M 5 8 GUIDE BOOK FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS IN HOLLAND ED1TED UNDER GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY BY THE NETHERL ANDS COMMITTEE FOR INTERNATIONA Li ACADEMIC RELATIONS THE HAGUE — NATIONAL PRINTING OFFICE — MCMXXII GUIDE BOOK FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS IN HOLLAND EDITED UNDER GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY BY THE NETHERLANDS COMMITTEE FOR INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC RELATIONS THE HAGUE — NATIONAL PRINTING OFFICE — MCMXXII THE NETHERLANDS COMMITTEE FOR INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC RELATIONS, founded in 1921, aims at promoting, facilitating and extending the intercourse between Dutch and foreign Universities or Colleges, by giving information to those who wish to study in Holland, and by encouraging Dutch subjects to study in other countries. It consists of representatives of all the Universities in Holland. The address of its Bureau for the time being is 33 Wasstraat Leiden. President: Prof. J. Huizinga — For the University of Leiden. Vice-President: Prof. G. A. F. Molengraaf/— For the Technical University at Delft. Members: Prof. H. Zwaardemaker — For the University of Utrecht. Prof. J. F. van Bemmelen — For the University of Groningen. Prof. Ph. Kohnstamm — For the University of Amsterdam. Prof. R. H. Woltjer — For the Free University at Amsterdam. Prof. F. de Vries — For the Commercial University at Rotterdam. Prof. H. M. Kroon — For the Veterjnary University at Utrecht. Prof. J. C. Kielstra — For the Agricultural University at Wageningen. Secretarypro tem.:]. ]. L'. Duyvendak, Leiden, 33 Wasstraat. Tiües of nobility and degrees have been omitted throughout this Guide-book, as the Dutch use of them conveys no meaning to foreigners. Most of the persons mentioned have a doctor's degree. CONTENTS Introductory ........ 7 Constitution and Administration . ^ , . .8 Faculties and Sections ...... 9 Conditions for admission and examination . . 9 Curriculum and degrees: . . . . . i4 1. Universities proper. . . . . -14 2. Special Universities. . .* . .17 Teaching, Terms etc. ...... 26 Institutions for scientific research in Holland . .28 University of Leiden . . . . . -34 University of Utrecht. . . . . . .46 University of Groningen. . . . .56 University of Amsterdam . . . . .64 Free University at'Amsterdam . . . -79 Technical University at Delft . . . . .81 Commercial University at Rotterdam . . .88 Veterinary University at Utrecht . . . . ' 90 Agricultural University at Wageningen . . -93 Technical University at Bandoeng, Java . . -97 INTRODUCTORY The history of Dutch Universities does not go back to the Middle Ages. Universities here were the outcome of the struggle for independence in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Many features of their constitution are explained by their having been expressly founded by the several provinces or by some of the towns, to be bulwarks of learning, at first principally theological learning. Three of the old provincial Universities were adopted by the State in 1815, viz, Leiden, Utrecht, Groningen, others being abolished or reduced. The Athenaeutnillustre of Amsterdam was raised to the rank of a University in 1876, remaining a municipal institution. Up to the present the only University founded by a private Corporation is the Free University at Amsterdam, being at the same time the only University on a denominational basis. Preparations for founding a Roman Catholic University are in an advanced stage. In 1905 the right to give degrees cum effectu civili was extended to Universities besides those of the State and the town of Amsterdam. Provision for technical education dates from the nineteenth century. The institutes providing for it are called >Hoogescholent-, literally High Schools, which term, however, does not correspond to the English use of it. It was formerly used as the Dutch word for University, and, since all of .them have now been placed on an equal footing with the Universities proper, »Hoogeschooh will be rendered throughout these pages by University. The Technical University at Delft is maintained and regulated by theState. It was raised to the rankof a University in 1905, and corresponds to the Universities proper in all matters of constitution, administration and rights. The same measure was extended in 1918 to the VeterinAry University at Utrecht, and the Agricultural university at WageningEN, both maintained and regulated by the State. A commercial university was founded at Rotterdam in 1913, by a private Corporation, called Dutch Society] for Commercial Higher Education (Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor Hooger Handelsonderwijs). A Technical UniversityatBANDOENG, Java, was founded in 1920 by the Roydl Institute for Technical Higher Education in the Dutch Indies. It is to be endowed with the same rights as the Technical University at Delft. CONSTITUTION AND ADMINISTRATION Each University is governed by a board of Curators, forming an intermediate organism between the Government, the municipality or the private Corporation, and the University. All appointments and appropriations are proposed to the Governing authorities by the Curators, at the request or on the advice of the Universities, which accordingly have neither means nor executive powers of their own. Internal matters are regulated by the Academical senates, consistingoftheentire body of professors, and presided over for annual terms by one of them, called Rector magnificus. Owing to their relatively modern origin, the Dutch Universities have never possessed the College system. The teaching staffs are quite adequate, though in some respects not so extensive as in some other countries, since the system of private lecturers, though recognized, is not very much developed. Besides ordinary professors, the teaching staff includes extraordinair professors, special professors who are appointed by private institutions entitled to this, and lecturers. The equipment in the way of laboratories and other means of research is generally excellent. The attendance at the Dutch Universities being comparatively small, they give excellent opportunities to students for research and post-graduate work under the direct supervision of the professors. FACULTIES AND SECTIONS The State Universities proper contain five faculties. Official publications use Dutch names for them, in common speech they are generally called by the universally known terms, viz. » Godgeleerdheid « — Theology; »Rechtsgeleerdheid « — Law; «Geneeskunde*—Medicine; »Wis-en natuurkunde» —Natural philosophy(science); «Letteren en wijsbegeerte* — Letters. The University of Amsterdam has besides these a faculty of commerce. The Free University at Amsterdam has so far no Science faculty. The Technical University at Delft has seven faculties or sections: General science, Civil engineering, Architecture, Mechanical engineering and shipbuilding, Electrical engineering, Chemical technology, and Mining. The Commercial, Veterinary and Agricultural Universities have no official subdivision into sections, CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSION AND EXAMINATION The ordinary courses of lectures are open to everybody at an annual fee of 200 guilders; after payment for four years the attendance is free, except at Amsterdam, where then an annual fee of 100 guilders is due. Persons not entering for examinations are allowed to follow one or two single courses at a fee of 3o guilders each.*) Admission to examinations in the Universities proper is given: 1. On a leaving certificate of a Latin school in Holland (Gymnasium), or of a Dutch High School (Hoogere Burgerschool). Particulars about the rights they confer are omitted here, as being of no importance to foreign students. 2. On one of the following certificates, specially recognized: A. In all faculties. austria. »Maturitats Zeugnis« from a Gymnasium. British Empire. B.A., M. A. or D. A. degree of a University in Great Britain and in Ireland or one of the following: Adelaide, Allahabad, Bombay, Calcutta, Cape of Good Hope, Madras, Melbourne, Montreal, Punjab, Quebec, Sydney, Victoria University, Toronto, New Zealand, »Matriculation« Cape Town. france. » Examen du baccalauréat ès lettres» before a »faculté des lettres*, Germany. ïMaturitats Zeugnis« from a Gymnasium. luxembourg. > Examen de maturité des études Gymnasiales. « norway. >Klassik examen artium« or equivalent. Sweden. >Propaedeutics«. SwiTZERLAND. «Maturitats Zeugnis« group I and II, canton Berne. United States. B. A. in one of the following Universities: Berkeley Cal., Cath. Univ. Washington D.C., Chicago 111., *) 20 gld. in the Commercial University at Rotterdam. Clark Univ. Worcester Mass., Columbia New York, Cornell Ithaca, Harvard Cambridge Mass., Johns Hopkins Baltimore Maryland, Leiand Stanford Jr. Palo Alto Cal, Michigan Ann Arbor Mich., Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pens., Princeton New Jersey, Wisconsin Madison Wis., Yale New Haven Conn. B. In the faculties of theology, law and letters. Belgiüm. «Exaïnen de candidat en philosophie* provided it be ratified by the > Commission spéciale d'entérinemeht«. denmark. >Afgangsexamen» on the literary side. France. «Examen du baccalauréat ès lettres, série Latingrec, première partie« before a «faculté des lettres*. roumania. Final examination in the classical division of a lyceum. SwiTZERLAND. »Épreuve du baccalauréat, section A« of the classical gymnasium Lausanne. C. In the faculties of medicine, science and law. Austria. »Reife« or «Maturitats Zeugnis* from a Gymnasium, Realgymnasium or Oberrealschule. belgium. >Examen de sortie de la rhétorique latine* or «Grecque-latine* atan «Athénéeroyal* or a corresponding certificate granted by a private institution provided it be ratified by a «jury constituée par arrêté royal*. >Épreuve préparatoire pour les étudiants qui aspirent au grade de candidat en sciences naturelles*. «Examen de candidat en sciences naturelles* provided it be ratified by the «Commission spéciale d'entérïnement*. British Empire. B.Sc., M.Sc. or d.Sc. degree of the Universities mentioned above under A, provided the applicant has shown a sufficiënt knowledge of Latin or Greek in one of his examinations. Denmark. »Afgangsexamen« on the mathematical side. germany. »Reife« or »Maturitats Zeugnis* from a Gymnasium, Realgymnasium or Oberrealschule. roumania. Final examination in the modern division of a lyceum. Switzerland. «Epreuve du baccalauréat section c« of the classical gymnasium Lausanne. «Epreuve du baccalauréat ès lettres* of the «gymnase des jeunes filles Derrière Bourg« Lausanne. «Maturit&ts Zeugnis» of the cantonal «MaturitatsKommission« Ziirich, of those applicants who have beenexamined in Latin. 3. Exemption from one or more of the University-examinations may be granted to individual foreigners in possession of diplomas or degrees, by the Minister of Education on the advice of the senate and faculty concerned. Persons who have acquired the right to practice medicine in its entirety on examination in certain foreign countries are admitted to the »theoretical medical* (equivalent to «doctoral*) and subsequent examination (not to the «promotion* unless they have passed the University examinations proper) on presenting the following certificates or degrees: Austria «Doctor der gesamten Heilkunde.* belgium «Docteur en médecine, chirurgie et accouche- ments.* France «Docteur en médecine.* Germany «Approbation als Arzt.« great Britain Medical register. HüNGARY «Doctor der Universellen Heilkunde.* Ireland Medical register. Italy Diploma of medicine and surgery.. Switzerland «Examen professionel des médecins.* The same certificates admit to the practical examination in dentistry. Admission to the theoreticalexamination indent i s t r y is open to holders of the following diplomas: Belgium «Capacité de dentiste* and «candidat en médicine.« France «Chirurgien-dentiste.« germany «Approbation als Zahnarzt.« Great Bkitain The dentists register. Ireland The dentists register. RüSSlA «Médecin dentiste« Charkow University. Switzerland «Examen professionnel des dentistes.« United States Doctor of dental medicine: Harvard Cambridge Mass.; doctor medicinae dentalis: Tufts College Boston Mass.; doctor of dental surgery: University pf Pennsylvania (Philadelphia Pens.), University of Michigan (Ann Arbor Mich.) Van der Bilt University (Nashville Tenn.), Chicago college of dental surgery (Chicago), Western Reserve University Cleveland (Ohio), Georgetown University Washington D.C. Exemptions from entrance-examination of the Technical Universi es. Austria »Reife-« or «Maturitatszeugnis* Gymnasium, Real-Gymnasium or Oberrealschule. British empire Matriculation University of Cape of Good Hope, Transvaal University college, South African School of Mines and Technology Johannisburg; University senior certificate University of Cape of Good Hope, provided it includes mathematics. Germany s. Austria. Poland Gymnasium Wojcieck Gorski Warsaw. russia High School Tenicheff Petrograd. Switzerland Entrance to Ecole polytechnique fédérale Zürich and equivalent diplomas in Switzerland. Commercial, Veterinary and Agricultural Universities. All the exemptions which are valid for the Universities proper and the Technical Universities also hold here. CURRICULUM AND DEGREES I. UNIVERSITIES PROPER The >Academical statute< so called of 1921 has fundamentally altered the studies at the Universities, regulated till then by the statute of 1877, in accordance with the Laws of 1876, 1905, 1920 and 1921. In each of the faculties the curriculum is divided as follows: 1. Candidate-examination. In the Faculty of Theology it is preceded by a preliminary examination, called Propaedeutical. In the Faculty of Medicine the candidate-examination is passed in two parts. The Faculties of Theology and Medicine have only one programme for the candidate-examinatiort, viz: Theology: general history of religions, ethics, scriptural exegesis, israelitic and old christian literature, history of christianity. *) Medicine: First part: physics, chemistry, biology; Second part: anatomy, physiology, genera) pathology. *) Slightly different in the Free University. The Faculties of Law, Philosophy and Letters have differentiated programmes for the candidate-examination, viz.: Law: A. Study of Dutch Law. B. Study of South African . Law. C. Free study of Law. Particulars of subjects are omitted here. Philosophy: A. B. C. mathematics, physics, astronomy, with the stress laid on any two of the three subjects. D. physics, mathematics with chemistry. E. chemistry, with physics, mathematics, mineralogy. F. chemistry, with physics, botany, mineralogy. G. geology, mineralogy with botany, zoology. H. mineralogy, geology, with physics, chemistry. I. botany, zoology, with physics, chemistry. J. botany, zoology, with geology. K. chemistry, botany, with physics. Letters: A. Classical languages and philology, — B. Dutch languages and philology, — C. Romanic languages and philology, — D. Germanic languages and philology, — E. Slavonic languages and philology, — F. Semitic languages and philology, — G. Indo-Iranian languages and philology, — H. Indonesian languages and philology, — 1. Chinese and Japanese languages and philology, — J. History, — K. Art history and archaeology. Particulars omitted as above. C, D, E, F and I allow specialisation in any one language of the group, e. g. French, English, German etc. — Other subjects within the range of the faculty may be added to the list, at the request of a Faculty. 2. Doctoral Examination. The Faculty of Theology distinguishes three kinds of Doctoral Examination, viz. a literary, a historical and a philosophical one. The Faculty of Medicine has a regular Doctoral exami- nation, comprising Pathological Anatomy, Hygiëne, Pharmacology, special Pathology and Therapeutics, Psychopathology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and testimonia for Ophthalmology, Oto-laryngology, Dermatology, Gynaecologe'. All other Faculties allow the choice of practically any subject connected with the candidate examination previously passed. As a main subject it has to be combined with two secondary subjects, of which the choice is free, with Certain exceptions. The Faculty of Medicine allows also a free choice of Doctoral subject, if no professional qualification is desired. The qualification to exercise any profession in the Netherlands on the strength of a University diploma is attached to the certificate of the Doctoral Examination, except in the Faculties of Theology and Medicine. In Theology the professional qualification is acquired by an examination before a denominational committee, without any connection with the University. In the Faculty of Medicine the Doctoral Examination, unless the free direction is chosen, has to be followed by a practical Examination, called «Arts-examen*, comprising: special pathology and therapeutics, paediatry, psychiatry, pharmaceutics, surgery and obstetrics. It is divided into two parts. 