R. Bahadur. On the action of Sodium Hitro-prussid upon plants. (BulL Coll. Agric. Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1904 Yol. YI, no. 2, p. 177—179). I. Kawakita. On the behavior of Guanidine to plants. (Buil Coll. Agric. Tokyo Imp. ITniy. 1904. Yol. YI, no. 2 , p. 182—183). M. Nagaoka. On the influence of liming upon the action of phosphatic manures. (Buil. Coll. Agric. Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1904. Yol. VI, no. 3, p. 195—214, with 3pl . M. Nagaoka. On the action of yarious insoluble phosphates upon rice plants. (Buil. Coll. Agric. Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1904. Vol. YI, no. 3, p. 215—261). M. Nagaoka. On the effects of soil ignition upon the availability ol phospboric acide for rice culture in paddy fields. (Buil. Coll. Agric. Tokyo Imp. Uniy 1904. Vol. VI , no 3 , p 263—276 , with 2 pl.) K. Aso. On örganio compounds of phosphorie acid in the soil. (Buil. Coll. Agric. Tokyo Imp. Uniy. 1904. Yol. YI, no 3 , p. 277 284.) M. Nagaoka. On the behavior of the riceplant to nitrates and ammonium salts. (Buil Coll. Agric Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1904. Yol. YI, no 3, p. 285—334, with 5 pl) Y. Fukutome. On the influence of Maganese salts upon Flax. (Buil Coll. Agric. Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1904. Yol. YI, no. 2, p. 137—138, with 1 pl.) K. Aso. Gan Potassiura Bromid exert any stimulating action on plants ? (Buil. Coll Agric. Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1904. Yol. YI, no. 2, p, 139—142). K. Aso. Can Thorium and Cerium salts exert any stimulating action on Phaenogamous Plants? (Buil. Coll. Agric. Tokyo Imp Univ. 1904. Vol. VI, no. 2, p. 143—146). M. Nakamnra. Can salts of Zinc, Cobalt and Hickel in high dilution exert a stimulating action on agrioultural plants? (Buil. Coll. Agric. Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1904. Vol. YI, no. 2, p. 147—162). M. Nakamura. Can Lithium and Caesium saltz exert any stimulating action on Phaenogams■? (Buil. Coll. Agric. Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1904. Yol. VI , no. 2, p 153—157). K. Aso and S. Suzuki. On the stimulating effect of lodine and Fluorine compounds on agrioultural plants. II (Buil. Coll Agric. Tokyo Imp. Univ 1904. Vol. VI, no. 2 , p. 159—160). O. Foew. On the treatment of orops bij stimulating compounds. (Buil. Coll. Agric. Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1904. Yol. YI, no. 2, p. 163—175, with 1 pl.) Grondbewerking , grondverbetering, werktuigen, gereedschappen. R. Dessaisaix. Treuil automobile. O. Geill. 3 afb. (J. d’Agr. no. 39). Prof. Dr. Gieseler. Welche Saemaohine sollen wir ansohaffen ? O. (Landw. Pr. no. 83). F. Gaspart. De Belgische vervaardigers van landbouwmachinen. [De werkhuizen „Melotte” té Remicourt]. O, 9 afb. (Randbode no. 46) Prof. Dr. Backhaus. Preisarbeit: Wie kann die Ertragsfahigkeit unserer unter standig wiederkerendem Wassermangel leidenden Landeréien ins besondere der leichteren Boden der norddeutschen Tiefebene, durch geregelte Wasserwirtschaft gesichert und erhöht werden? O. Geill (111. Landw. Ztg. XXIY. Ho. 85. 11 blz. 17 afbeeldingen). Joseph Gyarfas. Preisarbeit: als voren. (111. Landw Ztg. XXIV. Ho. 85. 9 blz. 8 afbeeldingen). M. F. Main. Le séohoir mixte démontable système Chuao. Geill. (Journ. Agric. Tropic. IY. Ho 40. 2 blz.) R. Schiller. Die Tiefkultur, ihre Yorteile und Gefahren. O. (111 Landw. Ztg. XXIY. Ho. 91). Heues Mietendurohlüftungsverfahren. (111. Landw. Ztg. XXIV. Ho. 91). M. F. Main. Les batteuses a Riz. O. Geill. (Journ. Agric. Tropic. IV. Ho. 41. 4 blz.) _ _ Les appareils portatifs de Schmoele & Co. pour Pextraction du caoutchouc des écorces. O. Geill. (Journ. Agric. Trop. IY. Ho. 41. 2 blz). _ _ _ Appareil-semoir, systême A. Bajac. O. Geill. (Journ. Agric. Tropic. IY. Ho. 41. i blz.) Veeteelt. Veevoedering. T. T. De teugelhouding bij het springen O. Geill. (Het Paard, 43) Joh. Plet. Excursie naar Hormandië en Parijs. Verslag reis. 1 afb (Het Paard. 45). Dr. A. Trtmz. Ueber die Quelle der Muskelkraft. O. (Fühlings Landw. 21). F- Schulze. Ueber die Bedeutung der Amidsubstanzen für die Ernahrung der landw. Hutztiere. O. (Landw. Presse. 91). M. R. La farine de maïs dans Palimentation du veau. O. (Journ. Soc. Agric. Brabant et Hainaut IL. Ho. 46).