series may be older than Ordovician. This is followed by mudstones with Tetragraptus, about 1.2 m. (4 ft.) thick, and that by radiolarian cherts 20 m. (70 ft.) in thickness. Similar cherts are associated with mudstones and thin volcanic tuffs in the Central Belt. The lavas are diabases and spilite8 frequently exhibiting the well-known "pillow structure", the spaces between the spheroids being filled up with fine-grained shale and limestone. Sometimes chert fragments occur in the tuffs as though Watts: Great Britain. — Sedimentary and Volcanic Rocks. (III. 1.) 59 the cherts had rapidly Consolidated on the sea-floor. The fossils m include Didymograptus extensus, til Phyllograptus typus, Dichograptus, and Trigonograptus, a large series of hingeless brachiopods, and Caryocaris wrighti. The Llandeilian Series is represented by the Glenkiln Shale Series in the Central Belt, and by the Barr Series in Girvan. In the Central Belt the following divisions are present: 4. Th in black shales: Dieranograptus zic-zac, Climacograptus peltifer; 0.6 m. (2 ft.). 3. Orange-coloured mudstones, radiolarian cherts, and fine volcanic rocks; 1.2 m. (4ft.). 2. Black shales with cherty ribs: Nemagraptus gracilis, Didymograptus superstes; 2.4 to 3.7 m. (8 to 12 ft.). 1. Radiolarian cherts, mudstones, and volcanic tuffs. In the Northern Belt some of the shales pass into about 300m. (1000 ft.) of grits and greywackes. In the Girvan area, the Nemagraptus beds are sometimes replaced by the Stinchar Limestone Group, 20 m. (60ft.) thick, and the Benan Conglomerate 150 m.{500 ft.) thick comes in at the top of the series. Didymograptus murchisoni has not yet been found in Scotland but in all probability the lower radiolarian cherts &c. (1) belong to that zone. There is a rich graptolite fauna in the black shales (2) in addition to the zone fossil, Nemagraptus gracilis, such as Thamnograptus, Dicellograptus, Leptograptus, Diplograptus, and Climacograptus. Hingeless brachiopods are common, with Hyalostelia. In the Girvan area graptolites are less common, but a Didymograptus z superstes and Nemagraptus have been found. Corals, hinged bra- ^ chiopods, gastropods, and fourteen genera of trilobites have also been found at this horizon. Fig. 19. Generalized Section across the "Score" at i ji2. '^Mroffct^' .<'^2vfe^fts^ï5ï?^",S*l^, HartfellSpa. ^MEB^T^/^^^^ 3^^**" ~~ 1 & 2c — Arenig and Glenkiln cherts and mudstones; 21 — Glenkiln Black Wflfflfi ^WÊfêr^^* Shales; 2c = Glenkiln cherts and mudstones; 3n = Lower Hart feil Shales; iB5^r^K*frv>i 3n' =■ Barren Mudstones; 4m «■ Lower Birkhill Shales; 4 = Llandovery and tm$t0^ ^ Tarannon greywackes and shales; Ts— Volcanic agglomerate; f ™ Faults. /'Wjr Reproduced from the Memoirs of the Geological Survey U. K.—The .'1^2^ Silurian Rocks of Britain, Vol. 1, Scotland. p. 135. 1899; with the per- f /■ mission of the Director and of H. M. Statlonery Olffce. ' Horizontal Scale roughly 1:4800 or about 13 inches to the mile. Vertical Scale "about 1:3350 or nearly half as large again. 60 (III. 1.) The British Isles^ — III. Stratigraphy. — 3. Ordovician. If the zone of Dicellograptus complanatus and the "Barren Mudstones" of the Upper Hartfell be relegated to the Ashgillian, only the lower 12 m. (40 ft.) of the black, flaggy, graptolitic, Hartfell Shales is the equivalent of the Caradocian Series in the Central Belt. In this there are three zönes: 3. Zone of Pleurograptus linearis. 2. Zone of Dicranograptus clingani. 1. Zone of Climacograptus wilsoni. In the Northern Belt there are greywackes, calcareous conglomerates, and shales with Lower Hartfell graptolites, with local unconformities and volcanic rocks, the total thickness being over 300 m. (1000 ft.). In this area occur the lead-ores of the Leadhills, which are confined to the Caradocian and Ashgillian Rocks. In the Girvan area the Balclatchie mudstones, grits, and conglomerates, 30 m. (100 ft.) thick, containing abundant trilobites and brachiopods, and Glossograptus hincksi, are followed by the Ardwell Group of flagstones and shales about 400 m. (1200 ft.) thick, yielding Dicranograptus ramosus. To these succeed the Whitehouse Group, with Pleurograptus linearis