Article 12

This Agreement, including the provisions of the Annex thereto, will come into force on the day it is signed.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed the present Agreement.

Done in duplicate at Bangkok this eighteenth day of July in the nineteen hundred and forty-seventh year of the Christian Era, corresponding to the two thousand four hundred and ninetieth year of the Buddhist Era, in the English Language.

For the Government of the Netherlands:


For the Government of the Kingdom of Siam:



to the Agreement between the Government of the Netherlands and the Government of the Kingdom of Siam relating to air services between their respective territories

A. Airlines designated by the Government of the Netherlands, authorized under the present Agreement, are accorded rights of transit and non-traffic stops in the territory of Siam, as well as the right to piek up and discharge international traffic in passengers, cargo and mail at Bangkok on the following routes:

1. The Netherlands via Bangkok to the Netherlands Indies (Indonesia) via intermediate points and beyond in both directions, and the Netherlands Indies (Indonesia) via Bangkok to Calcutta via intermediate points and beyond in both directions.

2. The Netherlands Indies (Indonesia) via Bangkok and a point in Indo-China to China via intermediate points and beyond in both directions.

3. The Netherlands via Bangkok and a point in Indo-China to China via intermediate points and beyond in both directions.

B. Airlines designated by the Government of the Kingdom of Siam, authorized under the present Agreement, are accorded rights of transit and non-traffic stops as well as the right to piek up and discharge international traffic in passengers, cargo and mail at airports open to international air traffic in the territory of the Netherlands on such routes as may be determined at a later date.

C. Any or all points on the routes specified in this Annex may, at the option of the designated airline or airlines, be omitted on an;' or all flights.