3. Promotion. The degree of Doctor is acquired after having passed the Doctoral examination by writing and defending a Dissertation accompanied by at least six Theses. Other languages than Dutch are allowed. — The promotion adds no professional qualifications to those acquired by the Doctoral Examination or the special examinations completing them. Foreign students may be admitted to the promotion without having passed a Doctoral examination according to the regulation mentioned above on page 12, under 3, but in that case they do not acquire a right to exercise a profession in the Netherlands. Dutch students sometimes content themselves with the Doctoral Examination. SPECIAL CURRICULA IN THE UNIVERSITIES A. Civil service and law courts in the DutchI n d i e s. Examinations passed before the combined Faculties of Law and Letters: a. Juridical. b. Linguistic. c. Economie. Practically only at Leiden. Particulars omitted here. B. Dental surgery. Entrance examination identical with that of the Universities. Theoretical examination, with exemptions in certain subjects for candidates in medicine. Practical examination. The teaching of dental subjects is confined to the Dental Institute of the University of Utrecht. C. Pharmacy. In the Faculties of Science. D. Geography. Combined Faculties of Science and Letters: a. Physical geography. b. Sócial geography. c. Free study on the basis of any candidate examination in the Faculty of letters, or in geography. Practically only at Utrecht and Amsterdam. II. SPECIAL UNIVERSITIES In all the special Universities, except the Commercial University at Rotterdam, the curriculum is divided into three parts, each part being followed by an examination, viz. by the Propaedeutical Examination passed in three parts, the Candidate Examination and a Technical Examination respectively. The last gives the rights connected with the title of Engineer, Agricultural Engineer or Veterinary Surgeon. A doctor's degree may be added by presenting and defending a dissertation with theses. A. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITIES 1. CIVIL ENGINEERING: Propaedeutical examination: First part: Pure and applied mathematics. Second part: Theoretical and applied physics. Third part: Hydraulic engineering, Architecture, Drawing. Candidate examination: First part: Theoretical and applied mechanics, Theoretical and experimental hydraulics, Hydraulic engineering, Roadand bridge-building, Building material. Second part: Hydraulic engineering, Road- and bridgebuilding, Architecture, Machinebuilding, Electrotechnics, Geodesy, Levelling, Surveying. Administrative law. Civil Engineers Examination: Hydraulic engineering, Road and bridge-building, Surveying and Levelling. 2. ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING: Propaedeutical Examination: First part: Pure and applied mathematics. Second part: Theoretical and applied physics. Third part: Architecture, Drawing. Candidate Examination: First part: Pure and applied mathematics, Theoretical and applied mechanics, Architecture, Drawing. Second part: Theoretical and applied mechanics, Architecture, Surveying and levelling, Administrative law. Third part: Hydraulic engineering, Road- and bridgebuilding, Architecture, Modelling, Decorative Art, Building material. Architects Examination: Architecture. 3. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Propaedeutical Examination: First part: Pure and applied mathematics. Second part: Theoretical and applied physics. Third part: Machine construction, Mechanical techno- logy, Draling. Candidate Examination: First part: Theoretical and applied mechanics, Electrotechnics. Building material, Administrative law. Second part: Machine construction, Mechanical technology. Mechanical Engine er s Examination: Machine construction. 4. NAVAL ENGINEERING: Propaedeutical Examination: First part: Pure and applied mathematics. Second part: Theoretical and applied physics. Third part: Machine construction, Shipbuilding, Mechanical technology, Drawing. Candidate Examination: First part: Theoretical and applied mechanics. Hydraulic engineering, Electrotechnics, Building material, Administrative law. Second part: Machine construction, Shipbuilding. Naval Engineers Examination: Shipbuilding, Machine construction. 5. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Propaedeutical Examination: First part: Pure and applied mathematics. Second part: Theoretical and applied physics. Third part: Machine construction, Mechanical technology, Drawing. Candidate Examination: First part: Theoretical and applied mechanics, Machine construction, Building material, Administrative law. Second part: Electrotechnics. Electrical Engineers Examination: Electrotechnics. 6. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY: Propaedeutical Examination: First part: Pure and applied mathematics. Second part: Theoretical and applied physics, Theoretical and applied mechanics. Third part: Analytical chemistry, Mineralogy. Fourth part: Drawing. Candidate Examination: Applied physics, Chemistry, Machine construction, Mechanical technology, Technical drawing, Administrative law. Chemical Engineers Examination: Chemistry, Chemical technology. 7. MINING: Propaedeutical Examination: First part: Pure and applied mathematics. Second part: Theoretical and applied physics. Third part: Mineralogy, Analytical chemistry. Fourth part: Drawing. Candidate Examination: First part: Theoretical and applied mechanics, Machine construction, Mineralogy and Geology, Surveying and levelling, Chemistry, Drawing. Second part: Mineralogy and Geology, Mining, Metallurgy, Docimasy, Administrative law. Mining Engineers Examination: Mineralogy and Geology, Mining, Metallurgy and Doci- .masy. B. VETERINARY UNIVERSITY Propaedeutical Examination: Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Anatomy of domestic animals. Candidate Examination: Anatomy of domestic animals, Physiology and histology of domestic-animals, Embryology, Parasitology, Knowledge of fodder-, poisonous and medicinal plants. Natural history, morphology and races of domestic animals. Foot- and hoof-treatment. Veterinary Surgeons Examination: First part: a. Animal husbandry, Hygiëne of domestic animals, General therapeutics of domestic animals, Pharmacology, General surgery of domestic animals, General operative art of domestic animals, Clinical diagnostics of domestic animals, Human food-stuffs of animal origin, Surgical anatomy of domestic animals, Bacteriology, Theoretical obstetrics of domestic animals, General pathology; b. Pharmaceutics, Operative art and wound-dressing of domestic animals, Ophthalmology of'domestic animals, Pathology, pathological anatomy and -histology of domestic animals, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Surgery of domestic animals, Therapeutics of domestic animals, Practical obstetrics of domestic animals, Human foodstuffs of animal origin. Second part :Forensic veterinary science, Veterinary police, History of veterinary science, Vacciriation and Serology, Clinique of domestic animals, Operative praxis of domestic animals, Pathological anatomy of domestic animals (practical), Parasitical and infectious diseases of domestic animals (practical); Human food-stuffs of animal origin (practical), Pharmacy (practical). C. AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY Five departments or branches to which correspond five different diplomas of Agricultural engineering, viz.: 1. AgricultüRE : a. Plant cultivation, b. Dairying, c. Cattlebreeding, d. Agricultural economics (diploma L). 2. colonial agricultüre: a. Plant cultivation, b. Cattlebreeding, c. Agricultural economics (diploma KL). 3. horticulture (diploma T).. 4. forestry: a. Scientific study of forestry, b. Economics of forestry (diploma B). 5. colonial forestry: a. Scientific study of forestry, b. Economics of forestry (diploma KB). Propaedeutic examination, uniform for all branches: First part: a. analytical geometry and differential calculus, b. applied mechanics and machinery, c. physics, d. inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry^/. mineralogy and petrography, ƒ. plant morphology and physiology. Second part: a. integral calculus, b. hydraulics, c. meteorology, d. organic chemistry, e. geology. f. plant-biology, g. political economy. for diploma l: Candidate Examination: First part: a. plant-culture, b. phytopathology, c. chemistry of soils, d. agrogeology, e. cattle-breeding, ƒ. agrarian law, g. land-husbandry, h. cultivation and irrigation, i. calculus of probability,/. plant-anatomy, k. anatomy and physiology of domestic animals, /. theory of heredity. Second part: a. plant-culture, b. manuring, c. agricultural implements, ,d. cattle-breeding, e. agrarian law, ƒ. landhusbandry, g. pumping and draining, h. general microbiology, and (for prospective engineers group I), i. phy topathology or (groups II, III), ƒ hygiëne and pathologyof domestic animals or (group IV) economie geography. Engineers Examination: Any one of the following groups: I a. plant-culture, b. chemistry of soils and manures, c. microbiology, d. optional subject; II a. cattle-breeding, b. feeding of domestic animals, c. physiology and hygiëne of domestic animals, d. optional subject; III a. dairying, b. breeding and feeding of domestic animals, c. chemistry and microbiology, d. optional subject; IV a. general and special land-husbandry, b. agrarian law, c. social statistics, d. economie geography, e. optional subject. FOR DIPLOMA KL: Candidate examination: First part. a. general agronomy, b. phytopathology, c. chemistry of soils, d. agrogeology, e. agrarian law,/. irrigation, civic architecture, h. surveying and levelling, i'. calculus of probability, /. plant-anatomy, k. anatomy and physiology of domestic animals, /. theory of heredity. Second part. a. culture of tropical plants, ^.phytopathology c. manuring, d. cattle-breeding, e. hygiëne and pathology of domestic animals,/. agrarian law,£\ irrigation, h. roads, bridges etc, i. general microbiology. Engineers Examination: a. culture of tropical plants, b. chemistry of soils and manuring, c. phytopathology, d. technology, e. optional subject. FOR DIPLOMA T: Candidate Examination: First part. a. phytopathology, b. chemistry of soils, c. agrogeology, d. agrarian law, e. general land-husbandry, ƒ. technics of cultivation, g. calculus of probability, h. plant-anatomy, i. theory of heredity, j. applied systematic botany and plant-geography, k. horticultural technology. Second part. a. plant-culture, b. phytopathology, c. manuring, d. horticultural implements and horticulture, e. agrarian law, ƒ. general land-husbandry, g. technics of cultivation, h. general microbiology, i. applied systematic botany and plant-geography, j. horticultural architecture, k. horticultural technology. Engineers Examination: a. culture of horticultural plants, b. any two of the following: chemistry of soils and manuring, phytopathology, landhusbandry, horticultural technology, nature-drawing and horticultural architecture, applied systematic botany and plant-geography, c. .optional subject. FOR DIPLOMA B: Candidate Examination: First part. a. timber-culture, b. phytopathology, c. chemistry of soils, d. agrarian law, e. general land-husbandry, /. timber-measurement,^. forest profits-calculation, h. calculus of probability, i. plant-anatomy, /.systematic botany, plant-geography and tree-flora. Second part. a. timber-culture and forest-preservation. b. economics of forestry and transport, c. forest-management, d. phytopathology,e. plant-culture, / manuring,^-. agricultural implements, h, agrarian law, /.general land-husbandry. Engineers Examination: Either of the following groups: l. a. timber-culture, b. cult- ivation of wild ground, c. forest husbandry, d. two optional subjects. II. a. forest husbandry, b. general and special land-husbandry, c. agrarian law, d. optional subject. for diploma KB: Candidate Examination: First part. a. timber-culture. b. phytopathology, c. chemistry of soils, d. agrogeology, e. agrarian law, / civic architecture, g. surveying and levelling, h. timber-measuremeht, i. forest profits-calculation, j. calculus of probability, k. plant-anatomy, /. systematic botany, plant-geography and tropical tree-flora. Second part. a. timber-culture and forest-preservation, b. economics of forestry and transport, c. forest-management, d.phytopathology,*. agrogeology, / agrarian law,g. roads, bridges, etc, h. civic architecture, /. systematic botany, plant-geography and tropical tree-flora. * Engineers Examination: a. forest-husbandry, b. jbrest-management, c. either of the following groups: I timber-culture, Indian tree-flora, II agrarian law and Indian penal law, ethnography of the Dutch East Indies, d. optional subject. Training for Surveyor. Courses given at the Agricultural University. Propaedeutic Examination as above. Surveyors Examination before a special commission. D. COMMERCIAL UNIVERSITY First Examination («Examen in de handelseconomie») analogous to the Candidate Examination of the Universities proper: Economics, Business organization, Law, Commercial geo- graphy and history. — Optional subjects, any one of the following : Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Modern languages. Doctoral Examination: Economics, Business organization, Optional subjects, any two of the following: Law, International law, Commercial Geography, Commercial history, Colonial Economics, Chemistry. A degree of Doctor of Economics and Commerce may be obtained by presenting and defending a dissertation with theses. Special course of Colonial Commerce and Economics. First examination: as above, with Colonial economics and ethnography, certificate for Malay, knowledge of Commercial goods and Colonial Politics. Supplementary Examination of Accountancy: Administrative organization and accounting in public service or private business, Statistics, Auditing. Training for Consular Service: ■ Examinations passed outsidetheUniversitybeforea special commission. Special courses of: Consular law, Dutch commercial treaties. Economie treatment of commerce, industry, agriculture and shipping. International problems of commercial policy and credit. Trade routes of the world. TEACHING, TERMS, ETC. A division of the academie year in semesters or terms is unknown in Holland. The academie year begins about the 20th of September and lasts until about the ioth ofjuly, with vacations of about 4 weeks at Christmas and 3 weeks at Easter. Lectures are generally given in Dutch. Some knowledge of German, English or Scandinavian will in a short time enable a person to follow a Dutch lecture and read a Dutch book. At practical work in laboratories, at examinations and promotions the use of French, English or German ean be admitted. Dissertations may be written in other languages than Dutch. For particulars concerning lodging, cost of living etc, apply to the Netherlands Students Organization, Leiden, 15 Pieterskerkkoorsteeg. INSTITUTIONS FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN HOLLAND , Libraries, Laboratories and Hospitals in Holland are generally" modern and well equipped. Besides those connected with the several Universities and to be enumerated below, the following institutions deserve special mention. i. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen =Royal Academy of Science: Amsterdam, Trippenhuis, 29 Kloveniersburgwal. President: Prof. C. van Vollenhoven, Leiden. Secretary: Prof. L. Bolk, Amsterdam. Science section: President: Prof. F. A. F. C. Went, Utrecht, Secretary: Prof. L. Bolk, Amsterdam. Section for Linguistics, Philology, History and. Philosophy: President: Prof. C. van Vollenhoven, Leiden, Secretary: Prof. J. J. Salverda de Grave, Amsterdam. Delegates to the »Union académique internationale*: C. van Vollenhoven, J. J. Salverda de Grave. Library of the Academy in the Trippenhuis building. Publications: Verhandelingen (Transactions), Mededeelingen (Proceedings), J'aarboek (Yearbook). Institutes etc. under control orsupervision of the Academy: Dutch Central Institute for Brain-research, Amsterdam, 61 Mauritskade. Director: C. U. Ariëns Kappers.' Embryological Institute, Utrecht, see page 54- Director: D. de Lange. Hoeufft prize for Latin poetry. Van 't Hoff-foundationfor research in chemistry. 2. Teyler's Genootschap = Teyier's Society: Haarlem, ióSpaarne, founded 1778. — Theological branch .and science branch. Prize-essays, Library, Museum (Physics, Palaeontology), Picture and Print collection. Physical Laboratory. Curator: Prof. H. A. Lorentz, Conservator: B. van der Pol. Publication: Archives du Musêe Teyler. 3. Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen = Dutch Society of Science: Haarlem, 17 Spaarne, founded 1752. Prize-essays. Subsidies for research. Publication: Archives Nêerlandaises. 4. Bataafsch Genootschap der proefondervindelijke wijsbegeerte = Dutch Society for experimental philosophy: Rotterdam, Beursgebouw, founded 1769. Prize-essays. Lectures. Transactions. 5. Maatschappij derNederlandscheLetterkunde= Society for Dutch Literature: Leiden, founded 1766. Library incorporated in the University Library of Leiden. 6. Historisch Genootschap = Historical society: Utrecht, founded 1845. Library incorporated in the University Library of Utrecht. Editions of Sources of Dutch history: Werken, Bijdragen en Mededeelingen. 7. Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië = Royal Institute for the Languages, Geography and Ethnography of the Dutch Indies. The Hague, 14 van Galenstraat, founded 1851. Periodical: Bijdragen voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Ned- Indië. Library combined with Indisch Genootschap (Indian Society) =■ Colonial Library, see p. 32. 8. Koninklijk Aardrijkskundig Genootschap = Royal Geographical Society: Amsterdam, 28 Saxen-Weimarlaan, founded 1873. Periodical: Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Library incorporated in the University Library of Amsterdam. 9. Koninklijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut se Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute : de Bilt, province of Utrecht. Chief-Director: E. van Everdingen. Directors: J. P. van der Stok, Ch. A. M. Hartman. Local branches at Amsterdam and Rotterdam. 