and trilobites, about 100 m. (300 ft.) thick, the Barren Flagstones, 240 m. (800 ft.) thick, with Orthograptus truncatus, and the lower part of the Drummuck sandstones and mudstones. Marr (1904) has suggested that the "Starfish Bed" in the Drummuck green mudstones may be the equivalent of the Staurocephalus Limestone as it contains the zone fossil Staurocephalus globiceps. The succeeding mudstones are thus correlated with the Ashgill Shales. In the Moffat region, the top of the Hartfell sequence consists of barren mudstones with a black bed at the base and another at the summit. The former yields Dicellograptus complanatus, and the latter D. anceps. In the Northern Belt, there are micaceous shales, conglomerates and limestones, with trilobites, brachiopods etc, 240 m. (800 ft.) thick. In the Southern Uplands the replacement of fine sediment by coarse grits, flags, and conglomerates, together with the greatly increased thickness of the divisions when traced in that direction, clearly indicate that the land of the period was situated to the north and west. The extreme thinness of the shales, combined with the presence of radiolarian cherts associated with the very finest sediment, all show that the sea of the period must have sloped very steeply downwards towards great depths along narrow and restricted beits. B. The English Lake District. In this area the Ordovician rocks display three lithological divisions: 3. Co nis ton Limestone Series. 2. Borïowdale Volcanic Series. 1. Skiddaw Slates (in part). In certain parts of the succession the subdivisions are clearer, or have been more fully described, in the inlier of Ordovician rocks which occurs under (Marr, Nicholson 1891) Cross Feil, East of the Lake District proper; and as careful correlations have been made, these two areas will be, as far as possible, considered together. It has been already pointed out that part of the Skiddaw Slates includes the equivalent of the Tremadoc Rocks. Hence the Skiddavian Series comprises only the upper division of the Skiddaw Slates. The subdivisions given by (Marr 1894, Elles 1898, 1904) Miss Elles are as follows: d) Ellergill Beds (probably on the horizon of D. bijidus). c) Upper Tetragraptus Beds. b) Dichograptus Beds. a) Lower Tetragraptus Beds. Watts: Great Britain. — Sedimentary and Volcanic Rocks. (III. 1.) 61 The fauna includes many species of Dichograptus, Didymograptus (including D. extensus), Phyllograptus, and Tetragraptus in the lower part of the Skiddavian sequence; and Diplograptus, Climacograptus, and Glossograptus in the upper part. Didymograptus bifidus has been recorded from both parts. The Manx Slates of the Isle of Man are probably in part of Skiddavian age. The Llandeilian Series in the Cross Feil inlier begins with the "Millburn Beds" from which Didymograptus murchisoni and Glyptograptus dentatus are recorded. The Millburn Beds are succeeded by volcanic rocks which are correlated with the Borrowdale Volcanic Series of the Lake District. These volcanic rocks were formerly known as the "Green Slates and Porphyries". In this series it has not been found possible to establish divisions founded on organisms, but the following lithological groups have been distinguishèd (Hakker [1902] and Marr [1900]): e) Shap Rhyolite and Yewdale Breccia Group, d) Shap Andesite Group. c) Scawfell Tuff and Breccia Band, with Kentmere-Coniston Slate-band. b) Eycott and Ullswater Basalt Group. a) Falcon Crag Andesite Group. The Falcon Crag andesites bear hypersthene or augite: the Eycott Group contains no olivine but hypersthene and magnetite: the Scawfell Group has both basic and acid fragments and the rocks carry garnets; the Shap Andesites bear augite but no hypersthene: the highest beds are rhyolites and pass up into the volcanic rocks associated with the Coniston Limestone. Cutting the bedded volcanic rocks numerous intrusive rocks occur which are described on pp. 74—75. The Coniston Limestone Series or Caradocian, has been divided by Marr (1892) into the following divisions: b) Sleddale Stage. 5. Applethwaite Beds; 30m. (100ft.). 4. Conglomerate; 3 m. (10 ft.). 3. Yarlside Rhyolite. 2. Stile End Beds; 15 m. (50 ft.), a) Roman Feil Stage. 