
The Conference reaffirms the fundamental principles on which the Organisation is based and, in particular, that:

a. labour is not a commodity;

b. freedom of expression and of association are essential to sustained progress;

c. poverty anywhere constitutes a danger to prosperitj everywhere;

d. the war against want requires to be carried on witfl unrelenting vigour within each nation, and by continuous concerted international effort in which the representatives workers and employers, enjoying equal status_ with Ijho86 0 Governments, join with them in free discussion and d-ei:n cratic decision with a view to the promotion of the comm welfare.


Believing that experience has fully demonstrated the truth of the statement in the Constitution of the Internationa Labour Organisation that lasting peace can be established oniy if it is based on social justice, the Conference affirms tna •

a. all human beings, irrespective of race, creed or s». have the right to pursue both their_ material well-bemg <_ their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and nity, of economie security and equal opportunity;

b. the attainment of the conditions in which this s a be possilale must constitute the central aim of nationa international policy;

c. all national and international policies and

in particular those of an economie and financial c ia should be judged in this light and accepted only in so ia they may be held to promote and not to hinder the acm ment of this -fundamental objective;

d. it is a responsibility of the International Labour nisation to examine and consider all international ee da_ and financial policies and measures m the light ot tm mental objective; _ Inter-

e. in discharging the tasks entrusted to it the' nt national Labour Organisation, havmg considered au i ioIl3 economie and financial factors, _ may include m 1 , apand recommendations any provision which it con propriate.