10. Bataviaasch Genootschap voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen == Batavia Society for Art and Science. Batavia, founded 1778. — Library, Museum, Periodical: Tijdschrift van Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde. 11. 'sLands Plantentuin = Botanical gardens. Buitenzorg, Java. Director: W. M. Docters van Leeuwen. Large staff. Several laboratories. 12. Royal Magnetic and Meteorological observator y, Batavia, Java. Director: W. van Bemmelen. 13. Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging = Dutch Zoological Association, Amsterdam. Library and collections in the Zoological station at Helder. Director: H. C. Redeke. 14. Wiskundig Genootschap = Mathematical society. Amsterdam. Founded 1779. Prize-essays. Library. Publication: Archief voor Wiskunde, etc. 15. Genootschap tot bevordering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde =sp Society for the promotion of Physics, Medicine and Surgery, Amsterdam, founded 1790. Publication: Werken (Proceedihgs). 1 16. Nederlandsche Chemische Vereeniging — Dutch Chemical Association. Publication: Chemisch Weekblad. Recueil de travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas. 17. Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging-= Dutch Botanical Association. Publication: Het Nederlandsch Kruidkundig archief. Recueil des travaux botaniques néerlandais. 18. Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs = Royal Institute of Engineers, the Hague, 5 Lange Voorhout. Publication: Ingenieur. Library. 19. Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der Geneeskunde = Dutch Society for the promotion of medical science, Amsterdam, 20 Raadhuisstraat. Publication: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 1837—1922. Provincial Societies: Some of them are of a more general scientific scope, e. g.: Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap = Provincial society of Utrecht, Friesch Genootschap = Frisian society, Zeeuwsch Genootschap = Zeeland society. A complete list of scientific institutes in Holland is not aimed at here; all societies of a more special kind are omitted. LIBRARIES: 20. Koninklijke Bibliotheek = Royal Library, The Hague, Lange Voorhout (Direction, Administration, Manuscripts); Kazernestraat (Bureau, Reading-room). Director: P. C. Molhuysen. The Royal Library is especially rich in works on history, literature, art and law. 21. Library of the Peace Palace. The Hague. Director: A. G. van Hamel. 22. Library of Teyler's Genootschap, see p. 29. (Academie publications, Science, Theology). 23. Library of Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, see p. 29 (Science). 24. Colonial Library. see p. 29. The Hague, 14 van Galenstraat. 25. Athenaeum Library at Deventer. Includes part of former University Library of Harderwijk. 26. Provincial Library of Friesland, Leeuwarden, includes Library of the former University of Franeker. In the same building: Buma Library (classical philology). 27. Provincial Library of Zeeland, Middelburg. Municipal and church libraries, of which there are a great many, are not enumerated here. ARCHIVES: The archives of Holland are in excellent order; the management is regulated by law of 1918. 28. Algemeen Rijksarchief = General Archives of the Netherlands. The Hague, Bleyenburg. 29. Provincial Archives, under Government service, in the provincial capitals. 30. Colonial Archives, partly in the Algemeen Rijksarchief, partly in Buitenzorg (Dutch Indies), Paramaribo (Suriname) and Willemstad (Curacao). Municipal Archives in the more important towns. BURSARY FUNDS:*) 31. Fund for South African students in Holland. Secretary: Prof. J. W. Pont, 28 Willemslaan, Bussum. *) Only those are mentioned which may be of interest to foreign students. For the funds attached to individual universities see there. UNIVERSITY OF LEIDEN Founded 1575. Number of students 1920/21: 1424. *) Annual Publication: Yearbook (Jaarboek der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, Leiden, E. J. Brill) issued in September. Books of reference: M. Siegenbeek, Geschiedenis der Leidsche Hoogeschooi van ijyj tot 1825. Leiden, 1829/32. G. D. J. Schotel, De academie te Leiden in de zestiende, zeventiende en achttiende eeuw. Haarlem, 1875. P. C. Molhuysen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis der Leidsche Universiteit (down to 1765 ; to be continued), 's Rijks geschiedkundige Publicatiën, 's Gravenhage, 1913—1922. Curator-president: N. C. de Gijselaar. Curators: E. C. Sweerts de Landas Wyborgh, J. Oppenheim, R. Feith, R. B. Ledeboer. Secretary of the board of Curators: J. E. Boddaert. Rector Magnificus: * *) C. Snouck Hurgronje. Secretary of the Academical Senate: **) J. P. Kuenen. Keeper of the Academical Archives: L. Knappert. Committeefor International Academie Relations: K. H. Roessingh, president, J. J. L. Duyvendak, secretary, J. van Kan, J. van der Hoeve, J. P. Kuenen, J. Huizinga, N. van Wijk. TEACHING STAFF Faculty of Theology Or dinary professors: F. Pijper, — History of Christianity. B. D. Eerdmans, — Religion of Israël, Old Testament. W. B. Kristensen, — History and philosophy of religions. *) The actual number of students is larger than the official returns. **) For the academie year 1921/22. H. Windisch, — Ancient Christian literature, New Testament. K. H. Roessingh, — General theology-, ethics. Extraordinary professor: A. Eekhof, — History of Calvinism. Special professors: L. Knappert (appointed by the Dutch Reformed Church), — History and doctrine of the Dutch Reformed Church.' H. M. van Nes (appointed by the Dutch Reformed Church), — Dogmatics, missions, ecclesiastical law. G. J. Heering (appointed by the Remonstrant Fraternity), — History and doctrine of the Remonstrant Denomination'. Faculty of law Ordinary professors: W. van der Vlugt, — Encyclopaedia and philosophy of law. C. van Vollenhoven, — Native law in the Malay Archipelago, Colonial law. H. Krabbe, — Public law. A. J. Blok, — Penal law. E. M. Meijers, — Civil law, Private international law. W. J. M. van Eysinga, — Law of nations. J. van Kan, — Roman law. D. van Blom, — Political economy, statistics. A. S. de Blécourt, — History of law, especially Dutch law. G. André de la Porte, — Colonial law of the Dutch Indies. A. S. Oppenheim, — Commercial law, civil law procedure. Private lecturers: H. Frijda, — Political economy. E. Verviers, — Political economy. Faculty of Medicine Or dinary professors: W. Einthoven, — Physiology. W. Nolen, — Medicine. G. Jelgersma, — Mental diseases. P. C. T. van der Hoeven, — Obstetrics, gynaecology. N. Ph. Tendeloo, — Pathological anatomy, general pathology. R. P. van Calcar, — Hygiëne, Bacteriology. J. H. Zaaijer, — Surgery. J. van der Hoeve, — Ophthalmology. J. A. J. Barge, — Anatomy. P. Th. L. Kan, — Diseases of the nose, throat and ear. D. A. de Jong, — Comparative pathology. W. Storm van Leeuwen, — Pharmacodynamics. P. C. Flu, — Tropical hygiëne. Extraordinary professor: J. Poels, — Applied bacteriology. Special professor: G. J. W. Koolemans Beynen, (appointed bij the Leiden University Fund Society) — Tropical medicine. Lecturers: J. H. P. van Kerckhoff, — Diseases of the skin. JE. B. Droogleever Fortuyn, — Histology. E. Gorter, — Diseases of children. Private lecturers: M. Jansen, — Orthopaedia. E. de Vries, — Theoretical neurology. T. Bijleveld, — Accidents and diseases connected with the trades.. J. Th. Peters, — Clinical diagnosis. Faculty of natural philosophy (science) Ordinary professors: K. Martin, — Mineralogy, geology, palaeontology, crystallography. H. Kamerlingh Onnes, — Experimental physics, meteorology. J. C. Kluyver, — Analysis, calculus, theory of functions, calculus of probabilities. J. M. Janse, — Botany. F. A. H. Schreinemakers, — Inorganic chemistry. J. P. Kuenen, — Experimental physics. L. van Itallie, — Pharmacy, toxicology. W. de Sitter, — Theoretical astronomy. P. Ehrenfest, — Theoretical physics. J. J. Blanksma, — Organic chemistry. W. van der Woude, — Analytical and descriptive geo- metry, theoretical mechanics. P. N. van Kampen, — Zoology, comparative anatomy and physiology. Extraordinary professors: H. A. Lorentz, — Theoretical physics. E. Hertzsprung, — Astronomy. L. E. Goester, — Pharmacography, Galenic pharmacy. E. D. van Oort, — Zoology. Special professor: A. Einstein *) (appointed by the University Fund Society), — Physics. 'Lecturers: W. P. Jorissen, — Inorganic chemistry. J. W. C. Goethart, — Systematic botany. *) Prof. Einstein who holds a professorship in Berlin spends some weeks at Leiden, about twice a year. J. Droste, — Mathematics for chemical students, theory of functions. J. Woltjer, — Theoretical astronomy. Private lecturers: J. J. van Eek, — Food-stuffs. G. J. de Groot, — Comparative anatomy. Miss A. Grutterink, — Microchemistry. A. D. Fokker, — Theoretical physics. A. L. W. E. van der Veen,— Crystallography. F. W. T. Hunger, — History of biology. A. Korevaar, — Chemical technology. Miss A. Prins, — Analytical chemistry. Faculty of letters Or dinary professors: P. J. Blok, — History of the Netherlands. G. J. P. J. Bolland f, — Philosophy, logic, metaphysics, ethics, psychology (vacant). C. C. Uhlenbeck, — Gothic, Anglo-saxon and other Germanic languages, Comparative linguistics. G. Kalff, — Dutch literature. A. W. Nieuwenhuis, — Ethnography of the Malay Archipelago. C. Snouck Hurgronje, — Arabic. A. J. Wensinck, — Hebrew, Israelitic antiquities. N. van Wijk, — Slavonic and Baltic languages. J. Vürtheim, — Greek. J. Ph. Vogel, — Sanskrit, Indian archaeology. J. Huizinga, — General history. J. W. Muller, — Dutch language. M. W. de Visser, — Japanese. G. J. Thierry, — Languages and history of Babylonia and Assyria. H. T. Colenbrander, — Colonial history. G. A. J. Hazeu, — Javanese. Ph. S. van Ronkel, — Malay. F. Muller, — Latin. A. W. Byvanck, — Classical Archaeology, Ancient history. Extraordinary professors : D. C. Hesseling, — Modern Greek. W. Martin, — History of Art. S. G. de Vries, — Mediaeval Palaeography. N. J. Krom, — Archaeology of the Malay Archipelago. Special professor : R. Casimir (appointed by the »Dutch Lyceum« society), — Education. Lecturers: P. A. A. Boeser, —. Egyptology. J. H. Holwerda, — Prehistorie and Roman Archaeology. J. M. N. Kapteyn, — German. J. J. L. Duyvendak, — Chinese. C. de Boer, — Romance languages. J. Th. Kramers, — Persian, Turkish. Private lecturers: D. G. Jelgersma, — History of philosophy. K. H. E. de Jong, — Later Roman philosophy. Miss C. Serrurier, — French literature of modern times. L. Polak, — German. J. L. Walch, — History of the stage and drama. A. G. van Hamel, — Celtic languages. Assistant lecturers: Baginda Dahlan Abdullah, — Malay. Mas Samsi Sastrawidagda, — Javanese. Yeh Feng-Yin, alias Yap Hong-yin, — Chinese. T. Watanabe, — Japanese. Reader: R. Guarnieri, — Italian. UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONS AND COLLECTIONS University Library, 70-74 Rapenburg. Librarian: Prof. S. G. de Vries. History: P. C. Molhuysen, Geschiedenis der Universiteitsbibliotheek te Leiden. TheLibrary, founded soon after 1575,_contains over775,ooo vols. Among the manuscript-collecti'ons the codices Vossiani and Scaligeriani are especially famous. The section of Oriental MSS. is called Legatum Warnerianum (after Levinus Warner, f 1665). The Library includes among others the collection of the Society of Dutch Literature (see p. 29) and is connected with the Bibliotheca Thysiana (after Johannes Thysius, f 1651). Special reading-rooms for Mathematics and physics (Leeskamer Bosscha), Law, Oriental philology, Theology, Classical philology, Dutch philology and comparative literature, Linguistics and History. Print Room = Prentenkabinet, 71 Rapenburg. Director: Prof. S. G. de Vries. Conservator: J. J. de Gelder. Antiquarian Museum — Museum van Oudheden, 28 Rapenburg. Director:}. H. Holwerda. Assistant-Director: P. A/A. Boeser. The Museum was founded in 1818. The Egyptian, the Classical and the Prehistorie, Roman and Germanic col- lections are specially to be noted. Ethnographical Museum, 67/69 Rapenburg. Director: H. H. Juynboll. The main buildings contain the collections from Southern Asia and the Far East. The Dutch Indian collection is housed 108 Hoogewoerd, the American, African, Australian, New.Zealand and South Seacollections 18 Breestraat. Natural History Museum, 2a Raamsteeg. Director: Prof. E. D. van Oort. Publication: Zoölogische mededeelingen. Geological-mineralogical Museum, ie Garenmarkt. Director: Prof. K. Martin. Publication: Sammlungen des geologischen Reichsmuseums in Leiden (contributions in 'other languages allowed). .Herbarium, 1 Nonnensteeg. Director: J. W. L. Goethart. Publication: Mededeelingen van 's Rijks herbarium. Hortus Botanicus, 73a Rapenburg. Director: Prof. J. M. Janse. Botanical laboratory, 3 Nonnensteeg. Director: Prof. J. M. Janse. Zoölogical laboratory, t,Ja Kaiserstraat. Director: Prof. P. N. van Kampen. Observatory, 57 Kaiserstraat. Director: Prof. W. de Sitter. Assistant-Directors: Prof. E. Hertzsprung, Prof. J. C. Kapteyn. Publication: Annalen van de sterrewacht te Leiden. Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands (conjointly with the other Dutch Astronomical Institutes). Physical Laboratory, Steenschuur. Director: Prof. H. Kamerlingh Onnes. Includes the Cryogenic laboratory for low temperat ures. Publication: Communications from the physical laboratory Leiden. Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, 27 Hugo de Grootstraat. Director: Prof. F. A. H. Schreinemakers. Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 25 Hugo de Grootstraat. Director: Prof. J. J. Blanksma. Pharmaceutical Laboratory, 32 Hugo de Grootstraat. Director: Prof. L. van Itallie. Pharmaco-therapeutical Institute, 22 Rapenburg. Director: Prof. W. Storm van Leeuwen. Boerhaave Laboratory, 34 Boerhaavestraat, consis-' ting of: 1. Laboratory for general pathology and pathological anatomy. Director: Prof. N. Ph. Tendeloo. 2. Laboratory for hygiëne, bacteriology and medical police. Director: Prof. R. P. van Calcar. Laboratory for comparative pathology, '22 Boerhaavestraat. Director: Prof. D. A. de Jong. Physiological Laboratory, 18a Zonneveldstraat. Director: Prof. W. Einthoven. Publication : Onderzoekingen gedaan in het Physiologisch Laboratorium. {Researches carried ont in the Physiological Laboratory), two series, 1869—1922. Anatomical Laboratory, Zonneveldstraat. Director: Prof. J. A. J. Barge. Academie Cliniques, Hospital, 33 Boerhaavestraat. a. Medicine, — Prof. W. Nolen. b. Surgery, — Prof. J. H. Zaaijer. c. Dermatology, — J. H. P. van Kerckhoff. d. Obstetrics and gynaecology, — Prof. P. C. T. van der Hoeven. e. Ophthalmology, — Prof. J. van der Hoeve. f. Aural surgery, Rhinology, Laryngology, — Prof. P. Th. L. Kan. g. Pharmaco-therapeutical Policlinique, — Prof. W. Storm van Leeuwen. h. Apothecary's departrhent, — G. F. A. ten Bosch. i. Diseases of children, — E. Gorter, 21 Boerhaavestraat. ;. Dermatological clinique and Laboratory, —J. H. P. van Kerckhoff, 6a Stationsweg. k. Psychiatrie and neurological cliniques, — Prof. G. Jelgersma, Oegstgeest, Asylum. SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTES CONNECTED WITH THE UNIVERSITY*) Leiden University-Fund Society. For the promotion and support of scientific interests in the widest sense. Secretary: Prof. K. H. Roessingh. Society for scientific lectures. Invites distinguished scholars and scientists, chiefly from abroad, to lecture in the University. Secretary: Prof. L. van Itallie. S. J. Visser-Fund. For promoting the study of international private law and law of nations, by issuing prizeessays for international competition, and by organizing *) Only those are mentioned which may be of interest to foreign students. courses of lectures by distinguished scholars from abroad (Oct. 1920: Prof. A. L. Pillet, Paris. Nov. 1921: Sir Paul Vinogradoff, Oxford). Secretary: Prof. W. J. M. van Eysinga, secretary of the Faculty of Law. Herman Coster-Fund. For Dutch and South African students. Secretary: N. Mansvelt, Heemstede, 13 Westerhoutpark. Rotterdam-Leiden-Institute for Tropical Medicine. President: Prof. A. W. Nieuwenhuis, Leiden. Secretary: Prof. D. A.de Jong, Leiden 22 Boerhaavestraat. 1. School for Tropical Medicine, Leiden 33 Rapenburg. Director: Prof.'P. C. Flu. Teachmg-staff: Baginda Dahlan Abdullah, —- Malay. Prof. G. J. W. Koolemans Beynen, — General and special prophylaxis, special pathology and therapeutics. Prof. P. C. Flu, — Tropical hygiëne. Prof. W. C. de Graaff, — Chemical-hygienic research. J. P. L. Hulst, — Forensic medicine. Prof. D. A. de Jong, — Comparative pathology, parasi- tology. Prof. P. N. van Kampen, — Tropical medical zoology. J. D. Kayser, — Epidemiology, prophylaxis special pathology and therapeutics of tropical diseases of the skin. G. O. E. Lignac, — Technique of obduction. Prof. A. W. Nieuwenhuis, — Ethnography, geography, native medicine. A. H. Nijland, — Bacteriology and epidemiology of tropical infectious diseases, vaccination and hygiëne. J. J. Pigeaud, — School-hygiene. Prof. N. Ph.Tendeloo, — Pathological-anatomical subjects. P. H. van Tiel, — Tropical medical zoology. Prof. J. H. Zaaijer, — Surgery. The teaching comprises three courses: 1. October till Christmas. Complementary course for medical candidates and doctors. 2. November—May, May—November. For doctors aiming at colonial practice, or practice in the navy, or on plantations. Theoretical and practical. 3. During three subsequent academical years. For students applying for civil service or law courts in Dutch India: Medicine, hygiëne, surgery, forensic medicine. The Institute provides also medical teaching for Officers and Missionaries, and lectures for technical students. 