PMTIIMS AND SGHEME FOR THE Erection of a Steel-Plant on the Island of Java (Dutch East-India Colonies) BY REDUCING TITANIFEROUS IRON SAND. THE HAGUE 1909 8 L J-LY pkinted D ■ I JOHN J. LOKE GROOT HERTOGINNELAAN 231 's-GRAVENHAGE PARTICULARS AND SCHEME FOR THE Erection of a Steel-Plant on the Island of Java (Dutch East -India) BY REDUCING TITANIFEROUS IRON-SAND. TH E H A G U E 1909. II. PARTICULARS ABOUT THE IRON-SAND. The black sand consists almost entirely of iron-ore, combined with titanic acid (Ilmenite), which is nearly all magnetic (Fe Ti)3 04 (Magnetite), whereas the rest is not magnetic (Fe Ti)s Os (Hematite). The „Magnetite" can be very easily obtained by magnetic separation, which can be effected in many different ways and does not cost more than 5 pence per ton (1000 Kilogram — 19.64 Cwt.) The fact that the „Hematite" cannot be separated and is thus wasted, is of no importance whatever, considering the immense quantities of Magnetite. For exploitation, conveyar.ce, drying, magnetic separation, loading, transport and unloading of the magnetic iron-sand at Tjilatjap the following are the maximum costs per ton: Exploitation 4 — Royalty 1/7 (J) Gouvernment tax 0/10 Total 6/5 say less than half this price everywhere else for less graded iron-ores. (*) For utilisation of the new process of Professor Dr. W. Borchkrs, (See page 9). III. METALLURGIC VALUE OF THE MAGNETIC IRON-SAND- The most accurate and therefore the most important analysis of the magnetically purified ore-sand and of the gangue was made by Mr. L. Campredon, Fondateur-Directeur du Laboratoire d'Analyses Metallurgiques, Industrielles, Commerciales, etc. Saint-Nazaire (LoireInfèrieure), France. Bulletin No. 8729. Sup minerai déssèché a 100" C. MINERAI GANGUE (C o n c e n t r a t e s). (T a i 1 i n g s). Silice 1.60 33.40 Alumine Traces 5.50 Protoxyde de fer. . . . 28.50 (Fe = 22.18) j 13.50 (Fe= 10.51) j 24 11 Peroxyde de fer .... 49.95 (Fe = 34.97) \ 19.43 (Fe= 13.60) j Oxyde de Manganèse . . 0.98 (Mn = 0.70) 0.45 (Mn = 0.35) Chaux 0.37 5.44 Magnésie 2.35 9.97 Acide Sulfurique .... 0.069 (S = 0.027) 0.086 (S = 0.032) Acide Phosphorique. . . 0.096 (Ph = 0.042) 0.076 (Ph — 0.033) Cuivre . 0.012 0.012 Arsenic 0.005 Traces Plomb, Zinc Baryte I Néant ou Traces I Néant ou 1 races Sulfate dc Baryte. , . . ^ \ Acide Titanique .... 16.00 10.20 Perte au feu (n. d. et p.) . 0.068 1 -936 100.000 100.000 Saint-Nazaire le 3 Mai 1905. L. CAMPREDON. This Analysis proves, that the concentrated ore-sand (magnetite) is a very high graded iron-ore, (78.45 °/0 iron-oxydes with 57.15 0 0 iron) very pure, as it is almost free from copper, sulphurand phosphorus. On account of its powder-form, as well as the high titanium-alloy, it was until recently considered unfit for the manufacture of iron, according to existing methods. This iron-sand (crude ore) which contained 75 0 „ of magnetite and 25 •/. of gangue was reduced to a pig-iron, free from titanium and a slag, rich in titanium, for the first time in an electro-thermical process demonstrated in the Laboratory of Electro-metallurgy of Professor Dr. W. Borchers at Aix-la-Chapelle (Germany) on the 12thof December 1906 (See Official Report, page 18 19 and 22 23) explained and discussed by Mr. J. W. Richards, at the Eleventh General Meeting of the Electro-Chemical Society in Philadelphia Pa. May 4, 1907, President Carl Hering in the chair. This part of Borchers' total process of utilizing titaniferous iron-ores (including iron-sands) was worked out by Professor Borchers and his students more than 8 years ago. It was published in 1902. (Borchers nevv process see page 9). The following Analysis of the metal and of the slag, shows exactly the result of this process. Laboratoire de M. L. Campredon a Saint-Nazaire le 26&31 Déc. 1906. Echantillons de fonte (pig-iron): Carbone total 3.05 Manganèse Soufre . . Phosphore Silicium 1.52 0.01 0.11 0.37 Fer 94.94 Aluminium non dosé Titane néant ou traces 100.00 lm Einzelnen Dauer des , ,, Art des Nr. CHARGE. Roheisen. Schlacke. Schmelzens. i Roheisens. 1 Erz. . . 200 kg. 2 h. 30 119 113 weiss. Kohle. . 50 kg. Kalkstein. 40 kg. 2 Erz. . . 240 kg. 2 h. 117 140 weiss. Kohle. . 60 kg. Kalkstein. 40 kg. 3 id. id. 97 135 grau. .4 id. id. 94 107 meliert. 5 id. id. 110 150 meliert. 6 id. id. 100 113 strahlig. 7 id. id. 96 134 stark meliert. 8 id. id. 126 148 stark meliert 9 Ki' ld' | 194 232 strahlig. 10 id. id. * 6 11 id. id. 103 115 stark meliert. Das Gesamtergebnis der 11 Schmelzen war danach: 2600 kg. Erz 650 kg. Kohle 440 kg. Kalkstein 4400 Elektrische P.S. -Stunden. 