in-WikWCatfCh6r" T^S a Ship Used for the PurP°se of huntg' g' towmg, holding on to, or scouting for whales;

„land station" means a factory on the land or in the terri

" •' "h!oh

„baleen whale" means any whale other than a toothed whale;

016 Mme °f blUS

linbaekWhoom^^ear 8 WhaIe lm0Wn the name of common

herrinï'wS T T'i' com,monjorqual, finback, fin whale, uerring whale, razorback, or true fin whale;

w^lfnn'16" means any whale known by the name of arev back ripISkJ1" ^ ^ ^ ^ head' mussel digger, grey

bn^ifmi?^aC^ wbale" means any whale known by the nime


bowhefd areat6' l^h

whalp " \t pola\Twhale> Greenland right whale Greenland

At]anti°- fght WhaIe' « Cape right whX q' Whale pigmy right whale, Southern pigmy 61 wüale or Southern right whale; ™

sPerrn whoU^6 meajis any whale known by the name of le „ f, . sPermacet whale, cachalot or pot whale;

öleasured on t0 ianyi whaIe means the distance

uPPer jaw and +\ ? ®tralSht1Ime between the tip of the

J v and the notch between the flukes of the tail.

Article 19.


ratiKcatbn ^ ralified and the instruments

P^ted CoJ& \be deposited with the Government of the f0oc as possiKf n i u ltain and orthern Ireland as §Struments of rÏr • C°T mt° f°rCe Up0n the dePosit .^Qyernrnents wl il 1T • ? / ™aiorlty of the signatory Pölted Kin-dom r mclJudeT the Governments of the

mTinSnJfr7 **{ Norwa7; aQd for any other £?Slt of its inJv ? ln, such ma]°rity on the date of the P The Goyern ' ^ruments of ratification.

intl6/nments o/tL ^ Unitec^ Kingdom will inform the other ° j-orce and the <W 8 ^ °n Wï'-1c° Agreement thus come tae date of any ratification received subsequently.