2. Tropical Hospital at Rotterdam. In preparation. Publications of the Institute in: Tijdschrift voor vergelijkende Geneeskunde = Comparative Medicine Review. OTHER SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AT LEIDEN Municipal Archives, 2a Boisotkade. Archivist: J. C. Overvoorde. Museum Lakenhal, 2 Scheistraat. Director:]. C. Overvoorde. Bibliothèque Wallonne, 40 Pieterskerkhof. Library of the French Reformed Church in Holland (Eglise Wallonne). Director: S. Cler. Batak-Institute, 39 Schelpenkade. UNIVERSITY OF UTRECHT Founded 1636. Number of students 1921/22: 1760. *) An nual Publication : Yearbook (Jaarboek der Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht) issued in October. Books of reference: G. J. Loncq, Historische Schets der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool, tot hare verheffing in 1815, Utrecht 1886. (Historical Sketch of the University of Utrecht up to its restoration in 1815.) Curator-president: A. F. van Lynden. Curators: A. E. J. van Voorst tot Voorst, F. A. C. van Lynden van Sandenburg, J. P. Fockema Andreae, J. F. Hooft Graafland. Secretary of the board of Curators: B. J. L. de Geer van Jutphaas. Rector Magnificus : *") J. A. C. van Leeuwen. Secretary of the Academical Senate **): J. F. Niermeijer. Keeper of the Academical Archives: A. A'. Nijland. Committee for International Academie Relations: H. Zwaardemaker, E. Cohen, J. J. A. A. Frantzen, A. Noordtzij, C. W. Star Busmann. TEACHING STAFF Faculty of Theology Ordinary professors: H. Visscher, — Philosophy of religion, Ethics. J. A. C. van Leeuwen, — New testament, Old Christian literature, Encyclopaedia of theology. A. Noordtzij, — Old testament, Religion of Israël. H. Th. Obbink, — History of religions. J. A. Cramer, — History of Christianity. *) The actual number of students is larger than the official returns. **) For the academie year 1921/22. Special professors '■ J. R. Slotemaker de Bruine (appointed by the Dutch Reformed Church) — History and doctrine of the Dutch reformed Church. A. M. Brouwer (appointed by the Dutch Reformed Church) — Biblical Theology, Protestant Mission. J. W. Pont (appointed by the Lutheran Church) — Doctrine etc. of the Lutheran Church. Private lecturer: G. A. van den Bergh van Eysinga, — Pre-christian literature and philosophy. Faculty of Law Ordinary professors '• J. C. Naber, — Roman law. D. Simons, — Penal law. D. G. Rengers Hora Siccama, — Old Dutch law. J. Ph. Suyling, — Civil law, International Private law. B. C. de Savornin Lohman,— Public law. Philosophy of law. C. W. Star Busmann, — Commercial law, Civil procedure. C. A. Verrijn Stuart, — Political economy. J. H. W. Verzijl, — Law of Nations and Constitutional history. Private lecturers: Miss E. C. van Dorp, — Political Economy. S. A. van Lunteren, — General doctrine of law. J- Eggens, — »Notarial« law *) and fiscal law. R. Bouwman, — Science of commerce. *) In Holland the »notary« deals with all legal transactions connected with sales, inheritance, contracts, administration of property, etc. Faculty of Medicine Ordinary professors'■ H. Zwaardemaker, — Physiology'. C. Eykman, — Hygiëne. B. T- Kouwer, — Obstetrics, gynaecology. H. Snellen, — Ophthalmology. H. J. Laméris, — Surgery. R. Magnus, — Pharmacology. A. J. P. van den Broek, — Anatomy. C. Winkler, — Mental diseases, Neurology. J. M. Baart de la Faille, — Social and forensic medicine. W. E. Ringer, — Biochemistry. A. A. Hijmans van den Bergh, — Medicine. J. Boeke, — Histology, Embryology. R. de Josselin de Jong, — Pathological anatomy. Th. M. van Leeuwen, — Dermatology. F. H. Quix, — Diseases of the nose, throat and ear. J. Haverschmidt, — Diseases of children. Extraordinary professor: C. H. H. Spronck, — 'Serology. Lecturers: F. A. Steensma, — Chemical diagnostics. J. E. Grevers, — Dental anatomy and pathology. J. A. W. van Loon, — Orthodontics. B. R. Bakker, — Metallurgy. H. de Groot, — Oral Surgery. J. W. Switters, — Operative dentistry. Miss J. G. Schuiringa, — Prosthetic dentistry-. Private lecturers: W. A. Boekelman, — Symptomatology. Miss M. A. van Herwerden, — Cytology. C. H. Kok, — Radiology. J. G. Dusser de Barenne, — Physiology. Faculty of Natural Philosophy (Science) Ordinary professors '• F. A. F. C. Went, — Botany. W. H. Julius, — Physics. J. de Vries, — Mathematics. A. A. Nijland, — Astronomy. E. Cohen, — Inorganic chemistry, P. van Romburgh, — Organic chemistry. N. Schoorl, — Pharmaceutics. K. Oestreich, — Physical geography. H. F. Nierstrasz, — Zoology. A. A. Pulle, — Botany. L. S. Ornstein, — Physics. A. Denjoy, — Mathematics. H. J. Jordan, — Comparative physiology. W. C. de Graaff, — Pharmacography, Microbiology. H. R. Kruyt, — Physical chemistry. L. Rutten, — Geology. Extraordinary professors '• J. J. A. Muller, — Geodesy. E. van Everdingen, — Meteorology. Miss J. Westerdijk, — Phytopathology. Lecturers ■ Th, Strengers, — Inorganic chemistry. W. J. H. Moll, — Physics. H. B. A. Boekwinkel, — Mathematics. J. van der Bilt, — Astronomy. Private lecturers: L. S. van Oss, — Mathematics. S. L. Schouten, — Microbiology. D. de Lange, — Embryology. H. C. Burger, — Theoretical physics. M. J. Sirks, — General theory of heredity. G. C. Hirsch, — Histology of invertebrates. Faculty of Letters Or dinary professors: P. H. Damsté, — Latin. G. W. Kernkamp, — Modern and Dutch history. W. Vogelsang, — History of Art. J. J. A. A. Frantzen, — Germanic languages. J. F. Niermeyer, — Geography. B. J. H. Ovink, — Philosophy. C. G. N. de Vooys, — Dutch language and literature. W. Caland, — Sanskrit. O. Oppermann, — Mediaeval history. C. W. Vollgraff, — Greek. Th. W. Juynboll, — Hebrew. H. Bolkestein, — Ancient history. Extraordinary professors s J. H. F. Kohlbrugge, — Ethnology. R. Ligtenberg, — History of ecclesiastical Art. J. Schrijnen, *) — General linguistics. Special professor: J. Th. Beysens (appointed by the Saint Radboud-Foundation), — Philosophy. I^ecturers •' G. van Hoorn, — Archaeology. F. Roels, — Psychology. Private lecturers: F. Buitenrust Hettema, — Frisian. *) At the same time special professor appointed by the Saint Radboud Foundation. J' M. Hoogvliet, — Scandinavian languages. C. te Lintum, — Geography. A. Hulshof, — Palaeography. P. Fijn van Draat, — English. J. H. Gunning, — Education. Th. C. van Stockum, — German. P. Valkhoff, — French. UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONS AND COLLECTIONS University Library, n Wittevrouwenstraat. Librarian: A. Hulshof. History: J. F. van Someren, De Utrechtsche Universiteitsbibliotheek, hare geschiedenis en kunstschatten vóór 1880, Utrecht 1909. The Library, established in 1581, 5 5 yearsbefore the definitive foundation of the University, contains over 441.000 vols., 800 incunabula, 2400 manuscripts (Utrecht Psalter, IXth century). The Library includes among other collections the libraries of the Historical Society (see p. 29), of the Provincial Society of Utrecht (see p. 31), the Central German library, the library of the Angliabook-club, the library of the DutchReformed Church etc. Department for photographic reproduction. Anatomical Institute, 3 Janskerkhof. Director: Prof. A. J. P. van den Broek. Physiological Laboratory, 28 v. Wijckskade. Contains a department of experimental phonetics. Director: Prof. H. Zwaardemaker. Publication: Onderzoekingen van het Physiologisch Laboratorium. Six Series (184.8—1022). Laboratory ofEmbryologyand Histology, 98 Nieuwe Gracht. Director : Prof. J. Boeke. Biochemical Laboratory, 28 v. Wijckskade. Director: Prof. W. E. Ringer. Hygiëne Laboratory, 60 Catharijnesingel. Director: Prof. C. Eykman. Institute of Pathology, 2 Pasteurstraat. Director: Prof. R. de Josselin de Jong. Department of social medicine: Director: Prof. J. M. Baart de la Faille. Serological Institute, 59 Maliebaan. Director: Prof. C. H. H. Spronck. Pharmacological Laboratory, \a Servaasbolwerk. Director : Prof. R. Magnus. Internal Clinique, 101 Catharijnesingel,Municipal Hospital. Director: Prof. A. A. Hijmans van den Bergh. Psychiatrie and neurological Clinique, 24 Nicolaas Beetsstraat. Director: Prof. C. Winkler. Department of experimental Psychology: Director: Prof. F. Roels. Surgical Clinique, »Rijksklinieken«, 29 Justus van Eftenstraat. Director: Prof. H. J. Laméris. Obstetrical Clinique, »Rijksklinieken*, 29 Justus van Effenstraat. Director: Prof. B. J. Kouwer. Ophthalmological Clinique, 49 Dondersstraat. Director: Prof. H. Snellen. Oto-laryngological Clinique, 101 Catharijnesingel, Municipal Hospital. Director: Prof. F. H. Quix. Dermatological Clinique, Municipal Hospital, 15 Catharijnesingel. Director: Prof. Th. M. van Leeuwen. Clinique for children, 137 Nieuwe Gracht. Director: Prof. J. Haverschmidt. Institute of Dentistry, 158 Oude Gracht. Director'. H. de Groot. Botanical Laboratory and Herbarium, 104 Lange Nieuwstraat. Director ': Prof. F. A. F. C. Went. Botanical Gardens, «Canton Park«, Baarn. Director: Prof. A. A. Pulle. Laboratory for Phytopathology, »Cantonpark*, Baarn. Director: Prof. Miss J. Westerdijk. Zoological Museum and Laboratory, Janskerkhof «Statenkamer*. Director: Prof. H. F. Nierstrasz. Department of comparative Physiology: Director: Prof. H. Jordan. Astronomical Observatory, 2 Zonnenburg. Director: Prof. Af A. Nijland. Publication: Recherches astronomiques de l'Observatoire cT Utrecht. *) Physical Laboratory, 18 Bijlhouwerstraat. Director: Prof. L. S. Ornstein. Department of Astro-physics: Director: Prof. W. H. Julius. Laboratory of inorganic Chemistry, 12 Sterrenbosch. Director: Prof. E. Cohen. *) See page 40: Bulletin etc. Department of physical and colloid Chemistry: Director: Prof. H. R. Kruyt. Laboratory of organic Chemistry, 60 Sterrenbosch. Director: Prof. Ph. H. van Romburgh. Pharmaceutical Laboratory, 61 Catharijnesingel. Director : Prof. N. Schoorl. Department of Pharmacography: Director: Prof. W. C. de Graaff. Geological Institute, 32 Ganzenmarkt. Director: Prof. L. Rutten. Geographical Institute, 61 Catharijnesingel. Director: Prof. K. Oestreich. Department of social and economie Geography: Director: Prof. J. F. Niermeyer. Meteorological Institute,*) de Bilt. Director: Prof. E. van Everdingen. Institute of comparative Embryology,**) 21 Janskerkhof. Director: D. de Lange. Institute for History of Art, 9 Wittevrouwenstraat. Director: Prof. W. Vogelsang. Institute of Ethnology, 7 Achter den Dom. Director: Prof. J. H. F. Kohlbrugge. Institute for mediaeval History, 9 Wittevrouwenstraat. Director: Prof. O. Oppermann. Publication: Bijdragen van het Instituut voor Middeleeuwsche Geschiedenis I (1913)— VII (1922). *) See page 30. **) See page 28. INSTITUTES AND SOCIETIES CONNECTED WITH THE UNIVERSITY *) Old-Student Fund = Vereeniging tot instandhouding van het Oud-Studentenfonds. For the promotion and support of objects of scientific interest in the widest sense. Secretary: H. A. van Asch van Wyck. Stipendium Bernardinum. For students of theology at Utrecht, from the Lower Palatinate and Hungary. President: H. Visscher. Fund of Anna Everwijn. For students of theology at Utrecht, from Hungary and Transsylvania. OTHER SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AT UTRECHT Provincial and Town Archives, Drift. Archivists: K. Heeringa, W. Schuylenburg. Museum, i Agnietenstraat. Incunabula, Miniatures, Mediaéval Art. Museum of Forestry, Hoogeland. Museum of the Royal Mint, 90 Leidsche Weg. Technical Laboratory of Fisheries, 280 Amster- damsche straatweg. *) Only those are mentioned which may be of interest to foreigners. UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN Founded 1614. Number of Students 1920/21: 784. *) Annual Publication: Yearbook (Jaarboek der Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen, Groningen-the Hague, J. B. Wolters) issued in October.* Books of Reference: VV. J. A. Jonckbloet, Gedenkboek der Hoogeschool te Groningen, Groningen, 1864. Academia Groningana mdcxiv-mcmxiv, Groningen, 1914. Curator-President '■ G C. Geertsema. Curators'■ E. Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer, A. F. de Savornin Lohman, J. T. Linthorst Homan, E. J. van Weideren Rengers. Secretary of the Board of Curators: B. ten Bruggen Cate. Rector Magnificus ''): F. M. Jaeger. Secretary of the Academical Senate **)." I. B. Cohen. Keeper of the Academical Archives: I. H. Gosses. Committee for Internatiotial Academie Relations: J. F. van Bemmelen, J. Simon van der Aa. TEACHING STAFF Faculty of Theology Ordinary professors l L. H. K. Bleeker, — Religion of Israël, Old Testament. J. de Zwaan, — Old Christian literature, New Testament. J. Lindeboom, — History of Christianity. A. J. de Sopper, — Philosophy of religion, Ethics, Encyclopaedia of theology. G. van der Leeuw, — History of religions. *) The actual number of students is larger than the official returns. **) For the academie year 1921/22. Special professors '• A. van Veldhuizen (appointed by the Dutch Reformed Church), — Biblical theology, History of missions. W. J. Aalders (appointed by the Dutch Reformed Church), — History and Doctrine of the Dutch Reformed Church. Faculty of Law Ordinary professors '• J. Simon van der Aa, — Penal law. L B. Cohen, — Civil law, Agrarian law, Philosophy of law. H. van Goudoever, — Civil law, Commercial law, International Private law. J. C. van Oven, — Roman law. H. VV. C. Bordewijk, — Political Economy, Statistics. C. W. van der Pot, — Public law. Private Lecturer: J. G. C. Joosting, — Old Dutch law. Faculty of Medicine Ordinaryprofessors: J. W. van Wijhe, — Anatomy, Embryology. C. F. A. Koch, — Surgery. R. A. Reddingius, — Pathology, Pathological Anatomy, Dermatology. G. C. Nijhoff, — Obstetrics, Gynaecology. H. J. Hamburger, — Physiology, Histology. E. D. Wiersma, — Mental diseases, Neurology. A. Klein, — H rgiene, Medical Police, Forensic Medicine, Pharmacognosy. L. Polak Daniels, — Medicine, Pharmacodynamics. G. F. Rochat, — Ophthalmology. W. Schutter, — Diseases of the nose, throat and ear. G. Scheltema, — Diseases of children. Lecturers: S. Keyser, — Radiology. J. de Haan, — General Biology. Private Lecturer: T. A. Venema, — Microbiology. Faculty of Natural Philosophy (Science) Ordinary professors '• H. Haga, — Physics, Meteorology. C. van Wisselingh, — Pharmacy, Toxicology. J. F. van Bemmelen, — Zoology, Comparative anatomy and physiology. F. M. Jaeger, — Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. J. H. Bonnema, — Geology and Mineralogy. J. A. Barrau, — Mathematics. H. J. Backer, — Organic Chemistry. J. Wolff, — Mathematics. J. C. Schoute, — Botany. F. Zernike, — Theoretical physics. P. J. van Rhijn, — Astronomy. Extraordinary professors: Miss J. Tammes, — Variability and heredity. Th. Weevers, — Physiology of plants. Lecturer ■ L. M. van den Berg, — Pharmaceutics. Private Lecturers: G. H. Leopold, — Chemistry of food-stuffs and soil. J. V. Dubsky, — Analytical chemistry. J. Lifschitz, — Electrochemistry, Photochemistry. Faculty of Letters Ordinary professors i B. Sijmons,— Comparative Linguistics, Germanic Languages. G. Heymans, — Philosophy, Psychology. J. H. Kern, — Anglo-saxon, English, Sanskrit, Slavic languages. J. van Wageningen, — Latin. A. Kluyver, — Dutch language and literature. F. M. Th. Böhl, — Hebrew, Israelitic Antiquities. I. H. Gosses, — Mediaeval and modern history. A. G. Roos, — Anctent history. P. Groeneboom, — Greek. K. Sneyders de Vogel, — Romance philology, French. Lecturers '■ H. H. Breuning, — German. John A. Falconer, — English. E. A. Boulan, — French. Miss E. Neurdenburg, — History of Modern Art. H. J. F. W. Brugmans, — Paedagogy. G. van Hoorn, — Archaeology. Private lecturer'. M. Schoengen, — Palaeography, Historical Chronology, Diplomatic. UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONS AND COLLECTIONS University Library, Bibliotheekgang. Librarian: J. S. Theissen. History: A. G. Roos, Geschiedenis van de Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen, Groningen 1914. The Library, founded 1615, contains over 150.000 vols.It includes the Library of the Society Pro excolendo iure patrio and others. Zoological Laboratory, 16a Reitemakersrijge. Director'. Prof. J. F. van Bemmelen. Institute for Biological Archaeology,6 Poststraatje. , Director: A. E. van Giffen. Botanical Gardens, 84 N. Kijk in 't Jatstraat. Botanical Laboratory, 19 Groote Rozenstraat. Director: Prof. J. C. Schoute. Mineralogical and Geological Laboratory, 1 Melkweg. Director'. Prof. J. H. Bonnema. Astronomical Laboratory, 7 Academieplein. Director: Prof. P. J. van Rhijn. Physical Laboratory, 26 Westersingel. Director: Prof. H. Haga. Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, 10 Bloemsingel. Director'. Prof. H. J. Backer. Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, 10 Bloemsingel. Director: Prof. F. M. Jaeger. Pharmacological Laboratory, 15 Groote Rozenstraat. Director: Prof. C. van Wisselingh. Laboratory for Hygiëne, 9 Academieplein. Director : Prof. A. Klein. Physiological Laboratory, 1 Bloemsingel. Director : Prof. H. J. Hamburger. Laboratory for Anatomy and Embryology, 69 Oostersingel. Director: Prof. J. W. van Wijhe. Laboratory for Pathological Anatomy, 59 Oostersingel (with a Department for Dermatológy) Director: Prof. R. A. Reddingius. Hospital, 57 Oostersingel. The Hospital is maintained and controlled jointly by the Province, the Town of Groningen and the University. Director: W. H. Mansholt. Departments: Pathological Laboratory, Director: Prof. L. Polak Daniels. