Theodore Champion & fc 13 Rue Drouof, PARIS. Katalog ÏVEET4 TELLIEE CMiion 1909 Preis J. 2,- franco. Aüswae Sendüngen aacb MankoListen. „GRATIS & FRANCO" Probenummer unseres Bulletin Mensuel über Neuheiten, Gelegenheiten etc. etc. satzpreisliste über 3626 Susserst preiswerte Satze. I884. NEDERLANDSCHE 1909, VEREENIGING VAN POSTZEGELVERZAMELAARS . Al« recbttperioon erkend bij Koninklijke Betluiten van 22 Juni 1886 en 3 Sept. 188$. . Rules and Regulations OF THE INTERNATIONAL PHILATEUC EXHIBITION amsterdam. 1909. TO BE HELD FROM 3—10 JUNE 1909, IN THE BELLEVUE BUILDING, LE1DSCHEKADE AT AMSTERDAM. Exccutive Committee. C. WAFELBAKKER, Chairman. Chevalier J. A. A. VON SCHMID, Hon.Treasurer. C. C. VAN ALTENA. L. A. BEAUSAR. A. W. POLMAN. G. J. STORK. M. Z. BOOLEMAN. Hon. Secretary. Exhibition Office: Warmoesstraat 193. From 10—ia a.m. and 3—4 p.m. In tere. Telefon 3930. All Communications should be addressed: Secretariaat Intern. Postzegel-Tentoonstelling, Postbus 15a AMSTERDAM. 1ss'4. * ifloj. TsfeaerTünöscfic ?ereemSi«9 ™» ?ostzc3rivemnv » . a»t - 28 IRSfi 3 S«' '8",, rfrfocn «-M V, tot--** ■■ - ;ft„lcs and 'ftcgnlalions ut TH». International PHILATEL1C EXHIBITION a/asterda/a. 7c cc Ac/a /rem 5 - A? >nc * Mc Wlevuc Jjuilding, ****** at A^darn. • Exccutive Committee. ailk, *■ ~ C. WAFELBAKKER, Chairman. Chevalier J. A. A. YON SCHM1D, Hon. Treasurer. C. C. VAN ALTENA. L. A. BEAUSAR. A. W. POLMAN. G. J. STORK. M. Z. BOOLEMAN. Hon. Secretary. " <,>- : : ' -> Exhibition Office: Warmoesstraat 193. From 10—is a.m. and 9—4 p.m. Interc. Telefon 9930. ' ' J, _ . ; •; <\ ; f- ;; '• ■ All Communications should be addressed: Secretariaat Intern. Postzegel-Tentoonstelling, Postbus 159 AMSTERDAM. 1884. * * ls109' IsfedertaascKc fereeniging van JostzegeWerzamebars «, „«».» — «1 "-*"»• M"m " " "" "" "3 S* ~ p.ulci and 'fie^ulations OF THE International PHILATEL1C EXH1BIT10N a/asterda r\. To bc held from 3-10 Jun* f909> in the Pjdlcvuo fiuilding, Leidschekadc at Amsterdam. BESTUUR ^m^VEREENIGING. Voorzitter : C. WAF F. L B ATvK"SC Amsterdam. Vice-Voorzitter: Jhr. C. Ph. L. VAN KINSCHOT, Tiel. Secretaris: Mr. E. BONN, Middelburg. Penningmeester: P. J. VAN HARDERWIJK, Schiedam. Bibliothecaris: M. WINS, Rotterdam. Hoofdredacteur : J. 15. ROBERT, 's Gravenhage. Direct. Verkoop : Jhr. J. A. A. VON SCHMID, Amsterdam. Besturen der Afdeelingen. AMSTERDAM: Voorzitter : A. C. VüSS. Secretaris : Dr. J. D. Leun is. Penningmr.: W. K. Rutgkrs. Bibliothec.: C. Wafelbakker. ARNHEM EN OMSTR.: Voorzitter : C. Ph. J. V. VLIERDEN. Secr.-Pennm.: G. V. v. D. SCHOOREN. DOESBURG-DOETINCHEM : Voorzitter : G. F. Leliman. Secretaris : J. G. Snoeck. Penningmr.: J. Ensink AJz. FRIESLAND-LEEUWARDEN: Voorzitter : A. J. Valewink. Secretaris : H. W. sonnega Czn. Pennm.Bibl.: F. Hoogmei. 's GRAVENHAGE : Voorzitter : J. B. Robert. Vice-Voorz.; G. C. Manders. Secretaris : Dr. A. N. v. Praag. Penningmr.: J. W. COUVF.E. HAARLEM: Voorzitter : Dr. A. van Eldik. Vice-Voorz.: Dr. J. D. Leunis. Secretaris :( P. A. Leupen. \ Bibliothec.: C. Kersten. 's HERTOGENBOSCH • Voorzitter : L. Rijkhoek. Secietaris: L. W. C. Bergé. Penningmr.: B. WëRTENBROëk. Bibliothec.: J. Mühlstaff. TWENTE: Voorzitter : H. H. Beltman. Secretaris: T. R. van STREUN. Penningmr.: G. A. Lasonder. UTRECHT: Voorzitter : Mr. J. E. W. Twiss. Vice-Voorz.: Ant. Beceer. Secretaris : A. F. W. S'i'roo. Penningmr.: C. Jansen. WEST-FRIESLAND: Voorzitter : Dr. A. H. v. d. Berg. Secretaris: A. P. W. Kraan. Penningmr.: F. Clifford. Aanvragen om Statuten, verzoeken om inlichtingen en aanmeldingen voor het lidmaatschap, zijn te richten tot den Heer Secretaris der Vereeniging of tot een van de Heeren Bestuursleden der Vereeniging of der Afdeeling. J u d g e s. F. Breitfuss St. Petersburg. Russland. H. J. Duveen London. Engiand. Jhr. Mr. H. A. Elias Arnhem. Nederland. J. Goossen Czn Amsterdam. Nederland. Jhr. C. Ph. L. van Kinschot Tiel. Nederland. Dr. jur. Paul Kloss .... Dresden. Deutschland. H. P. Manus Amsterdam. Nederland. William Moser Rowayton. II. S. America. H. Ritter de la Renotière Wien. Oesterreich. Bar. A. de Reuterskiöld . Lausanne. Suisse. Adolphe Schoeller .... Montmorency. France. Committec of Honor. (Collectors). E. D. Bacon S. Croydon. CARL Beck Berlin. H. F. W. Becking. . . 's-Gravenh. Anth. Begeer Utrecht. H. H. Beltman .... Enschede. Dr. A. H. v. u. Berg. Midwoud. S. J. v. d. Bergh . . . 's-Gravenh. Mr. E. Bonn Middelburg. L. C. R. Breeman. . . Soerabaya. F. BREITFUSS St. Petersb. M. P. Castle Brighton. Adolf Chelius .... München. Dr. Achillito Chiesa Milano. Alhert Coyette . . . Paris. The Earl of Craw- ford London. Dr. E. Diena Home. Hii.MER Djurling. . . Siockholm. ernst Donlf. Heidenheim. H. J. Duveen London. Jhr. Mr. A. H. Elias . Arnhem. J0HANNF.S ELSTER . . . Berlin. edw. B. EvANS .... London. Gaston Favre Mülhaus. i/E. Carl George Lissabon. J. goossen Czn .... Amsterdam. P. J. van Harderwijk Schiedam. L. L. R. Hausberg . . Weybridge. Sixten Keyser Stockholm. Jhr. C. Ph. L v. Kin- schot Tiel. Dr. jur. Paul Kloss . Dresden. Dr. med. A. Kunkler Kiel. P. J. H. KUIJPER v. Harpen Amsterdam. maurice Langlois . . Paris. P. Georc. Leuffgen . Köln a/Rh. Bar. Rudolf Lehman London. G. F. Leliman Dieren. Dr. Ph. e. Ljungström Stockholm. H. P. Manus Amsterdam. fred. J. melville . . London. Mr. M. J. Mijer .... Semarang wli.liam m0ser .... Rowayton. Dr. A. Moschkau . . . Oybin. F. H Napier London. Freiherr V. v. nor- mann Paramaribo. P. Ohrt Spandau. Z. J. Pallausch .... Weenen. Dr. Med. Paul Pirl . Charlottenb. Dr. Marco del Pont Buen. Aires. W. R. A. C. Graaf v. Rkchteren Limpurg 's-Gravenh. Franz Reichenheim . London. H. Ritter de la Reno- tiére Wien. Bar.A.DEReutf.RSKIöLD Lausanne. O. V. Riise Kopenhag. L. Kijkhoek 's-Hcrtogu. Leopoldo Kivoi.ta . . Milano. J. 15. Robert s'-Gravenh. Gregokio F. Rodri- guez Buen. Aires. Jhr. Mr. A. van Sasse van IJsselt 's-Hertogb. Adolphe SchOELLER . Montmorency. A. E. sitsen Amsterdam. H. J. Spitzen Jr. . . . Ginneken. A. steffner Mülhaus. i/E. Paul de Smeth .... Bruxelles. J. M. v. Stein Callen- fels Nijmegen. Jhr. L. F. TEIXEIRA de Mattos 's-Gravenh. Mr. J. E. W. TWISS . . De Bilt. A. J. Valevvink .... Leeuwarden. Ernst Vicenz Hamburg. C. Ph. J. van Vlierden Arnhem. A. Vulliemen Lausanne. A. C. Voss Amsterdam. P. W. Waller Overveen. W. WARNSINCK .... Arnhem. A. J. Warren F.psom. J.J. WérumeusBüning Velp. C. Stewart Wilson . Simla. H. de wijs Sr 's-Gravenh. M. Wins Rotterdam. Baron A. de Worms . Surrey. R. B. Yardly Surrey. Committee of Hcmor. (Societies). The Royai. Philatelic Society Lor.don. Vereeniging van Postzegelverzamelaars „HOLLANDIA" Amsterdam. Vereeniging van Post/egelverzamelaars „DE GLOBE" Arnhem. Haacsche Philatelisten Vereeniging . . . . 's Gravenlwge. POSTZEGELVEREENIGING „BREDA" Breda. Internationalen Philatelisten Verf.ins . . Dresden. In";ernationaler Postwertzeichenhündler Verein Berlin. Société Francaise Timbrologie I'aris. Sveriges Filatelist-Klub Stockholm. Oester reichischer Philatelisten Klub .VINDOBONA" Wien. Deltscher Philatelisten Verband Gössnitz S. Verein für Briefmarkenkunde Kiel. SociETa Filatelica Lombarda Milano. Verein für Briefmarkenkunde v. 1SS5. . . . Hamburg. Sociedad Filatelica Argentina Buenos Aires Herts Philatelic Society London. Boston Philatelic Society Boston. Oberelsüssischer Philatelistenclub Mülhausen i.K. OESTERREICHISCHER BRIEFMARKEN-HaNDLER- VEREIN Wien. Propaganda-Committee. (Dealers). J. M. Bartels Boston. Jules Bernichon . . . Paris. Isaac Blanco Paris. J. E. Bohlmeijer. . . . Amsterdam. Theodor Champion . Paris. A. E. Fiechi Milano. D. Field Londen. A. Friedemann Leipzig. Rudolf Friedl .... Wien. M. Galvez Jimenez . . Madrid. G. Gelli. Bruxeües. A. E. Glasewald . . . Gössnitz. Hugo Grieberï .... London. G. A. Th. Keiser . . . 's Gravenh. Paul Kohl Chemnitz. Hugo Krötzsch .... Leipzig Th. Lemaire Paris. R. Mezzadri .... Rome. iMadelle E. MlSSON . Bruxelles. H. Mörbitz Dresden. Charles j. Phillips London. W. H. Peckitt . . . London. Leon de Raay . . . Amsterdam. r. rossauer .... Buenos Aires. Edward Ruben . . Kopenhagen. J. schlesinger . . . Berlin. Carl Sternheim . Berlin. j. s. Telfer .... London. j. Thumin Paris. E. Waske Berlin. Carl Willadt. . . Ptorzheim. A. Yarkmjdy .... Constantinople Yvert Amiens. Guarantors to Exhibition Fund. (Capita) f 3383.—) Nederlandschi. Vereeniging van Postzegelverzamelaars. Afdeelingen der Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Postzegelverzamelaars : Amsterdam, Arnhem, Friesland, Haarlem, 's Hertogenbosch, Twente, Utrecht, West-Friesland. Vereeniging van Postzegelverzamelaars „de Globe" te Arnhem. Internationalen Philatelisten Vereins ürcsden. A. C. van Altkna . . Bergen opZ. C. C. van Altena . . Amsterdam. L. A. Beausar Amsterdam Jules Bernichon . . . Paris. Dr. A. H. v. d. Berg . Midwoud. Mr. E. Bonn Middelburg. M. 7j. Booleman. . . . Amsterdam. C. J. de Bordes .... Velp. L. C. R. Breeman. . . Soerabaia. G. Buijs Schevening. E. Cohen Haarlem. W. P. costerus Pzn.. Edarn. Leo Daamen Tilburg. L. van Essen Mzn. . . Hilversum. A. M. C. J. van EXTER Semarang. A. H. Fickert Haarlem. Gerson v. Gelder . . Harlingen. J. Goossen Czn..... Amsterdam. P. J. van Harderwijk Schiedam. J van Hogerlinden . Arnhem. Dr. v. Ingen Schouten Hoedekensk. N. Jansen Amsterdam. G. A. Th. keiser . . . 's Gravenh. Mej. R. Kerlen .... Zutphen. C. kersten Haarlem. JhrC. Ph. L. v. Kinschot Tiel. J. D. kobes Pasoeroean. A. P. W. Kraan. . . . Hoorn. P. J. H. Kuijper van Harpen Amsterdam. Baron R. LEHMANN.. . London. Dr. J. D. LEUNIS. . . . Haarlem. P. A. Leupen .... Haarlem. Joh. H. Limper Amsterdam. H. P. Manus Amsterdam E. j. Martens Amsterdam. C. VV. MATTHES .... Amsterdam. Abr. Meijer Haarlem. Freiherr Von normann Paramaribo. D. C. Paraira Amsterdam. A. VV. Polman Amsterdam. Leon de Raay Amsterdam. VV. R. A. C. Graat" v. RechterenLimpurg 's Gravenh. J. B. Robert 's Gravenh VV. K. Rutgers .... Amsterdam. L. Rijkhoek 's Hertog.b. Jhr. J. A. A. von Sch.mid Amsterdam. G. V. v. d. Schooren Arnhem. A. E. Sitsen Amsterdam. P. B. Smit Paramaribo. G. J. Stork Amsterdam. G. J. Stork Gz Amsterdam. Jhr. L. de Stuèrs . . . "s Gravenh. jacques Veershijm . . Amsterdam. C. Ph. j. v Vlierden Arnhem. A. C. Voss Amsterdam. C. Wafelbakker . . . Amsterdam. P. W. Wallek Overveen. W. Warnsinck .... Arnhem. A. J. Warren Epsom. C. Stewart Wilson . Simla. M. WlNS Rotterdam. S. J. Weening Amsterdam. J. J. wéruméus Bü- . ning ... Velp. J. A. Wreesman. . . . Groningen. H. de Wijs Sr 's Gravenh. Plan of the Theatre and Concert Hall, etc. 1396Vs M. Large Theatre Hall, 452 sq. m. Plan of the Theatre and Concert Hall, etc. 13961/2 sq. M. Large Theatre Hall, 453 sq. m. Concert-Hall, 450 sq. m. Reproduction of the official Medals. Provisional List of Medals presented for the Exhibition. GREAT GOLD MEDAL. 1N TE RN ATION ALER POSTWERTZEICH F. NHaNDLER verein Berlin. A. W. Holman Amsterdam. SILVERGILT MEDAL. Afdeeling Amsterdam der Ned. Ver. van Postzegelverzamelaars Amsterdam. Afdeeling Haarlem der N'ed. Ver. van Postzegelverzamelaars Haarlem. Afdeeling W.