1. Corona Beds; 30m. (100 ft.). The Corona Beds have only yielded indentifiable fossils in the Cross Feil inlier, the characteristic form being Trematis corona. Other fossils include Hornalonotus rudis, Strophomena grandis, and Bellerophon (Protowarthia) bilobatus. The Stile End Beds consist of calcareous ashes with abundant, but badly preserved, fossils. The Applethwaite Series is made up of calcareous, very fossiliferous, shales with limestone bands. A white horny limestone with Orthocerata frequently occurs at the summit. The fossils of the Sleddale Stage include Beyrichia (Tetradella) complicata, Cheirurus bimucronatus, Harpes doranni, Illa.enus bowmanni, Lichas laxatus, Remopleurides colbyi, and many species of Orthis, and Strophomena. In the north of the Lake District, on Caldbeck Feil, a group of shales, the "Drygill Shales", appears to represent the whole of the Caradocian Series. Above the Coniston Limestone Series, there comes a thin limestone specially characterised by the presence of Staurocephalus globiceps, with other trilobites and cystideans. This is taken by Marr (1905, 1907) as the base of his Ashgillian 62 (III. 1.) The British Isles. — HL Stratigraphy. — 3. Ordovician. Series. It is followed by the Ashgill Shales, with trilobites and gastropods, and these by the Phyllopora Beds. Among the chief fossils confined to the Ashgillian Series, are the following: Encrinurus sexcostatus, Cheirurus octolobatus, Cyphoniscus sodalis, Remopleurides longicostatus, and Ampyx tumidus. Acaste brongniarti, and Phülipsinella parabola, are common in the Series, while Chasmops and Phacops proper are not present. ■saoqjnB aqj jo puE rpunoo 9n% ;o uotssjuuad jm mjM. nsi 'S—«S -da 'ei -ioa -uoimjoossv ,b»si8oio90 aqi jo saujpaaoojd air» uiojj paonpojdaa f „ , , „ B8JJ3S uEtoiAópao sauas ionqjmo =i „„„ „„ . I 3IB1S iwo jo pnAuiSuoT ujaiSBst = ,b f auojsaunnc pus arei rauquiiosud sajias anojs r J-auioiSuoo'ano»spuBS -puBS pa» jo pniuiSuoT iua)S3AV ».* OBjiuareA toAopiren jaddn = ,S I saren.s uoiaurqs = «o treipirerqioo • 1 s sjpon MorpnT jsmot = f (panuijuoa) I sSblj uouahM d ineinoiuAs.oa 'sïooh Aorpn/i jaddfl. = i ubioiaopjo S3IB1S adOH/ 'v nBjuoAaa auojspuBg paw pin = -s'wn ssqsy AaiadBis - ,p snojajinoqjBQ WnsBan Iboq = uio { saiaas uoiaippm = a awjaroa = a '000'0ïT:ï jnoqB Breos 'sanui tz 10 sajiauionq s-8ï jnoqB aauEjsip pjox -(M«AY'Al. "AY pub Hiao/ijvTO) II!H aaiO UAVojg aq} 01 lowisja oopbjbd w\ pub puauiSiiot ani 'ïauidtrt uopmoo am qSnoaq» BmH uapppua aq» nioa, ajjqs'do^qs IBiins>0 pu\ »saAV oio* uo™io»V?ÏS?9?b w Watts: Great Britain. — Sedimentary and Volcanic Rocks. — Shropshire. (III. 1.) 65 Part of the Shelve sequence reappears on the west of the Long Mountain syncline in the Breidden Hills. Here a series of barren shales comparable with tbe Aldress Shales underlies an ash which may be correlated with the Hagley Ash. Fossils occur in the ash and the associated beds, including Climacograptus scharenbergi, Cryptograptus tricornis, and Beyrichia (Tetradella) complicata, which establish the position in the Caradocian Series. According to Wade (1911), the Ashgill Shales make their appearance near Buttington in the söuth of the Breidden area. In the Welshpool area Wade (1911) has made out the following divisions: 3. Ashgillian Series. Gwern-y-Brain Stage. 2. Black Shales. 1. Limestone. 2. Caradocian Series. b) Gaer Fawr Stage. 2. Limestones and ashy grits. 1. Grits and flags. a) Pwll-y-Glo Stage. 1. Llandeilian Series. (?) Shales of Trilobite Dingle. The lowest division consists of purple shales full of TrinucUus cbncentricus, with Asaphus powysi, associated with Climacograptus scharenbergi, Amplexograptus perexcavatus, and Mesograptus foliaceus. This stage seems to find its nearest parallel with the Nemagraptus flags in the Shelve District. Shales and mudstones follow containing some graptolites, Asaphus powysi, varieties of Trinucleus concentricus, and T. fimbriatus, with Orthides and lamellibranchs. The Gaer Fawr Stage presents considerable resemblance to the Caradoc Rocks otthe type area. They are over 300 m. (1000 ft.) thick and have yielded a rich harvest of fossils also