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Director: Prof. G. C. Nijhoff. Surgery, Director: Prof. C. F. A. Koch. Aural Surgery, Director'- Prof. W. Schutter. Mental Diseases and Neurology, Director: Prof. E. D. Wiersma. Pharmaceutical Institute, Director: L. M. van den Berg. Radio-therapeutical Institute, 45 Oostersingel. Director: S. Keyser. Ophthalmological Institute, 30 Zuidersingelstraat. Director: Prof. G. F. Rochat. Institutute for Experimental Psychology, Academiegebouw. Director: Prof. G. Heymans. Institute for Philology and History, 74 Oude Boteringestraat. Germanic branch, — Director: Prof. B. Sijmons. English branch, — Director: Prof. J. H. Kern. Latin branch, — Director: Prof. J. v. Wageningen. Dutch branch, — Director: Prof. A. Kluyver. Historical (Modern) branch, — Director : Prof. I. H. Gosses. Historical (Ancient) branch, — Director : Prof. A. G.Roos. Greek branch, — Director: Prof. P. Groeneboom. Romance branch, —Director: Prof. K. Sneyders de Vogel. Institute for History of Art, Academiegebouw. Director: Miss E. Neurdenburg. Children's Hospital, 4 Sint Jansstraat. Maintained by a private corporation. Director: Prof. G. Scheltema. INSTITUTES AND SOCIETIES CONNECTED WITH THE UNIVERSITY *) Groningen University Fund Society. For furthering the development of the University by the promotion and support of objects of scientific interest in the widest sense. Secretary: Prof. J. H. Kern. Old-Students Foundation 1906. For lectures by distinguished scholars and scientists from abroad, in the Aula of the University, at the invitation of the Academical Senate. Society for Higher Agricultural Education President: E. Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer. Secretary: Prof. I. B. Cohen. Teaching staff: D. L. Bakker, — Cattle-breeding. Prof. I. B. Cohen, — Cooperation. Prof. J. Elema, — Hydrography. Prof. I. H. Gosses, — Agrarian history. D. J. Hissink, — Agrology. ^ *) Only those are mentioned which may be of interest to foreigners. Prof. A. Klein, — Bacteriology of milk and in general. H. Steketee, — Motor-ploughing. Prof. Miss J. Tammes, — Theory of Heredity. P. Terpstra, — Atmospheric optical phenomena, Spectro- scopy etc. Prof. J. F. van Bemmelen, — Breeds of domestic animals. Prof. H. W. C. Bordewijk, — Exchange and banking. R. Brinkman, — Heart and circulation. J. V. Dubsky, — Metals of the arable soil. K. Zijlstra, — Anatomy of plants. OTHER SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AT GRONINGEN Provincial and Town Archives, 2 Sintjansstraat. Archivist'. J. G. C. Joosting. Provincial Museum, 59 Praediniussingel. Conservator: L. F. A. van Swinderen. Natuurkundig Genootschap = Society for the promotion of Science, 30 Poelestraat. Secretary: W. Lindenburg. UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM Founded 1632, as Athenaeüm Illustre, converted into a University, Óctober 15, 1877. Number of Students 1920/21 : i 541. *) Publications issued by the University: a. Guide-book, published yearly in September; b. Series Lectionum, published in September; c. Year-book, published in December. Curator-President: the Burgomaster of Amsterdam. Curators: R. H. A. M. Romme, W. F. van Leeuwen, C. C. Delprat, J. Kruseman. Secretary of the board of Curators: V. G. A. Boll, 106 De Lairessestraat, Amsterdam. Rector Magnificus * *): J. K. A. Wertheim Salomonson. Secretary of the Academical Senate: J. H. Scholte. Keeper of the Academical Archives: J-. H. Scholte. Committee for International Academie Relations: U. Ph. Boissevain, K. H. Bouman, H. Y. Groenéwegen, Ph. Kohnstamm, P. Scholten. TEACHING STA FF Faculty of Theology Ordinary professors: D. E. J. Völter, — New Testament, Ancient Christian literature. H. J. Elhorst, — Hebrew, Israelitic antiquities, Old Testament. H. A. van Bakel, — History of the doctrines of the Christian Church, Encyclopaedia of theology. *) The actual number of students is larger than the official returns. **) For the academie year 1921/22. \V. J. Kühler, — History of Christianity since Charlemagne. H. Hackmann, — History of religions, history of the Israelitic religion. H. Y. Groenewegen, — Philosophy of religion, Ethics. J. G. Appeldoorn, — General theology, Encyclopaedia of theology. Special professors: W. J. Kühler *) (appointed by the General Mennonist Society), — History and doctrine of the Mennonist Denomination. J. G. Appeldoorn *) (appointed by the General Mennonist Society), — History and doctrine of the Mennonist Denomination. D. E. J. Völter *) (appointed by the Evangelical Lutheran Church), — History and doctrine of the Lutheran Church. H. A. van Bakel *) (appointed by the Evangelical Lutheran Church), — History and doctrine of the Lutheran Church. J. V. de Groot f (appointed by the Episcopate of the Roman Catholic Church), — Thomist philosophy. (vacant). Fac ulty of Law Ordinary professors: D. van Embden, — Political economy and statistics. P. Scholten,—Roman law, Dutch civil law, Civil procedure. I. H. Hijmans, — Civil law, Civil procedure, Roman law. International private law. R. Kranenburg, — Constitutional law, Administrative law, Philosophy of law. Ph. Kleintjes, — International law, Colonial constitutional law, Dutch administrative law. *) Vide supra. L. J. van Apeldoorn, — Dutch constitutional history, Encyclopaedia of law. J. V. van Dijck, — Penal law; Criminology. W. A. Bonger, — Sociology, Criminology. Extraordinary professors : W. H. Nolens, — Labour legislation. F. A. Molster, — Commercial law and Bankruptcy law. Ex-professor, invited to deliver a course of lectures: A. A. H. Struycken. Lecturer '• L. M.'Rollin Couquerque, — Military criminal law. Private lecturers: F. S. Meijers, — Forensic psychiatry. J. G. van Dillen, — Economie history. B. J. F. Steinmetz, — Dutch fiscal law. R, Kuyper, — Marxist theory of society. Faculty of Medicine Ordinary professors: R. H. Saltet, — Hygiëne and medical police. L. Bolk, — Anatomy. S. Mendes da Costa, — Dermatology. J. K. A. VVertheim Salomonson, — Nervous diseases, elec- tro-therapeutics, radiography, etc. O. Lanz, — Surgery. P. Ruitinga, — General pathology and pharmacodynamics, internal therapeutics. W. M. de Vries, — Pathological anatomy and forensic therapeutics. G. van Rijnberk, — Physiology. K. Herman Bouman, — Mental disea'ses and neurology. W. P. C. Zeeman, — Ophthalmology. I. Snapper, — General pathology, propaedeutic clinique and pharmacology. W. Noordenbos, — Surgery. E. Laqueur, — Pharmacology. A. H. M. J. van Rooy, — Obstetrics and gynaecology. Extraordinary professors: J. van Rees, — Histology. H. Burger, — Diseases of nose, throat and ear. J. de Bruin, — Diseases of children. W. A. Kuenen, — Tropical medicine. Special professors (appointed by the Colonial Institute): J. J. van Loghem, — Tropical hygiëne. J. P. Kleiweg de Zwaan, — Anthropology and therapeutics of the native population of the Dutch East and West Indies. Lecturer: J. Kuiper, — Theory of infectious diseases. Private lecturers: N. van Rijnberk, —Examination and treatment of ophthalmic defects and diseases. M. A. Mendes de Leon, — Gynaecological policlinique. C. B. Tilanus, — Orthopaedic surgery. H. Ti mmer, — Orthopaedic surgery. H. Brongersma, — Conservative methods of treatment in urology. G. A. M. van Waijenburg, — Psychology of children, psychology of adults and experimental paedagogy. L. Heijermans, — Professional diseases and professional poisoning, social hygiëne. G. P. van Trooyen, — Therapeutics of accidents. O.J. Wijnhausen, —Diseases of digestion and metabolism. J, Schrijver, — Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the stomach and the intestines. N. Voorhoeve, — Röntgenology. S. de Boer, — Physiology. A. A. Grünbaum,—General and experimental psychology. F. Meursing, — Pathological anatomy, Forensic medicine. J. C. Schippers, — Diseases of children. E. J. van den Berg, — Dental surgery. Th.E. de Jonge Cohen, — Diseases of the mouth andteeth. W. A. Mijsbergh, — Anatomy. W. L. L. Carol, — Dermatology. Faculty of Natural Philosophy (Science) . Ordinary professors: E. Verschaffeit, — Physiology of plants and pharmacognosy. R. Sissingh, — Physics. C. Ph. Sluiter, — Zoology. Eug. Dubois, — Geology, palaeontology, mineralogy and crystallography. P. Zeeman, — Physics. A. F. Holleman, — Organic chemistry. H. de Vries, — Mathematics and mechanics. A. Smits, — Chemistry. J. C. H. de Meijere, — Technical zoology and theory of heredity. J. D. van der Waals junior, — Theoretical physics, hydrodynamics and theory of probability. P. van der Wielen, — Pharmacy. Th. J. Stomps, —Anatomy and systematization of plants. L. E. J. Brouwer, — Mathematics and mechanics. G. Mannoury, — Mechanics, philosophy of mathematics. Extraordinary professors: Max Weber, — Zoology. Ph. Kohnstamm, — Physics, especially applied thermodynamics. G. Hondius Boldingh, — Applied chemistry. A. H. W. Aten, — Electro-chemistry. Special professor: N. H. Swellengrebel (appointed by the Colonial Institute) — Animal parasitism of man in the Dutch East-Indies. Lecturers: A. Pannekoek, — Higher mathematics, astrophysics. E. H. Büchner, — Inorganic chemistry. J. P. Wibaut, — Örganic chemistry. J. Temminck Groll, — Analytical chemistry and biochemistry. R. Weitzenböck, — Theory of numbers, forms and invariants. Private lecturers: J. F. van Oss, — Knowledge of products, (oils, fats etc.) H. C. Redeke, — Hydrobiology and fisheries. C. J. van der Horst, — Anatomy and systematization of invertebrates. J. R. Katz, — Biochemistry, enzymology. W. J. A. Schouten, — Statistical astronomy. E. J. van Itallie, — Food stuffs. Faculty of Letters Ordinary professors: J. Six, — Aesthetics, history of art. K. Kuiper f, — Greek (vacant). R. C. Boer, — Sanskrit, Germanic languages. H. Brugrrians, — General history. H. J. Elhorst, — Hebrew, Israelitic antiquities, Old Testament. T. J. de Boer, — Philosophy. S. R. Steinmetz, — Political geography, general ethnology, ethnology and geography of the East Indian Archipelago. U. Ph. Boissevain, — Ancient history, Roman Antiquities. J. H. Scholte, — German. A. E. H. Swaen, — English. J. Prinsen, — Dutch literature. F. A. Stoett, — Dutch. J. J. Salverda de Grave, — French. A. W. de Groot, — Latin. Extraordinary professor '• B. Faddegon, — Sanskrit, comparative Indo-European grammar. Special prof essors • J. C. van Eerde (appointed by the Colonial Institute), — Colonial ethnology. Ph. Kohnstamm (appointed by the «Maatschappij tot Nut van't Algemeen*), — Education *)• Lecturers: W. van der Gaaf, — English language and literature. K. R. Gallas, — Modern French literature. Private lecturers: Leo Polak,— Epistemology, contemporary dogmatical and critical metaphysics. M. G. de Boer, — History of the age of Napoleon. Miss J. A. H. Posthumus, — Danish language. H. E. Greve, — Libraries and bibliography. G. G. Kloeke, — Methodology of the study of dialects. J.de Decker, —Interpretation of the Apologia of Apuleius. K. J. Riemens, — French grammar and lexicology in the ióth and I7th centuries. R. Guarnieri, — Italian language and literature. *) See pag. 69. Faculty of commerce Ordinary professors '■' N. W. Posthumus, — Political and economie history. H. Frijda, — Commercial economy. P. A. J. Losecaat Vermeer, — Principles of civil, commercial and bankruptcy-law. Ph. Kleintjes, — Principles of constitutional law of the Dutch colonies. J. C. van Eerde, — Colonial Ethnology. S. R. Steinmetz, — Economie Geography.. Th. Limperg, — Business Economy. Lecturers: W. van Bemmelen, — Physical Geography. L. van Vuuren, — Descriptive Geography of the Dutch East-Indies. B. Gonggrijp, — Colonial Economy. UNIVERSITY INSTITUTES AND COLLECTIONS Library: 421 Singel. Librarian: C. P. Burger. The lijarary includes Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana (Hebraïca and judaica), Conservator: J. M. Hillesum, Evangelical-Lutheran seminary library, Librarian'Prof. H. A. van Bakel. Joint libraries of the Hygienic laboratory and the Division for tropical hygiëne of the Colonial Institute, 57 Mau ritskade. Librarian: Prof. J. J. van Loghem. Hortus Botanicus, 2 Plantage Middenlaan. Director: Prof. E. Verschaffelt. Botanico-Anatomical Laboratory and Herbarium, Hortus Botanicus. Director: Prof. Th. J. Stomps. Laboratory for the Physiology of Plants and Phar- macognosy, Hortus Botanicus. Director: Prof. E. Verschaffelt. Physical Laboratory, 6 Plantage Muidergracht. Directors: Prof. P. Zeeman, Prof. R. Sissingh, Prof. Ph. Kohnstamm. Chemical Laboratory (Division: Organic chemistry), 126 Nieuwe Prinsengracht. Director: Prof. A. F. Holleman. Chemical Laboratory (Division: General and Inorganic chemistry), 126 Nieuwe Prinsengracht. Director: Prof. A. Smits. Laboratory for applied chemistry, 134 Nieuwe Prinsengracht. Director: Prof. G. Hondius Boldingh. Laboratory for electrochemistry,200HoogteKadijk. Director: Prof. A. H. W. Aten. Zoological Laboratory, Aquarium, Plantage Middenlaan. Director: Prof. C. P. Sluiter. Mineralogical-Geological laboratory, 126 Nieuwe Prinsengracht. Director: Prof. E. Dubois. Pathological Laboratory, Binnengasthuis (Hospital), 10 Grimburgwal. Director: Prof. I. Snapper. Pathological Anatomical Laboratory, Binnengasthuis, 10 Grimburgwal. Director: Prof. W. M. de Vries. Physiological Laboratory, 136 Rapenburgerstraat. Director: Prof. G. van Rijnberk. Pharmacological Laboratory, 57 Mauritskade. Director: Prof. E. Laqueur. Histological Laboratory, 136 Rapenburgerstraat. Director: Prof. J. van Rees. Anatomical Laboratory and Museum Vrolik, 61 Mauritskade. Director: Prof. L. Bolk. Hygiëne Laboratory, 57 Mauritskade, Director'. R. H. Saltet. University Dispensary and Pharmaceutical Laboratory, 84 Kloveniersburgwal. Director: Prof. P. van der Wielen. Laboratory of Surgical Anatomy, Binnengasthuis, 10 Grimburgwal. Director: Prof. W. Noordenbos. Ophthalmological Laboratory, WilhelminaGasthuis, 104 iste Helmersstraat. Director'. Prof. W. P. C. Zeeman. Binnengasthuis (Hospital), 10 Grimburgwal. Directmg Physician: J. Ed. Stumpff. Assistant-Director: W. J. Rahder. Assistant-Directress: Miss A. Oosterveen. Departments: a. Therapeutics, — Prof. P. Ruitinga. (MC b. Surgery, — Prof. W. Noordenbos. c. Surgery, — Prof. O. Lanz. d. Dermatology, — Prof. S. Mendes da Costa. e. Diseases of the urinary organs, —■ Prof. S. Mendes da Costa. f. Internal diseases, — Prof. I. Snapper. g. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat and for speechdefects, — Prof. H. Burger. h. Electro-therapeutics, — Prof. J. K. A. Wertheim Salomonson. i. Diseases of children, — Prof. J. de Bruin. k. Orthopaedy, — W. F. Wassink. Wilhelmina Gasthuis (Hospital), 104 1 ste Helmersstraat. Directing Physician '■ J. Kuiper. Medical Assistant-Director'. W. F. Veldhuijzen. Assistant-Directress: Miss C. G. van der Holst. Departments: a. Gynaecology, — Prof. A. H. M. J. van Rooy. b. Ophthalmology, — W. P. C. Zeeman. c. Mental diseases and Neurology, — Prof. K- Herman Bouman. Policlinical Hospital for the treatment of lupus, 42 Nieuwe Prinsengracht. — Prof. S. Mendes da Costa. Seminar for classical philology and history, University Library, — Prof. U. Ph. Boissevain, Prof. K. Kuiperf, Prof. A. W. de Groot. Dutch Seminar, University Buildings, — Prof. F. A. Stoett. Germanic Seminar, University Buildings,—Prof.R.C. Boer. French Seminar, University Buildings, — Prof. ]. J. Salverda de Grave. German Seminar, University Buildings, — Prof. J. H. Scholte. English Seminar, University Buildings, — Prof. A. E. H. Swaen. Semitic Seminar, University Buildings, — Prof. H. J. Elhorst. Geographical Seminar, University Buildings, — Prof. S. R. Steinmetz. Historical Seminar, University Buildings, — Prof. H. Brugmans. Astronomical Laboratory, University Buildings, — A. Pannekoek. SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTES CONNECTED WITH THE UNIVERSITY Amsterdam University Society: President: Prof. P. Scholten. Secretary: J. F. Backer, 639 Keizersgracht, Amsterdam. Promotes the interests of the University, and supports impecunious students. Aula Lecture Society. Public lectures in the University by distinguished scholars and scientists. University Extension: Bureau: 12-14 N. Doelenstraat. Director-President: Prof. S. R. Steinmetz. Secretary: Miss R. H. de Boer. Institution for journalists: President: Prof. H. Brugmans. Secretary: D. Kouwenaar, 6 Palestrinastraat. Courses of lectures to journalists, during the winter season. OTHER SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AT AMSTERDAM Library of the National Print Room (in the National museum). Conservator: M. D. Henkei. Library of the National Academy of Art, 86 Stadhouderskade. Librarian: Prof. W. van der Pluym. Library and Archives of the Mennonist Church, 452 Singel. Librarians: Prof. W. J. Kühler, Prof. J. G. Appeldoorn. Portuguese-IsraeliticSeminary library and »livraria Montezinos«, 5 J. D. Meijerplein. Librarian: J. S- da Silva Rosa. Administrative library, O. Z. Achterburgwal, Town Hall, Room Number 118. Keeper'. H. van Hall. Leesmuseum, 102 Rokin. Library and Reading-room. Public Reading-room and library, 444-446 Keizersgracht. Director: T. P. Sevensma. Commercial economie library, (in the Public readingroom and library), 444-446 Keizersgracht. Librarian: Miss E. G. Meihuizen. Library of the Zoological Garden, 40 Plantage Kerklaan. Librarian: Miss Greta Jonges. Library of the Dutch South-African Society, 389 Keizersgracht. Librarian: N. Mansvelt. Library of the Museum Willet-Holthuysen, 605 Heerengracht. Conservator: F. Coenen. Museum for the studyof prison systems and coercive education, Waaggebouw. Secretary: G. L. de Vries Feijens. Nautical Library and Reading Room of the Society »Zeemanshoop«, 472 Heerengracht. Secretary: Prof. F. A. Molster. Ro y al Zoölogie al Soc ie ty»N at uraArtisMagistra«. Director: C. Kerbert. a. Zoological Gardens and Aquarium. Inspector of live stock: A. F. J. Portielje. b. Insectarium. Entomologist: R. A. Polak. c. Zoological Museum. *) Director: Prof. Max Weber. Honorary Conservator: L. F. de