1156 kg. Roheisen 1387 kg. Schlacke Per Tonne Roheisen wurden also verbraucht: 2250 kg. Erz (2) 565 kg. Kohle 380 kg. Kalkstein 3800 elektrische P.S. -Stunden (entsprechend 0.43 elektrische Jahres P.S.) Die iolgenden Zahlen bestatigen, dass mit der Vergrösserung der elektrischen Oefen der Kraftverbrauch sic/i ganz wesentlich verringert: Am 12 Dezember 1906 mit einer 55 P.S. Dynamo in Aachen pro Tonne Roheisen 1,1 Jahres P.S. am 19/21 Marz 1908 mit einer 200 P.S. Dynamo in Ugine pro Tonne Roheisen 0,43 Jahres P.S.(3) Nach dem im Laboratorium zu Ugine ausgeführten Analysen schvvankte die Zusammensetzung der erschmolzenen Roheisensorten, zwischen folgenden Gehalten C Si Mn S P Ti Va Cr 2.14 0.098 0 0.219 0.032 0.048 0 3.21 0.074 0.030 0.209 0.120 Spuren 0.23 0.23 4.24 0.364 0.152 0.055 0.135 0.009 0.14 3.77 0.560 0.126 0.071 0.126 0.012 0.12 STAHL aus dem so hergestellten Roheisen und Javanischen Magneteisenerz. Ein Versuch des Verschmelzens des aus dem javanischen Magneteisenstein gewonnenen Roheisens auf Stahl wurde in der Weise ausgeführt, dasz in einem anderen Girodofen das mit Eisenschrott javanischen Magneteisenerz und Kalkstein eingeschmolzene Roheisen nach jedesmaligem Entschlaken zweimal mit javanischem Magneteisenerz und Kalkstein, einmal mit einer neutralen Kalksilikatschlacke behandelt und mit Mangansilicium und Ferro9ilicium desoxydiert wurde. Der Schmelzversuch erforderte: 1000 kg. Roheisen aus Javanischem Erz 5Ü0 kg. Eisenschrott 500 kg. Magneteisenerz, javanisches 230 kg. Kalk 8 kg. Quarzsand 8 kg. Flusspath Als desoxydierende Zusatze kamen in Anwendung: 12 kg. Mangansilicum (22° 0 Si und 65° 0 Mn) 4 kg. Ferrosilicium mit 50% Si 165 Kilowatt wahrend 10 Stunden 50 Minuten 250 „ „ 1 Stunde. 1490 kg. Stahl wurden erhalten. Der Kraflverbrauch betragt danach pro Tonne Stahl aus Roheisen und Erz: 1250 Kilowattstunden — 1700 Pferdekraftstunden entsprechend 0.194 Jahrespferdekraftstarken. (4) Die Zusammenzetzung des Siahles war: C Si Mn S P 0.330 0.022 0.426 0.062 0.074 Die mechanische Prüfung ergab: Elastizitats Festigkeit grenze. pro qmm. üohnung. Contraction. In ausgeglühtem Zustande 33.5 53.7 26° 0 52% Bei 900° C abgeschreckt und bis 500° C angelassen 70 76.5 12.5°/0 54.5% Dem Versuchen wohnten bei und die Richtigkeit vorstehenden Berichtes bescheinigen: JOHN. J. LOKE. PAUL G1ROD, Direktor der „Société Anonyme Electrométallurgi que". Dr. FRITS WÜST, Geheimer Regierungsrat, Professor der Eisenhüttenkunde an der Königlich Technischen Hochschule zu Aachen. Dr. WILHELM BORCHERS, Geheimer Regierungsrat, Professor der Metallhüttenkunde und Elektrometallurgie an der Königlich Technischen Hochschule zu Aachen. Dr. PAUL GÖRENS, Dozent für Metallographie an der Königlich Technischen Hochschule zu Aachen. (l) Sehe Seite 16. (2>/ • „ * (s) ' Sehe Seiten 34 u 35. (*)) (TRANSLATION. Page 24.) OFFICIAL RFPORT on the melting experiment made with magnetic ironore sand from the South Coast of the Provinces of Banjoemas-Kedoe in the Isle of Java, Netherlands East Indies, in an electrical furnace system „Paul Girod' in the Manufactories of the Limited Liability Company, called ,,Société Anonyme Electrométallurgique", in Ugine Savoy (France) on March 19, 20, 21 and 25, 1908. The Official Report on the experiments made in Aix-La-Chapelle on December 12th 1906, in a small electrical furnace, contains all necessary information regarding the Composition of the Magnetic ironore sand, sent to Ugine. (') The Object of the Expirements made in Ugine was to prove: 1°. that in using larger electrical furnaces, proportionally less electrical power is required, 2°. that moreover from the melted pig iron, soft iron respectively steel can be obtained in an electrical furnace. In the electrical furnace in Ugine one-phase-current was obtained by means of a Dynamo producing 3100 ampères at 63 volts with a working factor of 0.75. On an average the furnace received consequently 200 electrical horsepower (H.P.). Subsequent to the furnace having. been filled with one load for trial purposes II normal loads were melted which yielded the following results: Separately. I Duration ! ... Nr. CHARGE. Pig Iron. Slag. Kind of pig iron. of melting. ; 1 Ore. . . 200 Kgrs. 2 h. 30 119 113 white. Coal . . 50 „ Limestone 40 „ 2 Ore. . . 240 Kgrs. 2 h. 117 140 white. Coal . . 60 „ Limestone 40 „ 3 do. do- 97 135 gfay- 4 do. do. 94 107 mixed. 5 d0. do. 110 150 mixed. 6 do. d°- '00 113 radiant. ~l do do. 96 134 strongly mixed. 8 do d°- '26 148 strongly mixed. 9 d°' d°" | 194 232 radiant. 10 do. do. ) 11 do. do. 103 115 strongly mixed. The total result of the 11 meltings was consequently: 2600 Kgrs of ore 650 „ „ coal 440 „ „ limestone 4400 electrical horsepower hours. 