closely related to those found in corresponding rocks in the Caradoc area. Among the more important are the following: Acaste alifrons, A. apiculatus, Trinucleus elongatus, Bellerophon (Protowarthia) bilobatus, lamellibranchs, and species of Orthis, Plectambonites, Rafinesquina, Strophomena, and Triplecia. Wade refers the highest Ordovician Rocks in the area to the Ashgillian Series and correlates them with the "Trinucleus Shales" of the Caradoc district. There is a thin and crystdline, but unfossiliferous, limestone at the base, followed by about 15m. (50 ft.) of shales. The limestone may be compared with the Staurocephalus Limestone, and the shales with the Ashgill Shales. Among the fossils found in the shales are the following: Mesograptus modestus cf. var. parvulus, Orthograptus truncatus cf. var. sodalis, many Entomostraca, Orthis hirnantensis, O. sagittifera, Siphonotreta micula, and Bollia lata. As has been pointed out, if these rocks are correctly rèferred to the Ashgillian Series, they carry with them the "Trinucleus Shales" of the Caradoc district. No Ordovician rocks have hitherto been found in association with the Cambrian or pre-Cambrian patches of the Midlands east of Shropshire. The pebbles in the Bunter Conglomerate, however, are sometimes fossiliferous and among the fossils are brachiopods and trilobites characteristic of the Grès Armoricain and the Grès de May, and contained in quartzites indistinguishable from those in France on the horizons mentioned. While it is not impossible that these pebbles may have drifted from the south, it is at least possible that they may have been derived from concealed Ordovician rocks in the Midlands themselves. Handbuch der regionalen Geologie. III. 1. 5 66 (UI. 1.) The British Isles. — III. Stratigraphy. — 3. Ordovician. D. North Wales. The Ordovician rocks of North Wales are characterised by the presence of vast quantities of volcanic and intrusive material which occur in thick sheets that, by reason of their resistance to denudation, give rise to an impressive mountain group, many members of which exceed 1000 metres (3,300 ft.) in height. The principal mountain lines are 1, the range running from Penmaenmawr to Yr Eifl in the Lléyn Peninsula, 2, the Garnedds, Glyders, Snowdon, and Moei Hebog to Llwyd Mawr, 3, the group of the Manods and Moelwyns, 4, the chain of the Arenigs, Arans, and Cader Idris, and 5, the Berwyn Hills. In many cases the Ordovician rocks are separated from the underlying Cambrian by thrust planes, but where a natural junction exists there is generally a marked unconformity, concealing the highest part of the Cambrian sequence. In no single section are all the members of the sequence typically represented, so it is necessary to take several localities in order to get a view of all the rocks. W. G. Fearnsides (1905) has worked out the succession at Arenig in considerable detail, and this may be taken as typical of the Skiddavian Series. It is as follows: 2. Llandeilian Series. f) Rhyolitic ashes. e) Massive ashes. d) Acid andesitic ashes. c) Daer Fawr Shales; (equivalent to the zone of Didymograptus murchisoni). b) Platy ashes. a) Great agglomerate. 1. Skiddavian Series. f) Shales; zone of Didymograptus bifidus. e) Filltirgerrig or hirundo beds. zone of D. hirundo. d) Erwent or Ogygia Limestone. c) Henllan or Calymene Ashes. b) Llyfnant or extensus flags. zone of D. extensus. a) Basal Grit. Unconformity. This succession brings out a very remarkable fact. The rocks. which have come to be called Arenig, forming the lower part of the Ordovician System, are not those to which Sedgwick originally applied that term. He used it to signify the main volcanic group of the mountain, and this is now shown to occur in what has come to be called Llandeilian. It is for this reason mainly that the term Skiddavian is preferred to the older word. The basal grit is in places conglomeratie, and in places a quartzite. It is very variable in thickness and does not seem to occupy invariably the same position in the sequence. Sometimes it is torn into phacoids by earth-movement as seen to the north near Criccieth. The extensus flags yield Loganograptus logani