Beaufort. Conservator for Entotnology: Prof. J. C. H. de Meijere. Eirst Conservator: Miss Nelly de Rooy. Second Conservator: Miss W. S. van Benthem Jutting. d. Library, Miss Greta Jonges. Municipal Hygienic Service, 44 Groenburgwal. Director: H. G. Ringeling. Chemical Laboratory: L. Th. Reicher. Colonial Institute. Bureau: 15 Plantage Middenlaan. President: H. F. R. Hubrecht. Vice-President: C. W. Janssen. General Secretary: Th. F. A. Delprat. a. Commercial Museum Division. Director: L. P. Ie Cosquino de Bussy, 15 Plantage Prinsenlaan. b. Ethnological Division, 690 Keizergracht. Director: Prof. J. C. van Eerde. ) At the same time University Museum. Anthropologisf. Prof. J. P. Kleiweg de Zwaan. Conservator: B. M. Goslings. c. Tropical Hygiëne Division, 57 Mauritskade. Director : Prof. J. J. van Loghem. Pathologist: Prof. W. A. Kuenen. Zoologist: Prof. N. H. Swellengrebel. Antoni van Leeuwenhoekhuis, 706 Keizersgracht, branch : 1011 Prinsengracht. Clinical and Policlinical Hospital of the Dutch Cancer Institute. President: Prof. J. Rotgans. Secretary: F. Craandijk. Physicians: H. T. Deelman, J. H. Kuyjer, G. F. Gaarenstroom. Old Archives of Amsterdam, (in the former Town Hall of Nieuwer-Amstel), Amsteldijk. New Archives, Town Hall. Keeper : Joh. C. Breen. FREE UNIVERSITY AT AMSTERDAM Founded 1880 by the «Vereeniging voor hooger onderwijs op Gereformeerden grondslag« (Society for higher education on a Dutch Calvinist basis) see page 7. Number of students: 236. Annual publication: Jaarverslagen van de Vereeniging voor Hooger Onderwijs op Gereformeerden grondslag, Referaten voor de jaarlijksche wetenschappelijke samenkomsten. Curator-president'. B. van Schelven. Curators: J. C. de Moor, S. de Vries Czn, D. Schermers, Th. Heemskerk. Secretary of the board of Curators: Joh. C. Breen. Rector Magnificus: *) A. Anema. Secretary of the Academical Senate '■ F. W. Grosheide. Committee for International Academie relations: R. H. Woltjer. TEACHING STAFF Faculty of Theology Ordinary professors '• G. H. J. W. J. Geesink, — Ethics, elenctics. H. H. Kuyper, — Church history, ecclesiastical law. Vacant, — Dogmatics. F. W. Grosheide, — New Testament. G. Ch. Aalders, — Old Testament, Practical theology. Extraordinary professor: C. van Gelderen, — Old Testament. Faculty of Law Ordinary professors: Vacant, — Public law. *) For the academical year 1921/22. A. Anema, — Civil and commercial law, law of nations. P. A. Diepenhorst, — Political economy, statistics. W. Zevenbergen. — Penal law, Roman law, encyclopaedia of law. Faculty of Medicine Ordinary professors: L. Bouman, — Mental diseases, neurology. F. J. J. Buytendijk, — Physiology, biology. Faculty of Letters Ordinary professors: Vacant, — Latin, Roman history, Encyclopaedia of philology. R. H. Woltjer, — Greek, Greek history. C. van Gelderen, — Hebrew, Assyrian, Semitic philology, A. Goslinga, — Modern history, Middle Dutch. A- A. van Schelven, — Mediaeval history. *) Extraordinary professor: G. H. J. W. J. Geesink, — Philosophy. Lecturer: J. Wille, — Dutch, Germanic languages. UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONS AND COLLECTIONS: Library, 162 Keizersgracht. Librarian: Joh. C. Breen. Psychiatrical and Neurological Clinique, 9 Valeriusplein. Director: Prof. L. Bouman. Physiological Laboratory, 11 Valeriusplein. Director: Prof. F. J. J. Buytendijk. Institutum Elamicum, 11 Valeriusplein. Director: Prof. C. C. van Gelderen. *) With modern history up to 1648. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY AT DELFT Founded in 1842 as a Royal Academy, transformed into a polytechnical school in 1864, reorganized 1905 as Technical University («Technische Hoogeschool*) with the same rights as the Universities proper. Number of students 1920/21: 2434. Annual Publications: Jaarboek van de Technische Hoogeschool, published in September and Programma der Lessen, published in September. Curator-President: J. Kraus. Curators: W. H. Nolens, L. W. C. van den Berg, A. W. F.' Idenburg, J. F. de Vogel. Secretary of the board of curators: H. Strick van Linschoten. Rector-Magnificus for 1921/22: J. A. G. van der Steur. Secretary of the Senate for 1921/22 : L. A. van Roijen. Committee for International Academie Relations: G. A. F. Molengraaff, president, J. A. G. van der Steur, C. Feldmann. TEACHING STAFF Ordinary professors '• Section of Sciences A. F. Gips, — Drawing and history of art. W. H. L. Janssen van Raay, — Pure and applied mathematics and mechanics. W. A. Versluys, — Pure and applied mathematics and mechanics. F. Schuh, — Pure and applied mathematics and mecha nies. H. J. van Veen, — Pure and applied mathematics and mechanics. H. Bremekamp, — Pure and applied mathematics and mechanics. J. G. Rutgers, — Pure and applied mathematics and mechanics. J. A. Schouten, — Pure and applied mathematics and mechanics. C. H. van Os, — Pure and applied mathematics and mechanics. J. H. Valckenier Kips, — Law. J. G. C. Volmer, — Business procedure, organization, accounting, book-keeping. J. A. Veraart, — Law and Economics. L. H. Siertsema, — Physics. M. de Haas, — Physics. W. J. de Haas, — Physics. Section of Civil Engineering J. Nelemans, — Hydraulic engineering: canals, bridges etc. W. K. Behrens, — Hydraulic engineering: canals, dikes etc. J. Haringhuizen, — Hydraulic engineering: canals, irrigation etc. H. J. Heuvelink, — Geodesy and surveying. G. H. de Vries Broekman, — Roads and theoretical hydraulics. N. C. Kist, — Bridges, iron- and steel-constructions. Chr. K. Visser, — Testing of building materials. A. S. Buisman, — Sanitation, sewerage and water-sup- plies. Applied mechanics. J. A. Bakker, — Re-enforced concrete. Section of Architecture J. F. Klinkhamer, — Architecture and its history. H: Evers, — Architecture and its history. G. N. IfcE, — Architecture, building construction. J. A. G. van der Steur, — Architecture and its history. J. G. Wattjes, — Architecture, building construction. T. K. L. Sluyterman, — Decorative art and ornaments. A. W. M. Odé, — Sculpture. Section of mechanical and naval engineering C. P. Holst Gzn., — Mechanical engineering. A. D. F. W. Lichtenbelt, — Mechanical engineering J. C. Dijxhoorn, — Mechanical engineering. P. Meyer, ;— Mechanical engineering. G. Bro uwer, — Mechanical engineering. J. C. Andriessen, — Mechanical engineering. F. Westendorp, — Mechanical engineering. C. M. van Wijngaarden, — Mechanical engineering. H. Cop, — Ship-building. E. J. Vossnack, — Ship-building. L. A. van Roijen, — Mechanical technology. W. P. Smit, — Mechanical technology. D. Dresden, — Mechanical technology. I. P. de Vooys, — Mechanical technology. C. B. Biezeno, — Applied mechanics. J. M. Burgers, — Aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. Section of Electrical Engineering C. Feldmann, — Electrotechnics. C. L. van der Bilt, — Electrotechnics. H. S. Hallo, — Electrotechnics. G. J. Elias, — Electrotechnics. Section of Chemical Technology J. Böeseken, — Organic chemistry. P. D. C. Kley, — Metallography and microchemistry. H. ter Meulen, — Analytical chemistry. C. J. van Nieuwenburg, — Analytical chemistry. W. Reinders, — Physical chemistry. G. van Iterson, — Technical botany. J. G. Sleeswijk, — Technical hygienics. F. E. C. Scheffer, — Inorganic chemistry. A. J. Kluyver, — Microbiology and bacteriology. H. I. Waterman, — Chemical technology. A. M. A. A. Steger, — Technology of oils and fats. G. A. Brender a Brandis, — Technology of fuels. Section of Mining G. A. F. Molengraaff, — Geology. S. J. Vermaes, — Metallurgy and docimasy. J. A. Grutterink, — Crystallography, mineralogy and petro- graphy. W. A. Knol, — Mining. R. W. van der Veen, — Ores and ore-deposits. H. A. Brouwer, — Historical geology and palaeontology. J. de Koning Knijff, — Mining, mine-mapping and surveying. Lecturers '■ E. J. Bruins, — Drawing, H. C. Volkers, — Physics. C. J. Marcus, — Dressing of wounds. J. G. Berck, — Testing of Standard weights and measures. A. van der Lee, — Architecture. W. Bettink, — Architecture. J. H. G. P. de Rouw, — Architecture. G. H. W. van Aken, — Mechanical engineering. J. Kamermans, — Mechanical engineering. C. Thoms, — Mechanical engineering. J. van den Berg, — Analytical chemistry. G. Meyer, — Inorganic chemistry. A. Toxopeüs, — Elliptical functions. J. B. Kerpestein, — Spanish. P. E. Verkade, — Organic chemistry. A. van Rossem, — Rubber. H. W. L. Brückman, — Electricity meters. UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONS AND COLLECTIONS Laboratories: Geodesy and Surveying, 4 Kanaalweg. Director'. Prof. H. J. Heuvelink. Microbiology, 3 Nieuwelaan. Director: Prof. A. J. Kluyver. Microchemistry and metallography, 71 Oude Delft. Director: Prof. P. D. C. Kley. Mineralogy and crystallography, Mijnbouwstraat. Director: Prof. J. A. Grutterink. Geology, Mijnbouwstraat. Director: Prof. G. A. F. Molengraaff. Historical geology and palaeontology, Mijnbouwstraat. Director: Prof. H. A. Brouwer. Ores and Ore-dressing, Mijnbouwstraat. Director: Prof. R. W. van der Veen. Docimasy and metallurgy, Mijnbouwstraat. Dirèctor: Prof. S. J. Vermaes. Technical botany, 35 Poortlandlaan. Director: Prof. G. van Iterson. Hygiëne, 18 Phoenixstraat. Director: Prof. J. G. Sleeswijk. Decorative art, 75 Oude Delft. Director: Prof. T. K. L. Sluyterman. Testing of building materials, Mijnbouwstraat. Director: Prof. C. K. Visser. Machinery, 76 Nieuwelaan. Director: Prof. J. C. Dijxhoorn. Ship- and machine building, 76 Nieuwelaan. Director: Prof. L. A. van Roijen. Mechanical technology, 76 Nieuwelaan. Conservator: Miss S. A. van Hoytema. Woodwork and metais, 76 Nieuwelaan. Director: Prof. L. A. van Roijen. Paper and tissues, 76 Nieuwelaan. Director :' Prof. W. P. Smit. Physics and electrotechnics, 26 Kanaalweg. Director: Prof. H. S. Hallo. Chemistry, 24 Westvest-57 Oude Delft. Director: Prof. W. Reinders. Special technology, 26 Westvest. Director: Prof. A. M. A. A. Steger. Aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, 76 Nieuwelaan. Director: Prof. J. M. Burgers. Library: Doelenstraat. /, a-x, General Library about 200 000 volumes. Librarian l H. H. R. Roelofs Heyrmans. Special libraries in most of the laboratories. Museums: Models of constructions in civil engineering, 95 Oude Delft. Director: Prof. W. K. Behrens. Building materials especially from the Colonies, Mij nbou wstraat. Director: Prof. C. K. Visser. Ships and the art of shipbuilding, 76 Nieuwelaan. Director: Prof. E. J. Vossnack. Minerals and Rocks, Mijnbouwstraat. Director: Prof. J. A. Grutterink. Ores, Mijnbouwstraat. Director: Prof. R. W. van der Veen. General geology and geology of the Colonies, Mij nbouwstraat. Director : Prof. G. A. F. Molengraaff. Historical geology, palaeontology, and geology of the Netherlands, Mijnbouwstraat. Director: Prof. H. A. Brouwer. Models illustrating methods of mining, Mijnbouwstraat. Director: Prof. W. A. Knol. COMMERCIAL UNIVERSITY AT ROTTERDAM Founded 1913, see page 8. Number of students 1920/21:571 a 1 n__i_i- . C*..JJ-j.J : I .„ I..L, slag (Yearbook) issued in December. Curator-president: A. R. Zimmerman. Secretary of the board oj curators: W. C. Mees, 94a Wijn haven. Rector Magnificus 1921/22: F. de Vries. Secretary of the Senate: H. R. Ribbius. Commission for Internation Academie Relations '• G. W. J. Bruins, H. R. Ribbius, F. de Vries. Ordinary professors'■ G. W. J. Bruins, — Economics. F. de Vries, — Economics. J. G. de Jongh, — Business organization. N. J. Polak, Business organization. W. H. Drucker, — Civil law, etc. H. R. Ribbius, — Civil law, etc. Z. W. Sneller* — Economie history. P. E. Verkade, — Chemistry. Extraordinary professors'- D. van Blom, — Industrial and social legislation. M. de Haas, — Physics. G. W. Kernkamp, — General history. J. F. Niermeijer, — Commercial geography. D. G. Stibbe, — Colonial politics. I. G. C. Volmer, — Business organization. J. C. van Eerde, — Colonial ethnology. C. P. J. Francois, — Law of nations. A. O. Holwerda, — Statistics and insurance. G. M. Verrijn Stuart, — Money and banking. Lecturers: G. Gonggrijp, — Colonial economics. W. E. Boerman, — Commercial geography. W. H. A. Elink Schuurman, — Insurance. Teachers '■ L. F. van Meeuwen Jr., — English. Ed. Th. Borlé, —'French. Ch. A. Cocheret, — French. E. E. J. Messing, — German. J. B. Kerpestein, — Spanish. C. Spat, — Malay. J. Brands. — Commercial arithmetic. UNIVERSITY INSTITUTES AND COLLECTIONS Library, 122 Pieter de Hooghweg. Librarian: J. ter Meulen. Chemical Laboratory, 122 Pieter de Hooghweg. Director: Prof. P. E. Verkade. Hoogeschoolfonds 1920 (University Fund). For the promotion and support of scientific interests. VETERINARY UNIVERSITY AT UTRECHT Founded 1821 as a state VETERINARY SCHOOL and converted into a VETERINARY UNIVERSITY in 1918. See page 8. Curriculum and degrees, see page 21. Number of students 1920/21: 180. Publications: Jaarboek (Yearbook) (issued in October). Programma (including: law, regulations etc, issued in September). Books of reference: Een eeuw veeartsenijkundig onderwijs (A century of veterinary education), Utrecht, 1921. Curator-president: J. W. M. Bosch van Oud Amelisweerd. Curators: W. J. van Dedem, H. J. Dyckmeester, H. Pollema, J. C. Koningsberger, J. W. J. de Vos van Steenwijk. Secretary of the board of curators: H. Tromp van Holst. Rector Magnificus *): H. M. Kroon. Secretary of the senate'): H. Jaköb. Commission for International Academie Relations: H. M. Kroon, B. Sjollema, W. J. Paimans. TEACHING STAFF Ordinary professors'. M. C. Dekhuyzen, — Histology, physiology, embryology. J. Wester, — Special pathology and medicine of non-infectious or parasitical diseases, etc. B. Sjollema, — Chemistry. W. J. Paimans, — Obstetrics, history of veterinary art. H. M. Kroon, — Animal husbandry, hygiëne. H. Jakob, — General therapeutics, pharmacology, toxicology, ophthalmology. *) For 1921—1922. G. Krediet, — Anatomy. J. E. W. Ihle, — Zoology, botany. J. H. Hartog, — Surgery. L. de Blieck, — Special pathology and medicine of parasitical and infectious diseases, tropical diseases, bacteriology. W. H. Keesom, — Physics, physical chemistry. H. Sch ornagel, — General pathology, pathological anatomy and pathological histology. C. F. van Oijen, — Human food-stuffs of animal origin. Extraordinary professors '■ H. Remmelts, — Veterinary police. J. Poels, — Vaccination, serology. Lecturers: J. A. Beijers, — Clinical diagnostics of internal diseases. K. Hoefnagel, — Inspection of meat. D. J. de Jong, — Pharmacy. H. A. Vermeulen, — Osteology. J. Wind, — Rural economy. Private lecturer '■ M. J. Sirks, — Theory of heredity. UNIVERSITY INSTITUTES AND COLLECTIONS Library: 172 Biltstraat. Librarian: J. B. du Buy. Laboratories: (172 Biltstraat, unless stated otherwise). Physiological Laboratory.. Director: Prof. M. C. Dekhuyzen. Clinique for internal diseases. Director: Prof. J. Wester. Chemical Laboratory. Director: Prof. B. Sjollema. Clinique for Obstetrics. Director: Prof. W. J. Paimans. Institute for animal husbandry. Director: Prof. H. M. Kroon. Clinique for small domestic animals and Institute for pharmacology and toxicology. Director: Prof. H. Jakob. Institute for Anatomy. . Director: Prof. G. Krediet. Zoological and botanical laboratory and botanical garden. Director: Prof. J. E. W. Ihle. Clinique for Surgery. Director: Prof. H. Hartog. Institute for infectious and parasitical diseases, 168 Biltstraat. Director: Prof. L. de Blieck. Laboratory for physics and physical chemistry. Director: Prof. W. H. Keesom. Institute for pathology, 166 Biltstraat. Director: Prof. H. Schornagel. Laboratory for the knowledge and inspection of human foods of animal origin. Director: Prof. C. F. van Oijen. SPECIAL INSTITUTIONS. A course for postgraduate students who have acquired a government position in the colonies. Jubilee-fund 1921 of the Veterinary University for veterinary research. AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY AT WAGENINGEN Founded 1877 as an Agricultural and Horticultural school, reorganized as a University (hoogeschool) in 1918. Number of students 1921/22: 282. *) Publication: Jaarboek, issued in September. Scientific Communications of the Agricultural School. Curator-president: S. van Citters. Curators: H. F. Hesselink van Suchtelen, F. B. Löhnis, G. L. M. H. Ruys de Beerenbrouck, H. J. Lovink. Secretary of the board of curators: F. Florschütz. Rector-Magnificus ' *)." M. J. van Uven. Secretary of the Senate: A. te Wechel. Administrator: W. Laman Trip. Committee for International Academie Relations: J. C. Kielstra, president. TEACHING STAFF Ordinary professors: J. H. Aberson, — Agrarian chemistry. D. L. Bakker, — Animal husbandry. J. van Baren, — Geology and mineralogy. H. A. J. M. Beekman, — Timber measuring. T. J. Bezemer, — Ethnography of the Malay Archipelago. A. H. Blaauw, — Physiology of plants. B. van der Burg, — Dairy-work. A. van Bijlert, — General agronomy. J. W. Dieperink, — Geodesy, surveying, levelling. E. Giltay, — Botany. G. Grijns, — Animal physiology. *) The actual number is higher than the above figures. *•) For the Academical year 1921/22. D. van Gulik, — Physics, meteorology. S. P. Ham, — Timber-growing. J. A. Honing, — General theory of heredity. J. C. Kielstra, — Rural economy of the Malay Archipelago. S. Koenen, — Rural economy. H. K. H. A. Mayer Gmelin, — Plant cultivation. S. C. J. Olivier, — Chemistry. H. M. Quanjer, — Phytopathology. H. C. Reimers, — Anatomy and physiology of domestic animals. W. Roepke, — Tropical agriculture. N. L. Söhngen, — Microbiology. A. M. Sprenger, — Horticulture. G. Stahel, — Phytopathology. J. H. Thai Larsen, — Agricultural technique. M. J. van Uven, — Mathematics. J. Valckenier Suringar, — Systematic botany, Dendrology. M. F. Visser, — Agricultural implements. A. te Wechel, — Forestry. Extraordinary professors: H. Blink, — Economie geography. J. Elema, — Soil improvement. J. J. van Loghem, — Tropical hygiëne. Lecturers '■ H. F. Hartogh Heys van Zouteveen, — Garden architecture. K. A. Hoekstra, — Ambulance. H. J. van Houten, — Agrarian architecture. A. C. Ide, — Pomology. B. A. Plemper van Balen, — Floriculture. M. W. Polak, — Mechanics. H. Ramaer, — Drawing from nature. R. Verschuur, — Technology. Teachers: H. Bos, — Fish culture. L. van Giersbergen, — Apiculture.' R. H. D. Sax, — Technology of cane-sugar industry. J. H. Jager Gerlings, — Forestry. UNIVERSITY INSTITUTES AND COLLECTIONS Library: Lawicksche allee. Librarian: F. Wieder. Reading-rooms for all branches of study. Laboratories: Agricultural chemistry, Heerenstraat. Director: Prof. J. H. Aberson. Agrarian geology, Duivendal. Director: Prof. J. van Baren. Physiology of plants, Rijksstraatweg. Director: Prof. A. H. Blaauw. Dai ry-work, Heerenstraat. Director: Prof. B. van der Burg. Technology of tropical crops, i. Duivendal. Director: Prof. A. van Bijlert. 