-Friesland der Ned. Ver. van Postzegelverzamelaars Hoorn. OüERELSaSSISCHER PHILATELISTEN CLUB .... Mülhausen i.E. oesterreichischer Briefmarken-HUndler- Vlrein W'icn. L. A. Beausar Amsterdam. Jules Bernichon Paris. j. e. Bohlmeijer Amsterdam. A. Friedemann Leipzig. Paul Kohl Chemnitz. j. B. Robert 's Gravenhage. SILVER MEDAL. Deutscher Philatelisten Verband (2 Med.) Gössnitz S. A. Jules Bernichon Paris. M. 2. Booleman Amsterdam. A. E. flechi Milano. Paul Kohi Chemnitz. Maison Misson & Cie . Bruxelles. Leopoldo Rivolta Milano. J. THUMIN . Paris. A. C. Voss Amsterdam. C. Wafelbakker Amsterdam. W. Warnsinck Arnhem. X. Yaar & Co Amsterdam. BRONZE MEDAL. Paul Kohl. . Chemnitz. J. THUMIN Paris. A. C. Voss Amsterdam. The Committee is prepared to receive donations of Medals, both from persons resident abroad well as from those resident in Holland. All medals vvill however be provided by the Committee, and the following charges will be made to donors. Gold Medal fl. 90,— and fl. 75, - (150/— and 135/—). Silyer-Gilt Meda! fl. 15,— (25/—). Silver Medal fl. 10,— (16/8). Bronze Medal fl. 6,— (10/—). The committee are desirous of according the greatest possible amount of freedom to the Jury in the aliotting of therefore donors of medals are requested to attach no conditions to their gifts,> as to the way in which thev are to be awarded. DIVISION I. Holland and Colonies. CLASS I. Section A. Unused Postage Stamps of Holland and Colonies (in the widest sense of the terni). Section B. Used Postage Stamps of Holland and Colonies (in the widest sense of the term). Section C. Postage Stamps of Holland and Colonies (in the widest sense of the term), both used and unused. Section D. Postage Stamps of Holland or Colonies, which cannot be included in Sections A, B, or C. CLASS 11. Section A. Postal cancellations of Holland, or Holland and Colonies. Section B. Postal cancellations on stamps only of Holland, or Holland and Colonies. CLASS III. Section A. Proofs and Essays oi the Postage Stamps of Holland and Colonies. CLASS IV. Section A. Used and unused Entires of Holland and Colonies. DIVISION II. Specialized Collections. CLASS I. Open to exhibUors ~vho have heen awarded u gold medal at any previous international exhibition of postage stamps, provided that such medal and diploma óe forwarded for exhibition with the exhibii. Section A. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one European country, with the exception of Holland. ONE PRIZE ONLY . . . GREAT GOLD MEDAL. Section B. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one Asiatic country, with the exception of Dutch Indies. ONE PRIZE ONLY . . . GREAT GOLD MEDAi,. Section C. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one African country. ONE PRIZE ONLY . . . GREAT GOLD MEDAL. Section D. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one American country, with the exception of Surinam and Cura<;ao. ONE PRIZE ONLY . . . GREAT GOLD MEDAL. Section E. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one Australian country. ONE PRIZE ONLY . . . GREAT GOLD MEDAL. CLASS II. Open to exhi'oitors tvho have had an azuard other thau a ttold tnedal at any previews international exhibition of po stage stamps provided that suck tnedal and diploma be forwarded for exhibition with the exhibit. Section A. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one European country, with the exception of Holland. Section B. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one Asiatic country, with the exception of Dutch Indies. Section C. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one African country. Section D. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of onc American country, with the exception of Surinam and Curacao. Section E. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one Australian country. CLASS III. Open to those w/io have never been awarded any prize at an International Exhibition. Section A. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one European country, with the exception of Holland. Section B. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one Asiatic country, with the exception of Dutch Indies. Section C. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one African country. Section D. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one American country, with the exception of Surinam and Curacao. Section E. Specialized Collections of the Stamps of one Austraüan country. Internationale Postzegel-XEentoonstelling ■ Amsterdam 1909. Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Postzegelverzamelaars. Als rechtspersoon erkend bij Koninklijke Besluiten van 22 Juni 1886 en 3 September 1888. SECRETARIAAT Warmoesstraat 193. Interc. Telef. No 2930 AMSTERDAM. January 1909. IVc heg to announee you the following alterations in the ru/es and regulations of the Exhibition. (To be joint in) : D i v i s i o n III. CLASS III Section A. Collections of stamps of old Gernian States. Section H. Collection of stamps of old Italian States. Section C. Collections of stamps of one of the following groups : British Colonies. Spanish Colonies. French „ Portuguese „ German ,, D i v i s i o n VI. CLASS I. Section B. ( To be read as follow) .