and a Tetragraptus as well as the zone fossil. They are followed by beds containing ashy matter which increases in quantity when traced southwards. The Calymene of the next division is related to or identical with C. parvifrons, and it is associated with a few large gastropods. The most abundant trilobite in the Ogygia Limestone is O. selwyni, often of large size; Orthis carausii (O. proava) is characteristic of the lower, and Obolella (Monóbolina) plumbea of the higher part of this stage. The hirundo beds are slightly ashy and contain Didymograptus patulus, Tetragraptus serra, with Azygograptus suecicus and Aeglina. ThiB fauna dies out with the change in lithology and is replaced by one in which Didymograptus bifidus, Cryptograptus tricornis, and an Ogygia, like O. peltata, are important: in places the rocks contain pyroclastic felspars. Watts: Great Britain. — Sedimentary and Volcanic Rocks. — North Wales. (III. 1.) 67 The early volcanic outbursts of the Llandeilian Epoch gave rise to platy ashes of intermediate composition derived from a hypersthene andesite magma. In these occurs a coarse agglomerate with fragments of large size. The mudstones that follow are very inconstant, but yield fossils such as Mesograptus foliaceus, Diplograptus angustifolius, and Dicellograptus moffatensis, which suggest the higher part of the zone of Didymograptus murchisoni, but the zone fossil has not hitherto been found. The succeeding ashy beds determine the higher summits and precipices of the mountain: some thin lavas and agglomerates occur in them. The Massive Ashes are intermediate in composition and contain botryoidal pyrolusite which is mined. The volcanic episode closes with a series of rhyolitic ashes containing about 73 per cent of silica. The volcanic rocks terminate abruptly against a thin, richly fossiliferous, brachiopod, monticuliporoid, and cystoid, limestone, called the Derfel Limestone. The fossils include Trinucleus concentricus, Lichas laxatus, Orthis actoniae, O. (Dalmaneïla) testudinaria, and Plectambonites sericea. The fauna is similar in aspect to that of the middle part of the Caradoc rocks in Shropshire. The junction with the beds below seems to be a natural one without fault, but it has not yet been found possible to assign the limestone to its exact position in the Ordovioian sequence. The section is closed by a vast thickness of black shales or slates in which no fossils have been found in situ, though a species of Dicranograptus has been collected from drift boulders of a precisely similar rock in the black shale area. The intrusive rocks of this area, as of the Shropshire district and so many other localities in North Wales, comprise hypersthene andesites and andesitic dolerites. Where it is possible to ascertain the age of these intrusions they seem to be not later than the Upper Gothlandian. It is unfortunate that the above description cannot be completed by a satisfactory account of the rocks in the Bala district; but the strata here are very highly disturbed, and little recent work has been published upon them. According to Ruddy (1897), the section begins with ashes and fossiliferous shales, followed by the "Bala Limestone" containing Treplecia spiriferoides, Orthis (Herberteüa) vespertüio, O. (Platystrophia) biforata, and O. actoniae, with Trinucleus concentricus, and Tentaculites anglicus. These strata are followed by a considerable thickness of barren shales capped by the "Hirnant Beds", mcluding a limestone, which yield Orthis hirnantensis, O. sagittifera, Lingula ovata, and Homalonotus bisulcatus. The Geological Survey placed the limestone exposed at Rhiwlas, north-east of Bala, on the same horizon as the Bala Limestone, but this correlation has not met with assent. Marr (1907) classifies these upper beds with his Ashgillian Series, thus: Ashgillian Series. c) Hirnant Limestone. b) Shales. a) Rhiwlas Limestone. The Ordovician rocks dip under the syncline east of Bala Lake and reappear to form the Berwyn Hills, where their structure is that of an irregular and much broken dome. Towards the centre there are limestones and ashes with shales all usually correlated with the Llandeihan Series. The outer rocks have been classed by P. Lake and T.T. Groom (1908) as follows: 2. Ashgillian Series. b) Glyn Grit. a) Dolhir Beds. 5' Watts: Great Britain.