2. Rijksstraatweg. Director: Prof. W. Roepke. Geodesy, Rijksstraatweg. Director: Prof. J. W. Dieperink. Botany, Heerenstraat. Director: Prof. E. Giltay. Animal physiology, Duivendal. Director: Prof. G. Grijns. Physics and meteorology, Duivendal. Director: Prof. D. van Gulik. General theory of heredity, Bergweg. Director: Prof. J. A. Honing. Plant cultivation for agriculture, Heerenstraat. Director: Prof. H. K. H. A. Mayer Gmelin. Chemistry, Heerenstraat. Director: Prof. S. C. J. Olivier. Phytopathology, Rijksstraatweg. Director: Prof. H. M. Quanjer. Microbiology, Rijksstraatweg. Director: Prof. N. L. Söhngen. Systematic study of plants. Heerenstraat. Director: Prof. J. Valckenier Suringar. Arboretum, Rijksstraatweg. Agricultural mechanics, Nudestraat. Director: Prof. M. F. Visser. Besides: several Experimental fields, gardens; Experimental agricultural industries. Museums: Agrarian geology. Agricultural implements. SPECIAL INSTITUTIONS Lectures on Colonial subjects. Endowments: Curators' endowment. Prize competitions for students. Hesselink van Suchtelen endowment. Support of impecunious students. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY AT BANDOENG (JAVA) Founded 1920 by the Royal Institute for Technical Higher Education in Netherland India. See page 8. Number of students 1922 : 57. Secretary of the Institute in Holland: W. D. H. van Asbeck, Bloemendaal. Curator-President: W. Frijling. Secretary of the board of curators: V. L. Slors. Directorate: K. A. R. Bosscha, president, J. Klopper, secretary. Rector Magnificus: ]. Klopper. TEACHING STAFF Ordinary professors: J. Klopper, — Applied mechanics. J. Clay, — Physics. W. Boomstra, — Mathematics. R. L. A. Schoemaker, — Architecture. H. C. P. de Vos, — Hydraulic Engineering. Extraordinary professors: W. H. A. van Alphen de Veer, — Building material, Chemistry for engineers. J. H. G. Schepers, — Surveying, levelling, geodesy. J. H. A. Haarman, — Bridge- and road-building. G. H. M. Vierling, — Mechanical engineering. C. P. Schoemaker, — History of architecture and decora- tive art, specifications and estimates, town planning. J. N. van dér Ley, — Electrotechnics. INDEX OF NAMES Aa, J. Simon van der —, 56, 57 Aalders, G. Ch., 79 W.J,57 Abdullah, B. D., 39, 44 Aberson, J. H., 93, 95 Aken, G. H. W. van —, 84 Alphen s. Veer Amelisweerd s. Bosch André s. La Perte Andreae, J. P. Fockema —, 46 Andriessen, J. C., 83 Anema, A., 79, 80 Apeldoorn, L. J. van —, 66 Appeldoorn, J. G., 65, 76 Ariëns s. Kappers Asbeck, W. D. H. van —, 97 Aten, A. H. W., 69, 72 Baart s. La Faille Backer, H. J., 58,60 J- F., 75 Baginda s. Abdullah Bakel, H. A. van —, 64, 65, 71 Bakker, B. R., 48 D. L., 62, 93 J. A., 82 Balen s. Plemper Baren, J. van —, 93,95 Barenne, J. G. Dusser de —, 49 BargeJ. A.J., 36,42 Barrau, J. A., 58 Beaufort, L. F. de —, 77 Beekman, H. A. J. M., 93 Beerenbrouck s. Ruys Behrens, W. K., 82, 86 Bemmelen, J. F. van —, 3, 56, 58, 60, 63 W. van —, 30,71 Benthem s. Jutting BerckJ. G.,84 Berg, E.J. van den —, 68 J. van den —, 84 L. M. van den —, 58,61 L. W. C. van den —, 81 Bergh van Eysinga, G. A. van den —, 47 Bergh s. Hijmans Bettink, W., 84 Beyers, J. A., 91 Beynen, G. J. W. Koolemans —, 36,44 Beysens,J. Th., 50 Bezemer, T. J., 93 Biezeno, C. B., 83 Bilt, C. L. van der —, 83 J. van der —, 49 Blaauw, A. H., 93,95 Blanksma, J. J., 37,42 Blécourt, A. S. de —, 35 Bleeker, L. H. K., 56 Blieck, L. de —,91,92 Blink, H., 94 Blok,A.J., 3S P-J-, 38 Blom, D. van —, 35, 88 Boekwinkel, H. B. A., 49 BoddaertJ. E., 34, Boeke, J., 48, 51 Boekelman, W. A., 48 Boer, R. C., 69, 74 Boer, C. de —, 39 M. G. de —, 70 R. H. de —, 75 S. de —, 68 T. J. de —, 70 Boerman, W. E , 89 Böeseken, J., 83 Boeser, P. A. A., 39,4° Böhl, F. M. Th., 59 Boissevain, U. Ph., 64, 70, 74 Boldingh, G. Hondius —, 69,72 Bolk, L., 28,66,73 Bolkestein, H., 50 Boll, V. G. A., 64 Bolland, G.J. P.J-, 38 Bonger, W. A., 66 Bonnema.J. H., 58,60 Boomstra, W., 97 Bordewijk, H. W. C., 57,63 . Borlé, E. Th., 89 Bos, H., 95 Bosch van Oud Amelisweerd, J. W. M., 90 Bosch, G. F. A. ten —, 43 Bosscha, K. A. R., 97 Boulan, E. A., 59 Bouman, K. H., 64, 66, 74 L., 80 Bouwman, R., 47 . Brandis s. Brender Brands, J., 80 Breen,J.C.,78,79, 80 Bremekamp, H., 82 Brender a Brandis, G. A., 84 Breuning, H. H», 59 Brinkman, R., 63 Broek, A. J. P. van den —, 48, 51 Broekman, G. H. de Vries—, 82 Brongersma, H., 67 Brouwer, A. M., 47 G. , 83 H. A., 84, 85, 87 L.E.J., 68 Brückman, H. W. L., 85 Bruggencate, B. ten —, 56 Brugmans, H., 69, 75 H.J. F. W., 59 BruinJ.de—, 67,74 Bruine, J. R. Slotemaker de —, 47 Bruins, E. J., 84 G. W.J., 88 Büchner, E. H., 69 Buisman, A. S., 82 Buitenrust s. Hettema Burg, B. van der —, 93, 95 Burger, C. P., 71 H. , 67, 73 H. C., 50 Burgers, J. M. 83, 86 Busmann, C. W. Star —, 46,47 Bussy, L. P. Ie Cosquino de —,77 Buy, J. B. du —,91 Buytendijk, F. J. J., 80 Bijlert, A. van —, 93,95 Bijleveld, T., 36 Byvanck, A. W., 39 Caland, W., 50 Calcar, R. P. van —, 36,42 Carol, W. L. L., 68 Casimir, R., 39 Citters,S. van—,93 Clay,J., 97 Cler, S., 45 Cocheret, Ch. A., 89 Coenen, F., 76 Cohen, E., 46,49, 53 L B., 56, 57,62 Th. E. de Jonge —, 68 Colenbrander, H. T., 39 Cop, H., 83 Cosquino s. Bussy Costa s. Mendes Couquerque, L. M. Rollin —, 66 Craandijk, F., 78 Cramer, J. A., 46 Damsté, P. H., 50 Daniels, L. Polak —, 57,61 Decker, J. de—, 70 Dedem, W. J. van —, 90 Deelman, H. T., 78 Dekhuyzen, M. C, 90,91 Delprat, C. C, 64 Th. F. A., 77 Denjoy, A., 49 Diepenhorst, P. A., 80 Dieperink, J. W., 93, 95 Dillen, J. G. van —, 66 Docters s. Leeuwen Dorp, E. C. van —, 47 Draat s. Fijn Dresden, D., 83 Droogleever s. Fortuyn Droste, J., 38 Drucker, W. H., 88 Dubois, E., 68, 72 DubskyJ. V., 58,63 Dusser s. Barenne Duyvendak, J. J. L., 3, 34 Dijck, J. V. van —, 66 Dijckmeester. H. J., 90 DijxhoornJ. C, 83, 86 Eek, J. J. van —,38 Eekhof, A., 35 Eerde, J. C. van —, 70, 71, 77, 88 Eerdmans, B. D., 34 EggensJ.,47 Ehrenfest, P., 37 Einstein, A., 37 Einthoven, W., 36,42 Elema, J., 62,94 Elhorst, H. J., 64,69, 75 Elias, G. J., 83 Elink s. Schuurman Embden, D. van —, 65 Everdingen, E. van —, 30,49, 54 Evers, H., 82 Eykman, G, 48, 52 Eysinga, W. J. M. van —, 35,44 Eysinga s. Bergh Faddegon, B., 70 Faille s. La Faille Falconer, J. A., 59 Feith, R., 34 Feldmann, C, 81, 83 Feyens, G. L. de Vries —, 76 Florschütz, F., 93 Flu, P. C, 36,44 Fockema s. Andreae Fokker, A. D., 38 Fortuyn, A. B. Droogleever—, 36 Francois, C. P.J., 88 Frantzen, J. J. A. A., 46, 50 Frijda, H., 35, 71 Frijling, W., 97 Fijn van Draat, P., 51, Gaaf, W. van der —, 70 Gaarenstroom, G. F., 78 Gallas, K. R., 70 Geer van Jutphaas,B.J. L. de —, 46 Geertsema, C. C., 56 Geesink, G. H. J. W. J., 79, 80 Gelder, J. J. de —, 40 Gelderen, C. van —, 79, 80 Gerlings, J. H. Jager —,95 Giersbergen, L. van —, 95 Giften, A. E. van —, 60 Giltay, E., 93,95 Gips, A. F., 81 Gmelin s. Mayer Goester, L. E., 37 Goethart, J. W. C, 37,41 Gonggrijp, B., 71 G., 89 Gorter, E., 36,43 Goslinga, A., 80 Goslings, B. M., 78 Gosses, I. H., 56, 59,62 Goudoever, H. van —, 57 Graaft, W. C. de —, 44,49, 54 Graafland, J. F. Hooft —, 46 Grave, J. J. Salverda de —, 28, 70,74 Greve, H. E., 70 Grevers, J. E., 48 Groeneboom, P., 59,62 Groenewegen, H. Y., 64,65 Groll, J. Temminck —, 69 Groot, A. W. de —, 70, 74 G. J. de—,38 H. de —, 48, 53 J. V. de —, 65 Grosheide, F. W., 79 Grünbaum, A. A., 68 Grutterink, A., 38 J. A., 84,85,87 Grijns, G., 93,95 I Guarnieri, R., 40, 70 Gulik, D. van —, 94,96 Gunning, J. H., 51 Gijselaar, N. C. de —, 34 HaanJ. de—,58 Haarman, J. H. A., 97 Haas,M. de—,82,88 W.J.de—,82 Hackmann, H., 64 Haga, H., 58, 60 Hall, H. van —, 76 Hallo, H. S., 83, 86 Ham, S. P-, 94 Hamburger, H. J., 57,60 Hamel, A. G. van —, 37, 39 . Haringhuizen, ]., 82 Hartman, Ch. A. M., 30 Hartog, J. H., 91,92 Hartogh Heys van Zouteveen, H. F., 94 Haverschmidt, J., 48, 53 Hazeu, G. A. J., 39 Heemskerk, Th., 79 Heering, G. J., 35 Heeringa, K., 55 Henkei, M. D., 75 Hertzsprung, E., 37,41 Herwerden, M. A. van —, 48 Hesseling, D. C., 39 Hesselink s. Suchtelen Hettema, F. Buitenrust —, 50 Heuvelink, H.J., 82,85 Heyermans, L., 67 Heymans, G., 59,61 Heyrmans, H. H. R. Roelofs —, 86 Heys s. Hartogh HillesumJ. M., 71 Hirsch, G. C., 50 Hissink,D.J., 62 Hoefnagel, K., 91 Hoekstra, K. A., 94 Hoeve, J. van der —, 34, 36,43 Hoeven, P. C. T. van der —, 36,4; Holleman, A. F., 68, 72 Holst Gz., C. P., 83 Holst, C. G. van der —, 74 Holst, H. Tromp van —, 90 Holwerda, A. O., 88 J. H., 39,40 Homan, J. T. Linthorst —, 56 Hondius s. Boldingh Honing, J. A., 94,96 Hooft s. Graafland Hoogvliet, J. M., 51 Hoorn, G. van —, 50, 59 Hora s. Siccama Horst, C. J. van der —, 69 Houten, H. J. van —, 94 Hoytema, S. A. van —, 86 Hubrecht, H. F. R., 77 Huizinga, J., 3,34, 38 Hulshof, A., 51 Hulst, J. P. L., 44 Hunger, F. W. T., 38 Hurgronje s. Snouck Hijmans, I. H., 65 Hijmans van den Bergh, A. A., 48,52 Ide, A. C., 94 Idenburg, A. W. F., 81 IhleJ. E.W.,91,92 Itallie, E. J. van —, 69 L. van —, 37,42,43 Iterson, G. van —, 84, 85 Itz, G. N., 82 Jaeger, F- M., 56, 58, 60 Jager s. Gerlings Jakob, H., 90, 91 Janse, J. M., 37,31 Jansen, M., 36 Janssen, C. W., 77 Janssen s. Raay Jelgersma, D. G., 39 C, 36,43 Jonckbloet,W.J. A., 56 Jong, D. A. de —, 36,42,44 DJ. de—,91 K. H. E. de —, 39 R. de Josselin de —, 48,52 Jonge s. Cohen Jonges, G., 76, 77 JonghJ. G. de—,88 JoostingJ. G. C, 57, 63 Jordan, H. J., 49, 53 Jorissen, W. P., 37 Josselin s. Jong Julius, W. H., 49, 53 Jutphaas s. Geer Jutting, W. S. van Benthem —, 77 Juynboll, H. H., 41 Th. W., 50 KalfLG., 33 Kamerlingh s. Onnes . Kamermans, J., 84 Kampen, P. N. van —, 37, 41,44 Kan, P. Th. L., 36, 43 KanJ. van—,34, 35 Kappers, C. U. Ariëns —, 28 KapteynJ. C, 41 J. M. R, 39 KatzJ. R., 69 Kayser, J. D., 44 Keesom, W. H., 91,92 Kerbert, C, 77 Kerckhoff, J. H. P. van —, 36,43 Kern,J. H., 59,61,62 Kernkamp, G. W., 50, 88 Kerpestein, J. B., 85, 89 Keyser, S., 58, 61 Kielstra,J. C, 3,93,94 Kips, J. H. Valckenier —, 82 Kist, N. C., 82 Klein, A., 57,60,63 Kleintjes, Ph., 65, 71 Kleiweg s. Zwaan Kley.P. D. C., 83,85 Klinkhamer, J. F., 82 Kloeke, G. G., 70 Klopper, J., 97 Kluyver, A., 59, 61 A.J.,84,85 J- C, 37 Knappert, L., 34, 35 Knol, W. A., 84, 87 Knijff, J. de Koning —, 84 Koch, C. F. A., 57,61 Koenen, S., 94 Kohlbrugge, J. H. F., 50, 54 Kohnstamm, Ph., 3,64,69,70, 72 Kok, C. H., 49 Koning s. Knijff Koningsberger, J. C., 90 Koolemans s. Beynen Korevaar, A., 38 Kouwenaar, D., 75 Kouwer, B. J., 48, 52 Krabbe, H., 35 Kramers, J. Th., 39 Kranenburg, R., 65 Kraus,J., 81 Krediet, G.,91,92 Kristensen, W. B., 34 Krom, N. J., 39 Kroon, H. M., 3,90,92 Kruseman, J., 64 Kruyt, H. R., 49, 54 Kuenen, J. P., 34, 37 W. A., 67,78 Kühler, W.J., 65, 76 Kuiper, J., 67, 74 K., 69, 74 Kuyjer,J. H., 78 Kuyper, H. H., 79 R., 66 La Faille, J. M. Baart de —, 48,5 2 Laman s. Trip Laméris, H. J., 48, 52 Landas s. Sweerts Lange, D. de —, 28, 50, 54 Lanz, O., 66, 73 La Porte, G. André de —,35 Laqueur, E., 67, 73 Larsen s. Thai Ledeboer, R. B., 34 Lee, A. van der —, 84 Leeuw, G. van der —, 56 Leeuwen, J. A. C. van —, 46 Th. M. van—,48, 53 W. F. van —, 64 W. M. Doctersvan—, 30 W. Storm van —, 36, 42,43 Leon s. Mendes Leopold, G. H., 58 Ley, J. N. van der —, 97 Lichtenbelt, A. D. F, W., 83 LifschitzJ., 58 . Lignac, G. O. E., 44 Ligtenberg, R., 50 Limperg, Th., 71 Lindeboom,]., 56 Lindenburg. W., 63 Linschoten s. Strick • Linthorst s. Homan Lintum, C. te —,51 Loghem, J. J. van —, 67,71,78,94 Lohman, A. F. de Savornin—, 56 B. C. de Savornin —, 47 Löhnis, F. B., 93 Loncq, G. J., 46 Loon, J. A. W. van —, 48 Lorentz, H., 29, 37 Losecaat s. Vermeer Lovink, H. J., 93 Lunteren, S. A. van —, 47 Lynden, A. F. van —, 46 Lynden van Sandenburg, F. A. C. van —, 46 Magnus, R., 48, 52 Mannoury, G., 68 Mansholt, W. H., 61 Mansvelt, N., 44, 76 Marcus, C.J., 84 Martin, K., 37,41 W.,39 Mayer Gmelin, H. K. H. A., 94,96 Mees, W. C., 88 Meeuwen, L. F. van —, 89 Meihuizen, E. G., 76 Mendes da Costa, S., 66, 73, 74 Mendes de Leon, M. A., 67 Messing, E. E. J., 89 Meulen, H. ter —, 83 J. ter —, 89 Meursing, F., 68 Meyer, G., 84 P-,83 Meyere, J. C. H. de —, 68, 77 Meyers, E. M., 35 F. S., 66 Molengraaff, G. A. F., 3, 81, 84, 85,87 Molhuysen, P. C, 32, 34,40 Moll, W.J. H., 49 Molster, F. A., 66, 77 Moor, J. C. de —, 79 Muller, F., 39 J.J. A.,49 J. W., 38 Mijsbergh, W. A., 68 Naber.J. C, 47 Nelemans, J., 82 Nes, H. M. van —, 35 Neurdenburg, E., 59, 62 Niermeijer, J. F., 46, 50, 54, 88 Nierstrasz, H.F., 49, 53 Nieuwenburg, C. J. van —, 83 Nieuwenhuis, A. W., 38,44 Nolen, W., 36,43 Nolens, W. H., 66, 81 Noordenbos, W., 67, 73 Noordtzij, A., 46 Nijhoff, G. C, 57,61 Nijland, A. A., 46,49, 53 A. H., 44 Obbink, H. Th., 46 Odé, A. W. M., 83 Oestreich, K., 49, 54 Olivier, S. C. J., 94,96 Onnes, H. Kamerlingh —, 37, 41 Oort, E. D. van —, 37,41 Oosterveen, A., 73 Oppenheim, A. S., 35 J-, 34 Oppermann, O., 50, 54 Ornstein, L. S.,49, 53 Os, C. H. van —, 82 Oss, J. F. van —, 69 L. S. van —, 49 Oud Amelisweerd s. Bosch Oven, J. C. van —, 57 Overvoorde, J. C, 45 Ovink, B. H., 50 Oijen, C. F. van —, 91,92 Paimans, W. J., 90,92 Pannekoek, A., 69, 75 Peters, J. Th., 36 Pigeaud, J. J., 45 Plemper van Balen, B. A., 94 Pluym, W. van der —, 76 Poels,J., 36,91 Pol, B. van de —, 29 Polak, L., 39 Leo, 70 M.W.,95 N.J., 88 R. A., 77 Polak s. Daniels Pollema, H., 90 Pont,J. W.,33,47 Porte s. La Porte Portielje, A. F. J., 77 Posthumus, J. A. H., 70 N.W.,71 Pot, C. W. van der —, 57 Prins, A., 38 Prinsen, J., 70 Pulle, A. A., 49, 53 Pijper, F., 34 Quanjer, H. M., 94, 96 Ouix, F. H., 48, 52 Raay, W. H. L. Janssen van —,81 Rahder,W.J., 73 Ramaer, H., 95 Reddingius, R. A., 57,60 Redeke, H. C, 30,69 Rees, J. van —, 67,73 Reicher, L. Th., 77 Reimers, H. C, 94 Reinders, W., 84, 86 Remmelts, H., 91 Rengers, E.J. van Weideren—, 56 Rengers s. Siccama Rhijn, P. J. van —, 58,60 Ribbius, H. R., 88 Riemens, K. J., 70 Ringeling, H. G., 77 Ringer, W. E., 48, 52 Rochat, G. F., 57,61 Roelofs s. Heyrmans Roels, F., 50, 52 Roepke, W., 94,95 Roessingh, K. H., 34, 35,43 Rollin s. Couquerque Romburgh, P. van —, 49, 54 Romme, R. H. A. M., 64 Ronkel, Ph. S. van —, 39 Roos, A. G., 59,62 Rooy, N. de —, 77 A. H. M.J.van—,67, 74 Rosa,J. S. da Silva—,76 Rossem, A. van —, 85 Rotgans, J., 78 RouwJ.H.G. P. de—,84 Roijen, L. A. van —, 81,83, 86 Ruitinga, P., 66, 73 RutgersJ. G., 82 Rutten, L., 49, 54 Ruys de Beerenbrouck, G. L. M. H.,93 Rijnberk, G. van —, 66,72 N. van —, 67 Salomonson, J. K. A. Wertheim —, 64,66, 74 Saltet, R. H., 66, 73 ■ Salverda s. Grave Samsi Sastravidagda, 40 Sandenburg s. Lynden Savornin s. Lohman Sax, R. H. D., 95 Scheffer, F. E. C., 84 Scheltema, G., 58, 62 Schelven, A. A .van —, 80 B. van —, 79 Schepers, J. H. G., 97 Schermers, D., 79 Schippers, J. C, 68 Schoemaker, C. P., 97 R. L. A., 97 Schoengen, M., 59 Scholte, J. H., 64, 70, 74 Scholten, P., 64,65, 75 Schoorl, N., 49, 54 Schornagel H., 91,92 Schotel, G. D. J., 34 SchouteJ. C., 58,60 Schouten, J. A., 82 S. L., 49 W.J. A.,69 Schreinemakers, F. A. H., 37,42 Schrijnen, J., 50 Schrijver, J., 67 Schuh, F., 81 Schuiringa, J. G., 48 Schutter, W. A., 58,61 Schuurman, W. H. A. Elink —, 89 Schuylenburg, W., 55 Serrurier, C., 39 Sevensma, T., 76 Siccama, D. G. Rengers Hora — 47 Siegenbeek, M., 34 Siertsema, L. H., 82 Silva s. Rosa Simon s. Aa Simons, D., 47 Sirks, M. J., 50, 91 Sissingh, R., 68, 72 Sitter, W. de —, 37,41 Six, J., 69 Sjollema, B., 90, 91 Sleeswijk, J. G., 84,85 Slors, V. L., 97 Slotemaker s. Bruine Sluiter, C. Ph., 68, 72 Sluyterman, T. K. L., 83,85 Smit, W. P., 83, 86 Smits, A., 68, 72 Snapper, I., 67, 72, 73 Snellen, H., 48, 52 Sneller, Z. W., 88 Sneyders s. Vogel Snouck Hurgronje, C., 34, 38 Söhngen, N. L., 94,96 Someren, J. F. van —, 51 Sopper, A. J. de —, 56 Spat, C., 89 Sprenger, A. M., 94 Spronck, C. H. H., 48, 52 Stachouwer s. Starkenborgh Stahel, G., 94 Star s. Busmann Starkenborgh Stachouwer, E. Tjarda van —, 56,62 Steensma, F. A., 48 Steenwijk s. Vos Steger, A. M. A. A., 84, 86 Steinmetz, B. J. F., 66 S. R., 70, 71, 75 Steketee, H., 63 Steur, J. A. G. van der—, 81, 83 Stibbe, D. G., 88 Stockum, Th. C. van —, 51 Stoett, F. A., 70, 74 Stok, J. P. van der —, 30 Stomps, Th.J., 68,71 Storm s. Leeuwen Strengere, Th., 49 Strick van Linschoten, H., 81 Struycken, A. A. H., 66 Stuart, C. A. Verrijn —, 47 G. M. Verrijn —, 88 StumpffJ. E., 73 Suchtelen, H. F. Hesselink van — 93 Suringar s Valckenier Suyling, J. Ph., 47 Swaen, A. E. H., 70, 74 Sweerts de Landas Wyborgh, E. C.,4 Swellengrebel, N. H., 69, 78 Swinderen, L. F. A. van —, 63 Switters,J. W.,48 Sijmons, B., 59, 61 Tammes, J., 58,63 Temminck s. Groll Tendeloo, N. Ph. —, 36,42, 45 Terpstra, P., 63 ThalLarsen,J, H., 94 Theissen, J. S., 59 Thierry, G.J.,38 Thoms, C., 84 Tiel, P. H. van —, 45 Tilanus, C. B., 67 Timmer, H., 67 Toxopeus, A., 85 