immunity from banishment, they determined to get rid of my opposition to their schemes, by inciting Choah Ah Sioh to attack me in my office on the 18*- July, in such a manner that I only escaped providentially with my life.

4. Owing to the liberality of the Government, I was, however, enabled to enjoy a complete rest in Ceylon, which, I am thankful to say, has entirely restored my health.

5. There is reason to believe that the Ghee Hok Kongsi was used as a meeting house for the conspirators, not only against me, but against the Chinese officer, who was murdered in Carimon.

6. The sentence of banishment passed on the Ghee Hok headmen was, there is no doubt, richly deserved, and had good results amongst others, in the diminution of gambling, it was also a significant fact that after their arrest and detention, the daily receipts of the opuim farm sensibly increased.

7. Owing to the trouble caused by the chiefs of the Ghee Hok Society during the past two years, I have feit it my duty to officially recommend its suppression as a warning to the others, the reasons for doing this being far graver than have existed in the cases of those Societies which have been abolished during the past seven years.

8. I have at the same time stated my opinion that the time has arrived when the Government should take serious measures for the gradual abolition of all the existing dangerous societies, and to forbid, under severest penalties, their revival, or the establishment of any new Societies of a similar nature.

9. I have always been of opinion that the existence of the Thien-Té-Hoé in our dominions is an anomaly and a