— Sedimentary and Volcanic Rocks. — Central Wales. (111.1.) 69 ashes, and makes it practically certain that the divisions a), b), and c) above, must come below the Caradocian Series. This view is confirmed by the work of Miss Elles (1909) in the Conway district, where she has found the following succession: 3. Ashgillian Series. b) Deganwy Mudstones. a) Bodeidda Mudstones. 2. Caradocian Series. Upper Cadnant or Dicranograptus Shales. b) Zone of D. clingani. a) Zone of Climacograptus wilsoni. 1. Llandeilian Series. Lower Cadnant or Dicranograptus Shales. b) Zone of D. brevicaulis and Mesograptus mulüdens. a) Zone of Climacograptus peltifer. Conway Volcanic series. The Conway Volcanic series would seem to be the continuation of the Main Snowdon lava series, (d) of the table given above, and if so, it hardly seems that any portion of the Snowdon volcanic rocks will come into the Caradocian Series. It is noteworthy that Fearnsides (1910) prefers to treat the Snowdon group by itself, and though he has not published his work in the Criccieth area, he remarks that sooty black shales like those of Conway "have recently been recognised as overlying the highest Snowdonian lavas in the Dwybach river west of Criccieth. They also appear in the quarries of black slate close to Dodwyddellan, and may be represented by the sooty barren shales of the Bala district." It therefore appears certain that if the structure of the complieated area of North Wales, as expressed many years ago upon the Geological Survey Map, is to be trusted, and if the conclusions founded upon it and given above are sound, considerable revision will have to be made in current ideas as to the position of the Snowdon Volcanic Group. The Cadnant Shales (Elles 1909) are only divisible into the Llandeihan and Caradocian Series on palseontological grounds, the lithology not affording any assistance. The Bodeidda Mudstones contain some fossiliferous bands, in which occur Trinucleus seticornis, var. bucklaridi, var. porüocki, and var. arcuatus, Acaste brongniarti (?), and Calymene blumenbachi. The Deganwy orPhacops Mudstones yield Dalmannites mucronatus, Orthograptus truncatus var. abbredatus, Orthoceras vagans, Chonetes laevigata, and Ctenodonta varicosa. Lower Skiddavian Bocks (Fearnsides 1910) belonging to the graptolitic facies, are found rtear Aberdaron, in the Lleyn Peninsula, near Carnarvon, and on the Menai Straits. Upper Skiddavian Bocks, with deposits of ironstone and manganese, are also found in the Lleyn, while beds with Didymograptus murchisoni are found near Carnarvon and on the Menai Straits. They are replaced by the "Neseuretus Beds" of brachiopod type, resting unconformably on the pre-Cambrian Rocks in central Anglesey. At Llangwyllog, in Anglesey, the D. murchisoni beds occur, followed by the zone of Nemagraptus gracüis, but farther to the northwest, the latter overlaps on to older rocks and passes into conglomerate and pebbly grit. The Snowdon volcanic rocks occur in the Lleyn about Pwllheli, and Caradocian shelly rocks exist in Anglesey. E. Central Wales and its Borders. The Ordovician Rocks in this tract serve to link up the facies of South Wales with that of North Wales on the one hand and that of Shropshire on the other. Skiddavian (Fearnsides 1910) rocks are met with near Builth and at Llanwrtyd 70 (UI. 1.) The British Isles. — III. Stratigraphy. — 3. Ordovtómh. and Llangadock. The age of the lowest rocks is unknown, but they are succeeded by dark graptolitic shales with Placoparia. Above these comes an andesitic series which would seem to occur on the same horizon as in Shropshire: The Llandeilian rocks are shallow-water calcareous flags with trilobites, followed by graptolitic shales at Pencraig. Any higher rocks which may be present are concealed by the Gothlandian unconformity. H. Lapworth (1900) records blue-black shales underlying the Valentian rocks of the Rhayader area; and O. T. Jones (1909) has recognised about 1040 m. (3400 ft.) of strata underlying the Gothlandian