1156 Kgrs of pig iron 1387 „ „ slag. I. WHERE THE TITANIFEROUS IRON-SAND IS FOUND AND THE CONCESSIONS FOR EXPLOIT ATION. Along the South Coast of the Isle of Java, especially the coast of the Province of Banjoemas from the beautiful harbour ofTjilatjap to the eastern border of the Province — viz. over an extent of more than 24 miles — the beach and dunes contain enormous quantities of titaniferous iron-sand, which have never been worked. At a short distance, about 2 miles from Tjilatjap, there is a dam of about 33 yards in breadth, 3 miles in length and several yards in depth containing more than 80 °/0 of magnetic iron-sand. The quantities of this sand, contained in the hereafter mentioned concession territories, are immense — especially in the subdistrict of Adiredja, they are really inexhaustible, as the waves of the IndianOcean continually wash new large quantities ashore. (See page 14 15.) The Limited Liability Company, „Exploratie- en ExploitatieMaatschappij Banjoemas—Preanger" established at Djokjakarta, has been granted concessions for the exploitation of the magnetic iron-sand over the whole of the Southern coast of the Province of Banjoemas. As regards the coast from Tjilatjap to the Serajoeriver, the concession has been granted for 40 years, and for all other parts for 75 years. The area of the different concessions, which have been granted, is as follows: Concession Tjilatjap. . . . length 1.125 miles, area 790 acres. „ Adiredja. ... „ 3.25 „ „ 867 „ „ Babakan.... „ 2.75 , „ 425 „ „ Widarapajoeng I. „ 5.00 „ „ 1272 „ n Widarapajoeng II. „ 6.50 „ „ 1223 „ Total length 24.625 miles, area 4577 acres. This pig-iron is of superior quality, espeeially fit for manufacturing the best electric steel. Echantillons de scorie (slag): Silice . ... 41.60 Alumine .... 11 70 Acide titanique 12.00 Oxyde de Fer 11.36 Oxyde de Manganèse 0.60 Chaux 12.67 Magnesie 9.72 Acide phosphorique. . . . • • traces 99.65 Saint-Nazaire le 26/31 Décembre 1906. L. CAMPREDON A second demonstration of the same process, on a larger scale, took place in an electrical furnace „System Paul Girod" in the Manufactories of the Limited Liability Company called: „Sncii'tc Anonyme EleclroMétallurgique" in Ugine, Savoie, France, on March 19/25—1908. (About the favourable result see Official Report page 29.) The same report shows, that in a separate Girod furnace the beautiful pig-iron obtained was worked into superior electric steel. For some few years it has been a well known fact in Electro-metallurgy, that the electro-thermical process is preferable for the manufacturing of: a. Iron, if the iron-ores to be reduced are very pure and high graded, f. i. titaniferous sands, magnetically separated, b. Steel, of high quality, such as this, electrically manufactured and refined, is /ar superior to the best kinds of crucible steel. (l) The present prices per ton are about: Good crucible steel ■£ 34. — per ton (') Electric £24.— up to £ 72 per ton. (') See „Stahl und Eisen'' 19th June 1907, No. 25, page 889 and 890. It is well known, that the electro-steel-smelting-practice is constantly growing and that besides the above mentioned ingenious „Girod" system the processes of Stassano, Héroult, Kjellin, Schneider-Creuzot, Roechling-Rodenhauser and others have been introduced into the most prominent European and American Steel-works. But all these processes use scrap, pig-iron, or a partly refined iron. A qmte new process for reducing tilamferous iron-ores to iron, steel, titanium and titanides was invented (') by Dr. WILHELM BORGHEES, Professor of Metallurgy and Electro-metallurgv at the Royal Technical Universily in AIX-LA-CHAPELLE (Germany). By this process the magnetic tron-sand can be reduced to pure iron and steel, of superior quality, better and cheaper than by any existing method, producing in the mean time a slag, which is to be used in the process itselj as well as for the manufacture of a product valuable for other steel works. (') Patents applied for. IV. PARTICULARS RESPECTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STEEL- PLANT IN TJILATJAP. As appears from Chapter III this magnetic iron-sand must be worked not for the production of pig-iron, wrought-iron, railway- or other structural-material but only for the manufacturing of electric steel, of the most superior quality. This product, hard or soft electric steel, can, according to its very high value, be transported to any part of the world and may be used in every steel and iron industry as a very excellent material. The freight of this product from Java to Europe will certainly not exceed £ 1.— per ton, including all expenses for shipment. The construction of a Steel-Plant in Tjilatjap presents the following advantages: 1. The immediate vicinity of the enormous iron-ore regions, so that transport is very cheap. 