• Collection of stamps contained in one or more albums, with or without descriptive matter. Amongst the Ru/es and Regulations paragraph S must be read as follow : With the exception of division VII, 110 competitor may receive more than 011e Medal in any one Class. nor more than three in de first three divisions. Tor the Exentive Committee. Yours Faithfully, M Z. BOOLEMAN, Hou. Sccretary. »————— —— — — DIVISION III. Genera] Collections. CLASS I. Section A. Stamps of three European countries, with the exception of Holland. Section B. Stamps of three Asiatic countries, with the exception of Dutch Indies. Section C. Stamps of three African countries. Section D. Stamps of three American countries, with the exception of Surinam and Curacao. Section E. Stamps of three Australian countries. CLASS 11. * Section A. Collections of at least 15000 Postage Stamps contained in one or more Albums, with or without, descriptive matter. FIRST PRIZE . . . GREAT GOLD MEDAL. Presented by the Internationalen Postwertseichen-Handler- Verent zu Berlin. ■ — "I * Section B. Collections of at least 10000 stamps, contained in one or more albums, with or without, descriptive matter. * Section C. Collections of less than 10000 stamps, contained in one or more albums, with or without, descriptive matter. DIVISION IV. Collections of Entires. CLASS I. Section A. Entires of from one to three European countries or European colonies, with the exception of Holland and colonies. Section B. Entires of any o n e of the remaining countries of the World not included under Section A, and always excepting Holland and colonies. DIVISION V. Collections not included in any of the Preceding Classes. CLASS. I. Section A. Stamps on origina! covers. Section B. Collections of Postage Stamps or Entires commencing or terminating at a fixed date, and which cannot properly be included in any of the preceding classes or divisions. Section C. Collections of Proofs and Essays (with the exception of Holland and colonies), Forgeries, Curiosities, etc. DIVISION VI. For Young Collectors. Age limit 18 years. CLASS I. Section A. Collections of the Stamps of Holland and colonies, contained either in albums, with, or without, descriptive matter, or on loose leaves in portefolios. Section B. Collections of at least 5000 stamps, contained in one or more albums, with or without, descriptive matter. DIVISION VII. Literature, Albums and Accessories. CLASS !. LITERATURE Section A. journals with, or without, advertisements, but not soleiy advertisements. Section B. Catalogues issued by recognized firms of dealers. Section C. Philatclic Handbooks exhibited by their authers or publishers. CLASS II. ALBUMS AND ACCESSORIES.. Section A. Bound or unbound stamp albums, with or without descriptive matter. Section B. Philatelic accessories. Rules and Regulations. 1. The exhibition will be held in the Bellevue Building on the Leidschekade at Amsterdam from 3to lOJune 1909, both days inclusive. 2. The exhibition will comprise Postage Stamps and Entires in every possible shape and form, Albums, Literature, and furthur everything connected with, or likely to furthur the study of philately. 3. Everybody has the right to send in exhibits and to compete for the prizes, provided that they submit themselves to these regulations. But the Committee reserve themselves the right of refusingany exhibit without assigning any reason should they deein it advisable to do so in the interests of the exhibition. 4. The number of exhibits from any one person is unlimited, but the same collection may not be entered in more than one division, (which, the owner may please himself). All stamps must be mounted on loose sheets or cards, with the exception of collections contained in albums and entered for divisions marked with an asterisk (*). 5. The price of space is as follows: — For stamps not contained in albums 5 fl. (8s. 4d.) per sq. meter. For albums 5 fl. (8s. 4d.) per album. For entires 2fl. 50c. (4s. 2d.) per sq. meter. For Division V 3fl. (5s. Od.) each album or portefolio. With regard to entries for Section VII the Committee request intending competitors to communicate with them. 6. Competitors are requesled as far as possible to use leaves from 13 to 14 inches high, and to 10} inches wide, for mounting their stamps; but leaves of other dimensions will be allowed. The leaves will be exhibited behind stout glass in shallow frames, and albums will be placed open in locked show cases: everything will be under the continual surveillance of a member of the Committee or of some properly appointed person. 7. Medals will be awarded in all classes, and the Jury will be empowered to award in each Division more than one Gold, Silver-Gilt, Silver, or Bronze medal, should they consider it advisable (except Division II Class 1). 8. No competitor may receive more than one medal in any one Division, nor more than three in the first three classes. 9. In default of special arrangements being made all exhibits will be insured by the Committee against risk of fire and burglary: for this insurance exhibitors will be charged 1 per 1000, the minimum charge being fl. 2,50 (4s. 2d.). Exhibits will be covered by insurance as soon as they are actually received by the Committee, and will cease to be covered as soon as they are despatched to their owners, or when, after the close of the exhibition, they are handed over for immediate removai. 10. The sum due to the Committee for space for exhibits. and for the insurance of the latter (should it be desired to insure) must be forwarded to the Committee at the same time as the exhibit. As long as the amount due remains unpaid nothing will be exhibittd, and for any exhibit unaccompanied by a remittance the Committee will assume no responsabillity. 