Rocks as probably belonging to the Ashgillian Series. The lowest flags and thin shales yield Dicellograptus anceps, and Orthograptus truncatus with other characteristic fossils, but the overlying mudstones, grits, and conglomerates have so far proved unfossiliferous. F. South Wales. Ordovician Rocks occur along three main beits in South Wales: 1, north of the anticlinal axis of St. David's from Whitesand Bay and Ramsay Island to Cardigan and beyond; 2, from near St. Bride's Bay to New Quay Road south of that anticline; 3, from Haverfordwest through Carmarthen and Llandeilo to Llandovery. The chief characteristic in most of the districts is the presence of an important series of shales, the Dicranograptus Shales, the lower part of which seems to belong to the Llandeilian, and the upper part to the Caradocian, and it is scarcely possible to draw any line between the two series either on palaeontological or lithological evidence: consequently the lines drawn below must be only accepted as provisional. On the other hand, the South Wales (Hopkinson and Lapworth 1875; Marr and Roberts 1885; Reed 1895; Crosfield and Skeat 1896; Geological Survey 1907, 1909) rocks will probably in the end throw much new light on the Ashgillian Series. 4. Ashgillian Series. c) Slade Beds. b) Red Hill Beds. a) Shoalshook Limestone. 3. Caradocian Series. • b) Robeston Wathen Limestone. a) Mydrim Shales; (Upper Dicranograptus Shales). 2. Llandeilian Series. SfS^C e) Mydrim Limestone. d) Hendre Shales; (Lower Dicranograptus Shales). c) Llandeilo Limestones and Flags. b) Asaphus Ash. „ a) Didymograptus murchisoni Beds. 1. Skiddavian Series. b) Didymograptus bifidus Beds. a) Tetragraptus Beds. 2. Zone of D. hirundo. 1. Zone of D. extensus. The lowest of the three Skiddavian divisions is conformable with the Peltura punctata beds previously described, and contains Ogygia selwyni, Dendrograptus, Callograptus, and Dictyonema, in addition to the forms mentioned above. The middle division yields the same genera, with Aeglina grandis, Ogygia peltata, Trinucleus gibbsi, and Ampyx salteri. The bifidus zone contains Barrandea homfrayi, Illaenus kughesi, Placoparia cambrensis, with Nemagraptus, Climacograptus, and Diplograptus. Some andesitic volcanic rocks occur, either in the Skiddavian Series or below it, near to Llangynog. Watts: Great Britain. — Sedimentary Rocks. — South Wales. (III. 1.) 71 H. H. Thomas (1911) has brought forward evidence which goes to prove that the great volcanic series which occurs on Skomer Island and the neighbouring mainland, belongs to the zone of D. extensus. At its maximum development this series is not less than 900 m. (2900 ft.) thick and consists for the most part of thin subaerial lava flows, with a few intrusive rocks, mostly basic, and a persistent band of sediments towards the middle of the series. The igneous rocks range from soda-rhyolites to olivine dolerites. The soda-rhyolites, soda-trachytes, skomerites, and marloesites, present affinities with the alkaline rocks of Pantelleria. The mugearites, basalts, and dolerites, belong to the sub-alkaline class. The order of extrusion appears to be a succession from acid to basic and back again from basic to acid in rhythmic sequence. The rocks present affinities with those associated with the lowest Ordovician of Southern Scotland, and with those in Cornwall. It is in association with the zone of Didymograptus murchisoni that the volcanic group occurs in the neighbourhood of St. David's and about Fishguard, and a poorer representative of it is found near Carmarthen in the Asaphus Ash, and other beds on about the same horizon. The Llandeilo Limestone is a series of calcareous flags rather widely distributed on this horizon. It yields the wellknown fossils Asaphus tyrannus, Calymene cambrensis, Trinucleus concentricus var. favus, with many species of Orthis, Rafinesquina, and Plectambonites. In the Fishguard region, the Llandeilian succession is the following: ashes and tuffs associated with D. murchisoni, slates and flags, felsitic tuffs, beds with Siphonotreta micula, and graptolitic shales in ascending order. The Dicranograptus Shales which in the southern