2. The harbour of Tjilatjap, which is well protected by the beautiful Island of Noesa-Kambangan, is the only harbour on the South Coast of Java where the largest steamers can moor oft the beach. 3. In a very short distance from Tjilatjap any amount of water- power is available. 4. The Railway-station of Tjilatjap is situatedabout halfway between the largest Commercial towns Batavia, Soerabaia and Semarang. 5. The presence of great quantities of beautiful manganese-ore in the neighbouring Province of Kedoe, for steelmanufacture, which ore is procurable at small cost at Tjilatjap. 6. Tjilatjap harbour is an important Government Railway-coal-depot in Java. Australian coke can be obtained there for £ 1.— per ton. "V. CALCULATION CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION AND THE ESTIMATED PROFITS OF A STEEL-PLANT IN TJILATJAP (JAVA). The said Steel-Plant is to be constructed in such a way, that it will be possible to niake at least daily 20 tons of steel, with a total or about 6000 tons per annum (300 workingdays). For the manufacturing of one ton of superior electric steel, less than 2400 Kilowatthours (') will be required, in the new process, consequently electric works with a capacity of about 2700 horsepower will be necessary for the manufacturing of 20 tons of quality electric steel daily. In connection with the above, the calculation is as follows: (') , Electric centrals 3000 H.P £ 30.000 Electric furnaces with reserve, buildings, cranes, foundery „ 20.000 Rolling Mills, Workshops, Laboratory 15.000 Charcoal fabric 5.000 Electrode fabric 2.000 Sheds for coal and sand 2.000 Drying apparatus with sheds 3.000 Mobile magnetic oresand separation 2.000 Inventory and tools 2.000 Grounds for factory etc ^ 3.000 8 K.M. Tramway 6.000 2 Engines . . „ 2.000 30 Trolleys 3.000 10 K.M. Decauville railway . 2.000 80 Small trolleys 1 qqq 1 Steam launch _ 2.000 Miscellaneous (Extra expenditure freight) 20.000 Working capital 30.000 Total . . . £ 150.000 (') Calculated for one ton of pig-iron maximum 1800 Kilowatthours. and for one ton of steel very refined „ 600 „ (2) See f.i. „Stahl und Eisen" 1906. No. 22, page 1372 73. The price of electric quality-steel in bars is at least £ JO.— up to £ 60.— per ton. The maximum manufacturingcosts of this material will be £ 7.— up to £ 12.— per ton. The freight for transport to several countries (including all expenses) £ I.— up to £ 2.—. A nett profit in average of at least £ 25.— per ton will be obtained. The minimum profit on 6000 ton of electric steel will be at least £ IJO.OOO.—• It will be aavisible to manufacture steel with a value (in Europe) not less than £ 4.0.— per ton. The price of tooi steel in Asia is at least £ 50,— up to £ 80.— per ton. Manufacturing one ton of electric steel by the new process there will be produced at the same time ± 400 K.G. of a slag, containing about 50u;o Titanic acid = + 200 K.G. For the fabrication of Titanium, Ferro-titanium and Manganesetitanium this slag (Titanide) has a big value. It can also be used very advantageously in the electric furnace for the reduction and refining of iron, steel and alloys. "Very large profits could more over be obtained by the manufacturing of alloys, especially Ferro-titanium, and Manganese-titanmm. The present prices of these alloys are: (') Ferro-titanium (20 k 25 °/o Ti) 5 k 6 shilling per K.G. Metallic Manganese . . . , 5 a 6 „ „ „ Manganese-titanium (30 è. 350 0 Ti) .... 12 „ „ „ Metallic Titanium . , 40 „ „ „ Especially after the invention (2) of the quite new marvellous product „Rutiloke" (see page 36) the sale of titaniferous iron-ore will in short time take enormous proportions, in many parts of the world_ For this sale of the Java iron-sand agreements can be made on a basis of royalty. (i) See „Stahl und Eisen" 6 Mai 1908, No. 19, page 678. (-) Patents applied for. VI. FINAL REMARKS. The above shows the important financial and economical interests, which will accrue from a Steel-plant in Java. Where as a Steel- and iron manufactury in Asia for the production of structural materials (rolled products) on a large scale, would of course hurt other industry and navigation companies in Eurcpe, which import enormous quantities to Asia, the said Steel-plant will on the contrary be advantageous to these industries and companies. There is no doubt, that the Governments of the Dutch East India Colonies and of the Netherlands, will protect this new enterprise, not onlv of the greatest importance to the Colonies, but also to all other Eastern countries, viz: Straits