Trip, W. Laman —, 93 Tromp s. Holst Trooyen, G. P. van —, 67 Uhlenbeck, C. C., 38 Uven, M. J. van —, 93,94 Valckenier Suringar, J., 94,96 Valckenier s. Kips Valkhoff,P., 51 Veen, H. J. van —, 81 A, L. W. E. van der —, 38 R. W. van der —, 84,85,87 Veer, W. H. A. van Alphen de —, 97 Veldhuizen, A. van —,57 Veldhuyzen, W. F., 74 Venema, T. A., 58 Veraart, J. A., 82 Verkade, P. E., 85,88, 89 Vermaes, S.J., 84, 85 Vermeer, P. A. J. Losecaat —,"71 Vermeulen, H. A., 91 Verrijn s. Stuart Verschaffeit, E., 68, 71, 72 Verschuur, R., 95 Versluys, W. A., 81 Verviers, E., 35 Verzijl, J. H. W., 47 Vierling, G. H. M., 97 Visscher, H., 46, 55 Visser, C. K., 82, 86, 87 M. F., 94,96 M. W. de —, 38* Vlugt; W. van der —, 35 Vogel, J. Ph., 38 J. F. de—,81 K. Sneyders de —, 59,62 Vogelsang, W., 50, 54 Volkers, H. C, 84 Vollenhoven, C. van —, 28,35 Vollgraff, C. W., 50 ' Volmer,J. G. C, 82, 88 Völter, D. E.J., 64,65 Voorhoeve, N., 68 Voorst tot Voorst, A. E. J. van —, 46 Vooys, C. G. N. de —, 50 I. P. de —, 83 Vos, H. C. P. de —, 97 Vos van Steenwijk, J. W. J. de —, 90 Vossnack, E. J., 83, 87 Vries, E. de —, 36 . F. de —, 3, 88 H. de —, 68 J. de —, 49 S. de —, 79 S. G. de —, 39,40 W. M. de —, 66, 72 Vries s. Broekman s. Feyens Vürtheim,J., 38 Vuuren, L. van —, 71 Waals Jr., J.. D. van der —, 68 Wageningen, J. van —, 59,61 Walch,J. L., 39 ' Wassink, W. F., 74 Watanabe, T., 40 Waterman, H I., 84 Wattjes,J. G., 83 Waijenburg, G. A. M. van —, 67 Weber, M., 68, 77 Wechel, A. te —, 93,94 Weevers, Th., 58 Weitzenböck, R., 69 Weideren s. Rengers Wensinck, A. J., 38 Went, F. A. F. C., 28,49, 53 Wertheim s. Salomonson Westendorp, F., 83 Westerdijk, J., 49, 53 Wester, J., 90,91 Wibaut,J. P.,69 Wieder, F. C., 95 Wielen, P. van der —, 68, 73 Wiersma, E. D., 57,61 Wille, J., 80 Wind, J., 91 Windisch, H., 35 Winkler, C., 48, 52 Wisselingh, C. van —, 58,60 WolffJ., 58 Woltjer,J., 38 R. H., 3, 79, 80 Woude,.W. van der —, 37 Wyborgh s. Sweerts Wijck, H. A. van Asch van —55 Wijhe, J. W. van —, 57,60 Wijk, N. van —, 34, 38 Wijngaarden, C. M. van —, 83 Wijnhausen, O. ]., 67 Yap Hong Yin s. Yeh YehFeh Yin —,40 Zaaijer, J. H., 36,43,45 Zeeman, P., 68, 72 W. P. C, 66,73, 74 Zernike, F., 58 I Zevenbergen, W., 80 Zimmerman, A. R., 88 Zouteveen s. Hartogh Zwaan, J. de —, 56 J. P. Kleiweg de —, 67,78 Zwaardemaker, H., 3,46,48, 51 Zijli ra, K., 63 SUPPLEMENT 3458 TO THE GUIDE BOOK FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS IN HOLLAND EDITED BY THE NETHERLANDS COMITTEE FOR INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC RELATIONS MARCH MCMXXIV Since the Guide-book for foreign students in Holland was first published, various changes have taken place in the teaching staff of the different universities. In order to bring the Guide-book up to date this supplementary page is published; at the same time some necessary addenda are here supplied. It should be noted that the functions of rector magnificus and secretary of the senate are occupied in alternate turns by all university professors, so that the occupants change every year. They are therefore here not specially mentioned. I. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS IN THE BODY OF THE GUIDE-BOOK. p. 9. CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSION AND EXAMINATION. For: 200 guilders, read: 300 guilders except at Amsterdam (Mun. and Free University) and Wageningen, where 200 guilders is due. . 10. For: 30 guilders, read: 50 guilders. , 27. For the sentence beginning with: For particulars, etc. down to the end, read: It should be noted that the college-system is unknown in Holland, and that students generally take rooms in town, which may be rented at approximately 40 guilders without board, or 100 guilders with board, amonth. The average cost of a year's stay at a Dutch University may be estimated at 1500—2000 guilders, although it is poSsible to economise. For further particulars concerning lodging etc. apply to the local Students Unions. p. 33. ARCHIVES: Add: 300. Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief = Dutch Economic-Historical Archives (with library). 53 Prins Maurïtslaan, The Hague. Director: Prof. N. W. Posthumus. Founded 1914. Publications: Economisch-Historisch Jaarboek (Yearbook), Werken (Proceedings). p. 34. UNIVERSITY OF LEIDEN. Committee for International Academie Relations: read: N. van Wijk, president, J. J. L. Duyvendak, secretary, J. van Kan, J. van der Hoeve, P. Ehrenfest, J. Huizinga, K. H. Roessingh. p, 35. Faculty of law Ordinary professors: W. van der Vlugt, — Encyclopaedia and philosophy of law. Add: (retired). The lectures for the time being are given by professor A. S. de Blécourt. For A. S Oppenheim, — Commercial law, civil law procedure, read: F. G. Scheltema, — idem. Private lecturers: Omit: H. Frijda, — Political economy. Add: A. van Gijn, — Science of finance. C. W. de Vries, — History of Dutch social kw. J. H. Carpentier Alting, — Constitutional law of the Dutch Indies. p. 36. Faculty of Medicine Ordinary professors: Add: E. Gorter, — Diseases of children. Extraordinary professor : Omit: J. Poels, — Applied bacteriology. Lecturers: Omit: E. Gorter, — Diseases of children. Private lecturers: Add: J. Bijtel,'— Physiology. F. G. Muller, — Theoretical geaeral i psychopathology. G. O. G. Lignac, — Pathological anatomy and forensic medicine. J. O. H. Reys, — Physical culture. 37. Faculty of natural philosophy (science) Oramary professors: For: K. Martin, — Mineralogy, geology, palaeontology, crystallography, read: B. G. Escher, — idem. For: J. P. Kuenen, — Experimental physics, read: !W. H. Keesom, — idem. Extraordinary professors: Omit: H. A. Lorentz, — Theoretical physics. *) 38. Private lecturers: Omit: A. D. Fokker, — Theoretical physics. Add: G. Stiasny, — Biological oceanography. H. Gerth, — Palaeontology and historical geology. Faculty of letters Ordinary professors: For: G. J. P. J. Bolland f, — Philosophy, logic, metaphysics, ethics, psychology, read: (A. J. de Sopper, — idem. G. Kalft", — Dutch literature, Add: f, (vacant). *) By special arrangement of the University Fund Society however it has been made possible for Professor Lorebtz to continue giving his lectures. p. 39. Add: Special professor: J. P. B. de Josselin de Jong, (appointed by the University Fund Society) — General ethnology. Private lecturers: Omit: D. G. Jelgersma, - History of philosophy. A. G. van Hamel, — Celtic languages. Add: D. Cohen, — Greek papyrology. . H. Schneider, — History of Art. Assistant lecturers: For: Baginda Dahlan Abdullah, — Malay, read: Soetan Moehamad Zain, — idem. For: Mas Samsi Sastrawidagda, — Javanese, read: Raden Ngabèhi Poerbatjaraka, — idem. Omit: Yeh Feng-Yin, alias Yap Hong-yin, — Chinese. T. Watanabe, — Japanese. p. 41. Geological-mineralogical Museum. Director: For: Prof. K. Martin, read: Prof. B. G. Escher. Observatory. Assistant-Directors: Omit: Prof. J. C. Kapteyn. p, 42. Add: Laboratory for tropical hygiëne. Director: Prof. P. C. Flu. p. 43. Apothecary's department, - For: G. F. A. ten Bosch, read: Miss G. H. Nijhoff. p. 44. Herman Cos te r-Fund. For Dutch and South-African students. Secretary: N. Mansfeit, Berkenrodestraat 8, Haarlem. School for Tropical Medicine. Teacking-staff: Omit: Baginda Dahlan Abdullah, — Malay. A. H. Nijland, — Bacteriology and epidemiology of tropical infectious diseases, vaccination and hygiëne. Prof. J. H. Zaaijer, — Surgery. jfa. 46. UNIVERSITY OF UTRECHT. Curators: For: J. F. Hooft Graafland, read: J. van Bronckhorst Sandberg. p. 47. Private lecturers: Add: J. H. van Meurs, — Comparitive history of law. J. M. Nap, — Roman constitutional law. (, 48. Extraordinary Professor: For: C. H. H. Spronck, — Serology, read: H. Aldershoff, — idem. Lecturers: Omit: F. A. Steensma, — Chemical diagnostics. Private lecturers: Add: P. M. van Wulfften Palthe, — Aerophysiology and aeronautical hygiëne, p. 49. Faculty of Natural Philosophy (Science) Ordinary professors: For: A. Denjoy, — Mathematics, read: J. Wolff, — idem. Lecturers: 'A;VJ\ Add: H. C. Burger, — Theoretical physics. p. S°- Private lecturers: Omit: H. C. Burger, — Theoretical physics. Add: Ch. M. van Deventer, — History of chemistry. D. J. Struyk, — Mathematics. Faculty of Letters rOrdinary professors: For: J. J. A. Frantzen, — Germahic languages, read: A. G. van Hamel, — idem. J. F. Niérmeyer, — Geography. add: f (vacant). Add: F. M. J. A. Roels, — Empirical and applied psychology. Extraordinary professors: Add: J. H. Gunning, — Pedagogy. Omit: J. Schrijnen, — General linguistics. Special professors: Add: F. W. von Bissing, — History of Egyptian and Minor-asiatic art. Lecturers: Omit: F. Roels, — Psychology. p.p. 50, 51. Private lecturers: Omit: F. Buitenrust Hettema, — Frisian. C. te Lintum, — Geography. J. H. Gunning, — Education. Add: H. C. Hamaker, — Empirical pedagogy. Miss J. F. C. Gutteling, — English. p. 52. Serological Institute Director: For: Prof. C. H. H. Spronck, read: Prof. H. Aldershoff. s6> UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN. Curators: Omit: A. F. de Savornin Lohman. Add: W. L. de Vos van Steenwijk. Faculty of Theology Ordinary professors: Omit: A. J. de Sopper, — Philosophy of religion, Ethics, * Encyclopaedia of theology. Add: W. J. Aalders, — Philosophy of religion, Ethics. G. van der Leeuw, — History of religions, add: Encyclopaedia of theology. 57. Special professors: For: W. J. Aalders (appointed by the Dutch Reformed Church). History and Doctrine of the Dutch Reformed Church, read: Th. L. Haitjema, — idem. Faculty of Medicine Ordinary professors: R. A. Reddingius, — Pathology, Pathological Anatomy, Dermatology, add: f (vacant). H. J. Hamburger, — Physiology, Neurology, add: \ (vacant). 58. Faculty of Natural Philosophy (Science) Ordinary professors: Omit: H. Haga, — Physics, Meteorology. J. Wolff, — Mathematics. Add: W. J. de Haas, — Physics. J. G. van der Corput, — Mathematics. Private lecturers: Omit: J. V. Dubsky, — Analytical chemistry. 59- Faculty of Letters Ordinary professofö :Ul J. van Wageningen, — Latin, add: f (vacant). *) Private lecturers: Add: P. J. Enk, — History of Roman literature. H. W. Rutgers, — Modern German. J. H. Kool, — Modern French. *) Read: H. Wagenvoort, — idem. p. 64. UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM. Secretary of the Board of Curators: P. J. Idenburg. Faculty of Theology p. 65. Special professors: For: J. V. de Groot f (appointed by the Episcopateof the Roman Catholic Church), — Thomist philosophy (vacant), read: R. R. Welschen, — idem. p. 66. Faculty of Law Omit: Ex-professor, invited to deliver a cour se of lectures: A. A. H. Struycken. Private lecturers: Omit: J. G. van Dillen, — Economie history. B. J. F. Steinmetz, — Dutch fiscal law. R. Kuyper, — Marxist theory of Society. Add: C. J. van Ledden Hulsebosch, — Discovery of crime. Faculty of Medicine Ordinary professors: For: R. H. Saltet, — Hygiëne and medical police, read: J. J. van Loghem, — idem. Omit: J. K. A. Wertheim Salomonson, — Nervous diseases, electro-therapeutics, radiography, etc. Add: H. Burger, — Diseases of nose, throat and ear. J. de Bruin, — Diseases of children. B. Brouwer, — Neuropathology. p. 67. Extraordinary professors: Omit: H. Burger, — Diseases of nose, throat and ear. J. de Bruin, — Diseases of children. Special professors (appointed by the Colonial Institute): Omit: J. J. van Loghem, — Tropical hygiëne. Private lecturers: Omit: L. Heijermans, — Professional diseases and professional poisoning, social hygiëne, p. 68. Add: D. van Capellen, — Urology. J. B. Polak, — Diseases of the heart. M. W. Woerdeman, — Histiblogy and histiöge0ii BeÜM.' :' J. C. L. Godefroy, — Psycho-pathology. J. Sanders, — Hygienics. Faculty of Natural Philosophy (Science) Ordinary professors: Omit: E. Verschaffeit, — Physiology of plants and pharmacognosy. Add: Roland Weitzenböck, — Theory of numbers, forms and invariants. Extraordinary professors: Omit: Max Weber, — Zoology. p. 69. Special professors: (appointed by the Colonial Institute) Add: E. C. Abendanon, — Colonial mineralogy. Lecturers: Omit: R. Weitzenböck, — Theory of numbers, forms and invariants. Private lecturers: Add: C. E. B. Bremekamp, — Kinetics of plants. Faculty of Letters Ordinary professors: For: K. Kuiperf, — Greek (vacant) read: W. E. J. Kuiper, — Greek. p. 70. Add: N. W. Posthumus, — Political and economie history. Lecturers: Add: Special lecturer: (appointed by the Holland- France Society). J. Pommies, — French. Private lecturers: Omit: H. E. Greve, — Libraries and bibliography. G. G. Kloeke, — Methodology of the study of dialects. Add: W. A. E. van der Pluym, — History of architecture. M. Engers, — Papyrology. M. de Jong, — History. p. 71. Faculty of commerce Add: Private lecturer: G. Revesz, — Business-psychology. p. 79. FREE UNIVERSITY AT AMSTERDAM. Faculty of Theology Ordinary professors: For: Vacant, — Dogmatics/rai^: V. Hepp, — idem. Add: H. J. Pos, — General linguistics, classic philology. p. 80. Faculty of Law Lecturer: C. Zevenbergen, — Roman law, commercial law, civil procedure. p. 81. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY AT DELFT. p. 82. Section of Sciences Ordinary professors: For: W. J. de Haas. — Physics, read: A. D. Fokker, — idem. p. 83. Section of mechanical and naval engineering Ordinary professors: Omit: C. P. Holst Gzn., — Mechanical engineering. A. D. F. W. Lichtenbelt, — Mechanical engineering. H. Cop, — Ship-building. Add: E. C. von Pritzelwitz van der Horst, — Mechanical engineering. N. Kal, — Ship-building. p. 84. Lecturers: Add: H. Gravestein, — Microchemistry. p. 85. At the top of the page, insert: Private lecturers: Add: J. C. Arkerbout Schokker, — Nautical kinetics. J. P. Pfeiffer, — Technical analysis of wood. p. 88. COMMERCIAL UNIVERSITY AT ROTTERDAM. Curator-president: W. L. P. A. Molengraaff. Ordinary professors: Add: W. E. Boerman, — Economie geography. p. 89. Lecturers: Omit: W. E. Boerman, — Economie geography. p. 90- VETERINARY UNIVERSITY AT UTRECHT. Curators: . For: W. J. van Dedem, read: O. M. F. Haffmans. p. 91. Ordinary professors: For: W. H. Keesom, — Physics, physical chemistry, read: Vacant. Extraordinary professors: For: J. Poels, — Vaccination, serology, read: Vacant. Private lecturers: Add: A. Klarenbeek, — Clinical diagnostics of small domestic animals. p. 93. - AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY AT WAGENINGEN. Curators: For: H. F. Hesseünk van Suchtelen, and G. L. M. H. Ruys de Beerenbrouck, read: J. M. A. Wynaendts van Resandt and J. Th. Verheggen. Ordinary professors: Omit: E. Giltay, — Botany. ' S. Koenen, — Rural economy. H. C. Reimers, — Anatomy and physiology of domestic animals. G. Stahel, — Phytopathology. Add: C. Broekema, — Improvement of agricultural products. W. C. Mees R.Amu?-*- Political economy, statistics, Dutch agrarian law. E. Reinders, — Botany. p. 94. Extraordinary professors: Omit: H. Blink, — Economie geography. Lecturers: Omit: B. A. Plemper van Balen, — Floriculture. p. 95. Teachers: Omit: H. Bos, — Fish Culture. J. H. Jager Gerlings, — Forestry. Add: J. G. Hazeloop, — Vegetable culture. K. Volkersz, — Bulb culture. C. Ph. Moerlands, — Tree culture. H. G. A. Leignes Bakhoven, — Dietetics. II. NEW ADDENDA: ROMAN-CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY AT NIJMEGEN. Founded 1923, by the St.-Radbout Institute. President: H. van de Wetering, Archbishop of Utrecht; Secretary: W. E. Bosch van Oud-Amelisweerd. Curator-president: F. M. A. van Schaeck Mathon. Curators: H. J. A. M. Lübbers, H. J. J. van der Biesen, W. M. van Lanschot, W. Boekelman. Secretary of the Board of Curators: C. Prinzen. Keeper of the Academical Archives: H. de Vries cfe Heekelingen. Committee for International Academie Relations: G. Brom, G. Dagens, J. C. F. H. Schijnen, H. de Vries de Heekelingen. Faculty of Theology Ordinary professors: J. B. Kors, — Dogmatics, apologetics. G. de Langen Wendels, — Ethics, history of theology, general sociology, mysticism. P. Heinisch, — Old Testament, Hebrew. R. Jansen, — New Testament, Assyrian, Babylonian, W. Mulder, — Ecclesiastical and mediaeval history. F. A. M. van Welie, — Ecclesiastical law. J. P. Steffes, — History and philosophy of religibns, christian archaeology. Extraordinary professor: J. Desiderius Franses, — Patristics. Faculty of Letters Ordinary professors: J. Hoogveld, — Philosophy, pedagogy. Titus Brandsma, — History of mysticism, philosophy of history. Jps. Schrijnen, — Greek and Latin philology, general linguistics. E. Drerup, — Greek literature and history. A. Slypen, — Latin literature and history, archaeology. J. van Ginneken, — Dutch philology and literature, comparative linguistics, Sanskrit. Th. Baader, — Germanic linguistics, Celtic language and literature. H. Huybers, — Modern history. History of the Netherlands. Jean Dagens, — French literature. W. Kosch, — German literature. Extraordinary1 professors: F. Roels, — Empirical and practical psychology. A. Baumstark, — Semitic languages, comparative history of liturgy. G. Brom, — Aesthetics and history of art. H. de Vries de Heekelingen, — Palaeography, diplomatics. Lecturers: P. V. Sormani, — History of Greek and Roman philosophy. B. Molkenboer, — Study of Vondel. B. Weerenbeck, — French philology. Assistants: J. F. Röttger, — German. R. van Geelkerken, — French. Faculty of Law Ordinary professors: P. Bellefroid, — Encyclopaedia, international law. E. van der Heyden, — Private and commercial law, history of law. J. van der Grinten, — Public law, administrative law. Ch. Raaymakers, — Political economy. W. Pompe, — Penal law. Lecturers: G. Russel, — Roman law. D. A. Louwers, — Hereditary law. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Librarian: Prof. H. de Vries de Heekelingen. 8