11. Intending exhibitors must carefully fill up the annexed entry form and forward it to the Secretary as soon as possible, and in any case before 1 March 1909. 12. The consent of His Excellency The Minister of Finance having been obtained, exhibits from abroad will be admittid free of duty. Under this arrangement exhibits may be sent by sea, rail, or post, but in all cases eacli parcel must have affixed to it two special labels, which may be obtained free of charge from the Committee. Exhibits must arrivé at Amsterdam between May 23th and June lst 1909. They will be forwarded unopened direct from the frontier to the exhibition building where they will be opened in the presence of a Customs official and a member of the Committee. An advice of despatch together with a declaration of contents in duplicate must be forwarded to the Secretary. Advice of receipt in good condition will be sent immediately on arrival. 13. All exhibits sent from Holland must be forwarded, carriage paid, to the Secretary, Warmoesstraat 193, Amsterdam, between 25 and 29 May. Senders will be noti- fied of safe receipt immediately on arrival. 14. All exhibits intended for competition must be in their entirety the property of the exhibitor but exhibits will also be received "hors concours". Exhibits by members of the Jury will of necessity be "hors concours". 15. Exhibits will not be admitted should there be any inention of a price, or of the words "For Sale" etc., affixed to them. Should it be desired to dispose of any exhibit, the conditions of sale should be laid before the Committee in writing, when, in the event of a sale taking place, a commission of 2'/« % will be levied, such amount going to the insurance fund. 16. The various objects will be prepared for exhibition by the Committee, and they will not be given up during the exhibition. 17. There will no appeal from the decisions of the jury nominated by the Committee to award the prizes: the jury will have the right not to award any of the prizes, should thev so think fit. 18. No stamps may be sold in the exhibition rooms and no other trading will be allowed there. 19. Any dispute or emergency not provided for in these rules will be settled by the decision of the Committee. 20. After the close of the exhibition all exhibits wil! be returned to their owners by the same meansasthey were sent, at the risk and expense of the owners : if so desired the Committee will however be prepared to undertake the insurance of the returned exhibits. tJ)ei~de .fllitgJied DKR Diederlandischen \?ereinigung \?on Briefmarkensammlern. Anerkamt laut Kön.'giichen Beschlusses voni 22 Juni 188G und 3 Sept. 1S88. mitelicilichaft — bei Batl&tagc — uur fiiitf 6«14cn jiibrüch. Kostenfrei empl'angen Sie: Monatsblatf. enthaltcud Hauptnrtikel, Neuerei-heinungen mit. vielen Abbildungen n. s. w. Kostenfrei empi'angen Sie: Vertraiitiche Mltteiluneeii, Heilage ausdem Vereinigiingsleben, Warnungen vor Frilschern u. 3. w. Kostenfrei euipl'nngen Sie: Jahrbtieh. Jaliresiibersielit und vicle Adressen von Samralern. Kostenfrei kunnen Sie auzeicreu Tanseli, Kan 1 und Verkam. Kostenios köunen.Sie llire Marken von Speziaütaten priil'en lassen. Kostenios köunen Sie ani Lese/.irkel teilnehmen, iter «1 ie bedentendsteii anslandisehen Zeifs.'hrit'ten enthiilt. Kostenios können Sie /.urn Studium die Biicherei benutzen. Die Abteilung Ankauf vermittelt zum Selbstkostenpreise neue ausliindische Marken. Die Abteilung Verkauf bit: tel Ihnen (lelegeuheii, Ui re Doubletten in der vorteilhaïtesten Weise zn verknufen und andere Marken cin/nkaufen. TJederlandsche Bond van Vereenigingen van Postzegelverzamelaars. Als Rechtspersoon erkend bij Kon. Besluit vin 27 Juli 190S, No. 67. Bestuur: C. Wafelbakker, Voorzitter, Linnaeusstraat 0, Amsterdam. H. de Wijs Sr. Vioe Voorz., Nassau Odijckstraat 61, 's Gravenhage. Mr. E. Bonn, le Secretaris, Rouaauschekade G 15'J, Middelburg. A. E. Sitsen, 2e Secretaris, Koelof Hartstraat 176, Amsterdam H. J. Spitzen, Penningmeester, Ginneken A. G. Rinders, Commissaris, Z.O. Buitensingel 286, 's Gravenhage. W. van Eeden, Commissaris, Piet Heinstraat 100, 's Gravenhage. Leden: de Nederl. Vereeniging van Postzegelverzamelaars te Amsterdam. de Postzegelvereniging „Breda'' te Breda. de Haagsehe Philatelisten Vereeniging te 's Gravenhage. de Vereeniging van Postzegelverzamelaars „Hollandia" te Aiusterd. Voordeelen van hel lidmaafschap van den Bond: I Keurings afdeeling. II Rechtskundige afdeeling. Bij alle mogelijke geschillen met andere verzamelaars of handelaars kunnen leden der aangesloten vereeniging' liet advies van deze afdeeling inwinnen. Bovendien zal de afdeeling desgevvenscht hare bemiddeling verleenen tot het bijleggen van geschillen alsmede uitspraak doen op verzoek van beidepartijeii. Alle rechtskundige bijstand wordt geheel kosteloos verleend. III Inlichtingen afdeeling. De leden der aangesloten vereenigingen kunnen zich tot deze afdeeling wenden om alle mogelijke inlichtingen te verkrijgen. Deze inlichtingen worden geheel kosteloos verstrekt en betreffen zoowel degelijke als ondegelijke ruil- en koopadressen in binnen- en buitenland. Bovendien worden alle vervalschingen zooveel mogelijk met vermelding van naam en adres der vervaardigers en verspreiders in de officieele organen der aangesloten vereenigingen gepubliceerd Het