Settlements, Burma. Matlacca, Stam, Cochin-China, Annam, and China, and the larger ports oi Rangoon, Singapore, Bangkok, Saigon, Hanoi and Hongkong. The steel export to those countries also to Japan and Australia could bei very important. Scheveningen, February 1909. The representative and attorney of the Limited Liability Company „Exploratie en Exploitatie Maatschappij BanjoemasPreanger'. JOHN. J. LOKE. (Copy). Tjilatjap, January lOth 1905. Mr. John. J. Loke, Djocjacarta (Java). Dear Sir, In answer to your request, to visit the sea shore near Tjilatjap, and investigate the magnetic-iron-sand deposit belonging to the Explorationand Exploitation Company Banjoemas-Preanger, I take pleasure in informing you, that I have done so and am able to state that the foliowing facts, could be determined by any layman. Before I arrived on the south shore of 1 jilatjap, in the alleys of this city leading to the beach, I already found the magnétic-iron-sand which is so easily recognised by a magnet. Very close to Tjilatjap a „dam" of about thirty Meters broad has been formed, which runs, for a good many miles, very nearly parallel with the beach. On investigation it appears, that this „dam" consists of an exceedingly large magnetic iron-sand-deposit. The maximum percentage of magnetic-iron-ore which I found in the upper-part of this „dam" amounts to 84% (eighty-four percent) magnetite. To form an estimate of the quantity of this magnetite „in the dam only", counting the length of the „dam at about four and a half (4,5) Kilo-meters by three (3) Meters deep and a breadth of thirty (30) Meters, with 15°/o magnetite, further calculating that one M3. of pure magneticiron-ore weighs 3,5 tons (3.500 K.G.), we should find there almost one million tons of this valuable material on the surf ace. Further I can report, that the iron-sand on the whole sea-shore of the Province of Banjoemas, to about 25 miles from Tjilatjap, is really unlimited, and that millions of tons may be transported to 'Ijilatjap's harbour bij lories and tramway. The loss of Hematite by magnetical separation is of no account, because of the overwelming quantity of Magnetite; I also visited the deposit south of Maos, near the village Boenton, eighteen (18) K.M. distance east from Tjilatjap. The beach there is just as level as that near Tjilatjap, with three different „dams". (dunes), loaded with the magnetic-iron-sand, which, being continually thrown on the beach by the waves, is actually inexhaustible. A sample mixture from the inside of these three dams showed forty (40) percent of magnetite. From what I have seen of the quantity of this magnetic-iron-sand deposit, which is to be transported in innumerable tons, I know, that Tjilatjap will one day become one of the most noted iron and steel export harbours of the world. Truly yours (signed) J. C. DE WITT HAMER. Expert-Geologist. (Copy.) Königlichc Technische Hochschule LABORATORIUM FÜR Metallhüttenwesen Ulld AACHEN, den 12 December 1906. Elektrometallurgie. Prof. Dr. W. Borchers. Geheimer Regierungsrat. PROTOKOLL. über einen in Gegenwart der Unterzeichneten vorgenommenen Schmelzversuch mit Magneteisensand von der Südküste von Banjoenias-Kedoe, auf der Insel Java, Niederlandisch-Ostindien. Der Erzsand enthielt folgende Substanzen: SiOs 9.5 pCt. MgO 4.2 pCt. A13Os 1.6 pCt. S 0.03 pCt. Fe 49 pCt. P 0.04 PCt. Mn 0.6 pCt. Cu 0.012 pCt. CaO 1.6 pCt. TiOj 14.5 pCt. Erze und Zuschlage waren in folgenden Verhaltnissen gemischt: 100 kg Erz. 16 kg. Kalkstein 30 kg. Kohle. 146 kg. Von dieser Beschickung wurden in einem kleinen elektrischen Ofen eingeschmolzen. 16 ke. Dieselben enthielten: 5.37 kg. Eisen. 1 kg. Titan. Ausgebracht wurden: 4.62 kg. Roheisen. 4.5 kg. Schlacke. (Gez:) W. BORCHERS. „ G. GIN. „ L. PETITALOT. „ G. VAN MUSSCHENBROEK. „ J. J. LOKE. (TRANSLATION. Page 16.) Ro^al Technical University LABORATORY FOR MetallurgY and Elechome- Aix-la-Chapelle, December 12th 1906. tallurgV. Prof. Dr. W. Borchers, Private Counsellor of the Government. OFFICIAL REPORT on the melting experiment, which was made in the presence of the undersigned with magnetic ironore sand from the South Coast of the Province of Banjoemas-Kedoe, in the Isle of Java, Netherlands East Indies. The ironore sand contained the following substances: SiO» 9.5 % MgO 4.2 °/0 A1203 1.6 „ S 0.03 „ Fe 49.— „ P °-04 » Mn 0.6 „ Cu 0.012 „ CaO 1.6 „ Ti02 14.5 „ Ore and additional material were mixed in the following proportions: 100 Kgrs. of ore 16 „ „ limestone 30 „ „ coal 146 Kgrs. From this mixture were melted, in a small electrical furnace, 16 Kgrs. Which contained 5.37 Kgrs. of Iron and 1.