outcrop follow the Llandeilo Limestone, have been separated into the Hendre Shales and the Mydrim Shales, generally separated by the Mydrim Limestone. The Hendre Shales contain Dicellograptus sextans, Climacograptus scharenbergi, and Cyrtograptus tricornis. The Mydrim Limestone yields Nemagraptus gracilis, Didymograptus superstes, and Leptograptus oalidus. It seems to represent the zone of N. gracilis. The Mydrim Shales contain in their lower part, a mixture of Hartfell and Glenkiln graptolites, but towards their summit yield forms characteristic of the zone of Dicranograptus clingani. In the upper part of the Shales Orthograptus truncatus and Climacograptus minimus have been found. The Robeston Wathen Limestone contains abundance of Halysites catenularia, but trilobites are few and fragmentary Iüaenus Bowmanni has, however, been found, with Orthis actoniae. This limestone has generally been paralleled with the Bala Limestone. The Shoalshook Limestone is coarser and more arenaceous than that of Robeston Wathen, and yields Staurocephalus. globiceps, Calymene blumenbachi, Encrinurus sexcostatus, Cybele verrucosa, Cheirurus bimucronatus, Trinucleus seticornis Var. bucklandi, Ampyx tumidus, Homalonotus rudis and Orthis actoniae. In fauna and character it therefore approaches the Staurocephalus Limestone in the Ashgillian Series of the north of England. The Bedhill Stage consists of barren olive-green mudstones with rare fossils occurring in isolated patches. The fossils found include Trinucleus concentricus, Iüaenus bowmanni, Homalonotus bisulcatus, Plectambonites sericea, and Orthis (Dalmanella) elegantula. The Slade Beds, the highest of the secraence, are similar to the last, but are varied by thin limestones. In these beds are found IUaenus murchisoni, Glauconome disticha, Orthis (Dalmanella) testudinaria, Leptaena rhomboidalis, and Phyllopora hisingeri. The two last Stages correspond to the Ashgill Shales. ORDOVICIAN SYSTEM. Skiddavian. | Llandeilian. Caradocian. Ashgillian. SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. Zones. Girvan. Moffat & Central Belt. Lake Distnct and Shropshire. Upper Drummuck Beds; Upper Hartfell Shales; Upper Chirbury Series. b. Dicellograptus 1 120 m. (400 ft.) 18 m. (60 ft.) c. Phyllopora Beds. anceps. D- Ladyburn Shales. b. Dtcellog. anceps. . ...„„., TII, ... , _ . t. \r j I b. Ashgill Shales. Whittery and Trinucleus Barren Mudstones. Shales. a. D. complanatus a. "Starfish Band". a. D. complanatus. a. Staurocephalus Limestone. c. Pleurograptus e. Lower Drummuck Beds. Lower Hartfell Shales; Coniston Limestone Series. Lower Chirbury Series. linearis 12 m. (40 ft.) d. Barren Flagstones; 245 m. c. Pleurog. linearis. d. Applethwaite Beds; 30 m. c. Hagley Beds. (800 ft.) (100 ft.) b. Dicranograptus c. WhitehouseStage; 150m. c. Conglomerate; 3 m. . ... , clingani. (500 ft.) b. Dicranog. clingani. (10 ft.) b. Aldress Shales. b. Ardwell Stage; 365 m. b. Stile End Beds; 15 m. „,. (1200 ft.) (50 ft.) o cnv wnnrt firlt a. Climacograptus a. Balclatchle Stage; 30 m. a. Cl. wilsonl. a. Roman Feil Stage; 30 m. bpy W wi'sonl. (ioo ft.) (100 ft.) _,. Barr Series. Glenkiln Series. Middleton Series. c. Climacograptus , _ . peltifer. a- uenan conglomerate; a ciimacog. peltifer; 60 cm. c. Nemag. gracilis Beds. ïou m. (ouo ft.) co ff \ _ . , , „.. . _ . ^* ll'> Borrowdale Volcanic o. Didymog. superstes Beü; c. Baalolarian chert &c; Series. b. Nemagraptus v m* wu \ o m tu ft \ \ gracilis. b. Nemag. gracilis Beds; _ * . b. Meadowtown Limestone. 1.8 m? (6 ft.) (and Stin- b- Nemag.gracilis;2.4-3.6m. char Limestone; 18 m.) (°—"•) a. Didyrmgraptus^ ^ Sandstones and • Radiolarian Cherts and Millburn Beds. *• D. murchisoni Beds. Radiolarian Cherts. Volcanic Tuffs. c Didymograptus c- Radiolarian Cherts and Radiolarian Cherts and Vol- Shelve Series. bifidus. Tuff3i 21 m- CO ft.) canlc Tuffs^ 45^60 m^ ^ d. Ellergill Beds. d. Stapeley Ashes. b. Didymograptus b' ^rlnnniïXf^*'?* ™ c- uPPer Tetragraptus Beds. c. Hope Shales hirundo. bryonotdes), l-Um (D. bifidus). b. Dichograptus Beds. b. Mytton Flags „ . a. Ballantrae Rocks; 460 m. (D. hirundo) a. Didymograptus (i500 ft.) (lavas and tuffs). a. Lower Te