lidmaatschap der hiervorengenoemde ledenvereenigingen geeft tevens het lidmaatschap van den Bond. Alle Vereenigingen, die lid wenschen te worden, moeten zichbij den len secretaris opgeven. Als jaarlijksche bijdrage wordt door iedere vereeniging 20 cent voor elk harer leden betaald. Bovendien kan men als belangstellende toetreden, tegen een jaarlijksche bijdrage van minstens f 0,50 . Men heeft dan vrijen toegang tot alle congressen en tentoonstellingen door den bond te houden. Alle eventueel desgewensehte inlichtingen worden gaarne dooralle bestuursleden verschaft, terwijl de le Secretaris aan ieder desverlangd een exemplaar van de Statuten en het Huishoudelijk Reglement zal toezenden tegen ontvangst van een bedrag van 25 cent. . T M. Z. BQQLEMAN — AMSTERDAM. ] Vraag „Confidentia" Het eenig.tte cn grootste TJjdsehrift van Nederland, hetwelk gratis verspreid wordt. Ieder nummer van minstens 24 Pagina's bevat een schat van voordeelen. TE KOOP GEVRAAGD. Voor het bijeenbrengen van drie Transvaal-Verzamelingen worden legea hooge prijzen: Oude Transvaalzegels van vóór 1885 te koop gevraagd. Keuren van Transvaalzegels door M. Z. BOOLEAIAN, Specialist en Expert voor Transvaalzegels. Tarief op aanvrage. Nederland en Koloniën. Enorme voorraad op typen, tandingen en •uriosa. - H.H. Speciaal verzamelaars gelieve maneolijsten te zenden. ve,.,„se„sie Confidentja., 1'ie eiuzigste nnd griisste Zeitsclirift der Niederlande, die jedermann gratis zugeschickt wird. Jede Nummer von mindestens 24 Seiten enthalt für jedermann' grosse Vorteile. IU KAUFEK OE8ÜCHT. Für die Zusammenstellung von drei Transvaal Kollektionen suche ichzu den höchsten Preisen die alteren Marken der Transvaal Emissionen vor 1885 zu erwerben. Pritfuug von Transvaalinarken geschieht von JI. Z. BOOLEilAN, Spezialist 11. Prül'er v.Transvaaltnarken. Bedingungen auf Anfragen. Niederlande und Koloniën, Iieichhaltiger Vorrat nach Typen, Zahnungen und Kuriosa. Spezialsammler wollen geil. Ihre Fehllisten einsenden. Demandez „Confidentia" Le seul et le plus grand Journal de la Hollande envoyé gratuitenient. Chaque numéro d'environ 24 Pages contient une foule d'avantages. JE CHERCHE ii ACHETER. Aliu de monter trois ('ollertious de Transvaal j'achète au plus hauts prix tous les anciens timbres de Transvaal émis avant 1*85. Expertise spéciale des timbres du Transvaal par M. Z. BOOI.E3IAN, Specialiste et Expert des timbres du Transvaal. ('onditlons sur Deiuande. Pays-Bas et Colonies. stock oonsidérable arrangé d'après types. piquages et curiosités. M.JI. les specialistes sont priésd'adresserleur listes de desiderata. Appiy for „Confidentia" The sole and brigtliest Netherlands Magazine which is sent postfree. Each number of at least 24 Pagescontents a lot ot advantageous offers. WANTEI) TO PURCHASE. For the reconstruction of three Transvaal Colleetions 1 particulary look for old Transvaal stamps issued before 1885, for which I pay the highest possible prices. Examination of Transvaal stamps by M. Z. BOOLEMAN, Specialist and Expert for Transvaal stamps. Ternis 011 application. Xetlierland and C'olouies. Enormous Stock in Types, Perforations and curiosities. Specialist are kindly requested to subiuit their waiit-lists. Buneaux. Warmoesstraat 193. — Interc. Tel. No. 2930. ] W. H. FECKITT. Dealer in Rare Stamps, 47, Strand, LONDON. ll'.C. A LARGE SELECTION OF STAMPS RANGING FROM CURRENT ISSUES TO THE GREATEST RARITIES, IN FINE CONDITIONS AND AT MODERATE PRICES ALWAYS IN STOCK. STAMPS SENT ON APPROVAL & LISTS OF WANTS RECEIVE EVERY ATTENTION. COLLEC'1 IONS AND RARITIES PURCHASED. THE REGULAR SUPPLY OF NEW ISSUES OF ENGLISH COLONIALS A SPECIALITY — EXPLANATORY CIRCULAR UPON APPLICATION. A BARGA1N LIST OP SPECIAL OFFEFyS ISSUED FROM TIME TO TIME & WILL BE SENT REÖULARL^ POST FREE. PRICE LISTS POST FREE. Telephone 3204 Gerrard. Telegram? & Cables „Peckitt, London." JUIÊS BERNICblON, 4 RUE ROCHAWBEAU (SQUARE /AONTHOLON) -«C PARIS •:v- <£aiafoguc <§>JJiciel de Ta J§ociété j?ran$aise do -pini&rolo.jie. Le plus complet de tous les Catalogues■ •> vol. - 1700 pages - 10.000 clichés - 187.000 prix. Franco Frs. 5.60. (^aiafogue <§>éncra(. !.<• précédent réduit ii 1030 pages, réliure toile. Franco Frs. 3.50. Prix spéciatix pour marchands. I'iix-Conrant de séries en préparation. Knviron 3000 séries, y compris Rnraux nisse. Franco au simple demande. - Rapports sollicités avec collectioneurs avancés. == Sc tnvmim 3 Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle - PARIS 2e. VENTE ET ACHAT •ie timbres ueuls et oblitérés, achat de collections et de lots es feuilles d'ofires d'occasions sont envoyées gratuitement sur demande. Wir empiehlen uxis, unlur Hinweis aul' die nachste Jalir in Amsterdam stattfindende Aiisstelliing. /.in- Erledignng von Mancolisten. Iu letzter Stunde eingehende Listen könneii ol'i nicht raehr Berücksichtigung linden. Sammler, die ansstellen wollen, bitten wir, daher sich unter Ncnnnng der gewünschten Marken sofort niit uns in Verbinding zu setzen. Kohl's Grosser Kalalog undHandbuch 1909. In 8. Aullage erschienen ca. 1500 Seiten. Bestes Nachscliiugebtich der Gegenwart. Vorziiglichste Unterlage zur Keuordnung von Saumilungen t'iir die bevorstehende Ausstelluug. PAUL KOHL g. m. b. h. CHEMNITZ. Kohl's Permanent-Albums. AuswechselbareBliitter. Kein Unikleben. 20 eleg. Ansgaben, samtlich ohne Markenabbildungen 10—40 Mark. Prospekt gratis. De Ruyter Nachportomarken 1907. Preise pro 100. Compi, Satz 1 Aull. Huil. Waiininj?. /'4.