— „ „ Titanium. from which were obtained 4.62 Kgrs. of Pig iron 4.5 „ „ slag. (Signed) W. BORCHERS. G. GIN. L. PETITALOT. G. VAN MUSSCHENBROEK. J. J. LOKE. (Copy.) MINERAI DE FER SABLEUX DE JAVA. (Indes Neerlandaises). „ Procés-Verbal des expériences faites le 12 Décembre 1906 en présence de: M.M. le Professeur Dr. W. Borchers, Professor der Metallurgie an der Technischen Hochschule, Ludwigsallee 15, Aix-la-Chapelle. Gustave Gin, Ingénieur-électrométallurgiste, 149 rue de Rome, Paris. Louis Petitalot, Ingénieur électricien, 29 Avenue de la MottePicquet, Paris. G. van Musschenbroek, Bergingenieur, Delft, (Hollande). John. J. Loke, Adjoint-Chef Mouvement et Trafic deschemins de fer de 1'État, ïle de Java. PROCÉS-VERBAL. Le 12 Décembre 1906, les soussignés, se sont réunis a 10 heures du matin au „Technische Hochschule" dans le laboratoire de Monsieur le Professeur Borchers. II a été préparé un mélange de minerai de fer sableux de Java, de chaux et de charbon, dont les proportions respectives avaient été calculées de manière a produire la réduction du fer et la scorification de la gangue. Ce minerai a été soumis dans un four électnque a résistance, a 1'action d'un courant continu de 500 ampères environ, sous une ten- sion de 60 a 65 volts. II a été constaté que la fusion du minerai était obtenue aveclaplus grande facilité. Au bout de 60 minutes de marche, on a pris la température de la masse en fusion dans le four électrique, a 1'aide du pyromètre de Wanner. Cette température a été trouvée un peu supérieure a 1900 degres centigrades. Après cette opération, il a été procédé k la coulée du métal et de la scorie. Le métal a été recueilli dans un creuset préalablement chauffé et la scorie dans un autre creuset. On a constaté que la scorie était très-fluide et coulait avec facilité. Les soussignés se sont réunis a nouveau, le même jour a 3 heures de 1'après-midi, pour examiner le métal obtenu, et la scorie refroidie. Ils ont constaté 1'existence d'un lingot de métal sain et homogène pesant 4.62 kilogramme. La scorie était de couleur noir et avait une cassure vitreuse M.M. Gin et Petitalot ont prélevé chacun un échantillon du minerai primitif, de la scorie et du métal obtenu pour en faire 1'analyse qui sera ultérieurement annexée ou présent procés-verbal. Fait a Aix-la-Chapelle, en autant d'exemplaires que de signataires. (Signé) W. BORCHERS. G. GIN. L. PETITALOT. G. VAN MUSSCHENBROEK. „ J- J- LOKE. Aix-la-Chappelle, le 12 Décembre 1906. Voir Page 1 et 8. (TRANSLATION Page 20.) OFFICIAL REPORT. SANDY IRON ORES OF JAVA. (Dutch-East-India-Colonies.) Official Report about the experiments which were made on December 12 1906 in the presences of Messrs: Professor Doctor W. Borchers, Professor of Electro-Metallurgy at the Technical High School, Ludwigsallee 15, Aix-La-Chapelle. Gustave Gin, Civil Engineer Electrometallurgist, 149 rue de Rome, Paris. Louis Petitalot, Electrical Civil Engineer, 29 Avenue de la MottePicquet, Paris. G. van Musschenbroek, Mining Engineer, Delft (Holland). John. J. Loke, Sub Manager Movement andTrafic, Department of the Government Railways in the Island of Java. OFFICIAL REPORT. On December 12. 1906 the undersigned assembled at 10 a. m in the Laboratory of Professor Borchers at the Technical High School. A mixture of sandy iron ore from Java, limestone and carbon had been made, the respective proportions of which had been calculated in order to produce the reduction of iron and the scorification of the slag. The iron ore has been submitted to a resistence electric furnace to the action of a constant current of about 500 ampères at a working tension of 60 to 65 volts. It was found, that the fusion of the iron ore was very easily obtained. At the end of an hour's running, the temperature of the melted mass was taken in the electrical furnace by a Wanner pyrometer. The temperature was found to be a little over 1900° C. After that operation the metal and the slag were cast. The metal was cast in a previously heated crucible and the slag in another crucible. It was found, that the slag had much fiuid and ran easily (from the furnace). The undersigned reassembled on that same day at 3 p. m. with a view of examining the metal which had been obtained and the cooled slag. They found the existence of a sound and homogeneous ingot of metal weighing 4.62 Kilos. The slag was black and had glassy lustre. Messrs Gin and Petitalot have both taken a sample of the original iron ore, slag and metal with a view of analysing of the same, which shall afterwards be attached to the present Official Report. Drawn up at Aix-La-Chappelle in as many copies as the number of the undersigned. (Signed) W. BORCHERS. G. GIN. L. PETITALOT. G. VAN MUSSCHENBROEK. . J. J. loke. Aix La-chappelle, December 12. 