— ' °enl — ? _ II 075 1 » *3 » l-!,0 " 1 " » -,J p/ E- » _ 7l/a cent Type I u. II zusamnieuhangend „ 3.50 " 5 » 19 1 n Tl on -Ai •' m » 1 — jy yt 1 u. ri y, . Q _ 7'/.j cent in. weiss. Str. durch D. . . ., 1.50 " 60 " 10 „ idem . . . „ 1.50 °" | " 12'/, „ idem . . . ,, 2.50 ' '* " ° " ^"JU 20 „ idem . . . „ 2.50 j'.1 " f ~ 50 „ idem . . . „ 2.50 ' " g '\y- - 1 Gulden idern . . . „ 4.50 2o " I ",° 50 ie 50 — 2o cent Fehldruk CE: NT . . . „ 7.50 " ° ' 1 gulden - „95. — P. 8ERVAAS SMITS NIJMEGEN. CH. LE/AIERRE, 145». , Galkrik I>K VAIT.OÏN, 3<59 PALAIS ROYAL PARIS, t— EDITE LA CIRCULAIRE PH/LA TÉLIQUE REVUE mensuelle ILLUSTRÉE Kéaisés p» les E::'.ïiirs ftilité uutmit lei plu: comu: [unie ANNÉE] MEDAILLE D'OR a TExposition du Livre, 19071. Abonnement fr. 2,50 per an. LE CATALOGUE GÉNÉRAL LE MEILLEUR et LE PLUS COMPLET des CATALOGUES FRANCAIS. Prix 3 fr. Port fr 0,25. L'ALBU/A „LE PRÉFÉRÉ" a feuillets mobiles. SIMPLE, PRATIQUE, SOLIDE. Prix: fr. 12,50 achat et vente de timbres-poste = R. WEZZADRI Via Condotti No. S1-u etage :: ROME (italie) J^aison pfiifatéfique fonclée en 1873. PRIX-COURANT de vente de tous les TIMBRES D'ITALIE, DES COLONIES 1TALIENNES et DES ANCIENS DUCHÉS :: :: GRATIS sur demande. n.B. La Maison garantit D'UNE FACON ABSOLUE tout ce qu'elle vend. De grootste en uieestbekende lirma voorden Verkoop van postzegels van den TRANSVAAL en ORAXJE-RiyiER-KOLOXIE is X. VAAR & Co., Auisterdam-Xew-York, Directeur LEON DE KAAI, lid 964 Ned. Vereeniging v. Postzegelverzamelaars — Hollandia, Haag Ph. V. enz. Wanneer L' werkelijk een vertrouwbaar en goedkoop pliilatelistisch tijdschrift wenscht, vraag dan De Nederlandsche Philatelist 3000 Exemplaren maandelijks. Maandelijksch Supplement „De geschiedenis van de Postzegels van Oranje-Vrijstaat". - JaarUjkseh abonnement f «.60 franc». Billijke advertentieprijzen. - Proefnummer gratis bij X. YAAR & Co., Arasterdam. The largest and best kuown 1'irm for the sale oi' stamps ot' TRAXSYAAL nnd ORAXGE FREE,STATE is X. YAAR & Co.. Amsterdani-Xew-York, Manager: I.ÉON DE RAA\. member ol the Birmingham-, Manchester- and Junior Societies, etc. If vou desire a really reliable and eheap philatelic Jonrnal, try De Nederlandsche Philatelist 3000 cópies monthly. VVith seperate monthly supplement „The History oi the Postage «Stamps of the Orange Kree state." - Subscription 1/— per annum free. Moderate iiriees for advertiseiuents. Specimen copy free from X. YAAR & Co., Amsterdam. I.a Maison X. YAAR & Co., Anisterdain-Xcw-York, directeur (.KON DE RAAY, membre de la Société Franyaise de Timbrologic etc., est connu pour la ineillieur et plus renommé adresse pour la veute des timbres poste du TRAXSYAAL et d'ORAXGE. Quand vous desiré un journal du conilanee et & bas pnx essay er De'Nederlandsche Philatelist IgF&SZt Avec supplement seperate „L'Histoire des timbres-poste d Orange Abonnement frs. 1,25 par année, franco - Prix d'annonces tres moderé. Demandez no specimen de X. 1 AAR & Co., Amsterdam. Die griisste und bestbekannteste Firma fiir den Verkam' deiMarken von TRAXSVAAL und des ORAXGE-FREISTAATES ïsi X. YAAR & Co., Ainsterdam-Xcw-York Dir.: LEON DE RAA\,Mitgl. d. Intern. Postwertzeiehen-Hiindler-Vereins. - Wenn Sie eine wirklich gute und billige philatelistische Zeitschrift wünschen, so verlangen .Sie De Nederlandsche Philatelist 3000 Exempl. inonatlich. mit seinem monatlichen Beiblatt: Die Geschictite der Postmaiiven des Orange-Freistaates. — Jlihrlicher Abonncmentspreis M. 1.— franko. — Massice Insertionspreise. — Probenummer gratis von X. YAAR & Co., Amsterdam. Grosse Marken Paiete Larje variety packets iür den Wiederverkauf for the trade sind meine Specialitat. is my speciality. Gebraucht und Nur Nur Europa jjgjgu ungebaucii'. gebraucht. Europa. gebraucht. Hsia onlij. ussdiunussd. ised only. Europe. Europe used. 1000 1000 500 500 Nur HMka. 1500 1500 600 600 Hinerica onlq. 2000 2000 750 750 ^ s#fl. 2500 2500 1000 1000 „ , Central-flmerica. 3000 3000 1250 1250 4000 4000 1500 1500 Australië». 5000 5000 1750 1750 Snglisli Colonies. 6000 I 6000 2000 2000 7000 7000 2250 2250 Spanische Colonien. 8000 — 2500 2500 Stamps issued since 1900. 9000 - - — ' Al , Oriënt. 10000 — _ Verschiedene Marken. Different Sfamps und viele andere Zusaniniensetzungen und Grossen, and any amount of other coinbinations and sizes. ENGRÖS PREISE AÜF ANFRAGE WHOLESALE QÜOTATIONS ÜPON nur an liandler. \ ■ application to dealers onlq. I.SELLSCHOPP, Hm AMoL "I DF I F I n PHILATELIC EXPERT, 1 ' 1—'LrL/, DEALER 6 PUBLISHER. 4 & 5 The Royal Arcade. Old Bond 5t„ LONDON England. IMPORTANT. FIELD's S1MPLIFJED CATALOGUE of the Postage-Stamps of the BRJT1SH EAPIRE. The best and simplest catalogue for general collectors. Nearly 1000 full-size illustrations. PRICE I/—; post free 13. Write for a copy to-day. SPECIAL OFFER. CAYMAN ISLANDS. 1905—6 issue with King's portrait with Multiple Crown CA vvmk. Jd. green, ld. carmine, 2ld. ultramarine, 6d. brown, and 1/— orange. All mint and in perfect condition. VERY RARE. Price 10/— per set of five. THE WEST-END PHILATELIST The Best and Brightest Magazine for all Stamp Collectors. Subscription 16 per Annum. In every number special offers of good stamps at bargain prices are made to subscribers only. Specimen Copy Gratis and Post Free. Ask for niy free Price List. COLLECTIONS AND SINGLE RARIT1ES PURCHA5ED. i ani particularly desirous of purchasing a number of general or specialised collections ranging in vaiue from £ 5 to £ 5000 for prompt cash. Rarities of Sarawak, Seychelles and Siam PARTICULARLY WANTED. Have you anything to offer? In FIFI n 4-6 5 THE ROYAL ARCADE, L-S . I OLD BOND ST., LONDON W. [ENGL.] lamer vorbaadtat erfoma Wabl ia aittlma aad btstnt» Sortea, ft allw mtklaiiige Pracbtstflcke. Inttalaai coa TeMlUtea erbttea. «■« Nar Ungobraacht. 