1906. * See page 1 and 8. (Copy.) BERICHT iiber Schmelzversuche mit Magneteisensand von der Südküste von Banjoemas-Kedoe auf der Insel Java, Niederlandisch-Ostindien, in einen elektrischen Ofen System „Paul Girod" auf dem Werke der «Société Anonyme Electrométallurgique» zu Ugine, Savoie, am 19, 20, 21 und 25 Marz 1908. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des nach Ugine gesandten Magneteisen sandes gibt das Protokoll über die in Aachen am 12 Dezember 1906 in einem kleinen elektrischen Ofen ausgeführten Versuche Auskunft. (') Zweck der Versuche in Ugine war, zu beweisen: 1. dass bei Anwendung grösserer elektrischer Oefen sich der Kraftverbrauch verringert. 2. dass sich aus dem erschmolzenen Roheisen ebenfalls im elektrischen Ofen schmiedbares Eisen, bezw. Stahl herstellen lasse. Dem elektrischen Ofen zu Ugine wurde einphasiger Wechselstrom von einer Dynamo zugeführt, welche 3100 Ampère bei 63 Volt bei einem Wirkungsfaktor von 0,75 lieferte. Der Ofen empfing also durchschnittlich 200 elektrische Pferdestarken (PS). Nachdem der Ofen mit einer Versuchscharge angeheizt worden wurden 11 normale Chargen verschmolzen mit folgenden Ergebnissen Each Ton of Pigiron required consequently: 2250 Kgrs of ore (2) 565 „ „ coal 380 „ „ limestone 3800 electrical horsepower hours (representing 0.43 electrical year horse powers.) The following figures confirm the fact that the larger the electrical furnace is, proportionately the less electrical power actually is required: On December 12, 1906 by means ofa Dynamo of 55 Horsepower in Aix-La-Chapelle for each Ton of Pig iron 1.1 year Horse power On March 19/21 1908 by means of a Dynamo of 200 Horsepower in Ugine for each Ton of Pigiron 0.43 year Horse power (8) According to the analyses, which were made in the Laboratory in Ugine the Composition of the melted pig iron fluctuated between the following proportions : C Si Mn S P Ti Va Cr 2.14 0.098 0 0.219 0.032 0.048 0 3.21 0.074 0.030 0.209 0.120 traces 0.23 0.23 4.24 0.364 0.152 0.055 0.135 0.009 0.14 3.77 0.560 0.126 0.071 0.126 0.012 0.12 STEEL from pig iron obtained in the manner aforesaid and from Java magnetic ironsand ore. An experiment of the melting of the pig iron obtained from the Java magnetic ironore sand into steel has been executed in such a way, that in a separate Girod-furnace the pig iron, which had been melted to- gether vvith iron shot, Java magnetic ironore sand en limestone, after having been freed eacb time from the slag, was treated twice with Java ironore sand and limestone, once with a neutral slag of limestone silicate, and disoxydated with mangansilicon and ferrosilicon. / The melting experiment required: 1000 Kgrs of pig iron from Java ore 500 „ „ iron shot 500 „ „ Java magnetic ironsandore 230 „ „ limestone 8 „ „ quartzsand 8 „ „ fluor spat As disoxydating additional material were used: 12 Kgrs of mangansilicon (22°/0 Si and 65u o Mn.) 4 „ „F errosilicon with 50 0 0 Si 165 Kilowatt during 10 hours 50 minutes 250 „ „ 1 hour 1490 Kgrs of steel were obtained. The electrical power which has been used amounts consequently for each ton of steel, from pig iron and ore, to: 1250 Kilowatt hours = 1700 Horsepower hours representing 0.194 year horsepower. (4) The Composition of the Steel was: C Si Mn S P 0.330( 0.022 0.426 0.062 0.074 The Mechanical experiment yielded: Limit of Density pro Elasticity. qmm. Expansion. Contraction In a glowing state.... 33.5 53.7 26 °/0 52 °/0 At 900° C. suddenly cooled and heated again to 500° C 70 76.5 12.5 °/0 54.5 °/9 The experiments were made in the presence of-whereas the truth of the present report is certified to by: (Signed) JOHN. J. LOKE. „ PAUL GIROD, Manager of the Soeiété Anonyme Electrométallurgique. „ Dr. FRITS WÜST, Private Counsellor of the Government, Professor of Iron manufactury of the Royal Technical University in Aix-La Capelle. „ Dr. WILHELM BORCHERS, Private Counsellor of the Government, Professor of Metallurgy and Electrometallurgy of the Royal Technical University in Aix-la-Chapelle. „ Dr. PAUL GÖRENS, Teacher in Metallographie of the Royal Technical University in Aix-laChapelle. (l> (2) I (3) 1 (4) See Page 34 and 35. REMARKS on the Official Report Page 29/33 (1) See Official Report Page 18. (2) This ore was crude ore, not separated, as it has been taken from the seashore near Tjilatjap (South Coast of the Province of Banjoemas). This crude ore consists of about 7/ °/0 of Magnetitc and 2j °\o of Tailings, with the following analysis: Silicon 9.55 Alumine 1.375 Ferrous oxyd . i . . 67.07 (Fe =48.89) Manganese oxyd. . . 0.847 (Mn = 0.612) Calcium 1.638 Magnesium 4.255 Sulphuric acid. . . . 