8tatt Nur M. M. Br. Hondur. 1900 $5 35—26— Canada 1897 $3 18.- 13— „ t4 25—18.„ $6 30.-22.60 Ceylon 1855/59 |P. 25. -16.50 „ 1863 JP. 25.-16.50 Cypern 1880 6 P. 25.-17.50 „ 1880 IS. 60.- 42.50 Labuan 1880 12 C. 60. -- 40— Leew.-Insi. 1897 IS. 40.-30.„ 1897 5S. 75.-55.Malay. Bund 1900 $ 5 40.- 27.50 Mauritius 1863/68 5 S. 30.-20.— „ 1879/8013 C. 24.—16— N. Fundiand 1857 8 P. 30.— 20. 1861/62 2 P. 20—14— Neria 1861 IS. 80— 60— Nigerküflte ' 1897/1900 10S. 25.—17.50 Nur Ung-ebraoeht. 4 Statt Nur M. M. Nord-Borneo 1883/86 50 C. 25.—16.— 1883/86 $1 20 —14.— N.-Nigcrien 1900 2i S. 30— 22.50 „ 1900 , 10S. 80.—60.— Perak 1895/96 25 £160.-90.— St. Lucia 1891 10 S. 20.—15.— Selangor 1895/97 $3 20.-15.$5 25.-18— Siërra Leone 1896/97 £1.-40.-30.— Str. Settlem. 1883/92 8 C. 30— 22— 1898 $5 20—16— Süd-Austral. 1903 £1.— 100—66— Süd-Nigerien 1901 5 S. 20— 14— „ 1901 tOS. 35>-25— „ 1903/04 6 S. 25— 17.50 Trinidad 1896 10 S. 60— 42.50 Victoria 1885/86 1 S. 20—13— W.-Austral. 1902 £1— 27—21— MefleriaiKU and Kolomen. Surlnam. U^br' ^br- 1889 40 C. 2.25 2.25 f 1— 3— 2.25 1898 10 auf 15 C. 2.-2.10 „ 25Ultrmn 6.— #.— 1900 f 1— 3.50 2.25 f 2.50 7.50 8 — 50 auf f 1— 1.75 2— 50 „ f 2.50 7.50 8— 1901/8 f 1— 2.25 2.26 f 2.50 5.50 5.50 Caraeso. 1879 3 C. 6.25 10— f 2.50 7.50 5— 1886 . 15 C. 1.75 2— 30 C. 2— 3.- 60 C 1.60 1.76 f 1.50 4.25 4.25 1901 f 1.50 " 7.50 7.50 1903 f 150 3.50 3.50 f 2.60 5.50 6.60 Hlederlande. Ungebr. 6abr. M. M. 1852 16 C. 12.50 1.76 1864 15 C. 15— 1.75 1867 25 C. 10— 2.50 50 C. 15— 4.25 1872/88 f 2.50 10— 2.50 1891 f 2.50 10— 2— 1894 f 2.50 6.60 1.40 \ 1896 f 5— 16— 6.-| 1898 f 5.- . 9— 1.50 | 1905 f 10.- 18—127^1 Nlederl.-Indien. 1864 10 C. 10.— 3— 1865 10 C. 17— 8.50 1906 f 2.50 10— 3.60 1874 >. 5 C. Port. 46— 52.50 Sariaam. 1879 f 2.50 8— 8.50 1889 30 C. 2.25 2.25 m. Z. Boolcwan, OParinoesstraat m » Amsterdam. Geschenk 7 V" 2 2 1 DC i fZ J PMILATELIC EXPERT, . I I LLU, DEALER & PUBLISHER. 4 & 5 The Royal Arcade. Old Bond 5t„ LONDON SU}.. England. IMPORTANT. F I E L D's S1MPLIF1ED CATALOGUE of the Postage-Stamps of the B R I Tl S li E/AP1RE. The best and simplest catalogue for general collectors. Nearly 1000 full-size illustrations. PRICF. I —; post free I 3. Write for a copy to-day. THE WEST-END PH1LAIELIST The Best and Brightest A\agazine for all Stamp Collectors. Subscription I 6 per Annum. In every number special offers of good stamps at hargain prices are made to subscribers only. Specimen Copy Gratis and Post Free. Ask for my free Price List. SPECIAL OFFER. CAYMAN ISLANDS. 1905—6 issue with King's portrait with Multiple Crown CA wnik. ;d. green, ld. carmine, 2\d. ultramarine, 6d. brown, and 1 — orange. All mint and in perfect condition. VERY RARE. Price 10/'-- per set oi five. COLLECTIONS AND SiNGLE RARIT1ES PURCHA5ED. I am particularly desirous of purchasing a number of general or specialised collections ranging in value from £ 5 to 5000 for prompt cash. Rarities of Sara wak, Seychelles and Siam PARTICULARLY WANTED. Have you anything to offer? Dpi Cl 4 & 5 THE ROYAL ARCADE, . I 1 LLLJ, OLD BOND ST.. LONDON W. [ENGL.; Immer oorbandent 6röi$«Nn Ulabl in mlttWren und be»»«ren Sorttn, alles er»tkla*$igt PrachWücke. Zimndung oon TeMlUten erbeten. t-t Nar Ungebraucht. Start Nur | M. M. Br. Hondur. 1900 ( 5 35.— 26.- j Canada 1897 (3 18.- 13.„ M 25.-18. i „ $5 30.- 22.50, Ceylon 1855/59 \ P. 25. - 16.50 1863 i P. 25.- 16.50 Cypern 1880 6P-25.—17.50 „ 1880 1 S. 60. - 42.50 Labuati 1880 12 C. 60.-- 40— Leew.-Insl. 1897 1 S. 40.- 30. „ 1897 5S. 75 -55.Malay, Bund 1900 $ 5 40.- 27.50 Mauritius 1863/68 5 S. 30.— '20.— „ 1879/8013 C. 24.— 16— N. Fundiand 1857 8 P. 30.— 20. 1861/62 2P. 20.— 14— Nevis 1861 1 S. 80.— 60— Nigerküste 1897/1900 10S. 25.— 17.50 Nar Unpebraacnt. Statt Nur M. M. Nord-Borneo 1883/8650C. 25.— 16.— 1883/86 $ 1 20 — 14— N.-Nigcrien 1900 2i S. 30.—22.50 1900 10 S. 80.— 60— Perak 1895/96 25 £ 150.-90— St. Lucia 1891 10 S. 20.— 15.— Selangor 1895/97 $3 20.— 15.— $5 25—18— Siërra Lecme 1896/97 £ 1.-40.— 30.— Str. Settlem. 1883/92 8 C. 30.— 22— 1898 $ 5 20—16— Süd-Austral. 1903 £ 1.— 100.— 65.— Süd-Nigerien 1901 5 S. 20.— 14.— „ 1901 10 S. 35;*-25. „ 1903/04 5 S. 25.- 17.50 Trinidad 1896 10 S. 60. — 42.50 Victoria 1885/86 1 S. 20.— 13— I W.-Austral. 1902 £1.— 27.— 21.— niederlande und Koloniën. Niederiande. Ungebr. Gebr. I M M 1852 15 C. 12.50 1.75 1864 15 C. 15.— 1.751 1867 25 C. 10.- 2.50 50 C. 15.- 4.25 j 1872/88 f 2.50 10.— 2.501 1891 f 2.50 10.- 2.-1 1894 f 2.50 6.50 1.40 1896 f 5.- 16.- 6.-| j 1898 f 5.- 9.~ 1.50 | 1905 f 10. - 18.- 12.—| Niederl.-Indien. 1864 10 C. 10— 3.— 1865 10 C. 17— 8.50 1906 f 2.50 10.— 3.50 1874 v. 5 C. Port. 45— 52.50 Sarinam. 1879 f 2.50 8.- 8.50 1889 30 C. 2.25 2.25 „ , Ungebr. Gebr. Surinain. 5H M 1889 40 C. 2.25 2.25 f 1— 3.— 2.25 1898 10 auf 15 C. 2.-2.10 „ 25Ultrmn 6.— 6.— 1900 ƒ 1.— 3.50 2.25 f 2.50 7.50 8 — 50 auf f 1— 1.75 2— 50 „ f 2.50 7.50 8— 1901/8 f 1.— 2.25 2.25 f 2.50 5.50 5.50 Curacao. 1879 3 C. 6.25 10— f 2.50 7.50 5— 1886 15 C. 1.75 2— 30 C. 2.- 3.- 60 C 1.60 1.75 f 1.50 4.25 4.25 1901 f 1.50 7.50 7.50 1903 f 1 50 3.50 3.50 f 2.50 5.50 5.50 9.- 1.50; 11901/8 m. Z. Booleman, Warmocsstraat m ■ Amsterdam. Geschenk 7 \ ' 2 1 ^