0.073 (S = 0.028) Phosphoric acid . . . 0.091 (P = 0.04) Copper 0.012 Arsenic 0.004 Titanic acid 14.55 99.465 After magnetic separation of the crude ore, the Loncentf cites (Magneiite) contains about 7<$-4f °lo of Ironoxyd, with J7-!J "In of Iron (See Page 6.) In stead of from 2250 K.G. of crude ore could be used 1924 K.G. of concentrates to obtain one ton of pig iron. Consequently there would be also a reduction in the quantities of co dl, lunestone and electrical power. (3) 0.43 Year horsepower is equal to 2279 Kilowatthours. (4) It must clearly be understood, that the manufactured steelhas been \ obtained by a separate process, which means a great loss of heat viz. electrical power. By a continual process the mentioned 0.194 year horsepower equal to 1028 Kilowatthours should be far too much. The representative and attorney of the Limited Liability Company „Exploratie en Exploitatie Maatschappij Banjoemas-Preanger". JOHN. J. LOKE. RUTILOKE. CLAIM. I, the undersigned JOHN J. LOKE, claim that with my entirely new, simple and inexpensive process (Patents applied for and complete specification lodged) 1 can manufacture tiles, slabs and a n y kind of finish ed product, in any shape or form. of an extremely hard and d u r a b 1 e material. These finished products will be easily handled and can be shipped to and sold in 1 a r g e quantities in any part of the world. The new material is neither metal nor stone, but a metallic compound of titaniferous ore called „Rutiloke". Samples made in the Laboratory of Dr. Wilhelm Borchers, Professor of Metallurgy & Electro-Metallurgy at the Royal University at Aix-la-Chapelle have proved, that the process is simple and the cost of production low. The material obtained by my process lends itself admirabily to a great variety of purposes and in many instances will prove a desirable substitute for cast-iron, marble, stone, brick, etc. and can supersede these last named materials in buildings, bridges ornamental structures, etc. On account of its durability, non-corrosiver.ess and imperviousness this material is further eminentely adapted for p a v i n g purposes. A great advantage possessed by this material is its extreme hardness which a 1 m o s t renders it p r o o f against w e a r, so that even after long years of rough usage its bulk remains unaltere d. For instance a road can be broken up, the „Rutiloke" again submitted to my process and re-modelled in another shape representing the same weight. The „Rutiloke" slabs for pavements may be made self-inter- locking so as to obviate the necessity for any cement ór tar grouting. In this case no special tools would be necessary for laying the paving stones although no stone could be removed without special tools. The great suitability of metallic slags for manufacturing paving stones has been recognised in Germany for sorae time past and the Mansfeld Copper Mines Co. yearly turn out approximately 16 m i 11 i o n metallic slag paving stones. These stones form an excellent pavement as has been proved in many of the main thoroughfares in Bremen, Wilhelmshafen, Altona, Flensburg' Stralsund, Hamburg, and numerous cities in S a x o n y, Anhalt, Thuringia, Westphalia, etc. As this pavement is not made from titaniferous slag, it is constructed in c u b e s of about 6" X 6" X 6". The official report from the Royal Laboratories for testing Constructional materials at B e r 1 i n, speaks very well of the mechanical and chemical properties of this pavement. The amount spent annually upon the repairs of roads in F r a n c e is approximately 150 million francs (Six million pounds sterling), and in the United Kingdom this figure is exceeded. In London alone the maintenance of 2.100 miles of streets costs yearly £2,110,000. In view of the durable nature of my Pavement this expenditure on repairs would be to a great extent o b v i a t e d. The cost of the pavements now most generally used (excluding the cost of repairs, which forms a large item, and which would be practically n i 1 with my new Pavement), are — Creosoted Deal Blocks 9" X 3" X 5" per yard super 8/ — Jarrah Blocks, per yard super 12/— Norwegian Granite setts 3" courses 6" deep, laid on 1" feeding and grouted with cement, per yard super 12/öd. Compressed Asphalte paving l'g" to 2" thick; pei" yard super 7|— to 9/ — The costs of the „Rutiloke" pavement would be the same as Jarrah Elock paving, or at the rate of about £ 4—4 — 0 per ton. The Manufacturing Costs, including all expenses for the materials and freight from Java to Europe will be less than £2—3 — 0 per ton. Net profit at least £2 — 0 — 0 per ton. Scheveningen, February 1909. I (Sd) JOHN J. LOKE. .